The Benefice of Harton The Circular

Summer Edition 2020

News and views in our benefice and communities

A special edition reflecting the circumstances of The Corona Virus Covid 19 Pandemic

May June July

Sand Hutton Claxton Flaxton Gate Helmsley Upper Helmsley Bossall Buttercrambe Howsham Harton Whitwell-on-the-Hill Crambe Foston Barton-le-Willows Thornton-le-Clay

As we will not be printing paper copies of the Circular this quarter the usual church sponsorship of the cover will not apply.

The regular quarterly sponsorship by each of the churches in the Benefice is much appreciated as it enables us to print it with its by now familiar colour cover

From the Vicarage

Dear friends

Praying for a new normal

Covid-19: This is a worrying and fearful time for many of us.

As I write this, I have been aware for quite a while of cases of Covid-19 that have occurred in our benefice. The provision for the usual methods of pastoral support, let alone funeral care, is frustratingly restricted, but I do understand why. Of course, added to this, is the sadness that our church buildings remain closed ‘til further notice, not just for funerals, but any gatherings such as weddings, baptisms, Sunday and weekday worship.

I, like many others, miss going to the Church for a multitude of reasons. But I understand why I can’t.

I, like many others, miss seeing my family; my granddaughter. But I understand why I can’t.

I, like many others, miss going out to see friends, out for a meal, out for a drink, out to the cinema or theatre. But I understand why I can’t.

I know it will all change – but for the time being, I understand why I can’t do the things I want to. 4 That’s the right thing to do – and without sounding sanctimonious, it’s the selfless thing to do.

When the Disciples were themselves ‘self-isolating’ or in ‘lockdown’ in the upper room after Jesus had been crucified, for fear of another threat, they didn’t know if anything would change. To be caught as an associate of a perceived criminal would have serious repercussions – like today, it was a truly a worrying and fearful time for them.

But in the midst of their fear and worrying, enters Jesus – a new Jesus; like the old but different; alive again and full of…… ‘peace’.

That’s the first thing he says to them, “Peace be with you”

But he’s also full of the Holy Spirit – and he shares with each of his friends the liberating experience of what the Holy Spirit can bring.

Released and inspired, each of those locked in that upper room eventually came out transformed.

Liberated, they spoke to people, strangers as well as friends, in ways that could be understood. They showed kindness, compassion, generosity and healing.

They discovered a new ‘normal’ way of being. A more Jesus-centred, ‘selfless’ way, rather than their world’s ‘selfish’ way.

I do hope that amongst the fear and angst we experience during the threat of Covid-19, a sense of Peace, (a Jesus style Peace, actually) might pervade your ‘lockdown’. A reassurance that we are not alone in this; we are all in this together. And no matter how isolated we might feel, that presence of Peace can be found, if we seek it and rest within it.

And I don’t think I’m alone in hoping that our new ‘normal’ way of being, when we too are released from our own ‘lockdown’, will be a more selfless, kind, generous normal - a Holy Spirit inspired normal.

For the time being, we are: “Staying in; Protecting the NHS and Carers; Saving Lives”.

My prayer is that when the dawn of this new ‘normal’ comes, we will have undergone a transformation like those in the upper room.

Then we shall be: Going out (of our way) to be kind to others; Engaging with those who care for the vulnerable; Serving Lives by our acts of generosity and selflessness.

Then, prayerfully, our worry will be turned to rejoicing and our fear into celebrating this, our new normal.

May God bless you all.

Yours in Christ Revd Chris Wingfield

Jesus appears to his disciples in the Upper room after the Crucifixion

Services for the Benefice of Harton

Because of the crisis generated by the Corona Covid-19 Pandemic as you will be aware all church buildings throughout the country have been closed until such time as it is deemed safe for people to gather together in any numbers.

All our church services therefore have been cancelled for the foreseeable future.

If the churches are opened again for worship within the next three months, you will be able to access information about those services through the benefice website: Every effort will be made to inform those without access to the internet as the situation develops.

