Field Methods in Linguistic Anthropology ANTH 305 - Spring 2016 Tuesdays 4:00-6:30 pm; Bailey 110 Instructor Jennifer R. Guzmán, PhD Office hours Bailey 108, Mondays 2:30-4:00, Tuesdays 12:45-2:15, and by appointment. Feel free to visit office hours to discuss any questions you have about course content, assignments, or your academic progress. Email
[email protected]. Feel free to email questions that can be answered briefly. If you have a complex question or situation, please visit me during office hours. I read e- mail Monday-Friday. Allow 1-2 days for a response. When sending email, include ANTH 305 and a topic in the subject line. Office Phone (585) 245-5174 Course TA Angus McCrumb (
[email protected]) Course description This course introduces students to the field methods that sociolinguists, applied linguists, and linguistic anthropologists use to document language use in situ. Students will learn the basic steps in developing a research question and building competencies in field methods that include: participant observation, field note taking, mapping spaces, photography, videography, interviewing, transcription, and basic analysis. A one-day workshop will introduce students to elicitation methods that are used by documentation linguists in the field. Students will learn how to look and listen, to analyze what they see and hear, and then how to present their findings through various presentation media. Through discussion of course readings and the experience of carrying out a project, students will explore, as holistically as possible, how communities use language and other semiotic resources in their everyday interactions to organize their worlds and construct meaning in their lives.