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Research & Education Taste of “Treasure chest” Savor the Jeg ser helst at Norge holder seg utenfor EU. of information for Så blir det kanskje litt bedre å leve sweet taste of genealogists for dem som ikke er så heldige å være født Fastelavnsboller med ski på beina. Read more on page 5 – Frederic Hauge Read more on page 8 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 122 No. 8 February 25, 2011 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidene $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com Ship grounding sets off oil spill

News of Norway Icelandic-owned Divers found the bodies of two container ship Norwegians killed in the crash of a small plane off the east ran aground and coast of Florida, along with the sunken Cessna they were flying. leaked oil around They were on a routine train- the scenic islands ing flight from Phoenix East Aviation in Sarasota when their of Hvaler off Cessna 172 reportedly caught fire and crashed into the ocean southeast coast off Daytona Beach. (blog.norway.com/category/ news) Ni n a Be r g l u n d Views and News from Norway Business Gross domestic product (GDP) On Feb. 18, Icelandic-owned for mainland Norway grew by container ship “Godafoss” ran 2.2 percent in 2010 after having aground and immediately started dropped by 1.3 percent in 2009. leaking oil off on Norway’s south- The growth was relatively high in most of the industries, but east coast. The grounding set off with two important exceptions: a spill that local officials called financial intermediation and “a catastrophe” but later claimed was “under control.” By midday, traditional fisheries, which to- Photo: Norwegian Coastal Administration gether had a negative growth CONTINUES PAGE 6 Icelandic container ship “Godafoss” ran aground at the entrance to the Hvaler islands near Fredrikstad on Feb. 18. impact of 0.5 percent. (blog.norway.com/category/ business) It takes a village 2011 on the iPhone Culture Keeps users in the Nordic Naturals opens new headquarters in Norwegian art collective Ver- loop with FIS World densteatret will premiere “And Watsonville, Calif., inspired by Norway All the Question Marks Started Ski Championship to Sing,” an art machine played by performers, musicians and updates robots, at CPR in New York City on Feb. 28. Os l o 2011 (blog.norway.com/category/ culture) Download the new iPhone and iPad application for the FIS Nor- What’s inside? dic World Ski Championships, and News 2-3 keep yourself updated on the event Business 4 at all times. The app is in both Nor- wegian and English, and it can be Research & Education 5 CONTINUES PAGE 15 Photo: Oslo 2011 Opinion 6-7 Taste of Norway 8 A look at Nordic Combined Travel 9 Norway dominates Roots & Connections 10 Photo courtesy of Nordic Naturals throughout history Obituaries & Religion 11 The exterior design of the Nordic Naturals building is inspired by Norwegian Arts & Style 12 fishing villages, with multi-gabled facades and strong colors. The interior design of the sport In Your Neighborhood 13 also follows suit, with Norwegian textures and colors offering splashes of red and blues, while the main scheme remains neutral. Ma r i e l e St o c k i n g e r Norwegian Heritage 14 FIS-Ski Sports 15 No r d i c Na t u r a l s The 2010 – 2011 season is $1 = NOK 5.6781 coming to an end, and it will be a updated 2/21/2011 Keeping its commitment to ing Council (USGBC) as a Leader- great finale. The 46th Nordic Ski healthy people and a healthy plan- ship in Energy and Environmental In comparison World Championships in Oslo et, Nordic Naturals announces the Design (LEED) project. The LEED 1/21/2011 5.8182 from Feb. 23 to March 6 will be the opening of its new corporate head- Green Building Rating System is a highlight of the season. The Nordic 8/21/2010 6.2409 quarters in Watsonville, Calif., reg- third-party certification program Combined athletes will crown their Photo: TV2 Sport 2/21/2010 5.9373 istered with the U.S. Green Build- Norway’s Mikko Kokslien is ranked CONTINUES PAGE 5 CONTINUES PAGE 15 second in World Cup standings. 2 • february 25, 2011 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Støre kan bli ny helseminister Færre melkebønder – Olje er viktigere enn SV i Trøndelag Ap-veteraner krever konsekvensutredning Utenriksminister av oljeutvinning i Nord-Norge uten hensyn Landbruksdirektøren til hva SV mener. – Her må også vi sette Jonas Gahr Støre i Nord-Trøndelag er hardt mot hardt. Vi kan ikke være med på eller nærings- og dette mindretallstyranniet lenger! Folk beg- bekymret ynner å bli drittlei vern og det SV står for. handelsminister Derfor må SV tenke seg om, om de fortsatt vil ha et liv i Nord-Norge, sier stortingsrep- Trond kan gå til NRK resentant Tor Arne Strøm (Ap) fra Nordland For ti år siden var det i 2200 melkepro- til Dagsavisen. SV vil trolig trekke seg fra Helsedepartementet regjeringen dersom Ap trumfer gjennom en dusenter i Nord-Trøndelag. Nå er det i 1100. konsekvensutredning av oljeutvinning i Lo- Tendensen ellers i landet er den samme NRK foten, Vesterålen og Senja. og bøndene blir mer og mer pessimistiske til (NTB) tross for lønnsvekst i fjor. – Det er en ekstrem forandring for Flere svært sentrale regjeringskilder i Ap bygdene. Det er et nytt hamskifte sier land- Unge går fra røyk til snus bekrefter ifølge Aftenposten at det nå tenkes bruksdirektør Kirsten Værdal i Nord-Trøn- Antall unge som røyker har blitt halvert på få og snakkes om endringer i regjeringskabalen delag. år. Til gjengjeld er det stadig flere som snuser. koblet sammen med diskusjonen om arver- For bare seks år siden røykte 24 prosent av De bøndene som er igjen produserer ekken etter statsminister . unge daglig. Regjeringen har hatt som mål mer melk enn før. Det blir flere storfjøs og Diskusjonen går også relativt åpent Foto: Utenriksdepartementet å halvere denne andelen. I dag er tallet 12 melkeroboter, men antallet kyr på beite blir blant medlemmer i partiets sentralstyre og prosent. – Å være røykfri er noe av det vik- mindre og mindre. Værdal frykter for at livet stortingsgruppe. tigste man kan gjøre for helsa. Vi kommer mye popularitet i det øyeblikket han må beg- på bygdene er truet og jordene gror igjen. Ett av diskusjonstemaene er muligheten til å fortsette arbeidet for å få ned røykingen ynne å mene noe om lokalsykehus, sier en – Det er utfordrende for et fylke som for å skifte ut helseministeren, og etter det blant unge, sier helse- og omsorgsminister regjeringskilde til Aftenposten. Nord-Trøndelag hvor landbruket er så sterkt. Aftenposten erfarer, skal både Giske og Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen (Ap). Samtidig Samtidig mener andre at Støre «vil ha Husdyrbruket betyr at det er grasproduksjon Støre være åpne for å overta som helseminis- øker snusbruken kraftig blant de unge. I al- godt av» å overta uriasposten i Helsedepar- og dyr som beiter og at det er liv i husene. ter dersom Stoltenberg og partiet ønsker det. dersgruppen 16-24 år er det 17 prosent som tementet. Når dyrene forsvinner blir det bare korn. Det Ifølge Aftenposten er ingen i tvil om at bruker snus daglig. Snus er fortsatt mest ut- betyr at jordene blir gulere. Flere steder, som bredt blant unge menn. Hver fjerde snuser Giske ville blitt en god helseminister. Samti- English Synopsis: In discussions about possible changes in the government cabinet, several important i Namdalen for eksempel, er det ikke mulig daglig, mens for unge kvinner er andelen 8 dig vurderes han fortsatt av mange som for sources in the Labor Party indicate that Minister of å ha korn og da er det ikke sikkert det er mu- prosent. Det er ikke bare de unge som har venstreorientert til å overta som statsminister Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre or Minister of Trade lig å holde jorda i hevd, sier landbruksdirek- stumpet røyken. I befolkningen sett under etter Stoltenberg. Noen av regjeringskildene and Industry could be named the next Minister of tøren. ett røyker nå færre enn hver femte nordmann mener det vil være en tabbe å plassere Støre Health. - It would be the stupidest thing in the world to put Jonas in the Ministry of Health. He is sovereign daglig. English Synopsis: In just 10 years, the number of i Helsedepartementet. in foreign affairs and will lose a lot of popularity in (NRK) milk producers in North Trøndelag fell from 2,200 to – Det vil være det dummeste i hele ver- the moment when he must begin to think something 1,100. The statistics follow trends across Norway as a about the local hospital, said a government source told den å sette Jonas i Helsedepartementet. Han whole, despite a wage increase last year. Vil jakte skogens konge med pil og bue er suveren i utenriksspørsmål og vil miste Aftenposten. Norges Buejegerforbund vil at det skal bli tillatt å drive både rypejakt og elgjakt med pil og bue i Norge. Direktoratet har tidlig- ere avslått søknader om å oppheve forbudet 97-åring stiller Vil at skal bli eget fylke mot jakt med pil og bue. Buejegerforbundets Bergen Høyre vil at Bergen skal bli et eget søknad har denne gang støtte fra Norges til valg Bondelag, Norges Skogeierforbund, skogei- erorganisasjonen NORSKOG og Norges Helge Solvang fra fylke, men uten fylkesmann Jeger- og Fiskerforbund. Organisasjonene Balsfjord stiller på argumenterer blant annet med at jakt med pil og bue internasjonalt er blitt «en godt Arbeiderpartis liste til etablert og sterkt voksende jaktform». Det blir også hevdet at bue med tilhørende ut- høstens kommunevalg styr i den senere tid har hatt en utvikling som knapt noe annet sivilt våpen. VG (Dagbladet) Med valgspråket «Balsfjord med sjø og Åtte personer smittet av harepest i Midt- land for