In the meantime Chris, our Vicar is holding a short act of worship on a Sunday morning at 10am via an App called Zoom. Should you have access to the internet and would like to join one of these services please let Chris know via email at: [email protected] or Tel: 01904 468418

You will first have to download the free App from the app store on your iPad, phone or computer. The App symbol is a white camera on a blue background. Once you have downloaded it, Chris will send you via email an invitation to join the ‘meeting’, together with a meeting ID and a password. It is easy to use; just follow the steps as they appear. Chris will guide you through any technical difficulties you may have once you have joined the ‘meeting’.

On Wednesday mornings at 10am you are warmly invited to join us for ‘Conversation at 10’, also by Zoom. Relax at home with a cup of tea/coffee and a biscuit as we enjoy discussing a range of topics. As for Sunday morning worship, contact Chris to receive an email invite. Details are in the Calendar section of the Benefice website.

Chris has also set up a WhatsApp group chat. If you have a smart phone and would like to join this group please contact Chris via his email or phone. You will have to download the WhatsApp app from the Apps store on your phone if you haven’t already got it.

Musings from the Churchmouse………….

What weird times we find ourselves in. Generally something that presents a threat to us can be detected through our usual senses, but this particular threat is totally invisible, intangible, without sound, colour or smell and it is tiny, just moving about leaving it’s devastating footprints everywhere without regard to anyone. This microscopic but deadly organism has changed the way we live overnight. We are now getting used to the new normal of Lockdown.

For many it will be an almost insufferable trial. For others it is an opportunity to slow down and take stock and re-evaluate how we go about things. It has undoubtedly given all of us time. For some that will weigh heavy, but for many others it is an opportunity to get on with all kinds of projects, discover news skills, become more creative, rummage through all those drawers and boxes that we keep stuffing things into for sorting out at some other time!

This is the first time that we have been unable to produce a printed version of The Circular as printing doesn’t lend itself to social distancing among other government edicts! It is hoped that those of you who are reading this online may be able to share with others who do not have internet access, perhaps by printing off bits of it that might be relevant to a friend or neighbour, or indeed printing a few copies in its entirety to distribute to people nearby. (see printable version on the website)

We hope that you enjoy reading how our individual parishes are coping and coming together at this difficult time, and enjoy some of the lovely art work done by the children at Messy Church and around the parishes.

With luck and a fair wind we may be able to print the next edition of the Circular in October, until then………….

The printing team send their very best wishes. Stay safe, Stay well, Stay happy!

Welcome to those newly baptised

1st December Oswald Romilly Bell Gerrish Whitwell 1st March Beatrice Ivy Margaret Painter Foston

Several Baptisms have had to be postponed because of Covid-19.

Congratulations to those recently married

5th December Patrick Morris and Emma Du-Mon Whitwell

Our condolences to the family and friends of

Robin Alfred Spencer whose ashes were interred in Upper Helmsley graveyard during November 2019. His link with Upper Helmsley church was that his grandparents are buried there, and his parents were married there.

John Willcock, partner of Lilly Wright both of Upper Helmsley who died on 30th Dec 2019

ZOOM Messy Church at Easter

Not to be deterred by Lock-down or social distancing; this Easter's Messy Church session took place on Thursday 16th April via the wonders of Zoom (which I hadn't heard of until about a month ago!).

We were very pleased to welcome 23 children online with craft materials to hand as we joined together in creating three lovely activities reflecting the

Easter message of 'He is risen'.

All the families entered into the spirit of Messy Church with the same enthusiasm and engagement as usual and all had a great time! We made Easter cross pictures, a Resurrection garden, and cheeky chicks using paint and forks!

It was great fun watching everyone get busy in their kitchens and gardens. After we had finished the structured activities we sent the children outside for a scavenger hunt, and later as Chris joined us for some shared worship, he incorporated the items the children had found into his message.

Many thanks to Ruth for assisting with the technical side of things and to those families who acted as 'Guinea pigs' in our practice session. Here are some pictures of what we did!

