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■ ■ - i ; : - / ■l\ ' ■■■ i- TUESDAY, JULY « , 1951 ...... ■frv flr n m p a g e 1?0tm TE E N AvetE gd' D e IIt Ntt Press R is EtancifpBtpr PW tha weak Ondad YwAnsl'e# e. O e n w R i r M y 18, IDM haa baaa done, to correct Im­ ' ■, fAsHy, seatoTtorigOk '» A « A . portant matters racomrasddad Mr. and Mra. Joseph Crooks, 10# Energency Doctors 1 0 , 6 5 5 Roll atreet. are visiting at the Stores Closed viewed in theae reports. MWo Physicians of the Manches­ Fire District About Town home of their daughter. Betty; Mahoney haa indloatad Ma MaiHbdr ad the AudH ter Madical AasociaUon who Mrs. Erie Crawahaw and family of Tomorrow opinions that the town take over free REPORT W fc Dnraan .at ManeheBter— A City of VUlago Chmrm - .V:' Waterford. On Sunday relatives will respond to emergency calls lU riiw Pfc. Ralph M. Demers, Sale to Town the management of the fire de­ and friends from BratUeboro. Vt., tomorrow afternoon and eve­ partment and there would be no ■on of Mr*. M. SuUlven Demere. Worcester, Mass., and this town ning are Dr. Robert Keeney, P R IC E F IV E M Kldridge rtreet, ha* eucceae- Moat Main atreet stores will other changes. He baa estimated MANCHESTER. CQNNe WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1953 (TWENTY-PAGES) gathered to celebrate his 7»th tel. #-5#17 and Dr. Robert But­ Up for Study that three quarters o f a mill (OhMOflad 'AdvarMMsg an Fnga 18) fuUy completed ‘'boot'* trainUif at terfield,, tel. #-4242. be closed all day tomorrow. VOL.-LXX1I, NO. 248 birthday, and to remember him They will remain closed all day could be eaveent the greater part tended Fordham Unlveralty where voters and taxpayara will deliber­ August under the new store lector and district treasurer. of his life Ih the North section of The members of Senior Girl Others are of the belief that It Hw —- Bilk a *•— ■— Btinitm. wkalfear yan waar a »a M Je waa active In baeketball. the town. Before his retirement he ate en the controversial issue of hour schedule adopted for the Scout Troop 1 last night had a turning over the department to thS will coat the town more money to ar ta#rniE FERSOKAL HEAR I^^E B yjnt M M A W a ^ was in the meat businew for h ^ - summer by tha Chamber of Mr and Mn. William Turklns- housewarming party for one of town tonight at a special meeting Commerce. operate its own firs dapartmant, TEE la plaated to anitojsea a * 2 self and ss a meat cutter in local the troop's leaders. Miss Eleanor Tonight'a meeting ' pTforda dis­ ton and aon, William. Jr.. «6 Phelps called by commissionera. However, drug, chain food, DAHLEBRO COMPANY. toBiag yan Juet to aapaa* froai markets. Occasionally he helps out Gordon, who has recently ihoved trict voters and taxpayara-an op­ tha amaalng new TEAN8IBTOE dmrelapnaent. road, have returned home from a at holidays and other times when The session will be held at Are chain variety and package vacation apent at Long L«ke, Me into an apartment at 2*1 Spruce headquarters on Spruce atreet be­ portunity to air. viewa on the mat­ Again Dashes Hope for there Is a rush. street. Miss Gordon received many stores will be open. ters and could be the spring-bemrd ginning at 8 o'clock. Fmratud by aniy esa astoN -A- hnttory. Pf?*«dlsg lh a _ ^ useful gifts. Actions of thia meeting shall not Mouth end barber shops to the poesible future eatabllsh The Religious of the Cenacle to be conclusive up They spin . . . Ay . . . land spinning. Sizes needa of the eeareiunity. abar, wiping out the decline of his brother, Or. Milton EUen- Ike Aides Opposed - ami d flghtar-lmasbats fUw FAMILY VACATION 9-15. Jiiad during the lata wintaf and . I howar. to South America ia ae- Rkae’e .ultimatum waa tka Mg tktPhgh heavy olauds and d rl^ K t Ryinq SoHCor G uns ...... m u c h fT e quaatiew as a u F adneara emRIiMM 12-20. mouths. 1 (mmpUahtog everything the Freal- ratal and dropphd naariy S(M.- ivea Tha akarpaat Has among -laods,' work at Psnmunjom oa A«sl Aa- *88 paunda af Mgk axplotovet 8h Some half dent kad hoped it wmtld. 3 ” ^ >_T- 77c ONE WEEK $40.00 six non-tlrtog passes at la U. R. ( OaaMaaed aa Fags Tbirtaaa) short-tempered hearing that temoon-lnto-mornlng session pro-1 — ^------tional 240 minion dollars yearly JOHNNY MOPS ...... »L29 (l«w Lie coupon) TWO WEEKS $105.00 dragged Pl—Th# Rad airfltid at Ulju In north­ JOHNNY MOP REFILLS ...... (1*m tOc coupon) brought charges by seme mem- poatoftlce's annual deficit to about of his early triumphi ment sworn testimony from a ' i e a v 1 g g v g h f’ TO million dollars. It it now over I FlwEabeth Gives iwest Korea for the second cah- bera that tha 'Mathedlat rlargy- prevlcms secret hearing that two O U a L t ? A •2 .X XFV/UFAa ing tribute today to Maurice aeciitiv* night. PINEHURST OPEN DAILY t to 4 PHONE: HAROLD J. DWYER man’a' seal for aecial raform I SOO millions. Sen. ^Ferguson clergvme.n once in the public eye * e Tobin in funeral serilces attended Th* Red attack on th* hattarod plus what nne Congressman eallad Tha Poatmaatar General, picked by former President Harry 8. Tru­ FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 1:30 • R. F. D. No. 2. Andover, Conn. Manchester MIr3-A328 What extra east-central front cams aa U tlit "muddled thinking’ —had lad him by RUenhower as Republican Na- man under whom he aervad aa Sec­ Margaret Right Or Stop In .At the Island • muni.r,!;;r'"‘"" i Scolded Again offlcara at Panmunjom >plottfd -late Buapicimie company. They were named by the com-1 _ _ ; tional Oialrman. apparently be­ retary of lAbor. Begins Defense lieves it ia batter to swallow what th* final ceasa-ftr* Ito* arrtos __ ___ , And ^airm an Velde iR., Ill.i mittee e* Dr. Harry F. Ward, re-j A ? _ „ T a i * H l t 1 P A A Two thousand persons incliidlng tired member of New York's Union K O x A axl- A IA IIC / W O some ReiMiMirane regard a* a bit­ To Wed Suitor Koras in preparation for a tn i^ See "DINAH SHORE'S DREAM HOUSE" ■ C ia h a H a l l o r k f l f d* ■ ***** i f was ‘Impoaaible to make many prominent stata and national which may h* signed xrithm ‘the M U a l U S X e d F e S E C ' any definite cnncluslona" tintU the Theological Seminary faculty, and ter pill now than to wait until 1864 m'hen Congrassional clertiona will agures. thronged the Cathobc week. charges are thore htohop haa submitted flirthar in- .Tack McMIchael. said to be etill to Cathedral of the Holy Cross for a London. July 22—(.Fi-Th# gov- formation he promised. the methodtst ministry somearhere Hartford July 22 - to the act would make It , prove th* revised budget esti­ agalnat tha Tax Departmant fol­ gocto man " on laamtog of »“* Marg.rel to follow her mates. and fa full^ convaraaat lows by only one .week another (OanWaaMd on Pag* Twtdv#) with tha force goals and biidgat- Stalin’s Serious Illness auditor' report ripping into the "To be hailed aa a good man . "' haart'a derir. if ah* wanU to mar- Vacation arv mattetii." sales tax division for having some said th* prelate. '1* wonderful ae-1 ry the divore^ air h w . Not OM CMt! At a manor of fact yoa oEtaoRy Tliat waa -a raforanca to tha *,857,000 In uncollected taxes last eomplishment when en* haa had to i Oppoalllon Yemeni A l­ fart that tha EUanhewar admtn- year. By last Saturday, tha figure right th# battle of life in arenas; tie* asked If the content* of the BuUetins a CkoroaPlaa craeit corK sIo c e ana m o a t^ chock | > for oR chorfc pOrchasM A PORTARLE Istfatien alaahad mere than five Is Announced by Tass had soared to almiMt *1,800.000. News Tidbits so full of temptation and diffleiil- proposed bill wai agreeable to all 'reRi tlM AP Wiroi ' Mllion dollars from th* biidgrt While' jumping on the tolferi- ty." members of th* rqydi family. But-1 at oN EMOibar storot. - r*oemm*ndat|ona of ax-Prealdent ler re^ed in t)>« affirmative and RADIO-MAKES IT - taace divlMon headed by Fj-Ml4rirk .j: Cpn*4 fr*o L ^ Tobto alwaya sought to "coopor- Truman Yor naw 'Alf F0rc« funds.- EiMt^s^ Naito I M i ia H£»aac->' CRKer'fhmisahdiiT 'HeV<‘f "UloWad" tr. DaucK.'the' aildIt'OHi tosuddiwtr af* with the Orae# of God” to mak' "aaia' fhe pethdnat feeUnga o f oH- 4iK8' 'njLL'Raoar'-''-3^-'— and cut back tha 1888 Air Forca and la a serlaa af atociaa by Eddy., naar Stalin whan ha- was aliVe, other reports lauding the smooth lag hla Way in th# world, in th* ■ concerned ahould be respected Oartford. Jnly « —' aanX n d j’ther "the preaentnreeent eoAMNdar toipa #4 ..tha ftiartif ...^ •Tha charge ha* been made that Soviet DnloB aa a aarraspoadeul df irtraata and sqiiaras for a chaiicc rise divialon headed by Ernest K. Ulry'a Ta Tao news ag*n(:y taya rornpromis*...... is tovltabi* and n* - j Blorabl* epeculatloh j and gossip Oak Bridge at OarMoid aasR ^ ■ tMAi-hlldReL,:: Was-, (UjeRargd- b.V. . M .wm .-ip-waUi. thmi8duakihaUt,ABAvStAca. JBegdiicb thy. Aha A tichlhi ahiip -said.. . ___ 1 t.to, an-nndU"...... 1 triRlha.hlhad knafc AM*n-Rw.a|. A-HknlMid A Sena ' ■''• Meifrjri WWWiginWa-Stere '“ '‘ • - FOUR IRANOS Berk'a ’ - money men Snd that the Ptqeident tlnltod at tha strange corpse of thia man aion led by Howardloward T. HamtK>;i. nUed after Berta was ousted aa “One of th*.thtoga that ha haver Under th* present act. Prinreas I ton eento If Oovcmsv Lndgd nn — wWm r . T. BHik Hardware Ce, nowwy '.e'Naaait'Arms Ce. ; did not formulate thia biidgSt and ’ who'd controlled their living and In complaining over iinrea.^in- Soviet police boss... piatrict At- compromiaed was hla Cathol­ iMargarst would bocom* rogafit if toRawa a roeoaaaaandattaii toa4l§ IN S T O C K HawarWa Hlaep-Canler.. r Nerth End Pharmaiy la not awara of Its implication*." I thel) d)1ng. ablc delays to handling Inheritance tomay Frank S. Hogan and Man­ icism ... Til# day h* died h* waa th* Queen died Itefor* Prince Sadsy by Highway Cimada Burton'a. Inc. ^ tax rase*, auditor Downs* and Ghariee. 4. was able to taka th* I' Kiddle Eal'r Faita Curtain Shep Farguaon said, By BODY OlUfORR I FeopI* were Injured 'b y the' hattan Borough Praaidenl Robert planning to go to Maas aa h* did atonar G. Albaet WH. ^ Copley'a "Such a cliarga is unfair and hundred*. Some were smothered Longley aald the praaent dlffi- F. Wagner Jr. mUd ta he stoongast as a small Iwy. throne. Laraen’a Hardwara Regal Mih'a Shep Davey Optical Ce. eemplatoly. mialeadtog." Paris, July 22 — iFi It waa and some were knocked down and rultiea ar* far from being new to In Tdmmany Hall-Bronx Dem­ “ He never allowed hia auccaas to Townsend brought a divorce ac­ Sheer, Jawalere FHONB WALEOirr SO n $ 2 9 e 9 5 And Up Dianeond'a Army A Navy Stora Leenard’a Sheea Ferguaen, floor manager for the early -that March moming when walked ovar until th* life went out the division. ocratic ehoto* for Naw York May­ give him th* foolish idea that any tion against hia wife, on ground* "For many year*," they said, IndlaaipoA*. M y Heary Dick. Shoea Uneehi'a . Teta ’n Tama, Ine. Mg hiu. opened debate aa leaders t)M telephokb raag, *nd th* Rue-, of them. And all the time th* long or. A n o 1 laiaannlaiRa (Seam markdowna aa ’8t’a) rallsd for Its paasaga to a single "the inheritance division . . . haa I Continued'from Pag* Nineteen) (CsarimMd *■ Pngs ‘Ihlrtaan) - F-D Ante Store Maacheater Carpet Center Vtchra aiaa vole* said: lines moved )>aat the rcxpse to U. S. Departmant of Commerce aCletol said a w dav. "Mr. Gilmore, I should tali you music played by perspiring not been operating eff*ctivel>'. Maaeheator Opilral Ce. Weidm Drug Ce. "From time to time oral r*)K>rts saya nationa boom economy in 1882 Indiana BeH T iliphia Gartner's.'Inc. Nobody knows for cerjain that wa will have a press ralaaa* -Wethnar'a Shea Store muateian*. have com* to us.that it haa become rang up tooord total pradnettaa watham taday in tl Gaudat'a. Ine. , . Manrheetor Flumhing A Supply whathar tha amount aaksd l a too In a -ahort- svMIe announcing th* Tha moba got out of hand some- worth aora* 848 billion dollar* — ElBtou'a fHft Shop xMg ba « ptakida ta aa BotteriGf for oil makes W. G. Gienney Ce. ' ' Ce. ■erlou* lltoess of th* chairman of tlmea. In ont side atreet I saw the Adlal Stavenaon tells news con­ anUpnwid* wntk aiappaga In an Paga HIgM) (OanHaued aa Paga lN|ht) Second Soviet Note Bloats Harmae Man’s Shep Martew'a T aanard W. Teat. Jewalar. the council of xslnittars. Comrade mounted police charge them with ference in Pari*. Franc# that So­ BtM systoaaa. Joseph Stalto.** batons. But they kept coming viets merely The telephone cell waa from back, pushing and breathleaa to lag ti S: Food Relief Program IKK MAMBA BMVOTA I Bush Pushes Bill TABS — th* offleial Soviet news walk past th* body. < IJ. S, Housepainter In attempt Waabtogtan. July! OPEN TONMHT aad THURS. UNTIL I hkMMfy tha OhargeFlaa agency. T slipped my triMieere over 1 almost forgot there u-aa such arming. dent Elaankapa* today a# my pajanMS. grabbed my fur hat a thing aa sleep. We lay down on Chlaase-born chemical roaoarch OTHER DAYS UNTIL S:30 warrhant hy Ihia imhlant Becomes Baronet Berlin. July 22—(Fv—A milllonomand* af maintslning puhito ad carrier dtplasMt Oav For Toll Roads and fan for th* telegraph odfles — tables On chairs. In the bark of engineer and wife at Stamford W. Canaan to b and th* eenaor. deacribMl as flghttag departattan packages of fra# Wealem food order. automobUes. and w* wrota thnus- But to West Barila, thousands Stalin — and the Stalto myth— anda of words some of which I EdtoMirgh. Scotland. July 22 becausa they don’t want to take threw Bast Germany’s Communist Waabingtba, July 22-^<^—Tha were dying. IF* An American houaepainter ia Amerlcan-bOTn eon to Oiina... of. workers war* set .to wrapping would Ilka to think were not use- nilars Into a frenay today. Um milUon-fotd packages of food; Bay a* and Manchester’s Largest TV, Radio, Record A«)ata Public Worka committaa I nevar aaw ao many poopi* on the new 12th Baronet of Dunbar, Informed aourcaa report Hungary’s lees. Soviet High Cnanmiaaioner stuffa for delivery en tita Iron Cur­ haa approved a MU that would th* atreeU, aa cam* out during Did death crmi* to Joseph Stalin an ancient Scottish family with Comaauniat govemmant Is and Appliance Store ponnit Oaniioetieut to charge tolla Atdlto'a iltoeas. Knotted to little ahlnlng. bars ascutchaon and a da streagthaatog IrM Curtain along Vladimir Semyenov, In a hriatling tain border her* beginning next, aa they' said from a collapse of diplomatic note, called th* xnam- Monday. an certain of Its highway a even gioupa around th* wall news- ■erted, crymbling mansion. its border with Auitria. RAF FLANK th* haart- with a sqiiad of Rus- moth relief program a U. 8. plot Th# auppHo* cam* from a Waat ’ though built to part with federal papers. Muttering to one another aia'a best doctors marshaled Th* family lawyer todajr eon Superior Court Judge John T. .andaa. M y 1 dh aaanef. on th* atreeta and in tba subways; firmed th* title on Adrian Ivor Chilllnan grants O ty of Stamford to "enlist raacUt btraltogs snd Garmangovernmant raaorv* maln- MANCHESTER TRUST around hla bad ia th* Kremlin, do­ crlmtoal elemenU” for a new anti- tatatod in thU Isolated city since | The MU approved yesterday 'Thea tha death that cam* aa no ing everything they could to save Dunbar, of Upper Pairment. Mary right to eand*«*n Oov* Mill* akera Fares surprise. And atill more people. land. He aald no esUmata of th* iN a t property for public roersa- Rad revolt to th* Ruastaa aon*. 184* to preUet R. agataut a wum, would apply to th* construction, hia Ilfs? He demanded that U. B. High RuaMaa Mockad*. ^ roaerv* | I itqnafruction -or roloeation of They xMaU >a Hnsa all night long. Frankly, 1 don't know, I know value of th* oatat* Dunbar Mharlta tienal purpooaa. ^ . . Cliarisa X H. Some HpAmd what I auppos* wa* only what I aaw.. could ha given until all the legal Vaill. 48, former Connecticut Commissioner James B. Oonant will be rapleniahed by daMriena, parts of ttaaaa highoraya withta Immediately stop food gttta to from th# Unitad Stataa. what*, a t Maria AiHre. th* ■U U : ■ natural griaf. Only those war# w* Rumors and atorias flaw around ends have bean tidiad. A .farm or newspafier man and promotion hungVy Beat Germane bacauaa Fraaidant Biaanhewer oRerod 181 auialforal) V. A- 1 and Oonnseticut <2, 12 tllowaA to Writs about. Th* thoua- Moscow aa thick aa tha drevat of two reportedly la tavolvad. manager for radin station WEEI. '130 CENtER'Sr;---TC«r. of ^atttrdi). I and* upaA. theusanto of th* just Bostcei, dtea hi FraanInghaaB, these .nret* ’’illegal and ineem------A I patlb)^ with th# eleihmiary ' ““an *■“far* “Floot. “ “ ^ ate itAIN Office, 923 MAW NORTH IRANCM, 15 NO. MAIN ST.MELMI 31T7I A *> plain curioua wo cod d n l mention. (CinOanad oa Faga F lv * )^ sgBaa&BBBanoBnnBBBEaaBeB^MBBd

> w * »■ - . - ■ - ' ■ F'@«' ' , : ' . ' - V.d UANCHEStER EVENING HEBALO, MANCHESTER. CONN.* WEDNESHAY. JULY 22.^1968

J tW O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. /HLY g 2 ,jm at 6 p.m. at Ui« home at DefiAld KEITH'S BRINGS MANCHESTER'IMPBBSSF Wapping C.' Bmlth, Babeoek HIU, . South' Skywatch Schedule Coventry Oovantry; pinochle card party S Voters W HI Decide p.m. In the Maaonic Hal), M«rrow. Tknradsy, July tS 13 Mldntght-2 a. m...... V« olusteen N eaded. SAVINGS FOR EVERY HOIMElN THIS STORE New Pupil Registration Set; Maaobeatar Bvaalag HcraM 2 a. in,-4 a. m...... Floyd Chapman. Oil School Budget Oavaatry eorrsspsadaai. Mrs. 4 g. m.-« a. m...... Mr. and Mrs. Wflllsm tjUewltL Omrlaa U Uttto, talipSosa PII-, 5 a. m.-8 a. m...... '-.Ilannan R. Gunther, Jr. Wappinf. July 33—(Special)— Hold Dentalf Visual Clinics grim 3-tU l. 8 a. m.-13 noon ,,,...... Mr. and Mra. Willard Small. Ouring a special town Meeting to­ 13 Hoon-3 p, m...... Rhoda Bockus, Ruth Bc^lach. night at 8 at the Town Hall the 3 p. m.-6 p. m...... Mrs. KsJOld Lord. Oliva Chsrtisr. SunuRtr Stara!' votera will be asked to appropri­ Coventry, July 23— (Special) Lodfs Appoials Holway S p. m.-B p.m ...... Ann Malson, Ruth HlckOx. ate an additional $3,300 to the ele­ Philip I. Holway haa been ap- 8 p. m.-10 p. m...... Harold Olaan. Michael Glean. : Hooist Om A| Regiatration of new pupils enter­ 10 p. m.-l3 m blnlght...... Mr. and Mrs. York Strapgfeld.^x mentary school budget for the fis­ ing the Coventry School System polntad by (tovemor Lodgs to the Llbsrsl Badfct TharMhiy Evs*; cal year 1BS3-S3. Thla money It Board Of Truateea o f Norwich Volunteers msy ragister at Civil Defsnis Hsadquartera, Munici­ will be August 4 and S at the pal Building, Manchester, on Mondays and Fridays from 1-6 p. m. T s r n s May ningn Until 9. chiefly needed by the new Wap- Roberteon School office. Parents State HoaplUL Holway's term la . Samn MasM I MveMa Veaac pibg Grammar School for utility for six yaars. He will serve on the ■lebard mutM I •|| Hsapmn Esailr Be Ar- Ragidar H em ! who bring Their children to the •'OBSEint I Evary aapanaes. dental xnd vision clinics can rag- finance sub-commltta*. A. G. Keith, Toronto Transpor­ rsRfsd OaAnjr Prom 9 A. M.| 'Also, the voters will cohsidar the WhM Caokla Oantoat . RATS’* I tkMiaSay* ister their children during the a« «!ii 1. «iiT-8Te« Engineers Strive tation Commission architect, said Cka ranee Sale Until B iM P.| manner -of electing or appointlnc time of their appointments. Mra. Philip T. I^aMontagne was the noias snowballs snd by tha Purchsaea. A M. . . . Closslj membera of the Stoning Board'of first place winner in the Grange ~Kal.~'l a. m,—t nraat PaalatM All other' children entering “ Part n««aaca“ Phta Oaaa SaSsp ^For Quiet Subway time a train reaches a atatlon tha .Small Depoait. Wadnesdays A p p ^ a In the October election. Grade 1 or other classes In the molasses cookie contest. Mra. Wal­ Air faadWaaaS Praa l^rklas din could be heard in a boiler I The third item concerns discon­ fall are repuested by Principal ter 8. Haven was second and Mra. factorp. Delivers Yoar AU Day. ! tinuing capital and non-recurring Royal O. Fisher to register'at that Oliver M. Brown, third. Mrs, L «- One way the engineers are going SelectioMi! Montagne will represent the local Toronto — — Subway engi- Mperisa funds In accordance With time. to beat sound is by inatdUlng per* Section 801 of the-1949 revision of naara are trying to make the City's Mrs. Dudley Brand, chairman of I" the Pomona contaM 8«p- forated Sbro board on BtAtlOB Uia^£MMr«l;BtSEtutaar-and^^^niarer —lAfJill' : -• ...... , vst«.ii)..egp«(:ted ,tn be readX. nKKt ^ E . \ S T W 0 0 D February, the quietest In the ceTlthga and Sbro' glase "vrtlb" ebr- of the assets to the General i^nd Child committee, aald Tueaday Paraoaal MeatlOB of.tha town...... Mc.» and-. Mrs... O___Raymond world...... rugated aluminum coverings on only abont SO'ouf of k possible 00 ^ The r u t flWNit Osrtdeiw They say Toronto la the only Inside 'walla «iid pilUirs Id tlfe League Play Rada appointments for the dental and Johnson and nephew, Robert The Tri-Vlllage Little League Wolfe, have returned from Byra- 3-DIMINSIONAL place In North America whera tunnels. vision clinics have been made. acoustical treatment of a aubway STARTS THUI^DAY . . . OPEN THURSDAY NlCHT TIL st have completed their play. The The dental clinic will Include ex­ puae Laka N. T,, afte^ spending Wapplng Indians took first place, four days with ralatlves. C O I O K H IT ! haa aven been attempted. NI^OABA ROMANCE amination. claaning, and the flrst The biggest noise problem Is the with 16 wins snd two losses. Other of four floride treatments. Mlaa MaMyka-Obiila Nuptials Niagara Falls, Ont. — UP) —^ The tiams finished as follows^ Broad iMrrellIng'' effect created when a W * H « vg G ohg T k ro«9li Our Eatira $tw « A m I $k*lied PrIcM Kogapi Martha Flash.- R.N., of the Bu­ Mlaa Mary Anna Maceyka. "honeymoon certlfleate" Issued by Bieok Giants, second, with 13 wins daughter pf Mr. and Mrs. Vincent ^ train seta up a nblse at a given the Greater Niagara Chambar of Ig m O f C aif! This H W lthaat A Doabt Oaa O f Tha Oraotast Paralfata and five loases; Shepard's Short reau of Maternal and Child Hy­ ^TORTTr Commerce is popular with newly Livinq Rooni Suites BEDROOM SUITES giene, State Department of Health, M. Msceyka of .North Oaventry, >ngra- Tables ...... M m Sw thaaa outatantfinf vahiaa all bjr X boat trip to Block Island re­ gational C3turch through Labor ROCKERS with hardwood frames, v e n ^ to r s , handles for $ C O 5 0 ! famoua makara. — cently. ^------Day Sunday will be at 10 a. hri. ih- slat back, double woven splint $ 7 9 5 ^ turning...... ^ 7 - + stead of 11 a. m. The Rev. Regi­ $219.95 VALUE! JUST 1 KROEH- I Formariy U.SR to K3S.00 MMcheater Evening Herald seat. Without arms. Now .. Thuraday, Friday.. Saturday nald A. Merrifield, minister, will I TNI SSIATUT VALUi IN LER HALF SOFAS in textured fab­ Wapplng eorrespondent. Mra. Tanlght tlneugli Satui $139.00 VALUE! JUST 3 SIMMONS! use'"An Altbl" as his sermon topic rics with channel backs. Dining Room Suites Annie Colllna, telephone Mitchell Sundayr There will he no Christian “ S K Y lA lk ir I FAMILY » 1 3 9 « BEAUTYREST MATTRESSES AND! $5.98 lo $19.98 $-441$. Endeavor services during the sum­ Sample pgir only to go at $36.99 VALUE! JUST 2 STEEL BOX SPRING. Twin size \ A t 8:46. T fL Farmlugtou T-8II8 GLIDERS with removable pad seat. mer. EHTERTAINMINT ^ only, discontinued tick- $ 1 # \ A 0 0 ! Three paaacager modela in CLASS piNMISSEIl! $209.50 VALUE! JUST 1 PENNSYL­ inga. X buy a t ...... I U 7 ^ ’ A A AMUSIMINT N I T U A r r iaturis A $299.50 VALUE! JUST 1 KROEH- VANIA HOUSE SOLID CHERRY. green with white trim. * 2 8 * * I Richey. Mont. '/Pi—U was just A W ^ DAILY S LER SUITE IN FIGURED BOUCLE. DINING GROUP. Drop leaf I 1 t like all the other eighth grade Two handsome pieces with table and 4 Victorian I graduation ceremonies. The class * tATMSOVM U8CK88S * 1 4 9 “ CHAIRS of All Kind? t wss presented by itk sponsor. It Msndey ThrausK Salureay fringed base, wide ^ $*36.95 V A L U E l‘ JUST 1 W ESTING- I AOOtT ----- —if f arose and took a bow. ' muftis •••••saaeeee* * 1 7 9 “ HOUSE ELECnUC RANGE with I The Rev. W. Wall delivered the CHIU) —— ..I...... IW $ VALUE! JUST 1 COCKTAIL: $239.95 VALUE! JUST '1 SOLID deep well cooker, large oven 19.95 commencement address. * Only e< Hr eduHe—buv e kesk CHAIR in dark green Boltafhx wKht And* then the class- Evelyn, •I 40 AWansion Tlcksta ler MAPLE JUNIOR DINING SUITE. and broiler, 3 drawers. $ 1 0 0 9 $ Unryh- - received her diploma. $2.A ns AdmeartO THksIs Round Table, four Captains Chairs. blonde frame, aaglesa ppring ...... «ar.tl.4t). QOuirrii.„UStp. Now ...... P Kitchen Furniture 18th Century beauty * 1 6 9 * * construction -a-r-y 4! vr-fi'g • BI'RGLAR PIf'MOr * lA iiiiv 14—naiwatA— _ ie r. XL ^ $34.50 VALUE! JUST 1 NINE- $47.50 VALUE! JUST 2 BARREL! San Francisco tjpt- Burglars f 8 tal. Mr IS—j8aa«dvaai Peats A PIECE CARVING SETS with stain­ CHAIRS in ivory plaatic with antiqne; must have planned a ' really* big $59.95 VALUE! JUST 2 FIVE-PIECE less steel blades. Poultry nail haad trim, Mahogany $ 4 )A ^ ' (lU (ht) picnic. They stole 400 cases ofj O IN E IY E with natunl birch table 'S HERE! TONIGHT thru THUR8. shears, six steak knives $ 1 ^ 9 5 tiniah frame ...... X w 7 tuna, worth $8,000 from a ware- # leader. Mr 14 * top, upholstered back and seat TABLES-REDUCED Tho Fomoul «nd Popular honie. DAN KIMTAI included ...... I " chairs, wrought iron $ i l i | 9S •A4 $59.95 VALUE! JUST 8 PLATFORM! ( Above) it m$ CiitiiwNi * fr a m e ...... HIGH KICKERS A> ' $19.95 VALUE! JUST 1 SOLID MA­ $25.95 VALUE! JUST 1 AUTO­ ROCKERS in Tapetary with Mahog*; IVANHOE aay finish expoacd w o ^ * TNI fTAkS tSMT HOGANY CIGARETTE TAB LE. End MATIC POP UP TOASTER for two Siaaa 10 to 18. in R«d. Blue or Ona of Our Many In adventoro-fllled techaicolor! frame. Gray, green, red, $ 7 A 9 5 | Maixe. 1 $79.93 VALUE! JUST 3 CHROME Table type with compartments for slices, with patented butter $ 1 ^ 9 8 ROBERT TAYLOR, ELIZABETH TAY- - SERVICE - cup. Fully adjustable. Now I O brown LOR, JOA.V-FONTAINE. GEORGE SAN­ Niw lONoenrs FRAM E DINETTES. Five pieces, ex­ cigarettes. High $795 SAILCLOTH SEPARATES u m ;\ Mil \\T n : DERS and a star-studded supportbig caaL tension table and four s t y le ...... / $3.95 - $79.95 VALUE! JUST 1 MODERN; with "Firat Claaa Features." All san> chairs with plastic cushions w / $14.95 VALUE! JUST 5 STEEL fbriaad. Jripper plackets, side pocketa, PLl^S tnd ACnO.V HIT ..... LOUNGE C H AIR with foam rnbbti*; Formerly $8.M e render llodv Work Ocean $45.00 VALUE! JUST 2 MAHOG­ etc. ROBERT LOWERY “HIGHWAY I S'* STEP STOOLS for the kitchen, with enshion. Lipstick Red textured • a W heel .Murnmcnt A N Y STEP END TAB LES sold by slide out itepo and bnek rest. $99.50 V A L U E ! JUST 3 FIVE-PIECE fabric. Thrilling value $ ^ ^ 9 9 ! BOX orrirr. a .n d c o n c e s s io n o p e n a t 7 p . m . the pair. Handsomely designed, sturdy Red snd white. Irreplsesble $ ^ 9 5 e W heel n.il.innn): PARK DINETTE styled by Raymond Loewy. SKIRT $3.98 SHOW STARTS AT DCSK—CHILDREN UNDER It FREE! ^ stretcher base. $4% C O O a .Motor Tune-up Chrome frames, chairs in $ 7 0 ^ To go at ...... finer Koroseal plastic . . . / ▼ $129.50 VALUE! JUST 1 MODERN; • Hr.ike Ser% ice LOUNGE C H AIR in metaUie thrsnd> BLOUSE $2.00 $39.95 VALUE! JUST 2 TIER TA­ $39.95 VALUE! JUST 1 SET OF a Cai W ;ishimr .Tapestry, foam rubber cush* ! BLES with graceful Duncan Phyfe FOUR BRIDGE CHAIRS. Fold for $15.95 VALUE! JUST 1 CHROME ion. Outstanding saving base, two tiers, gracefully storage, hsve Lyre backs, .* 8 9 * * i FRAME KITCHEN CHAIR with double stretcher base. $ 0 0 9 $ turned post. Save $10 I TURNPIKE shaped back, spring seat. In Now ...... X 7 gray and yellow pfautic. $ 9 9 5 at $144.50 VALUE! JUST 3 BARCA*! AUTO BODY WORKS Now LOUNGER RECLINING CHAIR bet*', Il'.i: « st MhI.1I. Ttirtl|.|l..- $39.95 VALUE! JUST 1 MAHOG­ ter fabrics. The chair that offm t F O R if ih v.i • pr-OLlr- A N Y L a m p t a b l e with shaped to^ RUGS of All Kinds complete relaxation. 7 0 ^ ' PHONE MltehsE 3-7043 $94.50 VALUE! JUST 2 SOLID MA- two drawers, graceful tapered ^iow I dia ; PLE DINETTE SUITES with refec­ legs. Quality value ^ ^ Q 9 5 L . • ♦ H < . r w o ...!d'i . a t tory Table, four chairs with sturdy at a $.3.39 VALUE! JUST 11 LOOPTWIST l a A o k l n A box seats, leatherette (lUfhM SHAG RUGS. 2 r X 50" size, with non Nursery Furniture fk » r A A D U L T S cushiona. $19.95 VALUE! JUST 3 COCKTAIL skid backs, fully washable. $ 9 9 8 PEDAL TAB LES in Mahogany with glaaa top, For every room ...... I $11.95 VALUE! JUST 2 TRIMBLE; stretcher base. Closing out KIDDIE BATH with 4ccp tub, apron! PUSHERS all remaining at ...... *ir with pocketa, wood folding $ j 9 5 | $7.95 VALUE! COTTON TWIST Hero's a terriftc chance for YOU to "•trike-it-hch"!...A friuAe. Bargain at only With tuU or tapar^ lac, ONLY Stuedio & Sofa Beds WEAVE CARPETING la_,green or -weiiderAdMfppertunity te-8AVB42(L004mf'wgatMiina Baaly $I9.»8 VALUE! JUST t OCTAGON- are all raduce

PLUS . . . HUftO H L k s V ’sTtAieA’pi^TNA^ $149.50 VALUE! JUST 1 BETTER . t ( .1 V . * BED DAVENO with broad arma, aag- IN MAIN tniECT IRS ■vMMwf v M A N C N IS re* less spring construction. J(^ e i t i l SlltsM I 8-74M • StatsdMtar Open to R luxurious bed. O Q $ 9 lt* < 1 DsAMie. * , ns HMNw D A Y S S T A " ™ OnN TNUISOAY lYIMNOS UNTll 8 TODAY Uaai ntW N uil I PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1968 away aftar' ralaxing in tha tapid er'a Ucenae a^d may navar gat tt me, but where can a houaawlfa and aat opinion. Am I behaving lika a haven't already dona ao, and try to Ur. White madteal authoriilM m- .b a th .- — ------KANCHE8TER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,' CONN.. WEDNEgpAY, JULY 22/1968 p a g e ; bauslf.'...... - • '^ ' v motiMr hairii aajr^ aldde? apotled'-bratf**^-^--'--’^--^——- gat idilha '^deflhlta kiwaref. ■ JtadiumPooljSeeiL.. iaae-to-eeeee4eniiy euraUve value No. But then, your huaband lan’t for tha watar, it te raportad that Ruth Milieit "I have had a Ucenaa and my “Thia thing haa almoM became r o t thOf tlmo being, why not take Work a littla aoap into door either. He ia Juat behaving Uka a ■oma paopia arriving in whaal t up la a matter of constitutional law WniH own car ainca 1 waa. i* . Mayha thla an obaaaaleH with ma. i don’t aaa a taxi whan you want'to go aome- Drawing Tourists hlngaa to atop a aquaak. ^ haa apollad ma. I don't know. man. ch a in or on crutehaa )mva walkad Bolton Germans white millHons of Wast Deinocratf (^te aad iatarpratation. why we can’t enjoy ouraelvaa like It hurta hia maaculina ego to whera in tha evening? Over the long East Germans Garmana ” n hungry:" Bamyenov 1 DBIVESj ITOBBY . "My huaband rafiiaaa to go any­ "It involves," ha asaertad, "the where in the car with me hacauaa other young p aoi^ and, whan I real- have to bo chauftoured around by run, it. probably would be about aa anid Wcait (Itrm any had mora than right of eiir people to be fair ra- cA irr — HE'S nALOtm hia wife, and ao he'd rather atay Invarmere, B. C. — (/n ^ Rad­ lANlge AddreM LAST SNIPMCNT! V' I would have to diiva and thia ia a lae my huaband’a atubbom pride dhaap aa driving your own car. 1*4 million unemployad "wblte In pragenUtioti in the State Senate. It home than put himaalf In that aitua- ium Hot Springe, $1,000,000 pool Blast U S. Food the German Democratic lUpubllr > Here U an tmuaual i/roMem. A blow to hia ago. It ian’t that ha ob- atanda In the way, I baconM angry. Above all, don’t make auch an built In lOBl by tha federal govern­ Salary Raises May Jump te properly teft to the daclalon of SO.FOOT Jecta to my driving. I can take the Although wa have only bean m ar­ Uon. and East Barlln unemplo^cnt oiir highest Judicial tribunal." 4ouaf wife writea: “Becauae of an Oet Nowhere Argubig laaue of thia problem that you en­ ment opened earlier thia year, ia does not exiat.” l^tomobile accident before our car any^time during the day. Ha ried IS montha I feel that 1 can’t expecting a record number tbf Hartford, July 33—on--I>amo- The two of you aren’t going to Relief Program The violent Russian rsactlen to erata who claim that the State PLASTIC iju rrlan e my huaband loat hia driv- aeema to think thia ahould aatiafy atand much mora. I want your hon- danger tha happineaa of your mar­ touriata and arthritic aufferera Education Budget $14^000 get anywhere arguing abMt the riage. Remember that any problem Hot Weather (Coatlaued from Page One). the Western uid amphtaised thaac Senate redletricting law paaaed by matter. So you’d better try to find aeeklng relief. davelopmsats: the 195$ Icgialature te illegal, aay $2,700 (>>mpromi8e GARDEN HOSE no more aerioua than youra can be A new 2S-metre pool, half Otyai' Bome alternative to the atanda yon Bolton, July 23 -(Special)—The million dollars worth of free food The Eastern workers revolt still Gov. I:,odge agraad with them in have both taken. worked out if a couple aeta their pic aixe. haa been lighted by IT to hungry East Oenpany on July smoldered flerrAly In nontlnued his 1951 Inaugural addreas. 1.000-watt aubmerged lighta and Boerda of Education and Finance Settlement Sought Firat of all, have you tried to minda to finding a compromiae In- GeU Extra $1,556 10 and stuck by. it after Soviet scattered atrikee and slowdowns. $ 2 a 9 9 I^Fth find out if ansrthlng can be done to atead « t fighting about it. the 114-degree (Fahrenheit) water mat In a Joint three hour aeaalon In a belated look at the Oover- m m rr Foreign Mlnieter V. M. Molotov The Oimmunlits were known to nor'a address, tha Democrats noted get your huaband'a drivar’a llcanae laauing from tha roeka. SUITS iMt night for analyala of tha pro- denounced the offer ae "a clunuiy fear a sudden, aonewldc outbregk Free flow, reatota' all, wegthar, Chemical analyala haa eonfirmed yesterday that Lodge said in part: PUBBE -- -lASllC reatored? fAII righta reaerved, NBA Service, poaad education budget for 1953- propaganda maneuver." in the near future. The latest A $1,790 compromise settlement abrasloN, won’t crack, warp or Look into the aituation if you h e .) the exiatenee of radium in the wa- "If we do not r^ la trict during of a damage suit filed against the 54. A final figura haa not aa yet A high Amcricen official aaid walkout was reported in Soviet- thia Bcaalon (1951) we cannot, peel. Wlthatande maa,r ttmea aagl* been eatabliahed although it la ex­ the Ruaalan protect would be re-- fi. A W. Company In behalf of aix- aary water preeaoree. SoMd hrnto • T R O P I C A L W O R S n O S exploited uranium mines. under ouc Constitution, do iso until yaar-otd Gary D. Smith, will b e ' pected to ba In tha neighborhood jected flatly. Other U. 8. officiate Many strlka leaders have gone 1941. roopllnga, H|ri*fweight, SexM a and submitted to Probata Judge John : eaay to kaadle. of $105,000. « termad it "too abeurd to commant underground, evading a wave of Party spokesmen said yaaterday J. Wallett for approval Ifl a hear- { • WOOLIN Md RAYON TTila la an increaae of approxi­ on except It Implies that Ruaate new arresta by the fUkl secrst po­ that this statement backs up their Ing July 39. I mately $14,000 over leat year’a fig­ will go to extreme lengtha to ciit lice but maintaining their in­ claim, to be beard in tha State Oeauine Snap-I.ork ure. Incraaaa in enrollment at tha btr outside aid to the Oermane they fluence over employee in hundreds Supreme Court in October that re- Oarx, who ilvaa at 23 Apel place, injured hte lag In a fall at th e' • RAYON «Ml A c n A n acgool ia expected to total about ara oppreseing." of nationalised enterprises. districting of the State Senate Is Illegal tn any legislative eeaaion plant teat August. TTie S. A W .. TROUSER West Berlin welfare w-orkcra 'Vaunted Soviet emergency food (tempahy waa formerly known aa .ii. aujy!ri7.’caarr.u:.;ji-te»;yai .vfJ»a p(tf hedASOSL frsa fpod. panjate. shlpmimte-rrJ«r.;.;.jMiiy—4wyt. .been except the . one "Jiext^ after’’ tb* -the Oakland -Paper Mill of--M M-: PIC-NIC •IWWllACRdN " ““ through the iron curtain yester­ qiilckiy exhauatad In (test German dccehhia) ftxteral' c‘er»inie.“ cheater. ! -CREASERS 550.00. day axpreeaed fear the note meant state chain storea,______Despite the Oovernor’a state­ Tba-heariag on the. propoaed aat-1 far . chMdraa aad .. adwKa. — -Thte Includw an extra-teacher ftuaalan tanka and troops soon The Soviet lone aiimmer harvest ment; thettemocrau noied. Lodge B < ^ S needed becauae of tha increated signed Into tew a redlatricting bill tlament waa aet down at the re- EHmInalee Ironing. might seal off East Germany so te critically endangered by lack of queat of Gary'a father, Earl.\. enrollment and regular salary In- that no Western relief at all could labor, though miners from the passed three years after ,the cen­ creaaen as well aa an adjuatmept enter. brown coal industry have now- sus. 59c Fair S10.9& in the salary achedule. The pohra 1.75 Bemyenov'a note was hia second been Impressed into harvest bt-i- I-odge, tn answer, said he waa of Education haa aubatahtiated the referring "to the claar duty of the 3 Fairs $1.69 Rof. $13.91 HercV the happy way to a eatery achedule by coh>pariaon to the United States In flve days. gades. froRi Ha charged Saturday that U.S. Eighteen thousand membei-i 1951 General Assembly to perform Qiitk Rtlltf with aurrounding towna of. almllar Its constitutional function. There BiM and cnnditlona aa Bolton. planes dropped "enemy" leaflets on have deserted the East aone's / (HOUSEWARES DEI»T.) two Russian military air bates In Communist party since tha June was no reason to anticipate thia PiU IrritatiM In the raae of two neighboring abdication of duty. 1 had no occa­ 40 years ago a BulTalo druggist rural towna, the achedule la from East Germany. There has been no 17 uprising. The state security formal reply but American of sion to consider what 1 underataad created an ointment to relieve Itch­ $100 to $306 higher than the local ministry te probing them in a to be the lagal do<-trina of continu­ SW E€TH EART flnlate described that story ai hunt for ausperteil "enemies of the ing amarting piles. It brought auch Bchedute, it waa atated. The achool ing duty soon to be anuod before nonsense; repubilc." quick, cooling, soothing, astringent board policy in regard to eatery Jaa lalkowic* the Supreme Court of Errors. This achadula of tearhera. It waa point­ Semyenov's wrath today ren relief that its fame spread acroaa the land making Peterson's Oint­ ed out, waa not to eatabliah trenda tered on the relief market set up ment a favorite In thousands of M A N L O W ^ test w-eek In West Berlin's Kreiix- RAYON but to maintain a salary program E ast Hartford Jan Ixikqyrich. homes. Ask your druggist today that will attract and retain good berg borough by ^Mayor Willy Instnirtion in Giiitar 3 North Rehool street, Manches­ for 45e box or 70c applicator tube. of a FIGURE teachers. ter, received a 31..555 supplement Kreasman. It dispensiM milk, pota­ BAHTLY Mandolin, VioNn. Piano, AIR-CONDITIONED RAYON and A ^ ^ n Meie4 In Two Weeks toes, and fruits to 25.000 Soviet Paterson's Ointment delights or tn an award of $944 whlch-he won Accordion and Drania money back. The budget will be further dia- last October In Pratt A Whitney sector residents at one-flfth the euaaed by the Board of Finance at Alreraft’a aiiggeatlon program, normal cost. It w-as replaced this OIL CO. Instmnicntn, a apectel meeting on August 4 William i^‘.Gwlnn, general man­ w-eek by terger simllsr projects TELMI-9-4I9B Mnaical SappHca Pur* {oy, what a Fermfit consultation with our corsat do* when all budget requests will be ager, announced today. operstlng in seven West Berlin partmont's oxport fittors can do for you! You'll find tha TROUSERS reviewed for presentation to a boroughs, or ML9-4S94 Orchestra For Hire public hearing tentatively set for This makes lalkow-ich, a group leader In machine parts stores, Semyenov ronlended the Kretiz- aniwart to your figura problems. You'll ba fittod in tha Oaod aateeUM.of pottarna. \ August 10. berg low- cost msrket was staffed DUBALDO An "off-the-cuff" observation of the sixth maximum aa-srd winner RANfiE AND FUa Ufa Ira, Girdia or Foundation that- doas tha most for In tjie alx-and-a-half-year history by "Faacist agents In the disguise a Board of Finance member test of food vendors snd wss shut you. You'll axparianca a new fraadom and comfort only night was that the proposed edu­ of the praeent suggestion plan, OIL DISTRIIUTORS MUSIC CENTER and the first employe to reach down becquse of the msss protests thasa axclusiya^Formfit creations M n give. So, don't cation budget Increase might not of West Berlin unemployed and ISfi MIDDLE TPK. WEST affect- the tax .mill' rate this yAse, the. 33.500. mark, in two iiutaJl-. menti. the poputace of East Berlin.’’ ' 131 M M b Siratt mist this chance to discover the happy and up The opinion wss based on tha sup­ The note charged that the food way to • levaliar F g u r a - ^ position that the grand list might His suggestion, which placed reach four and a half'mittloh dol­ second in October, waa to salvage lars this fall.-aa against four mil­ . ..lit some rotory surface tables seh^- i-a^mte ia iifiiaa Others at S4.50 and up lion test yesr. uled to be scrapped. He pointed Life Bra ( A - B - C ) ...... $1.25 to $5.95 Tncreaaea Voted nut that they could be made toi At a separate meeting last meet the requirements for .some AIR-CONDITIONED Life Girdle ...... $7.50 night, the Bosrd of Finance voted tables used In the North Haven Im-reaaea in the appropriations to plant that had to be purchased 25 to 34 waist— 15" and 16" length CEHOIISESSON election, zoning and county tax from a vendor. accounts. Originally, five tables were CORSET SALON The recent referendum on two W E flIV F JNur GREEN . < f T A M P S salvaged, and slnec then 14 have constitutions! smendments neces- been added tn the list. This Is sitsted sn lnerea.se of 312.5.00: more than the suggestion rommil- OUR lOOHi ANNIVERSARY YEAR supplies and expenses of the AHL tee anticipated, hence the supple­ zoning commission required an | mentary award. 1 additional .315.00; and the county It- • tax seeount wss Ineressed 320.00 j At PAWA att suggestions’"are ------Manchester's Headquarters For to rover the full amount of the reviewed periodlrajly, even after Mil, which wss not svsilable when the aw-ard haa been made, to check the evaluatinn and make up the budget wss drsw-n up last aiimmer. ' the difference if an Idea has been underrated. FOR TODArS NEW lOEAS (•range Plan* Mystery- Ride FREEZER SUPPLIES Bolton Orange will undertake Us usual mystery ride on Friday Members sre urged not to miss K. V. P. FREEZER PAPER IN FOOD KEEPING night. The de.stinatinn is unusual VM. this yesr and It Is on* of the Friday’s program. | regrets of the rommlttee In charge Coming Eveola | E. Z. FREEZER PAPER that It must remain a mystery. The volunteer Are department Woweyer. they dp.atata that It is will hold Its semi-monthly mid; A LU M IN U M FOIL * something of a "museum* piece." week drill tonight. They will meet The business meeting of the at the firehouse at 7 p.m. S»:ALRIGHT •matic (Trsnge w-ill begin promptly at R Personal Mentloa p.m. Friday, leaving- the (kim- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schlff of . TNERMOREX OONTMNERS munltjr Hall at * 30 in the hope High Mekdow road are the parents 'Wa'rimm’e'few aeeonds of day of a" dsiightef bom at Hartford ‘will remain for observation st the Hospital on July IT. | LOCKER BOXES “ destination of the ride. ALUMINUM FOitWASE The tradition of serving «-ater- Maacheetee Evening Herald Snl- Ml Big S u m m e r mrlon on the oeesslon of the mvs- ton eorreepondnit, Mr*. Joeeph Boh* and Froon Piotos and Confoinort FRIGIDAIRE (sry ride w-lll also be mslntslheii. ITItalla, telephone Mitchell 3-.'UM.V 'i ..♦.'‘up f« « TITE-PAK HBER CONTAINERS _ __ LOCKER BOX LINERS, LOCKER BOXES „ ^ S c o o p FO R GIFTS™ FREEZETTES (PinH, Quarts, 2 Quortt) can• * a ■ OR FOR YOUR OWN TRAVEL POLYETHLENE FREEZER TAPE THERE'S NOTHING HNER THAN ^ ... ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OP CANNINe SUPPUES S T -98 r r m Samsonite 3 PIECE DOUBLE DRESSER SUITE COMPLETELY AIR-OONDITIONED ONLY

m» oatly

DOUBLE DREISER—CHEST-MIRROR—BED \ You’ve beard, read about and teen AMERICAN MAPLl before . .. in the leading national publkacioos... in eiodel bomea . . . decorator letupt, . . better atorca . . . yt*, even on televiaioo.' But never before aUtbeae low ptkea. -pf - ' It’i Colonial Maple u only master craftsmen can build, SPECIAL PURCHASE! inspiring in iu mellow warmth, nigged in its eaduriag strength. You’ll treasure AMERICAN MAPLE for a. lifc-tw. ^ ______' ec: PuTchr —COTTON -.a IWW mSAtetewwentenev - - * FWW -tOffAS'-nf' ivDtioaiy"' W O M iN ^ S Sp wM» wM-oksnlmim ReH-te:Yey whh, big, aaporote Fraazar. i n — The Enish is applied through fpedal hand rubbing to liSwkm e #bf e l feed vighl et Holdi ap - to 47 -pounds of n.ammd , ■ ... bring out tlte lovtlyMftness'Ofvthi^^ furmtufei -i^sd yaw fingar. tie*. Aimthar . Ivy in qintojify-. kw p. if each, piece, p eacefully detailed front select anUdl Mfifla Frtfideln C m t o f f " D seta ond good for meniHs. and Birch, bearing the finishing touch of men who take • t$lW 101^ 4 aarvlca. • NIW IDf AS te >p

