DOUB THURSDAY Dulles' Imistic
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-.n ' '■ \ /' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1966 ATomge Daily Net Preaa Ron The Weather . FAOE TWBNTV-TOXm Far the WMk BMeW jiahrI;pBt(r 1EoimitU( l|mUi March IT. las# Faraaaat of V. 8. W nthar Buraau 11,9 5 0 .Mllcr, clotidy irlth ikowara M enhir at Iha Audit nlfht. Low K-S8. niday, pard^ Buraau at. OIrcHlatlaa rloiHly and cooler. High, hear 40. Mancheiter— A City of Village Charm V.OL. UtXV, NO. 146 (’TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY. MARCH 22. 1956 (CUaalflad Adrartiilng au Page IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Goy. Ribicoff Rapn Local Brothers Die Drive to^alt Hartford. MarchNZZ rgh—. Governor Ribteoff aaitl today Dulles’ As Their Airplane i he would have noth'lng^to do A' ' with a “atop Kefauver" mhye- .^v*' - .. • •■ /■, . ment reportedly developin on the heels of the Tennessee'' Hits Hill in Illinois Senator’s victory over Adlal >' Stevenson in Tuesday's Min nesota primary. George Schober, 17, of 62 The Governor, who will lead . 5 'i Delmont St„ and his brother 1 Connecticut'a delegaUon to imistic Walter, a Detroit resident, the Democratic National Con vention that said he is basical were, killed last night in the ly still for Mr. Stevenson. He crash of a light plane near recalled thst he assured Sena ■/' ■! Morrison, 111. tor- Kefauver last November 'The plane, a single-engine Aero- that If a atop Kefauver drive cotipe owned by Walter, struck the developed, he would have no Ike, Congress Chiefs aide of a hill and burst Into flames part of it. DOUB during a heavy rainstorm. “I told him," the Governor Circled Town 10 Minutes j said, "that I would never play According to reporta from Mor-j that sort of s dog in the man rison. the brothera had apparently ger role.” iBriefed on Far East become lost. Their plane circled I / . • ________ over the town for 10 minutes be fore irtriking the hill In trying to 1 Waahinjflon, March 22 (/P)—SecreLary^f Statfl Dulles to- put down in an open fleld. L im it s : day gave Uemocralic and Republican congressional leaders a Oeorge, ‘ a 'Manchester High ; “moderately optimistic’’ report on his just-completed trip to School senior, and his brother had i the Far tiast. , • « t' ' / been returning to Detroit from State Tied to Chicago via Des Moines, Iowa, President Eisenhower sat In as Dulles made his report to Spring cottons with when the crash occurred. 22 leaders of at the White House. Tlvelr sunx'lving brother. •Lero.v, e l T E r a “Our Marco Polo Secretary made some jaunt," said Sen. also of S2 Delmont Rt.. said the.N' Wiley (R-Wis) in reference to Dulles' 19-day journey to 10 now woistlinos had attended an American Society HartfordXMarch 22 l/T)— The Asian nation.^. of Tool EJnglneers exposition In Connecticut Motor Club made it Chicago. George, who took a week clear today It Nhas nothing against The keynote sounded by several Congress members after os soon in McCoil's IVEN WITH off from achool for the, trip to De- radar speed measuring device.s but ^oday's session was that Dulles had painted a temperately trhll and Chicago, had planned to said that "in inany instances" optimistic picture of conditions in the Middle East and Far enter the Unlversit.v of Connectl- speed limits are aiX;'‘oiit nf date as East. ■ . •—- - c\it in the fall to study engineering. the Model T ' Sen. Brl4gea (R-NHI, chairman CASH SALES Walter, who was married and a | ■ R. Edwin Steele, manager of the of the OOP Policy committee in father, owned a mill supply house i Connecticut Motor Club, an af- i the Sengte, aaid Dullea* report U.S. Proposes In Detroit, where he had lived filiate of the AAA cAmerlcan i "waa on the moderately dptmiatlc since lS46. Automobile Association i\ipid to- | aide,” , ALL DAY According to Leroy. George and I day a total of 17 such\^iadar | Bridges said the report "pointed Mideast Peace his mother motored to Detroit Sat- i devices have been licensed to^ROlice up some of the aerloiis aspects” urday with Mrs. Marion.Gammons departments in the state. of the aituation„4)ut that the em,. of the Gammona-Hoaglund Co., 39.1 'Modern MetlindH Urged \ phssls waa on /'th e improvement"' Effort by Dag .Main St. Mrs. Gammons was also “If speed laws are to be enforr'Al Dullea regardi as having come X J L ^ . on her way to the Chicago exposi with split-second, electronic . c a l\ about. dilations, it stand., to reason that Sees Rome Improvrrae'at .ITnlled NaUona, N. Y., March tion where the small pianufac- lawmakers should give equal at SZ lAV—The U.N. Security Conn- turing flrm was maintaining a House/Republican leader Martin cll will meet Monday to conilder booth. I tention to the use of modern aald: / . ' . methods in establishing sensible, “To me the report was mildly a llnited Stateo jtrdpoaal that THURSDAY Leroy said his mother stayed on.