By Mya

By Izzy and William


Let us hope that we will all be together in the flesh for our next session, fingers crossed in June, for:

A Place of Rest, Refreshment and Nourishment Held on 12th March 2020 at St Mary’s Church,

We hear from three of those who participated……………


On the evening of the 12th March when the nights were still dark and Spring was just around the corner we shared a powerful hour of “uncluttering” our busy lives at St Mary’s church, Sand Hutton. “Oasis” drew many of us together to collectively and individually contemplate and relax through a Five Step Programme of being calm, identifying our anxieties and fears, being inspired, revitalising and reenergising our inner wellbeing.

The evening was enjoyed by many regular church attendees in the Benefice as well as new friends and neighbours from within our local villages including mums and dads from Sand Hutton School.

Revd. Chris and the “two Rachaels” Baker and Harrison led the evening. Rachael Harrison teaching us to control and relax our breathing and Rachel Baker inspiring us with her amazing life and dedication to helping others and her relationship with the church and God. Periods of prayer and reflection to music added to the contemplative mood.

The church had a lovely aura, lit by candle light with the relaxing scent of lavender filling the air. There was a buzz as the evening drew to a close. Prosecco, chocolates, tea, coffee and yummy homemade cakes were enjoyed as friends old and new held lively conversations - all the more valued in this time of social distancing and isolation.

We can all not only use the principles learned from the session as we navigate these difficult times but look forward to our next ‘Oasis’ when we can all ‘meet again.’

Louise………………… I received a text message from one of my ‘new mummy friends’ the other day -“Who would have thought our last night out before lockdown would have been Prosecco in the pews!” ….. As part of the Come and See Weekend for the Deanery we were encouraged to invite others to an Oasis evening - a ‘Spa church’. With the promise of Prosecco and chocolates it wasn’t hard to tempt my new-found mummy friends.

Well it was an absolute delight - a real feast for the senses - from the heady essential oils wrapping around us on arrival - to the fizz of bubbles on our tongues poured by our very own vicar - the smooth sweetness of chocolates proffered from the largest box ever seen and the flattery of candlelight all within the sheer beauty of our wonderful St Mary’s Sand Hutton - the scene was set for a deeply replenishing encounter.

So the evening began - a mindful relaxation technique talked gently through by Rachael H - soothing music - calming reaffirming prose from Chris (until of course muggins here relaxed too much and lent back onto the wine glass of the, until that moment, relaxed lady in the pew behind, breaking the ice as Chris kindly referred to the sound of shattering glass and the fumbling of a crimson Louise attempting clean up!) I had never felt the serenity of a Circle Prayer before - it was just magical.

The jewel in the crown was being invited to stay a while with Rachel B as she shared with us, in her habitually humble way, a glimpse into the beginnings of her amazing life’s work. Her account, simply told, touched everyone’s hearts; how can one person have selflessly achieved so much for the good of others with never a thought for herself? I know she has more to tell and I can’t wait for the next instalment.

There was time for coffee tea and cake, an abundance of cake! Time to meet, greet, chat and share, and share we did. It was just that sort of space, a safe space where details of our lives the good and the bad could be openly shared and a bond struck. As a Northern Irish Presbyterian it was enlightening to be sharing our beliefs across faiths, Anglican and Roman Catholic, our parenting highs and lows and our relationship ups and downs, we bonded.

The church was buzzing in a warm fuzzy way, as I looked around there were couples, singles, older and younger alike, men and women and I would dare to say everyone was blessed that night.

So enormous thanks to everyone who made it happen, you know who you are! It was a game changer for me. When is the next one?