alle» satser nemlig Helge Solvang Norge på å bli innvalgt i Balsfjord kommunestyre Åtte personer i Sør-Trøndelag og Møre og til høsten 2011, skriver Nye Troms. er så langt i år smittet av harepest. I Han vil da være 98 år gammel. Sitter fjor ble det registrert 21 tilfeller av sykdom- han ut fireårsperioden vil han være 102. men over hele landet. Harepest er en bak- – Hovedsaken dersom jeg kommer inn teriesykdom som med noen års mellomrom i kommunestyret, vil være å holde Balsf- rammer smågnagere som harer og lemen. jorden oppdrettsfri for både laks og torsk. Mennesker kan smittes gjennom direkte eller Og selvfølgelig vil jeg jobbe sterkt for jord- Foto: Wikimedia Commons indirekte kontakt med syke, døde eller smit- bruket. Jeg har vært bonde i 45 år av mitt liv, Bergen Høyre ønsker seg Bergen som eget fylke. tebærende dyr, skriver Folkehelseinstituttet. sier en oppglødd Helge Solvang. Harepest starter vanligvis akutt med feber, Han har tenkt mye på valgkampen og NTB frysninger, hodepine og tretthet. Folkehelsa håper han får helse til å være med. trøster med at antibiotika har god effekt, men – Jeg synes vi har fått ei god liste. Det Bergen Høyre vil at Bergen skal bli et Han kommer også med et spark til sier også at det ikke finnes noen vaksine. er bestandig et kompromiss mellom alder, (Aftenposten) eget fylke, men uten fylkesmann. På hel- fylkesmann og tidligere venstreleder Lars kjønn, bosted og yrkestilhørighet, sier den gens årsmøte ble vedtaket begrunnet med at Sponheim. engasjerte 97-åringen til avisa. Sier ja til Røkkes rullebane kommunen er blitt fratatt for mye råderett de – har gjennom sin Valgforsker Frank Aarebrot er ikke Oppdal kommune har takket ja til Kjell Inge siste årene. væremåte som fylkesmann vist hvordan em- helt sikker, men han tror Arbeiderpartiets Røkkes tilbud om å utvide den lokale fly- – Mange lokale vedtak blir brakt inn betet ikke fungerer. Skal fylkesmannen over- 25.-kandidat kan være i ferd med å sette en plassen. Dermed kan han bruke et større fly for fylkesmannen, noe som fører til at saker prøve alle saker vi vedtar lokalt, kan vi like slags uoffisiell norgesrekord. når han skal på hytta. Dagens 1.000 meter trekker ut i tid, og svært ofte blir skjønns- godt avlyse valget 12. september allerede nå, – Ofte vil en som kommer på sisteplass lange rullebane var nemlig ikke nok for mil- messig overprøvd. Dette styrker inntrykket sier Hove. være såkalt listepynt. Det kan være en liardæren, som blar opp 25 millioner kroner av at lokaldemokratiet utvannes, heter det i skiløper, stortingsmann eller andre. Men på for 400 meter ekstra, melder NRK. – Det er vedtaket. sisteplass kan han også godt rykke opp, sier English Synopsis: Members of Høyre (Conservative) klart dette også er positivt for kommunen. – Gjentatte saker innen skole, kollek- party in Bergen want Bergen to become a separate professoren. Det er et mål og et ønske om å utvikle fly- tivtrafikk og andre felt viser at vi er modne county, but without a governor. At a meeting over the weekend, members decided that too much power plassen til noe annet enn det den er i dag, så English Synopsis: Helge Solvang, the 97-year-old for å overta pliktene fylkesmannen har, sier had been taken away from local government in recent dette er absolutt et skritt i riktig retning, sier political hopeful from Balsfjord in Troms, is planning leder i Bergen Høyre, Harald Victor Hove til years, weakening the local democracy. A vote on Sept. utviklingsleder Jan Husa i Oppdal. to run for on the Labor Party’s list for city council of- NRK. 12 will decide. (VG) fice in the fall election. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news february 25, 2011 • 3 News New Ibsen Award This week on Norway.com A voice for the Arctic More pupils receive special education committee named As of fall 2010, more than 50,000 pupils Ambassador Wegger in ordinary primary and secondary schools received special education. This was an in- Strømmen represents crease of 3,400 pupils from the previous Norway at climate school year. A total of 68 per cent of all pupils who received special education were boys. conference in Sante Fe In the school year 2010/11, 43,900 speakers of minority languages received additional training in Norwegian; an increase of 2,300 No r w a y .o r g from the previous school year. Nationwide, about 7 percent of all pupils received this More than 125 participants, including kind of education, but the corresponding fig- businesspeople, employees of non-profits, ure in Oslo county was 24 percent. members of the press and political decision- (Statistics Norway) Photo: Ministry of Culture makers attended the luncheon discussion, From left: Therese Bjørneboe, Hanne Tømta, Out Of The Black... leader Per Boye Hansen and Minister of Culture “The Arctic is Melting and the Deserts are Anniken Huitfeldt. Burning,” Feb. 9 in Santa Fe, N.M. The Under the title “Out Of The Black – Norway event, which has been held once a year for 2000-2010...and beyond,” music news Web Photo: Ida Skeie/Royal Norwegian Embassy site Drowned in Sound now features a great Mi n i s t ry o f Cu l t u r e the past several years, was co-sponsored by new in-depth feature on Norwegian music the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Washing- Strømmen opened the seminar by presenting ton, D.C., Clean Air-Cool Planet and other (2000 – 2010 and beyond), penned by the The new committee of the International an overview of Norwegian climate policy, local environmental organizations. site’s writer Luke Slater. The thorough ar- Ibsen Award was announced by Norwegian highlighting climate challenges in the Arctic ticle covers an impressive list of topics rang- The goal of the seminar is to contribute Minister of Culture Anniken Huitfeldt. and the Norwegian focus on renewable en- ing from the Øya Festival, by:Larm and the to the public climate debate in the U.S., to The new committee will announce a ergy and reducing carbon spill. During his Nordic Music Prize, the Ja Ja Ja events in bring attention to the melting of the Arctic winner of the award every second year in time in Santa Fe, the Ambassador was also London, and last but not least, a wide range and its local and global impact, and to dis- Skien at The International Ibsen Conference. interviewed by a number of local media, of profiles on artists ranging from Susanne cuss Norwegian climate policy. The prize will be handed out during The In- and gave an extensive interview to the Santa Sundfør and Casiokids to a-ha. Writes Slater Norwegian Ambassador Wegger Chr. in the article: “Looking at it from a purely ternational Ibsen Festival at The National CONTINUES PAGE 15 Theatre, Oslo, the following year. musical point of view and ignoring all of “We are very pleased with the new com- those more matter-of-fact economic and mittee, which consists of people with broad Peale furniture to Vesterheim cultural reasons, the position of Norway’s experience and knowledge within theatre music, and interest in what the country has to offer is only going to grow in the next de- and drama,” says Minister of Culture Anni- Donation of 20 pieces cade.” ken Huitfeldt. (MIC Norway) The International Ibsen Award honors of furniture from estate an individual, institution or organization that of wife of Guideposts Norwegian social media task visits has brought new artistic dimensions to the Washington world of drama or theater. The new members founder Norman A Norwegian interdepartmental task force of the committee are: Vincent Peale on social media visited Washington, D.C. • Per Boye Hansen (leader): Former last week. The visit was concluded with a director of Komische Oper, Berlin, talk with Secretary of State Hillary Clin- and present leader of Bergen Inter- Ve s t e r h e i m No r w e g i a n -Am e r i c a n Mu s e u m ton’s senior advisor for innovation, Mr. national Festival. Alec Ross. During their week in Washington • Therese Bjørneboe: Norwegian the- Thanks to a generous donation from D.C., the group attended a two day seminar, atre critic and editor of Norway´s museum trustee Dan Huebner of Decorah, and visited institutions such as the United only theatre magazine, Norsk Iowa, a gift of over 20 exceptional pieces States Department of Health and Human Shakespeare og teatertidsskrift. of Norwegian furniture from the estate of Services, the Federal Emergency Manage- • Sir Brian McMaster: Former leader Ruth Stafford Peale, wife of Norman Vin- ment Agency, and also met with a number of the Edinburgh International Fes- of significant people and institutions in the cent Peale, has arrived safely at Vesterheim tival. social media field. The Norwegian “Inter- Norwegian-American Museum. Photo: Vesterheim • Christiane Schneider: Former artis- Dan Huebner, Vesterheim trustee, and Jennifer departemental Task Force on Social Media” The pieces include cupboards, kubbes- tic director of the Münchener Kam- Kovarik, Vesterheim Registrar. is a group created on request from informa- toler (Norwegian log chairs), and a large merspiele. Since the 2010 – 2011 tion managers in the different ministries, as- standing clock. Some date back to the 1700s. season, director of artistic planning the Peales’ New York home and the efforts signed to explore the use of social media in The estate gift has been in the making since at the Münchener Kammerspiele. of several Vesterheim curatorial staff, Dr. governmental work. the late 1960s, when then Executive Director • Hanne Tømta: Theatre director and Eugene Nordby of Madison, Wis., Darrell (Royal Norwegian Embassy) Marion Nelson contacted Mrs. Peale. Over Henning of Decorah, Iowa, and Dan Hueb- CONTINUES PAGE 15 the years it has involved multiple visits to CONTINUES PAGE 5

