HALE*S Connecticut Thereby I’Ncreasihg' Their Vjews Frankly and Unequlvo- Ing the Two Years Remaining in His Enslaye the 'Orient.” ' , Term
• V-. ’ ■'I •' » *• . MOKDAY. JANUARY^ 7, 1987 ATcrtKc DaHy Nat Pr«M Run Tha WaaHitr. ' Por the $Ve^ Ended Feiaeaat « f IT. S. W entlm BcrMUi Jannary 5, 1467 3,600 Fair, colder tonight. Low, 10 td. t r i f l e ^ Pledged 12,328 IS. Wedneaday rhance of occsmAosi- Member of the Alidlt al' light snow daMng the day. Higll IVfMH Campaign Rurentt of Cirrulation in mid 80s. By Screw Firm WATKINI , Hanche$ter-~~A CHy o/ VUlagt^ Charm "A contribution of $3,600 to. -WEST VOL. LXXVI, NO. 8,1 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY. JA>^UARY 8, 1957 . 4, (Clbaallled Adrertiataig on P ig * U ) PRICE FIVE CENTS Mancheater Memorial Hdapital'a! $1,470,000 ftuilding fund eampaign i FHatral Ssni has .been pledged by the Hartford j Machine Screw Co.* division of| Onhand J. West, Dii|i«ter 141^ East Center ! East Reich Standai'd Screw Co, ^ ^ AOteheU 9-71M Ashed to comment concerning; • • ' - • the 'contribution. James A, Ta.vlor, j Gets President • of ‘ the company said, • "Hartford Machine'. Screw Co. has 1 Maneheater’a OldOM ion^ recognised that part of their j with Fineat F aclU lm corporate responsibility is to see Tax Extension Off-Street ParUngj Soviet A id that proper hospital, facilities are I Eatabtiahed 1874% provided fo r its einpIo>’es in the ' Washington, Jan. 8 (/P),—- be two or three weeks before joint Moscow. Jan; 8 </P)— The ij commiinitiea in which they live., 'j hearings planned by the Senate Soviet., Union has promised Sidney Ellis, chairman of ~the President Eisenhow'er and Re Foreign Relations s,and ' Armed ! fund's corporation committee comr publican Congressional lead- Services committees gre com-i Communist East Germany mented that the Hartford Machine era formally dwiddd today to pleted.
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