Jacqui………………… The first thing that struck me as I arrived at Oasis was how lovely to be greeted with prosecco and chocolates in a beautiful space - as a tired mother of two small girls do not underestimate the power of warm hospitality. It’s not just nice to have, it’s about feeling cared for - and when the church gets that right it’s very special. The second thing I noticed was what a lot of people there were and of different ages and backgrounds - and the buzz in the room. It felt fresh and different for everyone - including church regulars. And it didn't disappoint with an interesting mix of reflections, music and personal testimonies. The most memorable thing for me was the honest story-telling - how faith had made such a difference to people's lives. The stories weren't glossy or straight forward - but they spoke to me about the reality of faith in the light and the dark, the thread of hope that keeps us going through thick and thin. It was compelling stuff. And people wanted to know more - the questions kept coming. It was a spirit-filled evening and I came away strangely inspired and excited. ______

Benefice PCC………………………………..

The Benefice PCC was due to meet on 13th May at 7.30pm. Of course, this meeting has been postponed in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. Let us hope that we will be able to convene again before too long.

In the meantime, individual PCCs will be grateful for the rebate on their annual parish contribution to the Benefice account, which has been distributed by the Honorary Treasurer, David Fletcher.

Delyth Harran

LENT LUNCHES in aid of Food bank, Malton

Including gift aid a total of £281.25 was raised

Thank you to Wendy Holman, Sara Winn-Darley and Carolyn Rickalton for agreeing to host three simple soup and cheese lunches during the Lent season. Wendy held a successful lunch on 4th March, but the other two lunches had to be cancelled because of the pandemic lockdown.

We are grateful to everyone who made donations to this year’s good cause. Please continue to remember and support this and other charities whose income will be decimated during this difficult period. As in every crisis it is the neediest who suffer the most.

A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY AND A PROJECT FOR LOCKDOWN/POST- LOCKDOWN - Interested in Photography? Want Just to Learn the Basics? Improve Your Skills?

Take the Plunge Now!

Most people have taken pictures with their phones. Many have cameras – but: whether you have a passing interest in photography and would like to learn a bit more about the basics or you would like to develop your skills to a much higher level, here is a golden opportunity to obtain a superb self- teach opportunity – portraits; pets; landscapes; travel; camera skills; the digital darkroom; many topics.

This chance is unlikely ever to be repeated! For donations to Benefice of Harton funds, I am making available a fabulous collection of high quality N-Photo magazines in 2 lots of 45 magazines with their accompanying DVDs.

The material has wide relevance irrespective of the brand of your camera or your mobile phone (even though Nikon equipment is featured).

Anyone interested, please contact Simon Littlejohn on 01653 618846 To make the donation, please contact David Fletcher on 07900 998378. A delivery to your door can be arranged

Gardening opportunities during Lockdown The following nurseries are open for telephone orders:

Beech Tree Farm Plants, an RHS award winning local nursery has, as a result of the cancellation of all flower shows due to Covid-19, a wide range of English Lavenders available for sale.

1 litre pot at £5.00 each: In a variety of colours (pink, white, blue, purple)

8 cm pot at £2.50 each: in a variety of colours (pink, blue, purple)

8 cm pot at £2.50 each: French lavender: Lavita pink and Lavita purple

8 cm pot at £2.50 each: A wide range of Herbs

Humax Multi Compost 60 litre bags £6.00 each

Phone Edward Tel: 07752 043661 for collection, or free delivery locally. Payment by card or online.

Castle Howard Garden Centre accepts orders by phone for plants and other garden supplies. Phone payment by card. Delivery is free if your order is over £30, or you are less than 10 miles away. Tel: 01653 648668

Vertigrow Plants and garden supplies can be ordered by phone and paid for by card. They will either let you collect by arrangement, or they can deliver there may be a charge. Tel: 01904 400 092 visit their website at:

North Music Therapy Centre

Come and Join The Byre Choir!

The Byre Choir is a new project of the Music Therapy Centre, a charity that provides music therapy and supports music more generally in people’s lives. We are currently undergoing major developments with the aim of building close links with communities in the region through the power of music to bring people together.