1. I ■ : -I 'i- :,V' “rT T w

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MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1953 PAGE SEVEN ,1 ------«A G E SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY tt. 1^68 iiiiaBiaaB£(i «ee« m m m m m s m f t ment yeeterde;day during a Miaa idO 'peaiiailnii*. ■ TZa'llaia. *at in- IssM* ihi USSR a Mnig, whisli glvM the aaiad a aUa all but ths most sxtrems WOEdBLT eatimated at dcUrmliwd afilJn, aerapt a aeean North Hrym , July 8B-4E-^Pallea which eaueedddamaga ee HUmrl^ptftPr false kbid af m at' laolatioolata to go .siloag with 18,000. Byrd, according ta R at^- fafflUy apartment ewnad hp die SMFD Voters Not Ready ■aid they had to "bedUy eject" SUlsa brickyard bare. Radio and TV Paator Will Serve But peaea la Karaa—what a thsm. Ha had aolvad ths problsm IBumam Byrd, 81, w wua------«M aad Holiday*.Ro»«aya.__Coaa., aa M~ «rM at tka Special Opinion Poll 4:U-WTHT-iB«Uy Crocker. (lie—WDKL—Bboppera' Bpeeiel. covy sklen In wintertime. There cllor at the John Robinson Youth Mat OBIca at Manchaalcr.Manchaa will have to tackle problems for fruitful, and aelfleas, role of his he aeld. "We were amaaed. It conference at Ottering, New Hamp­ i S n l CUaa KaU Xattar. 4:M - WDKCl-Tlie Reciiru dhoy. WTIC-World Newe Rnueduy. were report* that he waa murder­ waan't any huge and thiny Zia, or ' Weatover Air Fores Base, July WCCC—Newe: Record Review. WTHT—Ben Hawthorne. shire. which thsre stems to be no aolu- carssr. Voters of the South Manchaater WTHT—Jo* Olrend. WONB—Yankee kspraee. ed. Storiea that thia waan't Stalin any auper-pliu hearse. Juat an BUBBCKirnOIf SAtM tlon anyway. Everybody wants him beck at ■Fire District Indicated ladt night 33—High schobi graduates desir­ WTIC-Young Widder Broda. •WIIAT—Jeetin* with Wamp. >qt all. Reporta that he waa al- ordinary looking doted body truck. Clifton Ooodale, member of the Cool Payable ia Adraaea On these problems, we will bs bla duties in the Senate. We can they were not prepared to supply ing a commisrion as Air Force Ob­ 4:4( —VVTIC — The Women In My • ito-WCCC-Nawt; Braaktaat News- toady dead when the firat newa It waa blue.” local fellowship will attend the Oaa Taar^...... servers are urged to take acUea Houie. • of' hla grave lllneaa waa announced. conference for a week departing on Six Montha ...... abis to wrangit far months with­ guess that, if he were back, the the snsivar to a proposal to sell • (■e—WDRC—Newe; The Record Shoy. Win?C-Raillo Baiaar. . "Are you aure?” nrac Ifentha ...... tha district to ths town at this immediately. For the flrst time in WHAT—Newe: Bend by Demand. WDRC—Newa; Rhoppera Bpeciel. Again. I Juat don't know. But "Of course,” he aaid. “It came July 31. Oaa Month ...... out getting anywhere. We are cer­ luxui^ of eritlciaing him would time. •' yeSre, high echool graduates In WONB—Bobby Benson. • :4(—WCCC—Rreekfes; Neweboy. from wfiat I aaw It aeema reaaon- slowly up past the stables. (The Members of the church boards Cooking! Wockly ...... good physical condition may ap­ WTHT—News: Joe Olrend Bhew. liU-WONB-Oabriel Healler. and committee! ara requested to Sin (la Copy ...... tain to diSMvtr that that peace revive, with the oonaeryativea This feeling predominated tha WTIC—.liief Plain BUI. «:Sy—WOKO-Na* a. able that thinga happened about old Czarisl atablei now used a* a which is mtrely ths absence of finding him too liberal and the special meeting of the district, at­ ply for Observer training huullng WKNB—O. E. Benreboard; Buebell WCCr._l3 Hundre, anil »» Htta, the Way the official atory waa Kremlin garage), past the tin- have reporta and matters of buai- to a commiealon in the ‘Unitad FLOOR SAMPLE Matinee. WKNB-Newa; Tex Pavel Bhow. aeaa ready for the September MBMBCR o r liberala finding him too conserva­ tended by 63 voters, in the Spruce told. bossy, backed up to the Hall of TH* ASSOCIATMD FHBM . , war is a tangled, enasperating, Statea Air Force. Siia—WTIC—Front Pe*e FirrelL WHAT—News Morning Btsr Review monthly meeting. The August tive. But, when he ia absent, both street headquarters. :ie—WHAT—Croeby'e Quarter. W T H T —Braakfaa*. Club. Durine the daya they aaid the Coltimna and they took out the Cool Tha Aaaoclatad Fraaa la axcluaWaly futile atate of affairs. Ws art car- Thsre was no voting on' the An applicant must have a high ,WDRC—Memnry Lar.e. WTIC—Theater ef Melody, "Man of Steel”- a name he gave coffin.” meeting will not be held. antitlad to tha aaa e( rarabileatlon of tain to flnd auriMvea ascuniulat' agree he id essential. school diploma, paaa written quali­ WTIC—Lorenso Jonas. WONi-Newa, Start Clothlag Drive -aW aawa AlaMUhaa cfadltad la IL at lasue.. inasmuch aa. Judge- -John • tl*-rW9R.C—Muale. Off ..tha. Raeurd. . Jiinuelf by .tjie ufsy,; for he came . ____ ...... 'not oUiirwIaeeredlteti In thU paper ing amotiona which would like to 8. G. Rqttner rilled recently that fication test, arid ‘ be'IH~~'fohti wHAY—Campane Del MalUno. 'Tnfo''l1ilii 'virbrlfl' 'vrttti' tfie good "How Would I know?” nie aaid. - Second-hand arid tiaahlii ttothlng- and alao tha laeal ndwa publlshad ban. physical condition. Physical re- ia being collected for the needy AU-xl(hu at rapiihUaMoii of apa^ demand jAsrsleaaap^ ac­ there could be nothing binding on WKNB—Scoreboard: Dial for Dollarei WUNS— lark Duwnry's W aanrkl, Georgian naniu of DJugaahvili->- "Seven or eight guys.” dlipatchea harain ara alao reaarrad. Blue Mold. Disease the meeting and that the town- qilircmenta for Observer tr»i«ii«|f Baeeball Matinee. • ito-WCCC-Newa; IMO HIta, * waa dying. I t>****ri the. Kremlin Seven-or eight guya> An ordi­ and may ItoJaftat tha-Paraonage. tion, of the dealing af blows and S :4 S - w t m t — cun Maaeay ■ad’ Slertaa W*rTri—Newe: Tour Carder To date, 300 pounds of clothing has must flrst adopt a town lire de­ are the same as those aet up for Tilton WKNB—Dial for Dn|lare; Muale from many. !”uny llmea. nary truck. What was happening? Full aarTlca cllant al K. X. A. Sara- .the shedding of blood. We are In Tobacco Valiev partment befofe any steps could pilot trainees, with the exception WTIC—Notee and Quotex Hollfrwood. I went .by Ita cloaely guarded The doors to tha Hall 4>f Col been shipped with the Lediea' ao- of less stringent vision require­ W H A T —Newe. fite-WDKC-BInx Cro.hy, gatea at midnight and high noon, eiaty paying the poetage. $60.00 certain to de^alr of tha posalbili' be taken to include the SMFD. SiM -WONS-Cedl Brown. NeWX gigg—wn c—Medley Time. timna were opened shortly after **PuWl»hara RapraaanUtlTaa: Tha ments. Observers can have 30/60. ai dramatic savings! at dawn. In the mominga and In Filing cabinets for the use of the Juliua Mathawa Spaelal Asaney — Now ty of arranging anirthing or aolv •‘Pelltieal Potato” WHAY—Al Bat With Diplomat. WHAY—Famoue Triale. that to an amaalng apectade. muaic committee and Church Tork. Chicafo, I^trolt Hartford, July IS—ifi—Discovery Director Waiter Mahoney stood vslon that ran be correctable te avenlng * (:**-WDRC- Newe. the aftemoona and in the late win­ The wellow corpie in the fawn- MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF ing anything in this divided world of a typographical error in a news 30/30 with glasses. son--WDBL-Newa. IgiiO-WDRC-Aiihur Godfrey. ter twillghta. School have been procured with CIRCULATIONS. practlcaily alone on the "political WTIC—Newa. / WKNB—Hewa: Ed Swell Show. colored semi-fnllltary Jacket. Hia by proeeeeee of talk end nsgotie release when received in the mail Observer training' ia a 60-we4k WTHT—My iVue Story. •• There waa alwaya a great com­ proceeds from the Strawberry potato,” as he termed it. . WONB—Newa. hands stretched out stiffly, parai Festival. The Harald Priettn* Company. Inc.. tion and, compromise. Ws are cer­ today increased the Importance of . Oiiginstor of the most recent intensified program leading to Ob­ WTHT—Newe: .toe Otrand, w n c —Welcome Travriere. ing and going of aiitomobilea at WHAT—Sporle; Supper Serenade. WHAT-Newa In lUllea. the two traffic gatea of the Krem­ tel with the length of hia body. MaJdag Teaala Court aMumaa no Ananelal raaponalblllty■aponalbllll for tain to hays moments when we the first eppaerence of blue mold steps taken to get the town to servers wings and second Lieu­ WCCC-Muelc. The rouged cheeks. The enlarged .typotraphleal afrora appaaring In ad- dleeese in Tobacco Valley this tenant bars. During the last half WKNB—Newe: Sporle Scrapbook. lin—the one that leada into Red The Hollater lot atUacent to the VartlaeinenU andAiMi otbarnthmw raadlmrMAdlnr mattarroatUr feel like 'conceding that rsaaon has take over the operation of a fire S:II-/W TH —Strictly Sporta. 14:1*—WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. nostrils of the dictator ■■ you church and cemetery yard ia being In Tha Manchaatar Eranlag Xaial< year. department, Mahoney stood Arm in year of training the stud’ent will Electric Ranges WON8—Pdller By Patteraon. WHAT-Itallan Muelr. Sqiiare and the one near the no chance in thia world, wherefore Tha diaeeaa was identified Tues­ WDRC—Jack Zalman: Thia 1 Ba- It:l*-WTHT-Whiaperiag Streeta. Moakva River, a' few hundred looked at him from tho position prepared for use aa a tennis court, his beliefs that money could be specialize in one of the following WHAT-Newe in Italian, . DIapUy-----at.'rarUalng cloaing beun: force, even if it promisee only day in a shade tobacco field in Here. yarda from the mlntatry of de- of hla feet. Those surprislngiy duirrh Sei'vlcee ___ ay—1 p. m. Friday. saved. He asked the Board of Fire fields; bombardier, navigator, WKNB-Mualr. By Weelon. leiie—WDRC—Arthur GooTrey, delicate hands and tapered flager- .For Monday—1 p. Granby, tha Connecticut Agricul­ radar observer, radar intercept, • :xa -WDKt'—Huy Uimnardo. WONS—Myelery Shopper. fenae. Clifton Goodale waa guest or­ For Tuaaday—1 p. m. Moi^y. death, must be a preferable kind Commissioners to considler putting W nc—Bob Hope. tlpa. : For 'Wednaaday—I p. m. Tuaaday. tural Experiment Station warned. the question on voting machines to radar counter measures, aircraft , W r i c — Weether. On niimeroua nrcaaiona there ganist and Howard Jenninga guest USUALL'V $259.95. Knjny cool clpctric cook­ af attempted solution. Ita po^blc aeriousnesa was ex­ Gas Ranges WKNB-Muelcal Favorlle*. WHAY—Gemme Muelcall. The almost scornful look of thia ■ololat at the Worship service ELECTRIC .For Thuraday—1 p. m. Wadnaaday. get a more thorough opinion of performance engineer and bomber • ;ae-VVTlC—Rmile Cole Uiee Club. WKNB—Dial for .Dollare; Voice ef were ambulancea among the cara ing and baking right, now . . . and for years For Friday—1 p. m. Thur^y. We are going to feel all thaae plained because this ia the first ruahlng In and nut of the gatea. very tough man. A look takan Sunday at the Congregational ■For Saturday-1 p. m. Mitoy. voters In the district. defense officer. WTHT—Serene Gammell. Newa Mancheiler. to come . . . with t^hi.s up-to-the-minute 19,5.'l ways, from time to Umt, if we do time Mut mold has. Invaded tobec. WONS- Auto Tune Derby. WCCC—NeweUuelc. Several tlmea I noticed email first- Into death. Hia decorations lying Church. Claaalflad daadllna : 10: W A aa aaeb After Andrew Ansaldl had been For complete Information write, W K N B -D lal tor Dollare; Dinner 14:4*- WTHT-When a Oirl Marriaa range. Big automatic pre-heat cut-off and RANGE day of publication except SatureJay— get truce in Korea, end then go on CO fields since ItSl, when tha dam. W'tAT—Hellen Mutic, aid cara carrying what certainly on a silk pillow at tha lower end Sunday the Vesper service will : I age was counted in the millions. named temporary chairman for call, nr visit Aviation Cadet Selec­ Dale, of the coffin. The wildemeee of • am . Gas Water' Heaters 4 : 4*— WDRC -Newa. w n c —It Paya In Be Married. looked to be oxygen tanka. And I be heM at the home of Howard | ' floodlighted 2-elem^nt oven; Automatic oven into the busineas of trying to eat lASt ysar it appeared but was the meeting and Jack Gordon the tion Team 65. Weatover Air Foroe I* : lU— W l IN 8— V ,-w secretary, Mahoney was the flrst Bose, Chicopee Falla, Mass., or ■ WTIC—Three Star Extra. saw anlemn-faceti men. Women flowere, tome reel, S4>me arUflclal. Sprenkle. ! V timer; electric clock; floodlighted top with Wednaadsy, July M tie some of tha world’s problems confintd to tha sasdbeds. WTHT -Sporle Il:*»—WKNB—Newa; (40 Club. dressed in white who looked to be The ebb and flow (if stringed music Feraeaal Mention i f to speak. He reviewed the many your nearest Air Force and Army WON8—Sporle D lgeet WUNS--Ledlea Fair. Quick-Heating 7-hcat .surface units and 6- by peaceful means. We will at The warning originated from tha WTIC—Strike It Rich, nurses. I can't say the men were ■awed out by aweatlng aad aiight- Mr. Ronald Bockui la a patient | f $199.95 Windsor laboratory Of the station points he has stated for the press recruiting station. g;je-W THT-8porta quart Scotch Kettle. Limited quantity. meat long for war again, wonder­ In the past, auch aa elimination of . Vacuum Cleaners 9;to- WON8—Fuitor. Lewie. Jr. w nrr—We the Women. doctors, for If there's any dlatln- ly bewildered mualdana. The sear­ at the Windham Memorial Hoa- ' m Wrong Woy At Wrong Tli and was relayed to the station at WTIC—I Wee e Comraunlet for the WDRC—Arthur Gudircy. giiiahing look about a Russian doc­ ing why we ever gave it up when the board of commissioners, tax WHAT—Italian Program. ing. dazzling arc lights. The pin­ plUI. I 1 An unpardonaWe irony in our Naw Haven Tuesday for prepere- FBI. II:(»--WTHT—We the Women. tor. t don't know It. point apoj lights. The high whine Mrs. John Spanahan, Sr., of El- : ^ we had It. tlon in mailed newa releases. collector and treasurer. He pointed w n n e Fam ily Skeleto'n. WHAY—I.'lulia Canla. palationa with tha Unitad Nationa out there were full time .men In Time Is Worth WTHT—Weather. Headline Edition. I saw Marshal Voroahilny on one of movie cameras. The sing. slug, lington la visiting at the home of j.a The dlsaese la confined thus far W k .v B—New*: M»l Allen; Hit of the II :U- WU.VH->NrWB. Tet all we have to do to resolve these town posts who could handle WDRC-^rAnd*^ ^l*m. occasion. My car waa atanding be­ slug of thousands of pairs of feet her daughter and aon-in-Iaw Mr. > f la davaloplng, and it should form in Granby to one section of a field Home and Farm' Freezers n*-. fore a red traffic signal when hia and Mre. Eiwood Hudson. ! t any such manUI tendency U to measuring M feat square between the positions. ^ $5 Per Minute WllAY—N*w»: Supper Serenade. W nC^Th* PhrM« That Ptyi. passing by the bier. A Lear or two. « top| concern for .Preaidant Ici,'. wo.N8-Tc!ni-tee*. .WONB—Oue#n for • Day. long, black Zla (literally, factory Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson at- | 8 think where these problems came four shade tent poets, an. area Personalities did not enter into WHAY —Muiifr. _ And hundreds upon hundreds of Kiaianhirirerh peraenal raaderahip. the picture, Mahoney added. . IVTIIT .Elmer-Davie. im the name o f Stalin t rolled aiow- curibiia atarea from the Russian tended the iymerican L«egion con- 1 - from in the first place. They ail known aa a "bent." The New WKNB -Here'e To Veterene, WTHT—DouWe or Kotbinf. ly past. He Juat looked like Vcir- ventltm at Hartford Friday. ] J Meriden, July 33—i^Pi- -Tbe time "■KNR—Ciieet Star people who couldn't get near thia ^ The ^ y id that. Jt^ At the came from ware whl<», ia Uielr Haven etation's warning received Fairly flood Job WKNB—Dial for Doilara; 640 Club. IV mail today read "one- bed,’’- of a, Meriden city-aldenaaa la Electric Clotlvg^Driers ~~ WDRC—Johnny Mercer Shoe. oahjlov as I'd seen him so many man when he waa alive- Now they M dhesU ede^ inomont when Soviet '(Ruiaia ia - “I am not- criticising the com- wTTer—N»win*f-»ne Wortif; - .Ait4A.'..-WDilCr-r-.Uoaema/’yw...... time, w m preaaed on to vie and was captioned "Mue mold in missionerx They have done a fair­ worth 96 a minute, as tha New WTIC—Second Chance. tlmea; There waa no algn-of'emo­ eould,'' .'•r'pvldlng they 'had the ■ Mleeheoter Bvenlag HeraWAri- WTHT—I.tine Ranger. tion. daver earraspoadent, Mrs. George j g moving forward into a wider par­ torious, seemingly sweeping and tobacco aaedbed.” ly good Job. But I firmly believe Haven Railroad found out todaj’. i\ONS—li'.hr.el lleetter. WCCC—A m «nd of Youra. strength and courage to etand On another (Kcaalon I recognized Jong hours in long lines. For the Nelaaq, telephone PDgrtm 3-8785. j ticipation In UN actlvitiaa, wa are dedatvs eonclusiofui. in the end, Seedbed infection is an eeri.v we can save the taxpayers money Laat May 11, a Nrvr Haven road WDRC—Johnny Merrer Bhow. 11 :U -WTHT—Turn to a Friend. development before plants ara set freight train kept Alderman Rich­ WK.NB-Tiipe In l*r>pi. arteriinna Lazar Kaganovich, highest placed great leveler had come by. And drawing back. were solve UtUe or nothing, but by having the toi^ operate the ■ Automatic Washers t:4»-WDRO—Ed Murrow. Jew In Russia. But 1 waa more in­ In fields. Dr. Gordon S. Taylor department." ard Kimball waiting at a grade WONS-Bert Beehrech'e Men'e Cor­ 12:9G-”WCCC—Make Mine Muale. they saw for themselves that We have always chided and create problems' even worse than of the Windsor laboratory mads He indicated that taking the croaaing. Thr alderman who ia ner. WTIC“ N^»». n rather, terested in the procession—and it Joseph Stalin died Juat am other m y k ; WTIC One .Men’e FemBr. WDRC—Wend' Warrm. waa almost that—of ambulances critidsad Russia for ita lack of those they themselvee wars pre well versed in the Connecticut W HAT—Nawa In Italian: Muaic. mortals do. A man's life had ended, the correction today when in­ South District first was like a t;.W WTIIT-Newe. and inedical cars. child taking its first step. “You statutes, sued the road for 936 un­ |:ee WDRC FBI In Peace end WONS—Curt Maeeey Tune.,* and an era had ended. Interest in -.and support for tha tending to solve. We, must try to formed of the "seedbed” warning. WTHT—Don Cardfner. Newa. Aa long as they kept coming and Although found only In one sec­ can only take one atep at a time der an obscure statute which pro­ Wringer-type Washers ' War. aubsldlary activitlya of tha Unitad seivs ths hsritage of treubis we WTHT-Mvetery Theater. WKNB-Newa: Sporle Digeat. going it was re.Tsonable to auppoie Tomorrow: Tlw CoM War tion of a field. Dr. Taylor said and I believe this la the first vides that the railroad must pay WTIC—My'R*in Jeep. I3:I6-W 0N8— 11. R Baukhage. Nations. We )iava always aaid that have, peacefuUy, without com­ ’ WTIC—Medley Time. that Stalin w a a alive. i How It Grew. infection In this apot was heavy. step." 935 ip anyone delayed more than IM rime File,, pf Flemonf.'. Then one day I didn't aee any of .Ruaala, if it ware a decent nation pounding it by mors war. Cloudy or wet weather with cool Atty. George C. Lessner rose to five minutra by a atanding train. WJIAY—Newe; Perry Como. WDRC—Aunt' lennIe’B Storiaa. object to any move by the district WKNB-Newe; Summer Serenade. WKNB-BInff Croaby. them. THIEVES MISS LOOT In the world, would show It by nights below 70 degrees could al­ Judge Edward M. Rosenthal to­ Refrigerators l:I S -W t lA Y - Serenade In Blue W rlA Y —((♦‘inriia 0»| Program. Early the following morning ...xooperatlng in UN programe for low the diaaaee to spread. now. day awarded Kimball the stlpu- WTHT-City ol Tlmee Square. Il-rv—WONS—Muelr Box. "We cannot vote intelUgentty g;.'te-W'DhC—i)r. Clirietien. WTHT—JasK Berch. _____ they announce the death of S.tAhp., JIallaa-uPi- ^8omebody atole the the benefit of humanity. And new, — BiiihR’i VEcsttoM ------A l a bontiol measure. Dr. Tay­ lateri 92?. There was no bppoMtiOrt ■ •WTTC—The Creit RlldereTee'ye. lt:Sb'-VYDRC Rouianca of Htiee the man of so many myths, the rar of a New York salesman in lor said the fungicide xineb ap­ yet. There are too many looae from the railroad. wiiN-q—("rime FIxhIere. Trent. Imperlaliabir. the everlaating. the when Russia ahewa aigna of doing ends to be spelled out. We know WHAY—Koetelaneli Condiicie. WTIC—Marjorl* Mllla. Dallas. The salesman. W. F. Stew­ Ambaaaador Charles Bohlen ia plied at the rate of 3 3-4 to 4 Kitchen Oil Heafere “ perpetual. The leader and teacher. art, waa pretty worried about It Just this, what ia happaning? Wa pounds of actual aineb per acre nothing about the mechanics of WTHT-Clly of Time Square. WCCC—Ntwa. on hla way back to Meacow, aftsr consolidation yet. Our counael. ■ (:e e AVTIC You Be.t lo u r L,lfe. WHAT—I.aRooa Program. According to propaganda, the wis­ because the rear tfunk compart­ A-79.50 eurAlves ara pulling back from has given good results. It may WDRC—rieyhoiiee. VU^ONS—Tka Women^ Page. est genius of all time. conaultationa with Sserstary of (Judge Rottner) has told us the -W T H T —*4#wa. ment eontained imported lingerie our own support of these vary be applied aa dust or spray with \VONS--N*we; Family Theater. Hia body was to he in atate and linens which he valued at Btata Dullaa in Washington. first steps must be taken by the tVTHT—Weetern Rounefup, WKNB—Man on the Street. same activities. an airplans or mist blower. Local Stocks Room Space Heaters WHtr^^ Newe; Night Weteh 1S:4>^-WDRC—Our Gal Sunday. but not for long tn the Hall of 9100.000. town. It la up to the town fathers W THT—P erry Como. Thus snds aomsthlng of a fares. Spray may leave a residue that f :Se W DRC—To Be Announce,!. Columns, tn the Houae of the Trade Police found the cat two daya This is being done- -or It to make Oie first move. Let them W U.N’S -tJonge of Our* Time WKNB- Patteea. When Berla was llguidatsd, Afp- can reduce the tobacco quality, ll:iS-W ONS-CaAie« Lady Talka Unions. Oddly, perhaps, tn this later. Stewart anxiously opened while dust ia lets likely to do so. provide for the town fire depart­ "TU T Croeeflre threatens to come about—in tha baaaador Behlsn was in Faria, on ment and then tell us what they Coban • auddiebceek, laa. WTIC—Truth or Conaequencee. I WDRC—New* building where the great purge the trunk compartment. The mer­ current actions of Oongrasa. Growers ran consult the station's arc going to offer. Then, and then I p. m. orlcn le ae- WDRC -Sum m er In St. I^Mili. W THT-Ken end Carolyn. trials were held. chandise hadn't been dlatuitied. 1 « his way to a Msditerranean vaca­ circular 181. "Combatting the BiuU^Stoeka novs-FrefiK Ertwaroe W (X^—Mane beater Matinaa. The American embassy al that Tha other day, Russia aad Po- only, can we be In a position to WTHT—Newe of Tomorrow; Concert WTIC—.New*. tion. Ha was on vacation in spite bl}ie mold” by Dr. P. J. Anderson, clearly indicate the _right an­ Bid Aaked Hour. WONS—.New* time waa IcKated between the CANINE MUSICIAN ' -land both aanouaead that, for tha of the faet'-tliat he had Just at- for further information. First National Bank M T K IN S V W TliV Advp'ntur^n oT fk urlM Pim- W H AT—Naw*. Kremlin and the H»II of Column*. Some .good newa was added to swer." - ...... of Manchester . . . . *'• nrm eL...... 1:1*— wDRt>-Ma P erkin * first time, they wars going to em- rivad in Moscow a faw wseks. be- Leaaner also asked for* a count 33 >4 874 w h a t —Newe: Night Watch. WONB—Tankae* Food Shn 'The p^iple jthere hod a firsthand Pueblo. Colo.—(ff)—Lash, a tribute to the United Nationa day by Dr. TSylor who said hot of property owners at the meeting Hartford National HiUV—W O 'vS—Muele f.oTer'e Hour. WTIC-Roaa. The Muekal view of traffic along the atreeta- guide dog. haa been made an hon­ fers. He was on vacation ia spite weather recently has killed at Bank and Trust ., 30 81 !•:*#- WDRC—Neae: Moode for Ro­ WHAT—Petty Kfmhalt. . almoat deserted by now, for the orary member of the Pueblo Muat- technical aasiatance funds. The of the fact that. In the days be- and 48 hands were raised. mance. _ rTXa-WDRC--Yomi» Dr..Malone. least part of tha fungus which In­ Francis P. Happeny said he Hartford Conn, tiust WTIC Clifton triley: Report from ^ WCCC—Newa: Muelr Rooni authorities had closed them to or- clana' Agfe11,00—.Vewe oil *11 etalloni. . Matinee. leader. \ B-79.50 present appropriations plans, ia istration had said a great deal added that it was unusual for him 03 WllAY—Nile Watch. , l:4»t-\yDHC—Quiding Light. sands. to disagree with Mahoney, alnce Fire laaoraace Compnniaa WTHT—f-'idmln C. Hill: Organ Melo- WONS—Connecticut Ballroom, cutting our contribution to this about how important it was for GI Is Recaptured Aetna F ire ...... 8i 53 FINAL CLEARANCE rtlea. W T ir —Cotton Bow! .Game. cause down to 95,000,000, which. he always favored Mahoney's de­ tl WDRC—Newe WTHT—Tony Martin. ua to havs a man who rsaliy knew cisions. Hartford Fire ...... 150 155 W T H T -Sporte Re|v>rt. S :a a -W D R C —3ei ono Mrp. Burton In the view of tha UN offtdala Russia in Moscow during these ex­ Wrong Angle National Fire 81 84 Show. WCCC—Muale. ■ After Train Leap Phoenix ...... eo 05 WONS -W ax work!. WONS- Connecftcu' Ballroom. A»ncemed, would practically wreck citing and dramatic times. I: "But this is the wrong angle." W T IC —N 'w l. WTHT-Newa: Rua« Morgan. • the UN prpgram Juat at the mo­ Happeny continued. "We are not Ufe and Indemany loa. Oaa. W ONS—Jack’ * W axworke. >vy|C_The Oi.iore Wife apite of all thU, he was in Paris, Hartford,* July , 33—(/F>—Police going to give the town anything Aetna Casualty...... 110 117 WDRC—You and the World. WHAY—Newe; Yeeierday'a HU Pa­ ment it is beginning to be meat vacationing, when the purge of Aetna L ife ...... 71 74 I l,y * W D P I' ■Svinpnony Hall. rade, . ■aid a 30-year-old AWOU Maasa- more to run. They can't run what WTIC—To Re Announced. WKNB -Newa: Baeeball Mallnee. fruitful. Boris took place. chuaetta soldier leaped from a they have now." Conn. General ...... 187 104 W H AY—.Nit* Watch, l!i*--WDrtC—Perry .Maeon: Hartford Steam Boil. . .40 48 i ; ea - W D R C —Newe, WTIC-Cilrbatore Quli. The other day, for the firat time, Becretary Dullee aUempted to moving train taking him back to Olvit Defence -Director E-Jwaid SALE Krasenica aaid "We have heal'd Travelers ...... 710 780 ■ wTrc=Trxw«; B»bTmd Rar. - - - Tf!*--WEinr — Newri'Yahkee*— vr- Ruaala voted la poaltlvc support raaeue Rohlen with a boast that Fort Dlx, N. J., last night but was rharedat Meralar rieveland. -I captured by detectivea in' a bus Walter's raasons. He haa present­ PrtkBe UttBOee 3: 2i— W O.NS—.New* of another UN program, tha In­ Conn. Light Power .. |:ee-W TIC-rrayer; Frank Atwood, Bohlen had “pradlctsd" the fell of terminal. ed his case. Tha -co'mmlaaioneri 14(4 18 g-.ee—W DRC-,-Farm Program . 3 WCCC—Newa Muale. C-179.00 ternational Cailldran's Fund, aa, at Beria, and the Inference was have gone on record, according to Conn. P ow er...... 38(4 38 (i ON SUA\MER APPAREL k:l»—WDKC—Ilymi Time. WONS—Conn. Ballroom. The detectivea acted on a - Hartford Elec. Lt. . . . g:M -W TIC—Newe. W DRC—f o r a Drake Geneva, tha UN Economic and Bo- launehed that Bohlen had cemc to port from New Haven Railroad tha papers, aa opposed. Will you 51 <4 53 (i (:ge-W ONS—Teneee Expraaa. Hartford Gaa Co...... 35 38 WTHT—Top HU Time. . clal Council voted unanimoualy to Peris in order te be closer to police that the OI broke from thr give ua your /esaonsT" WDRC—Yawn Petrol. 3:4i—WDRC—Briantei Day, Commltaloncr George Hunt at­ 8o. New England . WTtC—Weather Frank atwood. WONS—Conn. Ballroom. make this a permanent^ agency. custody of an Army sergeant and Tel...... WCCC—Breakfaat Neweboy. W TIC —N ew * Washington for purpotes o f emor- tempted to clarify many questions, 33(4 88 (fc And, on the very same'day thia Jumped from the train at the Wal­ MaaotaeswE^ Om Toddlers’ .GIRLS' SUN Group of FALL WHAY—Barred Heart. 3;0#-.-WDRC—Hilltop M o n ae .' gancy conaulUUon. Bo Bohlen was nut street railrosd crossing hei-c. soms of them off the eubject of WTHT—Morning Devoilone. WCCC—Muale. Summer Furniture Am. Hardware...... 18 (;4* WTHT—Morninx Derotloea WO.NB—Jack D ow aey'a W axworka. was happening, at GentvA ths summoned to Washington. Det. Sgt. Julisn P. Darmsn the evening. He told the attending 18 Appropriations committee of tha Arrow, Hart, Heg. - . . 354 384 DRESSES WK.NB—Newe WTHT—Newa; Top Hit Time. Actually, according to Wash­ identified the soldier as Alfred J. voters "ws srs opposed at thia Asaoc. S p rin g...... 374 SUN DRESSES DRESSES W HAY--(’.onneclkut Timetable. W Tir-I.lfe Can Be Beautiful. . House al Washington was aliml- time. We are not -oppose 1 to S0(i (: 1*-W UN »—Early Eoitioa. WHAY—Newa; Record Review. ' ington report, Bohlen no more pre­ Goguen of 43 Allyn street, Fitch­ Bristol Brass ...... 15 17 ond summor ihoors ,WTIC-N’ewe. burg, Mase. He said the soldier eventual consoUdation." l:l.V—WDRC-Houae Party. Just a few pieces remaining at big savings. nating entirely our proposed-ap­ dicted the fall of Beria than did Cheney Bros...... 104 UV Rog. to 4.91 Y:#e--WTHT—B»n Hawthorne. wn*”—Road of Life. propriation of Ig.'OOO.OOO to this was being held for military OoeeaUdationr .COIIina ...... *0 105 WTIC—B*>b Steele. 3-.an- A’cee-Newe; Miulc. Mostly latvn umbrellas, umbrella tables; s any other Meacow envoy. He did ■uthoritiaa. Krasenica queatloned the use of WDRli-N'wellme WTHT—Country Muale. fund. Km-Hart ...... 38(4 414 1.99 1.99 WHAY'—N ewe; Cup of Coffee Club. W TIC—Peppei T(>unga Fam ily. , few occasional tables, chairs and beach upn. report that Red Army Unks had When first questioned by detec­ the phrase '"coacollaatlon." saying Fafnir Bearing...... 38 (k 8hd 2 * WCCC—(I'Mid Morning, Good Muale. - WDRC—Houae Parly. brellas. A chaise lounge .in black satin and These decisions at Washington, entered Moscow on e certain day. tivea, Goguen said he had been as­ this was not a part of the aubject. Hart Cooley ...... 40 _ WKNB—Pnlnnle I;4S—WCCC—Jiinio* ntec Jockey. still tentative and still not beyond saulted by two other Baldiers. Hunt* aaid "I cannot see how Landers, Frary. d k . . WO.N8-;-Weether; Newe; Yankee Ba- WDRC^WIaard of Odde. a glider (at this writing). Quality-made to end that Beria was. oenaplcuously 35 37 fermBrIy 2 .9 1 16 tv'jic—The Rirnt To Hebplneai. (escur,^ seem to reflect' an inner robbed of 8100 and thrown from you can aeparate the two. They Naw Brit. Mach. Co. . 354 384 Rog. 2.98 to $.98 7:lg^\V^C—Bob Steele. *:**—WDRC-II Happen* F.very Day give years of lasting service. Subject to absent from e theater party WONS—Newe; Ter.ke« Expreea gore of isolationism in Congrea- a moving automobile. are binding oh orie another. If you North and Judd ...t-. 38 38 4.91 4 :a *^ W D R C -R oh ert Q. I„ewia; Chl- prior sale. Communist dignlUriea ths He later admitted that the atcry were to ask Mahoney or any of Ruasetl Mfg...... , tixot 3 to 10 siios 3 to 12 * .T,e*—WTIC—Wret^her; Bob Steele. ragoan*. -Sional commlttsss rather than a 114 134 lizBs I 3 Y :» —WDRC—Old Mueic Box. WTlPr—K-N e w * . Thia, rather than prcdictii was a fabrication and told police his petitioners, 1 am sure thev will Stanley Work com. ,. 45 484 sub-toons . . 3.99 WCCC—Newe; Oo<« Morning Muale. W etV—Mueic. - drtve for economy. Or it seems, at thing, was mere Hkc repertini; an he was AWOL. said bs was be­ tall you it is a step towards con- Terry Steam ...... 87 87 WKNB—Newe; Phil Hale Show. W H A T —N ew * WTtC—Beclutage Wife. Dual Purpose least, that this kind of economy aeeemplished feet. ing taken from* Fort Devena, eolidatlon. Am I correct. Welter 7” Torrington ...... 37 38 Watkins SUN SHOP is particularly attractive because Mass., to Fort Dix where he was 'Mahoney answered, "Yes, I U. S. ^velopc com. . 70 -80 Pull a woolen skirt taut aa you About ell that was accomplished U. S. Envelope pfd. .. 80 GIRLS’ it decrees a sharp turn toward originally stationed when he' went j^ess it does eventually lean to 84 mostly oil l O Y i ' press It to get rid of a baggy aet- by aummening Bohlen to Wash­ AWOL five months ago. consolidation." Veeder-Root 30 S3 Out look. Isolationiam in our relationship ington was. we would Judge, to Hunt continued by saying the The above quotations are net tn Television with the United Nationa. ' break up his vacation plena, and questions the commissioners pub­ be construed ee aetuel markets. Vs^iVIM SUITS Girls'ind Boys' SWIA^ TRUNKS Sleep Equipment Nobody abroad can reconcile Zilsel Questioned lished were Important to us. "We WNHC .'—etJ.«rPR;ffawai,wiit»*iiW r m *. l.m - Yea. ;i”>sr-i-»T*iienai send him hack to hla poet of duty CAR HKIDS. DRIVER H l^T PM. such developments in Congress feel the taxpayers should have at Moscow; probably with a few answers to these questions before . Norwalk. July 3J—(81- Reed F. 2 for 4 on—On Y’liur A ccou n t With tha brave, fine words Presi­ By UComi l^ard 4 *»—Ijidt**' Cholc*. Big things "are doing" at Watkins in prepa­ pointed reminders, from his »»i- they can decide. We. as taxpayers, Mayhew, 47, of this city Is report­ .59 3.00 SPRING I nil—LltU* Thealcr. Keg. $119.50 Serta .Junior Sleep Set (Holly­ dent Eisenhower has repcatsdiy ed in fair condition at- Norwalk 6 .1s—M en rnc star* ration for Fall Fashion Time in September, periore, that, only a taw weeks want to know the method of taxa­ * 10—Howdy Doody. wood bed). n2-inch box spring on legs and devoted to the lAeai of intsma- Btorra, July 32 — uP) — The tion. arrahgemsnts for bonding. Hospital with injuries suffered yes- To make room for workmen these Regular ego, It was an.emergency matter COATS, and ' a (XK-Fllm. Stock 'Watkins Quality Duak Purpose pieces------innerspring mattress. Two square bolster pi!- - ■ tional'Cooperation! -Tlisjr eishnot'tm to have hini ih Mofcmr. And Mr- Uaivaxstty af Osfuieetictrt- Bbard *-1*—verirty <1eb.-...... — ■ — - IfTws intTudeiTrTTaln gray combmefTwinr gra.v of Trustees has rest with sua- Rig: l.^f ♦o2.9S Rog. 1.29 a : 30—SjKirticope. are reduced to prices that will move them „ “• Uis hape a simple reminder to the ef- IfT * i * ' ‘*** •"<* overturned. He was a-OV—Weitlwr Fnrecut*. and chartreuse plaid .coverings______8 9 .5 0 - paadad physicA,^Profaaaor Payi-R. mmiageiNeBijif a ^ M sp u m e n t. „ ■ g t";— W(»rH. New* T otay . ., quickly f??>TO .opr stort to Mafrehestei^homcr. /.’ Congress as . whole /Saves the fset' that moat mien, oii’ taking a Zllaal but has not itnad'# any dis-' ' ‘TAMnei- dabibried tha town nu.st-i : S U IT S .^ ..,,(.ou-.Ca.valoade.o(.Aaih(:ica,i. '. ^*5a^-YAteirt.“ V- 7;30—fo n n ’rctVcUl SpMlIgnt. Subject to pnor salie.'" " -. --c- altiMtion, for President Bisan- new Job, defer 4 ,_vacaUcm uaUJ, ill his CMC. answer the. quMjth^ as well .. . -T:4t I Carnet J4eerA.Gararaa«« wje-mrvyc^q'.v.-.-AJ-i-ar -tt.'*'.? V? A.-. • .«S“- >-‘ dpop"back, Green dwnask'eoveritig with but- - goweV, and for the U nltid'siia^. they'have been'at work at least _BMaar, 90^-i^s' sm^eirdMrAp^^ tW” -present .'in- -detstl- -a-'-pirnr *>80'^-A»t bus. CadlTto,: W's have a past record of good ‘S HtUe while. 33 aftar refusing to tall a congreas- on how the Are departjncnt will be | ( no—strike it Rich. lion fringe ba.se ...... 7 9 .5 0 aional Investigating committee In drastically * SO—ri*lnclothe»m*n. prorld leadership in both these UN operated. AT U>W PRIOE8 in.eo-Blu* Bihbon Bout* 5 Reg. $49.50 Eclipse Sleep Chair. Looks like Washington whether he had baen GIRLS' BETTER lOYS* ond GIRLS' 10,4S—Sport* Spo;. f Planning a family? (A) Reg. $95.00 Studio Couch with two- programs. Why should we our: 11:00—Comedy Hour. a slipper chair: ojiens to sleeping cot, with a Oqmmunlst from 1B46 to 1B48. No atteny^ werTmde to sub- ^ Artillir DflC StEPM ^ pillow back. Kickpleated base; wine textured . selves destroy that recoct T AH Pmctioni Miss Thft The board announced then the mit the report of the National > " J * 4 13 00—New*. innerspring construction. Grtjen, r ^ and gold PLAY SHORTS REDUCED! Stripo Soorsiickor WKNB suspension was affective "pending Board of Rre Underwriters or the I S A. M. to 11 P. M. 4 no-4itimmer School. covering trimmed with beige moss stripe combined with plain green upholstery; It ahopld be pleasant music to study by tbs board of a report of report of the Fire Protection and ' 4 .30—Flash Gordon, fringe...... 7 9 .5 0 Senator Taft'a eau-St aa he under­ hla tsstimony before the vcldc g niv—Western Theater, kick-pleated b a s e ...... 2 9 .9 5 Looking Beyond Truce Utilities Study Committee. Both 1 PLAY SHORTS a. op—N ew * goes physical diacomfert, to hear e o r a r a it te a ,’' a special five made substantial reports and rec-j 2 for a 1.3—E«rlv Show. (B) Reg. $119.50 Simmon's Sofa Bed. Arms Reg. $79.50 Eclipse Sleep-Chalr. Modern de­ member Mmmittee studied the 7.3S—W e*lherv»ne. After the truce in Korea, If it how much he ia missed in Wash­ ommendatlona in surveys conduct­ 3.00 and'front panel upholstered in dark" brown transcript but the full board met ed here two and three years ago. | 7:30—New*. , sign with arms and blonde legs. Opens to comes, we can guarantee one ington, and by how many factions. <-7:4*—TV” * Ton 'Tune*. alligator Ijwther patterned plasticsea t and sleeping cot; innerspring construction. Gra.v pUng. > with Zilsel yesterday to consider The fact remains that district | 2 tor a (Xi—Arthur Godfrey. The Republican conservatives tha eornmlttaa report and findings. voters were of the opinion that Vs ‘o 1/2 ' 30—Armchair Adventure, back in brown and chartreuse plaid horfie- Rtg. 1.98, 2.49 I.SO a mV—Unexpected te.xturetl covering ...... 4 9 .9 5 War will Seem bleaeedly simple. are a. little lost without him, and What took place at the meeting nothing waa offered to them to dis-1 apun. Back drops down to form bed . .7 9 ,5 0 la unknown. ( 30—I'v e Got ■ Secrel. Reg. $107.75 Seng Student Divan. A twin Whatever war does to tha a little paralysed In policy be­ cuss at the present time. . They ; flOotfr 10.00— The CJock Strike* Ten. Zilsel aaid he "talked informal­ want more conclusive Information : silts 4 to 14 11:00—New*. (C) Reg. $229.50 Simmons Hidc-A-Bed. size box spring and innerspring mattress on eventual daaUniac of men, la lU gniliag OFF siios 2 to 6x ll;tS—The Late Show.^ Trimalume Kiddie Bath cause they do not have their ly” for about two hours. "They, on a town fire department before : Lawson Love Seat size in antique red satin. a Seng metal frame that brings the two mus­ own tinal reaults, it uncomplicates natural leader on the scene. asked me about nty testimony and they will aet on Mahoney' propoe- M/V PEMAOUm ' T »e i* r*tw things wHUe it exiaU. It gives we discussed other matters.” He W N iir— Opens up to sleep two and has Simmons in- lin-covered back pillows, forward to seating But the Republican liberals, who al. From New Loadoa . .11:M A. N. AM. will last for years! nally only one thing to do. It said ha had baan invited to attend The conaeneus waa that Maho- | 7 O O -Todey. nerspring mattres-s ...... 179.00 depth. Bedding in .striped ticking . -7 9 .5 0 have spent moat of their political Ptoa Blech lalaad _____ IrtS P. M . Whips all minor problama into the meeting but did not know of ney'a request'to present the sale' BOYS' 4 to 16 GIRLS' SUMMER t 00—T eit PeU*rn and Muale. ■ *1 7 ®^ careers battling him. mils him any decision. proposal to voters on a machine , (DeyUghI 9ovla( TImtl •OYS’ 2 to 7 * 45— Mornln.i! N ew * Reg. $179.50 Parkway Dreamlounge. Law- Reg. $119.50 (2) Echpse Love Seat Sleeper •ubserviencs to itaelf. It cUminatM FABEB (G eed let day al ioSM aalr) 10:00—Rogue'* Oollery. Couches in a Lawson design. Choice of rose too. That la becauae he had be­ University President Albert N. was not now la order and that | Seersucker 11.00— Hswktna Falla. Made of gleaming aluminum that never Reg. S2I.S0 son arms and front panel in green texture; thinking. It conveys the feeling J1:IS—The' Rennet*. come, in the short Ufa of the Jorgensen said the board had not money would be spent foolishly | W E Z Z M t S CABANA SETS looses its sparkle, Kiddie-Bath will last for back and seat in gray texture. Has box-spring or green hpmespuii coverings. Open to sleep that auch problems aa do salat can come to any decision and "the caaa without knowing U the town want- | f9L00 MM way fLM I. T. SKIRTS 11:30—Strike It Rich. ■laenhower administration, a sort ia atill under Considaration.” SPORT SHIRTS P. M. years. Rigid frame and toe-controlled table and mattress construction ...... 1 3 5 .0 0 tw o ...... -9 8 .0 0 be solved by some physical or ed to operate a fire departmenL 1 BOEDAYB 4 EOUDATB ETON SUITS 13:00-World We Lie* la. of bridge betweea the White House It ia axpactad tha board will A step in this direction was tak-' Rog.^91 to 2.98 13:14—Love o f Life. top are safe under-a wiggling baby. Com­ AMchanical act. It tnjoyt unity oC* and Oangreas, between the two naaat again on tha matter soma- en by the town two weeks ago nSO MM way 13.00 I. T. 13:30—Search for Tomorrow. IS; 45—Nancy’* Kitcbcn. fortable 1-inch pad on top. Aluminum utility - Y .'- command and direction. It does ttans next week. Bpscial ■: T. Eieaemy Cndato WATKINS factions of the RepubUcaa party when the directors placed the l:3 0 -O y v , Munre. . /, . ' -trfty vripes-ctflAB of «n y spills; Durable Vinyt Bet have to concede righU to an Itaelf. Me had baen devoting hia In refusing to aaswar the qiMB- o f draartag up an-ordinance ; "Fi w duui' lisiemy. Uon partatnfng.to the-ya«rs. TfiB: iting a. town fire department | W K iat PfMert t o w a m laadM 7 r jL 3:30—Ouldlng Light. plutic tub, exclusive Aqug-Temp spraj'. Big t j^ t a , to. a. graat entant, to thff ''48, Sisal danM being a Commu- hande of Town Counael; PfMe MsA Mead lelsiMii fiM AJA 3 : 4S—M ld»Aft>pfroon N tVt. value! REGULARLY $21.50. happefksria 'a'H Uief ^i:0O»Rre*k th€ Bank. Stork Club buainaas of puttiag that laterpro- niat at any others time includiag Charles N. Crockett. Aa much de-' AJI Boles iaejude Fedwal fa> Prinfi or solids ^ n tod soofsuekfr 3;3fU*.Wi4rr>m« WATKINS 4 R****di»iiM pMccful pursuit, ae^far aa mind the praaant. Hia refusal, ZUaal fsid, tailed work ta entailed. It ia not ex- I 4r(W-Ofi Your Aecount. . Ution upon intsmaUonalist BOUND STCAMBMP LIMES. BIC. WKNB . • t Is csncanied. Or^ at JtME»it Ja.Uka •waB-beeatariia "didn't want to. pected that Crockett will have the OsfMl Whwt. New Ise C . Caoe. short sloovo sizos 3 to 6x Involve other people.” , erdlaanee prepared for some time. P. a to e Mt* l e t New U o d m 5«4W . ond liflons. ' i':30--AcUaa la The AlUrnoon. A>i i'll IsSwrirV-.r'- r. ; '1'