-^ sclpntiflcally-rfetermincd speed Secretary Oeaeral Dag Ham- optliniitic. It looked as If wa bad In Detroit and that George anu ' zones." Mr. Steel he declared. marskJoM go on , a- Faleattno Walter flew, to Chicago Sunday, i a ^ e Improvement In the whole peace nilsalon. Inforoaed eouroes 1 "Few apeedometers on auto- ^ n erak picture...................\ ■ r-""‘ -;' ft' • said today that If the proposal icjs-Vv :_0jp^Jlea today are entirely ac-; , - “Of course, there are still some A fifty flew to^ea ^plii^ , ^uraft! Chs^ ‘Hiiivivr 1 •4(«dbie spots. But on the whole Is approved, Haimnankjold win’ ' ness-iuid.tAen took oft-itov'Detroit’ b read s can throw off the i things appear to ti4 a little bit bet leav-e lata next - wedt ^ for a speedometer by a considerable ter than they, have-been.” three-week trip. Wa'Itinerary A Nice Selection of (ContMued on Page tlfteea) I WALTER SCHOBER extent. The Dullea waa to testify later In the Would Inriudo Loadon dad Pario ■fat may be dflvrn'g: af a'Jii da.v before The Hhuke Foreign Af-. aa well aa the Middle East c a ^ believes to be below the limit and in Highway Crash fairs committee on the foreign aid tala yet be arrested for exceeding that bill. The committee heaird Gen. Stale Troopers John Prior Jr. and John Yaakuli pull the body of LswrMct F. Saldsk./liS, from United Nations, N. Y., March S2 EAST ER ^O A TS •• • limit, even by only a few miles an' the wreckage of yls automobile following Ita collision with a trailer truck;k ^ Rt. At i , yemon yea- Alfred M. Griienther, commander U.S. Offers Ar Check hour. ; terda.V afternoon. ^'0aidak. df 10 Cottage Sl.y Rockville, waa a Korean War\veteran aptl. had been of NATO Forces, at a closed ses lAb- TUa United States U asking Steele charged the result of emplo.ved as a partHtme mail carrier at tM Rockville post office. Story on Page L (Btirkamp sion this morning. the U.S. Security Council-to as what he called arbitrary, rule-of- Photo I Chairman Richards (D-8C) sign Seerdtary General Dag Ham- Lovelier Than Ever thumb speed limits is "that our served notice AbAd of time he martkjold to a peaca miasion As Reds Begin A •Tests streets and highways are often wants to know why some NATO aimed at keeping Israel and her AUAihon SHAPED WITH SURITY clogged and congested, when traf- pountrier'are cutting their contri Arab nelghboia from' each others' thfpata.' ■ ■ - A ' Wssl- fli^ should be fl^'lhg smoothly—.. S ta te F a c L bution -to the-m nt defense effort." '“ 'j You In your new Easter outfit . • proud and confident be Lohdon. March 22 Seeking s material In the atmoaphe but doesn't becafise motorist., are Spesking. .wj-tn newsmen about u.s,attttaf I3a)eshta Henry Cabot The Worsted Flannel Suit to replace years of talk about dis- observatories In qrthem Tke-Bars cause you know you’re a vision of everytbiiiR that’s feminine 'properl.v fearful of being arrested." this, he ilsmcd hb countries )Ait In.A reaolutlon last Japan recorded increased *adio- on Kammarakjold to and lovely. Pastel colors. armament with concrete action, , activity in rain and snow which Steele said hta organization is F lo o d Thread •Hai Prank Anaiyais c • Working: a wonderful magic in figures for a highly styled the United Stales wants 40,000 to ’ concerned with 'riving safely and At lha WhItd/HOuse, Sanate Rf* , . ._ently with both aides fell this week. supports firm and fair enfoicem^l I'Mds^adoptlon of meaaurei to spring debut—our shapely little worsted flannel suit. Utterly 60,000 square miles of Russian TTie British Foregn Office an publican leader Knowland (CallYL simple, Crepe lined jacket, slimmest skirt. ^ and American territory opened .to nouheed without elaboration: "The ractlces. it l^elleves. he added, Governor Tob JPay to Wotne 62 called Duties' report 'ta frank snd reduce HBalona along ^ the Hoty^ International arms inspection. Soviet Union has recently embark- the careless, irrespor/tihlc comprehehalva current, apaiystal' Lim^amnatice lines. " * er should be taken off the of the Bltu'atton lA. the areas tiM Three Propoaals t o « teama. ' ed on some further nuclear tests.” road\ Hartford. March 21 — Fed $ 2 9 9 8 $ 4 5 The U.S. proposal for a prelimi- Lewis L. Strauss, chairman - of eral and state official^ told Gov. V^shlngton, March 22 yHe- in the handling of lal aecurlty Secretary vlaited. Knowland char- The' ifta^ution jpectqcBlly pro •: ■' nary test of disarmament controls the U.S.