A crucial part of the development is that we have moved into new premises in Wath Court near Hovingham, giving us a lovely space to host sessions for people to sing together, to play musical instruments and experience the transformational wonders of music-making. Our new Jo Danischewsky(Trustee) and Laura Centre is called The Byre, an old word Festa (music therapist) meaning cowshed, and it rhymes with Choir – so now we have The Byre Choir – the perfect name for having fun!

The effects of singing on well-being are fantastic, but as well, choir members can feel crucial in supporting our charity by performing in other venues and spreading the word about NYMTC. Once the current world crisis is over, we will meet regularly to enjoy singing together and prepare a repertoire for events.

Come and join us! We welcome anyone who would like to try the pleasure of singing with a choir. If you want to know more about us, please contact Caroline on 01904 468376 or email [email protected]

Dr Caroline Hall Chair of Board of Trustees, North Yorkshire Music Therapy Centre

News, views and information from around the parishes…………………………

BOSSALL The news from Bossall will be much the same as elsewhere in the benefice I feel sure. Little happens in Bossall when we are not in ‘lockdown’ so the forced period we have just witnessed has not changed life too much other than to engender an even more peaceful and serene environment. Pleasingly Richard Morrell, the new owner of the immediate surrounding farmland, Springtime at Bossall Barmby and Mount Pleasant Farms, has been very active working land and sowing his spring crops, which has helped maintain normality in our rural idyll.

As far as I am aware, all permanent residents are all present ‘at home’ currently, and doing fine. I cannot speak for exactly how many extras there are over and above our usual electoral role, other than to say that our house, Howlbeck House, is currently home to seven of us!. The logistics of feeding a small army whilst apparently self-isolating is challenging, but we have invested in five beautiful Black Rock hens who are supplying wonderful eggs on a daily basis, planted vegetables in our raised beds, and generally reduced any shopping to our nearest wonderful local suppliers Riverside Butchers and The Balloon Tree in Stamford Bridge. Perfect!

CRAMBE What glorious sunny and generally warm spring weather we are having. Lambing in the village is in full swing and we have two fine big tups acting as automatic mowers in the churchyard! Despite the weather and the season we are of course all in Lockdown because of Covid-19, and life has taken on a very different flavour. Folk are, by and large working from home, and of course the children are all out of school.

It was a blow to have to close St Michael’s Church to all comers; thus services planned have all had to be cancelled. The events that have overtaken us have all but blotted out the Christmas period which seems a distant memory now, but we had a wonderful Carol Service greatly enhanced by the 200 Singers from York University, and the church was packed out. Bobby very kindly hosted the mulled wine and mince pies after the service, very many thanks to all who contributed from the decorating of the church to supplying of mince pies. Little were we to know what was to come!

Some of us in Crambe have speeded up our knowledge of the latest internet technology and managed to join the Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday services conducted by Chris on Zoom. A very different experience, but a good way of coming together in a virtual world!

Like many other communities in our benefice, everyone has rallied to help each other during these difficult times with shopping, prescription collections and problem solving. We have been greatly helped by a wide range of local shops in Malton who have delivered our orders to the village. Here in Crambe we are running a weekly Newsletter, a platform for everyone to share anecdotes, photos, useful information, and through which we are running small competitions. It is a great way to stay connected in these tricky times.

FOSTON Hello to everyone!

We are sending our love and best wishes, to all during these very difficult and testing times. It's at times like these we see such amazing acts of kindness and thoughtfulness within our community. Neighbours are helping each other, ensuring people are getting regular grocery supplies. A group of volunteers have coordinated a support network. So anyone can contact them for shopping, medication collections etc. There are offers of help from many people; it's a great comfort and very much appreciated.

We were very fortunate to have little Beatrice Painter baptised at Foston church before the Lockdown restrictions were implemented. The church was full of family and friends to help celebrate. Beatrice was baptised by her Grandfather John Colston, who used to be a Vicar in Ripon. It was a very uplifting and personal service, and Beatrice coped well with all the attention.