.V- aai,»—nwjn«-ea iTin»j|D»iiiiZii'i lewei i tlM triw Q Rnir^-w oneV* vrife, whio now jniwM m ih o iil" flight would be made to raatcire 1$ ia 'not apparent from available held from distribution and there atsq membera shoqld be elected at U * t l O U f i C p O l t l l e r addressed as "my lady" or "your eomtsf th hhn SM Oby,** Ow iRM. BH)ckville-V ernon Sen. Ferguson abotit g half billion ddltara o f Ahr liiformation," the audit, report ia no need to delay the refunds that eratorless Elevators aM In perialalals or the wave-like each bienniql election with one- ladyahip.” Mr Klehgrd «M « i sM Rg* ysR- Force funds lopped o ff by the airkid: ' long." movement of the Inteatine which third of the new members taking siensr vriie sks4 (Mt M r « i a l Bisenho'wer administration. Education Boards Becomes Baronet The fam ily home of the Dunbera, Not only has the division .been In reply to last week's criticism carry the contents down through office immediately fo r three year- which now goes to Sir Adrian, Is funds by wetMsg » • ptMtdgM- Begins Defei(ise A" floor battle was promised by too alow in figuring out taxes on of uncollected sales Com­ the Inteatlnal tract. terms and the other third -taking phffs artist. , . Senators Baltonatall (R., Maas.) RANGE and FUEL OIL an old atone mansion at Mochrum, Dedication Ceremony Set estates—thus holding up settle- missioner Connelly last Saturdiy Saving U. S. Tax Money Hartford, July 23 t/P)—Fifty' office a year later, also for three (Continued from Page One) and Ferguson, too, over a rider Another great caiise of consti­ a coastal rilitge In rugged Wig­ ------^ mefita - I t . has also failed to pay said that . moat- of the amount Ooiinectli'Ut towns must elect en­ year terms.‘‘ that would prohibit award of de­ pation la the abuse o f laxatives townshire overlooking the Irish Funds Debate up the money It itself owed two' represented disputes over paymept tire new Boards of Rducation this Since most o f the Boards of The deaths of two former bar­ fense contracts "for the purpose , 24 Hour Peliyery Service U r ASTHUB KDRON or eatbartica. A great many people See. F o r PooU Recreation Area estates. of the sales tax on machinery and A P Ninrafeatuma WrHer have the Idea that if they clean fall under terms of legislation Education In Greater Hartford are onets in two da.va put Dunbar next of correcting or preventing eco­ other Items purchased under fed­ I It haa been deserted for years. (ContlnuMi oa x Tm iii rtM n) One amount due an estate since Waahtngton, July 32— (IP)—Gov- themselves out once a week With paaaed by the 1953 General A s­ appointed or, elected under spe­ In line on Jan. 25. I The grounds and once neat formal nomic dislocations. This would eral contracts. cial acts of appointive, the new 1946 totaled $979. the auditors ammant officlala hava figurod out a good strong purge it will be good sembly. Houaepalhter Sir Adrian takes I gardens are overrun with weeds. It wag reper^M) by the Rock end the practice o f giving con­ Rockvllle, July 22-(Special)-r- high." too low or juat about right." said, while another figure of $345 a naw way to aova taxpayara a for them. When they do thia, the .'The idea behind the move la to law has lltOe or no bearing In this over a title going back to 1694. [ The stately avenues of tree* droop vine Police thait Dean, who waa tracts to arena of high unemploy­ has been owed since 1948. area. when William and Mery reigned Tha William HorowiU Memorial he aald, adding that the total ment regardless of whether plants CONHTABLE i.AIIJi:D M ORIARH BROTHERS little money over a long haul. normal rhythm of bowel evacua­ provide for a uniform and* orderly : with broken branches and dead *»do playlnft With hia brother on the "It I*'unfair, if not illegal, to over England and Scotland. Swimming Pool. Field Houae and would be "clearly Inadequate . . .. in tho.se areas had submitted the They'ra taking the operatora out tion la disturbed and usually is procedure on the aelection and .foliage. aldewnik in front of hta home, ran ihold up these refunds." said the Bridgeport, July 23 UB--Norwalk SIS CENTER STREET TEL. MI4S-5L15 of eleyatora. terms o f school boards In certain Ilia ..Manchester Board of Edu­ But he'll have to do something Wading Pool will be presented to if we knew that w’e would be in­ lowest bid. not ra-eatabllshed for several days. ! If Sir Adrian ever goes to live into, the atreet from in front of a I auditors (Unstable Everette O. Rasmussen LeaL you think thii la a piddling i cation Is not elected under the about a coat of arms if he wants the City o f Rockville on Sunday. volved in a major war in the near As the bill reached the Senate By EDWIN P. JORDAN. JR. O. Good Bowel HaMts communities. r there, he will have a lot of tidying August.2, gt two o'clock at Henry parked auto. Mra. Anna W. Sweatt The report declined to subscribe ia in Fairfield County Jail today saving, hera'a a quick atatutic: ] Affected under tha new law are General Statutes. to paint It on hia car door back future." it upheld actions of Secretary of Written lor NBA Rervl^ _ The _ reaulta o f treatment of ' up to do before he can Invite hie Park. ■ .IB, of 117 Went Alvord atreet, to tax department reasoning for awaiting appearance In the New The government'a General Berv- towns which normally elect their home. Debretta. record book of the ' T r M r r I But • if a Korean truce ia Defense Wilson and President ProqneWt Uao pt laU atIvM simple’ constipation, unless the ! neighbors In for a plate of hag- Nat N . Schwedel. trustee of the Springfield. Maaa., poated a 1500' not paying up the amount owed Haven U. S. District Court on a ' Icaa adminlatratlon ruiu a major­ hoards at biennial electiOim and ariatocracy, reports that ao far It hieved and there ahould he no Elsenhower in cutting more than Often Oausea GoM tlpRtlof trqUble has begun In childhood or ; gi# the favorite Scot* dtah. Horowitz Memorial Pool fund an­ bond on a technical charge of neg- the two estates. The department "charge of forging and cashing a ity of tha federal office bulldinga. are 'governed by the General BUSHIAN ABASH haa not been matriculated, or ad- fiiture war, Ferguaon aald, addi­ five billion dollars from new funds has lasted for a very long time, Tiicaon, Arlz.--(g5-~ A .grass In -' mltted, to the Lvon College of One of these. neighbors ia the nounces that' a meeting of the llgent homicide. mainUlned. the auditors noted.' $i8o income-tax refund check, And It alone hirea 1,600 oparatqra In this day and age great num­ Statute rather than any special 4 r r HsI, fc#s^#fs4 . . .« mD tional cuta could He made. asked for the A ir Force ^by fo r­ that since 80 per cent of these taxi U.,8. Treasury Agents said yea- are usually satisfactory. The un­ troduced Into the United States j Arms, which watches 6ver the ' Marquess of Bute, a 46-year-old prgaentation *comhiittee waa held Action in the caae will be taken at an annual coat of four m illion. bers of peopla have, or think they act, •'Between the Idea of totkl d e-: mer President Truman. i derlying. cause, whether diet, I InsurSdce executive whoee title timllmr M fs . M «id a y night, and planned the fol- following the iaauance of the find­ overpayments by the two estates .terday that Rasmussen, Who was! dollara. have, chronic conetlpation. Per- In aHriiiinn the new nrncediii* •*“ *•** y*«ra sgo may help srmorlal bearings in Scotland. ing by Coroner Ackerman. teiiae, or the idea of putting every-! went to jhe towns, th ey, ran not I arrested Monday, has admitted neglect or abuse of laxatives, first In addition, the new procedu.e llveetock rengee In Aria-j So Sir Adrian will have to look ' goes pack to 1622. Idwing program: Poaaibly you haven't given much hape this la the result of our diet applies only to towns whose pres Clia*n»ia«r«Ma»i»*rHnr*>»a»«*»ane< Ivan Folkea Arreated one in uniform, and the Idea of ho ] be paid back until sufficient estate i cashing the check belonging to a ' has to be corrected. ona and New Mexico. i It up In the fam ily records and The 10th Baronet of Dunbar, Sir .Public Inapfctlon will take place aerloua thought to elevatori late­ or lack of eaerolse. But true con­ ent boards consist o f three, six, Awn oat AwiewNe#m ■wtbly gy »ig|Rf8jfN Ivan B. Folkea. 30. of 13 Park defenae at all, there la a proper penalty tax receipts from these former Norwalk resident, Daniel i Th# created w heat-grass has' present It. with the necessary James Hawker Dunbar, died Jan. •nOAH 11 m6. from 1 to 2 p.m. August 2 with middle ground Which ran be found State Tax Dept. ly, ao today let'a drop In on a. man stipation la not as common aa Ratablishing good bou’el habits nine or 12 membera. plgce rear, waa arreated Tueaday,. towns are, received. O'Brien of Long Beach, C Petera,.jwhff by, haring bffwet movement at a outaeL thenew-iMm^m-i-p^jj.^ range ...... le Lord Lyon King c'ha'rged with aaaa'uTt' arid battiry ■ Tirglh g' firbriipt repa.vn’ieht. th *' 'sfeflt* ssid ' HtsmussSfi ’ moot heHovr -It ' to he.- It is etum AtdheoutaeL the new members-i-n^,H« sAi, of ^Arina, fli'r ’rfiomaa 'Thhes, of gan immediately tor- hl'a ^iM iA g ■ -m ta w Oop^ Fellowship Band under the aound experience and aound judg- { heada the bunding ' ma'haCenient' particular time of day, and yield- tee $*.77 and breach of the peace. He ia al­ report adds: " I t may be years be- O'Brien gave hia consent but that dfviaion for General Servicea. eohfuaad with spastic colitis, or elected after Oct. 1 will r*riy [ cooler, more I.,earney. As royal ciunmiasioner in heir and rouain. 80-year-Old Rich­ 4r.4i ’ » % l lUttcUion fjf K ax Kabrick^ ...... ment," he.aaid. " J j Scolded Agam to the desire to defecate when t(trn)*,. pf tyro,, foiir and aix yeara. m w leged'to-hare atruck hie wife. fore the total amount-can be with- O^Brien-deniea this. •A-- aafe--et«vator--ftnit" -waa-• In ­ iPrttahlaJiowBL.— ...... mtdat.poMa-of the-Southweet, armoryi he gmnte - the right -to ard Rut hertand-Dunharx- nMaoJkOi T T SUrta at 2 p.m. "The ornamenia and the gay Tt' cdm'ee, aife'Vxtrifmriy lihpdrlarit' When these terms' expire, the ’ Dorothy W’ith the leg of a table. vented a hundred yeara ago, In real constipation the waste Value of the grass for reseeding rarry arms. "There’s a fee..too. A week later it was learned that •The presentalion service will trapping, which in the paat formed terms of future members all will Mra. Folkea. who waa treated at theraby making the akyacraper matter la kept in the intestinal Bxerclse, too, helps to overborne purposes was discovered by the Persona of leaser'rank writing to Sir Richard had died only two day* a t^ t promfAly at 2 p.m. between a fat cuahion around the defenae ; For Tardiness FINAL WIND-UP OF the office of Dr. R. C. Fergiiaon. poaalble. Now high apeed operator- tract longer than it ahould be and constipation. It improves perta- be fixed at six yeara. Southweat Forest and Range E x ­ the Maryland houaepainter now after hia rouain. He had held The TMPHOM • WMTI • rt VW T taw.field houae and the wading program muat go, and they will go j leaa alevatora have ' come along, there is delay In einptying o f the talsia and atrengthena the muscles State officials explain that the periment Station here. will have to watch their style. title for two days vithout knowing par. The major contributors to waa later admitted to the Rock­ under thia bill." ^ConMnued from Page Dtie) and Petera ia convinced that'a the bowel. I n . aiich casea the waste of the abdomen which eld In the new regulation will "clean up any The experimenters found the Ancient ceremonial demands anything about tt. the project, the trustees, the :'am- ville City Hoapital for observation. Fei-guaon aaid the reviaed A|r | Police report Mra. Folkea aua- hotteet elevator newa In a century, la hard and, dry,_ expulsion of fecal matter. It la qiiratlon of the validity of elec­ grass can Increase forage produc­ that all communiratlona to a bar­ John Stuart McPhle, th# fa m lly 'f' lljuof William Horowltz^and those Force program would provide 114 '; common practice for tho.ae o f the pioat unlikely, aa Mra. D. haa sug­ tions In towns that .did not con­ H^NANCI CO?, INC tained a head Injury that req\ilred regular winga by next June 30. with I Petera attended-a meeting of the Thia diirii^Uy can usually bt tivity of deteriorated ranges by 10 onet muat begin with just plain lawyer, refused to make an eatl- tsi azaiR mssT • * leM pf^icipating in the program will ^ general public having dealings WE SELL gested In a recent latter, that con­ form to the provlaldna "o f an old mate of the estate and the widow aixjiatitchea. Sergeant Earl Beebe National Aaaoclatlon of Building or more times in two years. Cattle "Sir." and end "I have the honour teaeated on the amesite apron in T additional Air National Guard : traced to neglect end Improper m ST rSs of the Rockville Police Department ; V. ith the division to visit the tax Ownrra and Managers, in Pitta- stipation has any direct relation lew governing such elections. grazed on the grass during the fall to he. air. Your humble and obed- of the 1 1 th baronet -also appeared i Mm , Too#. WW. Vri, f$JB from of the field house. and Reaerve winga "a ll equipped office personally in order to re­ training during childhood. Much of made the arreat and in default of burgh, and "I'd aay operatorleaa to a "continuous coM with much The old law to which ma'hy of > )k v * gained aa much aa two pound* 1 lent servant." ^ hazy on the point. wmi Tfcwrtrfoyf f % > • Omimiueedeft m A The public is invited to attend with modern aircraft.” 1 the trouble cornea from failure tu rieR $250 bond. Folkea waa taken to ceive attention without unreaaon- elevators were the hit of ~ the coughing and spitting." thle towns wereS'not ^dhenng .pro- « day. • Th* same goes for the new bar- ".Sir Richard used to laugh ! the presentation ser\ice. with By June 1955, he aaid. the Regu- | abl“ delays." Roll upon roll of fine bmnd new set aside a regular time of day for Tolland Jail to await apoearance I ihow." apace available on the ground., be­ lar Air Force would have 120 winga ' r.ARPET from fnmoiia mllla lor the bowel movemritt. An addi­ in the Rockville City Coabo»- - Hansen I alent wings. are nece.ssary to eliminate the your pa.vmcnts, too! automatically weigh the customers Tod many peopla gulp their fdod 824-S28 TEU MI-I-$1$I a water show consisting.of a water .Unit of the American Legion ! He said a 2 per rent reduction backlog.” ■no that the door will shut when down without allowing Mtou^ M AIN S’E. MANCHESTER ballet, races, high and low diving Auxiliary will hold it's annual pic- | planned in Air Force manpower The auditors questioned the ac- there's a full house, and will keep time for their meals. Man.v of the and comedy antics. Full details nir tonight at the Legion grounds ; could be met by elimination of ex- curacy of one set.’ of inheritance MANCHESTER the proper number of lifts running. foods which wa eat are so highly will be announced next week. on West .street, starting at 6. cess hands, air police and overhead I division record.s- -since they con- 4vlth additional elevators coming refined, too, that they do not con­ Following the, water show will Birth personnel. flicted with other records -which CARPET CENTER Into aervica aa the trainc picks up. tain the bulk necessary. be,a recreational program of base- A daughter waa born to Mr, Senate leaders hoped to clear showed that the backlog of succe.s- ’ 308 Main Street at Middle Turnpike GOING OUT OF Not many buildings'In the coun­ In some parts of tha country b. -ill, basketball and tennis exhibi­ and Mrs, Franklin Longmack of the big bill toy-to-daan Cvr- — I As a government emplove. simm er, and it is expected that, Petera had no ■•onimenl on the Mitaiag aatet?'/ on plastic in caior choica. Sienda flnithad wood n ‘arly two thousand persons will Advertisement Senator's suggealion. But as a Missing train*? Pair jS -Pair For $1.00 ports. CoN springs ovor no-sog bos# for comfort- ditend. j Quided trip to New York for 2. $2.00 housekeeper who like things tidy, N oth in g is more iToegemann's farm is situated in ' Free Hillle Billie - Band concert, Worth lip to lOr Pnir CUPPER Worth Double he probably waa glad Aiken's Idea irritating than a watch that tie hills of Johnston, R. 1.. and la {Cash awards all with Rockville wasn't seconded. at beautiful rustic setting for the i Yellow Tag Days. Thursday, Fri- won't Im p good time. To pro­ pli'nlc which will be held rain or dsv, Saturday, tect the accoracT oTvoor watch sgine. have it inspected at least oiMie iThe Rockville Singers will leave a year. Re'll do this for you by bus from the Maple Grove club SHOUT s i .k k V k Deaths Last Night Jree. Ymi'll he amaaed at how p|i Franklin street at 10 a. m. Sun- M K N ’S SANKORIZr.D By t h e ^ASSOOA'T^^^^^ much belter vour watch will d ^ ' morning.' All those • planning^to ISPORT SHIRTS V iih lfia it M iiJid iiOed: make the trip should be presenl'^at cox Washington Maggie Rogers, 79. that time. CHINO PANTS $1.59 each 1/repairs are needed our espert W’hite Houae maid from 1909 to service will put things right. {Kiow a Council, degree,of Poca- 1939. whose retirement'was post­ HRIN eWNRISt hhittas will liold their, meeting In HARDWARE poned three months ao she nouid Red Men's Hall o n . Friday at 8 |2 Pair For $5.00 2 Kor$3,00 take care of the King luid Queen See uc about getting the aaaas- REG. ai9.96 F a in P — SIm H HcNrdhwar* 15 m. Worth I2.»5 to $8.05 Worth 9 of England durthg their 1929 visit. ing new KIgin Uura Power 2.PC. GROUP > Inquest Held Died Sunday. ^ Mainspring for your wateli. I County- Coroner Bernard • J. E kctricd SuppiliM Ackerman held an inquest Monday T o o k « the death of Dean Joseph 189.88 ffrhnetder,II two year old son of 4-Door Hedaa. Delivered In Man- CoTMT Main and cheater, Rockville, Vernon, Som- I'alter and Minnie Amenta Sovg now on IMsf Middle TumpM* East rrs, Wapptng. ''' BOVS’ KMTTF.D BOVS' SHORT SLKKVT5 F. E. BRAY ifh(chneider of 6 West street, who I PU LLO V IfR « Ith collara > PRESCRIPTIONS i MANCHESTER’S OLDEST VMS fatally injured in accident TEL. A4I.3-AU1 [SPORT SHIRTS PcAREFULLT OOMPOUYfDEO 4 JJily 10 near his home. EXTRA ESTAliLIHHiEO JEWELER foaling comfort, bt tong- 1-T ------— ------ISPORT SHIRTS $1.25 y Arthur Drug Storas 1 717 Main St.—TeL M1-8-SR17 BIG TRADE-IN SIroviHi >1.79 / hair 7 ftnr M..V> State Tlienler BniMIng $1.Q0 Fju-h ' / Foom U4m wild ipfhn ALLOWANCE Worth $2.05 Values to $^>00 / fillgd soot eashions. House's Boys' Shop OPEN REG. 7.98 TONELLE CARPETINO TUES., WED., THURS. lo tting quoEty. THURSDAY, FWIDAY, SATURPAY ONLY UNTIL 9:30 REG. 119.95 SUITI. Cut to order 6.97 *g. yef. 0, 13“ wkitke Sm Our Window BOYS* K LT S BOYS’ OARAHDINF, 2 pck spring Mfod lotri TONIGHT PANTS Doap, thick pila is a rich long-waoring bland of wool ...... I M J i CLOSE-OUT For Th*M Inoutif ul ■ 5 0 c Reg. $1.00 ortd cerpol-royen. Two-lona domesk (showitj in Pochard Tiodo-ins. MEN*S BELTS $ S .9 5-$ 4 .fl5-M .95 graon^ gray, baiga, ond burgundy^ also smart foliaga All Ooins dasigm, lovaly florols, m'mt laof d'asigtw, too. Dr SO TO 1951 on SWIM TRUNKS 4-Door Sedan, R, H. Royal Maa- ’5c Raeh. Reg. $1.50 Pair For $5.00 Irr Urea.

S149S ... . - i V i P R IC E ^STUDEIAKER 1950 ?;-v. >g.|i)aea. Redan MEN'S $1.50 JACKETS --^^PACKARO ^9S0i^^ Convertible Coupe. Radio, heat­ tiisT i^ r^ JUNIOR BOYS' BLACKHAWK er, ulIrsmaUe drive, beauUful SPORT COATS turqiiolae blue. Like new tirea. MEN'S $1.00 BROWN and WHITE SHOES mil Price J 1393 Less Than TIES 50c Odd 817.68 10 to 4. Rfg. S.S.OO and $6.00. PONTIAC -1948 1 Price Hydramatir. radio, heater. New motor job. 4 new Urea, mil Price 3 9 7 5 for your N O W . 5 3 . 9 8 CHRYSLER 1940 THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE ' funny hours CoaverUUe. R, H, ■ (N ot all sizes): Beautiful blue 3 7 '7 5 SO HURRY AND GET YOUR SHARE Critt-crosa Mrapi ioMir* ihti woaderhal Summarotta H ysi leave feet open to comfoneble coolncai, Bnoyaoi, eiry-ligkt, PACKARD 1951 *Duo-iezturc" putformi make the plaaaora all yoora w h a ^ ff: Radio, heater, overdrive, good you go—merketing—beech ■■eround the yard. Yet, the Urea, Mark beaat.v. FiXTjURES FOR SALE Sunny- Sue i* acrubbable, MM la Plama Rad, Ague, Yellow, or Prices Reduced On Black (thric. mu Price S I 895 REGISTER DRAWER, PIPE RACKS and COUNTERS BOXER TOP WASH SLACKS IT'S GIN AND TONIC TIME PARKER’S GIN d% AO BOORIFS GIN SALE OF ASPHALT TILE . 244.fS WARDAMATIC WASHER 239.96 ai-DfCH T A B U TV Sizes 4 to 12. Cotton, gabardine and seersucker. 90 Proof ...... Fifth A .7 0 85 P r o o f ...... Fifth Brunner’s 3 .3 3 lY BALL-BANO Full.v Ask about OLD MR. BOSTON GIN .CALVERrS GIN Cedar. BJdekSWhUe 5'Ac on. Bap. 0Me satPORalic 2 2 4 .8 8 Teriiis Sajo-prtoa209a88 Tr. 90 Proof ...... Fifth 90 P r o o f ...... Fifth 3 .4 3 3 .4 9 Saiga, Craan, Ctwtabor Rad, Gray, Rag. 9\6e— Sot diol --M -W wodiat 9 lbs. efothas. Top loading— . Prkn inefodn* fodaraf fox md M-poof PARKER’S RESERVE . A Q OLD MR. BOSTON OfT-Whba Ma, Raguforfy I V<6c, Sola-prica— IQc. 350 E<»t CmiPor St. no stooping. Alummwm ogbotor in ganlin, Itwrough. on parts and pklura tuba. tkg9tb*F Blended Rye ...... Fifth A e 7 0 ROCKING CHAIR ..... Firih CXHOIISESSON ’ Durabla, moislura-raeislaftt parwonawt Sooring. In- 3 .3 2 ALLESON’S Vlbrotfon-fraa— no boMng doom noodod on normal ghfo you big,- 4$aar giOiFSt • WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS OPEN TVKfL, WED. THURS. stoN it yewrsatf. Con ba laid dkacNy on eoncroto. BVENINOS UNTO. t-JW MEN'S and BOYS'SHOP-- GIVE diwr GREEN STAMF8 Aonr. PRsorgios bodmt can't chip nor nnt. PiaPie laotb y eowaring. loaty aanvariad $$ UNP. p u t lOOth ANNIVERSARY YEAR MON. and FRI., UNTIl, • YOU (^N'T-BUY FOR LESS! ALL DAY SAT. UNTIL • 723 MAIN ST. • MANCHESTER OUR lOOtli ANNIVERSARY YEAR * m m t m ...J. JT^ r 1 V i\ ■J 'i- ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1953 PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 22. 1988 a, «•. .-s ,7..,. t >.. X ..Vt • . •— ~ -• - , uiiiii nil nil— should ba waa not entirely aattiaJ, b im U son, Jwiathan, is' with hla courae* "at' the 'tfn^fveniiCy'"’' of' C«n~ 5A V: - oattaettetit' w i r t m ' th# •at mahHanaaea «M I . Latbr It was Isarhed Mr*. Mor­ eatata, Btipertor * TtiamM fsdsraiion and, bscauas ha was With a grmip of'high school stu­ Maui gavn custody of the d^ — Hebron but th* maetlng deetdad Mr. Bark grsndmothaf, Mr*. Iran* Wright. nectleut, July 39 tn Aug. 1.. Hartfofd-Watharaflald t«wB Haa to eoata. Seahorses Breed gan had baquaathed 35.005 to har ...... ^ Hal Boyle " ...... ■uah told tha nnMWlti burdened with church affairs any­ Rotarians Told dents and was inrtted to tall of no longer poor—to the naighbora, should hav* two weak* rast, otyt tha MaaaaahuattU Mna In Unle«; Caini terrior. Chief Dhu Jon. 4-N Kata* tar that to gantot tM i way, he quit, the I organisation hla trip at » future meeting of the Jilr. and Mra. Vernon Alltii. church to ba open while th* other 'Carolyn Coolldge, daughter of In dispoting of Mrs. Morgan's Three Building . Manchester Evealag Het«M He> or Uia aonstruetlan t t hlghwaya to totla. an aoeh pxuam Voted Glean xather than fl|^t it out with Mc- Of Phone Service club. Oil New Type Tank Is cloaad.' and to bav* pulpit sup- Hr. and Mra. Albert A. Ooolidge. bra* eerreepoadeet, Mia# Muaaa sarv* traffic now using thaa* raault In aeaaoaqf antf Mlchael. ' The Strange Story pllaa offictata at Ollead, baa bqen notUled that ah* will be PendletoB, telepboae HArtlsa* “ Maybe .1 did wrong," the LoU Are Sold FMI Down Stair* accepted to attend th* 4-H Camp route*. aiM that construction ' bishop said. Auckland, New Zealand - m - 9-9999. agaadad to meat taatadaiac ' Interesting facta about the Dlvidenda came to the New Miss E. Anna Clark fall th* at Franklin, from August 3 to 9. Th* bill atipulataa that fadaral The disagreement between Pro­ entir* length of the basement Michael Novaje, son of Mr. and naada. Of Communist Taint testant groups came up when Ox­ Court Cases Plymouth Aquarium Society two By Lane Realty matching funds would b* mad* "Far sMungia,'* ha adM, *ttia growth of the Bouthara New Eng­ Of Blackened Eyes atalrs of th* Nathan Hals Drug Mrs.. Joseph P. Novak, will also nam protested the House eommit- weeks after It acquired a "atring" fhaf Ctab^tass! available under th* condition that aatimatad coat ef tha 136 mUaa T land Telephona Company In Man- S C ( / r i Store, WHIimantlc, recently. She ■ttan'd, having been awarded a Bush Pusheg Bill tse'e files of material about him of five seahorses. Hebron. July 33 - iSpselal)—Tha of croaa-aUta axpraaaway (U .f. 1. (CmlteaMI a‘ Walter (D-Pa> demanded. wood of Franklin. Reckwood haa avar. ah* waa shaken tip badly and Zave Lenefsky wa* winner 'o f will expel them from the ®|h*a''0' ^pout Individual* -can and Club by John Hultine. a member speeding or violation of rules of seahorses "foaling" in a tank are compound. Oo if yoofi*/E—with • »0w It la than' on* laarns th* depth --bang!- It blew up right in my received sever* bruises. She V-a* the award offered by the Hebron (('.aatiaued fram Page- 0 «s ) After th* eoat of constnietlon of in about four yaara, aa agalaat 30 Oxnam replied he'd rather not of the club and aaalatant manager the road. One accused pleaded not sprvodtr woHti ov*r ttwi lown. of hypoerley In frtendehip. and face, and a piaca o f rind hit m* In owned this tract for a good many tha dasignatad highways ha* bean to 30 yeara If th* stata w an It Oommunlat memberahip charges innocent men'* reputa- go into that. Walter insisted, how known to the society. yeai-a. expected home aarly thi* week. town rommitta* for outstaadlhg of the Manchester branch, at the guilty and took a n appeal. I how falsa a thing la man’s pretend- th* eye. and 9; th* proposed Hartford- paid, th* tolls would be limited to feread to roly on tradlUoaal are proved. tions. ever, so the bishop finally said: The seahorse method of breed­ SCUTl it tha provan friand of The lota .were bought by Mr. and Birthday Party achtavement. He Is ona of thoae t A* for himaelf, Oxnam said had meetldg of the club last night at Speeding fines were levied on ing is as unusual ss Is the fact that ad faith In hla fellow man. No, 1 never heard of a .water­ who will attend th* Junior short. Sprlngfleld h l^ w ay _tU. S. 5 and th* amounts naeaaaary to soureaa of rovanuaa." ' ■ Oxnam declared at the outset of "The American Council of the Manchester Country Club. gped Qfos* ond daodly anassy J A man with a black cya la the melon explodiag before. But you Mrs. Linwood M. Dill of East Hart: Mr. and Mr*. Leonard C. Porter, make no apologlea to anybody for Churches, for one. The so-called Franti* Burke, 27, Hartford. 321; theae were bred in captivity. The ford, Mr. and Mrs. Alec J. Butry- the hearing that he reject* Com­ Other interesting fact* reported female deposits eggs in a pouch on of Crobgro**. H ho* lovad lonelleet figure In the world. see, as I said, It waa a vary hot daughter Lnulaa, waa mven a working In good faith with now- munism absolutely but I* dedlcsted Council of Christian Laymen Is an­ Richard A. Mills, 26. Rockville. man of Windsor, and Antone Ds- birthday party Sunday afternoon suspect organisations be waa as­ by Hultine 'were that the local 321; and Donald E. Wilson. 16, 90 the male's front and he patiently litouidnds of lawn* from ruin in Everybody wants to hear hla tale day, and anything can happen in to ''concrete measures through other.” oIBce now employs about 260 a hast w av*.' maura of Hartford; one lot to each at her home here. It was her eighth sociated with In the belief they Middle Turnpike west, $21. hiirses them until they have hatch­ post 4 year* now about how h* got It, and npbody party. The lots are situated in tha which the Ideal* of religion may Then Walter wanted to know people, of these 195 are operators. ed, .avar' ballavea he Is telling the Look, I can show you the bill and ah* had 19 playmatas Includ­ were dedicated to human progress. why these groups were attacking Fined for violation of rules of vicinity of th* Stone House road. He acknowledged, though, he'd be translated into the realities of T)iesc operators handle an average aova your*. ■ tniUi. the cleaner segf me for taking the ing her brothers te help har eal- world law and order, economic Jus­ Oxnam. A spirited row among the the road were: Francis Yost, 19. They are all In Hebron. abrate. Tbs. children played gams* Uiveatlgate some of them more of between 4,000 to 5.000 toll calls DOG’S HEBITAOR Asarbar lawa Caea Pradaet bp , Th# cringing wretch goes from watacmelon etaina out of my suit, tice and racial brotherhood.” committee members ensued, qrlth a day, with about half of these Rockville. 312 . and William H tfca mmk»n t4 feaM* t —4 | Mra. Charlas P. Mlnar, town and enjoyed a fine birthday c*k* carefully nowradaya and maybe dsfk to desk In hla office, aaylng I got it right her# In my pocket, clerk, says that many Inqutrtea -This, some, committee..mamlrnr* everybody insisting there wal beln^ mad*, to Hartford. In Jami; SJtiii^r. 22, I^kyille. $9. PlacervlUe, Callf. --IW . A poor -piaadingly,' 'T know you won't ba-i II Siiw* th*t..prorea It, doesn’t It with eight candle*. '‘ wmildn’t Join tjuita so many. not'hlhg to be gained hy going into do'g was' ts'kish tn l>y sympathetic Bok 79c 6nd $3-75 have b *«i made by persona Inter­ Repeatedly the hearing delved declared, after a long recitation of ary, 1954, when' Manchester can Merrili Stnipson. 34.' of Ashford, llev# this, but I bumped Into this (itdilar’a tS oU ii 1 'gweea *“■ibat*N Officer Arrtvm In Ssattle Inter-church disputes. took an appeal when he was found neighbor* after the death of his ested in these lota, a* to xontng .ikta .the. .view* . and actiiltie* of groups with which the bishop waa call Hartford toll free.- each phone _ Jumbo to g — $9.95 ,..epen door In the dark, and toinrh Boyle te quit peeking IA. A. William von Roemer, who said to have been assoefated; has Oxnam confined his reply to say­ In toWh win ba able to dial to oVFr guilty and fined $12 for speeding. owner, Mre. Marguerita Morgan; OtNmgfe baylmlM. Wonder bow be 1 regulations., concaring. trailars .on dergymen-^lnto an intra-Protes- And. sure enough nobody will property while a house ia being bas htan utMtiding a furlough here lad him Into some pretty dubious, ing the American Council of 150.000 phona*. A t the present Bond for appeal waa set at $50. I*nily get that blaek eye?) with hla wife at th* home of her tknt d is n ^ on one occaalon— Churches was organised "to at­ S e S f t L in a M B ft s believe him. Nobody really likens erected, also about school facili- company. Oxnam Insisted he had timei 95 per cent of Connecticut la Two motorists pleaded .pillty to to hla words. Everyone insists on parents, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Don- despite thJ^rAmltte*'* firmly *n- tack the National Council of io»y running cort* for lies. ll^ c e d J^Mtlon of avoiding any quit all’ such group* year* before under dial servtc* and it . is ex­ driving while under th* influence taking him at hi* face value and nelL..arrlv«d at .Seattle. Waeh. He they were ofBcially tagged as stib- Churches." with aihleh he waa long pected that It will be 100 per cent quick, occufot# SCUn tbrletened Suaday a to of intoxicating liquors or drug* and a black eye is universally regard­ expects to be aent soon to the Far WEDNESDAYS 9 ^ 1 2 Nbit of w estigatin g religious Identified. by the end of thla year, which will opplicetion,. oil faad- Eight from Town Two children of Mr. and Mra. ictlvltl*#. verslve. were each fined $125. They were ed aa a sign of guilt. Thomas Rp*k, Thomas Arthur East. Hr*, -von Roemer will Sfay Oxnam. gray-suited and portly, "I *m not accusing you of being make this stats the flrat to-be 100 Alfred Paradus. 22, of East Hart ‘4 : ings, saading*. When you have a black ey* no with her parent* for th* present. par rent dial aarvice. and Susan Tracy, were christened dsttled into the witness chair at a Communist,- far from it." Rep­ ford, and Robert Price. 23. who Jr.,$7.35 Ho.25 $12.50 on* aends you flower*. No on* has Electroiiicg Grads Prixe* at the meeting of th* He- FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Hultine'waa born in Manchester Sunday during the morning serv­ t;*5 p.m. and laimched Into a 1»- resentative Clsrdy (R-Mlchi told gave an address in Troy. N. Y sympathy enough to aek, "Doe* It ice at St. Paler’* Episcopal Church, giam Bridge club, wer* won by A bout T ow n and educated. In the public schools Price w** *1*0 fined IlOO with hurt 7" All you hgnr are th# time Mr*. John A. Markham. Mr*. Wil­ Kinute statement accusing the Oxnam. "but I do think you were Eight students from Manchester th# Rev. H. R. Keen officiating. muddled in your thinking and un­ here, graduating from high school $75 remitted for operating a motor worn cliche*: / ' liam W. Hammond and Mrs. D. ebmmittee of bearing "falsa wit- In 1940. He then attended ‘Wes- and on* from Rockville Were God-parent* wer* th* children'* clear in your understanding." vehicle while his license wae under "Next lime I/giiaa* you'll learn uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mr*. Everett Stone. The party wa* held aesa'' against him. Dr. George Robert* of West leysn University, Interrupting hi* among th* 73 technicians who WIttIcianis Applauded Jackson, too, commented that suspension. home comfort to duck." Clinton ,1. Raad of New York in the summer house on th* Ham­ offottlv until July t 9 th Hartford will occupy the pulpit of studies there to serve as a second "That ought to tear.h you to quit graduated from th* Ward School mond lawn. The club plans to go I'^^spoclol prlcos The spectator* later applauded the bishop seemed remarkably Center Congregational Church, Edward F. Cole of 9 Demlng of Electronic* In Hartford, Friday The children's grandmother, slow in recognising Communists lieutenant bombardier In the Air street was fined $6 for a stop sign' peeking through keyhole*.” Mra. Elisabeth Read of Providence, on an outing to Weekapaug B*ach gpme of hla mild witticisms and Sunday, at the g and 10 a.m. aerv- Corps during the war. He grad­ evening, July 17. gtirred restively when the ques- and Red-frontera with whom he j br. RoberU was interim min violation. MORIARTY Bros. Thtre are many axamplea In his­ Graduating a* electronic techni­ R. I., waa also her* for th* cere­ on July 39. They win hav* lunch admittedly was associated in uated from Wesleyan in Jan.. 1947, tory of bikek ayaa acquired Inno­ mony. Mr. and Mr*. Clinton J. at a Noank Restaurant. .tkming of the churchman seemed ! later at the Second Congregational and went to work with the tele­ Mrs. Doris Schimmel. 26 Phelps cians were: Joseph P. Matyta of way or another. road, waa fined $3 for keeping an 3 15 C E N T t R ST r cently, aceidantally, or through Read had been guest* for the week PersonaJ Mentimi aggressive. Velde once threatened Church on North Main street, this phone company. working in many Rockville, Edmond J. Trial. Sher­ The names of Ward and Mc- unlicensed dog. gallantry Slid kindness, *uch as: before, and a lawn party wa* giv­ Mr*. Edwin R. Smith and three to have any further demonstrstors town for five months, previoua to Connecticut towns and cities learn­ A. Tou era helping an old lady wood T. Smith, David Locke, Carl­ Michael were brought up Iste in ton R. Smith, Ronald GrImaaon, en in thefr honor, Saturday, with : children of Norfolk. Va., are spend- (hrown out. March 1. ing hi* Job. until he recently be­ Allan M. Ward, 18 Keeney street, acraak the atraet during a heavy It was 12:20 a.m.. hours the hearing. „ ^ i Robert C. McCormick and Frank neighbor* Sl*o pr*«*nt. They left Ing a vacation at the home of Mra. came assistant manager of the was fined $75 for breach of peace. MOBILHEAT rain; and she Jaba you In th* eye Smith's ' parents, Mr. and Mra. when the «l-year-old bishop. I Committee Munael Robert U Manchsster I»dge. No. 1094. He also received 90 days In Jail, J. Asxklar, all of Manchester. WII- here Monday. liter. local efllce. T»l. Mltchdi 3-SI 35 with her umbrella. > Receive Note of Thank* George Scgriit in Willlmantic. Har Respiting but still firm-voiced. Kunzig said both w r e de^ribed Women of the Moose, will maet to­ Russell Wright was welcomed execution suspended, and placed on llan Fornal, also of this town, MVIN6I If milts as active Commiinisfir by at least / B. Tou bang your head hurrying graduated as electronic Instru­ The 4-H Club. Garden Sprout* husband. Lt. Smith, hopes for a night at 8 o'clock at the Britlah- back from hi* trip to Califoml.a probation for one year. to gqt out of a cab to help your A fel- minute, earlier the com-! two ex-Reds who testified before Amerlcan Club on Maple street. ment technician. have received a thank you card week off from mjjftary duty later wife alight. on. He i* th* *oo of Mr. and Mr*. ftittce adopted- j _.- j without dissent a> the House group at recent closed All member* are urged to attend. Sherwood Smith. Grimason and from Germany for package* of ses.sions in New- York. He named C. : You Slip in the bathtub.McCormick graduated "with *eed» which th*y sent some lime Edward A. Smith of th* Burrow* D. Tou are helping your wife FOR YOUR HOMi Despite the heat last evening, a^ honors." and Aasklar, "with high­ ago. Hill section of Hebron. I hang's picture, and she drop* the est honors." VMt In iMMwd Mre. aifford R. Wright and large number of the members of hammer on your upturned face— Mvstic Review. Woman’s Benefit Dr. I.jiwrence Perry, hi* wife daughter Deborah left “Dieaday for presumably by accident. it Wo'ru^oat iMw Irin6$t Niat't nAy Association, attended the annual andt-Lhelr. two daughters.- Eldne a visit with the formcr'e mother, E. You are feedlng sugar lump* flolum hia Mr*. Frederic* B. Smith in New By th« bishop. ^ the Boston School of Theology. picnic, which ha* been held, for a and Dl»ne. of We»tcUff*, Colo.. to a policeman'a horae. and It sud­ York. During her abaence her wa'vp EUtof J liutB ttodti «f •ntrm ^ The motion w v sent two young graduMes to Bal- number. of yaar* «t the home of «r# spending seine time at the .mp* ^ timore uiTh duar asHlgnTnenta denly tosses its head and gives you -vthe same man ymo helped Mis. Charles Vincek. Lydall street; Board Approve« home of Dr. Pei ry"* father, taif- umkit. prkti axtrm to w I b p gatHaggi --- serve VC *»«vas Jministers iw m o w s w »»»,»*and to lake and previously on Middle Turnpike, a lump under your lamp. m-ecipitate the hearing* by sartng ; j„ j^e local Communist Th* madtcal. literature on the ford Jt., Perry in the Gilead section. on the House floop^that Oxnar.i had , a„oaratus east, at Bari street. Rain threat­ Dr. Perry expect* soon to enter on apparatus ened as the food was being served subject of black eyei is full of such Outdoor Theater God qrt Sunday and the the U. S. ermed force*. The family i r m lM this Mp h w N ««A V«hw I "served RIshnp Is Shaken ao they had to scurry indoors to cases. But there Is no record that GSommunist ^ffonlfont for the balance Oxnam appeared shaken by this / the victim'# atory was believed by will be her# meanwhile, nut will the cool recreation room.'.Some of , Action to permit the conslriic- | also visit Mr*. Perry'a family in 9$rttoti durliie Mi* itoxt 4 days. Of the week? disclosure. | the membere brought out-of-town either hla friends or foes, At the end of the hearing, which He said Wai-d was a "dear A man with a black aye la like lion of the controv#r*iel niit,door i Maine. guests. The showtr didn’t mster- theatre planned hy Benjamin j Vacation la DeabI Oxnam had demanded, the bishop friend" until he Ward -returned ; ialia* and after the meal croquet the defsndant In a Russian spj- trial. He might as well quit trying. Hochberg was taken by th* Zoning - At a church meeting foliowi.-ig ipxited Jackson to come and see from Russia in the late 1920a with and other games were played out­ him. ■ ’ some ideas that sounded antl-rell- . The verdict, haa already been Commiaalon laat night. |the morning service.of the Hebron "Tf it turns out," Oxnam went gious to Oxnam. The biahop .aid doors. reached before he opens his mouth Th* zoning regulation* w-er* alao Congregation*! Church Sunday, on. ''that I have spent more than a he then broke off pertonal relatione . — "guilty." amended to allow th* Columbia ' there was conaiderebl* disdursion Cptal of three months in 30 years | with Ward btit continued to serve I knew a fellow once jx-ho ac­ Fir* Department to go ahead with ! over plan* for the ennual vecetion ’ctti activities outside my normal i with him on some aeml-religloiia tually got a black eye by bumping ronatniotion of a stag* and an ; of the minister. John G. Berk, who efcurch wwk. T wUl’ have to say 1 and political bodies. j Into a door, and -came Into work auxiliary building' at th* depart-1 tak«* c«r» of th* Hebron and- there is some truth in your accuss- As for McMIchael. Oxnam said I rraj»uiiE W l the next day bent over double with ment fair grounds. Gilead niurcJiM. tlon." he had auapiciona albout that fel­ \ FLASH BULBS. CASES, A the door on hla back to prove he The rommlealon also passed an j A* there la a tie-up. bet ween the Otherwise, he suggested, Jack- low official of the Methodist Fed- , L MOVIES. PABTB ^ w-ss telling the truth. That made amendment to the regulation* ; two churches the matter of hOw j ton should admit to exaggeration. eration of Social Service for a long ' ex-erybody sure he was a. li*r. I which will make it imposalbl* for tong and Juat w-hen th* vacation Jackson, who had taken his turn time. i ^Artlrar Drat Sttraij knew another fellow who got a the. new deflnitlon of agriculture ' at pressing the bishop about his Oxnam would not say In so black eye from a bee sting. He and farming agreed upon by the past crihpections with alleged Red many words what made him sus­ carried the carcass of the bee General Aaaembly to affect local 3.9t PLUSH PILE C O H O N RUO front outfits, said he hoped there pect McMIchael had Communist 4 around In a little box for days, zoning. I connectiona but, when Representa­ THE OFFICE OF would be opportunity for such a l showing it tn all. game reaiilt. Ha The action on the theatre wa* | 4a«caei tive Scherer iR-Ohioi asked tf he just blsck*hed hi* own reputation. made possible by the eliminailon ' Tlwy weir iMier Orwnfi awn ‘Chm rm H ftr ktmnd chat. bit. THEODORE 'D»l# Olto Left unsettlsd, however, was took the information to the FBI. There ought to be a aociety for from Section 4 of the word "the­ In • vmhu-gmtkuJ 37" x SO" sit# ^ Oxnam'a demand that the com- the Bishop replied hesitantly: THE OFFICE OF the extension of goodwill and un-| atre" in the Hat of forbidden faclli- bectuse they fit better "It wasn't necessary." ROSEN *TO(^ -riijkuUee purge lU records ot.whkl deritanding. to people with black [ tie*. ^ V A IU st, Don't m»u liih bergoM Muah and dtuck, la«^ wee*, Fihall.v. Oxnam said, either he aye*; ahd T in ik # to Join' it right ■ - — _ ; 575 MAIN STREET 'hs . called false statements and DR.S. NELEBER 808 MAW StREEt ing fatten yam* in wand4irM,.wff4fMt celarti iwntar half-truths about hla real or a.s- or McMIchael had to leave the now. . ' I W# would not be Justified in pro- r •erted connection with such or­ Yes. I have a black *ya. It i* a longing th* war with all th* misaryj CLOSED FOR grutti, rad, blue and wkta. tukkurltod. nennkW bach. ganisations. WILL BE result of food poisoning, That's that it involvaa in th* hope Of right--food polnonlng. -achieving, by force,- ih# unification' 4,95 ■Velde- told TsporteTx he cmitdn't' “"TLOSED - • i - ^VACATION — __ yglue elMewherel, •ay. St least until the committee I know you'll Dnd thi* hard tn of Korea. - .President Risenhower, in letter! ^eld an executive session, whether believ*. for it 1* an odd atory. I Hot Pastrami and Coka love watermelon. .Well, I wa* in to' gouth Korea’* presldeni; UNTIL AUG. 17 SHOP THE COUPON WAY Hiere would .he any ''reconstruc­ FROM JULY 27 Ryngman Rhee. durliif Blit miflity 9«vhn$ tion'' of the files.' A t 35 Oak thla grocery store, and it waa a I agnn. 16 PIECE SET Use Credit Mra aaali. Bay Oxnam. about to leave on a trip UNTIL AUG. 10 Caupnnk to Europe, alao hald an Impromptu 55c lata* eat af iaaaiwa. newe conference. Repewta Pnsitinn He laid he thought individual only at Grants j 97 committee members had tried to Look at d Kaiser this way. You'll »ee uHy...front every' angle SIGNS NIW FLAID FATTIIIN^ • • I it's Amerira'g begt all-around value. A L L KIN’DS Chorming new provineiol*4tnnerwere ED'S SIGN CO. MltclMl 3-S24I n}oiciras tweedy green plaid witK solid green. M ieltaadT^FHclNr _____ QUAINT 'COUNTRYSIDI' DESIGN * « » « i«ii> IS ;-*s; N,."rw.« — Feacelul rural scenes. Green on-white. edge keep* Ice In, drink* CRYING IN THE CHAPEL ...... m OrMM COM ------4 3 g Bed-Wettini FOR ME FOR ME ...... Goorfla Gibbs I iiiMM.igii.y HI THIS IS MY S O N G ...... FattM Pof* LOOK for UNAovenriseo SPECIALS CiH Be Stopped! GAMRLER'S GUITAR . . . .. Ratty D r « ^ NEW ORGANDY . HEAB THESE AND MANY OTHEBt OK COHAGE SETS 40,000 COMM prevB MANCRESTEB M ATINEE—WCCC. fm m our foil tolloction , . . EsurtoBB's suecMf witk Spottolly aah-prkod nowl bBd-wottiB9 kabit BEFORE YOU GO...... No longer 'does your child have In suffer shame ahd w m ^ba 3.93 lotarl 9ar. MANCHESTER, CONN. disgrace caused hy hed-we(- 1,30 CENTER ST. Give This Order To Your Newsboy ovonant finish organdy with ling, ENIIRTONE melh- deinty flodtad ond tcol* od. patented by a doctor, FiN out the form b*iow ood givB it to your HoroM Bowsboy with ro- Finer ewefweerteg/ Yoa'rr looking *1 .Nmrrira't lepod dasign'.; Rad or groan haa proved in over 40,000 Mrongm-firarrd ch*«*i<...nilh fivr arri cro»* girder*, on whita, bleich on yollow. ItHRen-that it «m correct the iiuTTcmc#; fir rvquKir ^tfMCnpnop ram* pw wNi ractfira IM prawf on -plor •Jfiarmbrtr'ItrhtpnM-giared yv*ri»tIe'-tttPWB^-' coonler.btltared rr**kvbsll are esample* oi distressing habit in 2 to 4 your Bioil-oway erdor, Hw toow at ho wpuM for doihfory to your .^.■r9us;aKfi*CT2rt3:T:;-4J*T7:,VTrSvrtr,H'.;*'»r- .v-r-ato?*r/r;' •apneering'fmnid w nK>w etjieiiMve c«r»!-- without' drajp' dr ■•'v-i-'’'' a t tscheMints,i.--ix=2it'tiitic: -# v;T£w-.iKr.' r> \

k*i»er owner* *ay if you measure Ksi«er against INURTONE: any other medium-price car, you'll find Kaiser's so far ahead ...ia every thing... there's no Tested by Doctors comparinon! 7 For Kaii.er give* you all the luxury Myling, Wliita Cvfi bb4 SoMCtrs^ 'Cmnmb' Hoad Tgqiralt Recommended hy Doctors I ilaticlffstgr lEvgntttB l|pralii <^ I roomines* and riding comfort of an estpenaive car. Harwanil* with every chioo Find voloe* uO *e 59c *n itv* Yet it deliver* the economy of a louesl-prired oaltern, yav «a«'t h*ve tea ki# asiortmeM. Aoo»a*lwately Patented by Doctors GALLON 1 WANT TO KEEP UP WITH HOME TOWN oar...up to 24.9 mil^ a gallon with Hydra-MaticI many. 2 attractive stylai.^ I4"x29''. Many celar*.-S1C irs No. S,mA39), ENI’B- Plus performance that take* your breath away. TONE waa developed after NEWS WHILE ON VACATION-.-. And safety that no other car ran match! All thi* add* up lo the grealest iw/ue on the...... msay ysars of painstaking INTERIOR — EXTIRIOR road! Value that’* increasing every day a* Kaiaet’a ^ msdical research. Pleute MntI the Manrhenter Evening Herald to the addrens below vast $62,000,000 expansion program roll* into high gear. FREE INFORMATION • EASY TO APPLY ______So if you plan lo spend $2,000 or more for a new :^or ' FBKE eompleto details, • COVER ALL Sl’RFACEB IN ONE COAT from 19,,,.to, ...... 1 9 ,,.,Inch car...see your Kai*u dealer now! He's offering coupon today. • SELF-CLEANING exceptionally geoeiws "trkde.in2 deals today! • FORMULATED TO RESIST WEATHER AND I NAME Chaict af .Standard, Oaardriea* ar Hydra-Marte* BEAUTIFl' YOUR HOME "j STREET t . eomfmrt! Kmtfr'i tfuttridlk.lAf) and framt hg r»cm O S') drivri, pliu aew—lowett catt — Kaittr Fewer Sleertog* MotNc 4riN Mata ^NURTONE CO. are greater than in three of the matt etpensiie cart! 'r .79c 11-Skirt Rack t , Smmalhar tideVKaitrr holdt yea tnag to the road wilh lanett renter el Handy metal »aa**-*a**« j l i l t Ann SL

