NEWSLE TER of the MICHIGANENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY Volume 24 Number 4 November 5 1979

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NEWSLE TER of the MICHIGANENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY Volume 24 Number 4 November 5 1979 MARK F. 0'001E N NEWSLE TER of the MICHIGANENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY Volume 24 Number 4 November 5 1979 EARLY HISTORY OF THE r~ICHIGAN E~nOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY by George Steyskal "Honorary member and First President, It was indeed a pleasure when I was George Steyskal, who was to present the invited to talk to this 25th Annual Meeting following Guest Presentation at the Silver and field trip of the Michigan Entomologi­ Anniversary Meeting, was unable -to attend. cal Society, and it was no less an honor. His taped lecture, assisted by George I had every inte ntion of being here in Rawson, another early member, was person but a few circumstances have con­ presented at the meeting and is printed sp i red to prevent it. r have there fore, here for your enjoyment.--Ed." as a second best, put a few reminiscenses on tape and send my spirit along with them to be with you. It was about 1930 when I hea rd that one Arthur Andrews was interested in insects and had a fine collection of beetles. I found out where he I ived in Highland Park and visited him one day. He was a craftsma n of the old school , a wood carver and bui Ider of fine furniture. Such craftsmen were already in low demand and it was only with the help of the Cranbrook Inst itute that he found a I itt I e I<lork in his fi e ld. Arthur introduced me to members of the Entomological Soc iety, which is a residue of a more general organization cal led the Detroit Natural ist's Society. Members at that time were Dr. Wm. Bukema, Wi Ibur McA Ipine of B i rm ingham, She rman Moore, George Rawson, Bi II Lawl e r, Jack Newman, all Detroit Lepidopterists, and several others whose names have sl ipped out of my memory. I had the distinction of being a sole Dipterist. AI I were amateurs who took their avocation quite seriously. Dr. Newcombe was a medical doctor. Sherman Moore was a civi I engineer. Wi Ibur McAlpine had a survey and map business. George Rawson was a veterinar­ (continued on p. 8) The NEWSLETTER of the Michigan Entomological Society is published as four numbers yearly, at irregular intervals. Please send all notes, news, new insect records, research requests, season summaries, important dates for the Entomologists' Calendar, other items for the NEWS­ LETTER, membership inquiries, dues, etc. to the Executive Secretary, Michigan Entomological Society, Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824. The Executive Secretary's Page OFFICERS OF MES WANTED: Photo, preferably in color, of the Preside nt ......... " Can Yo ung adult of Sibine stimulea (Clemens), the Saddle­ Pres ide nt-Elect ........ Gary S immons back, with permission to publish. Will pay Past Pres ident . AI Bratt $10. QUERY FIRST. Ruth B. Alford, Route 1, Execut ive Se cretary Mo Ni e lsen Box 148B-2, Mass City, MI 49948. Me mb e r-at-Large Da ve Ev ans Memb e r-at-La r ge . Don Mosher FOR SALE: Butterflies, beetles and other Memb e r-at-La rge . Ron Pr i est ins ects from Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua, New Journal Edit o r ........ Dave Go s ling Guinea, and Borneo. Interes ted p e rsons send Ne ws letter Editor ........ Lo u vii Ison for catalogue and price list to Eric Khoo, Assoc iate News letter Editor .. Ge orge Heaton Viking International Pte. Ltd., 423, Orchard Towers, Orchard Rd., Singapoye 9. NOTICES FO R SALE: Sawfl y I iterature f rom the library of H. H. Ross. El even i nc h s t ack of pape r s by No r t h Ame rican authors, conta ining most o f the (Not ices will be run for a year or 4 numbers impo rtant papers on Nearctic sawfl ies , $ 198; 3 of t he News l etter unless notif ied t o drop inc h s tack o n Nearctic sawfl ies (dupl icates them. Member s desiring longer runs shoul d f rom eleve n in ch stac k), $20 ; 40 papers by notify news letter editor, L. F. ~/i ls on , Dept . Ma laise, appare ntly a compl et e set, $4 0; 23 of Fo restry, !~ch i gan Stat e Uni - ersity, 48824) pape r s by Ben son, $2 0; 18 papers by autho rs o f Europe and Asi a , $4. Henry Towne s , 5950 Wa rren For Sa le, Butte rf ly and Moth co ll ect ion . Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48 105. Approx. 