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • february 25, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (February 21, 2011) Bringing aquaculture on land

Norsk Kr. 5.6781 NIRI makes land-based aquaculture a viable Dansk Kr. 5.4501 option with biofuel benefits Svensk Kr. 6.4199 Canadian $ 0.9838 Euro 0.7311 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

Norwegian Commercial Club seattle, washington March 10: Guest speaker: Karl Johan Uri From the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, Uri will talk about the business of promoting Alaska seafood around the globe. Menu: Baked cod, boiled potatoes, broccoli, yellow pea soup, dessert

March 24: Guest Speaker: Stein Kruse Stein Kruse, President and CEO of Holland America Line, shares the latest developments in Seattle-Alaska Photo: CH/Innovation Norway cruising. Ra s m u s Fa l c k Menu: Soused beef, Jansson’s Temptation potatoes, carrots, salad, Oslo, Norway dessert The value of Norwegian seafood exports salmon” with a very attractive external ap- 6 p.m. at Leif Erikson Lodge, located at 2245 NW 57th Street, Seattle, increased by 20 percent last year to a record pearance. The NIRI production technology WA 98107. To purchase tickets (dinner included) contact Ozzie NOK 53.8 billion (approximately USD 9.5 will mean: Resolving modern requirements Kvithammer at Viking Bank (206) 297-4254. billion). High salmon prices and increased on fish health and welfare. On the Sunday quotas for wild fish is the main reason for evening news recently, TV2 had a story that supporting local norwegian bu siness since 1932 the increase. they called “Norwegian Technology will Still there is room for innovation. Some make Ireland Kings of Fish Farming.” They time ago one could read on the Internet about broadcasted that Norwegian NIRI may be Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU a Norwegian entrepreneur looking for com- facing a breakthrough in land-based aquacul- panies or persons involved in bio-prospecting ture. And it happens in Ireland because the Independent Insurance Broker of aquacultural and natural marine resources. Norwegian authorities said no to the project. Long-Term Health Care The entrepreneur was Arve Gravdal, and his Ireland envisions a major development in Serving individuals and corporations company NIRI had developed a new tech- aquaculture, and are interested in new tech- nology that allows for simple and economic nology. The crisis hit country is going to cre- Call me or visit my website: operation of land based salmon farming. ate new jobs. This is one of the projects that www.obergltc.com A recent report published by the Interna- can have a good future in Ireland. (206)362-5913 tional Research Institute of had So far, one of the biggest complaints 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 examined the economic potential of NIRI’s against land-based farming has been the land-based technology in Poland. The re- handling of sledge and other waste. This Proud to bring you the port concluded that it is possible to produce project will gather up everything and use it Norwegian American Weekly salmon at lower cost at such facility, close to as raw materials in a biofuel plant. Calcula- the markets. More than NOK 50 million has tions show that the waste from 20,000 tons been spent on full-scale trials of the technol- of farmed fish can provide electricity to pow- ogy with salmon have been carried out suc- er 4,000 homes. Seafood industry combined cessfully several times in Norway. with power should give higher earnings. The A complete fish generation was reared authorities in Ireland will invest 40 percent from smolt to final harvesting. A veterinarian of the risk capital to get started. report described the fish as being “like wild Business News & Notes Norway’s top investors: E.U. and U.S. “Climate change is a risk factor that all long At the end of 2009, the stock of foreign di- term investors should take into account when rect investment in Norway amounted to NOK formulating their investment strategy. Norway 848 billion; an increase of 7.7 percent from has therefore taken a leading role in this exten- the previous year. Norwegian direct invest- sive research project. We are pleased that the ment abroad amounted to NOK 944 billion; report is now ready, and we will study the rec- an increase of 1.4 percent. The geographical ommendations carefully,’’ says State Secretary breakdown of both inward and outward direct Hilde Singsaas. investment shows that E.U. countries and the (Ministry of Finance) U.S. are predominant. Close to 75 percent of foreign direct investment in Norway was from New aluminium project in Qatar these countries. Fifty-nine percent of all Nor- A research project on aluminium production wegian direct investment abroad took place in in Qatar has been launched by the Materials E.U. countries, 11 percent in the U.S. and 10 Technology Unit (MTU) at the Qatar Univer- percent in Singapore. sity, the Norwegian University of Science and I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. (Statistics Norway) Technology (NTNU), the Qatalum aluminium Scott F. Peterson company and Hydro. Hydro has supported the (206) 783-2195 Report on climate and capital return Qatar University by funding Professor Halvor Kvande, a former Hydro researcher, to teach 1713 NW Market St. The consulting company Mercer recently pre- young students about aluminium electrolysis. Seattle sented a report on long-term consequences of [email protected] climate change on the global capital markets. The further plan is to establish R&D projects The Norwegian Ministry of Finance entered at the university in Qatar related to aluminium Come and compare your policy with one from Allstate. into a contract with Mercer about such a study electrolysis and anode production to support in 2009. Thirteen other large investors world- the Qatalum aluminium plant. Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. wide joined the project. (Hydro) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research february 25, 2011 • 5 Research and Education Tracing family roots State genealogical Web site publishes a “treasure chest” of information from Norway’s 1910 census