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■ A - " ..... •"’■...... : ’i ;' I ■ ■■■1'.-...... -I, ■

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 19M PAGE THIRTEIC^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1958 PAGE TWELVE • •■-4’tri»VSSfA*'F/M‘: nUw lata aiid apofoglxi^ for Hialng'’ tardy. The conference room waa Ike Aides Differ PubUcRecordg Oulf Ntartr Sliorti Checking In At Popular Mitrketfi' Annual Outing 24 Hour Foord, Backes About Town Ike Hopeful steaming hot and one reporter, General Manager Bares On Postal Hikes WarrantsKt Deeds Roland Sawyer of the Chiietlan Mabel E. Lnmb t6 Frank W . Exotic Marine Dife Swirls Science Monitor, turned up In Ambulann Held in Formal A group of students taking a Burk, Br„ and Helen A. Burk, shorts with knee length white couTM In money and bankin g at property on Donne street. On Korean socks. Town Personnel Policy (Oasi9 Fruai Fag* Om ) Service the Univdralty of Connecticut John Ackerm an and R o m A ck ­ A j one point during the confer­ Bribe Charges were guests yMterday of N. Wll- rafugaaa and others la the other erman to Barney T. Peterman, Td Waters off New London ence the President remarked that Itanv Knight, executive vlce-prMi- atumbling block. property on Foley etraet, he waa warm too and waa willing I Proposed Program Put preparation and revision of rules dent of the First National Bank. Knowland said ha thinks Con- Qullrlnlm Deeds W ar Truce !to have the-sesalon end at any (O — w « »< PaC* Om ) concerning employM’ tenure, hours Following' a luncheon at Miller’s grsM will act on both measures Frank L. Phalpa to Robert W. New Haven, July 22 - iJP)— K The Gulf Stream if surprisingly I tithe because of the heat. This (Oontlnued From Page Ona) . On Agenda for Friday of. work, overtime, vacation, sick the group went through alt depart­ before It ends this aeMton. And he Mxrtln and Martha B. Martin, $8^ noted marine scientist Mid here moveable, it also.ta not a lingla jeame shortly before It did break i Um iMiaU eenflnnanlMi «f an written by Foord. Jennings aald. leave privileges, disciplinary ac­ « Meeting of ’Directors ments of the bank to s m how a expresMd hope that neither will Phelps road. today that the presence of exotic "atream," but Mveral currents I up, Just short o f half an hour. The Information in the pamphlet. tions, grievance procedurM "and modem bank operates. Knight ex­ Marriage Licenae martno-llfe In waters adjacent to moving parallel to each other. At completely rleceltfiil If he tried to That is about the average length for other personnel practices -and taka too long. pretend . that everything he Jennings continued, was appar- plained something of the organlM' Summarilald won his fight fo r Wayne L. Woodia, Putnam, and Long leland Sound and In tha certain times of year It Is distant of his 'meetings with reporters. A statement of policy concern­ conditions %f employment.” thought would be accomplIBhed. FonwirapaioN *ently given Foord by Backes "or tion of the bank and Its growth. Prsaldantlal backing of the postal Barbara Ann Narmandln, Putnam. sound itself may not be ao un- from the coastline here; at others, Tlia policy would also make actually had been achieved. • Fnlty Iffulppaff was In the regulations of the In­ ing a proposed personnel program bill, but the iMue atlll Is In doubt Building Permlto ' tisunl. it Is closer. It Is closest usually In » terstate Commerce Commission. *he general manager responsible To Joseph Rosetlo.for John F. August and mId-Saptember. Some­ PI'RHFJi GRoW • Cnmplninly Mndnm which would govern the employ- undertaking "the development In OongreM. , They are due. Mid Prof. Daniel A'fter a turnover of edmlnls- •The only other services ren­ , for undertaking Mark Hill, 106 Prospect atrMt. Maloney, alterations and additions times It shifts Its course slowly, .AnnIInhto. itii iMmUry oC 8 U t« Walter iryin* to eo.«perate all we can. ment life of town workers was an- The House Poet OfHce commit­ Merriman. director of Yale’s Bing-, f rat Ions, such as occurred last dered by Foord to Backes or to ', of programsprograms for Improving the and Robert McMillen, 16 Clifton to dwelling at 618 Center street, other times rapidly. Hallandale. FIs. rN E A ) - K ^ r t a e n produced •■actually no" Rhee aald t h ^ the Jj^aona fca- tee, holding hearings on the pro- hnm Oceanhgraphlc I.#aborntnry, to ’ Jsiiiiary, an almost revolutionary his firm were'In connection with nounced this morning by General. work effectlveneM and morale of street, have just received wrord When the shift la rapid, a When Gulfstresm Park held a 2ft- Bledree fo r South Koreau The talka hind the recent heavy R ^ attacka poMl. has llatened ttfa long string $8,000. meenderlnge of the Oulf Rtream, kind of activity is oecesaity, the the preparation and passage of Manager Richard Martin. town employes. Including safety, that they have passed another In To Rajrmond C. Jewett for R. C. "swirl’’ breaks from It, like an day meeting in 1944, total puriw were a liiid at aorthlnc— .t,— Southa.^..k Ko'ir«- on itOK forcee were twofold: of. mall users urgti that no rate which he described aa "aurpriaing- President Mid. the fireworks bill." the referee . Martin has ' placed the policy health, welfare, recreation, train­ the series of actuarial exams, JewcAt, et ux, alterations and addi­ eddy, and the warm water carries money wss $100,000. an amount rea'a violent oppoaiUen to a troce "Firat, they want to puah ahead ing, education, employe relations hike be approv^. ly movable." Elsenhower said he was not say­ statement on the agenda of the which qiialiflas them as associate tions to dwelling at 85 Goodwin with It the marina Ufa that was in the track's Florida Derhy alone Rhea aald the major problem , aa fa r aa they can Into tefritory said In his report. Board of Directors Friday night and such other matters as. In hla Today, howpver, i|ie Chamber of Dr. Merriman’e statement came| ing thar everything that had been PHONE MireiMN 3.B940 Jennings said also that passage members of the Actuarial Society. street, $375. It when the break occurred. carried last winter. blocktac "real peace" waa the that la more advantafeoua to them, mMting. I f the directors approve judgment, may promote the inter­ Commerce at the’ United Statea In an Interview which sought to done In the 20 prevloua years wss of the fireworks bill in question Both are employed In the Life To John Mora , for alterations Going On Ixmg ‘nm e withdrawal of Chlneee Communiat I ao they will be In a food poeltlon the Btqteroant, Martin, as chief ests, of the town and Improve the sent w o r d li is In favor o f the ad- Bcrnunt for the presence of aurhl wrong. But he added -that iind-r was still doubtful at the • time Actuarial Department at Travel and- additions- to 4 w allln g. at 830 ^Species SB the stingray, sea'horses - Jt isn't iBomeihlng that has bap* tobo^ from Worth Korea after a] to r e i^ th ^ af f reeelon at any l^raonnlil officer for the town," sfAiidAfd ed Ha service to the 'peo­ mlnlstt’MIdn >ropont. Its preai; pened only thIa year, ha aaya. It •the rtr,iinvstances tt was . neces­ ers Insurance Company in Hart Hackmatack atraat, 8200, ceaae-fire. “time * *' they chooae. *■ Foord was paid. would be authorised to administer ple of Manchester." dent, Richard L. Bowdltch, notified "end cutlaseflsh Ip the waters off has been going on since eitrllest sary to gel policy worked out so Foord’s • only commeht yester­ New London: .' prtltteat-eenleeanca ia-io, open ..."Second . . . the attache have a.-far-xaachlng, jwogram...ndon area. Korea w Ul follow lU "o w n courae for this work until March, 1951. Martin has distributed to the The directors are expected to when Republican OroM (R-Iowa), facial Injuries yesterday when he collector of Waterford' and a fish­ develop. anv wav dlaturhlnf the arranfe- Commenting that the Gulf ...insist on Poll-Psrrot Guide-Rite Of action." has given rise to the suspicion that members of the board copies of make their decision on what to do a member, blocked a move yester­ was working beneath an autoioo- ing guide. The executive and legislative ••I muat aay that we have aaked ment for a truce, how much Rtream was far too complex a Shoes for youryounguer. They’re it was a payment for legislative the program he is proposing, along about the streets In the 44-acre Mrs. Joseph Marshbum of day to let the group hold hearings blle. The son.. Wallace, was Injured Grunta and sheepshead. usually branches of the government, he the United Statea either to jointly affresalon will we have to en^rc thing to be discussed briefly, M er­ built on 1 3-point halsnced last... service. This is absolutely not' with the statement of policy, ao tract which William Maguire Adrian, Mich., Is - visiting her while the House ds engaged in de­ when a jack slipped out from associated with the warmer waterf said had to get together and ham­ reauma with ua m lliury operaUooa after the truce la sifned? true." he said at the lime the in- that, he Mid, "they won’t be In the w ants the town to take over. parents, Mr. and^Mrs. Howard bate today on the foreign aid mon­ riman aald he doubted if the prea- of Chesapeake Bay are known to mer out their Ideas and differences with narrow heels for snug to accompllah our common objec- "This la a question that muat under the axle. ' ence in the wateri off Montauk r’estigstion began. position of iMing asked to sign a Town Counsel Charles N. Crock­ Dowd, at their tSottage at Coven­ ey bill. have been lound occasionally in on the anvil of logic. support. . and crafted from supple three, or to promlae to five ua roint. in Long laland Round and be answered." Foord Mid he would welcome a blank check.'," w M i the statement ett Mys the streets already are try Lake. Mrs. Marshbum, who Carlton M id he wants hla com­ Ixing laland Sound. Bine and white That sort of thing is a .slovicrpro- leathers for extra sCMngth moral and material aui^rt In our “We have done our part to show even in the ahallow inshore waters complete inquiry into the matter. eomek up fo r approval. the town’s by'dedication, and the WM the forifier Patricia Dowd, is mittee to wait knd aee what the marlin art commonly caught off ceas, the President continued, ettorta to carry on our flfht unllat- our willlnfnasa to co-operate with of the sound .of fishes normally re­ and IcaHsility. State's Attorney Albert 8. Bi!l Rome Broployaa Bxeepted directors, although reluctant to accompanied by her young sons, H oUm group produces before It Montauk Point. adding that on the other hand if arally,'' Rhee aald, the United Statea and postponed accept them without their being garded as tropical and sub-tropical And Bwordflah were once abun­ Mid Foord and Backes will be The program would aNect all Joseph, n i, and John. even takM up the iMue. his piogram were accompliahsd ,The RO K prealdenl aald he waa otir determination to fe t the Chi­ town employM except those work­ improved by the developer, are ex­ aperils was "unutual." dant in Block Island Sound off the $yra .w hh tried at the September "term of "When the time cornea, we’ll too quickly It would be wrong. aiw^tlnf approval from Waahlnf- nese Red troops out of Korea be­ ing for the Board of Education, pected to acknowledge the streets In varying numbers he said they roast of Rhode Island. Superior Court. meet and decide what to do," he Illustrating his Ideas about th° ton of afreemanta made with Rob* fore the sifnlnf of an armlatlce." the Library Board and the Town as the town’s' responMlIlty. follow the warmer waters of the Whst actually may be happening, Foord'a maximum sentence Mid. need for proceeding slowly, the artaon In »edei rriefercea reached between the, town and Alao on the agenda la the res­ Ashworth itreet, who died sud­ gradually boost second class rates tinned In liia poet as equerry to ala Undlnf." ment. the Oommunist Paipinf union-represented towm employes his j o ). as he sees it, is not to Mcel end Rhee aald ha promlaed neither ignation of Arvid Seaburg from denly at his home Sunday morning, a total of about 40 per cent. Queen Elizabeth II. Until his eud- | Radio said the ROK president was and those policemen represented by the Committee on Revision of the were held yesterday afternoon at Elizal>eth Gives B*>l;V KF-COVERED . create friction but to bring people iiHole five to aifn nor obetruct -a truce If contamplatinf statements that Judge Backs State The 8enate voted for even atlffer den trsMsfer sbrnsd he wss gener- ‘ 2.000 Alieii8 Seen together with the purpose in mind' kim, t«Ml« Waahinfton an>rovea hla under- the Police Club. Building Code, the approval of the 2 o'clock at St. Mary's Episcopal rate increases last year but the ally expected to be appointed would nullify Allied assurances The drafting of the program suspense tax list, a $900 damage Church. Mystic, July 22 lypi fhe bodv of making progress for America. atandlnf with Robertaon. there would be no time limit_on House refused to accept them and Margaret Right fiomptroller, of the clearinf away reraalninf truce de­ as” «mtirely reasonable” the regu­ Bearers were John Jensen and Irouble . that „centfre.d around the He went on to M y he operates cke. .S. M agai*. an pttm tole-ltetKer confer further with South Korea an afternoon session. Correspond­ vesicular exanthema disease (f'untiniicd on Page Thirteen) i Houston saya the law passed in Elsenhower declared he wss try­ after 90 daya If no profreaa had of the Connecticut Merit System Commission, the members of the Moose, Manchester Lodge No. i Windsor, fell In love with Mrs. a’reraft repair vessel when tidal cveiMef »re»$d— ents could see them throufh the among swine. '^Arthvr Dnis Stortsl Biillcr did not go Into details but the 19.53 Gene.al Assembly will ing to determine the common been made toward unlfyinf Ko­ Association; Dr. Karl Bosworth board will consider a chlorinating 1477, and Robert Kerr and Albert Wallis Simpson. currents swept him away from the eecre keel eed windows, apparently inkinf the A*'group of Windsor and Bloom- presumshly Margaret's responal- tial rise-in residential rents in Cin- [ save Connecticut taxpayers more view. In cases where opposition rea or If the Reda appeared to department of government. Uni­ plant for Roaring Brook reservoir, Tedford, friends of the family. When the king Insisted on mar­ chip, hla eomrfiandlng offlcct told »el« fuppert. final line of demarcation and neu­ fleld farmers had asked for an bilittes aa regent would be trans­ cinnati following decontrol there ' than Sl.OOfi.OOfi a year. arises, he tries' to proceed on a be uainf the conference for their versity of Connecticut; Raymond a petition for Mnltary sewers i>n ferred to the Duke of Kdinburgh. rying her but could not reach any last May helped boost the nation's : tral buffer sons that will separate Injunction restraining the com­ Until the law was passed an old Brooks' pa-ents, 1 basil of principle rather than re- F. Male, personnel consultant of Grandview street, and a proposed hu.sband of the Queen, agreement with hla prime minis­ rent Index between May end June' flMiy're prn-fmmd •• •teiKe yeqir dtiht'Wffef fHt own endi. oppoainf sides durinf a thicc. missioner from enforcing the regu­ . . . ^ ______age assistance applicant wss re- Th» body Is expected to arrive ! to personalities, be said, Rhee aald In hia atatement, *‘I This line required chanfes after Prliiceton, N. J.; officers o f the survey of Mnitary sewer capaci­ RATf. KUIT DROPPED ter. Stanley Baldwin, on how s lations, claiming they were "oner­ Any change In the P.egency act hy two-tenths, ,, ,of - one__^ per^ w;. cent. qutred -i * to , havek .... United .Statesc .... citi- -i.i here tomorrow for f 'j n e r a 1 Eisenhower repealed, with em- am Informed that aome (U . 8 .) the masalva Chinese offensive last Manchester Chapter of the Amer­ ties and needs for additional trunk reigning monarch could take such ejothing costs declined a bit. as i ^ j ,, ^ service.r. phasis, that he is not going to ous. unreasonable, arbitrary, fan WasMngtaa, Jiil.r . 22 — (jPi — COMPLETE Cooks/ BroiU/ refiu lre s jtll the Ciominonweallh FITTISG IS OIR Rl SiyESS Senatora have —declared the week drove eouthward several ican Federation of State, County sewers. counifies except India to" make a step discreetly, he stepped-down did surtr things as prices of-to vs.i bu^ nexdy .hens who were ____ _ [ question, the motives of others buL ctful" and without valid siclenllBc Two Interstate Coniniei^ Com- United SUtea could net afree" miles on the central front. and Municipal Employees and the lncin*rat«« ' sinular changes. India recognir.es from the throne In lOlfi. He was radios ami television sets. But .u on the basis of principle, he is basis. mlsalon examiners today recom- cal welfare sgenefes and the rom- to a mutual aecurlty pact. He Communist,labor troops worked officers of the Manchester Police the monarch only aa head of the succeeded by George VI. higher prices were reported , KU'H K.\CE •ffoing to speak out for what he 'nia regulations, among other meaded diamiaaal of govera- RADIATOR ' munlty. wss reimbursed 100 pci aald it alao appeared probable without let-up to complete the Club. tlhiiia Reds Batter GIVIS lIFETIMi SIRVICI Commonwealth. Sir Winston Churchill. now drugs, dental services and movie- thinks it right. things, provide for the condemns meat rlalme agalaat the rail cent by the slite. the Senate will adjourn Ita prea- straw-sided buildinii; In which the Baaed On Fitness - I Commonwealth prime ministers | prime minl.ster, sided with King admlaaion charges. ("amden, N. J. — (N E .M The I f that course happens toi^dirrer tion of hopelCM cases where swine roads for about two MIHon del­ Under the new state law, the.«e ant aeaalen before it could act historic document will be alfned. Under the proposed program, SERVICE IvGrytMifif U gii meeting' shortly after Elizabeth's Edward In that controversy. Man.v lalxtr contracts carry with the views of'som e others, the have contagious diseases and pro­ ROK Installations la ra for alleged overckargee en AttrGctrvG dwiifH . . . aliens will come under th f old age world's richest horse race Is The on auch a treaty. Pelpinc radio aald an armistice the general manager la ' given coronation .'June 2 discussed In Churchill ciirrehly Is remaining st clauses" hinging wage rates to President said. That's too bad. t c n a / c a ^ hibit the sale lor any except breed­ wartime freight shipment. pu CGflttrvCliGH , . ; ee-lst»p 'e prog-.am flrtrnced 40 Ga'den Slate Park, carrying a Secretary of State John Foater liaiaon officers meeting— conclud­ authority to make or approve all secret the proposal to change the home, recuperating from the changes in the governm nt Index. The President arrived at the ing purposes of swine fed raw appointments and promotions, /tH ' tK« MMl frlttiHf per cent by the federal govern­ 66!mj.i/1 ^ Dullea aald In Waahinfton Tuea- ed Tuesday—waa designed "to (CauHnuad From Page One) • CLEANING Regency, act. 'The subject has been rigors of office, and It wes in his Contract* covering about 100.C09 purse o f m'ore than 1200.000. news conference about three mln- A work out the last, administrative garbage. with the exception of those specif­ y«w k«VG> GV#r ftGGN. ment and 60 per cent by the state. day that It appeared a mutual ae- DAVIR COMER HOME under disruission since 10.50. But stead that Butlei addressed the workers were thus atferled by to­ MANCHE.HTER details." Judge John M. Comley today ically provided for in the Town fense guns nesr Wonsan on Ko­ SgH VP U 10 NMAMlGt day’s index, mainly in the air-j - — ------— * eurity pact would not be aent la • REPAIRING dGkifflGd P1«|ticrGlG SupRliGd It took on new meaning In the i Commons today, The gove,rn- refused to Issue a temporary Charter or General Statutes. rea's east coast. N a v y headquar­ craft and gln«s Industrte.s i DHOI GHT— ET Hoiilluunplon. England, Jnly with b«tG, OcG light of stories on Margaret's ro- ! „ „ n t decision. ’ of cotirse, has Injunction. These appointments and promo­ ters reported. The Labor department said that Hartford.- July 22 'JPi The 22— Britain Anally got rid fret* lop ffiH. mance with Townsend Churchill's backirig. “At least 35 other states' have tions. according to the atatement In the Tellow Sea. Br^ish piiots • RECORI>IG among firms h.avlng "esealator" 1 Ine’x of rain^m Connectltut has of Garry Dnvia, the aelf-atyled H« cgnmiiL Gf iliill w dod. In the House of Commons today Butler said the government's !h | Directors Review Budgets ‘ taken or are about to taka almilar of- policy.-would be !'made solely from the - aircraft carrier Ocean clsusas geared to-today's index ijiot- sci louslyfilaiuesed crops, the. wortd-citlsea, today. He sailed Cdn't TG»e fwil koro out IrfiborttP Marcais 4-tpton sought aiv- btti to rhmnge 1 he Regency -art steps to eradicate the sudden and on. the basis of fitness and shall attacked targets near the western yout ftoiT} aboard the liner Queen Mary Prompt service for all makes RGGdl •ftGRliGA. l«l«$ •* Uflf asstiranre that the hill to amend will he presented to ParJiament a:e Lockheed. Douglas, and Con- F fit - D ep arti^n l o f Ag: iciiltiire widespread outbrMk of the disease not discriminate against any qual­ end of the battle aone. solidated-V 1 1 11 e e aircraft com -. r< ported ye.strtday. Sov.fi C!«p for his native home the Itntted In onr apeclally staffed radia­ fGck IIm NI iG VSG «H the Regency act "was not being p,fore the queen leaves late thia Fo r Six More Departments known as vesicular exanthema," ified candidate for employment or panics snd the Plttshiirgh Plate I fiamaf e has resulted ■ from the States. •VGf C«HHGCti«Ut. hold lip by the dealte of some nun- her trip to Australia. . ■\ CtBhgfdss Ruin! M id Judga .Oomley...... promotion op .the basis of political, HOMER PARADISE ...... tor repair ^departme«|. ____ ■ islers-and-lhelr-a4visers-io -lnier------...... -- - ...... ------' Glass - and' -lAhbey-Owemt -Fordiheji; _ it. eatd, but s-drought atxge ' ~ i ...... ~ ~ ...... ~ ~ ' “ ' religious, or l a ^ r union aflliiation. Detroit. July 22— Do you fere with the wtah of members of glass companies. It could not he hs.r not been reached yet., npr on account of rare, national W. HARRY 77ia Board of Directors Idstation of State County and Munici- itoim STARS FOR NORSTAD j have a sick baseball team? Just ACTOR’S WIFE li-L the royal family in their private determlhed here whether today's ______. origin, or sex." ia»Y It with Stptts night reviewed the proposed; pal KmployM, which represents bring the boys to Briggs Rtsdium. and personal alTHtrs to live their Would Sell Kye Index rise was sufrieimt to give ______‘ I ’To establish a standard for fit­ budgets of six mors departments the department’s outside workers, Washlngtea, July t t — Ifi—The where home runs are coming free ftan to Monica. Calif., July 22 ENGLAND own lives." w orkris the.se fi' ni.s s hoo.st Antl-Crabgrat$ Compound ness. Martin wbuld be responsible BROWN- in another of lU informal meet-1 would cost the town $8,700 sddl- Seaale confirmed today -Oeo. . . , •"** • " y title season. A total of — Mrs. Edith Carrillo, wife Butler ans.wered; I'o Fafiiily or If so how m';rh it might lif ings devoted to studying General | tional in raiMs for the employes Imurle Norslad m air deputy to I for “ developing criteria and pro- jg , homers have been hit In the of actor Leo Carrillo, is criti­ 'Such a matter has never even Each contract h.ss a different Manager Richard Martin s recom-: involved than s pisn suggested by the Supreme Allied Commander jcediires for appointment and pro- home of the Detroit tigers, with cally III In flanta Monica Hos­ LUMBER CO. required niiniaterisl advice and formula for calculating changes. Mid-Summer BEAUPRE has never come before the cabinet, mended town budget of $4,026,895 i ^ir^***' In Europe. Gen. Alfred M. 1 . the Tigers accounting for only‘32 pital. Mrs. CarriDo, who la ever ArroM from Miuirho«ter t'p to now prices have remained Graenther. TMa wHI give Nor- ! The cla^flcation plan vvould ,th e m . Compare this ovirall iBcorporated and I think I voire the opinion of Waterbury, July 22—lA’i A 2.6- for the 1958-54 fiscal year. The general manager's plan , dO, eoiiered the hospital yester­ lirr^n Srhool. fairly stable since President El.sen- sam year-old weider hero says he'll sell The dlrectori. who are holding keep new vmployes at Btad___ the foar^^star rank of a full group together all positions hav-j „ m.A, when onlv 71 day, suffering from abdominal all members when I say the w r- one of his eyes to give his family liower ordered government .con- run, were hit in Briggs eompUcattona. She ban been In 30 RISSEU ST. sonal feeling.s of all concerned tkelr informal budget maattnga in I ______TEL. MI.9-0244 ______the comforts he thinks they should trol.s abandoned on prices ami SCtiTl it the proven friend of responsibilities and requiring aul^ during the entire sesMn. ill health.for aome time. should be rejected by eyerv'bbdy. Um Whiton U b r a r y . auditoriunw ” •'1*'’^ ****'" ** I ~ „ , _ . stantially similar, quallflcationa,' MI.9-5234 and prescnt.Ucplorable speculation-have. He's saklng 110,000, ______wages ea'.Iier this year. good gross, doodly *«Ri AP Wires • GREASE FRONT on. grounds of misconduct. of his desire to sell an eve hut he Anofker lew* Cere pmdvH PICNIC JUGS . . .$4.95 and up half million dollars I sm than de- like diitiea and reaponsibilltles and M'' • 3 w Durlug recent rrionths the R A F •Exalted Ruler for the Conneetieut AM»or— $7.35. No. 25— 112 50. adopted . eitbet one. However, said he didn't want his named kr Ike mmkgrt ef EceHi Seed. parlmant hMda requMted requiring almilar qualifications. WHEEL BEARINGS' officer has been seen - trequently- S«H Ihwest .rri'lrirt of the B-—rt‘o- Last night, the directors went . Martin Mid there ia enough mon used. • SAVE 20% The plan may have minimum TUNA 'with the princess. They nxle to­ Itn' and Protertive O.de- of F.ik.« over the budgata of the planning *Y ' Ibe budget to provide for Rhode Island State Department and maximum levels and provide • PACK UNIVERSAL "My debts aren't loo awfully of Employment Security Review gether in Windsor Park, went to H e v.ill over.see lodges m ’ .'cv eommiasion. zoning board, welfare ! either. „ (or pay Increases within those the.aters. and dined out with friends. high," he said, "but it would take Board rules worker whq is fired JOINTS. Haven. West Haven, M!l(o-d ICE CHESTS . $5.95 to $1$9.95 department, municipal building The highway budget, as pro­ ranges. However, the atatemehta SOUO PACK ■ Ksriier this month while Prin­ Jive to 10 years to get money for for failing to pay union dues has Bridgeport. • Norwralk. Stamford. BLISH HARDWARE CO. and highway department. i posed by Martin, la already tt46.- atata clearly that no tncraasca will cess Margaret and Queen Mother the comforts I'd like to give the ... "Cnlan Ftan Casta. Mere 905 leas than that requMted by left job vohmtaril.T. . . . Poland’s be autohfiaUc. They will come only ^ W H in MEAT family. It's too long s process." Greenwich, Danbury. Derby and SAVE 20% Communist government announces Elizabeth were touring southern Ansonia. 7M M.\IN STRKKT M.ANCHESTER. In diseusting Martln'a recom­ the department head. James H. after a review of W worker'! record ; Rhodesia. Townsend's connections He Mid A a t since he was 17 mended budget of 8897,988 for Rheekey. Rome of the money that froctag of Id Brnnoa OathoHc and oh the rtcomm'endaUon of hla : r years old he never had more than prteata and throe none held In Jail with the court were severed. HAMPERS . $5.98 Mghway, it waa brought out that waa cut out of Sheekay'a request department head with the concur­ T a i n t o r P o utiacy Inc. He'was po.sfed as sir attache to one pair o f tinusera or one euit at A pay plan proposed by the local would h«ve provided for 11 more for anti-state crimes. rence of the general manager. any one time.^ ,Ten U. 8 . N avy ahipt drop an­ the Brussels emba.ssy. and left to LEARN TO DRIVE chapter of tha Amariean Feders- employes. The policy Martin is asking tha; take up his new duties 48 hours He aaid hie present wages are SAVE 20% chor oS IstaabuTs famed Golden 1SS CENHR ST. diractora to approve alao calls for I MANCHESTER about $80 a week and he pays $27 I THE SAFE WAY J I Hem for rourtesy vInt eight hours before Princess Margaret arrived the keeping of employment rec­ We'ft Air-Conditioned baeli tn London. Some l.xindon a month rent for "three rooms here. F On Dual rim frol Car* j land, to FMeive tha first long-dla- ,ft^r mvaterioue explosion rocks ords. ThCM wouM be maintained I ' newspapera said he was being His present debt ia $1,500 he aald. tance w lre l^ aigMls from Poldhu Turkish harbor-. . . Atlv. General by the controller and would include 11 Other items At exiled. But he figures 'he'll make more '*8 and in Cornwall. England. Brownell adda 96 orgaalMMoBS to employment hiatoriaa of all . em- ‘ k Urson Driv'Inst Schrsol i H S E ^ S MEN’S RIB POLO SHIRTS money by operating a farm In the A ’* t ^ W h a t la tne origpn of the ]p 2 previously dMignated ployet consisting of such data as Following the death of King. r Tel. yillchell 9-607.5 " 4 ta- Midwest. A T T H E 25% Sayings word ha^neyed, meaning "trite, ■ py prcdeceaaora aa subversive. data of employment,' results of George VI, Townsend had' con- ti. 8 . House voteo to permit tMta, evaluations of work, and rec­ Q—D o m tha Preaidant of the CLEARANCE OF "United StatM have abseluta veto ** • bnlldtag of 20,000 public, low rent ords of commendation or disciplin­ .1 tor nnunary riding. [housing unlU out of some dO.OOO ary actlona. isi|pf»isa^tai siqp o ^ '.f: ' SPRINKLERS . .$2.49 fo $12.95 ------i ------“ Q; -Is the-Ufitted fftatss a e«m- [already MMydcted fo r lb y w RouwaiHy root t h r ’alHIiotlty -tha | A — No. FAMOUS------FtOOItSAMPLr "^oul^jtirs^Kt# monWMlth? | starting July 1 . . . Former Presi-! policy atafement would give Mar. jumping.^ )aekic6ihplaie,|9et SAVr UP TO $3;2T Q — When are dogg said to be A .—-Tea. ' dent Herbert Hoover reeelvea th u n -{ tin is the inauguration and admin- -.-A). 4-W hich oron the Rett tw o ideesna' 'ooaHan whoir-«.-ha:-rvisita 4a4raliaa;o2«aaaeM;jpitiW)«Ml PTM- { .PPPUVAI ftdpinl.. F|eJob^_wfh, ______- A — Whan aheantors nt dogs are D O N ' T ^ ^rd^-W oilt"; aUtea to. join the. original 13 in IW. *■ .*eBSte^cham,bat;a .for tiega-. 'UUa.- autiiorjitation. woulJ/ac¥S x4foUc acid, show that eggs suffer tan Mxwmi avi.. nsm nh . oom) s'ld por'eont loM in six month* Repieocatad by DON RYAN aad a 37 per earn Io m ia a year of THOUSANDR BAPIUED SI Oakdale Rd.. WetheraflcM. ,y i T s 7 cold storage. S A M Y U L Y E S BRIDGWAY MILLS jQ.—W hy is the letter “ fl" In- Now York. Jnly 9$——An "SHOE REPAIRING OF THE BITTER KIND FOR OVER 40 YEARS" 188 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST—MI-9-S404 •leded among tamoua flrat words? 4.6M to $.609 pmiina la a B read way * 15 MAPLE STREET —> Joit A Step From MflJii Street ^ OPEN Da Il Y 9 a . M. to 9>P. M. ! [j A .— On Doc. 13, 1901. the ro^ • -o«w*ta« O OWfi c E H O u saessoM BUDG^NTER tod sound a t this letter In 9aday la a nmM 974 MAIN ST. Acrofw Ftobi The Flml Natiisnal Store’s Ptrkinir I*ot BaBSBSBSsi M e*aeiaBBsss OP^N ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Kmo Code came claariy to the ■ai i4na o f the worid IN ST. JAMES RLOCK .91 CENTER STREET. MANCHESTER oars o f OugUehno Mareeni. Ho Was o f Johavab’a WH- nrtr ~ Y nrtf------f t ------fle ~ Vli A iVI; 'A i n f l C i wRittag at flt. Jolwa. Nowfound- z—«gTajtltMM —zarree-jewt » z* 75.::- f ' P

)■- , .1

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, JCONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENIKO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1968 p A G i^ r m t t i s f PAGH TOURTEEN .iT^ii i,iiiigiM!»l|lfi>^- _ I’ «AILY CROSRWORD PUZZLE ESB a fabric,.la .printed on both BY FONTAINR FOX^ f u n n y BUSINESS BY'iiBRl»UiHR6BR stdaa 'to 'im itate a wroven design, you May aspect that the fehric -may be o t inferior quality. >TrtBV.KKKP ^ U<{.^N AC-. Up To 8 Years To Pay & ‘1□ □ UBS are converaatlon ■tovc naw-looking, wipe up all l£ IT 7 A ■ CJI3 C] EJ newspaper. aeniit and bakad until thalr rich so belocR ha la to be fed, and apllls Immediately and never H Icaa bubbla up will tampt any ptacaa 'Rod HARRIBON'R. 649 \ [7T 57: Television is becoming . mono- place on metal grid o f the stove scrape with a knife. Acid foods t i ; T :• ? n 2g Filament 43 Indian weight Philosopher—There's Just two lonoiis; every night the same thing Cappatlta aapaclallv when theaa near the pilot light. Baby's food Main atl«aK)Mva a GOURMET and milk, particularly, may leave JS^T^rattle. " K " ' * 29 Gaelic 44 AustraliSn — beautiful girls. pV b SH BBAIEBEMT FtEB coma will he nice end warm when ha BARRET of Wrought iron, straw DEMAIO BROS. things that break up most happy permanent dull spots If not ra- SINCE 1020 „ 21 Sprite 23 Poison 31 Changea ' ostriches home's. from Uia FINB PAB'niY SHOP, calls for hts etipper. covered handle yOu ^ solid brass moved quickly. 22 Wi -ked gM Oentar atraat. They are alao ball feet for only gKIKl The RIF. 24 Wading bird 33 Quoted 46 Grade Listener,—What's them? John—Boy. whnt warm weath­ c m 24 Kind 33 Meaning 47 Iroquolan Philosopher Woman's love for featuring luacloua BLACK WAI,. Oelerful Bklrte and Bloiieea __ ‘N RNACK which ii<^ eight TELEPHONE MANCHESTER MH I I 3-7St1 23 Unclose er! Say. why are you carrying NUT LATBH OAKES, cartaln to CIsMiag AMs 21 r.cma.i date 26 Piver in 40 Appears Indian dry. goods sn' man's love for wet .your coat? Your choice of colorful MURTH glasses around a ^owl for k;e>gxult For tilea. we recommend ABM- 27 Proneu i 41 Praise 48 Facta gemds. by'gosh! i- pjtaaa Uio whola family when you and BLOUSES In a wide range of or tidbits with its straw covtfbd, France Don Because It can't walk. > •erva genaroua aligea for daaaert. RTRONG’B WALL TILE CLEAN 50 Music dr^ma. 27 Most robust 42 Pretense 30 Bind fabrics at the MONTOOMERY handle sella for 64.00. The CORN- ER which cleans and poliahaa, re­ 32 Del ciout yCOriA which is perfect for fruit Next to being a whta at pool, Teacher—Now. class, what do Tellow-aiid-MoraL art Intaraate- WARD COMPANY. TbaM come In storing the original. finish. -For drink we mean by pliirsl ? mlasea' siaee and are reduced to or rolls comes in black Iron YvRh S J r knowing how- to He a bow Tie -is tng color accenta for an aarly cleaning linoleunu. ARM- 34 Second i 5 >1 r the surest sign of a misspent PupH— By plural we mean It's real budget proportion!. straw trim, makes a striking table RTRONG’R IJ44UID CI-EANER Amarican room. ■ A quaint pro­ accessory and is just 69.0®; vending (V — 1* — . .youtlu—. - , ■ ■ (he same thing, only moctLoC It.-., works magic with- ground- in dirt SSEgyplUn fed It vincial pattern tn-a- amalL peglr OeMea Sunamer Salad ?»-1 ' wtll permit the greceful outlines and finish it off ndth ARM Sg Insect birds A young divinity student admit­ (Serves 6) LadiM’ Pevortte Frolt Rnled iT" b a Hubby Well, darling. I've just of this kind of furniture to show (Rervre 4) RTBONG’R UNOOLORR WAX eat had my life Insured for $10,000. ted to his father, a. bishop, that One 12-ounc# can apricot whole that renews the beauty of your 37 Prune he had used profanity in a foot- to best advantage. Add yellow Eight large canned cling peach I Tia.i i~ n w Wife—That's nice. Now I won't fruit nectar, 1-4 cup water, 1 floors. Available at the MAN- 2t Ripped ball game, explaining, “ I had just welting and a matching taaael package lemon-flavored getstin, halves, 1 banana, 3 oranges, l-'2 " c ^ iniWMAbnteh,^ ■ e r % have to keep telling you to be trim to emphaalaa graceful con­ cup strawberries, salad greens, ! CHESTER FLOOR COVERING a s i u " 40 Observed 1| W- h n careful every place you go. received the ball on a long pass.., few grains salt, 3 teaspoofna mild OOMFANV, 721 Main Street. 41 Knowledge — 1 caught it under my arm. .. only tours. prepared horseradish, 1 cup grated tart French dreiatng. i *'lt’t daddy~ho oaw you comin( but wo couldn’t got bim "1 m Drain peaches thoroughly. Peel ■ 7‘ 2 2 ‘ Sa 42 Guide n 5" n a n According to marriage laws, a two men were between me and the carrot, juict of 1 lemon, 1-3 cup To keep aluminum burners on covered,with sand in time!” * 4S Plodded g o a l... Interference took one out. Tlwre Is a DUfereoce In House and slice banana. Pare sAd sec­ 1 man his and wife are one, liut we Paint slivered blanched almonds, shred­ a gas range from corroding, use 4(Landed 5!” il'’ Wy U U have heard some couples who I dodged the oth er... I was within ded lettuce, French dressing. tion oranges. Dice sections. Cut hot water, a mild detergent and a dwelling two steps of the goal lin e... I In thia age ot actentific progresa, strawberries into halves^ and OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOFLE sounded like a dozen. you ere entitled to house paint on Heat nectar and water to just stiff brush. Avoid using lye. soda OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILI-IAMS 51 Age tF" if looked down, but Uie hall wasn't below boiling. Dissolve gelatin m blencl lightly with banana* and or alkaline cleansing prepara- 32 Aatrlngent under my arm. It. just wasn't there your home that provides the orange mixture. Arrange two w w There was a real Hair-Pulling MAXIMUN in lasting beauty and hot liquid. Add salt and horse- ' tlona. SELEcrr WHAT FOR r TO A S K U6'AWK ! great CA6SAIR, S3 Preposition k- match in Worcester, Mass., when and 1 couldn't help saying, "Where radlah. Chill until thick but not peach halvas on each garnished I t w ~ : H M WHY HE HUN<3 pp»d; 410 il , Bishop (excitedly) Yes, yes. fruits. Serve with f i ’ench dress­ TH E l a u n p e y o u t ASKIKK3 HIM THAT . LAUSHII46 00V MUST RUM a , aM» lyn M. Hair filed marriage Inten- only ONE ORADE ... ..the beet we and almonds. TVirn Into individual I Raally new. these 4YNVL- 33 Bulk i /-^ ions. Maurice Seltter, Chicago. But. where in the hell was It?” ing. ; PLASTIC TILES for floors at the AMP KJOW WE'VE COT IS AS COOFY wind GOOD— MOW VOU U K E T R O rlli’ ” 57 w ■n >(& ia H? « know how to make. Why risk dlt- molds or large mold and chill un­ a n o t m e k b r o o m A S THE s t u n t / ,, % SO French i appointment when you are sure of til firm. Unmold on shredded let­ MANCHESTER FLOOR OOVER- DIAMONDS THAT LEAVES OWN WITH ME? DOMOU M3U DOTDUr' summers {o 5l Hterllng On Cryatal I ING COMPANY. 721 Main Street, you BREA-m^a DAGHES SOLO BY DICK TURNER ■atMactlon If BWP HOUSE PAINT tuce, dressed with French dress­ When you think of diamonds think of Mather’s. Wo HISHOEKJ- i‘ *- 37 Afteinoon GARNIVAL la used for 'painting your home? ing. Top with mayonnaise. If de­ Exquisite in design, showing are net only beautiful, but they TEES--SHALL social event master craftsmanship in evary de­ have a wide selection of diamonds in an equally fine se* I CALL H M B Si s>l There are substitute house paints sired. may be TAKEN UP IF YOU BACK DOWN that aell for less than SWP. ,biit tail. this RTERUNG ON CRYR- MOVE! Thsy absolutely will not lection of settings. TAL makea an Ideal gift for any rCurrbnt ti a 5? don't 1st that fool you! Insist upoh Uesrsaloe ef Sumnter Prrasea I slip for they are held firmly in 3Preta If gWP and be eure! . .. . Know all 8968 occasion. MATHER’B AT THE ' position by suction cups, each tile A real buy at the MONT­ CENTER are featuring r e l.i a h jp^Ml the facU. Gat your FREE copy of 12-42 OOMERY WARD COMPANY aaugly egalnat the other exactly our booklet "The Truth About dishes, rake plates, cracker and aa though It was cemented. The Here's a youthfully designed are these summer dresses, drastic­ cheeae diahes, bonbon dishes and f99.50 House Paint" at THE GHF-RWIN- colors are lovely and its gloss fin­ classic that's an all-aeason favorite. ally reduced in price. You will sandwich trays. Prices start at Delight the eye with a set of theae BUGS BITNNY WILUAMB COMPANY, 719 MAIN wear theae dresses way into the lovely bcdltncne! Gay morning- ish reaista wear for years to •TREBT. And it's planned-to be made two $5.67, tax included and up. come. ways in gay, bright .colored bor­ fall for they come in ginghams, glory designs are embroidered UNLAX, r X M4WF GOT A quickly and easily In authentic der print fabric, or rich solid tonei. nylons, rayons, prints, solid colors, Gas Incincratora for homae are OOC, Gtm/VMCK WHAT'LL For cleanalhg and polishing butcher rayons in misses’ sizes. colors. Thia aet will be the "pride A tasty and unusual summer THESf OPEN 4 /v y door glassware such as tumblers, Pattern No. 9966 Is a sew-rita available which will consume all and joy " of your linen closet. aoup is easily prepared by chill­ perforated pattern In aisea 12, 14, THINOS IN A SECOND, HANG vases, candlesticks, bowls and combustible household wastes Pattern No. 2D76 contains hot iron, ing a can of cccaicr*^ green pea TAKE 16. 19, 30; 40, 42. Sise 14, border, If you scorch a white garment. Without noise or smoke, nr some pitchers, rub witW a paste made' Wash the spot with warm, soapy transfer for designs for top sheet aoup. serving cold flaivored with of baking soda and water. A 4'.i yards of 39-inch. models, no aUention la required and pillow;slips,. material require* a da^ of euny powder and gar- For this pattern, send 90c - in water. Rinse it Well. Place in small dampened brush will help ^ 'u » *1** **^^**'*- i menu, color chart and elitch illus^ nished Yvlth chopped chives. a t L e t A Cdlns, your name, address, slae de­ the sun for a day or two. ‘ For you to apply the pasta in the Bullt-in receptacles hold a two- tratlons. JEWE1.ER.S sired, and the Pattern Number to heavier stains, dampen a . white to-four-week collection of ashea ridges and to remove resistant cloth with hydrogen peroxide, Send 35c In Coins, your name, ad-1 Jackets fee Fall 5.83 MAIN STREET AT THE CENTER SUE BURNETT, THE MANCHES­ dreit and the Pattern Number to spots. Rinse snd dry. TER EVENING HERAU>. HM lay it on the stain, and cover TTicae good looking all wool Ik Tops la Ughtera ANNE CABOT, THE MANCHF.S- linsd JACKETS FOB MEN are AVB. AMERICAS, NEW YORK 96, with a second, dry white cloth. RONSON UGHTERS are tops TEB EVENING HERAU>. HM /" Kaahions In Rugs Press with warm iron. The min­ made of raVon gabardine and are N. Y. and MATHER'S AT THE CEN­ A^YC. AMERICAS, NEW YORK 94, Fashions In rugs change just as Don't miss the new Basic Fash­ ute the hydrogen penetrates the water repellent, sizes 36 to 46, fashions in clothing and THE TER have all the popular atylea at N. Y. , and are priced from . S7.88 to ion for 'S3, spring snd summer. It's top cloth, change It, or you may new low prices, both ladles' and ^ M D BRIM S STOP MANCHESTER CARPET CEN- Presenting the New Anne Cabot 115.96. Choose now and use the a complete spring sewing guide for hava rust spots. Rinse well. . men's, also RON.SON TABLE MOTHERS SET ORAV BACK A FEW CIGARS = y .,i TER, SOS Main street hav^ secured : Needlework Album. Directions for popular LAV AWAY PLAN at smart, practical wardrobes; gift 1-IOHTERS. Prices start at gS.SO, samples of the new BROADICOM i puppet mittens, basic embroidery the. MONTOOSfERY WARD ARRIVED TODAY! pattern printed inside the book. 29 Rayon and Neertucker Hhlris plus tax and up. stitches and grand designs are RIIO PATTERNS lor fall. Stop In cents.. — — COMPANY. BY V. T. HAMLIN and see them now, you will be see-! BOVR’ REERHUOKER HHIRTfl printed in this Issue. 25 cents. Hundreda More Of These liv e ly , Washable AI4.EY OOP ,S« lAinK, OwJa! and RAYON HHIRTH are marked If you wish the "permanent fin­ 1 Ing these same rug patterns illua-1 Celluloae tape, wrapped around TH'fjm FA CHARGE tratsd in all of the leading m ags-, wav down in the ROVR' DEPART­ ish" on your dress to last through ..so IF WE CONTRIVE THE IS PERTH' have him send someone to your MENT of the MONTOOMERY many launderings you must follow your hand with sticky side out, RAYON SHEER DRESSES 6UD0EN APPEARANCE OF ANy^ WHY, MY smet thia fall but only by seeing Sweet Potato Haaa Loaf la ideal for removing lint from OTHER MEOCINE MAN OUT / STARSt YOU B U L u r r s actual aamples can you accurately home to messiire accurately be­ WARD COMPANY. A real manufacturer's directions careful­ (Mak«a S Bervtaga) fore you buy. money-aaving value while they ly. However, don't expect the fin­ clothing. Pal clothing gently, In missy or half sizea OF NOWHERE,TH© CHAPB/ SHOULD judge their real beauty, Ham Loaf; Three , - .quartem and the tape picki up the lint. WHOLE ENTXXIRAGE WLL / HA)/E BEEN last! ish to last for the life of the fabric pound ground smoked ham, 1-4 unless the manufacturer specifies FOLD UP! 1 A MEPlONE WoodenYvare — chopping bowls, The R«mII« ef Wlk pound gro\md fresh pork, 1-2 cup Ot Special Intereat To Mea $ 3 .9 8 MAN your­ rolling pins, pastry boards, mix­ Nothing la quite as luxurious Clean the Vlogged-iip burners that It wriil. self! rolled oaia (quick or old-faah- Genuine horschide IXATH ER ing spoons -should be washed sounding as the rustic of taffeta of your, gas range with sal soda loned, uncooked), 1 egg. beaten, Vwashing soda). Have large A Lnrket For Baby JACKirrS writh wool or aheep- promptly with a well-soaped dish­ and you may now enjoy luxury 1-2 cup milk,-1-4 teaspoon pepper, akln lining are In -stock at the Also Many Now Arrivals in cloth or brush. Never Immerse at budget prices for CHENEY enough vessel to hold them cov­ Every child lovea a LOCKET and 1 teaspoon dry muatard. ered with water. Boil on the M.ATHER'R AT THE CENTER MONTOOSIERY WARD COM­ or soak wood utensils. After RROTHEILN RFJMNANT SAI-F-S- Filling: One large copkad sweet PANY, They come In aisea 36 .to rinatitg, wipe Ycell. and allow to KOOM is offerin;; for -s limited stove for • short tim« in solution have exquisite ones for babies or COTTON PIMFORES of lo u r tablespoons sal soda per potato. 46 and ere priced from 620A8 to •?-aa dry In the atr before putting them time only, »G” FAILIE TAFFE­ children. In heart, sound or oc For the ham loaf, combine alt gallon of water. When cool, finish tagonal shapes for ss little ai 6S4.96. Hake your selection now T M U « F>t on away. TA for only 8Sc a yard. This IngredienU weTJ. Pack about 3-4 LAYAWAY €«•• tM) ••€* OsrvM tNA . the job with a brush. 63.09, tax Included. I grade of taffeta regularly sells at of mixture onto bottom and aides j p tA N avsilsbie to all customers AND SIJNBACKS Hot Weastker Meals a much higher price and may be of loaf pan, a one-ppund size. Lay j m ONTOIPMERI’ WARD. it good 6 plica it iny to till y^ou—I go^ thit fuf latoking.Akend ______A..new. inflatable, doll.made of. T'tt ...... edit It tht aummtr g ilr today!’’ Vlattng out doors-can -be—fun- •used for -jtowns or draperies,—With- — cooked sweet :potato>;TOt in quar- j ------— —•-— ------and not to«i arduous , if you have fifteen different colors to choose Take advantage of MONTGOM- plastic serves s.4 a combination me, V M W » Pe« ■t.'y. EBY WARD’S LAY AWAY PI.AN | bottle rest and plaything, A warm ters. in.side meat lining. Cover Cooking dinner on top of the i $2.98 and $3.98 j-sJL the proper equipment. THE from, this Is a real summer value. with remaining ham loaf mixture. and purchase fall jackets, leather ' bottle of milk slides into the de- range instead of in the oven la a RUDOBT CENTER. 91 Center Bake in a moderate oven,'350 de­ cooler way to prepare food in the CHRIS WELKIN, Planeteei Ham and Sauce BV RUSS WINTERBOTHAM It’s Yes BY KDGAit MARTIN TTje tweed Jumper returns with jackets, aiir-roats. storm coats nr | .9nted doll which mother Inflates Missy or half aiiea. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES .Street, has everything you could bomber Jackets in the BOYS’ DE- ( quickly. When baby throws the grees F„ for 1 hour. Let qtand summertime. possibly use for a picnic. PORTA­ rib-knit trimming and a flattering 5 minutes before alicing. Serve o w r eACiHGvovR ViW y VO^VL*. VOO’O t S V IN PtSWKKb TO side - closing, button - trimmed. PABTMENT. A down psymejit ef I empty bottle from crib or carriage. ’ NEITHER, ALAG! TMATA4V yoo SfN \\V HNOV. SObAt BLE G R fU A , PICNIC BAH- 31,00 will hold any article until j the doll cushion prevents the bottle with hot aweet-aour,, sauce if d*; Ooodb.Te to Shrinkage Worries Remember! You will find the .BOYlMELLO bWRRV yoo FOR OOtR VOWxy yL W Sl Wear it with sweaters and jerseY- MELLONOR CARECR AGA MOKifcy V K t OUTO ,« F \ W KET8, THERMOS GUOS and a November 15th and s^all regular { from shattering on floor or side- sired. Make sauce by mixing to-'\ You may tay goodbye to shrink­ FCWPEY ghakegpeabeah TRY TO FLY tYAt VtORtGA&t tS 9RSO yoo W N ASK AGA\K» “ FOR THt LAST wonderful THERMASTER RE- swenter top bloims for a round- gethrr in saucepan 1 cup brown age worries when you buy REIS largest selection of cotton frocks GRACE GNiR... > OLD w e t . A\.\. payments mean the garment will walk. KNOW ACTORGMOULP OFF .9tT t ? ______• ______T\V\t •. FRIOERATOR. compact and ef­ town costume that goes every­ be paid for by the lime you need It. sugar. 1-4 cup rinegar, 1-4 cup M T S ’ SCANDALS BRIEFS and mavge take tYSt XMWJLNE) I ANYTHING ENPINA WILP :>DSt ficient. that keeps your perish­ where. Aa Eaperially Lovely Gift water. 1-8 teaspoon salt and 1-4 M T O ’ T-SHIRTS in the Boys’ in town here— 4 ables safely. Charcoal, hickory teaspoon dry muatard; cook Shop at C. E. HOUSE A SON. 955 tW tV . Don’t make yonr trash can an Nothing coiild be lovelier than a chips, J,png .handled fOTka snd Hun sad Ftta Ideal breeding - ground ...for. flies. about 5 minutes, aUrnng frequent- Main. Strfft. These briefs and T- DOW iOl CROSS - and -CHAIN - and thoae THAT'S hamburg griils. just everything ....Suifi and 'Fun can 'go hand In Wash out Cana and bottles thor- shown at MATHER’S AT THE l.v. shii-ta posHively will not shrink re­ you oould ask for* snd all of them hand when you use SEA AND ' oughly. before discarding them. CENTER With their deUcate gold gardless oT' jhe type .of w'aHiing priced so reasonably. . . let them HHI TANNING CREAM that pro-j "“J ^ chasing are priced as low as 33.39. Just Reeelved! machine used. The Perma-Sized make your hot-wealher meals a motes even t s n ^ g . prevents S)in-! ^ , edges are flattened and tax included, either gold Ailed or Have you ever wished for extra Method use by Reis solves the real picnic. burn and you poaitlvely will n o t, complstelv off cans. Too 10k gold. chs'rs when guests drop In to shrinkage problefn and they guar­ peel after ezpoaure to the sun. , their have a look at television? A good antee the garments to fit as well Carefully prepare for rug buy­ Thia comes in a handy pW tIc | ^ , ’ If you are an abaent-mlnded linking HASSOCK from the J. W. after laundering aa^hey did be­ heads in c fore; The slogan uee<^^ Reta "Dad ing. Take a detailed floor plan bottle at the WELDON DRUG' partly off. home gardner who can never re­ HALE COMPANY'S BA8RMKNT with you when you shop. Have COMPANY and coat 11.19. member where she haa left trowel, is the answer. They have just re­ has had them—now Md\an have them” aaaurea you of penqct fit­ 517 MAIN ST. the salesman give you an eall- - * Hullahle for School spade or pitchfork, here's a good ceived a shipment of haaaocks In mate from the floor plan, hut also Be ready for baby's feeding solution; Paint the tools a bright square, round and oblong shapes in ting garments for your AT THE CENTER JScjSLtti Take advantage o t MONTGOM­ man, washing after washing. \ ERY WARD'S CLEARANCE of orange or magenta or yellow which green, red; black and gray priced BV hL VERMEER may be spotted easily. The paint at 16.50, 38.98 and up. Next to Daria Bake.ry PRISCILLA’S POP Good Try MICKEY HNN Teating! LANK LEONARD BOYS’ SUMMER CIxmilNO. Don't forget the top ceiling ol You will save money by purchasing can serve another purpose, too—It aer\-ea to brand tools so that When buying ehild re n 's the broiler and oven when clean, /ACROSS TMe U .YOU JUST CAbfTj clothes now. much of which is suit­ ing your stove. Food x’spors LAKE... THAT'S REASON WITHT able for school wear, Included are, neighbors who borrow them will clothes, make sure the fasteners; - - WHERE THE A WOMAN! polo shirts. T-shirts, short sleeved remember they are yours. are firmjy sewn, the tea mi flat <=•"•* shirts, underwear and many other with edges protected against rav­ XBIG O N ES Rings for the Younger Set eling. and all stitching strong. 1 W Early Mrd A C F > » — « items. The early bird may catch the , RINGS for children and for the Worked or bound buttonholes are Earn the eternal gratitude of little tots are especially acceptable more practical than loops of thread jvorm but you mav select your irjiely Items For M en FALL. SUIT, or COAT, right now ; the pbatman, delivery boy, and gifts when the rings are set with o f fabrit. at MONTOOMBRT WARD'S. milkman. Attach an ahirainura their particular birthatonea. Uae tHa handy LAY 'R W A cup to your outside faucet with MATHER’S AT THE CENTER FnraUnre Magic PLAN. 11.00 holds any garment a generous length of bathroom- have them In all sixes. And vou wriil call it magic until November 15th ___ and ^sfnall i I pluj. chain, and hang, on hook] ------up>*outcfurniture “;'^ ’,,;'Jiym ;nta m'ean y^ coat near faucet. Place a Utile sign | One go '* - V V .( J - f r ;


