V ' ^ -/ ’ .1 ■ ■ - i ; : - / ■l\ ' ■■■ i- TUESDAY, JULY « , 1951 .. ............... ■frv flr n m p a g e 1?0tm TE E N AvetE gd' D e IIt Ntt Press R is EtancifpBtpr PW tha weak Ondad YwAnsl'e# e. O e n w R i r M y 18, IDM haa baaa done, to correct Im­ ' ■, fAsHy, seatoTtorigOk '» A « A . portant matters racomrasddad Mr. and Mra. Joseph Crooks, 10# Energency Doctors 1 0 , 6 5 5 Roll atreet. are visiting at the Stores Closed viewed in theae reports. MWo Physicians of the Manches­ Fire District About Town home of their daughter. Betty; Mahoney haa indloatad Ma MaiHbdr ad the AudH ter Madical AasociaUon who Mrs. Erie Crawahaw and family of Tomorrow opinions that the town take over free REPORT W fc Dnraan .at ManeheBter— A City of VUlago Chmrm - .V:' Waterford. On Sunday relatives will respond to emergency calls lU riiw Pfc. Ralph M. Demers, Sale to Town the management of the fire de­ and friends from BratUeboro. Vt., tomorrow afternoon and eve­ partment and there would be no ■on of Mr*. M. SuUlven Demere. Worcester, Mass., and this town ning are Dr. Robert Keeney, P R IC E F IV E M Kldridge rtreet, ha* eucceae- Moat Main atreet stores will other changes. He baa estimated MANCHESTER. CQNNe WEDNESDAY, JULY 22, 1953 (TWENTY-PAGES) gathered to celebrate his 7»th tel. #-5#17 and Dr. Robert But­ Up for Study that three quarters o f a mill (OhMOflad 'AdvarMMsg an Fnga 18) fuUy completed ‘'boot'* trainUif at terfield,, tel. #-4242. be closed all day tomorrow. VOL.-LXX1I, NO. 248 birthday, and to remember him They will remain closed all day could be eave<r by etianinating tha \ P ii^ a laland, 8. C. Prior to en with gifU. Born in Manchester, lifting in the Marine Corpi, he at South Manchester Fire District Wednesday during July and board of commissioners, tax eol- HARD OF HEARING \ Mr. Crooks sl>ent the greater part tended Fordham Unlveralty where voters and taxpayara will deliber­ August under the new store lector and district treasurer. of his life Ih the North section of The members of Senior Girl Others are of the belief that It Hw —- Bilk a *•— ■— Btinitm. wkalfear yan waar a »a M Je waa active In baeketball. the town. Before his retirement he ate en the controversial issue of hour schedule adopted for the Scout Troop 1 last night had a turning over the department to thS will coat the town more money to ar ta#rniE FERSOKAL HEAR I^^E B yjnt M M A W a ^ was in the meat businew for h ^ - summer by tha Chamber of Mr and Mn. William Turklns- housewarming party for one of town tonight at a special meeting Commerce. operate its own firs dapartmant, TEE la plaated to anitojsea a * 2 self and ss a meat cutter in local the troop's leaders. Miss Eleanor Tonight'a meeting ' pTforda dis­ ton and aon, William. Jr.. «6 Phelps called by commissionera. However, drug, chain food, DAHLEBRO COMPANY. toBiag yan Juet to aapaa* froai markets. Occasionally he helps out Gordon, who has recently ihoved trict voters and taxpayara-an op­ tha amaalng new TEAN8IBTOE dmrelapnaent. road, have returned home from a at holidays and other times when The session will be held at Are chain variety and package vacation apent at Long L«ke, Me into an apartment at 2*1 Spruce headquarters on Spruce atreet be­ portunity to air. viewa on the mat­ Again Dashes Hope for there Is a rush. street. Miss Gordon received many stores will be open. ters and could be the spring-bemrd ginning at 8 o'clock. Fmratud by aniy esa astoN -A- hnttory. Pf?*«dlsg lh a _ ^ useful gifts. Actions of thia meeting shall not Mouth end barber shops to the poesible future eatabllsh The Religious of the Cenacle to be conclusive up<m the voters of which are members of the ment of a munlcipally-ewnad 'flra nataral aennd. far aa IHIto aa le par ’ ’r i r ' e l H E e Middletown announce ‘ here w i l l ^ Among the officer members of the district. Judge John 8.. G. Manchester Barbers Associa­ department. Including the juris­ ALL-TEANSIRTOE hearing oiA TV ®yhlh«g a general retreat over the L a ^ r Connecticut's 1117th ARASU Sta­ Rottner. newly appointed counsel tion will be closed all day diction of the SMFD, or the hava Made a vahwMa eantrlhnEen to * V hard af haarlsg. T » HALE'S Day week eiid. from Friday g e ­ tion Complement who are doing a for the district, has ruled that the Wednesday, as usual. North eighth School and UtlUtlaa IMa- fa aanaiatont. trilh thilr repntoWan f ^ enperlto ning, Sept. 4 to Monday ^ternoon, two weeks* tour o f duty at Fort district- Is powerleaa - to taka- any end JMrber- ahopa .which are. Xrtet,' or both, , which w«aM.'be ooai- M t^nm d hv Ihii annaslanrr a t. Dahiherg toalrusaania ay T ire SepC 7. Father Gerard G Grant AMERICAN 805DICAL ASSbOlATTON, and lha appravsf i f Foord, Backes Are Formally £harged in Bench MiarntRt^ Devens, Maisa.. are Lt. Col. John associatien members, will be solidation. Headquarters Anal action respecting conaollda- ' ^ • t ' ...