Al e d -Di l w y n Fi s h e r Views and News from Norway

Data from the 1910 Norwegian census Photo courtesy of Nordic Naturals has recently been published by a new state Photo: genealogi.no Being a family-owned business, Nordic Naturals founder and CEO Joar Opheim, called on his chil- genealogical Web site, making it easier for Norsk Slektshistorisk Foreningen (The Norwe- dren, Ingrid, 13, and Anders, 9, to help with the ribbon-cutting. people to search for and find information on gian Genealogical Society) offers resources on Norwegian relatives – a development de- its Web site www.genealogi.no for genealogical Nordic Naturals... research. (…continued from page 1) interior design also follows suit, with Nor- scribed as a “treasure chest” by newspaper wegian textures and colors offering splashes Aftenposten. of red and blues, while the main scheme when speaking to Aftenposten, “had traveled and the nationally accepted benchmark Tracing family roots has recently be- remains neutral. Stone and woodwork have back and forth to America a total of seven for the design, construction, and operation come trendy in Norway, fueled in part by a been added to represent traditional Norwe- times.” In addition, seafarers serving on ves- of high performance green buildings. The new TV series on Norwegian Broadcasting gian building designs. sels within Norway’s waters were recorded LEED program promotes a whole-building (NRK) that searches the family backgrounds According to Joar Opheim, Nordic Nat- on their respective “ship lists” (which have approach to sustainability by recognizing of various celebrities. Now the task may be urals Founder and CEO, “The inspiration since been lost), with craftsmen also having performance in five key areas of human and simpler: Information on names, dates and for this building is my homeland in Norway, their own register. Mental institutions are not environmental health: sustainable site devel- places of birth, addresses, professions and where environmental responsibility is taken covered by the census, although prisoners opment, water savings, energy efficiency, other biographical markers of the 2.4 mil- very seriously. It has always been a part of are. The NA estimates that only 4,850 indi- materials selection, and indoor environmen- lion people registered in Norway’s popula- Nordic Naturals’ mission to demonstrate our viduals are absent from the archives because tal quality. tion surveys can be accessed for free at the leadership around important issues that af- of lost information. Nordic Naturals’ new headquarters is archive’s Web site (external link). fect the environment, our society, health, and One key issue identified with the cen- targeting a Gold certification and, once the Launched as part of the Digital Archives wellness.” sus is that it comes well before the 1923 certification process is completed, the facil- of the National Archival Services of Norway Nordic Naturals partnered with Ausonio laws on changing names, when names were ity will be the first LEED Gold green build- (NA), the services give invaluable informa- Inc., a design/build construction company in much easier to alter. Yngve Nedrebø of the ing in Santa Cruz County. A ribbon-cutting tion to researchers who previously could only Castroville, who won a prestigious Tilt-Up NA in Bergen, responsible for the digitiza- ceremony took place Feb. 7. rely on far less comprehensive 1900 census Achievement Award for the building. The tion of the archives, illustrates the potential The new headquarters of 118,000 square for data about the turn of the century. project management and interior design was problems with this when looking for Einar feet light industrial building consists of The results have already been digested completed by Interior Light and Design, a Gerhardsen, Norway’s legendary post-war 43,000 square feet of corporate offices with by a number of interested researchers. The company located in Santa Cruz, whose own- prime minister who is often described as the the remaining square feet dedicated to ware- register reveals that, between 1900 and 1910, er is also Norwegian. “father of the fatherland” (Landsfaderen). “If housing and wholesaling. The warehouse life expectancy increased to 55.6 years for Since 1995, Nordic Naturals has been you search for Einar Gerhardsen, you will will initially consist of 44,000 square feet men and 58.4 years for women, and a greater the industry leader in fish oil supplementa- not find him,” Nedrebø told Aftenposten. with the remaining square footage to be com- number of people migrated to cities. tion, setting standards of excellence in the “He was actually called Einar Olsen in 1910, pleted in the second phase of the project. During the same period, around 30 per- areas of purity, freshness, taste, and sustain- the son of Gerhard Olsen.” He later changed The exterior design of the building is cent of the 50,000 Swedes accounted for in ability. Call (800) 662-2544 or visit www. his “Olsen” name to “Gerhardsen.” inspired by Norwegian fishing villages, with 1900 had left Norway, thought to be an effect nordicnaturals.com. of the break-up of the union between the two Since 2002, teams of archivists have multi-gabled facades and strong colors. The countries in 1905. The census also gathered worked to transfer around 2.6 million per- information on 19,000 Norwegians who had sonal entries from 450,000 household re- Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: sponses into a searchable online resource. LEWIS O. TITLAND gone to and returned from the USA. They Certified Public Accountant The 100-year wait for publication can be at- Small businesses were obliged to record more details than the (206)789-5433 Individuals average Norwegian, including their place of tributed to a law passed in Norway in 1907, which forbade the release of personal infor- 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance residence in America. Seattle, WA 98119 One person found in the archives, ac- mation by the state for a century after it was cording to Kristian Hunskaar of the NA gathered. CONTINUES PAGE 11 MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE Peale furniture... a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w (…continued from page 3) furniture remained in Pawling during the intervening years while the estate was being Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, sold, and the Peale family has indicated how ner and his late wife, Bonnie. commercial transactions and estate planning. “The furniture is outstanding, and the happy they are that it has now found a home years of work involved in bringing it to where everyone can enjoy it. Vesterheim have truly been a testament to “Just before Christmas we got word 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 patience and perseverance. I am thrilled that that this significant collection needed to Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 Bonnie and I could play a part in its acquisi- be shipped to Decorah from Pawling, New tion,” Huebner said. York,” Executive Director Steve Johnson ex- Norman Vincent Peale, an American plained, “and Dan Huebner stepped up to the icon and author of “The Power of Positive plate to meet the hefty transportation price- tag of approximately $10,000.” We need your help! Thinking,” and his wife Ruth founded The Guideposts Foundation in 1945. The couple “Everything arrived safe and sound ear- Did you or someone you know migrate as a young woman from the Agder lier this month and our Registrar, Jennifer was close friends with Charles Ulrick Bay, counties (Sørlandet) to New York in the time span 1946 to 1965? Kovarik, is in the process of photographing, U.S. Ambassador to Norway during 1946 Siv Ringdal, author of “Det amerikanske Lista” and “Lapskaus Boulevard,” –1953, and his wife Josephine Bay Paul, who cataloging, and creating condition reports on the pieces,” Johnson added. is conducting field research in New York in April and May, and would like to originally purchased the pieces in Norway. meet with people from this demographic. The Peales later acquired the fully-furnished The furniture will be featured in a spe- Bay estate in Pawling, N.Y., and so the piec- cial exhibition in the Hong Gallery on the es came to be in their possession. third floor of the museum’s Main Building Please contact Siv to be a part of this project! beginning Sept. 22. Norman Vincent Peale died in 1993 and Email: [email protected] – Phone: +47 977 04 873 Ruth Stafford Peale passed away in 2008, For more information, visit www.vester- Mail: Siv Ringdal, Pastor Fangens vei 20 B, 0854 Oslo, NORWAY leaving the furniture to Vesterheim. The heim.org or call (563) 382-9681. 6 • february 25, 2011 norwegian american weekly opinion oil spill… An opinion column about current issues in Norway (…continued from page 1) Join the conversation! oil was washing up on the island of Akerøya On the EDGE and by Feb. 19 it had crossed the to the Talkin’ bout revolutions and cross-country skiing islands of Hvasser and Tjøme. Emergency workers were finding increasing numbers of By , leader of the seabirds covered with oil, and dead. The 17,000-dwt cargo vessel spilled oil One of the most popular Norwegian so-called “Janteloven” (Jante Law), which agenda. in an area that borders the new Outer Oslo expressions is the question: Hvor var du da is a term to negatively describe an attitude Democratic elections must take place, Fjord National Park. The coast guard ef- Oddvar Brå brakk staven? Or as you would towards individuality and success claimed but let’s remember that mass elections are fort was declared an official “state action,” ask in English: “Where were you when Odd- to be common in Scandinavia, punishing not all it takes. As Fareed Zakaria has noted: bringing much-needed emergency personnel var Brå broke his ski pole?” The expression those who stand out as achievers. In short Countries that try to simply adopt elections along with the ongoing recovery efforts. became known after a breathtaking finish in the message is: “Don’t think you’re anyone without laying preceding conditions includ- Nils Petter Andersen of Trafikksentralen the cross-country relay at the 1982 FIS Nor- special or that you’re better than us.” Sad to ing protection of liberty and the rule of law, in nearby Horten told Norwegian Broadcast- dic World Ski Championships, where he say, the Jante Law is still visible from time end up creating not “liberal” democracy but ing (NRK) that the cause of the grounding ended up winning gold medal for Norway, to time, even in sports. I have a dream that illiberal democracy. was unknown, suggesting that a commission although shared with the Soviet Union. It one day we can proudly announce that the We don’t know yet whether what took was required to investigate the issue. He did was a magic moment, not only for us Nor- Jante Law is abolished. place at the Tahrir Square in Cairo will not know how the vessel had gone off course wegians, but for sports-interested people in While we’re busy preparing Oslo and lead to a result inspired by what happened half-a-nautical mile before it grounded, and general. Norway for a great ski championship free in Berlin in 1989, or by what happened in confirmed that the pilot had left the ship a Now we’re only days away from a new from the Jante Law, people are busy in Tehran 10 years earlier. Let’s hope that the short while before the accident. Andersen Nordic World Ski Championships, and Oslo the Middle East organizing revolutions. people of Egypt turn their faces to Berlin stressed that this was “not unusual” if the is again the proud host city for the competi- Enough was enough and the people took instead of Teheran. If they chose the “Ber- captain was “well familiarized” with the tion. In my view, we have a lot to learn from to the streets. We salute the steps towards a lin way,” we could be asking ourselves in area, and it did not constitute a violation of the sports arena. Competition is in the sports new political reality for Egypt, Tunisia and twenty years this question: Where were you rules or regulations. world regarded as necessary, positive and the other countries in the area. The march when the Egyptians stood up for freedom at It was unknown exactly how much oil valuable. Why can’t we feel the same about towards freedom cannot be stopped, and in the Tahrir Square? was on board the ship, built in 1995, but es- competition in arenas other than sports? the last 30 years we’ve seen that the number timates were as much as 800 tons. Oil was A situation where there’s only one of free countries (according to the analysis Siv Jensen is the leaking from two tanks that can contain 250 player in the game is comparable to a mo- by Freedom House) has been doubled. That Leader of the Progress tons each on both sides of the ship, which nopoly. A monopoly is when one cross- is of course great news. The problem is that Party (Fremskrittspar- currently sits lopsided where it ran aground. country skier is all alone in the track. The the people living in the Middle East and Af- tiet) and also the parlia- The leak was halted by Friday evening, skier turns his head and sees no one behind rica have not marched in this direction, but mentary leader for the but damage was already done. Clean-up him. He turns his eyes forward, and sees no in some instances chosen the opposite. Progress Party`s group crews were finding “more and more” oil one. The clock is ticking, but why should We don’t know where the revolution in the (The Nor- around the island of Sandøy off Hvasser, and he bother? The skier is alone and will win of Egypt will take us. The people of Egypt wegian Parliament). The classical liberal a slick was observed from Verdens Ende at anyway. We need to introduce competi- deserve freedom and they deserve politi- (libertarian-conservative) Progress Party is the southern tip of Tjøme extending south to tion among providers of welfare services, cal leaders that respect universal human the second largest party in Norway and the the Svenner lighthouse outside Larvik. The because schools and hospitals are too im- rights. A vibrant political force in Egypt is leading opposition party. Ms. Jensen has oil was being carried by the currents, and portant to monopolize. Competition usually the Muslim Brotherhood, and if the revo- been elected member of the Storting since Swedish vessels were aiding in the clean-up brings out the best in people, and I can’t lution results in a political take-over from 1997, representing the district of Oslo. Ms. efforts. Coast guard officials told NRK the understand why this should not be true for Islamists such as them, the people of Egypt Jensen is member of the Standing Com- spill was, however, “under control” by Sat- arenas other than sports also. most probably won’t have neither freedom mittee on Foreign Affairs and Defense and urday evening. In 1933 the Danish-Norwegian au- nor respect for their basic human rights, member of the Enlarged Foreign Affairs The vessel, registered in Antigua and thor Aksel Sandemose gave birth to the because that’s not a part of the Islamists’ Committee. Barbuda, is owned by Icelandic firm Eim- skip, and was on its way from Fredikstad to The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. Helsingborg in , with a further route taking it to Denmark, the Faroe Islands and finally Iceland. The coast guard put out a se- The relief efforts were aided by good mental disaster in the area, and believes that no signs that he was under the influence of ries of booms around the area to contain the weather and relatively calm waters, expected a recovery effort will be made difficult by alcohol. spill. Norwegian and Swedish authorities are to last for the coming days. Early observa- the generally harsh winter conditions and This latest oil spill comes just weeks af- cooperating, with the Swedish coast guard tions showed that the oil was leaking out to- lack of suitable equipment to mitigate any ter an accident off Karmøy, near Haugesund operating surveillance flights to monitor the wards the sea and away from land, with a 2.5 problems. He called for stricter rules on sea in southwest Norway, which saw hundreds situation and preparing to deploy a further nautical mile slick seen moving south and traffic in the environmentally sensitive area, of thousands of liters of diesel leak into the layer of booms. southwest with the direction of prevailing although a former ship pilot speaking to surrounding waters. Speaking on the relief effort, coast guard winds and currents. Later reports from NRK, NRK suggested that the region was not espe- Norway’s oil spill preparedness has been captain Pål Bustgaard told the website f-b. however, suggested that the slick was turning cially difficult to navigate. called “shameful” in the wake of the 2009 no that “this is an oil catastrophe. The oil northward and inwards towards land, which Two government ministers traveled to grounding of a Chinese tanker off Telemark. slick continues to widen out. And it is fright- could threaten the area of Vestfold, lying on the scene of the grounded ship Friday after- The resulting spill fouled the coast south to ening that this happens in the middle of a na- the western edge of Oslo Fjord. The Norwe- noon and said measures would be considered Kristiansand, including bird and nature pre- tional park.” He added that there was more gian coast guard confirmed oil was washing to redirect ship traffic in the area, away from serves. oil being observed than originally estimated. up on the island of Akerøya by midday. the national park area. NRK reported that the This article is reprinted with permission Hvaler is also a popular recreational area in The leader of Green Warriors in Norway vessel’s captain had admitted a navigational from Oslo-based news service Views and the summer, dotted with holiday cabins and (Norges Miljøvernforbund), Kurt Oddekalv, error but it remained unclear how he could News from Norway. Visit www.newsineng- marinas. told NRK that he fears a serious environ- have erred so badly. Routine tests showed lish.no for more stories. SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle norwegian american weekly february 25, 2011 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Published since May 17, 1889 Letters to the Editor 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, His mother, Lea Salomon, was daugh- Sincerely, CEO and Executive Director, NAF It was shocking to read that NAV, the ter of a liberal and illustrious Jewish family. Camilla Haugen Cai Kim Nesselquist [email protected] Norwegian Labor and Welfare Adminis- Her own mother was an Orthodox Jew, and Professor emerita of Music History Managing Editor tration, erroneously paid the pension of a she was the granddaughter of Daniel Itzig. Kenyon College Christy Olsen Field [email protected] 77-year-old man to an 18-year-old for eight By Jewish religious tradition, as well as by Farmington, Maine Assistant Layout Editor months, then expected the retired man to ethnic group, Mendelssohn was born a Jew Harry Svenkerud [email protected] straighten out the mess (article published in in 1809. His parents chose to have their chil- Advertising & Subscriptions the Feb. 11 issue of the Norwegian American dren baptized into Lutheranism only in 1816 Dear Editor, Weekly). and Felix was then given two additional My name is Kristin Tangstrøm and I (206) 441-3044 [email protected] However I probably should not have names, Jakob Ludwig. work for Nordisk Film TV in Norway. We Contributing Editors been surprised after my own 11-month od- Lea, Felix’s mother, did not have the sur- are producing a brand new TV series about yssey to return a payment made to my hus- name Bartholdy, and she did not convert to Norwegian-Americans looking for love, and Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. band after his death. Apparently NAV does Lutheranism until 1822. The last name Bar- we are looking for Norwegian-Americans Carla Danziger McLean, Va. not discriminate: The agency treats those in tholdy was added to Felix’s name in 1822 and who are single and would like to date men Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Norway as badly as it does pensioners who chosen only because his uncle, Lea’s brother and women from Norway. Marit Fosse geneva, live elsewhere. Jakob Salomon, had, at his conversion, taken In March, we will have three casting Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. that particular Protestant farm name. Felix calls to search for the perfect participants for Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Sincerely, and his sister Fanny both indicate in their let- our show: Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Shelby Gilje ters that they did not much like the addition • Minneapolis: March 9 – 12 Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. Seattle, Wash. of the Bartholdy name. However, they both • Seattle: March 13 – 16 Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. embraced the Lutheran faith. • San Francisco: March 17 – 19 Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. There are many recent books that ex- Check out our Web site for more infor- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. plain the complexity of religious and politi- mation at www.norwaycasting.com. Please Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Dear Editor, cal allegiances in Germany in the early 19th contact me with any questions at kristin. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. The article on “Remembering Reidar” century. It is important to know the historical [email protected] or call my David Moe Juneau, Alaska drew a letter to the editor from K.W. Rood facts because the religious and social issues mobile phone at +47 98 26 35 45. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Bill Osmundsen Milton, N.H. (printed Feb. 11) stating that the composer they represent are still being played out on Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. Felix Mendelssohn’s mother was the daugh- the international political scene today. Nor- Sincerely, John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. ter of a Lutheran pastor and therefore not way, Germany, along with the rest of us, Kristin Tangstrøm Kjell Olav Strømsli , Norway Jewish. That fact must be corrected. struggle with these issues daily. Nordisk Film TV Julie Whipple Portland, Ore. Beate Ørbeck Oslo, Norway

CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right FromFrom the journalthe journal of of not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. Amundsen • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian South Pole Expedition Centennial American Weekly, and our publication of those views is 1911 – 2011 not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published 25 februar – lørdag weekly except the first week of the calendar year, Avste kl 6.50 fmd. Stille å klart –25°C. Føre var tonkt i bejynnelsen, menn jikk the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • snart fra trå fok overtill hår skare å da fikk vi fartt på. Komm ve middagstid till mærke. Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. Passerte senere å tok me oss flagg no 7. Senere har vi fulkt tørfisken. Den har været NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription meget nytti. Stoppet kl 3 emd. Dist –18.5 Temp –25°C. Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. February 25 – Saturday SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Set out at 6.50 a.m. Still and clear. –25°C. The going was heavy to begin with but Formerly Norway Times Western Viking & Washington Posten soon changed from heavy snowdrift to hard crust and then we got up speed. Came to the marker at midday. Passed later and took flag no. 7 with us. Later we have followed the Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- dried fish. It has been very useful. Stopped at 3 p.m. Distance 18.5.Temp – 25°C. Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven

Brought to you by the Fram Museum NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • february 25, 2011 norwegian american weekly taste of norway Celebrate Fastelavn with a sweet feast Traditional Norwegian fastelavnsboller makes a sweet treat for kids of all ages