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, M ANCHEST^ CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 19M .pAQBSnTMiN Aircraft and Electric Boat Tangle for Right to Up Hogan’s Alley Through Ticker Tape Hogan Given J LOCAL Phils, Braves Lose Big Welcome Veteran Aircraft Shortstop, Catcher Semi-Final Attraction Sport Chatter Ground to Brooklyn Danny Renn Pitchips No Hit, No Run ■y No Rest in Sight for EARL W. YOST T onight at Mt. Nebo Ry BEN PHI-EGAR and then to 4vln on Don Lund’a two Thin, Tired Texan; BparW Editor A ssociate Preaa Mporte Writer run double In the lOUi. Mickey T he team thst wins the National Vernon "put tha Senators ahead Game for Red Sox over Yanks, 5-0 15 Lb». Underweight with a threo-run homer In the Veteran Danny Rourke 1 — J -.-,, ALUMNI LRAOUB will recess.), ALEX HACKNEY, Country League pennant thla year ought following Friday night’i game un­ Club Pro, finished in 14th place In to give its members little lawn ninth but Matt Batts evaned Kiner Sights Expected to Start New York, July 22 — (Ah — the ann)ial Connectloit Open G.df mowers to remind them of why the things for Detroit with a ninth In­ There Is no Immediate reel In sight til Montiay night, August 10. Fri­ ning homer. Then Washington AimiCAM nANDINGS day, night Manchester Trust plays Tournament played over the Wee Philadelphia Phillies didn't win. for Ben Hogan, a thin, tired men Rum Coiififrv diii) roiirse in THE PHII.i.lES might atm pull scored one nin In the 10th. W L Pet. Homer Record; F” of 40 who la overgolfed and over­ the First National Bankers at 6:15 Bum Country CJub course in The Cube used six pitchers Ih a Hall of Fame Bid Fairfield’s Turn Back at Charter Oak Park. the big surprise, but it gets more Itod 8o k ...... 1 .800 ____ j London City L«aguer« feted. Darien. Hackney’s 54-hole score futile attempt to allehM the was 227 on rounds of 78-75-74. unlikely by the day. particularly ...... 3 3 .*2? Sed 8o» (S) Stdl reeling from yeaterday's Dodger bats but only anctdnt AB R H PO A K "Biwoklyn” July *2- iAV-Ralph! from their 4 to 8 victory Stan HlllnskI was the only other the days when Curt Simmons T a n k eM ...... -2 .3 -JOO whirlwind New York reception, AMERICAN IJCGION Jtinlore pitches and loses. ’’ Dutch Lsonard mot with say Mic- Dedferc ...... 1 * Solomoiipon, 3h Legion, Increase Lead Klnar, NaUonal Loagua'k parang willimanUc Ridges. Pratt followed by a day-long leriea of will attempt to wrap up the dis­ Silk Towner to finish; Stan was cess. He pitched three ecorelSaa Potter, lb ...... nlal home run champion, think# h4 j Whitney Aircraft wrtll meet 29th with a 238 total and scores This looked Ilk# a great year for Smith, rf ...... public appearances, golf’s triple trict championship tonight against Simmons. During the first month innings. Against the other five. No hit, no run pitching by Red Rrmi. p '.‘i? aaptura hta eighth eonaecutlve, jjiectric Boat, nine o f Groton .champion cottllnued at a ne^e- Windsor at .the West Side Oval at of 77-79-62. He turned in the Including starter and loser War- •eat hurtof Dwny lUnn led the^Mfpoweii c '3 i MHa tWa year wfth 46 four-bag- * Mt. Nebb Field In the at thia season he and Robin Rob­ NATIONAL STANDINGS^ wracking pace today. 6:15! The'Io)*als have won eight "eighth best amateur score. erts formed the most feared left- Ten Hacker, the Dodgers filled tip •ox to a 5 to 0 win over the Ynn- "X J.m If' W L Pet. ••j™- , nemi-finala of tha Connecticut Flret he had a series o f business previous stsris. six In district play.; 15 rune. Four of the talllea wore keoa In a thriller played at the M*nrhurk. 2b PatrfreW-MarketV.-: G - FeahlerU IKight. ■■tto O kiago Oiba. aluggy -atgtt'' »emt«Pro-BaaebalI- ’Pouma- - xoat«rtttCrt-.andJlllgB.-a^^^^sipj^ .Qne.iame JKlth. K.6«t JHI arUocd-JiXr4 JIMMY MOKIARTY, American ! ll^^'^Lf* ’ *'***"* homers by l^ k e JSn|der, ,,_.OJ.l... Aihericaii XIUIe teainie dlamswinrsjr'-i'oij. r f , rantly ranks fifth In the laague niajora. American Legion ...... 3 2 .600 ment. First pitch is set for 6:1B. appearance tonight. Thursday mains on the slate after tonight's Legiiin JiTnidV frfst baseman/Tiss But one sunny day in early June 'Hodgee, Reewee Kn m - and tfoleby'' on the caiarter Oak field laat night. .. a,-, S 7 IS B .0 Moriarty Brothers .. .3 3 .500 FalrlleM Markets lUk with 23 home runs. Milwaukee's •nie aurvivora will face Hamlltnn more business end Thursday night contest: been awarded a your year Fire- Morgan. The loss was the 14th for KENN RECEIVED fine hitting Vsnkm ISI AB R H PO A E Eddie Mathewa leads with 2S and AB n H PO A E Man. Auto Parts ..^..0 6 .000; Sylveater. ct ...... 3 3 1 0 0 0 Btaiidard, the defending champion, a big dinner In his honor by the stone College s< holsrship. Jimmy ' Hacker, tope in both leagues. 'and fleldinx aupport from his team­ pIncInnati’B Ted Kluasewaki la he rsn his power mower over his rAmpf>s»o. 3b t. kicAdam. 1b ...... i 3 3 4 0 1 Thursday night In the best two U, ,8. Golf Association. HAKRY ORIMWORDis the lead­ will enroll St Holy Cross In the left foot. Part of hla big toe had The Cardinala scored four runs mates as they collected seven hits, Stmlrr. rf ...... Wea Feahler pitched his sixth Ftiher. rf ...... 4 1 0 0 0 0 second with 26. Brooklyn's Roy Friday Hogan and hia wife. fall. The loi'Sl lad played baseball off Ssl Maglle in the first inning . all singles, and made seven plays Malt^mpo. r ... F chler, p Campantlla la third with 24 and out of three set. ing b ^ 'e r for the American Legion to be amputated. w'in of the National Uttle League Adam,, ss . BOTH THE AIRMEN and the Valerie, fly to their home In Fort .Iiininirs among the regulars. Gris and football af Manchester High. at New York, the biggest opening la the Held without committing an Grer. lP ...... 0us Ball o f tha Redlega haa 23. Simmons was sidelined s full frame they've had In a month. 'Two Prd'mont^. 2b season as Fairfield Markets won T«"erdy. c . Boats turned In Impressive wins in Worth. Tex., for a celebration haj/collected 13 base hits In 27 at month. He’s been bark In action •rror. Dave Ounas. Jim 'Meacham Marih. p. rf ... their sixth second 'round game Mc.N'ell. 3b From which of thU formidable of the tallies came on a home run Smith, ir .. Virat round encounters. Iggy Mil­ which never-lo-be-o)itdone Texans list's for a .481 mark. Big Moe HAMILTON MTA.NDARU de­ 2 'j weeks now. but not with any­ and Danny Manchuck each col­ l>an|:**. if, rf without a setback by downing the Tons BoirtiainiBi quartet does Kiner expect the by Stan Muaial. Rip Repulskl eon- Norris. 3b . Ralph fMiomoy ler pitched the Aircraft to a 4 to 3 Ben Hogan alta on back of car aa he moves up lower Broadway, New York, July 21, en route to s plan to make a bigger and more Morhardt is second at .467 on 14 fending state semi-pro championa. thing like hIs early success. In four lected two hits for the Sox while second place- American Legion 11 atiffest competition? lavish affair than that accorded ' trib:ited a three run homer In the Gtraann, ,p. If . win over the Ridges while the reception at City Hall. The Texan who won the British Open at Carnoustie, Scotland, early In July , binglei In 30 appearances at the won the Hartford Industrial Base- . xurts he has won Just once, Renn coUected the other bingle. to 7 and stretched there first place Tnuli ...... 3S 11 11 18 3 3 'Tm not overly concerned about New. York CItv. Next Monde fourth. Gerry Staley had to have TotAl.x-...... 17 0 n 15 4 3 Amriiess 111 the competition," replied Ralph. veteran Danny Rourke chucked a received the traditional ticker tape welcome from Niw Yorkers. ’* I plaU. First sacker Jimmy Moriar- hall Ldisgue championship last j Lm i night the Phillies threw nnie Soix made two of their five 303 nox -5 margin to two games. The game R H PO A E "Ben Hogan Day' In the ;rexss ; g 20, ranks next with a 450 help to get the final out when the markers in the «rst« frame. The Sox "WhilBr I’m not underastimating two hit, 6 to 0 Rost verdict over night with a 5 to 4 decision over Roberts and Simmons at the Mil- Giants scored once and loaded the Run.« baltfrt In. BIsnrhuck 3. fJunss. was a replay of a tilt that had McG-ban. 3b city. rage. Ricky Paquette. 10 for arch rival Pratt and Whitney. | waiikee Braves. Roberts won his •rst came on an error and the R»nn »tnl»n ha.«e. Manchuck: Uft nn ended In a 2-2 tie. Haskell, 3b ...... 3 1 0 3 0 1 luiy of them, I bellevq I can win the Meriden Barons. P and W bases in the ninth but he got erodlt-'^ has'J. Yanks 4, Sox 9: bases on halls KoMk. II ...... 8 1 1 0 0 1 tha hoina run title again if I can comes Into tonights fray with a Although V '• snout »» poooo. i 27, is fourth at 370. Third aacker There is a possibility thst the ; I6th game with ease 10-0, but second on a single by Meacham. Rsmi 4 Olcason 4. strikeouts. P.enn It. Feahler gave up but four hits McClain, ss...... 3 3 1 3 3 1 Mid-Season Inventory underwrigbt and ktokq/drawn and . Johnson Is batting for his 13th victory. " - They scored their other three in Bents. H ...... 1 1 0 3 0 0 hit 40 home runs. C^eck the re­ fine 21 and 3 record. 'The Boat Pays Yost Dividends to Take a Walk; Is batting .355 to rivals will meet In the finals of Simmons didn’t make It, giving Crafty Ken Raffensbergor gave r.ieasnn 3. Marsh 3: hit, off. Gleason and struck out 12 batters while weary, the...... middle-rt:•-rtBrit Texan------an' j round out tha regulars ■ over .300. the third on a walk and three sue- .5 for .S runs In 3 Innings: Marsh 3 for walking two. He was not in his While, s '...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 cords and you will find that In nine, while not having quite the the semi-pro event now underway 1 up five runs snd eigh^ hits In six the Pirates 10 hits but only one of 0 runs In 3. hit hy pitcher. Marih hy W. Burnrtl. c...... 3 3 3 4 o 0 nounr^ he wouldJ M flll exhlMUon I Steve Cooper heads the reserves at Mt. Nebo. If the Airmen i-an innings. -The final score was 7-3. Little Skip Marsh best form but had "no trouble in re­ D. Burnett, p ...... 3 O 0 n 1 0 tha Uat 20 years only one player overall record of their opponents, 1 n g I o n. them —Frank Thomas' two run Reno: 'lid pitches, Renn 3,: passed besides myself—Johnny Misa--hlt enmmltmpnls at /W.n a h i with two for four and a .500 aver­ get past the Electric Boat tonight I So, Instead of gaining ground, relieved Lefty Gleason in the halls. Bfallempo. McDowell. loslnf cording the win after he had a Maliiusky. rf ...... 3 0 0 3 0 1 Of Major Loop Stoek have long been a power in Mmi- Eagle Eye Makes Him yaluable to Club Hloux City Blrt___^ Joplin. , Mo., and homer—was itamaglng- The Cin­ fourth to hold the Sox to only two pitcher. Gleason, umpires, Tyler.Roy;- Shurku,. I. .b ...... '3 0 0 3 0 1 that many homers In a singla sea­ pro action through out the state. age. the Dusty rivals will clash in a the Phils atill are seven games out cinnati lefthander more than bal­ scorer, rote; lime. 1:35. big lead to work with. K. Burnett, b ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 probwbl.v nocc^ other dates. hits and no runs. AT THE PLA’TE he *va»-more son. Rival coaches have not named lies’, of three game series with the j of first place and three ^hind the anced Thomas’ blow with a three- "Lang age I smde np my mind As far jt* actual competition first game Tliursday night. Braves. The Yanks were unable to give Impreasiva. ’Twice he was hit by Totals ...... t T s 't I Oisir starting hurlers but Coach Wa.xhington - - (NEA) — Ed­ is conceptied. Hogan won’t haunt THIKD ROl'ND of play in the I run home run of hie oxvn. Renn much trouble as only live pitched balls. Nevertheless, he ran a—Sirurk out for Bentx In ith. New York. July 22 — lAh — Ben*fleld helping the club top the ma- to stop worrying about Ihr eompe- Johnny Roser of the Airmen is when he comes to bat. He is behind Rec Softball League Is scheduled ROBF.RTM FAN.NED six. scst- b—Struck out for Shurkus in »th. ward Fred Yost completely belles the pitcher much more than a lead- the fat'rwsvs again until next , __ men reached first and only one Title Bout Sight ' Its Incredible hitting streak to 16 L. e|don ...... 300 303— 7 Hogan rides up Broadway Jora In errors, HHon. For_ some roaahn, Fve al­ expected to start Bob Andrews the theory thst a hall player must MAJOn IFAei/f Plans THEKE IS NO question in the tered seven hits snd drove In two ways boea a slow starter. Every off man should be. spring^ whin he plays in the 1 1" ».",!> '’". “ “ ".'‘ 'y..*''.*'"*''*- W«BT aiDFA WIK reached second. In no inning was straight gamea with a pair of hits. Fairfield, ...... 143 03s—11 wrapped In ticker tape... Native I p r m B U a O H — Bonus babies on the mound with Tom Ber- belt Ruthlan wallops tn get into Mainers Toumsraent at Augusts. |for the playoffs will be made at a writer's mind on the situation in ; nins in the first game. Walker Run, hatted In, Feshler 3, McClain 3. year alnee Dve been In the majora. "I ison’t swing nt a pKrk Just coming meeting. Five teama m- the National Little I>>sgue on ! Cooper's three run homer, his first there more than one runner on Remains LInsettled The first was a three-run homer McNeil 2. McAdam. 'Twerdy. W. Bur­ Danger pomps home by nine every turn. .. Branch Rickey ganilni behind the plate. Dirk the higher pay ^ Tie'll also compete in hii home i Waat AM# In the second frame. It was his nell. Malauskv: two-baae Ml. Norris! lengths... Rocky Marcisno goes) wishing'Dais Cpogan could come with the exception of one. Fve Foley, Joe Tripp. Ralph brackets. ' because It's over the plate, unless town hesdllner—the Colonltl Invl- | piiae the circuit, Naasiffi. Miller's. Monday night. Bei nie Balon should of the season, was the big blow off AR K H PO A E FEW' GREAT stops by Sox fifth circuit blast of the season borne run,. McClain. Feshler: stolen to ca m p ... The heat breaks the ' back from aerviee to play Hrat found myself tralUag In the home Washing- I have two strikes on me," he con- Ditcrs, Damsto’i and Silk City. have been iTedited with s base hit ' Simmons, whose record now is 3-7. rhArbonn#4u, c.f .200000 base,. MrClain. McAdam: double play*. run derby. I need to worry about Srhumey and Charlie Masurek lallon St F ort. Worth - but after Hubbard, lb ... . 3 2 1 R 0 0 •elders robbed the Yanks of pos­ and broke the National League re­ old Olympic record,.. But the guy base for an all-Iriah infield with ton's third base­ fldee. “ 1 mean pilches like that Hr THK AHH4H IATKI> .■ which robbed Clyde Richard of I Both the Phils snd the Braves Holiand. r ...... McCIaln-Shurku,: left on base,. Fair- that and. an a resalt, found my- round o»it the Infield. John that his plans are indefinite. sible hits. One of these plays came San Francisco, July 22—i^’i— cord of four set by Nick Twerdy Ids 5. I.erlon 3: bases nn hall,. Bur- next door atill talks baseball. \ the O'Brien twins and Danny man rejiched the one Bob Kusava threw Duke NhHurrI Valerie, concerned at Seeing him IjrmjC ijc.aui'E bssebsll in Morisrlv Brothers of a no hit, no lost half s game to the pace set­ leov^jov, tb It 4. Feshler 3: strikeouts. Feshler Bclf praaaing. Satagaj,' Paul Clrhon and Russ Bfttling R c h o j»<• lefiul*. ,33&: ting Brooklyn Dodgers who tram-1 3h In the laat frame when Marsh Time and place for the Carl (Bobo) last season. With th# AU-8tar game in the : O'Oonnell. . . Trade of Kiner left halfway mark (tnlder in laat year’s World Series. Irvin, Nfw York. .32?. FUiflUv BrtM'sk- train dow'n to such a thin edge for the National I>eague will halt fol­ run game. ------— ■ Burnett I- hit hv r>ltcber, by, Burnett "Thia year I set a goal for my­ Gagnon are expected to patrol the ' pled/Chicsgo 15-4, St. I^ouis whip- | ij *’ Potter hit a hard liner over second eison-Rahdy Turpin world mid­ Bruce McClain in the opening iFrshlrr 3i Feshler. (Haskel. Bents): record books and only 10 weeks to club with no long ball hitter and outer gardens. this trip batting It was a beauty aad Snider had lyn. .336. Baumhniti. Chimfo, ,321: major tournaments, said riie would lowing the July 29 game and the baseman Manchuck’s head but dleweight title flght remained un? stanza clouted the first home run wild pllche,. Burnell 3: Mssed hall,. go before the World Series. It's worst batting average in majors, self -40, home runt. Golfers shoot I a skimpy .2.54. to go for It, like It or not, beaaune RoMnaon. BrcWikivn, .319. ' v ^ American Leagiie will suspend BROWN and Besupre and Man- peil New York 10-6 and climbed | ^ig|»v. rf'. ..._P.a n n y lu n 'R K B may >?, - - like for hitn to quit. ^ competitive ^ settled today after the Srst tenta­ by an American Legion batter this Twerifv: umpires. Vsrantt-WIttke; scor­ for pan-you know. Well. 1 t>aUeve 'hit only'.238 last- be had two atrikes oa him. Riini 8rud**r. brooklyn. 73; Dark. back Into first diviii<>n a.t'the »x- i Reynoi^. p . Manchuck was playing wide awake er, 'Tairo: time. 1:15, time to take a mid-season Inven- in the American League: Coach Del Francis’ choice to still' York. 71 * - Brooklyn: and f jfolf and *'plny juat tor fuiVc- operations after tb» July- 30-game cJissUr Trust clash -tonight -m -w season. It came with one runner 40 home rum la my par. If I ran ftchoen01-r)«(, 8l. L iu l ,/ 7n: Bell, Cin­ pense of the GianU. Cincinnati de- My\v"*h jh' ball and leaped up to snare it. tive conference between Olson’s tory of laat April's major league NEW YORK — Winning 18 the big bats of the Blrdmen. Hafd I season. And for "But if that pitch, or any pitch i-in- 1 that would have to be up until August S. Section B of Dis­ 61 5 Alumni League baseball j VelA. Renn struck out 11 batters while manager and officials of the Inter­ aboard. hit that mark. I’m satisfied. If this Clark Grif­ cinnati. 04. trict 'Three Little League Tourna­ feated Pittsburgh T-2. I Hnhentnsl. 3b stock.____ • .itcaight. losing nine, letting an Mathews or Kluszewakt nr any of hitting Jim Caulfield will he his I don't like, comes at me when I Rune Bslieil In Wamtwiiella. BnM.k- to Ben," she added. game at the Charter Osk Lots. A I rbwl,,.. 2h ... allowing only four to stroll. Three national Boxing Club...... The inning In which Feshler's fith pays the 26- Ivii. S3 atsthewe. Milwaukee. 79 ment will )>« staged the first weejt win for the Bees will give Coach The Cleveland Indians finally Taking the National League | 11 1-2 game lead slide to four and the others ran hit 50. he deserves batterymate. Charlie Barber at have only one strike, I take it, Ben leavesefio doubt about his of these walks were given to Manager Sid Flaherty wants belt came was the only one In Brownlee Wins ! year-old upward and Just risk that the guy doesn't llo)]Re.e. Biunk[)ii. '78. B'-ll, Cincinnati own altitude: In August which accounts for the Nino Boggim's nine no worse than best the New York Yankees in Total, ...... 22 • 4 31 T O first: I then bouncing back hy winning to win the rrow n" first and outfielder Don Rossi had Sint Irvin, New York. 7.4 Bobby Maltempo. Renn almost hit the fight in San Francisco's big which the Legion played errorless of *20,000. have another one like it left." "I’ve been playing golf since 1 .suspension of play. s tie for the regular ses.xon honors. Cleveland 8-3. with Boh Lemon CbaHer Oak bail. Their boots combined with BROOKLYN — Show'lng its ex- Chicago . . Stengel blow- JKiner said If he rouldn't win the good nights St the_idate In then Hit, — 8ehoenrilen.'*l. 8l l-oule. 131; winning hia 13th game. Detroit AB n H PO A >: another homer but it went foul by Cow Palace. The IBC wants It in Open Golf Title opening win. How does he l,raSuiian. Newr York and Aehbijin, was II." he said, ‘‘and I’ll be play­ Jim Mlatr^Aa, 2b Inches. This came in the first Madison Square Garden. 11 Grocer hits, three by Eddie pected power with signs thst the "i* «P ■nd barring the rlubhou.se title this year, the honor probably Yost has always been a big rhlladelphia. 113: ilrten sra ,,. Clnclnr shaded Washington 6-7 in 10 fialmofidfl. M .... to newsmen during bad streak The ususi door prize will he , do It r ■leaguer, stepped smack dab o(T ing a lot more. I'm sure I'll play frame and Danny hit a single to After a three-hour conference Adams and two by Steve McAdam, pitching finally la coming around. would go to one of these three "I get on base nail, 11)1. KluexewakI, Cinrlnn,tl, 109. In some more opens. If I do I'll be innings. Rs'in washed nut night Pari ion. c ...... Jackie Robinson settled down in Mickey Mantle hobbling on a bad Mathews. Kluszewski or Gil awarded to the lucky ticket holder. f ddie Yost the New York University campus ^tubbe Miielal. St. lyrul, 34 Dttnn. c. rf . the outfield on the next pitch. yesterday with Flaherty, IBC enabled them to score 'once In the Darien, July 22 — t/Pt— Amateur a lot." Eddie Snider. Br . in the, fAbiiloufl rareer of Gilmore,- rf ... ed the flght with the British under protest from the third in­ pla>’ing a flashy second base. Over KosciuszkoK season. HoinF Run* Mathf-wii. Mtlwauki-r. j the aeriouR Texan. W h ere could he ers, .cut' the Yankees'' lead over I«autennbarh. rf The unsung Princeton graduate the best relief pitcher in the Ralph. "He has wonderful wrist reached first base." Among other items. Ed holds Championship of the district will Champion would draw a bigger ning when for a brief time because M ILW AIKBE — Still the big Only Ferris FaJn got on more 29, Kiuar.Fwakl. (’ Imtnnatl. 3S riArm** Chicago to gamat and mov#d RACING COMMISSIONER of some wild base running the hung on despite a three over par league. action and tremendous power the league mark for third basemen ivanFlIa, HM^Ykhn 24 B*U. rinrinnati. irom *J.ere . be the aim of the Dilworth-Oor- ToUie - ...... 29 9 9 21 4 f> gate here. He added: surprise of the year, although times 23 Kinei. rhirago, 22 H ogan had hia ow n a n x w r : th^ Indianii back Into third placa, ...... 511 ono 2-9 Grocers had too many men on too 75 in the final round to defeat a BOSTON—The kids making it a Klusaewski is very strong and Is Rockville. In a Uttle .League by psrtleipsUng In three double nell-Qiiey Post 102. Amencsn Le­ Weat Side ...... •'I'll take it in New York only field studded with the leading state slacking off from torrid early Walking Man Vost Itelongs with Htokn Raarfi Riutotr MtlwaiikcF. IS. I **Wln five 1^. H. Oprwa.** he aald. 10 gam^R back. <'hkrier Oak ...... 101 042 0--9 Chicago. July 22—lAh—The In if'the IBC will guarantee Olson 30 few bases, but no one was called first division rliiR. . . George Kell, a definite home run threat now game railed at the end of five and pUyii in A Romo led the pack In Bn«)kl.vn. 11 Snid-r. Bi<-.klvo. ' gion Juniors tonight at the West Al Rom a, who mak«a a spaciaUy Runt batted tn. Xiemak Quiflry 2 pros and amateurs. p a ce ... Charlie Grimm sweating Red Sehiwndlensl. Carl Piirillo. "I’d like tn «)n len.,'Xnt to set Byrholaki. Dunn 2 iwo-baiep. hi!. Kee­ tematlonal Motor Contest Associa­ per cent of radio-television lights out. it nut waiting for Del Crandall's playing with a had back, leading that he has learned to pull and one half Innings hersuse of dark­ double plays in 19.50, plus bs.xea on I l-i P.-'-hinimn Rn^.klvn snd B-rnirr. ! sn,v rernrila, but Just' for the thrill ; silile Oval against Windsor. The of ftrit inning horn* runi, pUt th^ Former champ Eddie Burke of lift the ball. The fellow to watch ness. (he Elks trampled all over Dale Mitchell, Sid Gordon and . I PlilaburKh. 12 undefeated locals will send either ney: three^baxe hit*. Dunn. ^ If1e> . tion Bays it will have a "high ooifi- and .iO per cent of a *270.000 'The same two teams clash again injured hand to mend. .. W*arren the league . . . Jim Piersall prov­ Hank Thompson, lo name a few. Purhlnjc Burrtf’lts*. Milwaukf ^ [ of winning them.” | Indian* m front with a two-run left on haaea. Weal 8Me 7. Charter Oak Woodbridge and Harry Nettelbladt Oie most right now. I believe. Is the Kosriuszko team last night, 17 The flve*foot-l0. l75*pound#r IshmuK Smith, f'mrinnati. M Myles McDonough or Kenny Irish ?• ha^et on balla^ Revnolda 4. J. Mt**- miaatoner” next year who will house, which they claim they can tonight St 6 o'clock at Memorial Spahn threatening Robin Roberts’ ing he could shake off his troubles They are truly baseball's forgot­ ' Right now he is tied with Bobby blatt off Johnny Sam. Bob Kuaava overact big Car and late model Field. A win for Fairfield would of Avon both missed catching Hodges. He’s been a terror with to 2. taking dead aim on Babe Roth's j Rp«bn. Md«_sukr, ,w,i. l u c , - . . , to the mqund In an attempt to lre(ia t. <'arlaon 2; atrlkeouta. lUynoida draw." position as No. 1 pitcher in the and play major league ball . . . ten men. ....Its. "B*. » »ni innRii- »-i. Ha'tdix. Rt. Jones snd Willie Anderson, the cam^ in when Cleveland poured n . Carlton 11: hit* off J. Mlatretiw 1 stock car races sanctioned by the insure them of no worse than a Brownlee by one stroke. the lumber since he changed his The Elks were out In avenge a all-time high of 170 walka. aet tn | , 1.3 7^1 clinch the crown. Starting time Both sides are hoping for a date Brownlee was three under par league. Sammy White pressing Yogi Ber­ If Gebrge Kell and Fxl Mathews latter from the sporfa dark ages, acroK* three runs in the fifth and for I nma in 1 Inning: Carlson % to r 4 IMCA. The group, which operates tie for secontl round honors. ra fpr the league catching honors, stance. Everything he hits is a previous defeat at the hands of the J923. i Ruikcoiif* ^ Rolicrtf*. Philadciphta. will be 6:15. VKSTr.KIIAV'S BKai LTS Ray Scarborough flniihed up. The runa in 4 wild pltrnea, rartaon 1 in late September or early October \5ith 213 for the 54 hoe cham­ PHILADELPHIA — Mr. Roberts aren't the best third basemen 11.1: Mtxfil and Haddix, Rt XX with four'each. N'Alioiiial paaaed balla. Holland 4. Dunn 5. loaln? In 18 states and one Canadian CLEVEL.AND — Falling apart line drive." Vernon avenue club end for two Not a few are betting the Walk- | The rice-nerved competitor the Earlier this season in Windsor xurceaa was Cleveland's first at pionship route. His total was made doing his usual Job although Curt innings it was a real hall game. in the big leagues today, then Flrsklnc. RrrxikD n. W>. AnifincIU, Mil­ Brur hits and that was both leagues, but for siisUined ex- The locals are unbeaten In eight Jimmy Slade. 174^. New Tork. ous races. flashing his old M.-V. P. form with . . . George Strickland plugging cellenee In all departments, nobody .322; Manlli^ the big city's adulation. "You want D<*irol( A. Waahlncton 7 ^1D>. have its game won against De­ the game. games. 5, .%>• Vr»rk 2. troit at least twice only to have outpointed Herbie Hayee, lfi7. 10 victories. . . Earl Torgeson rid­ the shortstop hole . . . Bobby Fel­ belongs ahead of the Washington I Rune MiiK*eo. ( hiraa»tl A cry." he xsid. and he did. . OlhFr camf^R ;K»j»ipr»n4*» Vrrnon. U«,hlngmn. pf jj,* chs.rpR*.i?n ‘ the team will ihove into the be.it N'aliisaai plava first base. ------n.ASHINOTON —Mick field, no — -Afield, Eddie Is sure 4l«alh; on Tonight...... ------■ -'W ■t/ Pr-r; (pftle WHert JOhftdrOW Was riimovea wffh ' eatv or three gsiiie ■sectional sSftis wllh __ I ^ W TORK — Rolling in high punch and aolid pitching from Bob New York, July 22- Gri- Red one nut in the third. The Elks con­ those cannon-shot drives that Run, B«U-d In-R '*,'-/i, . I ’lrvclshd. Briyokivn ...... s : 32 .Mft gear now that Leo Durocher has Rlectrlc Boat va. Aircraft, 6:15 79. Mlnn,n. Chirsg.. »iid Msntlr, N -s' ■That parade really scared me." 1 the Bristol Legion. First game in Miiwnuk-F ...... 51 34 4 Porterfield. Frank Shea , , . .Schoendlenst. the National tinued to run away with the game whistle close to the bag. Batters a ^ . . . . e A.^e 1 a a a W a .j , , I a a , ,6 a , • 4 made his big decision nn the In­ - Nebo York. M Vernon, Waebinat^'D fit he .said. "I was afraid I'd be sitting this set is scheduled Friday in Philsd-lphlA ...... 49 .38 Chuck Stobbs disappointing . . . League's leading hitter with a regardless of who was pitching have discovered they might aa M-an ' Drfii»o.* Detroit, W* . ' Bristol with the Sunday afternoon St...... 49 4ft :»5i % field. putting Daryl Spencer on Silk City vs. Miller's 0.4»u — Kuf’iin. D r ii^ . 115; V*’xin»n back there in thst big open limou­ N»*w York ...... 44i 39 .641 Mickey Vernon in the batting batting average of .335. was on and were aided In a large measure well hit one at s brick wall. In Manchester, thst is, if the locals 9 short aijd A1 Dark on second... At getting free paasea to first Charter Osk. j Wa.^hlngton. 1H». Imllley rhiladekihia. PI sine snd some guy on the sidewalk OmrtnnKti ...... 41 49 4SK 16»-. “SAFE-BUY” race. the sidelines today as the result by the weird play of their oppo­ rhlcKgo Monte Iiwin bombing with his old |Ki6. Fux. ChiragH lOn 105: Minoao Chlra- would nudge hts neighbor and say: win tonight...... 31 V» 3*>ft 24S PHIL.ADBLPHIA — Crippled of being hit over the eye as he nents. base. Yost Is the nonpareil. A first-* Legion . vs. Fairfield’s, 6 Me- *0 and Roaen /Tievi land i-r, , Loc:sI players are a.sked to be Pittaburgh 29 3fl5 31 '51 form, fighting for the batting ~Douhlea K/1T. IWiMton. 25 Wi non.-j whO i that lunkhead, sny- Amrrlraa bv Injuries that have Jimmy was running out an Infield hit. The one bright spot of the game class laltlng eye accounls for his morlal Field, It the Oval not later than .5:15. lead. towering pmduction of walks. WaehJngtnr).«''27 Gmih 81 l,»»ule. i how ?’ ” S pw York ...... «l 28 <>X5 Dykes talking to himself . . ^ Loss The quick throw to first of from the losers point of v it'/ was Bees vs. Trust. 6:15 Charter W’hite. By/#«(on. Kox. Chiragf* n«i J .rhirago ...... W 34 <22 ST. LOITIS — "Harvey Haddix of Bobby Shantz for half the sea­ Alvin Dark, New York Giant sec­ a home run by Barney Fahv over "I don’t use any of Eddie Stan- Oak. j«eri, W^ehlriirton. 1*» | I'lFynlaml, ...... 61 3» 573 104 USED CARS and Gerry Staley winning about son worst blow . . . Gus Zemiat’s ond baseman; opened a 2-inch cut the leftfield fence at the siart of ky's .deliberate fouling tricks;" he Trii>lej»-*Riv# ra. fhlrarf* 7 >*<>x Heavyweights Meet BfUiton ...... 62 39 *571 10 half the games. .. Stan Musial still and Chicago. Jensen and, VVaxhinglon V ...... « 4K 473 19 homers and Pete Suder's con- on the forehead of the star St. the fourth Inning. says soberly. "When I foul a pitch, Thursday, July 23 VeVnnn. Waehlnflnn. 6. Moriarty’g Sponsor PhiiadrTphta ...... » 64 193 24 hovering around .300 and not atitenr batting the bright spots. Louis Cardinal second bs.«eman. 'Totit^t is an-open dat e In the you ll sce t^ L iLuaually goes along ...... H^me RR^h*—ftoeen. ^ i I'le* eland S». leOUtR .., .1...... 31 69 .359 294 FOR CM E:rtEE SUMMER DRIVINB Se'riil-Prb 'Tfriirtam'ent, 6:15 - • • 29’aft ' Y2K among the top 10 hatters... The ST. VOUIS- A good bet to beat Ten stitches were needed to close league schedule and Thursday the line some place. That proves Zernial f^lUdelirfiUril: GetHerr; Bo/* ' III TV Attraetioii 37 old man Enoa Slaughter, starring Nebo. ifin and,'Doby, CleveJi nd. J7. Berra. New Sports Series I TOOA) K GAMM out Detroit for last place . . . It. , night the Elks will meet the I'm trying to hit it." N k-k 14 Natiniial in the All-Star game, and reaching Char- Playing out the string with an eye The accident happened in the Moose. • Yost Is a dead left Arid hitter. Deri's vs. Silk City. 6;.19 flt«^en Baaea—RIvera, rhicap - - — : I Chicago. July 23 iA*i • Dan Buc- r*lfK*lnrvaiI xi Plttsbuiah — WAhm^iFr the 2.000 hit mark. Left field resembles a mob scene ter Osk. I MiyTcSfi, r*hlragi»', M, rhlliey, Phila nlKhi This Week’s Specials OINCINNA'TT — Rogers, Homs- AB n H PO A f: DETROIT — Pitching Shoddy, St the Polo Grounds, won by the WVsI. r f ...... i nv, Waahinglpn. 7 ter. who for the past two month., | |.jgnn in s J0-roun(C heavyweight i.VsIi and rhurrh «7-4» vs fCrakibF hv rlickipg with a fine Job. . . Ted . I 1 ft 0 ft -l5-4i And Prri1r»j» i5-3». I defense poor but hitting fair— Cardinals, 10-6. WAhnakL if, . . . H 3 .1 3 ft n ft Piti'htnK Voik, li»-l. have brought you the. very in-| pout at Chicago Stadium that both KlussewskI and Gua Bell knocking Muri»hv, r . 2 8hea. Waehingtnn, X-1. W Brown. Bt. laoutf at N>w Yf^rk—Pr#ako i5-9M Fans still loyal despite steady cel­ Bcifoendlenst collapsed and was 2 1 11 ft I Boeton. ?-2. .nlS ('oneuefra. Washing­ teresting and educational baseball ; fighters hoped would be a stepping va H^arn <8-5t. down the fences. .. Bud Podblelan PaiTAdL p. 3h ---- « 4 2 2 ft ft ft lar gait . . . Front office spread­ removed from the game, Man­ ton'and StuArt. fit leOUlF. 4^1. 80i>. MitwaukFF at PhiladFlphia (nifhi*— Ih ...... 3 2 1 ft ft ft series "Class Room for Sports". ' stone tp a championship match,w-.'SjMihii U2-3» ya.. Kon^iantv UO-Bi. 1952 DODBE CORONET M OOR SEBAN the itaff workhorse, recovering rt. .lAnion. 3h. IB . 3 ,T ft ft Slrikeoute Pierre. Chicago. 97: ing bonus cash to cover up bad ager Eddie fitanky took the place 2 2 before the Sstiirday and Sunday | Buccernni. of Philadelphia, 1 A m a rira n from that day in Brooklyn when C«riBr. 2h ______. 2 I 0 n Trurka. Chlragn. (^ra3. DrlroK. 77. Gray. l..on mileage. Rad<(», heater and d f i O S trades. of the slender inflelder who was ft ft Bvrd. PhlladeTphta. 78. Oarrfa, Cleve­ ballgames on WKNB-TV will | won 42 of 45 professlonaL fights-- Bitifiton at ('hicago — B m w n ia>3 i va Hornsby let him take a*bad beat­ V'Dlrulli. p^, rf . . . . . 1 2 1 I ft ft gyromaHe di4,e...... ^ I W F e # named to the ,1953 National KrkAlB. If ...... f> ft ft ft ft ft land 74. bring you an exciting new spoi' s ^ 29 by knockouts- end ia rAnkSd ('onaUFgra (4-s|> ing, Philadelphia a( Si I.mpa inichn - League All-8tar team. J. O baav...... (» i ft ft ft n series beginning August first. | No 5 In heavyweight ranks. San Antonio, Tax.—Henry "Pap­ n ft Stiantx i.'kit va Pillette CHICAGO — Crippled again by Pl«nk. rf ...... 1 ft 0 ft Wa.ahlnirTon ai Detroit ML1 va Hank Sauer's injury... Ralph Kin py" Gault, Spartanburg. S. C. out­ Stanky said he was sending F. .lAnton. 3h ...... 1 n ft 1 ft (1 As before this series will be ! Harrison, of I.«s Angeles, has 1 RrfvikB, rf ...... ft ft ft . IS AN AMERICAN CUSTOM AND IS STILL G rav i^lli. 1951 FACKARB GONV. CLUB COUFE er hitting hts home run stride after pointed Alex Santoy, San Antonio,. 8choendienst home to St. Louis . 1 1 i> shown Ssttirdav and .Sundays di- I sYon 20 fights, has been beaten sev- New Y o rk at C lev e lan d (night) F*ord for X-rays and a rest, although Sports Mirror rectly In front of the Boston Red , m times s ^ has fought one draw. his trade from Pittsburgh — In­ 10. (Bantamweights) ToIaIr ...... 24 17 12 U 0 1 (1 va. (eurria (U*8<. Radio, hmter and nItmmnHe drive. f i O O O S KRFORMANCEand E^jllO jify this meant he would be unable to in (2:» THE LOWEST PRICED MEAL OF THE DAY Sox gam-s and will continue un-i H ^ i ranked No. 6. play In the remainder of the im­ AR It H r o A K TOD.AY A VE.AR .AGO Sim til the end of the baaeball aeason WItliiok. 3b ...... 3 0 2 ft 2 ft Snilmene, Inr., your Dodge-Pl.vmmilh dssUer, la trying In keep Iness set an Olympic record in the RARE NR.AKI.%* SET portant senes against the New WhrplBr. rf. n . , . .. 2 0 ft ft n ft when they W'in return with a thriM- , ‘ '''v ised nstionslly York Giants. TourlPllol. rf .. , . 1 ft ft ft ft ft the selling price of used rnrs down tn the very minimum. Com­ discus 180 feet. 6,6.5 inches. ing and highly. intfreatinR ^^7^^ "eyerseen before in jfce FfeWI 0 ft Bucceroni. a 2-1- favorite, haa - Tampa. Fla.. July 22 -uP' A 1951 MERCURY 5-FAS. SPORT COUPE leonn, If, p ...... ,. '2 ft ft 1 pare oiir cars and p rfi^ — SEE for ytHtraelf when you spend al FIVE YE.ARS .AGO The Yan­ Room for Bporta" devotfcl to foot rnhBv. r ...... 2 1*- 2 K ft ft kees defeated the Indians, 6-5, be­ I foiifht tVk'o matchea with Rolaod chipper Babe Zahariaa who frank­ Rndio nnd henler. New ttree. JavAfArktiR. lb . .. 3 ft ■ft *.1 ft ft Sollmenr’s YOI.' RAVE MONEY. ball,, featuring such famous stars | ly doesn't know how long ahe will Baltimore Starts .lohndrow: p. 3b .. 2 1 1 ft ft ft fore 68,758 fans. ■ “ nipipn Rocky Mar- I-tone beige nnd btaek lop .. $1695 rr ft ss renter Quick Bednarek. plai e lajft in the first tournament since Batryb. . p ... . . 3 0 0 ft ft . . TEN YEARS AGO . The Cer. ciaho’g opponent in September. . 2 ft ft ft ft kicker Lou Groza, Emlen Tunnel Bucceroni won one and loai ofi^- her cancer operation, left here to- .. 1 ft ft ft ft ft 1951 DODGE 2-DOOR. Rodie and Haotar . $119S dinsla defeated the Giants. 6-3. for and many others. Football Drills rt M orf C(X)per's 13th victory. He algo waa defeated by Dick . day . for Chicago and the Tam Totals ...... 19 2. $ 12 1 1 The new series beginning Au­ Warner and Jtop Murphy. "OShanter. • She groaned that the 1949 CHEVROLH */, TON PICK-UP Ellis ...... ,. nos sx—17 1951 KAISER 4-DOOR. Rodio and Haotnr . . $1147 TW ENT*' l E.AIOi AGO Ten­ nis players George Lott snd John gust 1 is railed "Sports Spotlight'' The winner fonight probabiy^'ill j Tam O'Shanter is a long grind and Blue paint. ^ THURSDAY ~ FRIDAY — SATURDAY ONLY. Weatminiter. Md.. July .22- ’iniling New. tar -girtraalee T to ■ThaHudaon-Jet wit^etitparfesm * m 9 DODOTM EADOW tROiOk 4-DR. RAH his leth gaine, 10-0 over Hllwau- and., out4iaiDoiiatr«te any ethw, ‘ |.95t SLACKS,.., said he ))ri1l p)jt the squad through Harold' "Baby Fa)fe" Jones bout eso-in ^ thwart prfcw Sdd. 7.50 SLACKS T: I4«* - 'WoekOtrts' .■dirtyr T94»1K>RP24>Oeili RcA H. i 6.50 S L A C K S ...... 5.25 1948 CHEVROLET STATION W A G O N .... $445 Louis best New York 10-6, ■•«•«•• M't woiMUrfully compact, H’t a fCONOM Yl Color: Blue. Tna lop. Radio, beater 3.95 SLACKS 2.95 1948 FORD 2-DOOR Na. D75A ...... $429 CHANNEL AGAIN and everdrive. New Urea ...... # l ® T t o M iflil to KandU, driva and park in today's traffic As you drive, you’ll ta—right N O W IS THE TIME WORK CLOTHES proof of 1947 FORD 2 -D O O R ...... $577 before your TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR Dover, England. July 32 —(A5- - ::: and thara’s ampU room lor six I the Hudson frt’s matehlses 1944 NASH 800 4-D O O R ...... $375 The'y're off and swimming in the For Painters, economy. English Channel Sweepstakes! 1941 OLBS "T T M O O R SEDAN .H w Hodaon Jet haa tbe hottest its pacee. You’ll /dd the per­ SPORT SHIRTS 1944 PONTIAC 4 -D O O R ...... $450 Ned Barnie, a science teacher Csrpcniers, Plumbers Color: Blue. Tan tep. Radio, healer pwftXTnanrn and the beet econ­ formance and you’ U actiially see, HOW TOU MAY WIN A HtU JITl from Scotland who already has A: Very (dean...... t o ® - ® omy in the lowesl price field. AMESITE 1942 PONTIAC 4-DOOR ...... $229 made the swim three times. ' on the scientific gasoline DMi«r, Short sleeves, long sleeves. All types. launched the season Inst night. ' W i ^ proof? TVy this "Teacup the Jet’s almost unbdievable After you taka the 'Teacup Teat," 1941 OLDSM08ILE 78 4-DOOR ...... $129 give you an official entry He said he hopes to reach Cap n in iiiiV If u 1949 MERCURY MOOR SPORT SEDAN Teat.” Pot a Hodaon Jet througn gas economy! Oris Net in about 40 hours, then I blank, frM. Fill it out and finish the REG. \ NOW DRIVES 1941 BUICK SEDANETTE ...... $129 Radio nod heater. g l A O g start right back. statement. T b s advantages of this 1941 BUICK 4-DOOR ...... $129 Good tires...... # IV T to new kindof car, the compart Hudson 5.95 SPORT SHIRTS ...... 3.4f • EFFICIENT GUARANTEED r/jrf Jet, are. . ” in 25 words or lem. RELIABLE WORK MACHINE SPREAD 1941 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR...... $159 statement in minion ofjudgm wins 4.95 SPORT SHIRTS...... 3.3f POWER ROLLED 1947 FORD CLUR COUPE ...... $427 1951 UNCOLN M OOR SEDAN a new 1953 Hudson Jrt. Cimtast 3.95 S^ORT SHIRTS s s a-a-*'6"T s s DRIVING LESSONS "A U m i mtiMt kit K B U .YS mrt closM August 1 1953. Any WE HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT Hue. Badla, hnaler, hydramatlc. g O O O g 1944 HUDSON 4 -D O O R ______: . $387 L«» us prcpcM# yoa tfr your IIc m m tost. InSividiial to# fmfk^H tkimgt m While wall Urea...... t o t o t o T t o Hudson dealer !listed below 3.50 SPORT SHIRTS AND KNOW HOW—DONT DELAY—CALL TODAY wffl give you fiill details. iiutniction on insuro# duol-contial car by axpari- A COMPACT, NEW KIND OF CAR 2.95 SPORT SHIRTS • s a s a s ) TERMS UP TO 34 MONTHS •ncod troiiiad iastmetor. Absolutt sofoty. Day or I aohiort to rKan«a ^tliawt laabea. NANGHESTER PLACE YOUR FREE •vMiing lotsons. ORDER NOW ESTIMATES SOLIMENE, Inc. TIRE ft RECAPPING CORONER AUTO SCHOOL m BROAD ST.—TEL. MI-9-43U MORIARTY m . M»e^ 4J0I0 ■4 434 CENTER ST. TEL MI-3-5101 McC l u r e a u t o c o m p a n y , inc: THOMAS COLLA If No Answer Csll Msrtford 7-3680 (Collect)' H ( S ' lU O ( I >■( :) ( ,% I It. T O 'A' N 8M < r CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 373 MAIN STREET M A N CH ESnR Men’s PHO NI MANCHESTER. MI-9.5224 l ' i •',. ^ —U ______■ '! \ ... 4 . . V / WS^Sjl«Wgfl|l ‘ ' X ' . / ’ r ■j. y : "I .«J-V-'' . s -r ■ f i . - "V' / MANCHESTER EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1958 PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22. 1953 PAGE NINETBllf ' HonsshoM Cmnls 61 Hel» Wanted’^ lU lR ,^ ^,-L-.. Artlclj» forJj|l»^ Boats sad AcetssoriM 46 iveiMsaaSq., 'MfaWANIti ror sate’— 4 — PiaRtliit-PR»wrlBg -^-»L ilBSXi—iSi I IT. flATRMAN mahogany ply­ MALE HELP WANTED BE SURE — Buy Ctalce aU atum- HouMhold Gooda Bi HouathoM Goods 11 Wsntsd to Rant •I H ous6s for S a lt 72 Houses for Sale 72 IS DOWN. l » a rord ataUon wafoii. CABINET MAKmO. Good work- PAINTING AND Paperhaaging. inum wlndowa. Alao lelf-otorliig wood boot and oors, ffO. Mitch­ Good work, reaaaruable rataa. 15 cu. ft. freezer was $499.95 Win Out OatU at Htrtiwr E n m ? 1M> Bulck club coupa, 1S43 Chav- manahip. Raaaonabla ratea. Eati- Steady employment, good oppor­ doori. CaU MltehaU t-6065 for frae ell *-4430. FIBRE RUGS ui ateek now. All YOUNG COUFUC, IB-nmaUi-oM Two Thousand Classified matea cladly given. Moulaon’a Tojr neighbor my recomenda- now $409.^00. Other uprighta BOY! WHAT A BARGAIN! MANCHESTER MANCHESTER rolet club coupe; 1»41 Chevrolet tunity for. advancement, edtlmatae. BUI Tuiiaky. .3 ROOMS FURNITURE eolora end ate**. 6 X 1 $ $17.68 daughter, need four or fiva-room aedan, 1940 Chevrolet aedan, 1940 Woodworking Shop. Pilgrim tion. 20 yeara In Mancfeeater. Ray­ 10 H. P. CRI8 CRAFT motor, used and cheats st savinga, Excel­ unfumlahad rant. Undar 660. Real Bsrfains A t Today’s Bedroom Suit*, Living Room Rutte, and up. f r o m MltehaU 6-614$, Rolling Park Cap* Cod. Four Bulck club coupe. All ready for 3-8696. mond Flake. Mitchell 9-83ST. APPLY VENETIAN BUNDS lass than 10 hours. Price 9380, PhoM MItchall 6-$T$7, MUehall down, room for axpanalon up. Prices! Bu.ver’s Market! Persons Attend Scotland Yard Checks Clue Advertisements Call MltehaU 8-7311. lent selection of lamps, all Dinette Ret, Ruge, Lempe, Tablee. Menehiater Clurpet Center, SN. you today at Center Motor Salea, SWIFT and COMPANY Higbeot QuoUty Only Main atteat 6-lOSf. , JUuminum itorm window* and FOUR-ROOM SINGLE expandable 4«1 Main atreet. Open eveninfb. RAblO and T.V. aervi'ce, S3 par PAINTING— Inaida and outolde. Alao Recondltienliw home furnishings and baby WITH a n second floor. Full rscraatlon room . CLASSIFIED ADVT. houae call. All work fully guaran­ Paperhanging, floor aandlng. No 450 church Street acraana, Nice lot with plenty of Hartford, Conn, Tapes and Cords by Tard furniture. Television. BLBCnUq RBPRIQERATOIt ATTENTION Ladiaa! SUp-oovera knotty pin*. Hot water haat, oil, Rites for Tobin To Million Dollar Bet Coup DEPT. HOURS •60 CMC PANEL Truck. New paint; teed. Call Mitchell 9-8T16 any Job too amall. ReaoonaMa. Mitch­ traaa. immadiat* occupancy. Can BaOding Materials 47 "DK LUXC" RANOB and drapea euatom mad*. Ra-up- Houios for Sole 72 garage, amealtc drive. Lot 73 x 130. i g;15 A. M. to 4;30 P. M. low mileage. Pull price S795. Alao: time. ell 3-8373. EXPERlBNCBD part or full time FOR ONLY Sanatbly Priced at $13,300 Vacant. Immadiat* occupancy. Packaice delivery, coat new $6260 CHAMBERS FURNITURE holatarlng. Beautiful fabric*, (OsnOwNB From Fago Oaa) PI^ASTERING —ntucco repairing. aervlce station attendanti. Excel­ rm D B L L MFG. OO. $3ia print*, atrip**, aolida. Expartly Special $11,000. By TOM oemLYBEE . f track to lay off some of the beta, —aale 91599. Only driven 10.000 INSIDE AND OUTSIDE Painting. Stain Grad* I>oora, A t the Green MANCHB8TER COPY CLOSING TIME Speciallaa in patching and crack­ Cellingi whitened. Tel. Mitchell lent ealary plue commlaaions. We MI-S-4MS Only 114.58 Month ftalahad; $5 down, $3 weakly, T. Jf. CROCKETT o f the. buainaa* of this world was London, July 32—(JP>—Scotland which ore legal with booMei in. inilet. ’.M CMC pick-up >,-i-ton, want willing workera. No Jokare 486 East Middle Tumptlia Oak. Mahogany, Birch . .each 98.10 balance on* year to pay. Call SIX RCXIMS. four down two - up Yard detective! picked up the trail Britain, but found the telaphOBs f o r c l a s s i f i e d ADVT. 9795. Brunner'a Packard, 388 Eaat ed plaater, Hartford 3-8884. 9-4997. Hours: 9:.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Yee, theee ere ueed, but in good Lovely eight room Otlonlal," four Broker more Impartaht than th* bualnass or fur trappera need apply. Writ* Mrs. Pinto. lOtchaU 6-7163. finlihad. Firaplace hot water heat, of atamlty.” today of tha men who cut the cable out. Had th* coll Mna Center atreet. Open Tuea., Wed., WASHED SAND, Stone, grovel, flh, No. 1 18" Stain Shakes 7:S0p.m. to 8 :80 p.m. (hepe end guaranteed. badrooma, two bathroom*, oil heat, oil. smeaite drive. Lot 70 x 180. MON. THRU FRL FURNITURE Refiniahlng, anUqus Box V, care Herald. AH e o lors...... aq, 818.95 344 Main Straal Th* Archbishop axpraasad aa hia telephone lines In th* great hors* through, the pric* would nave Thuraday until 9:30 p. nn. furniture a specialty, chairs caned BondsTT-Stoeki loom. Nuaodort OonstruotlMi Co. FRBB RTORAOB USED FURNITURE bought and on* car garage. Lot 75 x 160. Ideal Asking $13,700. 10:30 A .M . WANTED ~ Dump truck drivers Phene MItcheU 6-7408. UNTIL WANTBD yard for ehlidran. Friead right at "firat word” sympathy to Tobin’a race betting coup laat Thursday been hammered down. * and rushed. Anson F. Thorp. Clear Rad Oak Flooring aold. Th* Woodahad, 11 MalH Phone* MItchall $-$418 griaf-atriokan widow and har three and there were Indications the It became a general assumption SATURDAY 9 A. M. MODE!. A Pickup truck for aale. Morigages ■ experienced only. C. L. Hale N-OF-MA ...... per M. 8235.00 $10,500. For Appointment, Please Call Phone Mitchell 9-7S98 after 9 p. Phone Mitchell 9-8738. MbvmO TO CAUFORNIA-^ RBB IT TODAY OR TONIGHT atraet. Tal. MItchall 6-8164. Raaidanca MItchall *-7751 taen-aged children. law was about to close In on the that a ringer won the race. A t FIRST AND Second mortgages Construction Co. Tel. Mitchell Must sail: draassr, chest ofdraw - FHONB MR. AL&BRT, m. 3-7195 or Mitchell l-ISSl. LAWN CHAHtS. unpointed. U46 Natla, Sd com m on ...... keg 88.88 UIED AUTOMA'nC, S|Snn*r and MANCHESTER GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO Beyond those who filled th* platter*. first It was believed Santa Amaro, t o it r cooperation w i i j . bought for our own account. Faat, Burnside Ave. Hortford -8-7316. ars, black walnut tabla, buffet, HARTFORD 8-0858 VERNON- -Omntry aelting, no de­ cathedral In th* South End. thou- Signs developed, too. that the also French trained, hod baan- sub­ HouhchoM Senrices Id y ecord ...... -per M. 8188.00 Wringer Aaahar* at vary low $ family houa* in good eondi-, Realtor BE appreciated confidential aervlce. Mancheater EXPERIENCED man wanted for two beds, gas stova, oil stove, AFTBR 7 P. M. HTFD. 48-46*0 velopment, custom built ranch. aand* lined tha atraat* of th* fu­ Inveatigatlon. has ipread to the stituted for Frw^aaal. Borne now 1939 BUICK, Good condition. Price Offered 1-1-A Investment Corp., 244 Main RICH BARNYARD loam for sole. pricaa. Save $100.00 on new lien. Firat floor, on* four room and 109 Henry St. . Manchester counter and sandwich board. Ap­ Sheathing and Dimension ' many other Items. 