We are very pleased to announce, we now have a very new and improved kitchen area in our vestry at All Saints. Roll on when we can put it to good use! A big thank you to Andy Goodall and his team for making it possible. Keep well and safe everyone, and All Saints new hopefully we can enjoy this Kitchen beautiful weather.


Who could have guessed how much all our lives would change between the Spring edition of the Circular and this forthcoming edition? Who would have thought a tiny invisible ribbon of RNA, with its fatty casing and its horrific protein spikes could bring the whole world to its knees in such a short time? As a matter of fact, governments should have had some notion of the possibility because scientists have repeatedly been warning of a probable pandemic. But the prospect just seemed too daunting, so no proper preparations were put in place – hoping for the best without preparing for the worst.

All this is water under the bridge now and we have moved on to lockdown, self-isolation, social distancing and, in some cases, shielding. For many, the situation is very daunting and they are worried and fearful. We must have great sympathy for those who are alone and lonely, those who are confined in small homes with no outside space, especially if they have small children, and those concerned about their employment and finances. This is where neighbourliness and compassion truly have their place. In Gate Helmsley at this time there is an abundance of community good will, which is one of the many positive aspects of this strange situation.

The community here has really come together – the telephone calls to neighbours, offers of help with shopping, the setting up of a Facebook page (Gate Helmsley Community Group), the village quiz, and people doing some general tidying up, especially around the Duke of York, which, sadly, is now vacant. Thank you to everyone for all that you do.

Another positive aspect is the unexpected gift of time that we have all been granted. We are fortunate to be in a place where we can make full use of this gift, where we have space to move about and keep fit and healthy. It is a wonderful opportunity to be contemplative or active – to read and meditate, to catch up with all those neglected jobs (especially in the garden) and to walk or cycle. May we make full use of this unexpected respite.

The residents of Prospect House are less able to move freely, but are keeping well. We send good wishes to them all and to their marvellous team of carers led by Debra Boughen. Be assured that there are very noisy sessions of clapping and saucepan banging in the village every Thursday evening at 8.00pm in your honour and to give thanks to front-line workers in all the various services.

There are some people in Gate Helmsley who are shielding. We believe that you are receiving help with shopping and other needs. If you do need further help, please contact one of the churchwardens (Delyth on 372215 or Sue on 372663).

While some of us may have reservations about social media, they are really coming into their own during this crisis, indeed providing a lifeline for many. Thank you so much to Chris Wingfield for organising the now regular church services via Zoom. These have been such a morale booster, especially over Easter. It is heartening to be able to meet on screen those whom we cannot meet in the flesh. The services are at 10.00am on Sunday, with an additional get-together at 10.00am on Wednesdays from 22nd April. For further information see the benefice website on: . If you would like to join a service, please let Chris know on [email protected].

The monthly meeting of the Village Hall library has unfortunately become one of the casualties of the lockdown. However it is still possible to borrow from the huge store of the library’s books. This can be arranged by calling Chris Bickerdike on 371687.

We should at this point be reporting on a successful Village Hall dance held on 21st March. This was on the cusp of the lockdown and so had to be postponed. Hopefully things will have returned to some sort of normality by the time of the next planned dance in October.

We pray that everyone will stay healthy and well.

HOWSHAM In December 2019 the Christmas Carol Service, which was followed by mulled wine and mince pies at the Great Barn, were a great success.

The landmark this year for our Grade 1- listed church was the completion of the repair and restoration of the Clayton and Bell stained glass windows by Barley Studio. The work began in the summer of last year. The task of identifying and securing a total of over £20,000 to cover first the initial survey, and then the work itself, was extensive and at times tedious. This will be familiar territory for those who have been involved in restoration work in their own churches. However, when we received the VAT rebate this month (during the current coronavirus lockdown) we were very relieved.

We are very grateful to Barley Studio for their expertise, and to the grant-giving organisations who have kindly supported us. In due course we will be working on appropriate publicity to acknowledge their support and will also prepare a write-up for the website.