Com p i l e d b y Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor

Fastelavn is the name for Carnival in Denmark and Norway, which is celebrated the Sunday before Ash Wednesday (this year’s Fastelavn is March 6). Fastelavn evolved from the Roman Catholic tradition of celebrating in the days before Lent, but after the Nordic countries became Protes- tant, the holiday became less specifically religious. This holiday occurs seven weeks before Easter Sunday and is sometimes de- scribed as a Nordic Halloween, with children dressing up in costumes and gathering treats for the Fastelavn feast. The holiday is gen- erally considered to be a time for children’s Photo: NRK fun and family games. The rich fastelavnsboller are a popular tradition for Fastelavnssøndag, which is celebrated on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday. Indulgence is the key word for Faste- lavn, eating rich foods and meat before the 40-day fast of Lent. The most common treat bottom of the barrel (making all the candy for Fastelavn is the fastelavnsboller (Faste- spill out) becomes kattedronning (“queen Fastelavnsboller lavn buns), which are buns filled with sweet of cats”); the one who knocks down the Fastelavns Buns whipped cream covered with icing or sprin- last piece of the barrel becomes kattekonge kled with powdered sugar. (“king of cats”). Another popular custom among children is the fastelavnsris, which Traditional events in Denmark include 3 envelopes instant yeast 1/2 tsp ground cardamom is a bundle of birch twigs decorated with “slå katten af tønden” (hit the cat out of the 1 cup warm milk (110°F/45°C) 4 cups all-purpose flour, or as needed colorful feathers or crepe paper (see picture barrel), which is somewhat similar to using 1/2 cup melted butter 1 cup whipping cream below). On Fastelavn, it is the children’s a piñata. The Danes use a wooden barrel, 3 eggs 1 tsp vanilla extract special right to “flog” their parents with the which is full of candy and oranges and has 1/2 tsp salt 2 tsp powdered sugar fastelavnsris, and the reward given for the the image of a cat on it. Historically there 2 tsp white sugar was a real black cat in the barrel, and beating flogging would be a fastelavnsbolle. the barrel was superstitiously considered a Do you celebrate Fastelavn? Share your Dissolve yeast in the warm milk in a small bowl; allow to stand for a few minutes until safeguard against evil. After the candy pours favorite traditions with us! Write to Letter to it becomes foamy. Whisk together the butter, 2 eggs, salt, 2 tsp sugar, and yeast mixture until out, the game continues until the entire bar- the Editor, 7301 5th Ave NE Suite A, Seattle, the sugar has dissolved. Stir in flour to form a smooth dough. Cover with a cloth and allow rel is broken. The one who knocks down the WA 98115, or email [email protected]. to rise in a warm place until doubled in bulk, about 30 minutes. Beat remaining egg in a separate bowl. Preheat oven to 425°F (220°C), and line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Punch down the dough, and divide it into two pieces. Roll each piece into a 12 x 12 inch square, and cut each square into 9 equal pieces about 4 inches on a side. If you desire filled fastelavns- boller, place 1 Tbsp of almond paste into the center of each piece, and fold a corner across over the filling. Fold the opposite corner across and seal the corners over the filling. Fold the NORDIC DELICACIES two remaining corners across the filling and seal to make a tidy packet enclosing the filling. “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!” Otherwise, roll the dough into individual balls. Place the buns, folded sides down, on the prepared baking sheets, and brush each bun with beaten egg. Bake in the preheated oven for 6909 ird Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 15 minutes, until the buns are golden brown, and let cool. Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 Beat the cream and vanilla in a chilled bowl with a whisk or an electric mixer just until www.nordicdeli.com they hold a loose peak. Lift the beater from the cream and look at the shape of the peak at the end of the whisk; it should hold a lazy curve. Sift the sugar over the cream and continue to beat just until it holds a soft peak. Take care not to over-beat the cream or it will be look curdy. Split the bun, and fill with cream. Dust with powdered sugar to finish. Be our fan on Facebook! ~ Recipe adapted from Allrecipes.com and Tine.no Share your ideas and comments with us, and join the conversation with other readers of the Norwegian American Weekly!

Photo: S. Drevsjø ©

Take a ... or go whitewaterHiKEHiKE HiKErafting or on a historical journey or on a boat... tour The Oslo International Summer School at the encourages you to supplement your academic experience with the great outdoors. For more info: (800) 639-0058 • [email protected] • www.summerschool.uio.no norwegian american weekly february 25, 2011 • 9 Travel Drama and beauty of Trollstigen

The Trollstigen mountain road is one of Norway’s most dramatic and most visited attractions. Photo: Terje Borud/Innovation Norway

Vi s i t No r w a y

The Trollstigen mountain road is one of cle, skis, glacier equipment, binoculars and May to sometime in October, depending on hours from Trondheim. From Oslo you drive Norway’s most dramatic and most visited at- camera, and you will have great experiences, when the snow arrives and when it melts. up Gudbrandsdalen to Dombås, then down tractions. and memories to last a lifetime. Trollstigen and Romsdal can reached by Lesja and Romsdal to Åndalsnes. From Trollstigen is located approximately 15 Short walks to the two viewpoints with car, taking about six hours from Oslo or four CONTINUES PAGE 15 kilometers south of Åndalsnes in the county great views over Trollstigen, the Isterdalen of Møre og Romsdal, north in Fjord Norway. Valley, the surrounding mountains and wa- The road is part of RV 63 in in Roms- terfalls, and Åndalsnes by the Romsdals- dal, Møre og Romsdal. The road connects fjord. This is a “must” for anyone visiting A Piece of Norway in America Åndalsnes and Romsdal with Valldal and Trollstigen. Sunnmøre. It was opened July 31, 1936, by For centuries, the old Kløvstien Track King Haakon VII. The road took eight years has been an important link between Roms- to build, and today the road is an excellent dalen and Sunnmøre before Trollstigen was example of the art of engineering and con- opened in 1936. The two-hour walk up the struction. Kløvstien Track begins in thick woodland, Trollstigen has a steep incline of nine before opening out into impressive and wild percent and consists of 11 hairpin bends up views towards the mountains and the Stigfos- a steep mountainside. Encircling the road are sen Waterfall. Some parts are steep, but they lofty mountains, and names such as Kongen are well-secured. Nevertheless, the walk is (the King), Dronningen (the Queen) and not recommended for small children. Bispen (the Bishop) confirm their majesty. Hiking from Trollstigen to Bruraskaret Stigfossen waterfall gushes down the at the edge of Trollveggen (the Troll Wall, mountainside towards the luscious Isterdalen 1,800 meters above sea level). The landscape Valley. In the middle of all this, the Trollsti- is mighty and impressive, with a 1,000 me- gen mountain road winds its way up to Sti- ters vertical drop at the edge of Trollveggen. grøra (858 meters above sea level). It can be difficult to see the path on parts of Trollstigen is more than just the famous the walk, and it is recommended to use a lo- winding stretch of road. There are numerous cal guide (eight to 12-hour hike). Snowflake Ski Jumping Tournament possibilities for experiences and activities The six-kilometer long Trollstigen Westby, Wisconsin near Trollstigen. Bring hiking shoes, a bicy- Mountain Road is normally open from mid- The Little Viking Gift Shoppe Ski enthusiasts founded the annual Snowflake Ski Jumping Tournament, which took a touch of Scandinavia in southern California placed Feb. 4 – 6, in this Norwegian-American valley 88 years ago. “For about 30 years, Walter and Louise Hanson have attended the event, and my husband Bill and I Come see our new shop in Temecula! joined in three years ago... This is definitely our favorite piece of Norway in America!” writes reader Sandy Horlitz. Submitted by Louise Hanson of Rochester, Minn. Fine gifts and collectibles, cooking supplies, clothing, and more! Share your favorite piece of Norway in America! Seaport Village • 817 West Harbor Dr. (619) 232-7160 • (951) 676-6800 Old Town • 28480 C Old Town Front St. Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] San Diego, CA 92101 www.thelittleviking.com Temecula, CA 92590 10 • february 25, 2011 norwegian american weekly roots & connections

A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch

Norway’s 7-year-old princess Walt Disney and fairy tales have made many princesses famous. Have you heard of Cinderella, Snow White, read together Princessor Ariel? Norway has their own crown Ingrid Alexandra princess, and she turned seven years Princess Märtha Louise wrote a picture book in old on Jan. 21. People call her Her 2004 about her grandfather, King Olav V. When he Royal Highness the Princess Ingrid was a little boy, Olav got into trouble because he dam- Alexandra, and someday she may be aged his crown while building a snowman. After his the queen. parents lose theirs when out skiing, they all learn that A long time ago only boys could who you are is more important than what you wear. rule the country. Now the law has “Why Kings and Queens Don’t Wear Crowns” changed and it is the oldest child that Written by Princess Märtha Louise and illus- becomes the king or queen and not trated by Svein Nyhus. Published by Publications In- the oldest boy. Ingrid Alexandra will ternational, 2005 (English version). Check your local be the first royal to follow this law. Scandinavian store or online for availability. Even a princess has to go to school, and when Ingrid Alexandra started 1st this year her mom Tornerose:

Photo: The Royal Court Photo: and dad, grandma and grandpa (who happens to be the king) walked with The story of Sleeping Beauty her in the rain to her neighborhood school. She was just Tornerose is the story of Sleeping Beauty. She lives in a big high tower, just like the like any other ordinary kid with her backpack, new white tennis shoes and umbrella. Since one you can make yourself! The song is fun to sing and act out, and is very popular with she will start learning English this year, maybe it is time for you to learn a little Norwegian. children in Norway. Here are both the Norwegian and the English versions. Here are ten new words to get you started. Tornerose var et vakkert barn There was a princess long ago Vakkert barn, vakkert barn Long ago, long ago Tornerose var et vakkert barn, There was a princess long ago Word Match vakkert barn Long ago Match the Norwegian word with the English one. Answers on page 11. Hun bodde i det høye slott She lived up in a big high tower School Friminutt Høye slott, høye slott Big high tower, big high tower Backpack Skole Hun bodde i det høye slott, She lived up in big a high tower høye slott Long ago Umbrella Bok Så kom den onde fe der inn A wicked fairy waved her wand Teacher Dronning Fe der inn, fe der inn Waved her wand, waved her wand Student Ryggsekk Så kom den onde fe der inn, A wicked fairy waved her wand fe der inn Long ago Castle Paraply Hun stakk Tornerose med sin ten, The princess slept one hundred years King Slott Med sin teten, med sin ten. Hundred years, hundred years Queen Elev Hun stakk Tornerose med sin ten, The princess slept one hundred years Med sin ten. Long ago Recess Konge Tornerose sov i hundre år A great big forest grew around Book Lærer Hundre år, hundre år Grew around, grew around Tornerose sov i hundre år, A great big forest grew around hundre år Long ago

