
Travel Directions to Gifford Primary School

Old Reading Road OX10 8EN

The school should prove very easy to locate.

The Old Reading Road, is a turning off the A4130 which runs east-west from Henley to , through Wallingford. It is a right turn coming from the west after crossing the Thames Bridge and continuing over a mini-roundabout. From the east it is a left turn after the Crowmarsh Gifford roundabout. Opposite the turning is an unmissable pub/diner called "The Bell".

The school is just a few yards along on the right, just past the Newnham Green turn. There is a car park, but there is plenty of parking along the road, keeping to the school side.

From the north, pick up the A4074 south of Oxford. At the roundabout at just past Dorchester, avoid turning right signed Wallingford (unless you want the scenic route through ). Also ignore a sign on your right pointing to Preston Crowmarsh - that is lovely but not our location. Proceed past Benson to the Crowmarsh Gifford roundabout, taking the 4th exit onto the A4130 through Crowmarsh Gifford.

From the south-east come through Henley-on-Thames onto the A4130, carrying on over the Crowmarsh Gifford roundabout (2nd exit) into Crowmarsh.

From the south west and west, the most direct route is off the A34 via Didcot onto the A4130 , coming through Wallingford, over the river bridge into Crowmarsh Gifford. However, your satnav will likely take you on more scenic routes.

In the unlikely event you get lost, Doug's mobile is 07772 046923.