'Tal. Mitchell A _ L —B - B—R - T - 8 freeier. ABC Appliance, 31 Maple Large kitchen, three bedroomi, neral rout* from Tobin's Jamaica continent, with French police believe Santa Amaro was a decoy reaaonable. Phone Mitchell 3-8963. atreet. Phone Mitchell 3-5416. ply In person. Peter's, 891 Main Coll Peter Lolashius. Mitchell (truck loail)...... per M. 899.50 9-330*. 4S-45 Allyn Street, Hartford three room apartments, second two twln-atae, large living room Telephone Mitchell 9-6378 Plain horn* to the church and later Dial MI-3-5121 FLAT F pn S H Holland window atreet. floor ha* Ova' room*, oil heat. Front working to untangle some of the and that sUlI a third horse viroa In­ street. ' 9-3558. fireplace, oil hot water heat, full to Holyhood Omatary, Brookline, 1948 PONTIAC Convertible. G o ^ ahadea, made to measure. All Window*, eempleta ...avg. 818-BO 930. Golden Jublle* Mat- FRANK'S ANTlQUEfl - Second end sid* porches. On* car garage. TWO R(X)M houae with on# acre atrands. volved. Ohe bettor who had aaen conditifMi. Tel. Mitchell 9-1860 or metal Venetian blinds at a new FLAGSTONE—Stones for walls, cellar, over % acre. $13,100. whar* the body was intarrad. It T h e big break In the million (fol­ both Ffancaaal and Santa Amaro •Help Wantc4l— Female 35 traaa, 999.78. Howard's Slesp Can- hand Btore, M CkMoer atreet. Buys, KEI.VINATOR Refrigerator. $$$. Three room a$>artm*nl avairabl* In Carlton W. Hutchin*. MItrheU of land for sale. Price 88,800. was ona of th* largest funeral inquire 211 Parker atreet. low price. Keys made while you house fronts, flrepUces, etc. Also Ratall at Wholaaala Price* tar, 69* Main. MItchall 6-6998. eells. MItchall 6-TM6. Open Thure- September. Convenient to achools MItcheU 3-8^3. iar coup cam* when police received sald^' L ost And Found EXPERIENCED SbIm ^ e rk . Air- WANTBD«» Gewd c(mditlon. MItchall 3-$l$$. .>:ll33.*:.tH»4. . tuioouta In. Boatoa's history. * tfp on the cable xnlpi^ra trom a -q ’^'I don't reckon’they would-have’- wait. Marlow's. Hectolstor fireplace farms, 38“ Limited Supply Only deye; Fridhya,'Seturdeya.' P fo 6. ■ and ’Within "wathlng dtetone* to The tall, handaom* S3 year old CLEARANCE SALE conditioned store. Apply in peraon, at 945 each. 8" x 8" x 1/8" slate Mitchell *-7*e*. n o BENTON STREET Six farmer’s wife,. Mrs. Eileen Perry~ ''iubetituted Santa Amaro. If any* ijost- jveatinghws ® ma|Lto,work,part time In aeiwlce Mam Street. Good Income. 4*-F(X)T RANCH, ultra modem Tobin died Bunday ef o^haart d offered at ra- j i " ? arrived alter midnight and went Diamonds— Watchea— room ranch, convenI'anUy located. directly to the Tobin home where Datactlya Siiperintendent Reginald out. she said, and walked Into hel* parking lot. Finder please call -Equipped. EXPERIENCED Salea clerk, full SPECIAL 130 cu. ft. Kelvinator. Regular duced p r ic e ^ r immediate aale | h*«utlfuM*k*s. 11,300 cash. Tel 194B Ford V-8 2-Door. vra ciw BUKA you a garage HIGH SCHOOL boys, summer full Jewelry 48 $850. Sal* price $549, Full bimemant, hatchway, hot ephone RockvIU* 6-9088. he comforted Mrs. ToMn Spoonar bad a Ust of 13 names, hu.sband’s field which lies behind Mitchell 9-4019 after 3:30, time. No Sunday work. Paid vaca­ and occupancy. Fireplace, . oil "all well known in horse racipg Studebaker Salea and Service for 9898 complete. If you need one time, school part time work In Famous Make 18’* Power 113 cu. ft. Kelvinator. Regular Wonring Apparel— F u n 4? water heat. Immadiat* occupancy, steam heat, rear porch, amaaita "It was terribi*— tarrlble.” he a high hedge. The cable rune over tions, Christmas bonus. See Mr. LEONARD W. TOST. Jawalar, ra- circle*.'' the hedge. l o s t — PASSBOOK NO. 73434. it's a bargain. Estimates also Keith, Keith's Variety, Depot drug store. Driver's license re­ wtll-payiRg i§bt |400: Sal* price $SS5. $11,700. Phone Warren E. How­ drive, on* car garage, storm win­ aaid after viewing th* body -laid CHORCHES MOTOR SALES Mower, BrigRs A Stratton mo­ pairs, adjuata watchea expartly. FOR SALE- -Men'8 rebuilt and re- How Oeup Worked Notice ia-hereby given that Paaa given on large garages, brecic- Square. quired. Phone Mitchell 9-8143. land, Realtor. Mltehell $-1600 any dows and screen*. Excellent con­ Suburbann for Sale 75 oiit In a bronze caafccL She said she watched Ut# men 80 Oakland Street ways, porches, dormers, stc. For Raaaohabl* pricaa. Opsn dally. I l l eu. f t Kelvinator upright. laattd shoe*. Fin* ahap*-priced tim*. As Mrs. ToMn fought to hold Scotland Yard was silent on for 20 minutes, during whitA time Book No. 73434. iaaiied by The tor. Regular $114.95. .$89.95 Regular $800, Sal* price $544! dition. Shown anytime by appoint­ Savinga Bank of Mancheater. has Mancheater Mitchell 9-9483 full psrticulars, call W. G. Mc­ BOOKKEEPER, knowledge 4 rooms, fire­ tending Included Benatora Kenne­ ment of the amount of deposit. Pilgrim 2 *409. tor and Builder. Phone Mitchell EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER $1,50 Second and Third Shifts *-4430. A Sheet Metal Mechanics tion. Mitchell 0-990*. Rooms without Board $9 venatlan bUnde, recreation room, preciate nice thins*. Priced at It* place, garage attached, full base­ dy (D.. Mass.) and Baltonatall attaehad garage, veranda. Excel­ ment, garden. lyk KXf x 300’; (R.. Mas*. 1 —whom Tobin, suc­ LOST - - PASS BOOK NO. 487‘22. 1951 PLYMOUTH Four-Door Se­ 3-7773. for Automobile Dealership. 5H- Household Goods 51 face value $33,500. day week, 40 hours. Salary com­ 10 Cent Increase After AUTOMA’n C Gas clothes dryer, SAVE $5.00! Rollaway Cot with PLEASANT, Furnished room with lent confUUon. The Henry Escott Scenic view, 30 minutes from ceeded as governor in 1*45—for­ Notice is hereby given that Pass dan. Black. Asking 91.345. like new. Reaaonable. (Tall Mitch­ MOVING - Must sell immediately, A Experimental Machiniata rot ton mattreae. Fold* and rolls kitchen privileges. One block from Agency. MItchall t-TtU, MItcheU downtown Hartford. Owner trans­ Dixon Helps the Stars^ 31.000 miles, excellent condition. mensurate with ability. Paid va­ Short Traiiiingr —OR 'THREE BEDROOMS? mer Attorney General James P. Book N0._487.22. laaued by The cation, holidays, insurance bene­ ell 3-8069. Kenmor* 4-.4,' dual oven range. In­ away for easy storage. $l*,»5. Main street. Phone MItcheU 9-443*. 8-38*8. MRchell *-0S*3. ferring from area. Included with Savings Bank of Manchester, has Roofing— Siding 16 An attractive Colonial In the Green McGranery, snd Democratic Na- Mllohell 9-7835. fits. Replies held in confidence. quire 5t* iBiiriiside Ave., Apart­ Howard’a Sleep Center, S3* Main home 21" T.V.. two-door G.E. re­ tlonal Committee Chairman Btev* b^en lost and application has Substantial Iiicrea.se.* PLEASANT Well furnished room. m M w nm TnwM a.r^m Sehool Dtatrtet with eciwened ROOFING, Siding and carpentr.v. Box B, care Herald. THAYER CARRIAGE. Ilka new, I ment 3-E, East Hartford. A Bench Mechanics street. Mitchell *-8335. frigerator, Kelvinator' stove and Mitchell. Is Performance Doctor bean made to said bank for pay­ 193* BUICK. Good condition, good lined, collapsible, chrome handle, All conveniences, parking, at 3T3 AJieratioos and-additions.. CeiU — , When Qualified rotary power mower. Other furn­ a i m , Ben. J*me* Murray (D.; ment of the amount of deposit. tires. Must sell. For price Call shock spring wheeling, 835. Mitch­ ETHAN ALLEN Rock Maple. Main stfMt. Mitchell 3-4071. S S n « ^ S l3 lir .^ o ? J L baaement. bre.kfaat- nook In inga. Workmanship guaranteed. MIRROR SPECIAL.*? kitchen, pleasant living room and ishing* available If desired. CaU Mont.), Rep*. Edward Boland (D.. Mitchell 9-1031. ell 9rS038. Complete Twin Bedroom Set. A ^ t e r ia l Handlers full caller, stone tarraca. % acre, By UCBAKD KLEINER 4 burn, who "cut out" a few times A. A. Dion. Inc.. 2*9 Autumn WHY COMMUTE? WE WILL TRAIN (XJBAN, (XIMFORTABI-B large fireplace. Good value in this much Rockville 8-9771 for further de­ Mass.i. Philip Philbin (D., Mas*.I atreet. Mitchell 3-4860. Good condition. Phone Mitchell HALF PRICK large tree*, $*,800. Carlton W. tail*. New York-(NEA) — The during the nin of 'The Million­ Announcements 2 1949 STUDEBAKER Champion. a n t iq u e s ~ Vaaes, Miniature room. Private home, quiet neigh­ desired neighborhood at $17,*00. and Thomas O’Neill (D . Mass.I ______1 Excellent condition. Owner mov- ,3-89*0. Hutchina. MItchall 8-8183, MitchtU phone rang in Alfred Dixon's airess." ' and realized that she'd FOR GUARANTEED ROOFS that You Don't Have To Leave Full Insurance Projfram, shoes, brass collection, paintings, A Men with other skills borhood. Gentleman prefert^. RfXacviLLE 8 twin size bed­ and Gov. Dennis J. Robert* of PO YOU KNOW that the fabulous i to California. ’ 9800 for quick Refersneea required. Mitchell •-48S4. PERHAPS YOU NEED combination living room-studln. been neglecting her voice. stay on in any kind of storm, and MANCHESTER Paid Vacations and Holida.vs, picture frames, twin mirrors, ad- Extra large mirroi* suitsbl* for rooms plus den. fins living room, Rhode Island. There was a hoarse voice on the Relaxaciror has representation in sale. Manchester Mitchell 9-2077. ever msntel. sofa or buffet use.” S-8183. "W ere building a new Hep- gutters, conductors and roof re- Overtime Premium justabla invalid chair and other MANCHESTER-SIX room home, FOUR? very generous sise kitchen, bath, The funeral cortege left' the wire, pleading for Dixon to come Manchester? For figure analysts To Have A Good Job! Items. Mitchell 9-3387. A Men without factory Venetian style* with fin* etching, i nestled In 3 acres of traei, two Located for convenience. Ideal for Tobin home In the Jamaica Plain bum," say* Dixon. ’’She'll sound 1941 NASH 600 Four-Door Sedan. paii'k- Call Coughlin, Mitchell ATTRACTIVELY Furnished Front hot water heat. Basement garage. quickly. and free trial treatment call , *1 - • akilln I minutes walk to school, oil steam the large family. All 4 bedrooms district at 8:30 a. m.. and wound vastly different in her next ap­ Edna Clark, consultant, Mitchell | Motor in good running condition. 3-7‘ 07. THE TELEPHONE Room with twin beds. Complete Property In excellent condition. ”I’ve cut out," satdxthe voice. pearance” Appl.v in Peraon PRESERVING JARS, 8 gallon | MEN Reg. $8».*5 31S X 49'i inches! heat, cabinet kitchen, garage. To twin sise. New tile bath, lavatory, In' very desirable neighborhonl. through Mission Hill, where Tobin 9-4275, ,* a. m. to 9:30 a. m. or ■ Original paint. A real .buy for stone crock, small oven with heat housekeeping facilities available. "Hurry!'' A BAD CHIMNEY, roof, gutter COMPANY glass sizs; bevelled edge*. 4 ro-j see this unusual home call (jarlton thttuigh hall. S' x 20’ sun Aom. All city convenlencea. Price 113.- was born and lalef delivered O ire Vokw Problem after 4:30 p. m. ______] 99.5. 40.5 .North Main atreet. Indicator. Mitchell 3-7087. settee; metal fttigiee border in Private entrance. Inquire 167 Dixon knew what that meant. repaired. Prompt service. Guarsn- 'is hiring women right now for Im- SPENCER RUBBER W. Hutchins. Mitchell 8-5133, wall to wall carpet In dining room, *90. George J. Coleman. Broker,! newspaper*. Dixon feels strongly that any­ Manchester. teed workmanship. Terms. Free j portsnl, interesting Jobe as opera- gold, now $44.95. I Maple atreet. ______! MItcheU 9-48*4. "Cutting out” isthe actor’s way of one with a voice problem should SPECIAL Vltalia regular 92.*0 for ^ L U N G OUT! Dining rooinTbed- URGENTLY hail, snd sun room, 3 car garage | Hartford, Omn. TnJst Building, j He left his paper route and aa)dng that his voice has failed. estimates. Mortensen Roofing Co. ' tors in Manchester. PRODUCTS COMPANY PLEASANT ROOM with oversize tile floor c o v e r t \ Tel. Rockville 5-4045. 5-4710. school in hi* sophomore year to do something about It. 18 ounces—this month 91.80 tax in­ room furniture, 17'-' TV blonde Few companies eoa Reg. $9*.95 48 x 58 inchea over ! n e w 6 ROOM alngle, all apaciou* Dixon hopped a taxi and raced to cluded. Rusaell a Air Conditioned -.4uto Accessories— ^Tirea 6 Mitchell 3-7891. Chapel Street oak cabinet, bric-a-brac, books, sll site; cut comer.*, mliror paneled i family. West Side, Also parking ; naiha, hot water heat, porch. Professional man. would do ! -----~ ------become a leather aaleamen. Later "There’s no need to go through j As sn operator, you'd have good — offer the'’ msny *d- TAYI/5R STREET — 4-Room j j,, found a new Job with the tele- the theater, -where he found life with a raaping or otherwise Barber Shop, comer Oak and pay, frequent raises, frtendl.y co- household items. Evenings after border having etched design* in place. Gentteman preferred.j flreplac*, many added features, well to check this property ** com- j BATTEIUES—Famoue makes, 50% CONNECTICUT Valley Construe- |I NEEDED Mitchell *-5653. blned home and office. Excellent House, 2 unfinished. 3 seres of ppone company snd rose to traf- Robert Helpmann, acting a chief unpleasant voice." he says. '’The Spruce streets. ______tion. Guaranteed roofs and sid- i j workers and many mors benedts-- 8:30. 40 Coburn Road, Manchestei; Tsntagee of Pratt M gold, now $49.95. breese-way and garage. Extra supporting role to Katherine Hep­ off. Exchange. As low as 50c Green. investment at $22,000. land. 3 young cows, small trac- manager. voice is extremely malleable. 'You weekly. Coie Motors, 436 Center Ing. Aluminum storm windows snd you'd have them right here In Help Wanted Jobs Actuall.v Going Whitney Alreraft. In n e w l y DECX3RATED. beautiful­ large lot. 8. A. Beechler, Realtor. tor with all attachments, chick­ burn in "The MlUionairees,” . In hia can do anything with it." j and gutters. All men protected by Manchester. Reg. $89.95 40 x ,5* Inches over Phone Mitchell S-6M9. He kept up hui studie* through Personals 3 street. Mitchell 9-09*0. Male or Female 37 USED TELBVraibN 12% ” screen, Begging addition to liberal *11 size; 4 rosette*, mirror paneled ly furnished and spacious room. —AND THIS HAS TEN!! en coop. All city conveniences. 1 Tn him, the voice la the key to ! Ihsursnce. Three years to pay, ; •The moat complete light house-, Ages 16-38. high school gradiA also used Coblerator. Both in gooi border etched with atinbiirst line*, - Three-Bedroom Cus­ Tea. 10 bedrooma, 5 heUit. 3 Isva- Barji full of hsy. Completely the personality. He likes to sty THE PROSPECT Hill School for Free estimates. Call Mitchell ! The Serr’ice Staff rondltioh, reasonsbly priced. want to talk to sincere men wage mteo, over­ keeping faculties available fenced. Excellent location. In­ that "the voice tak'es hold and Motorcycles-^Bicycles 11 ales preferred. No experience now $44.65. tom Built Home, 23 ft. living tnriea, 2 aun rooma. one 1.5' x 24’. voung children. Ti ansportation j 3-7180. Alfred Chsreat, Owner. Of The Mitchell 9-32*5. ; 17-50. who SIS interested in'per­ time p r e m in m a , Manchester. You will marvel at i several acres, garages. Many pos- quire Thomas Kowslewtkl, Tay­ drags th* guy along." One of hi* furnished. Mrs. Lela Tybur, direc­ necessary, training with pay. room, fireplace, knotty pine House In 1*26 and was elected. | MANCHESTER DRIVE-IN manent employment in this big- Reg. $72,00 .1* X 60 inches over the cleanliness of this building. sihllitlea for conversion andor de­ lor street, after 5 p. m.. or write He suffered his first political de- ; Helpmann listened to the loud- pupil*, an Iowan, had to learn a tor Phone Mitchell 9-5767. ONE PIPE Steam system, boiler many em ploye* Children accepted. Central. Priced kitchen with dining area. Bath GIRL’S BICYCT.E, 915. Tel. GREAT EASTERN APPLY N O W ! THEATER booming, lucrative and rapidly *11 size; each end elche.d in squire velopment. ftatisfy yOur desire for P. O. Box 138, Talcottvllle. feat two year* later when he took . "Eleven French dialect. The man had never Bolton Notch / and radiators. Call Mitchell 9-0835 BO reasonabls you'll gasp! Be plus lavatory, hot water heat. advancing 8eld in television. benefit plstls, yoo panels containing #tch»d dealgn* Garage. 3/4 acre. Only $12,B00. expansion. Cpuld not he replaced on George Holden Tlnkham and i ""huiea, he said, huskily. seen a Frenchman, hut. as soon aa A LIBERAI: Hospitalisation and pilgrim 2-627*. ROOFING AND Rout* 8 end 44-A after * p. m. sure and see this one. Mr*. Dor­ BOLTON — Route 44-A. seven Ezactly. 11 minutes later, Help- In silver, now $.36.00. Carlton W. Htitchlne, MItcheU for manv timei Ita aale price. Ask­ lost to th* veteran’ Republican' he mastered the dialect, he in­ *06 Main Street Now Being OrganUed get Mg eompnny sey, 14 Arch street. rdomt. Uundry room, two baths, i ntann went qn,_ hl*_ yplc* perfect. stinctively adopted French ge«- Omaha.Om''«hs‘ ? Investigate. n v e » t S ‘ Phon_ep h o n f youryw J j HAIu Le Y-DAVIMON Mitchell 9-6090 motor: CONSTRUCTION CO. APARTMENT SIZE Frigidaire in *-5132. *•46*4. ing $35.000...... aheloaaJ por^ Appnaiig^ I C ongrw m an alm<»t 3-1. he- WE - stsUiiUty - nod on------I- C A U , ------■ Dixon atocKi in.Uie w’ingi. with hia Uira*.. ■. ______local agent. Mitchell 9-7375. 24 Oak Street (Second Floor! Evenings 6nly '* excellent condition. Will deliver. WATKINS BROTHERS. The.' UtRGE ROOM- Central: Continu­ 1 arg* lot. Near school and Rusen windows, oil steam heat. season seven plays have come to working with people whose speech and curtain rods. 24 hour service. CaU MItcheU 9-1158. interfere with present Job. Over wiMMvar you or* |eb FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Gen­ Convenient location, $8,900. Own­ that year. Estimates gladly given. Fsgan you like an opportunity to add 945 Situations Wanted— day, Jul.V 31st, from 2 to 5 P. M Main street. SO-dsy occupancy. Broadway that have had Dixon ax is in some way Impaired. He gets FOR SAFE and Courteous Auto 100 positions available. Write for the piirpoae of making sn en­ tlemen preferred. Near Main Call 3-5836. er, Mitchell 3-6040, M’antad— Real Estate 77 Trying for a second term in 1*48. Window Shade Co., Route 44 at to $75 to your family Income each Female 38; an emergency, pre-opening coach. great aatlsfaction in conquering a Driving Instruction with insured RAY’S ROOFING Company. Gut­ for valiisble detslls. h u n t iiif. rollment of elector* who are en­ street. 9 Hazel atreet. Tal. Mitch­ he went down In a Republican stutter ("76 stutters. 76 remov­ ^ Iton Notch. Mitchell 9-447X ter work, roof and chimney re­ week ? 3. Would you enjoy a : ell 8-3170. • MAN(?HE:STER -six room colonial, ^CONSIDERING SELLING ■weep, but that only set the stage He can get rid of a dialect, or dual control car call Larson Driv­ career where the working hours I HOUSEKEEKER Desirea work for titled to, vote at caucuses o f Tov n 88 MARGARET RQAD - - Off HIb als’’ ) and teaching better tech­ ing School. Phone Mitchell pairs. Free eatimates gladly Notice CUP COUPON TODAY ■Hard atreat. Cap* Cod, four down. I garage. Enclosed, porch, oil steam TOUR PROPERTY? for hi* top govemmept Job. produce one. He 1* a master of COMPLETE Hand and power lawn are flexible, yet a job where an | one or two adults. MItcheU 3-7477 of Bolton and for purposes of mak­ LARGE ROOM WRh all houeekeep- Wltltout nbligstinn to you. w# some 58 dialects himself— three niques to sufferers from cleft psl- 9-6075. given. Rav HagenOw. MItcheU two unfinished up. Plastered | heal, stnrm window* and eereena, Tobin was preparing for another ates. cerebral palsy and other mower aalea and aervice— Motora 9-3214. Ray Jackson. • MItcheU understanding expert is ready t o , sfter 8 p. m. The Registrar* of Voters of Sure! I want to enter the high ing etich change* in the enroUpieht Ing faclllUas fully attachad. Pri­ 83’ X 300’ lot, nicely landscape, wilt appraise or make you a cash different German dialect*, -for ex­ help you succeed? Thie la a per- ; 'list last perfected. Meeting will he walls, full cellar, hot water oil | gubernatorial try In 1*48' when spee'ch-upseftlhg difncultr'e*. WANTED - RIDE from Olcott tuned and overhauled. Pick-up and 3-8323. WANTED—Children to care for in the Town of Oiventry, Conn., will pay TV field! Forward full de­ Apply at Hi* vate entrance. Inquire 101 Chest­ heat. Small down payment. Price centrally located near bus. school, offer*■ for' property, ■ See us before President Truman tapped him for ample and he’s perfected a meth­ delivery aervice. Gibson’a Garage. manent position with a national , he In session in the Town Office tails without coat Or obligation. held at the Community Hall, Bol­ nut street. you tell. Hi* office, which doubles as his Drive to vicinity of LaSalle Road, my home by the day or week. $10,500. Phone Owner, Mitchell shopping. Only $13,800. Gatto Co., the job of Secretary of Labor. od of teaching them in short or- home, is e.quipped with a glaas- Weal Hartford, arriving » a. m. Mitchell 3-5012. organization. Opportunity for | Building, South Coventry and the ton Center. Hartford S-9I98, Manchester BRAE-BURN REALTY rapid advancenient. All that you : Plione Rockville 8-4427. Name ...... Emplaymaiit Offica FURNISHED BEDROOM. Share 8-7403 between 7 a. m. - 1 p. m. The TYuman administration was enrlosed booth from which he can Phone Mitchell 3-8009 after « p. Riiofing 16-A Firehouse, North Coventry on P*ri- signed: ■ Mitchell 3-8946. Phone Mitchell .1-6273. One of hia de-dialect pupils was WIRING INSTALLATTON of all really need is a sincere desire to Mamie Maneggia living room, dining room and believed headed for certain defeat observe and record th# voice* of m. dav. JuI.V 31, 1953, from 1 P. M. EJmtAORDINARY’R*nch~H^e” when Tobin staked his political Charles Boyer, who Worked with types. No job too small. Peter ROOFINCL—ipeciallxing in repair­ make money and be willing to Address ...... Alice E. Lee kitchen. Inquire 106 Birch street. PRICE REDUCED. Six finished ARE YOU READY to sell your hi* pupils. There'e a blackboard Dog:s— Birds— Peta 41 to '7 P. M. D..S.T., for the purpose 3*4 Main StTMt liKated In th* hills ct Vernon. ! future on the man from Missouri. Dixon before his successful ap­ WHETHER YOU’RE tall, short, Pantsluk. 40 Foster street. Phone ing roof* of all kinds. Also new work. Write today for "Gel Ac­ of making an enrollment of elec­ Registrars of Voter* Oiatom Built. This home is com- { room home, nine years old. Tile i home? We have bu.vers waiting (which folds into the wall at night roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys C it y ...... He campaigned the lenifth and pearance in "Don Juan In Hell." and is replaced by a painting) that thin or stout, there la a mattress Mitchell 9-7,303. quainted" interview application I TROPICAL FISH --- New shipment tors who are entitled to vote in priaed of several unique features ; bath, abundant closets, manv for 4. 5. 6. 7 room single! and 2- denned, repaired, 26 years' ex­ to L. C. Carroll. Empire O afts | Boarders Wanted 59-A breadth of the country for his Boyer' didn’t finish the course—it bear* the motto: "Never Clear that a just right for you. How­ Just arrived. Kelly’s Aquarium, any Caucus In the Town of Coven­ Phone ...... 1.. E. Hartford. C^iiacHeut found only In ths best of ranch ■ extras. Large garage, amesit'e* .3 families. Gatto Co.. Hartford ard’s Sleep Center,' 539 Main. POWER BURNER.S and Range perience. Free estimates. CaU Corporation, Newark, New York i 39 aunset street. Open until 9. Town drive, severar shad* trees. AH : 5-91*8. evenings 8-3*89. Man­ chief snd, a-hen the votes were takes fix to eight months for Your Thrqat." And there’s •'Giz­ try and of making such changes ROOM AND Board for geaUeman. hornet. Approximately 88,000.00 \ Dixon to eliminate an accent com­ Mitchell 9-6335. Burners expertly cleaned sml Hocvley. Mancheater MItcheU State. Hour* I W o r k ...... Down Payment. Can be seen by { utilities. Centrally located, good chester 'Mitchell 3-8948. counted. Truman — and Tobin — mo,’’ a croas-sertion of the human .serviced. l.,et ii.s .service a’nd re­ 3-.5.361. on the enrollment lists last per­ On bus line. Home cooking. had won. pletely—but every word he spoke head, showing the speech-produc­ fected ss ere prescribed by law. Advertisement appointment only. Call Th* John­ neighborhood. Full price. $13,950. i pair your wa.shlng machine or le- GENERAL Secretarial position Poultry and Supplies 43 Age ...... Mitchell 9-1446. • Cash needed. $3,000. Phone owner. ' LISTINGS WANTED — Single , was understandable. ing system.. Dated at Coventry;- Conn., this son Building Company, *08 Msiln Automobiles for Sale I frigerator. .Metio Service. Mitch­ open in local long satablished Notice Is hereby giveq of a | ' -Manchester Mitchell 9-7$67. home*. 2-3-4 famil.v bouse*, small , Besides dialects. Dixon work# Despite his many contributions Heating:— Plumbing: 17 manufacturing concern. Good pay, BROAD-BREASTED Bronte Tur­ 18th day of July, 1*53. PKAH^WHITNEY atr**^ MRcTiatl 8-7438. ell 9-0K8.3. PUBUr. HEARING tn he held by -RoOM AND Board, Gantlaman. farm. Manchester, Bolton, Vernon j nith the voice itself, which he pre­ to Broadway, successes. XHxon 1947 PLYMOtn'H sedan, only 9195 pleasant aurroundinga. friendly keys, fresh frozen, 10 to 32 7* SUMMER STRBBrr, comer - FOR SALE or exchange. Duplex I and Coventry. Large list of buy- fer* to ra ll/’the instrument. ” He’s HEATING From A to Z. Conver­ ' Adaline G. Hoff MAIL-TODAY th# Board of Directors of the j call Mitchell 3-7678. Hospital Notes shuns the limelight. "I’m a tack- down. See It today. Center Motor SFXTRETARIAL SERVICE—Typ­ atmosphere and many other behe- pounds. Schaub's Turkey Farm, ^KIRCRAFT Bmeroon atmet, run* off 134 Weat ! * and 6. Nice neighborhood. Oil; er*. What have .vou? Mortgages presently U-orking with Mis* H»p- ground kid." he says. Sales. 461 Main street. sion burners, boiler-burner units, fits. Transportation provided from 188 HiUstown Road. Alberta K. Rider Town nf Mancheater. in the f — ------Patient* Todav...... 188 ing. stenography, mimeographing, Regiatrars -First. Dist. Television / ' Division of HEARING ROOM of the MUNIC------: ------Center atreet. 8 years old. 6 room I heat. Newly redecorated. Tel. ; arranged. Howard R. Hastings, complete heating syatems. All Center if desired. Write promptly brick duplex, (1 unfinished upi. j Mitchell 9-9778. | Mitchell *-1107. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mr*. BEFORE YOU Buy a used tar vari-lyping, mailing for sm*d or woik guaranteed. Time paymenl.s ' Eunice K. Loyalm Training SSivic* iPAL BUILDING of the Town of I Apartments—Flat Edna Kastauskas. 283 Norih Main utes after dawn on Saturdays. to P. 0. Drawer 831. ilM Aircraft Corporatloa (Combination atorm window* and ----- .— ! ~ ------See Gorman Motor Sale.s. BuicU large businesses. Reasonable arranged. Moriarty Brothers. Tel. Articles for Sale 45 Gertrude A'. Haven ■Write Box Y Manchester on FRIDAY, JULY Tenements “ «3 NOW LIVE for less! street: Max Wegner, Mansfield De­ Upon my return, I find him a sen­ Sales snd Service. 28.5 Main rates. Phone Mitchell 3-7691. screens, hot water heat, oil, full ^ 9 ^ .. , WANTED-Zone B Lot*, any sec- Philosophy MItcheU 3-.513.5. PART:t IME Waitreaa wanted. Regiatrars-^ Second Dist. Car* of Herald 34th, 1653, at 8:00 P. M., upon a basement, sidewalks, city sewer*. i room apartments. On* vacancy! tion of Manchester. Also listings, pot; Mr*. Lois Nagy, 83 Hayhe* sible fellow who Is merely beating street. Mitchell 9*4571. Open e\’*-- Garden Restaurant, 84P.ierBri.*e;.,W* .out alww. Apply In peraon or-write far a caavaniant, appointment- to the ■••wxrHrind-fwor shfeM'be erected and - •'Inquira #8 Hayne* Jima > x when the long antleipated holitla-yassumad.during-my ataanca. contact A^l Cat^ano. at the Man-t ObORS bPEl'tEtS, iteys f'^ted, town sinks sold. Estimates glad­ you the way to new bqauty, new Mechanic "Ifor construc­ Wttli.Btva Tylsr, 'Bealtor. Mitch­ AT AsCOUBT or PROBATF. holdcn fiWve': Richard Lecferr, 'ST'-MiriT covered with material satisfactory 4 p. m., or $88 South Main atreet: St rov^nlr.v. vUhm And (or (h» Dieirirt street. - ’ 'I* Just a memory, the return-from My annoyance continues un- Chester Motor Sales. MItcheU ^-opied, vacuum cleaner,S; irons. ly given. C, O. Lorentsen. MItch­ clothes and a new serif-confident ell 8-4488. PLUaSED SEW m tion equipment. UNITED STATES ENVELOPE CO. to the building inapector with a, after 8. ■. . J______of Cnvi-ntry, j n iho 21si day of July, l-egal Notice -BIRTHS YE.STERDAY: a vacation period might Juat ax well abated with characters w|io have 3-1134. guns. , etc., Iepatred. Shears, eU 9-7*36. -= = • — way of .life throtuh/Ayon:i .eam- 131 WEST m a i n SYRERY, BiMlKVlLLK. CONN. — be put to soma use; ----^=“v====-- their aacretariea ’ calf -me oq- th e -' kniVes'.-moeverk »1.’C.:-put into too-. 4ng-opporUinUy- write-nme, Mrs. period of ilia '(6) month* from’ the' .PrfAjiu HON. TM0atA8 AT; *A COURT o r . PRORATE holden daughter u.Jdfv ^ 3948 DODGE Fbrdor .Sedan. Radio. Also carpenteni aid ear- Issuance (ff said'- pairnlt, and be Steam VKSd . Judar. — ------SfiOakihjf'■ perabrikllf i'’'''! •' don't telephone and "’^'then'^' keep 'nie"'' ., iliUc»ii.Jbr .cwuing. .needs- Brai.lb.?, H. Frawley.. Nqrtii. BratitogtL .ficat.. .oaataojy -hHcataA. vPbona room large lot. at rovenu-y, wifhln and for th^ Dtstnet Klee, Eilihgto'n: '‘4 son lo M*- and ^■Oti "mutton o f ■aaraar«'-«?S’i ^ i U>f- AI-' -nP-Cntetitft. iUffi- of Jd\y.-v ■Mt*;! . it ffd y '■;;Yhjj,chfr, -vi/th'daqif: think th*t IP (a !Of 7*ikr(imi1*r'em v donglhtg:'wMie the aacretarie# ‘tty' -Wa’l»;--»---Pe»rr-*tr«te;’!-:- MltehaU 8-6146. • lefi'.'.AIIminIMratriX'—-- Scuth • portihee w-hether' o r 'hot 'o h e '' tr Very clean inside and-out. Ea.sy months; but in no event ahall said ; for quick sale.. 8, A. Beechler, Conn., on (ht tnitiitsft ttiate of O, Bur- Locks tli flniL-their employer*. But'Tfi'a S lo t^ g e 20 Beptle Taaka, Dry Wells, Hewer Vm Present HON. THOMA8 C.. WEIeLER. eager to return to the- realities o f , sweet, post-vacation mood, I quiet. terms. Douglas Motors, 333 Xlain COMPLETE Repairs by Smart R. Lliie* Installed— CeUsr Wster- Apply between 6:30 snd permit be sffacUve for mor* than Realtor. Phone Mitchell 3-6*81. Ion Carpenter. 1st' of roytnlry, within Eaa.. Judge. BIRTH TODAY: a son to Mr stieet. W olcott. A-1 Repair. Sales on Help Wanted— Male 36 twelve (12| month* from tha dal# sa)d district. doCtastd. On motion of George F. Taylor. Co- 4nd Mr*. William Preaton. 177 making a. llring.ii.nn. I * ■ ly hang up the phone without per AU.'4'nN A. CHAMBERS C O , I Proofing Done. 7:30 A. M. 4 NEW HOMES FOR SALE Suburban for Rent 06 ATTENTION. VETERANS! New ■ Ihi* Court doth d»crr* lliat alt lumbia, COnnecOcut-^iecuior. on the A buttling, bright-eyed and wa.shlng machines, vacuum clesn- of Issuanca, howaver, building per­ ; mnaUu ho allowed and Itmlled for the Demlng atreet. mitting my blood preasura to risa . local and long distance moving, MAINTENANCE MAN. for Turn­ t-Bsdroom Ranch, lull baoement, testate estate of Harold F. Tavlor.. late energetic returnee may be a fel­ 1952 CHEVROLET De Luxe, ,tu- eis. motors. smsU appliances. packing: storage. Cfall MItcheU IN BOLTON. CONN. mits may be extended for period! FOR RENT at Oacald Park, South oredllora of'aaid eetate to eshiqit their of Coventry, within eaid dtsirtcl, de­ DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: a alngle point. pike -Carden Apartments. Must be M c Kin n e y m o s - attachad garage. Large closets, nialma aaalnai the aame lo the A<)mln- ceased. low. Who Just loves his Job, but he tone gray, ftilly equipped, fully Welding, 180 Main street.’ Phone 3-5187. Hartford 6-1423. MRVIS CONST. . of not mor* than six (6) months (jovantry. Sept. 1st to June IS, Patricia Bemtsen. Lydall street: Home but nflereat guaranteed. Center Motor Sales, general repair and handy man. HEWKRACiE DISPOSAL CO. 00 ultra modem kitchen, ceramic tile lalralrU and dlreria (hat public notice This Court doth decree that six may alto be a guy who had a 2 CAPE CODS — JUST COMPLETED modem 4 ropm house, furnished be given nf this order by advertising In months be allowed and limited for the Mias Ellen McClorey. 801 . Main A pleasant fellow-employ* used 4*1 Main street. Mitchell 9-6*78, Writ* to Turnpike Garden Corp., 1*0-182 Pearl 8L Tel. MI-3-5868 478 Center Sl„ Manchester without additional fee upon proof bath, 90 ft. lot. (ionysnisnt to wretched time at a liont-porch, MANCHESTER—Package Deliv­ satisfactory to th* building In­ or unfurnished. Phone Mitchell a newapaper having a circulation In creditors of aaid estate to exhibit Iheir *tr,e*t; Anton Chellberg. 140 tn irritate a bit by remarking 97 Federal street. West Hartford, achool and bus. As Hit'* aa $850 aaid dlatrlct. and tiv polling .a copy claims against the same in the Execu­ dresa-for-dinner mounlnln resort AN”n Q U E S Rcfinished. Repairing ery. Local light trucking and 2 RANCHES — NEARING COMPLETION 3-8147. School atreet; Olin Lewis, *9 "Howdy-doody." every single time 1960 FORD CI.UB coupe, exceUent, | Conn. . spector that additional time I* down for vatarau. F.H.A. mort- Uiereof on the public algn pnat in aaid tor and directs that public notice be when he yearned for the deck of a done on any fiiinitiire. Tieman, package delivery. Refrigerators, necessary to romplet* the stnic- Town nf Coventry, aaereal the ptaca gtvefi of this order bv advertUIng In a Trebbe drive; Mr*. Ann Nizza, ws met. mugging violently and $3,095; 194* Ford club coupe, very $11,900.00 to $13,200 f ^ a avallabl* alao. Call now. where the dfceaaed laat dwelt sail boat and a fighting fish on clean, $495. Cole Motors, 438 Cen­ 189 South Mam .street, Plione washers and stove ntoving a MECHANIC’S ASSISTANT for tiirs for which such permit was newspaper having a circulation tn said South Coventry; Raymond Benza. indicating he Was' making a vary MIt. hell 3 .5*43. ape< laity. MItcheU 9-0752. Summer Homes for Rent 67 warran B. Howland, Realtor. 543 Certified from Record. dlatrlct. and bv posting a copy thereof 31 Ashland atreet. the end of a line. ter street. MItcheU 9-0980. large fleet of trucks. Excellent Issued. Woedbridg* atraat. Telephone F.UZABE7TI LACBK, Clerk. on the public algn m t In said Town of ITme for Ktudy funny Joke. He's still at it, but working rondUions, hospitaliza­ Lots 150’ X 200’ minimum, Dekn heat, Delco Jet S. All building permits issued for ■ Court of Probate. Coventry nearest tV place where the DISCHARGED TODAY? Patri­ he's pleasant, good humorgd and FURNACES VACUUMED. Oil Painting— Papering 21 .age a Mitchell 1-8800 any time. Dlatrlrt of Coventry. deceased last dwelt. cia Murphy. 858 Tolland turnpike; Converaely, the returning wage 1951 M ERCURY~ Sport coupe. tion, insurance and vacation ben­ completely Isndscaped, fin­ pun^ps. General Electric Interior or egterior alterations and abla weakly. Call MItchMl 8-7354. slave, reluctantly dragging tack to cheerful, and there really aren’t Mercqmatic. One local owner. burners serviced. ’ Reasonable Certified from Recordi Nelson Read. Rockville; Thomas rates. Bob Cartwright. MItcheU efits. Apply In person, Hartford ished drives, artesian additions ahall be effective for a 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. BIRCH MOUNTAIN ROAD - - New Dtalrirl of M anchester, nn the 20lh dav ELIZABETH LACBK. Clerk. the .offipe, may loathe job, but enough of such types around. Guaribitred. Center Motor Sales, Despatch. 335 Prospect atreet. hot water, Youngstown Cap* Old, S rooms finished. M AT A COURT OF — PROBATE------held Court of Probate. Woods. 71 Weaver road; David 9-6448. EXTERIOR PAINTING, tree esU- wells, cement septic tanks, period of twelve (13) month* from at ManchPBter. wUhin and for Dtstelct hf Cm-entry. again ha may have landed home Trains are still running erratic*- 461 Main street. East Hartford. See Mr. Cuater. (2RY8TAL LAKE Watarfront. three acre lot; plastarad walls; tile Baton. 4 Mints, court: Mrs. Irene ally, and-Tpeople still will try to matea. Call Mllchell *-1388. kitchens, fully insulated, , date of •ISBuonce. and all work of JulYa A.D.. IMS. Munroe. Windham; Zodda baby the night IxfTore after a 6 (MO mile MASON, STONE contractor and finished walks, fully plas­ ~ must be completed within that bedroom cottage. Baeutiful loca­ bath; hot water haat; extra larg* ' PrPBPnl, JOHN J. WAUeKTT, Judfr AT A COURT o r PROBATE holden automobll* trip, found the garden | sneak elgarettee into "N o Smok- 1937 FORD 2-Door in good ro'ndi- oak floors, kitchen fans. of Gary DcMigla* Smith nf at Coventry, within and for'the District boy, 1065 Main street. cement work. Valentino Belluccl, tered. time. If alteration and addition tion. AvaUabI* last two ’ weeks kitehan. $1,500.00 Oown-Payment. full of Weed*, the cellar full of con-j Ing" coaches, and tb> little mail tion with 1947 Mercury motor. August. Mitchell I-S748. Ifiinrh^Bl^r In said district. A minor. of Coventry, on the Jlst dav of Julv, MItrheU 3-5618. Fern street. Tel. MItrheU 8-5043. , does not exceed twenty-five dol- 'Call The Johnson Building Com­ Upon Application of s;«rl A. Smith. A. D. IPSS. densation and a report from camp in charge of running air condi­ CaU 9-.5451 between 5 and 7 :30. SALESMAN BULLDOaNB ' lara ($35.00) no permit fee ahall pany, 861 Main atraat, Mitchell fuArdian. praying (nr authority tn Preseat HON. THOMAg G. WELLES. RACINT. BETURNfl that the kids have chtekenpox. tioning plant! never seem to b* Our Rimco Combination Win­ JULY 38 TO Geptember lit water­ 8-7438. compromii^ and bmiI# thr doubtful and Esq.. Judge. J941 MERCURY CTub Coupe. Ra­ THE DIMOCK-GOODWIN CO. be ch a rg e. front ctMtage at Gerald Park, Cov­ divpulHl claim' which B ald minor hai On motion of Daniel Scoulsr of Arm- Caimbing tack into the busineaa guided by th* condition of th* dio, heater. $95.00. 1934 Ford dow agent for the loal S yeqra 4. Bamment garages and at­ agalnBt Thr 8. A W. Company, former­ dale. Nova Scotia and Cora .K, Scran­ Chicago. July 22- i>P>—Grey­ nit after vacation serves moat weather In tha straeta, taxidrivan has been given a promotion In LAWN ROLUNS - of BOL’TON entry Lake. Modem convanlsncas. EAGT HARTFORD, O ff Forbes ly known a« Oakland Paper Mtll. nf ton of Falls Village. Connecticut co- Convertible. $35.00. CaU -MItcheU * tached garage*,. wRh or without hound racing returns to the Chi­ usefully, I bcliave, as a pariod for still ram thsir opinions down o m 's our organisation. We are now Pbon* MItchall 8-5147. straet. Five room colonial, three Mancheater. Connecticut. It Ib executors. on the testate estate of •-5128. WANTED- hreasawaya, must be fully enclosed ORDERED: That the fnregning aiv Leon H>. Austin, late of Coventry with­ cago area tonight for the first time study of one's rsactions.. After a throat, and th* nasrs vendors Md* Interviewing men Intereoted in Open For Inspection— Saturday 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. years old. fireplaca, plaster walls, since 1930. but with a. difference AMESITE DRIVES with fireproof material. SHORBFRONT Cottage for five, hot water oil haat, full caller, at­ plication he h^ard and determined at in Bald district, deceaaed. couple of weeks ■— or longer if the later edition* undsr * pil* o f 1947 HUDSON Four-Door Sedan. First t'laH.s Mold Makers the Maarheater Rusro agency. K Sunday 2 P. M to 6 P. M. the probate r^lce In Mancheater In This Court doth decree that - six - maybe. Promoter Peter Jennin you're lucky of chaiige of en­ 5. 151* effective date, of th‘s CMumbia Laka, avallabl* Satur­ tractively landscaped, $13,700, aaid -Dlutrlct. on the 30lh d a y nf July, months be allowed and limited for the earlier (Mias, but none o f thsoa Good paint, good’ 'runnlng condi­ Full or Part Time For fuH detail* enll Mr. Clongb. day, July 38 to Saturday, August sayi there will be no gambling in vironment and freedom from the tion. Cali after 6. MItcheU 1 For Weekday Appointments Call In Eycningp ordinance ahall be Its date .vf Small rash needed. Gatto Co., A- D. 19A3, at ten o'clock In the fore­ rredltorB of said estate to exhibit their seem to matter os much oa Uwy 55 Hour Week— Top Wages THOMAS O O lU 1. Garage, hot and cold water In Hartford 5-8188, Mancheater noon. and that notice, he given to'all claims against the same to the Co> connection with ths dog races run day-ln, day-obt' trritationa of liv­ «-32(i*. . PI.2.7IR9 or MI-9-5173 adoption by th* Board of DIrec-, pereonB Interested In aaid estate of the executors and directs that public notice off between stock car events at hia ing, It is interesting to discover if did tafor* 1 got away from It oU Full Employee Bienefits tora. bath Including stall ahower. tas Mitchell 3-a*48. pendency of aaid application and the he given of this order by advertising in for a short period. THE BARTLEH for tha weak,.Tal. MItchall 8-7384 a newspaper bavins a rlrculaiina ” In Rocewa.v Park. Other au^oritle* the cauaaa are your own evil dis- PRIVATE OWNER aalling 1*48 APPLY CeattmtHa* G*. Dated at .Manchester, Connect!- time and place-of hearing thereon, by — My eoMluoloR is t t a t tha aasG^ Nash club coupe. Grey, radio, LOCATION—13ins left Just past Shady Olen Dairy, praeettd aftar S p. m. MANCtnCGTER-riv* room home, puhilahlng a ropy of thta. order . -M. said dlatrlct.-ata by-poating a enpr dlRagrM, howevef. "Jeiinln Bays pdMHbn and 'fatigue or whether BRMNARD GO. nit, this 30th day of July. 1653. Rica locatkm, all cotCvaniancas, wme newspaper iiaeing a riroulatlofi' thereofr onoti laethe poinabllc sign___ ,pnat . In aaM patrons ootrona will beta .givengiven tickets on (hey are faolly annoying. Irritating thing* tn my Ilf* sro, heater, (og lights, and undercoat- - 1(4 nrilaa .awLnk* Strant, turn right at aign. Harold A. Tnrkington In said dUtrtet, at least ftva days Town M Ovenlrr. nearest the plars Irritations I sat up writhln .mysatf- AMCOTS-r rS M MI-*-S224 CDVENTRT LAKEr-- Four-Ro^m axcellant centUUon,' one car ga- whets ih» deceased last dwell runnera in tha eight-race dog pro- Cie.for* I went away, I would IsC. CjDDn, wdII k#pi conditioQ. H t i o i * TO . 3 3 -4 4 7 t SecreUry of the Board of Direc­ fnre tha day of aaid hearing, to appear Any vacation Is worthwhile If yane. cun 65 Brooklyn Sf., Rorkrill* Furnished Cottage. $35 weekly. rag*. Nire wooded lot. Full pric* tf . th^y...... -A^e. „ cause „ ^ at saw . lime and - Certified from Record. gram -Mdt winner*-wdl—reeeWa-«h**r(uU]rhav* murderad an * a ^ ' tor* of the Town of Manchaa- August 1st to Sth- ISth on. PIl heard^ reljuive therato, ...... ELIZASETH LACEK; (3erk. crniplimentory paasea tn future bird- neighbor srith an iri'astaUlm ran com* array fnnB It -witJi tar. JllJlOO CWl “nw BUaworth A g a p -jS f Cnorl of Probate. ■..■J grim 3-6G2S. ey. Raaltora, MItchall HUD jom!^}” WAilr?r. Judge. Dinrtrt of Corentry. stock cor Bices. urg* to clip hia badge a f*w that much. . ' - -- f - ' - f 1 • . -I . • ■ ' - . I MANCHESTER EVENING HERAi^. MANCHESTER. COl^N^ WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 19B8 PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHE8T15R, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JULY 22, 1988 PAGE NW EfBlir- HtfUBthoki G4nnIr Help Wanted— HUIe 36 ArticiM for SrIb 45 BoRti rbJ AccRRBoriRR 46 - . - ' ■ ' -A atoA pf>HaB-f«P“8RlB'- -8ttsiesB.0flRccd.13. -ee-v.-.y. T-.J- III I i| I ~| imnil FT.; 'FitlltiicAN 'miih«igWFly~ "n ij PAINTING AND Paperh«aging. MALE HELP WANTED BE SURE — Buy Cinco all alum­ HoiitteKoMTfeSir^^I^ IS DOWN. IMS Ford itaUon wa(on, CABINET MAKmo, Good work- inum windowa. Alao seU-atoting a bdot and •eoirt, MO. MIten- 15 cu. ft. freeser wat $499.96 W O TEousandIWfct fat Oailt it H ia^ irantt IMS Buick club coupe, IMS Chev­ 'manship. Reasonable rates. Esti­ Good work, reaauLabte rates. doora. CaU MItchaU 9-6066 for (rea ell 9-4430, IIUWiB RUGS la (Meek new! iu t YOUNG OOUFUB, IS-ttoath-eld Tojr neighbor my recomenda- Steady employinent, good 0(^ 1 now $409.^00. Other uprifhta BOY! WHAT A BARG AIN I MANCHESTER MANCHESTER Classified rolet club coupe, IMl Chevrolet mates Kladly given. Moulson’s tunity for advancement. eatimatas..BIII Tunaky. colors aad alsaa. 9 a 19 91T-N daughter, aaad four or flveM8, four down two Op ed plaster. Hartford 3-3884. want willing workers. No jokers '6M East Middla^l^pUia Oak, Mahogany, Birch . .each IR.IO Yea, theaa era tiood, hut In good balanca on# yaar to pay. Call Broker more important than the buttneas Yard detactivas picked up the tra il. Britain, hut found tha telephena fo r c l a s s if ie d ADVT. 1795. Brunner s Packard, 568 Bast 9-4997. Hours: 9:80 e.m. to 6 p.m. Lovely sight room Colonial; four finished. Fireplace hot water beet, today of tha men who cut tha cable out. Had tha call gone or fur trappers need apply. Write No. 1 IS" Btaln Bhakaa ibapa and guarentaad. Mra. Ftale. tatchaU 9-7163. badroems, two bathroema, oU hast, of eternity.’’ MON. THRIT FRI. Center street. Open Tues., Wed., FURNITURE Retinishing, anUque WASHED SAND, Stona, 7 :30 p.m. to 8 :S0 p.m. ... 344 Main Stroat oil, emeelte drive. Lot 70 x 180. Thawkrehbishop axpreeeed as hia telephone lines In the great horse through, ;the price would have Box V, care Herald. \ All c o lo r s ...... aq. 113.90 FREE 8TORAOB one car garage. Lot 76 x 180. Ideal Thursday until 9:30 p. m. furniture a specialty, chalra caned Bonds— S tock o— loanV. Nuaadort USED FURNITURB bought and Asking $13,700. ”flfrt word" sympathy to Tobin’s race betting coup last Thursday been hammered down, 1Q:30A.M. WANTED — Dump “truck drivers, PboiM latcheU 9-7406. Clear Rad Oak Flooring UNTIL WANTED oold. Tha Woodshad, 11 Mata yard for ehltdran. Priead right at ' Phones MItchaU 8-8418 MODEL A Pickup truck for sale. and rushed. Anson F. Thorp. Mortgraces For Appointment, Please Call grief-strtekan widow and bar thraa and there were Indlcattone tha Ir became a general aasumpUnn SATURDAY 9 A. M. ^ Phone Mitchell 9-5735. experienced only. c! L. Hale N-OF-MA ...... per M 9286:00 MOVING TO CAUFORmA— BEE IT TODAY OB TONIOHt Btrtst. Tal, MItehall 9-8164. 816,000. Rsaidsnea Mltehsll 8-7761 teen-aged childm. law was about to close in on the that a ringer won tha race. A t Ptione Mitchell 9-78M after 6 p. Conatruction Co. Tel. Mitchell Muat tell: dreaeer, cheat o f draw­ PHONE MR. ALBERT, m. ' FIRST AND Second mortgages LAWN CHAIRS, unpainted. U40 common ...keg M.M USED AUTOMA'nC, Bptanar and m a n c h b b ’H cr GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO Beyond those who filled the plotters. first It was believed flanta Amaro, bought for our own account. Fast, 3-7196 or Mitchell ^7831. ers, Mack walnut table, buffet, HARTFORD R-OSSS VERNON—Country setting, no da- cathedral In the South End. thoii- Rigne developed, too. that the also French tratacd, had bean eub- •TOm COOPERATION WILL Household Services Burnside Ave. Hartford 6-T3TS. .per M. 3166.00 AFTER 7 P. M. HTFD. 4t-4R9« Wrtagar Waahart at vary low 8 family heusa in good condi­ Realtor BE appreciated confidential service. Manchester EXPERIENCED man wanted for two beds, gee stove, ott ateve, priess. Sava $100.00 on nsw vslopmsnt, custom built, ranch. aande lined the etraete of the fu­ Inveetlgetlon has spread to the stltuted for Francoeal. Rome now 1939 BUICK, Good condition. Price Offered IS-A Investment Corp., 244 Main RICH BARNYARD loam for sale many other Items. Tel. Mitchell A—Lr-B—B—R -T —8 tion. First floor, ona four room and Largs kitchen, three badrooma, 109 Henry St. Manchester neral rout# from Tobin’s Jamaica continent, with French police believe Rants Amaro wka a dacoy counter and sandwich board. Ap­ Bhi DImenalon fresser. ABC Appllaiics, 31 Mspit three room spartmsnjM, second Dial MI-3-5121 reasonable. Phone Mitchell 3-8963. street. Phone Mitchell 3-5416. ply In person. Peter's, 691 Main CaU Peter Lalashhu. Mitchell (truck I04^ ...... per M. 3M.60 t-3309. 43-46 Alljm Street, Hartford atrsst. two iwin-siss, large living room Telephone Mitchell 9-6878 Plain home to the church and later working to untangle soma of the and that still a third horse was In- FLAT FINISH Holland window 9-25S8. floor has five rooms, oil hast. Front firsplacs, oil hot water hast, full to Holyhood Ocmetery. Brookline, shades, made to measure. All street. ite ...a v g . 