Build Your Og hekken vokste kjempehøy A handsome prince came riding by Kjempehøy, kjempehøy Riding by, riding by Og hekken vokste kjempehøy, A handsome prince came riding by Own Castle kjempehøy Long ago Materials: Så kom den vakre prins der inn He chopped the trees down one by one Four toilet paper tubes Prins der inn, prins der inn One by one, one by one Empty milk carton or a cereal box Så kom den vakre prins der inn, He chopped the trees down one by one Paint, colored paper, tissue paper, tinfoil, prins der inn Long ago crayons to decorate Glue Tornerose må ei sove mer He took the princess by the hand Tape Ei sove mer, sove mer By the hand, by the hand Scissors Tornerose må ei sove mer, He took the princess by the hand sove mer Long ago Cut the top off the milk carton OR cut the cereal box apart, saving the two largest Og prinsen danser med sin brud So everybody’s happy now sides; cut those in two the long way (see Med sin brud med sin brud Happy now, happy now picture). Make two slits in the toilet paper Photo: Heidi Håvan Grosch Og prinsen danser med sin brud, So everybody’s happy now rolls, about 1 ½ inches long at right angles. med sin brud Happy now! If using a cereal box, tape the sides together to make a rectangle. It works best if you lay the four sections flat on a table, tape them together and then stand the hinged sections up to tape Og all hjerter gleder seg To hear the tune: downloads.bbc.co.uk/ the last two sides. Place the four cut toilet paper rolls on the top of the rectangle as turrets. Gleder seg, gleder seg cbeebies/tikkabilla/swf/princess.swf Decorate as you see fit! Glue on paper, paint, color – it is your castle and you are the prince Og alle hjerter gleder seg, or princess! gleder seg norwegian american weekly february 25, 2011 • 11 Obituaries & Religion

Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church In Loving Memory Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Scandinavians and others who are interested in the wonderful language, culture and people of Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge. Norway. We welcome you to our warm and friendly family of members. Please visit us soon and help support this Norwegian tradition. Pastor: Sigurd Grindheim. Gerhard John “Gerry” Isaksen February 2, 1927 – February 16, 2011 March 2011

Gerhard John Gerry was very proud of his Norwegian March 6 Norwegian service/Communion 11 a.m. Isaksen, 84, passed heritage and was a loyal member of the Sons away Wednesday, of Norway and served as past president of March 10 Ladies’ and Men’s Aide Meeting 12 p.m. Feb. 16, 2011, at the both the Gulfstream Lodge in Florida and the Veterans Home and Hartford Lodge in Connecticut. For over 50 March 13 Norwegian service 11 a.m. Hospital in Rocky years, Gerry was active in scouting, having Hill, Conn., with his received the Order of the Arrow and a Sil- March 20 Norwegian Service/English sermon 11 a.m. loving companion of ver Beaver Award among other distinctions; March 27 English Service/Communion, 11 a.m. 22 years, Ethel M. he truly enjoyed sharing his enthusiasm for Fowler of Niantic, scouting with his scouts. Conn., by his side. He enjoyed wood carving and was a Gerhard John Isaksen was born Feb. 2, member of the Mystic Carvers Club, was a 1927, in the Bay Ridge section of Brooklyn, life member of both the Westbrook Loyal Or- Funeral Home N.Y., the son of the late Gerhard Isaksen and der of Elks in Westbrook and the American Sigrid (Lervik) Isaksen. He attended public Legion of Marlborough and Niantic, Conn. SOlie and Crematory schools and Fort Hamilton High School in Gerry is survived by his brother, Roy Honoring • Caring • Serving Brooklyn and enlisted in the U.S. Navy after Isaksen of Hampstead, N.C.; three sons, Full Service Agency With Experienced graduating high school, serving as a gunner’s Stephen Robert, Eric John, and David Ger- 3301 Colby Ave. Everett,Norwegian WA Speaking 98201 Consultants! (425) 252-5159 mate in the Pacific Theater during World War hard Isaksen, all of Staten Island, N.Y.; four Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! II. Following his honorable discharge from grandchildren and a great-grandson. He also information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! the U.S. Navy, he returned to Brooklyn where leaves a devoted friend, companion, and Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , he received a management degree from New partner, Ethel M. Fowler of Niantic, Conn. VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n York University. Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Russell Myron Gilbertson Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) 979-6641 January 22, 1923 - February 1, 2011 LUNDE [email protected] ELECTRONICS, INC. [email protected] Russell Myron with which they criss-crossed the U.S. dur- Sales and Service Gilbertson, age 88, ing their retirement years. went to be with his Russ was also a very dedicated husband, Lord and Savior on dad, and Grampa. That meant coaching little Feb. 1, 2011, at in league baseball, driving the family car on Prosser, Wash. He ski outings even though he didn’t ski, and and his identical being the number 1 fan of his kids, nieces, Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK twin, Robert, were nephews, and grandkids. Full of faith and phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 born Jan. 22, 1923, love, Russ was a kind and gentle man who fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 in Fairfield, Mont., to touched many lives with a word of encour- Andy and Myrtle C. agement or a thoughtful action. He will be (Ness) Gilbertson. Their father, Andy died missed by family and friends of all ages. in 1928. Myrtle married Arley Hanson and Russ is survived by daughter Kathy (Al) [email protected] two more boys, Vern and Merle were added Woodard of Ft. Atkinson, Wis.; son Andy (K. 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 to the family. J.) Gilbertson of Prosser, Wash.; grandchil- Russ served in the U.S. Navy during dren, Stacy (Josh) Osley, Bryce (Lorie Bal- World War II and was called back to active tes) Woodard, Nathan (Christine) Gilbertson, We use social media. Do you? duty during the Korean War. He also worked Jens Gilbertson, Jorgen (Julie) Gilbertson; for the U.S. government as a heating and re- and four great-grandchildren with a fifth on If so, we’d like to share the latest Thrivent Financial for Lutherans news and event frigeration mechanic at Fort Lawton, Wash., the way. He is also survived by three broth- information with you, and help you connect with other online members. and the VA Hospital in Seattle, Wash., retir- ers, his identical twin, Bob (Edie) Gilbertson Find us on Facebook! Thrivent.com/facebook ing in 1978. of Chelan, Wash., Vern (Marlis) Hanson of Follow us on Twitter! Thrivent.com/twitter In 1944, Russ met Minnie E. “Suzy” Seattle, Wash., and Merle (Audrey) Hanson Join our community at LutheransOnline.com Ivanish and they were married in Malta, of Fresno, Calif. Mont. June 13, 1948. After their marriage, He was preceded in death by his parents they moved to the Seattle area where they and his wife, Suzy, on May 26, 2000. continued to make their home until August A memorial service for Mr. Gilbertson 1999 when they moved to Prosser, Wash.. was held Feb. 12 at Immanuel Lutheran Russ and Suzy loved family get-togeth- Church in Grandview. Private family intern- ers both in Seattle and Montana. They en- ment with military honors was held at the joyed tent camping while the children were Prosser cemetery. growing up and graduated to a travel trailer

genealogy... (…continued from page 5) list” by the mayor or magistrate. Eventually, national statistics based on this fieldwork According to NA’s Web site, the 1910 were published in seven booklets between census was the responsibility of either the 1912 and 1916. mayor (in rural districts) or a magistrate (in Those interested in their Norwegian urban areas). The surveys themselves were family heritage have a number of sources usually undertaken by school teachers, go- for finding further information, including the ing from household to household in order to Norwegian Genealogical Society’s Web site fill out “house lists” or “family lists.” “Area at http://www.genealogi.no. Reprinted with permission from Oslo- lists” were then compiled by each teacher, based news service “Views and News from Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) and finally collected together into a “main Norway. www.newsinenglish.no. 26239F N12-10 201002241 12 • february 25, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style