___________________________________». _ . _____________ \ W S J.. a member of the faculty at Rottner, Major William R-,_New- .t|on........ iintil. the town jtakas alllm___ a-. ^qaed all day 'Thursday, as ..ToyfpJS duowI __ -Chaclaa... Jf; .lEOE V. S. yETEEAN-8* ADMINISTRA T ION-......................_ I touTs UhlversItyr-vrtlt c ^ u c t bury. Major TfnCiir^\^cffins''an(r'iive action by enacting a'n appf^ tisiisi. Crockett is now praparing a auit- H. Lll"l FOR Wrlla far yaur frae haahlei.**TEAN8l8TOE MAOlO and Y W E the retreat. Details may ^ ob­ Major George W. Elliott, all of the priate ordinance. Hla opinion, ren­ ablr ordinance eatabllahing a tained by contacting the Mother Manchester area. dered July 10. waa on a petition ------------- -------------- town fire department, aa directed HBAEINO.'’ Superior. Convent of Our Lady of submitted by a group of district by the Board o f Directors on July the Cenacle, Wadsworth street. Food Price Grand Jury Holds Ike Hopeful voters, headed by Director Walter absorbed into present coals of the n . Middletown. Elks WiU Meet Mahoney, .directing the board of town without additional coat? Leader commissioners to call f special (4i Will Jt be necessary under PERSONAL HEARINC SERVICE The aon bom July a to Mr. and Toniorrow Night meeting for the purpose of turning the present bonding arrangement Mrs. E. H. Hindle. IM over the district to the town for for the town to pay itself for I Forces Conspiracy Exists^ Koreaii street, has been named Ronald the sum of one dollar. water and, hydrant use? ' Police ArreaU ol MANCHESTER Edward Hindle. The couple have I The monthly meeting of Man Judge Rottner ruled the petition Future Course two other pons. Edmund HRll Rna ( S ) W i n equipment of the iii MAIN *TEFEt—Mlit-dtSl ------------------------ Chester Lodge of Elks will be had no force because the town SMFD be used to serve i the en­ Rickard A. Milli, 28, of Rock­ Living Cost — ------- War Iruce David Michael Hindis. Hartford, July 22— — held at the American Legion charter provides that the board of tire town or for that portion, or ville. was arrested last night about RATTBEIE8. OEFAHin and ACTBSSOEIBS UP) I Seoul, July 22 — (A*) — President Syngmsn Rhee ted ^ Waxhinurton, July 22— i/P) A public- mlUUry whist, spon­ Home tomorrow night at * directors must establish a town district, ftf the town that will be 8 o'clock by Patrolman Raymond far ALL MARES .OF TREAEING AIDS Stata Rep. William Foord of threatened hopes of an early armistice by demanding witB- o'clock. Several Important mat­ !»re department Arst. Then the dis­ sored bv the Eastbury Ci^^c paying for It ? Perk and charged with epeeding. Washington, July 22— Utchfield and WallingfonI — President Ei*enhower said drawal of Chinese Communist troops from Korea within *ix ters of Interest for all members trict can vote to accept the pro­ Irf'nguc. fW-ill be held Friday eve­ May DIaeues Eeporta The alleged violation occurred en r-Tht government reported firew o rk s m anufacturer CHif- today he still I* hopeful and months after a Korean alrmiatice— "or we shall be at libertgr will be discussed at this meeting visions of such an ordinance In a Tolland turnpike and Oakland ning in the social room of the meeting "duly . called for the It is expected that recommenda­ today that rialng food price* ford Backea have been for­ reasonably confident a to follow Our own course of action.” ; ------------------------------------ -—— B u c kVn g h a m CongregaUonal snd it Is Imperative that every street. R m 9 m . Refriqeretera member attend. speciAc purpose of acting upon tions of the National Ikiard of mally charged with con- Korean truce will be signed The aged president, in specific ^ « Church at « o-clock. Everett Fire UnderwHters, made here fol­ Patrolmah Peck alee arrastad forced Hving costs to a rword WmlMTS and All ! Various committees will report such an ordinance.” apiracy and the giving or re­ soon. The President’s state­ written anawera to three ques- 1 3 Tomlinson will direct the play as Five Qaeattona lowing a survey three years ago, Edward F. Cola, 88. of • Darning high between May and June. on their activities, including the ceiving of bribe*. ment at hi* new* conference tions by newsmen, declared South ^ j ■ I I I I t l usual and Miss Adna Dutton and The commlaalonera feel Ave and the report to the board of di­ street at 8:48 yesterday afternoon Baaldaa higher food ceata, nan.
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