香港社會及經濟趨勢 Hong Kong Social and Economic Trends 二零零五年版 2005 Edition 有關本刊物的查詢,請聯絡: 政府統計處綜合統計組(二)乙 地址:中國香港灣仔港灣道十二號灣仔政府大樓二十一樓 電話:(852) 2582 4734 圖文傳真:(852) 2119 0161 電郵:
[email protected] Enquiries about this publication can be directed to : General Statistics Section (2)B Census and Statistics Department Address : 21/F Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, China. Tel. : (852) 2582 4734 Fax : (852) 2119 0161 E-mail :
[email protected] 政府統計處網頁 Website of the Census and Statistics Department 本刊物備有印刷版和下載版可供選擇。有關銷售途徑的詳情,請參閱本刊物內第 A9 頁。 This publication is available in both print version and download version. For details of purchase, please see page A9 of this publication. Produced by the Census and Statistics Department 政府統計處製作 序言 Foreword 每兩年出版一次的《香港社會 The biennial publication, Hong Kong Social and 及經濟趨勢》是政府統計處編製的 Economic Trends, is one of the general statistical digests 綜合性統計刊物之一,其他綜合性 compiled by the Census and Statistics Department. Other 統計刊物包括《香港經濟趨勢》 digests include Hong Kong Economic Trends (half- ( 半月刊) 、《香港統計月刊》和 monthly), Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics and 《香港統計年刊》。這些綜合性統 Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics. Each digest 計刊物輯錄香港社會及經濟各方面 brings together statistical data covering various social and 的統計資料,提供範圍十分廣泛的 economic aspects of Hong Kong. Statistical data 數據,涉及社會、經濟和工商業各 contained cover a very wide range of topics relating to 主題。它們各具特色,出版頻次、 society, the economy and businesses. The digests are 所載數列的統計期、詳細程度及形 each featured in its own way. They are published at 式有所不同,相輔相成,組成一個 different frequencies with statistical data series presented 全面的參考系列。 in various length, depth and format. Complementing each other, together they form a comprehensive series for reference.