4,200 spec ime ns, a l I mount ed with data, excellent cond ition, arranged in un it tray s WANTED: Corbet, Longfield and Moore: Dragon­ and cornel I drawe r s , 1,300 catocal a , 1,1 00 flies; Evans: Studies on the Comparative Hespero idea ; C. muti c um , E. mi tchell Ii, ~ogy of Digger Wasps of the Genus Bembix; H. ottoe, O. powe rshei k we i I re presented. Kellogg: American Insects; Stone A Wi I I send comp lete invento ry upon request. Catalogue of the Diptera of America North of Wi I I consi de r h ighest bidder. Wa yne A. Mexico; Tietz: The Lepidoptera of Pennsyl­ Mi Iler, 1476 No rth Hi li s Dr., Ka lama zoo , vania: A Manual; and Tillyard: The Biology Mi chi ga n 49007. (6 16- 34 9-1 96 1) of Dragonflies. Write stating condition and price to: John E. Holzbach, 229 Maywood Drive, Wa nted : Co lor sl ides o f butte rfl ies an d Youngstown, Ohio 44512 moths, esp. US A papi I io and large a nd col orf u l fore ign s pec ies. Co ntact Ray W. BOOKS: Any insect book in print. Now in stock Bracher, 17145 Cherokee Dr., So uth Ben d, for immediate shipment: D'Abrera, BIRDWING BUT­ In d iana 46635. TERFLIES OF THE WORLD, $65.00; D'Abrera, BUTTER­ FLIES OF THE AUSTRALIAN REGION, $29.95; Pinhey, Community and J uni or Co l lege Tea c hing MOTHS OF SOUTHERN AFRICA (1,182 color photos) , Pos it ions . The Ca reer St af fin g Center main­ $35.95; Edmunds et al., MAYFLIES OF NORTH AND tains a cleari nghouse for t wo year co l leges an d CENTRAL AMERICA, $28.50; Hungerford, CORIXIDAE those indivi dua ls who wou ld I ike t o be consid­ OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE, an important new e red for fac ulty and adm ini strative posi ti ons . reprint, $25.00. Entomological Reprint Special­ Write for deta i Is. Ca r ee r Sta ff ing Center, ists, P. O. Box 77224, Dockweiler Station, Los 621 Duke Street, P. O. Box 298- A, Alexandria, Angeles, CA 90007. Virg in ia 22 314 . WANTED: Papilios worldwide, esp. from Cuba, WA NTE D: Be rner 's ayfl ies of Flor ida ! Jamaica, Celebes, China, New Guinea, Write t o Michael D. Hubb a rd , Laboratory of Phillippines. Will purchase, or exchange for Aquat ic Entomology , Flor ida A&M Un ive r s ity, other rare species. Virgil Warczynski, Ta l lah as see, Flor ida 32307 . 1804 Fitzhugh, Bay City, MI 48708. FOR SALE: Insect p ins , lowest prices, prompt de l ive r y. Standa rd En g l ish WANTED: Records of Coleoptera from Isle Royale . black, HEle fant " br and, minutens, an d Desire specimens and ecological notes for bee­ others . Si zes 000 th rough No.7. Wr it e tles collected in the park, for an eventual up­ for price I ist. Se nd s t amp ed add ressed dated study of beetle distribution . Contact e nve lo pe t o Cla ir Armi n, 19 1 W. Pa lm Jim Liebherr or Daniel Young, Dept. of Entomo­ Ave., Reedly, CA 936 54, ph one (209) logy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 638- 3729 . MI 48824. (Continued on page 3) 2 NOTICES (cont. from page 2) Memoirs Entomol Soc of Can 1964 (#33) - 197~#85)~'s 77 and 84 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: Living cocoons of the missing. Hyalophora hybrid--~ cecropia 0 x ~ gloveri ~~ 0; also H. cecropia, Actias luna, and Callos­ 1958 (vol. 39) - 1972 (vol. 53). 1959 amia pro~thea. Papered material (with data) (vol. 40 #3 is missing). including Catocala c~ra and C. innubens, Mich Entomol-Great Lakes Entomol Graphium marcellus f.- lecont;i, a few other 1969 (vol. 2) - d~tc. Set complete except Ohio species, and two A-I pairs of Speyeria 1970 (vol. 3 #2) J. Kansas Entomol Soc nokomis apacheana. Will exchange for Catocala - -- ova, Saturniid cocoons, and Papilio pupae from 1965 (vol. 38), 1966 (Vol. 39). 1967 (vol. southern and western U.S., and for cocoons of 40, #1, 2, 3) columbia. John W. Peacock, 185 Benzler Lust Proc North Central Br, Entomol Soc Amer Rd., Marion, OH 43302. 1964-1966 (vols 19 =-21). -- - - - Proc En tomol Soc Wash ---- -- -. ~- 1964 {Vo l. 66 to date. Set complete except WANTED: Collection data of Noctuidae from 1970 (vol 3, #2) Ohio. To be used in a forthcoming faunal list of Ohio's moths. Data for other families will WANTED: Britton: The Hemiptera or Sucking be solicited later. All replies acknowledged. Insects of Conne cticut; Corbet, Longfield and The authors may wish to verify some records. Moore: Dragonflies; Evans: Studies on the Reply to: Eric H. Metzler, 1241 Kildale Sq. Comparative Ethology of Digger Wasps of the N., Columbus, OH 43229.
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