316.60 rlU N K ’l ANTIQUES — lacend and side porches. One car gsrags. Y w o ROOM house with one acre strMde. volved. One bettor who had oaen 1948 PONTIAC Convertible. Good Windowa, cei SAVE 330. Golden JuMlaa Mat- ctllsr, over *4 sera, $18,100. where the body was taterrad. It . ’iha big break in the million dol- both Francaaal and Rants Amaro metal V e n e tia n blinds at a new FLAGSTONE—Btonea for waUa. traoB, 389.78. Howard’a Sleep Cen­ hand Btora, 86 O o ^ r atreet. Buya, Three room spertmeni evallabit la of land for sale. Price 18,800. condition. Tel. Mitchell 9-1860 or Help Wanted— Female S5 KBLVINATOR Rtfrigerator, 186. Carlton W. Hutchins, Mitchell was one of the. largest funeral lar coup came when police received said: inquire, 211 Parker street. low pri<‘e. Keys made while you house fronts, flreplscsi, etc. Also Retail at Who ter, 889 Main. MItchaU 9-6188. sella. MRcheli 9-1966. Open Thura- September. Convenient to schools Mitchell 3-8333. Good condition. Mitchell 8-8196. 9-8133, 9-4894. turnouts In Qoetoh’e history. a tip on the cable snippers from e . „ Lost snd j^ounfl 1 W8l.t. Marlow’j, EXPERIENCED Sales dsrk. Air Wa n t e d Heatalstor flrepiscs forms, 3S” 6ays, Fridays. Baturdays, 9 to 9. and within walking dlstanes to "I don’t reckon they would have , conditioned store. Apply in peroeti ..... Umjtefl Su The tall, handapinq S3 ysar did farmar'a wife, M-nk-ttiecfi Perry •ubetituted Rants 'Amaro: I f eaiy*' • CLEARANCE SALE at *48 each; x S" x 1 /F ’ alate Mltehtll'9-7966; - MAin'Btrebt. Good Incwm*. ------a-FOOT RANCH."" tiUrh 'taoasfn 110 BENTON aTRBET"i*cHH* Tobin died fliinday of a heart at­ th s T —WES’nNGHOUSE portable Marlow’s. man to work ^ rt time in service rooms, firepiscs, basement ge- of Heather Grange. thing, that turkey le worse than WEAVING of burns, moth holes heacUi tile. Bolton. Notch QHfir* kitchan-dtalng room combination, tack at his 8cltvatt.nimmer home- radio. Reward. Call- Mitchell 1931 ■ Studebaker-tond—Cruiser—- and torn clothing; “holsery m nsr ltetton.-Mu*r be - IS yeere • okl- or NATIONAL BUILI^I .MusicalinatrumcBit*. SA rsge, nice yard. 816,900.' Pbon* ■ The -exact "itumber-'-of 'person* Franeaaal;-’* ry. Mitchell 9-06i7. THREE-PIECE 'Bedroom set, flraplace. "T(ir|fis arifaffcalty ' psir- A former governor of Maeeachu- 9-7564. Automatic drive, fully equipped, handbags repaired, sipper re­ EXPERIENCED PAY Roll dork. over. Houri 6 to 10 p.m. evehlngs, Fratt I WUtMf Mitchell 9-5516. lavolved isn't known. There is one Both horses are under police Apply Gunver Mfg. Oo., 334 Hart­ SUPPLIES apartment else gas stova and M u s ic lastrumcnt rantal. Com- elled living room, three bedrooms, aette he hod twice' bean mayor of 1951 Studebaker Starlight 5 Pas­ placement, umbrellas repaired, Sunday! 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. See Van FRANCES K. WAGNER tile bath, full cellar and attic. theory, however, that the ring­ guard at Epsom Race 'Track. LOST —. Saturday, black Cocker senger Coupe- -Automatic drive, ford Road. 430 Davenport Avenue N other furniture. Call Mitchell plate line o f Instruments. Rsatal Beaton. « men's shirt collars reversed and for interview at Make Mowing A Plrasure appUai. to purchase pries. Rap> Realtor Near bue and school., 814,800. Truman indicaUd the esteam In leaders included three men In Rporty Looking Spaniel with green collar. Name fully equipped. New Haven, Connecticut 3-8111. Idita fot/Salc 7.1 Britain, two scomplicea In Mra. Perry said she saw a aleek ■•Wags” . Reward. Call Mitchell replaced. Marlow's Little Mend­ YOUNG WOMAN wanted for atuff- Aireraft raaanting Olds, Selrosr. Baeh, Carlton W. Hutchins, Mitchell which he held his former labor 1950 Studebaker Champion 2-Door ing Shop. For 11.00 Weekly! Telephone Btate 7-3697 MI-8-0038 France, and a sixth man acting as car draw up to the spot where the 9-7378. — Overdrive, fully equipped. ing machine operator. Experience VAN’S SERVICE STA’n O N BEST FREEZER Pedlar aad Bundy. McUar'a Music r $-8183, 9 -4 8 9 4 ,______BUILDING LOTS AT VERNON— chief by flying bars from Inde- not ncceesary. Apply Kaklar Cloth Ileison between them. cable waa -cut three weeks ago. 1950 Studebaker Commander Con 437 Hertford Road Pay Down What You Choose VALUES IN TOWN Studio, 177 McKea. Mltekall 10$ BRANFORD strMt. Attreetlve i “ ty 2M ft. One minute to Wilbur pendonec. Mo., for tha aenricaa. He LOST—Pair gray trousers. Satur­ Toy Co., 80 Hilliard atreet. 8-7500. PRICE REDUCED-New two bad Cross highway, new school and arrived after midnight and went London’s Evening Rtandard said Three sporty looking types got’ day morning, in Popular Market veitible Coupe -Overdrive, fully Building—Contracting aff^lmadradt aff six room Cape Cod offered at re­ Detective Superintendent Reginald out. ahr said, and walked into her Diaatonda—Watches— 130 cu. ft. Kelvtnstor. Regular room ranch, convsniaqUy locatad. duced price for Immediate sale beautiful lakes. $1,300 caah. Tel­ directly to the ToWn home where parking lot. Finder please call equipped. EXPERIENCED Sales clerk, full SPECIAL ephone Rockville 5-t0S8. • he comforted Mre. Tobin. Spooner had a list of 13 names. huaband'a field which lies behind 194H Ford V-8 2-Door. WE CAN BUILD you • goi _ HIGH SCHOOL boys, summer full Jewelry 46: $660. Bela price 1649. Full basemant, hatchway, hot and occupancy. Fireplace, . oil llntchell 9-4019 after 3:30, time. No Sunday work. Paid raca- water heat. Immediate occupancy, "It was terrible—terrible." he "eU well known in horse reci|ig a high' hedge. The cable ruqa over for $898 complete. If you need one tione, Christmas bonus See Mr. time, school part lime work In Famous Make 18” Power 113 cu. ft. Keivtastor. Regular Waaring Apparel— Furs 57 steam beet, rear porch, amesite Studebaker Sales and Service LEONARD W. YOST. Jeweler, re­ 811,700. Phone Warren E. How­ said after viewing the body laid elreiee.” the hedge. .., l o s t — PASSBOOK NO. 73434. It’s a bargain. Estimatei' also Keith. Keith’s Variety,- Dopot drug etore. Driver's license re­ wall-pa^ iaiM $400* Bale price $966. drive, one. car garage, storifi win­ Mower, Briggs t Stratton mo­ pairs, adjusts watches expertl.V. FGR Ba l e - -Man's rsbuilt and ra- land, Realtor. MItehell 8-8800 any Suburlwn for Sale 75 out In a bronze cattict. How Coup Worked She said she watched the men Notice is hereby given that Pass CHORCHES MOTOR SALES given on large garages, breeie- Square. quired. Phone Mitchell 9-8143. I l l CM. f t ICeIvtaater upright. dows and screens. Excellent con­ .'80 Oakland Street waya, porches, dormers, etc. For tor. Regular $114.96. .$89.95 Reasonable prices. Opanu dally. lasted Shoes- Fins shape-prietd time. dition. Shown anytime bv appoint­ As Mre. Tobin fought to hold Scotland Yard Wta allent on for 30 minutes, during which time Book No. 73434, issued by Tlie For Regular 1600. Bale price $616. raasonabla. Sam Yules, IS MapIS ROCKVILLE Seven room single, back tears, the former President progress of the probe of the coup, they examined tha cable, theq Savings Bank of Manchester, ha.s .... Manchester...... Mitchell...... 9-9483 full particulars, call W. G. Mc­ BOOKKEEPER, knowledge of typ­ ’Thursday evenings. 129 Bpruc* ment. $11,800, n v a Tyler, Real­ 4 bedrooms, living room, dining Nally A Sons. Tel. Mitchell 9-9993. r e l i a b l e Me n street. Mitchell 9-43ST. tin cu. ft. Coolerator, Regular street. Opp. First National Park­ MANCHESTER GREEN — New tenderly said. 'There, there, which worked this way: drove away. Mrs. Perry remem­ been lost and application has i HUDSON 2-door, ’41 Olds con- ing and credit control. Excellent \ ing. six room ranch ityle home. Full tor. MItehell 9-4468. room, kltchan, pantry. IH bathe. starting salary. Apply in peraon. COLE MOTORS $386. Bale Price $360. eveiythlng will be all right. God A horse listed ea FrancaM l-a bered the three Index letters of been made to said hank for pay- y,rtible coupe, '41 Plymouth. '41 SPECTAUZING Ir custom built WANTED AOperatoni of: basement with garsge. Large All city ronveniancea. Mortgage Tots ’N Teens, Inc., 986 Main 436 Center fit. Mitchell 9-0980 TWO BBDROOM^ ENOUGH ? arill see tn it." French trained 3-yeer-oId with an the car's license plate, but ment of the smount of deposit. Dodge coupe, '40 Olds 2-door. ItO garages, concrete lloore, alob ol- for Gartan— Farm— Dairy Drill PrcMiM All Freeasrs Carry Five • wooded lot. Shown by appointment arrangementa for dealrabte party. Included ivith Trumen among undlstlngulahed record — romped street. Cell for appointment ^ly.-W iirkM ttiV.itaiidM . ititch. make e t ^ to'eea ihta baau- Immediate occupancy, $11,500. couldn't recall the numberi. Po­ down, balance weekly buyi any o f ; teratioDs, additloni, cslbiBets, Tear 'Warmnty Wantcii—^To Buy 58 .. V.___ alOhal *.maaml* mflAeata m*a*l #■ ttwatt aa/fth home the winner of the 3 o'clock ^X)ST — PASS BOOK NO. 33!i89. Mitchell 9-4427. JOBS WITH A FUTURE Protlucta - 50 l4ith«g \ Uful ranch of stone end fro'me with G eone J. Coleman, Broker, Hart- the honorary pall bearers was lice have checked about 1,000 these. Brunner's Packard, 358 ceiling! and dormer erection. Call FIELD STONE for fireplace and re­ all t-m s. Martin P. Durkin, who suceeod- race at Bath at lO to 1 odds. plates without result. Notice is hereby given that Pass F.aat Center street. Open Tues., Milling Machinen , WATKINS BROTHERS 3 fireplacae. A Better Homea kitch­ ford-Conn. Trust Building. Tel. Frank Contois. Mitchell 3-5332. HOl/SBWIVES — Anxious to earn taining walls. M. French, Coven­ BI-ACKBERRIBS. F^ck your ed Tobin as Labor Secretary last British bookies got a heSv.y play Many of the bookies are still Book No. 33589. issued by The Wed., Thui'S. until 9:30 p. m. own. Bring containers. A. R. Griniling Machine* 935 Main Street GIRL’S 34” BICYCLE. Good con­ FINE AGREfl Tarraca. Owner uit- en. Large dining room, 13’ x 13’ Rockville 8-4048, 5-4710. Savings Bank of Manche.ster, has $1,00 to $2.00 per hour 'without STARTING RATES: try, Pilgrim 3-7181. axnaetadly tranefarrad out of state. porch, attached garage, tile bath, January. on the horse shortly before th e! holding beta waiting for tha po» if ” YoiT I n t e n d t o b u i l d canvassing.. Write P. O. Box #9t, Talcottt, Route No. 80. Vernon. dition. Call Mitchell 9-3609. been lost and application has 194-7 NASH 4-door sedan. Heater Other Machines GLENWOOD combination rooms, ceramic tils bath, for­ full cellar, combination storms and ELUNGTQN tlS.OOO. Ideal Junior Other government officlale at­ race started. They tried to call the lice to solve the rase. your new home or do any repair­ Hartford 1. Conn. 11.40 First Shift 30-30 MARLIN RIFLE, lever ac­ Telephone Rockville 5-7948. been made to said bank for pay­ and defroster. 3250. Call Coventry tion. like nevi, $60.00. MItrhell gsSxsnd oil range. In good condi­ mica counter, hot water oil heat, eereena. A must for those who ap­ executive home, .4% rooms, fire­ tending included Senators Kenne­ ing, see Wlllism Kanehl, Contrac­ tion. Ydltchell 9-9906. place, garage attached, full base­ dy (D.. Mess.) and Saltonstall ment of the amount of deposit. Pilgrim 2-8409. tor and Builder. Phone Mitchell EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER $1.50 Second and Third Shifts 9-4430. A Sheet Metal Mechanics Roomn without Board 59 veiwtlan bitnde, racraatloa room, preciate nice things. Priced at Its 51 attached garage, veranda. Excel­ face value $33,600, ment, garden. Lot 100' x 300'. (R.. Mass. I - whom Tobin auc- 1951 PLYMOUTH Four-Door Se­ 3-7773. for Automobile Dealership. 5H- HousahoM Gotids PAVE I5fl0! Rflilsway Cot with I/)S T - - PASS BOOK NO. 487'22. day week, 40 hours.. Salary com ­ 10 Cent Increase After AUTOMATIC Gas clothes dryer, PLEASANT, Furnished room with lent condiUon. The Henry Eecott Scenic riew, 80 minutes from \ ceeded as governor In 1945— for' dan. Block. Asking 31.34.5. cotton mattyesa. Folds and rolls kitchen privlitgea. One block from Dixon Helps the Stars^ Notice I.' hereby given that Pa.ss mensurate with ability. Paid va­ Short Training like new. ReaaonaMe. Call Mitch­ MOVING -Must sell immediately, | ★ Experimental Machinists Agency. Mitchell 9-T8IS, MItcheU —OR THREE BEDROOMS? .downtown Hartford. Owner trana-; mer Attorney General James P. Book No. 48722. 1.4sued by The 31.000 miles, excellent condillon. Ronfingr— SltUng 16 cation, holidays. Insurance bene­ ell 3-8069. Kenmore 4-4, dual oven range- In­ away for esky storage. $19.95. Main street. Phone Mitchell 9-4436, 9-l$$$, MRcheli 9-OUl. An attractive Ooloniel in tha Qreen ferring from area, included with McGranery and Democratic Na- SaWng.t Bank of Manche.ster. ha.s Mitchell 9-7835. fits. Replies held in confidence. quire 518 Burnside Ave., Apart- | Howard’s RIeep’Center, 639 Main SdtOQl District with screened home 31” T.V., two-door G.E. ra-1 tlonsl Committee Chairman Steve been lost and application has " Substantial Increases — TH^YTER CARRIAGE. like n8w, ment 2-E, East Hartford. | A Bench Mechanics etreel. Mitchell 1K|».36.-----‘ PLEASANT Welj-Yumished room. i£ ib B OF TOWN. 6-room Capa frigerator. Keivtaator atova and Mitchell. Is Performance Doctor ROOKING, Siding and carpentry. Box B, care Herald. All co'nvenieqc^s, parking, at 373 porch, bath and lavatory, garage been made to said bank for pay­ 19.38 BUICK. Good condition, good _ When Qualified' lined, collapcible, chrome handle, God open stairway, oU Maam heat, in basement, breakfast nook In i power rtiower. Other him-1 Also. Sen. James Murrey (D., tires, Miwt - sell. Foe, price . CaU Alterstions and additions. Ceil­ .Mata strmKMItcheU 3-4071. ■ In ment of' the amount of"deposit;' • ings. Workmanship' guaranteed. shock spring- wheeling,' $35. Mitch­ ETHAN AIAJ6N R^ek- Maple; f MIRROR SPEGrAI*'^ ^oabtaM vAttahon, otovaa- wtoflowe, Itllcheh. pteaeahnivlng room in4 i »f dertred; Call: rioot.V, Reps; Edward Bolend iD : Mitchell 9-1031. A Material Hsniileni full cellar, stone terrace, % acre, By BICHARO KLEINER ■« burn, who "rut out" a few times A. A. Dion, Inc., 2 M . Autumn WHY COMMUTE ? ell 9-3038. Complete Twin Bedroom Bet. i Rockville 5-9778 for further Mesa I, Philip Philbin iD.^ Maaa.i ____ WE- WILL TRAIN OOMFQRTABLi: latxa Imigs troaa,' 19,600. Gartton W. fltapUca. (Oaod value In. thla.much New. -York.- (NEAl ._=r_.The. during, the run of. ’The MUUonr 1949 STUDEBAKER Champion. street.. Mltche)! 3-4S60. Good cohdittoh. Phone Mitchell HALF PRK’ t: room /Private home, quiet nai|^- desired neighborhood et $17,900. ______uinv; ______^ and Thomea O'Nelli (D.. 'Maaa.t,' Announcements ANTIQUES — Vases, Miniature 3-8990. 11 Hutchins. Mitchell $-8i$3, MItehell phone rang in Alfred Dixon's airesa:" and realized that she'd Excellent condition. Owner mov­ You Don’t Have ’To Leave Full Insurance Program. thoea. brass collection, paintings, A Men with other skills r bqrnood. Gentleman preferred, 8-4664. ROCKVILLE 3 twin ttie bad-i*"- Call Coughlin, Mitchell items. Mitchell 9-3387. quickly. vastly different in her next ap­ and free trial treatment call 1941 NASH 600 Four-DooC Sedan. ATTRACTIVELY Fumtthed Fronl minutes walk to school, oil steam the Urge, _ family. All 4 bedrooms Property In excellent condition, district at 8:30 a. m.. and wound 3-7707. skills Room with twin beds. Complete i 'Tve cut out,” said the voice. pearance.” Edna Clark, consultant, Mitchell Motor in good running condition. THE TELEPHONE Apply in Person PRESERVING JARS. 8 gsllon MEN Reg. $89.95 31S x 49>, inrhee heat, cabinet kitchen, garage. To > twin else. New tile hath, lavatory. In very desirable heighborhool. through Mission Hill, where Tobin j Original paint. A real .buy for glass slzt; bevelled edges. 4 m- housekeeping facllltlea available. "Hurry!” 9-4275. 8 a. m. to 9:30 a. m. or A BAD c h im n e y , roof, gutter COMPANY stone crock, small oven with heat see this linueual home call Carlton I through hall, 9' x 20' aim Aom. All city conveniences. Price $13,- was born and later delivered : fkire Voiro Problem after 4:30 p, m. go,"). 405 North Main street, Indicator. Mitchell 3-7087. lettes; metal filigree border in Private entrance. Inquire 187 W. Hutchins. Mitchell 9-5132, ^ to wall carpel in dining room. Dixon knew what that meant. Dixon feels strongly that any­ repaired. Prompt service. Gueran- Is hiring women right now for Im- SPENCER RUBBER Maple street. 950. George J. Coleman. Broker. newspapers. i "Cutting out■’ tathe actor's way of Manchester. leed workmanship. T^m s. Free | portent, interealing jobs as opera gold, now $44.95. Mitchell 9-4894. I hall and aim room. 2 car garage Hartford. Conn. Tnllt Building. He left hia paper route and ' one with a voice problem should gPECIAL Vttalis regular $2.80 for SELLING OUT! Dining room, bed­ URGENTLY saying that hia voire has failed. do something about it. estimates. Mortenaen Roofing Co, tors in Manchester. PRODUCTS^ COMPANY Few companies can ia-1th oversize tile floor covered Tel. Rockville 5-4045, 5-4710, , schoolKnooi Inin hian.. sophomore year to ^ hopped a laxi and raced to 18 ounces—this month $1.80 tax In- room furniture, .17” TV blonde Reg. $99.95 48 x 58 Inches over *f!rStlv*” wert 'klM na'iJktae i ‘ ROOM elngle, all epacioua Mitchell 3-7891. I . __ , Chapel” Street oak cabinet, bric-a-brac, books, family. Side. Alio parkiM ^ bathft. hot water heat, porch. Profeealonal men would 6'' —-vino - I become a leather aaleeman. Later ....__ "There's no need to go through ■rluded. Russell's Air Conditioned Auto Accessories— Tires 6 ______I As an operator, youd have good offer tho many ad- all size: cut corners, mirror paneled STREET 4-Room ( h, found a new job with the tele-1 y***^*?'"' “ here he life with a reaping or otherwise Barber Shop, comer Oak and household item s.. Evenings after. border having etched designs In e ^ ' i pretarreiT i flr«pi,ce, many added feature#, well to check thle property as com- ! TAYLOR BA'frEKlES--FamouB makes, 50% CONNECTICUT Valley Construe-; pay. frequent raises, friendly co- NEEDED vantagee of Pratt B blned "home and office. Excellent House. 3 iinfinlahed, 3 acres of phone company and rose to tra f-1 iinpleaaant voice,” he siya. "The Spruce streets. ______tion. Guaranteed roofs and sid- i workers and many mors benefits 8:30. 49 Cobum Road, Manchester gold, now $49.96. J4Itch#l^t-5883.______I ^reeie-wey end garage. Extra land. 3 young cowa. imall trac- fir- manarer i supporting role to Katherine Hep- voice is extremely malleable. You off. Exchange. As low as 50c Green. investment at 322.000. extremely weekly. Cole Motors, 438 Center ing. Aluminum storm windows and you’d have them right here in \ Halp Wante4l Jobs Actually Going YY'hltney Aircraft. In Reg. $89.95 40 x .58 Inches over NEWLY DECORATED, beautiful-! '•'T* * * Beechler, Realtor. tor with all attachments, chick He kept up hia atudie. through MlUion.lreae," in hia can do anything with it.” ly furnished and apacloue room, i Phone Mitchell 1-896#.______Personals street. Mitchell 9-0980. and gutters. All men protected by Manchester. Male or Famala 37 USED TELEVISION 13Vi ’ screen, B cjfg in g addition to liberal all size; 4 roaettes. mirror paneled — AND THIS HAS TEN!! an coop. All city conveniences. extension courses. And politics i To him, the voice la the key to insurance. Three years to pay. The most complete light houee-1 Three-Bedroom Cua- Tea. 10 bedrooms, 5 hatha. 3 lava­ Barn full of hay. Completely j him "early. How long have »'e got before the personality. He likes to say Ages 16-38. high school gradiA also used Coolerator, Both in good border etched with sunburst lines, THE PROSPECT Hill School for Free estimates. Call Mitchell The Service Staff condition, reasonably priced. want to talk to sincere man! wage rates, over- tories. 3 sun rooms, one 1.5' x 24'. fenced. ■Excellent location.' In- j He ran fnr the Massachusetts you go on?” Dtxon asked the that "the voice tgk'ta bold and Motorcycles—Bicycles 11! 3-7ISO. Alfred Chsrest, Owner. ales preferred.' No experience BOW $44.95. worried actor. voung children. TransporUtion Of The Mitchell 9-3285. 17-59, who are Interested In per­ Hme premlams, u X h U J r Z u win'marvel tt| room, fireplace, knottVknotty pine ' several acree, garages. Many poa- quire Thomea Kowalewskl, Tay- 1 House tn 1926 and waa electedi drags the guy along." One of hia necessary, training with pay. the cleanimesa of this building. I Helpmann listened tn the loud­ pupils, an Iowan, had to learn a furnished. Mrs. Lela Tybur, direc­ MANCHESTER DRIVE-IN manent employment In this big- Rep. $72.00 .38 x 80 Inrhes over kitchen with dining area. Bath ’ •tallttlea for conversion and or de­ lor atreet, after 5 p. m., or write I He suffered hta ftret political de­ tor. Phone MUrhell 9-5767. THEATER ONE PIPE Steam- lyitem, boiler booming, lucrative and rapidly many employe# •II size; each end stche.d In square Children accepted. Central. Priced plus lavatory, hot water heat. 1 velopment. Satisfy your desire tor P. O. Boa 128, TalcottvlIIe. feat two years later when he took speaker from the stage. "Eleven French dialect. The man had never GIRL'S B lC Y a.E , $15. Tel. GREAT EASTERN APPLY Stow ! and radiators. Call Mitchell 9-0825 •o reasonable you'll gasp! Be minutee.” he said, huskily. Bolton Notch advancing field in television. benefit plans, yon pa.nels containing etched designs Garage. 3/4 acre. Only $12,900. expcnslon. Could not be replaced on George Holden Tinkham a!nd seen a Frenchman, but. as anon aa A LIBERAL Hospitalisation and Pilgrim 3-6278. after 8 p. m. sure and see this one. Mra. Dor- BOLTON — Route 44-A, seven Exactly 11 minutes later. Help­ ROOFING AND Route 8 and 44-A In silver, now 8.38.00. Carlton W. Hutchins, Mitchell ! f'*'' Aak- lost, to the veteran Republican he mastered the dialect, he in- surgical plan offered by Mutual of 806 Main Street Now Being Organised get big company •ey, 14 Arch street. rooms, laundry room, two baths, mann went on, his voice perfect. atinctlvely adopted French ges­ Omaha. Invesligate., Phone your 1936 HARLEY-DAVIDSON motor- CONSTRUCTION CO. APARTMEOT SIZE Frigtdaira in 9-5132. 9-4694, | Ing 335.000. Congressman almost 2-1. Tycle. Tel MItcheU 9-8090 be­ ' CALI; enclosed porch. Approximately Dixon stood in the wings. twiUt hia tures. local agent. Mitchell. 9-737*. (Second Floor) ______Evenings Only excellent conclitlon. Will deliyer. WE _ stabIHty and nn- LARGE ROOM-Central. Continu-! l>a acres, barn 24x36. Easily In 1037, Tobtn battled the en­ tween 5 and 8 p. m. 24 Oak Street WATKINS BROTHERS. Inc. Ex-'mtlonally'mtl( trenched political ~ ■ machine of Angara crossed, but . It wasn't Dixon, whoa* own vote* ta. a* Starting About 7:3(1 P. M. Weber piano and bench'In good oua hot water, pafking. Gentle-! MANCHESTER converted to two-family. Phone inual advancement good location near park. Twe Two-fam- WILLIAM McBRIDE James Michael Curley and becan^ necessary. He bad brought Help­ rich as you'd expect it to be. ttut- ENJOY a ' d RIVER'S ficenee. For Tuesday. TTuirsdsy or Friday condition. Delivery arranged. 935 Main Street men. Mitchell 3-4734. * Gilbert Fickett, Manchester RE-SIDING SPPXTALISTS MALE or FEMALE opportunities. Ttiat’s lly duplex. Steam' oil heat, new * Phone MI-3-4818 mayor of Boston In a startling up- mann'! voice back completely. tered badly until he waa IS, which expert instnictlon call the Man­ Phone Mitchell 9-6210. Mitchell 6-6982. •ceounU for his lifeKmg Intereat chester Driving Academy. Pngrim Busine.ss Services Offered 1.1: 9_A. <_P M. TRAIN wiring, new copper water pipes to Sol# Agents •et victory. / Maaters Dialect* 'Appliralora o f—asbestos, plastic — CA8HIBRSL ------why H pays to------An ax.-*ctor.... exrdirectQr.,._e*.r. in the mechanlfm of speech. Ha 2-7249. 18 FT. OLD "TO W N Spohao'h FURNISHED ROOMF, Tadlea . or rtf*et,'m0derii kt|cheh. hardwood'’ ROCKVILLE Three family, two- ■ He Keet'CatleV — ht* grbateaK insulated siding and wood shingles, Or Call Mllchell 3-4107 I PARKING ATTENDANTS iN o lic e gentleman. Phone MItrhell 9-5093. floors. August 1st occupancy. J. WATSON BEACH and CO. Democratic rival - a g a y in 1941 : •’rtt*’''. ea-prodiicer. Alfred Dixon begah'b'y iaklng'c'aaes fbr'nbfhitig." ALL KINDS of carpentry work. spei'.ializing In Life Time aluminum SNACK BAR SERVICE Canoe. Two tents, excellent con­ car garage, large lot. 4-room while doing extensive research on a u t o DRIVING Instruction. All dition. Boy's 26” bicycle. $10. Eacott Agancy, MItrhell 9-7883. | Realtors-- Insurers and three years later he'wae sw ept: •• t"* "t*" Broadway calls the Reasonable rate*. Mitchell 9-4391. siding in color. YOU Electors of the Town of Bolton- FRONT BEDROOM with twin apartment vacant. Good invest­ the subject. lessons on insured dual-control INVITATION TO Opportunity — Phone For Information Two-burner gasoline stove. $2.00. Hartford 2-2115 ment. reasonably priced. Call into the governorshiif on a 1.04*,-' 'Performance Doctor. " They send car. Capable experienced Instruc­ try 'Hi* Aircraft' Erst ere hereby warned that the beda. Gentlemen preferred. 33 EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. : - 383 vote tide, soirt'e 13,000 more | for him when there e any speMih, He still does moat of his work W'INDOW SHADES mede to order Mitchell 8-8271 Can you answer YES to these Mitchell 9-7941 14 ft. square end canoe. $15. 8" Previous experience not re­ registrar of voters of-the Town ot Woodland street. Mitchell 3-7749.. Good condition. Garage. Oil steam | FIVE-ROOM CAPE COD, garage. MItrhell 9-1910. tor. Cordner AlHd School. Mitch­ questions? 1. Do you have a car than President 'Eooeevelt polled i ''olce or dialect problem#. This in the field of therapeutic speech, and installed. Venetian blinds circular saw and table, $5.00. quired. Training period will not Bolton will be in se.ssion on Fri­ heat. I-arge lot. Near school and | Rusco windowa, oil steam heat. working with people whose speech ell 9-8010. and curtain rods. 24 hour service. A. V. LINDSAY — Owner and a driver's license?'2. Would Call Mitchell 9-1158. interfere with preaent job. Over whoiMvar you cm fob FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Gen­ that year. / season seven plays have come to day, July 31st. from 2 to 5 P. M Main Street. 30-day occupancy. Convenient location. $9,900. Own­ Broadway that have had Dixon aa is in some way impaired. He gets F-slimate-s gladly given. Fsgsn you like an opportunity to add $45 Situations Wanted— 100 positions available. Write tlemen preferred. Near Main er, Mitchell 3-0040. Wanted— Real Estate 77 Tiylng fpf a second term in 1946. FOR SAFE and Courteous Auto to $75 to your family Income each for the purpose of making an en­ Call 3-5636. an emergency, pre-opening coach. great aatlafactioh in conquering a Driving Instruction with insured Window Shade Co., Route 44 at RAY'S ROOFING Company. Gut-1 Female 58 for valuable details. h u n tiiiq . rollment ot electors who ere en­ street, t Hazel atreet. Tel.. MIteh­ he w en t' down In a Republican •tutter ("78 stutters. 76 remov­ Bolton Notch. Mitchell 9-447X ter work, roof and chimney re- ; week? 3. Would you enjoy a ell 9-2170. BS MARGARET ROAD — Off Hil- MANCHESTER- Six room colonial, CONSIDERING SELLING •weepy but that only set the stage He can get rid of a dialect, or ' dual control car call Larson Driv­ career where the working hours j HOUSEKEEKER Desires work for CUP COUPON TODAY titled to vote at caucuses of Tov.n YOUR PROPERTY? produce one. He la a master of als" i and teaching better tech­ ing School. Phone Mitchell pain. Free eatimates gladly I Notice ■llard street. Cape Cod, four down. | garage. Enclosed porch, oil steam for^hls top government job. ^ niques to sufferers from cleft pal­ COMPLETE Hand and power lawn are flexible, yet a.ijob where an | one or two adults. MItrhell 3-7477 of Bolton and for purposes of fnak- LARGE ROOM wRb all housekeep­ heat, storm windows and screens. Without obligation to.you, we . Tobin was preparing for another some 58 dtttecta himaelf— three 9-6075. given. Ray Hagenow, MItcheil i tnp such changes in the enrollment two unfinished up. Plastered | ates. cerebral palay and other mower sales and service. Motors 9-2214. Ray Jackaon, Mitchell understanding expert is ready to | after 5 p. m. The Registrars of Voters of Sure! I want to enter the high ing facilities fully attached. Pri- walls, full cellar, hot water oil 83' x 300' lot. nicely landecapaid, «vill appraise or make you a cash gubernatorial trv in 1948 when different Gerinan dialects, for ex- help you succeed? -This is a per­ pay TV field! Forward full de­ list last perfected. Meeting will be velc entrance. Inquire IDil Obett'- offer for property. See us beford ^leech-upaetting difficulties. WANTED -- RIDE from Olcott tuned and overhauled. Pick-up and 3-8325. WANTED—Children to care for in the Town of Cni'entry, Conn., will Apply ot th« heat. Small down payment. Price centrally located near bus, school, President Truman tapped him fo r ' ample and he’s perfected a meth- H(s office, which doubles aa his manent poeition with a national tails without cost Or obligation. held at the Community Hall, Bol­ nut street. Drive to vicinity of LaSalle Road, delivery service. Gibaon’a Garage. my home by the day or week. he in aeasibn in the Town Gffice 810,500. Phone Owner, MItehell shopping. Only 813,500. Gatto Co., you sell. the Job of Secretary of Labor. ' od of teaching them in short or- ho;nr. ia equipped with a glau- Weal Hartford, arriving 8 a. m. Mitchell 3-5012. organization. Opportunity for Building, Boiith Coventry and the EmployiiiMt O ffice ton Center.; ■. 8-7402 between 7 a. m. • 1' p. m. | Hartford 5-9It8, Manchester BRAE-BURN REALTY TTie Truman administration was der. , rapid advancement. All that you Phone Rockville 5-4427. Name ...... Signed: FUW nfiHEDBBDRTO Share MItrhell 3-8948. Phone Mitchell 3-6?73. enclosed booth from which he can Phone Mitchell 8-8009 after 8 p. Roofing 16-A Firehouse, North Coventry on Fri­ believed headed for certain defeat j One of hia de-dialect pupils waa observe and record the voices of WIRING INSTALLA'nON o t all really need la a ainrere desire to day. July 31. 1953. from 1 P. M Mamie Maneggit living room, dmlng room and IDCnUORDINART Ranch Home. 1 m. Address ...... kitchen. Inquire lOSWIrch street. when Tobin staked hia political Charles Boyer, who worked with hia pupils. There'! a blackboard types. No job too small, Peter ROOFING— Specializing, in repair­ make money and be willing to to 7 P. M. D.RJ.. for the purpose . Alice E. Lee located In the hille of Vernon. ; PRICE REDUCED. Six finished ARE YOIT READY ,to sell your Dixon before hU auccesaful ap­ ing I'oofa of all kinds. Also new Dogs—Birds—^Pets 41 344 Main Street home ? We have buyers waiting ; future on the man from Missouri. (which folds into the wall at night WHCTHEFl YOU'RE tall, short, Pantaluk. 40 Foster street. Phone work. Write today for "Get Ac­ ■of making an enrollment of elec­ O t y ...... Regtklrers of Voters Custom Built. lYila home Is com -; rexim home, nine years old. Tile pearance in "Don Juan in Hell.” roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys bath, abundant closeta, many for 4. 5. 8. 7 room linglea and 2-: He campaigned the length and and is replaced by a painting) that thin or atout, there lit a mattreas Mitchell 9-7303. quainted” interview a'ppliration TROPICAL FISH — New shipment tors who are entitled to vote in prised of several unique features ' Boyer didn't finish the course it cleaned, repaired. 26, years’ ex­ to L. C. Carroll, Empire Crafts Boarilers Wflntcd 59>A extraa. Large garage, amesite 3 families. .Qlitto Co.. H artford' breadth of the country for ' hia bears the motto: "Never Clear that'a Jtut right lor you. How­ Just arrived. Kelly's Aquarium, any caucus in the Town o f fToveO' Phone ...... IE. Hartford, Connecticut ' found only tn tha beat ot ranch ’ POWER BURNERS and Range perience. Free eatimates. Call Corporation, Newark, New York Town drive, leveral ihade trees. All 5-9198. evenings 8-3989. M an-! chief and. m-ben the votes were takes s ix 't o eight months for Your Throat." And there's. "Giz­ ard s Sleep Center, 539 Main. 29 Bunaet atreet. Open until 9. try and of making such changes homes. Approximately 88,000.00! Dixon to eliminate an accent com­ Burnets expeilly cleaned anBREA8TED Bronze Tur- PRAH ft WHITNEY with the voice itself, which he pre Heating— Plumbing 17 manufacturing concern. Good pay, 18th day of July. 1953. PUBLIC HEARING to he held by '^farm. Manchester. Bolton. Vernon ’ to Broadway aucceeaee. Dixon 1947 PLY'MOL?TH sedan, only $195 ell 9-0883. pleaaant lucroundlnga. friendly Iceva, frezh frozen, 10 to 32 ROOM AND Board. pentleman. Adaltne G. Hoff .MAIL TODAY the Board of Directors of the i» SUMMER flTKBEr. comer FOR SALE or exchange. Duplexl^ and Coventry. Large Hat of buy-1 Hospital Notes fare to cell "the instrument.” He’s shuns the limelight. "I'm i back- down. See it today. Center Motor HEATING From A to Z. Conver­ atmoephere and many other bene­ poiinda. Schaub's Turkey Farm, AIRCRAFT ! Can MItrhell 3-7878. Emerson ttreei, niiia off 134 West , 5 and 5. Nice neighborhood. ^-'Oil; era. What-have ,vou ? Mortgagee presently working with Mias Hep- ' ground kid." he says. SFX:RETARIAL s e r v i c e —Typ­ sion burners, boiler-burner units, Alberta K. Rider Town of Manchester, in the Pallenln Todav ...... 138 Sales. 461 Main atreet. ing, uterography, mimeographlhg. fits. Transportation provided from 188 Hillstown Road. Tbievielon Center atreet. 8 years old, 8 room ‘ heat. Newly redecorated. ' Tel. , arranged. Howard R. Haatinga. complete heating systems. All Center if desired. Write promptly , Regiatrara— Firat Diet. Division of HEARING ROOM of the MUNIC­ brick duplex. (1 unfinished upi. | Mitchell 9-9779. j ADMITTED YESTERDAY; Mra. vari-typing. mailing for email or Training Sei-vice Apart menta—Flats Mitchell 9-1107. ' ; Edna Kastauakoa. 263 North Main utee after dawn on Ssturdsya.- BEFORE YOU Buy a used car work guaranteed. Time payments to P. O. Drawer 831. ■ Eunice K. Loyxim IPAL BUILDING of the Town of Combination storm windowa and ; ~ See Gorman Motor Sales. Buiy.k large busineaaee. Reasonable arranged. Morliirtv Brothers. Tel. Artiples for Sale 43 Gertrude A. Haven Write Box Y United Aircraft Corporation Manchester on FRIDAY, JULY Ttnensent* NOW LIVE for lee.; ' Two four l-WANTED-Zone B Lota, any sec. atreet: Max. Wegner. Mansfield De­ Upon my return, I find him a se'n- rales. Phone Mitchell 3-7691. screens, hot water beet. oil. full pot : Mra. I./>ia Nagy, 83 Haynea Philosophy aible fellow who ia merely t-isting Sales and Service. 285 Main MItrhell 3-513.5. PART-TIME Waitress wanted. Registrars Second Diet. Care of Herald 24th, 1983. at fi:00 P. M.. upon a basement, sidewalks, city sewers, room epartmenta- Qne vacancy! tion of Mancheater. Also listing#, atreet. Mitchell 9-4571. Open ev<- Garden Restaurant, 840 Main ROYAL AND Sipith-Corpna port­ propoaal for the adoption of an 4 ROOM fipaclous fipartment. Utili- August let. Separate hot water | Mancheeier or vicinity. Call "Ae •treat: Warren Robbina, Jr.. Rock­ the heat. I ahall Join him in early MANCHESTER T. V. Service, short walk to bue. Exclusive ninga. LE.VNOX Furnaces and Warm air atreet. able' and atandard typewriters. AMENDMENT to th ! BUILDING ttei. Adults only $ino per month , nelehborhood Full Brice 89 900 I turnacee. Central location. Call i Johnson Building Company, 953 ville; Darid Wiley. 9l- Chestnut Of Returned morning chorea and loll in the af­ radio and T.V. apecialirta ilnce heating. Earl Van Camp. MItcheU All makes of adding machiiiea Occupiuicy August lat. Write Box | call M lt V ^ 9-8MI ' Madeline ^ i t h . Realtor. Mitchell ; Main etreet. MItfhell 3-7438 atreet: Mias Rose Shamy. Stafford ternoon shade when my late-aleep- CODE. Section IT. Paragraph 3 by l.ail Mncneii e-azza.______| op/XHtchell 3-4879. J 1952 CHEVROLET BELAIRE 'l934.!,Hoiia* service call $J.50. 9-5844. EXPERIENCED Waitreaa wanted aold or rented. Repair! on all •ddtag tha following paragraph: W. Herald. ! Spring!: Lewis Curtis, Rockville; ing neighbors ore tolling in the Equipped, fully guaranteed. Save | MItcheU 9-2186 day or night. for table and counter work. Hours makea. Marlow's. W a HTED — Single, Mrs. Lucille Genovese, 17 Dcming broiling sun and muttering about BE r r ORDAINED BV THE THREE-ROOM fumlahed apart-: 986 kODDLE TURNPnCB EAST - i “ — LISTINGS Vae-ationer at Center Motor Sales, 461 Main i GUARANTEED Plumbing and 8 to 4. Apply in person. Peter's, WANTED MEN - WOMEN Bowers School — Six-Room C o-' two-famll.v, three-family, buai- •treat r Duane White. 97 Middle the impossibility p t getting a de­ GUARANTEED Top quality tele­ healing. Alterations and new 891 Main atreet. NEW 17” Emerson televioion, BOARD or DIRECTORR OF ment with bath, private entrance. I fimahM. Vestibule, hot water oil cent night's sleep. at reel. j GimmI, honest construction THE TOWN o r MANCHESTER; lonlal In tip-top shape. Amesite i neea property. Have many caah Turnpike east ; John Huchina. 9* 1 vision service. Calls received be­ work. Perms , glass electric and 8166.98. Includes tax and guaran­ We now have opcaiage for first aad second ohlft employes an Adults only. Reference#. Phone' heat. combination aluminum buyers. Mortgages arranged. Falknor drive: Michele Buccino, 4 CAPABLE YOUNG girl, three 1. Permit! muat be obtained for drive. Baaement garage. Oil i By Cynthia l»w ry ■! I waa bofed with neighborhood 1950 (CHEVROLET Tudor, low mile fore 9 p. m. will be serviced same gas water heaters sold gnd in­ tee. Terms to suit you. M tchell workmen, operators for leatrners snd beginner*. Selected applicants will be trained for Phone Mitchell 8-7367. storms, piaster walls, recreation Please cell George L. Graziadio, DriVe Ei Mra. Lucy Woods. 32 ___ coffee klatchea. centering on the age, excrilent, $1,195. 1947 Buick ■ night. CaU MItrhell 9-1347. hours or more, from 5 p. m. Ap­ 9-0980. all coiiatriictlon, plumbing, heat­ steam heat. Full inaulatlon. Storm | AP Newsfeoturea Writer stalled. Time payments arranged. Michigan mobile trench hoe well paying, steady, Inlerestiag work. On becoming eligible windowa and acreane. Electric ; room. 811.500. Gatto Co.. Hartford Realtor. MItcheU 9-.5818. 109 PrAton drive; Mrs. Helen King. sedan, clean, $695. Terms to suit Skelley Brothers, Mitchell 9-8714. ply in peraon. Annex Snack Bar, ing. oil burner and electrical work GettVng'baVk'from varqt.on ^aa I anti Northwest shovel. range. Stair carpeting. W elj! 5-8198, Manchester M itchell Henry atreet. South -Windsor you. Cole Motors, 438 Center i BULLDOZER for hire, EicceUent 29 East Center atreet. they will participate I# Oronp lasnraace. Paid Holidays and Paid before any materiala are.jlallvered BuaineM Location! 3-8948. ADMITTED TODAY: Ruaaellrsom e advantages, hard a* it J«ay itreet. i forfo'r backbark fill. Landscaping and A PLUMBING shop at your door. on the job. lendecaped lot in A sons. Coat le | seem to believes It. “ bored with post-vacation dla- Vacatioas. , for Rent 64 leas then $100.00 yearly for heat. WANTED TO BUY — J'ive or six- Coffin. 544 Middle TumpiHe east: grading. Reasonable rales. MItch­ No lime lost. New work. Altera­ ARE YOU Helping your family the Also s portable air com­ 3. All Building Permits ahall be I In view of the fart that there iIhe platinum blond# modem way? Not by aacrifice -i Ample oppoctuBlIy for advaocemenl Is assured tn all who qiudify. All this for $11 .too. Shown any | ro(om sikgle or two-family. Write Mrs. Mar>' Wiley. 9t Chestnut FOR A GOOD Used car or a new eU ’9-0650. tions. copper piping, fixtures; hot SEPTIC TANKS pressor operator. * laaiied bn the basla that the side STORE FOR Rent, central location. I-cgal Notice Box R, Herald. 'street; Joan Duffy; 21 PreetonVI.-.IOII. i ta^''*'*blytaevitably cornea that Monday; which the same hair Oldsmobile with Rocket engine;- -- —- — .------— , ------water automatic heaters. Youngs- but by ehterprlae! We' can ahow . AND Apply la person or write for a roBvealent appointment to tho inquire 69 Haynea ttreet, 9 a. m.; I drive■'Richard Lecierc 28 Maini'^hen the long anticipated holiday: asaitmed during my absence. rontacT At Catalano,-at--the Mair^iDOORS OPENED, --key*- fitted.- ' you -Hib-.way -to-new-'twauty. liew | _walla imd roof^tt^l be .erfcj-ed^end ■, AT. A.£QURT O f .PBOBATK hokUiv 'tow n sinks'sbhf. Estlrriste* g1«d- — iHechaniC' fnr eenstTne* 'covered with matefral aalisfa'ctbr.v 4 % m;, 'o^'ttt'fldutii M«n ttreef BaaJtor, JtUch- ^ ‘ ^ " -^'iir'jurt a menioiT, th^^^ retum-frofn; MY aaihByanee--«nttnitea Chester Motor Sales. MItcheU; copied, vacuum cleaner.s. irons. clothes and a new self-confident.! •II 9-4M9. •1 rfir»n(ry. mlthln and for th- Dlaulri Iv' given. C. O. Lorentsen. Mltch- nUSBED SEWERS tion equipment. UNIliD STATES InvE o p E CO. to the building Inspector with a after I. at Cov-ntry. on ihr 2lit day- of July, Legsl Nptide BIRTHS YE.STERDA.Y: a vacation period might juat aa well” abated with charactera who have 3-41.34. . . guns. etc., iiipaired, Sheats, eU:Ji-78S6. way of life through Avon's earn- Ill WERT MAjm s'rREn. nocK Vi^^ V,' A. D. l»53. be put to some uae. their secretaries coU me on the^ . period.of.ttx ifil.mqptha.lroni Utt^ 3-iajntiy. .a.., Pr«*-M-4ii>N, Thom as-h-. - w s u -eS; AT: A l^URT- OF PROBA7T5 -holdeit .daughter .to. Mr„ an 9-6446. EXTERIOR PAINTING, free aaU- period of twelve (13) months from at Manrdieater. within and for Hie Dlatrirt of Coventry. •gain he may have landed home 461 Main atreet. East Hartford. See Mr. Cutter. OIL BURNER SERVICEMAN wella, cement aeptir tanks, CRYSTAL LAKE Waterfrt^ acre lot; platterod wklla; tile Baton. 4 Mint! court: Mra. Irene ally, and people still will try to mates. CaU AlltcheU 9-1383. kitchens, fully insulated, date of-isMiancc. and all work of July. A.D.. 1943. Munroe. Windham; Zodda baby the night bdTore after a 6 000 mile MASON, '• STONE contractor and finished walks, fully plas­ muat be completed within that bedroom cottage. Beautiful loca­ bath; hot water heat; extra large Present. JOHN J. WAIXETT. Judfe. AT A COURT o r PROBATE holden automobile trip, found the garden sneak. cigarettes into "No Smok­ 1937 FORD 2-Door in good condi­ 4>ak floor*, kitchen fans. tion. . Avallabla leat- two weeks kitchen. $1,800.00 Down Payment. Eatale of Cary Douflaa Smith of at Coventry. wIiMn and for lb- Dleirict boy, 1065 Main atreet. cement work. Valentino Bellucci, tered. time. If alreratlon and addition Manrhealer In said dlalrlcl. a minor. full of weed*, the cellar full of con­ ing" coachaa. and tha little meit tion with 1947 Mercury motor. FOR PERMANENT POSITION August. Mitchell $-6745, of I Coventry, on the 2lel day of July. Fern street. Tei. Mitchell 3-5042. does ,«ot exceed twenty-five dol­ CaU *nie Johnaon BuUdIng Com­ Upon applicallon of Earl A. Smith, A.'D. 1(53 densation and a report from camp in charge of running air condi­ MItehell 3-5618. pany, 96$ Main straat, Mitchell guardian, praying fnr aufhorlly m Present HON. THOMA8 C-. WELLES. RACING RETURNS CaU 9-5451 between 5 and 7:30. SALESMAN BULLOOZINB FREE INSURANCE — PAID VACATIONS lars 1 $36.00) no pen()lt fee ahall that tae kids have chickenpox. tioning plant# never #e«m to bo Our RiMieo CornMnstlM Win­ JULY 36 TO September 1st water­ $-743$. compromise and aetile the doubtful and Esq., Judge. ' Climbing back into tho business 1941 MERCURY Oub Coupe. Ra­ THE DIMOCK^OODWIN CO. be charged, front cottage at Gerald Par$, Cov­ disputed claim which said minor hat On motion of Daniel Scouler of Arm- guided by ta# condlUon of tho dio, heater. $95.00. 1934 Ford dow agent for the last 3 yefra OTHER EMPLOYE RENEFITS against The 8. a W. Company, former­ dale. Nova Scotia and Cora K. Scran­ Chicago. July 32- lAh—^Brey- rut sRer vacation aervas moat wMtber in ta# •tro#t#, toxldrtvers LAWN ROLLINS of BOLTON 4. Basement garages and at­ entry Lake. Modorn convenlencee. BAST HARTFORD. Off Forbes ly known o s Oakland Paper Mill, of ton of gaila Village. Connecilcul ro- Convertible, $35.00. Call MItcheU b*« bees gKea a promotloa ta hound racing returns to the Chi­ usefully, I believe, as a period for *tlH ram thair opinions down ono'# our orgaalaatioB. We are now tached garages,, with or without Pbon* Mitchell $-5147. ttroal. Five room colonial, three Manchester. Connecticut. It la eaecutnra. Op the iratale ealate ' of cago area tonight for the flrat Ume 9-5128. WANTED hre«8*waya, must be fully encloasd years old, fireplace, plaster walls, ORDERED: That the foregoing ap- l.eon H. Austin, late of Coventry with­ study of one's reactiona. After 'STthn at. and tho nowa vendor# hide Interviewing men Inteaeated . In Opes For Inspection—Saturday 2 P. M. to 6 P. M. pllcAtion he heard and determined at in said dlalrlcl. deceased. since 1930. but with a difference couple of weeks — or longer If AMESITE DRIVES TOR WAGES FOR RIBHT MAN with fireproof material.' SHOREFRONT Cottage for five, hot walar oil heat, full callaro at­ the edition# undar. a pile o f 1947 HUDSON Four-Door Sedan. First Class Molfl Makers the Maarhentcr Ruacn agency. the Probate' office in Mancheater. in Thia Court doth decree that eix —maybe. Promoter Peter Jennin you're lucky — of chatige of en­ Sunday 2 P. M to 6 P. M. 6. The effective date of th‘a Columbia Lake, available Satur- tractively landscaped, $13,700, laid Diatrict. on the 30th day o f July, months be allowed and limited for the earlior one#, but none of thoos Good paint, good running condi­ aaya there will be no gambling tn vironment and freedom from the Full or Part Time For fuH detail* enll Mr. nongh. APPLY TO ordinance ahall be Its date .if dajs July $6 to Saturday, August flmalt cash needed. Gatto Co., A. D. 1583, a1 ten o'cloch in the fore­ creditors of said estate ‘to exhibit their ■eem to matter •• much a# Uiay. tion. Call after 6. MItcheU For Weekday Appointments Call In Eveninfa 1. Garage, hot and cold water In noon. and that nollce.be given tn all rialmx against the same to the Fo- connection with tae dog races run day-ln, day-out Irritation# of liv­ 55 Hour Week—Top Wages THOMAS COLU adoption . by tha Board of Direc- H artford 6-$l$t, Manchester ^ri>on'a Interested In said estate of the executora and directs that public notice did before 1 got away from it sU 9-3209. PI-2-7169 or MI-9-517.1 bath . Including atoll shower. $$S Mitchell $-694$. off between stock car events at his ing, It 1# tateretting to diacover if Full Employee Benefits THE BARTLEH tora. pendency of said appllcaflon and the b« given nf this order by advertising In Raceway Park. Other authorities the COU### ere your own evil dia- for a short'period. CnttnidiM Ot. MORIARTY BROTHERS ter the week! Tel. Mitchell $-7$$4 ume and place of hearing thereon, hy a newspaper having a circulation In My eonoluoton Is that tao moo$- PRIVATE OWNER aelling 1948 APPLY’ LOCATION— Tara left Jast past tUmdy Olea Dairy, prareafl Dated at Manebaatsr, ponnectl- after 6 p. m. MANCHESTER—Five rtMm home, publishing a copy of thia order In •old diatrict. and by posting a copy disagree, however. J«nnln ■ay# poaiUon and fatigue or whttaar .Nash club coupe. Grey, radio, BRAINARD CO. SlA OENTBB STBEET TBU M -I cut, thia 30th day of July,-1963. some newspaper having a rlniulallM thereof on the pabllc elgn poet In said patron# will b# given ticket# on I hey art rosily onno.ving. irritating talnga ta m y, Ufa ora > AkACe% 'TOO*'*"' 1 % aeUea aa la k e Straat, tura right at ttga. nice location, all convanlancaa, in said dlalrlcl. at least five days ho- Town of Oovenlrv. nearest th» place "kaatec,. iofl iiflita, .and.wndercoat- d i e . Inc. PlMM MI.9-5224 Harold A. Turkington COVENTRY LAKE — Four-Room ninnera in the eight-race dog pro­ Before I went sway, I would irriUtlona I set up within myaolf..^ •xceUent condition, one car ga­ tore.. . .lh« day . of------nald hearing, to appear ttiere the deceSaed loot dwell tafl- Clean, well- kept icoiiiBfUbii.' W BMokljrx-flt.'.-RMifcvilla.--. JHjg tforJ TbI. 33^78 •ecreUry of the Board of Direr- Furnished Cottage, $S6 weekly. rage. Nice wooded lot. Full pries If they see cause llm * and Certtfted from Record. gram and winner# »lll receive cheerfully hev# murdered on early- Any vocation Is wortawhils If ysn Can Mitchell 9-5407. tara of the Town of Msnehea- August tat tn 8th—15th on. Pn- in.flbb. C#JI ThayEHaworta'Ag^ heard r.laltve thereto, ELIXABETH LACEK. Clerk. complimentary passes to future hird neighbor tarlta on irresittilua con- come sway from It. with svss return' to thia court. Court of Probate. * __ Ur, Conn, ' grim 3-6836. . ^ - cy. R oolton , MItchaU 34610 JOHN J WALLETT, Judge. Dtatricl of Coventry. , , ■teek eorFacao. urg# to cUp hia hodga s few miff taot much. f .1 . - i. _ ) . ; ■ - . T. r ■■ ... L .