What a strange time we are living in!! We will all have different ways of coping and occupying ourselves but we have so much to be thankful for when we look around us at our beautiful homes, gardens and countryside How blessed we are when so many have so little!!

Of course there are those around us to whom many of us are greatly indebted. As we think about our own little communities we easily think of those willing people who support and care for those of us who are unable to go out except for a walk. Roll on the day when we can all get together with new and old friends!! In the meantime we must do as is required and in the 'doing' maybe we can learn new things that we can continue to do when this difficult time ends. Many joined us from near and far for the Oasis evening way back in March. This was the last service to be held before lockdown, and was held during the 'Come and See' mission. See the dedicated Oasis entry earlier in The Circular.

We would like to thank Rector Chris for all his hard work during this crisis especially for the on line Morning Worship at 10am on Sundays. Our thoughts and prayers are for you... take care and keep safe.

St. Mary's Church is currently undergoing some interior repair work

Following the completion of our major restoration project to the exterior of the church in 2018, we have now embarked on repairs to the interior prior to redecoration later in the year. A detailed survey was undertaken in the latter months of 2019 which unfortunately revealed the need for new lath and lime plaster in several areas of the nave ceiling and extensive lime plaster replacement and pinning required to the nave walls, chancel and sanctuary walls.

We are fortunate that we had secured all the necessary permissions and could continue with the work whilst still being in a position to comply with the recommendations and guidance issued by the government and diocese.

We are all living in very difficult and challenging times and we fully appreciate the financial strain many people and families are facing. However, with limited income and the suspension of grant funding for the foreseeable future, if you would like or feel able to make a contribution towards the essential works, please contact Ellen Stott on 01904 468404 or [email protected]


What a challenging time for all of us but wonderful things have come out of it. In Upper Helmsley, the village children drew rainbows and put them outside so that passers-by could see them. We created a village WhatsApp group and have kept in touch with each other almost daily to check in, or to share photos and stories. We have shared shopping for food and essential supplies. We have joined in on the clap for carers on a Thursday evening. Catherine organised a bun decorating competition which was great fun.

The church yard is looking spectacular with the primroses and the hedgerows are teeming with wildlife, including flycatchers, goldcrests and goldfinches. We seem to have found a lot more time to enjoy the simple things in nature and feel blessed to live in a wonderful village

and church community.

Thank you to Chris for setting up the Zoom worship services. It is lovely to see everybody on screen so that Ezme and Ivan’s rainbow gate we can feel close to you all without actually meeting up.

More rainbow pictures done by the children in support of the NHS and Keyworkers:


It is hoped to have a village BBQ and get together in mid-July to raise money for a village defibrillator. Further details and date confirmation to be advised.

Many thanks to Michael Goodwill who keeps the village church yard so superbly neat and tidy. He also winds up the church clock which is a great feature seen by many at St John's.


FOSTON C of E PRIMARY SCHOOL I hope everyone is well and staying safe at home. A huge thank you must go to our NHS staff and other key workers who are putting themselves at risk to help us all.

I never imagined I would be writing our school news in such strange and changed times. Our children have been extremely busy engaging in the home working we have set and we love to see the emailed updates including photos of the activities they have all been involved in.

The teachers and my role have overnight changed from face to face, to technological communication. I am now an expert on skype for business! Never, also, would I have imagined that I and the staff would be driving to work at a school we don’t know, to look after children we had never met, on Good Friday. I am so proud of my staff for volunteering to man the weekend hubs for key worker children. We had a fabulous first day undertaking forest school activities and the children went home proudly brandishing their bows and arrows and jewellery made from natural materials.

Despite these changes we have not let our annual Easter Bonnet / Egg competition fall by the wayside and I would like you to share some pictures of the entries:

We are pleased to share with you our recent Ofsted Inspection result, which took place in early January. The outcome of the inspection was a strong good with one target taken from the outstanding criteria. A huge well done to the children, staff and governors, but also to the community for your continued support for the school.

Our small and popular village primary school is now nearing maximum capacity with 46 children on roll, the highest number on record probably since World War 2, when school welcomed many evacuees.