...... f-...... ' - i - >• ;

jiatul;?0ter Euftiiug

.1 th* playground*. Horseshoes, rol- iod, the Marchers retuntad to tfio elyball and badminton are on most starting point whota ttty handed Dr. RieharJ C . AHb b , Chlr*pr«e«« ^*»y»*«**" playground* and the adults are their clue slips to th* supgrrlaor* Member of the Audit Playground Notes welcofo* to us* th* .equipment. who counted them. Burton Basker- Announeta' tbd AsaMlatlo* In MU C M ^ v t Bureau at nrouUtUna vlU*, th* contestant who turned In An,adult hahdlcraft clsse will the moat sHp*. was awarded .a be ttkrted at the Verplanek play­ Df. El'fSBbBth H. AHm . CWr*prpe«e WiyiUlBii Mi«» itUdr«d> Sinip#***- HbrariM At a recent meeting of the play­ prise. ground under the direction of Mrs. A Coetum* Parade wMI be held tdaaalfUd AdvertWag au Bags 16) MANtHESTER, CONNm THURSDAY, JULY, 2S, 1953 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENtS a t tlM Whlton llemorttl ground directora It waa decided to Beverly Lawrence on Thuraday For fhs Oonoroi Proetied of CWroprietie, VOL. LXXII, NO. U9 announeu a itory award the winners of the various Thursday at Robertaon. Th* chil­ evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 p. m. dren will assemble at the play­ iBontlnK at 10:^ o r th« chUdren. playground contests their prises All Interested person* *re ssksd IncludKn) X -Riy V ground at 3 p. m.. attired 1 weekly Instead of at the Annual to glfre their name to Mr*. Law­ usuab array* of disguise*. They; Suita It. Jarvis Building, SOS Ms** StrMt King Darid U»df« <*t P4h* T»«tt. No. dOW. lU auxlU ary a n d boiirti may be secured at th r Wiet' voted'-to ”cair"ReV.‘J^^^ remainder of the week follows; Side Rec on Ssturdsv and for club, are reminded of • th# special —Well over a half-million ard McMichael, Methodist Charter Oak ^ court* St Robertson *t the Y. M meeting tontaht at S o'clock at the workers are poised for a pos-1 Indians Bell Telephone Compeny pastor at Upper Lake, Calif., Wed. •i.lO, horseshoe contest; C. A. - ' sible mid-summer serieK' of reported widespread disruption of poat home, Mancheater Green. Wed. 7:15. treasure hunt; Fri. 1:30. Treasure Hunt for questioning next Thurs-i Meet the Mr». costume parade. A treasure hunt was held Tues­ strikes across the nation.; ' « * • ' '',HJrw?thourdul day. It has received testi­ China Reds Mr. and Mra. WlUiam M. day at Robertson Park, where 30 They include shout lOO.OOt) "’•"y U, S. Expects Rhee gehmlck of Cincinnati. Ohio, and N alhnn H«>e mony he was a Communi.5t voiingster* search^ the play­ workers in the vital copper- M i-s. Mae Mann; director of an daughtera. Paisley and Pamwf. Wed. 7:00. costume pargde. “Veni-Plex” party member. V erplanek ground for one hour In *n attempt ere visiting Mr*. Schick* producing industry and more Indiana branch of tha CIO Com- Chairman Velds IR-III.) told re­ Blast RQK m W ed. «:'15, costum e parade and to locstc.clue »lin* which were than 5 ,0 0 0 at the Oak Ridge, munlcatlona worker*, called the narenU. Mr. and Mr*. H ^ld planted previously by the super wsikouts, which started Wednes­ porters a subpoena for McMichael Weat 72 Pitkin street. They talent show. waa approved by a unanimous To Honor Pledges visors. Tenn., atomic energy plants. day, unauthorlaed, but she ad­ brought with them their prlae Manchester Green vota. He declined to aay whether Thur*. 11:00. costume parade. At the end of the hunting per­ Many of the unions Involved are mitted union membSr* were get­ Opposition poodle which won blue ribbons at seeking p.vy boosts like those next Th'iraday'a hearing would he W e s t Ride ting raslles*. She contended Bell an open or closed session. both th# Holyoke and Farmington Fri. 6:43, ebstume parade. esrllSi' this year In the steel and had been using "atalllng tactic*" By JOHN M. HIGH'TOWER dog show* recently. auto lildustries. Pay Increases have Velde laid tha committee de­ Robertaon In wage negotiation*. ferred adling regarding Dr. Harry Washington, Jui.v 23^/P)—The United State.* nought to- Panmunjom, Friday, July Thursday 2:00. costume parade. been lijnnitfg In the neighborhood I Belt reported local telephone Jdhn U Spencer. .Tr. M Holl F.F.'^w*rdra"fVm*r Ward, a former Union'llUnion Theologi- ! day , to hold Sj . ngman Rhee to acceptance of a Korean truce 24— — Valley o f five to 10 cent* an hour. service affected ]ty new walkout* (/P) The Allies and Street, wei pownil**4oned e lec- cal Seminary faculty member. It; despite angry n«w South Korean threats to explode the bright Thursday 6:30. Cinderella play. Probably the most Imminent I In Marlon., New Castle. Huntlng- Communists seemed on the ond lieutenant In the United S ta ^ also ha* received teatimony that | p|.op^jj,e of an armiatice. The line of U. S. diplomacy, in the Bowera S s. Ji strike threat is at the Oak Ridge • ton, Aubtirn, Kendallvlll*. Bluff- threshold" of a Korean armis­ Air Force at Oommlaaionlng E*- Friday 3:00. costume parade. W Hin • IVORY. GRIiN • YIUOW - GRAY atomic plants, where AFL work­ ton, Boonvllle, Rorkport. Tell *'•'*'•* • CorumurUat. | latest of many crlae* In th* Iruce-v tice today even as Red China's ercises held at Otla Air Force Base Me«i|orlBl er* are asking higher wage* and Representative a*ry < I efforts, was laid dov/n In a alate- City, Mount Vernon snd Hartford dlaclosed Tuesday night, while the i Secretary of glata Dull** Peiping Radio warned that on Ju ly 1*. Spencer, who attended Friday 2:00, costume parade. S t c u H ' p A .other benefit*. One of the Installa­ th* University of Connecticut. I* a ’ ' l e e - n tion* threatened with strike action City. group was qiissttoning Methodist ' declaring that the United Rtate* The public is cordially Invited to With MBteWnq Col®r«d;T«pBi Only long distance call* were Bishop G. Bromley Oxnam. that renewed South Korean opposi­ 1953 graduate of th* school and attend the»e planned activities on Is the atomic laboratory which I aasurr.es Rhee "will abide by hi ■ ROK. Units tion has thrown the cease-fire finished training at th* July builds experimental project* for sffected In Ihe new walkout* st McMichael and Ward had been de­ Kvansville. Muncle, Kokomo. Peru I asaui ances" not to obatriiet a AFROTC Encampnsent at OtI* Air acientisla. scribed as CMmihunlst party mem­ ;ce***-flr*. — ‘‘in great dange.r.” Force Base and will be called to The Federal Mediation and Con­ and Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne* ber* in secret testimony received I The statement. Issued yesterday There were persistent reports here that the historic document active duty in the near future. 19 to .lO* ciliation Servlc* won a lO.day local service I* handled by an In­ by the committee earlier. ' a few hoiiia after new demands Pushed Off Given On C.0.0. Deliveries dependent company, and the ending three years of fighting Bernard Banavig*. one of the Wide Each postponement of a threatened McMichael denied to reporters , from Seoul, reviewed promise* two brother*, sons of Mr. and strike at Oak Ridge but the respite other cities have Bell dial serv­ that he had been a Communist. could be signed within 72 hours. V”' • marie to Rhea for American sup- These reports lacked official eon- Mra. Joseph- Banaylge, 3* Hudson 5 9 * n d 9 4 " ■period run* o u t a t m idnight Sunr ice foi‘-'local calls...... Ward could not be reacharL His : port and security guarantees-if he u , in/t Mrs John H "S. McBride. 33 Perkin* etreet. enjoy Ihe New picket line* appeared, as Vital Slopes flmialidn; Bowever...... street, who met recently in Eng­ . Loiif day. home at Palisades. N. J., said he 1 cooperates, -but emphasised, st land for the first time in two ...... Naarty ■ 200,000 Islepbone. work-. they .dld._ Wediieaday at South was vacationing In Canad*,^ beginning anrl *nd, that Authoritative Allied sources In Benrl, Mishawaka, Michigan City ! oxriam was questioned for near-, MUitsiln said one or two mihbr ■ ‘ vears,"' was' married ■ four.—.yeara rh^ h^e ^en enjoying rluh stmospher. during their era across the nation are talking expert* Rhee to points remain to be ironed out and ago to the former Barbara Pillard strike. The CIO'* Communication* and Culver. ly 10 hour*. The committee adopted: . he hss Seoul, July 23—(;P)—South vacation. '. RANGE & FUEL OIL wiHI »»G>y I .2 Y* Picket* marched around the ^IJ n motion then that there waa noth-1 . j Korean infantrymen fought that one or two more meetings ■ of-this town, who is now residing Worker* union say*, it has not set of staff officer* might - be -necea-- In Rockville. any date a r v e t fo'r a wrilkoiit. Dirt ■ lluiMingS in EvansylHe. w t»r» 375 jjn ih it* record which showed the I with bayonets, khlves and pSLe exr-haV worker, tn Los' oper.tors and other pl.nl worker, ...... - Htatement Delivered. | sary before the chleffTAlUed and jAnn Bayles. Each participant, j A copy of the statement was rifle butt* to the top of Red negotiators meet to fix a date William H. Hodill and Lyndon signiftcanl than the assignment Angeles, several cities in Indiana, walked out. However almost 40 mrrnlsm. formally delivered, to Rhee today of all rovsities to the association, htiwever, received a prise for his • Formerly only custom made, selling up to 111 and In Maryland and Virginia have supei viaory worker* took o\w the McMichael Is former executive strategic Sam Hyon Hill in for the signing. L aark, both of this town, yes­ i by U. .1. Ambassador Rills 6. however.' is Mrs. Rogers' cont-lbii- efforts. ataged "quickie" walkoula of sev- ; toll boards, and 1^11 secretary of tha Methodist Federa­ central Korea, today, but A source close to the negotia­ terday entered th* Army Airborne The BOUND OIL CO : Bllyg*. tors said staff and liaison officers lion toward* the general under­ Amoni the visitors at th* picnic 1 0 A.... ____ I e delay In long distance call*, ex- tion for Social Action. force* and have proceeded to th* • D %’ Pla«tic-Translucent but npi -Transparent era! days each. . 1l* delay *" 1 Tlie South Korean president, ac­ were beaten off in a .savage are progressing rapidly with final Reception Center at Fort Devons, standing of the problems retards- were Jack Bannon. president of A Walkout of telephone workers cept at rush hours, a Velde said the derision to ques­ five and a half hour fight the New Britain Young Demo- . . . Gives Glowing Color ^ tion McMichael was taken "due cording to Inforiiyation avalla'ote details, bill, the armistice has not Mass. tlon present*. m . MIteiMN 3*«320 spread tc 16 more Indiana rltle* here, started the new aeries of a* • yet been "wrapped up." The Manchester Asspeislion for ! crat*. and Left Flaherty, chairman today In protest against long- (Conllnued on Pag* F.lght)' to his Identification a* a metnber , with a reinforced Chinese I of th# state executive board and tacks because he had a feeling li.> Staff officers were said to hayt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Besaw of the Help of Retarded'Children is of the Communist par-ty sometime’ regiment. • president of the Rockville club, in hi* p**t\by two foreign wit­ had been let down by the United After dark, the Reds also seised drawn the cease-ftre line acrods Riviera Beach, Fla., are spending a, member unit of the natlonsl as- States in a.ssurances given to the Korea during a 15,-hour session their vacation with Mrs, Besaw's ^tatjon and. Is sponsoring the i .fim Gamer and Anthony Bayles, nesses." _ a vital South Korean outpost hill 'cq-chairmeh of the event, wish to • Uolor is Built hi . . . No Fading. Blistering,. Peeling. Chipping Communist command ■ in Korea a -flvr -mlle* northwest "of the vital ending,*! X-JS.a. m.. Thursday..Ar- patents. Mr. and Mr*. Charles sale of the book through the. locsl Velde added t'hat Irifor matlon re- * rsngementa for exchanging pria- jthsnk sll those who helped make gar-dlr.g' McMichael was received few days ago and made public road junction of Kumhwa. west­ Small. 3«3 Keeney street. book store*. urns Sunday. oner* of war wanting to return re­ the outing such a success. Hale's July White Sale Pravda Sp ern anchor of the central front. • Flexible. Feather-Light Slats—a Child Can Raise Them Hmtieivarea during recent hearings In New portedly were set up at a meeting York. i U. S. officials were fully aware, Aaaoclaled Press Correspondent therefore, that their utmost dip­ John Randolph reported from th* later in th* day. Book Sale to Aid Dept. There, he added, irtvestigator* ■ Despite a hoaUle reaction by Young Democrats • 2 - Y e a r Guarantee by Veni-Plex Against Rust o r Corrosion received testimony from Jo.seph lomatic skill would probably oe froi\t that the Communists quick- , ly poured a battalion of about 7.50 j Communist radio atatlona to Preti- MALI'S Baaement Envoys Meeting Komfedder. Benjamin Gltlow. • required to gel Rhee eventually to •lent Syngman Rhee's statement Retarded Children In Family Outing NOTICE SHEETS AND Manning Johnson, and LAonard go along. soldiers Into the l.Vmlntitr assault, Twelve-ycar-eM Jesoa Dyebouee OaoBM' smiles happily as she Wednesday that South Korea will Fin# Spun • Immediate Delivery on Ivory Only Patterson, former Conmuntsts. They were understood to be while thousands of shells from | alta *■ the lap •f her 17-yrar-aM haabao^,^Clrarlea. after Ibey were follow Ita own courae ot acUon un „ , • » _____ I Other witness** whots* tesUmonv pressing for the fastest possible both Red and Allisd big guns turn­ Gilbert Hanke, of Grand Rapids. A most successful family outing OFFICE OF PIUOWCASES Moscow, July 2.3— In a major ntatement pf Lommunlsl , bearing on th^ommittee * ed night Into day. married at Carlath. Mlaa. The yemsg catiplr will live la Centerville. less the Chineae agree within aix g h e a. W . H ale Ten*,, wlinwt Shn l ihli wtU oasittmM hiefi eight)) grade stndlea. fNEA motitha of a truce to leave North .Mich., president of the National was enjoyed by the Young Demo­ O erperaHan • Allow 5 to 10 Day.a Delivery on Colors North of Ram Hyon, Allied air Association for Retarded Children, nolicv Pravda today spurned the W est * call for a conference: decision. Veide seM. were Herbert (UoatimiH Page Blevaw) Korse, Red workmen continued cratic. auh Sunday at the plrn^ DR. G. A. *.« r _____: ______a * /-tAsmAAm* Aiialeia I a -phlltsHctA c Maoeheetve. Ot. With the 3" Hem of the Big Four foreign ministers ofl Germany and A ustria.' a . Phiibrick. ^-tim e f r i under- aal .ground obaqtvera reported- / on a recent vlalt to Hollywood, area st Sperry's Pond. About 100 aljghtlng Chineaa ttvope. Allied big work on ‘’armisUc* hall,” the accepted a check for »5,noo from attended. -— CAILLOUFTTE - On Beth Ends nf Sheet The^ o?iap oT the Soviet rdmmtmisi party said the invitation v'15d^?e"t’l?v.T ^u.rt» boUdlng designed for Ui#“ true# ' •I" GREEN guna shelled two separate Red bat­ signing ceremony. Dal* Evan* Roger*, singing wife Both young and old enjoyed me was a refugee.jmdrefugee, Col. Arcbibakt Rooae- talions massing north of the battle awimmlng and refreshment*, and Pleads Ik^ Looks to innate The Reds hammered on the 'Of Roy Rogers. The check repre­ CHIROPRACTOR tempting lo force the Soviet velt, u f Episcopal layman, line, plus a concentration of about the adults also participated In ...... $2.29^ STAMPS 4UYEN building all Thursday night, aided sented the first royalties from her REG. .$2.98 — 72x110 Union's hand In advance. yeld* told reporters; 40 RM trucks and stz'tanks. nstlonsl best seller, "Angel Un- horseshoe playing and rtsnclng. The newspaper la a four-roliimn. Malenkov Rule by American searchlights. WILL BE, CLOSED REG. $3.29 — 01x110 . I,..,,.. ..$ 2 ,4 9 ... -WITH CASH. SALES It was the sense of .the rom- For New York Rugged Sam Hyon hill o v tr- ...CWflp.lsl. .QRioion , .Jn . W aahington . —------aware;"' abdiit her - hsndlrapped — A 'su rprise chHdren'* • -am ateur, front-page eJirCorfSt gave the «nohdon concluded - vidual Communise-i or members of Thomas E. Dewey ^of New York The action, described by Ameri­ buffed in the House, looked to ference that the reductions were low It* own course of action unless that the Pravda editorial Indicated London, July tjPI -Leader* Communist front groups wherever plesded toilay thst his state 1)* can advisers to the ROKs as , the , Senate today to restore to too heavy for America's own the Reds agree within aix months the Kremlin would reject - the Britain's g< eimmenl were re- they might be found." , permitfd to build new p—Th* and fikewise, tin g wmllB bmtmrp afinr mppllcaMmHl Indicate the Soviets w an t th e pr'>- Austria even though they "might wrecks ago. ( m / jUSSR B'Nal B'Rllh benefit boxing ahow COMBED PERCALE cedure followed In the past, agree­ ! Dewey said he is not an expert American airman, file* to London i NM.FsfiMls Ctgnx! Of course you. don’t have to''givt up" on your await further and perhaps even Part of a skeleton—without * 1 on power "nor do 1 pretend to be” after a two-day stopover'at Shan- ^ headed by a rematch pitting ment on an agenda at a 'prelimi­ more sensational event* behind the skiill- and tattered clothing found' Hartford lightweight George cellar. COPROX **aU out water and dampnea* once and for nary conference of deputies of nil . but' added the experts "don't all non Airport on way from United R iG . $3.49 — 72x108 ...... $2.79 Iron Curtain, and above all wait near a campsite, have been Idenll-, .. States. . . . Romsnee of Princess Dunn against’ Harotd (Baby four countries. The last proposal COPROX hss don# it! Never be­ all by- expanding .within masonry- pores to form a permsnsnS to see who are likely to remain fled as those of Harold Undaey.; Dewey said for decades both th* Margaret receive* Utile attentloB Fare) Jones of Detroit at for a big four meeting which Foreigners Frozen Out REG. $3.79 — 81x108 ...... $3.09 I the real repositories of power in 45, of Hollidaytburg, Pa. No trace Republican and Democratic par- in most London newspaper* de­ Rulkeley .Stadium was postponed fore hss there been s waterproof mechanical and chemical bond. And here's the exdting'pBtt reached this stage died, in 1951 There Is Aliyays Moscow with whom we will have of Lindsey s aon, Richard 17, or , tie), have proclaimed that Niagara spite government's move to clear for n second time today by Pro­ REG. 89e — 42x38Vi...... 49e compound ihac could be applied —COPROX fhow* you th* way to a finished hasemcM at a because the deputlep, after 3 1-2 to negotiate." Fred a*ar, 20, has been found. | gnq gt. i^w-rence are asaet* of the way for her marriage. moter Manny l..elhert. It will bn without first wetting the area lo month.* of. negotiations In Paris, Luxuriously soft and fine yet long wearing. fantastically low cost! UncertaioUe* ateiit the Soviets, Although the w Idened combing , people snd should be developed for Italian Monarchist party jolts As Cold War Develops held next Tiieaday night at th* be waterproofed. With new Now, with hew SUPER you can * were unable, to agree.) i according to Butler, led the British ,of the aiaa may be called off It ! the people.- Premier Alclde De Gasperi's stadium . SUPER ScIf-Curinj^COPBOX. Pravda accused U. S. Secre­ to shelve for the Ume being today's search produces no newj 'This matter. I submit." Dewey chances of achieving stable gov­ safely tuni your hatement iaio a fsm t rootn.\a pUeeJp^ the all you do is add-water.to the tary of Stale Dulles of leading the Churchill's proposal for a top-level clues, provincial police aay their | ,*id. '^ha* been aiibmjtted to the ernment by deciding Is-oppoae him Editor's Note—KiMy Gilmore, "Eddy Eddyovich." said myhqst, STRIKE CONTINUES kids or jutt about anyJriiulof room! COPROX.adds in extra French snd British repre'sentn- parley between the Ruaaians and investigation* will continue and i pm ple of Newr Y ork and never— in vote of confidence. . . . Recent for II years an AP correspondent "I’ve .found something for you."- Hartford, July SS—r(g*i—Strik­ Someone SAVING. HALE'S CHARMHOUSE handy self-mixing COPROX pail tlves around by tlje nose In Wash- th e W est. room to your home b;- iMkiiW the cellar both Hgvidng and they will make further spot checks j with one exception—has anyone heavy fighting to ,stem Red at­ In M oac<^, la hack on *ttlie rig h t ! He proudly whipped out a bottle ing employea of the Harjferd ViCTSss,-**,-.* and you're ready JO sfsjtt! It's /* .-..I.— ..,, p t.lh i* th in k ­ tack*, in . Korea. , add,. JJI63.. new. a l4 e ..n ( /w .- J(nn..„C)irtaln,".. na ..he, ;of,jK»Uh,^ ----‘‘ -r 'ai ttfefut a* aiiiy ocFe/ room' m tfie'house. A eg ftha-tsreac-'' - ...... c*-«mB=i»cs«»-».. ,-.|.who—liek4 .-a--.'different ., view- been- .Cae- Cwapany -voted today -1*. . TOWEL ENSEMBLE limplc as that and mean* uvingi ’• "If a Four-Power meeting should ing. British offirtal* today pon­ Officials connected with the ! elected to etat# office." . . names to' list of American battle exprgenfs It. In this atory, third A little dark man near me, who eantluue 'the|r walkout, but aa up lu 1 5 % in ttme and labor!- gay pastel sha.de*. Make COPROX part of your dacotadwa - taka place,"- Pr'qyda- declared, "It dered the meaning «(: - - 'seanih 'expretned'IHV belief " ThaT "Dewey said ib* ohe" except loll cnanaltten reported last-week: aT'a series . tn appear here ttihr- looked- like a party type; ilnid exchaage of tetegniM hetwsM I h m c Im c Im i R « f kdilY tnNMdcHMU, ' ' ■. ■■ .achciM'with Mther whit*, %uf, gray;-roic wc-freen.--. ■ ^SBfene. LW teey'-wae-.-rtiib^ W4tb- was' a-Republtcan goveni«r-el«ete—On as "unexceptional" address by REG. 5^c— 16x28 HAND TO W ELS...... 49e Covtn up /« 125 ff. ft- Pari* July 2 .1 - itPi The Cold landsky vlskey was the way he the dry farms of reatral f.'on- This it m 900d iinikatioii of Hm inlMrMf HirHtiiMtt of pMpk. and INyakO'SJ’.' Both the rifle and the skeleton (Continued on Page Two) Alfredo Cardinal Ottavlani .aup- War started, and a frigid wind ** Russian i may be all f nertlciit today's rain “la worth In Manchattnr, at in thoutondt of atli#r'«irtat and townt, rtwy da were sent to Montreal two daj’s porting Spanish Bishop's position began to blow from Joseph Stalin's right for some people, but I prefer | a million bucks,” Hartford REG. 29e FACE CLOTHS ...... 25e ago for laboratory examination by t* restrict Preteatnnt growth. Kremlin, cooling off any faint hope ; *»'r Russian vodka, don't you?"' Couaty Agricultural Ageat Rua- Prstnets and bnairtHlM C«prM fc Mam IViN Aaeatain aheota and kllU Mo- sell S. A'nderMin aald. butinott with A MUTUAL $AVING$ RANK. Extra heavy quality solid color towel* that will giv# year* of Dr. Jean-Marie Bioussel. provincial of American-Soviet cooperation j The general, who had a stout I tlM mrtsM* «f yMMT hooMl State Rent ('ontrol hamed Abboud. former Lebanese and growing friendship. The air hooker o^ Shetlandsky vlskey in wear. Nine colora Nruf /array Tmtmpik*! Tn medico-legal expert. Through X- COPROX protects outside protect below grade tuaaelA ray examinations, he identified the Minister of Finance and candidate from Waahington wasn't exactly his right hand, gave him cold NUN KIUJCRSTO HANG bpnes as. being those of the older Protects Tenants in Sunday's elections, in front of warm, either. eye Durban. South Amca. July 23 wsllt from cofisism haticring Hamilitm Ah B^th- To pre­ President Chamoun'a residence . . "N o." he said, " I’m not th a t — Two Afrieaa men today of wind driven rains. No more member ot th* party. . It would be incorrect to say that SLIGHT lltREGULASS OF 59c vent seepage from awimniinf Shortly after announcing reaulte U. 8. High Commissioner James B. Americana in Moatfow. even during Chauvinistic.” were aeateaeod to haag for tho discdloralion, 'seepage or pool*! ' . of th* examinations yesterday, Dr. H artford, Ju ly 23 - (PI—G over­ Conant appeals te Busalana not to You invited Russians to your murder of a Roman OathoUr nor Lodge today assured worried the greatest moment* of wartime cracked walls. COPROX will Sgtt.yatk Chi Mifgtt/-To place obstacles in way nf free pal talk, were ever howlingly popu- apartment and some of them nun during riots In East Loadoa CANNON HAND and FACE stop lealu iMMM bclik**! . (Continued on Pnge Three) tenants they wilt be amply pro- American food for hungry East came. Some of them invited you to last November. TNG Saving BdHk°^MdHcliester nor craxe, crack, chalk or peel. tectfd when federal rent control I lar with the Communist govern­ G erm ans. ment. But we were with the people their places. You found yourself at Calamkim l}m ttr $ i$ j! T*. pen- diet Atig. 1. SIZE TURKISH TOYfELS C m m RMd M t n r 1A M A N Soviet Union urges people to lu- and compared to what happened real Russian parties that must not UGHTNING KIUA FIflH A MUTUAL SAVIAOS BAClK tact •eitmograph vauk from In response to numerous appeals have changed over the years. And enoe retail sales by adopting later, we led a chhrmed life. Warren. N. H., July 2$ — IF prifaU hemes and raaidanaaef d a m p r ^ ! Correction Asked from tenants for protection, the radio and movie advertising, ac­ there were lots of Russians about. .about 3M brook trout flagertlata THE ONLY ONE IN MANCHE$TBR — 923 MAIN $TREET I* M c h governor pointed out that the cording to newspaper published In I left an official party at 2:20 You liked the people and they were killed when Hghlaiag atruck On Industry Lure state's oWn rent control setup will TIflIs . . . L ong-lw m m ortgage one morning, arm in arm with a seemed to like you. a hatchery pond, a atato flab and ' Uepoalts made on or before the fifth of any month swing into action the day federal aaaBcIng . lotalliag $4,IM.aM #b- man who is n ^ a marshal in the I'm not referring to the small game departmeal official report- Stock up plenty at this low. low price for real heavy quality COPROX Soviet army. With other Rusaiant controls expire. lalaed from P;;udentlBl Insurance group of Russians 'who had been ed today. Aa mgamey olflclal a6 draw Interest fretn the tist of the month. Msser-asek ee*raat**l . COPPERIZED WATERPROOFING CEMENT and foreigners from some of the toweU. All the new deep ton# color*. letCNtrate • CtaSarltesI • 3*s<.|rit llaaS . Ittri liiM ‘ W iigton, July 23-IP)-The Come Aug. 1 there will be 86 Company of America for Blshop'a approved for contact with foreign­ t'oacord said this was the aecoad ' - Mstl* • tlSsNBaiitty Connecticut Development Com­ new communities, which had been Corner—Lord and Taylor shopping embaaaies, we Journeyed, to my ers. They were always about, time la the history qt the etattoM CURRENT RATE 2i% mission asked Congress today to under federal controls because they center in Weat Hartford. apartment. ' - polite, often charming, good ron- that' this type accMoat oreurrod. correct "inaquitiea" which it said are critical housing areas, which Connecticut's firat . comprehen- Thia high military man, once veraationalista,'' but nevertheless, ilvji/r Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales. It looks like a ahell-blssted battlefield—sad la a sense It I* a enabla other states, to luro In­ will come under state rent guard­ alve adult probation aat-np begtus inaide my modest place, lit th* people we felt were unduly inter­ P E R JU R Y c a s e D R O PP ED “r DEPOSITS OVER battlefield. - For month* townapeople of Newington, N,-H., fought dustry -from Connecticut, ianship. Involved la a total of with appointment of advisory candle*., turned down th* lights, est^ in what we were saying and Ricbm ood. Vsm J a ly . $18,000,000 BLISH HARDWARE CO. to prevent the Defense Department from turning this vast acreage The Vinequltlcs" could be cor­ 354,000 rental units. council by the- Superior Court and sat down at the piano and commenting on. I'm referring to A Federal Dtotrict eourt today - ji Into n 956.0M,(MS Jet sir base. But they lest said the goverament rected by amending the Internal In addition, 14 communities Judges.of State. . . the plane ex played until dawn. It all seemed Just plain Rusalana, and some who threw out a perjury laaatwnat;, 793 MAIN STREET MANCHE8TEM. went ahead With its ptaaa, rteagiiig the are* of the trees ktent.yolk ■whieh have beew under staU- Mni' PrttldenrTninian used to-ffy hoinr -got'very iimmual-thewr- "waiw-'anytfitng bur pfaiil; Botmtir •~'”'|ffiT‘T PhyaMM Jewni* Hay* Serving Mnnckentnr nad Vlelalty Bevonuo code, Commiaaihn'- Vice hod fought to sove. Now, Kecauae of manpower 'and hndget eut- Chairman Charles F. Coates raid control as non-critical h'’i‘4^>K from ex-Labor Secretary Tobin'i Another time‘I found myself at approved people. flreeaberg wh* was For Over 4t Tenr*. bneks. Oefenoe Depnrtoneat hM abt^oned It* pinna for n hoM, tkerr. In a statsmant prepared for de< arena will remain in th* fold. That funeral rnae late severe ttiaader- a big Russian dinner. More than 60 Fi'orelgnera cou)d travel into th* falsely ataUag bo had aBV**| paraoM at ona long table. I seearad *.4*»Mpr Mf/Ae iee ■owever. Into Ihdhmtlons point to n romprhmian whfro tho Air Forte atana which pravaaU 4t lanaiaf win utlllan the field on n limited hnnhi. ^ '"T^COonmiMd ou Pngn Btght>I (OeieMmied *■ Faff*' Thranj for 45 minute*.'" to be^^lM Wily foralgnhr. praaent Faff* B U )t Mwearred hi tbs