Here is a link to the report if you would like to read the many strengths and successes identified in our inspection.

I would also like to make you aware of some exciting developments for our small schools. As you know, we have built on our collaboration in 2016 by formally federating Foston and Terrington Primary Schools. This has seen the benefits of:

• Wider peer groups for children • More opportunities for extra curricular • Using budgets more effectively to benefit the pupils • Two very successful Ofsted reports which was significantly helped by the collaborative working across the schools

Over this last term, Foston and Terrington Schools have been working closely with Stillington Primary School. The Governors, local authority and the diocese feel there are additional opportunities that can be gained from further collaboration with Stillington Primary School. As a result, the governors all agreed that we would move to formal collaboration from September 2020, with the view to consulting on federation in the future.

To support this change, from September 2020 Sarah Moore’s role as Executive Headteacher will extend to cover Stillington along with Katie Stringer’s Assistant Headship. We are also extending middle leadership roles and reviewing administration support as part of this change.

Contact details for the churches in the Harton Benefice

Bossall, St Botolph YO60 7NT Churchwardens: Christopher and Email: [email protected] Belinda Fordy Tel: 01904 468682

Buttercrambe, St John the Evangelist YO41 1AT Acting Churchwarden: Sara Winn Darley Email: [email protected] Tel: 01759 371398

Crambe, St Michael YO60 7JR Churchwarden: Dorothy Martin Email: None Tel: 01653 619133

Flaxton, St Lawrence YO60 7NT Churchwardens: Ida Terry Email: [email protected] Tel: 01347 878432 Wendy Holman Email: [email protected] Tel: 01653 618886

Foston, All Saints YO60 7QG Churchwardens: Karen Armitstead Email: [email protected] Tel: 01653 619964 Linda Fothergill Email: [email protected] Tel: 01904 468760

Gate Helmsley, St Mary YO41 1NE Churchwardens: Delyth Harran Email: [email protected] Tel: 01759 372215 Sue Hanson Email: [email protected] Tel: 01759 372663

Howsham, St John YO60 7PH Churchwardens: Gill Littlejohn Email: [email protected] Tel: 01653 618846 Judy Stephenson Email: [email protected] Tel: 01653 618673

Sand Hutton, St Mary YO41 1LB Churchwardens: Graham Baker Email: [email protected] Tel: 01904 468809 Ian Lyall Email: [email protected] Tel: 01904 468209 Deputy Warden: Ellen Stott Email: [email protected] Tel: 01904 468404

Upper Helmsley, St Peter YO41 1JY Churchwarden: Mari Richards Email: [email protected] Tel: 01759 372757

Whitwell on the Hill, St John the Evangelist YO60 7JJ Churchwarden: Janie Bell Email: [email protected] Tel: 01653 618270

Items for ‘The Circular’ Copy deadline for the next edition July 18th 2020

This will cover: August September October 2020

Unfortunately it may not be possible to include anything received after the deadline.

Rector of the Benefice of Harton Revd. Chris Wingfield 01904 468418 Email: [email protected]

Members of the Ministry Team Lay Pastor Rachel Baker 01904 468809 Reader in training Ian Lyall 01904 468209 P14Me Coordinator David Fletcher 07900 998378 Youth and Children’s Coordinator Rachael Harrison 07847 329015

For occasional offices please contact: Funerals Revd. Chris Wingfield 01904 468418 Marriages Rachel Baker 01904 468809 Baptisms Delyth Harran 01759 372215

Lay Vice Chairman of the Joint PCC Delyth Harran 01759 372215

Editor Fiona Le Masurier Crambe House, Crambe, York YO60 7JR Tel: 01653 619368 Email: [email protected]

Circular Printing Group members

Rachel Baker 01904 468809 Michael Harran 01759 372215 Peter Stott 01904 468404 Fiona Le Masurier 01653 619368

Use this QR code to link directly to the Benefice website where you can read The Circular in full colour