Style Highlight of the Week Calendar of Events What’s going on in your neighborhood? Take a bite of Norway Norwegian food culture during Oslo 2011 California ner and dance at the Rex Manor, located Scandinavian Heritage Day at 1100 60th Street in Brooklyn, N.Y. Our March 19 featured entertainer for the gala will be the Palm Desert, Calif. famous Norwegian recording artist Bjøro Learn about Scandinavian cultures, music, Håland. Admission: $90 per person. Please genealogy, art and the Vikings at Scandina- join us for this special celebration. Contact vian Heritage Day. Shop venders for food Frank Bolstad at (732) 302-0955 or John and merchandise. Games for the kids, and Petersen at (718) 494-2080. food demonstrations. It is free to the pub- lic. Join us from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Hope Peggy Lee Tribute Church, located at 45-900 Portola Ave in April 3 Palm Desert, Calif. For more information, Brooklyn, N.Y. call (760) 343-0848 or email norsknm@ Join the Scandinavian East Coast Museum earthlink.net. for a tribute to Peggy Lee at Bethlehem Lutheran Church from 3 – 7 p.m. on April Florida 3 (please note date change). This year the Scandinavian East Coast Museum cel- Spring Fest Regatta ebrates the life and work of Peggy Lee, an March 11 – 12 American of Norwegian and Swedish ex- Sarasota, Fla. traction. Admission: $35 per person. Res- Sarasota Sons of Norway Lodge welcomes ervations suggested. Contact Victoria at you to two days of fun and laughter at the (718) 748-5950. Spring Fest Regatta on March 11 – 12. Join us for hospitality time Fri. 5 – 7 p.m. at Hol- Photo: Indrelid Trygve Centennial of Sporting Club Gjøa iday Inn Lakewood Ranch. On Saturday, Norwegian chef Geir Skeie won the prestigious culinary competition Bocuse d’Or in Lyon, France, in April 8 – 10 2009, and is known as one of the world culinary champions. During the Oslo 2011 FIS Nordic World come to Lake Manatee State Park for the Brooklyn, N.Y. Ski Championships, he will open a “pop-up restaurant,” highlighting the best of Norwegian seafood. Viking boat races! Coffee at 9 a.m., race at This year marks the 100th anniversary of 10:30 a.m., and lunch 12 – 2 p.m. At 6 p.m., Sporting Club Gjøa in Brooklyn, N.Y., the festivities conclude at the Holiday Inn which has been a force in competitive soc- with a 6 p.m. banquet, followed by dancing Li n e Gr u n d s t a d Ha n k e cer for many years by providing young and awards! Space limited, so please RSVP Line Grundstad Hanke Interior Design players with a great environment to play right away! For more information, contact great soccer. A weekend of celebration Mary at (941) 371-6132 or maryws337@ During Oslo 2011 – the FIS Nordic Red King Crab – Bugøynes will take place April 8 – 10, and activities verizon.net. World Ski Championships, 55 fine dining (71 degrees North) include an evening of cocktails, a dinner restaurants will highlight the best of Nor- Sterling Halibut – Hjelmeland Illinois dance, and a family barbeque. Tickets are $150 per person for the weekend. For more wegian cuisine with participants and specta- and Nordic Caviar Sause Dinner and Fundraiser for Park information and to purchase tickets, call tors. (Southwest coast) March 5 Karen Diego at (718) 921-6173 or Kathy In the various arenas, fans, athletes and Monk Fish Foie gras Des Plaines, Ill. McArdle at (718) 563-8833. the media will be greeted by the “Eat Nor- (West coast) Scandinavian Park Inc. NFP will present way” logo that signals that Norwegian food Skrei Cod “Bocuse” and black truffles their 8th annual dinner dance and fund- Miss Norway of Greater N.Y. Contest is on the menu. The different restaurants rep- Lofoten (Arctic North coast) raiser for Vasa Park, South Elgin, Ill. Social April 16 resent great variety in their menus and use Pavlova with Norwegian lingonberries, hour begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Des Plaines Brooklyn, N.Y. of ingredients. There are also several ethnic and Valrhona Ivoire Elks Club, followed by dinner at 7:30 p.m. The Norwegian Immigration Association restaurants on the list and these do not offer Chocolate Dome with Norwegian rosehips The theme will be “Scandinavian Delights” presents the 56th annual Miss Norway of Norwegian dishes. Instead, these restaurants and Valrhona Manjari-Tanarive and donation is $45 per person. For reser- Greater New York Contest! This annual will showcase Norwegian ingredients in, for vations and information, call (630) 852- tradition takes place on April 16 at Ar- example, Pakistani, Italian or Asian dishes. Skeie is a chef de cuisine at Mathuset 0598 or send check payable to Scandina- thur Nilsen Banquet Hall at the Norwe- vian Park, Inc. NFP to Jack Grandin, 7011 Geir Skeie, the 2009 winner of the Bo- Midtåsen Solvold in , owned by gian Christian Home and Health Center in cuse d’Or competition and one of Norway’s 1997 Bocuse d’Or bronze medallist Odd Sierra Court, Darien, IL 60561. Visit www. Brooklyn. Miss Norway and her court will vasaparkil.com. most famous chefs, will celebrate Norway’s Ivar Solvold, and has previously worked at be officially recognized at the famous 17th rich traditions with the sea with a “pop-up restaurants Le Canard, Solsiden and Pal- of May Parade in Brooklyn. Contestants restaurant” at the National Museum of Ar- ace Grill in Oslo and at Skarsnuten hotel in Maine must meet the following criteria: Be 17 – chitecture for Oslo 2011. It will be open for Hemsedal. His 2009 victory at the Bocuse “The Life of Arne Brun Lie” lecture 24 years of age, be of Norwegian heritage, only 11 days from Feb. 23 – March 6. Part- d’Or competition secures his place as one March 3 and interest in Norway. Contestants who Falmouth, Maine register by March 1 receive a $10 discount. nering with Hildring Norway, the restaurant of Norway’s best culinary minds. His pop- Hans Christensen, friend of Arne Brun Visit www.niahistory.org. is called “The No. 1 Seafood Experience” up restaurant comes with a hefty price tag Lie, will give a talk about his friend at the and highlights the best of Norwegian sea- for guests: NOK 2900 (approximately USD Maine Nordmenn meeting on March 3 at Washington food with a signature menu. $510) per person, and only 50 guests will be 6:30 p.m. at the Emmaus Lutheran Church Norway Day 2011 admitted each evening. For more informa- in Falmouth, Maine. Lie was a Norwegian- April 16 Appetizers tion about the restaurant, visit www. no1sea- American author and Holocaust survivor Olympia, Wash. Oysters – Handpicked outside Bømlo foodexperience.com. best known for “Night and Fog: A Survi- There’s more to Norway than Lutefisk and (West coast) The goal of the “Norwegian food dur- vor’s Story.” Admission is free, and all are Lefse! Join us for Norway Day 2011, spon- Raw Prawns – Outer Oslo Fjord ing the World Ski Championships” project is welcome. For more information, contact sored by the Hovedstad Lodge Sons of Nor- (East Coast) to create joy and pleasurable experiences of Carolyn Browne at (207) 622-3096 or car- way and the Prillar Guri Lodge Daughters Sea Urchins – Hand-picked outside food and drinks for Norwegian and foreign [email protected]. of Norway. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the the Arctic coast of Bodø guests. For more information, visit www. Thurston County Fairgrounds Expo Cen- oslo2011.no/en. New York ter, experience Norwegian music, dancing, Amuse Bouche Centennial of Færder Lodge Vikings, food, giftware, crafts, artwork and Herring – Kyvik in Haugesund March 26 real Fjord horses. For more information, (West coast) Brooklyn, N.Y. call (360) 923-1242 or email joanne@mo- Bacalao – Ålesund (West coast) Save the date! Sons of Norway Færder holtusa.com. Lodge #109 is celebrating its centennial in Entrees 2011. In celebration of this historic mile- stone, Færder Lodge will hold a gala din- Salma – Bømlo and Salmon caviar in the Russian style (West coast) Scallops – Frøya Island Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 (Mid-coast) to add your list to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! Crayfish – Outer Oslo Fjord Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. (East coast) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us february 25, 2011 • 13 In your neighborhood Spirit of Nordic exploration How to build the perfect sauna Nordic Spirit Symposium in Thousand Oaks, Calif., Norwegian-American celebrates Nordic explorers and pioneers author and photographer Mikkel Aaland releases new eBook

Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e

“How to Build Your Own Sauna & Sweat,” an illustrated, in-depth, how-to- build guide to constructing your own sauna or sweat bath, has just been released by Cy- berbohemia Press. It’s available now as an eBook download for $9.99. Written by renowned sauna and sweat bath authority, Mikkel Aaland, the 100-page guide comes complete with simple, straight- forward instructions and designs that accom- modate just about any budget and building Photos: Judith Gabriel Vinje skills. The guide includes information on Left photo: Howard K. Rockstad (left), founder/director of Nordic Spirit Symposium; speaker Donald making a traditional Finnish savusauna, how Ryan of Pacific Lutheran University, who worked with Norwegian archaeologist Thor Heyerdahl; and to build your own wood-burning stove, how Honorary Norwegian Consul Michael Soroy for Los Angeles. Right photo: Anita Londgren (left), Photo courtesy of Cyberbohemia Press program director at Scandinavian Center at California Lutheran University, and Norwegian explorer to select an appropriate electric or gas heater, Mikkel Aaland’s new eBook is available for down- Liv Arnesen. how to properly ventilate and insulate a sau- load for the Amazon Kindle and the Barnes and na, how to select the best sauna rocks, and Noble Nook. much more. Er i k Su n d h o l m For thousands of years people around or sweat bath,” continues Aaland. “Just like Seattle, Wash. the globe, have physically and mentally ben- with wine, you don’t have to make your own efited from the relaxing heat of the sweat sauna/sweat to enjoy it, but it helps to know bath. “Sitting in a sweat bath could be the what goes into making it perfect.” The Nordic Spirit Symposium 2011, titled “Vitus Bering: Hero, Wimp or Some- most vigorous activity you’ve had all day,” The guide is only available as an eBook, held Feb. 11 – 12 at California Lutheran Uni- where In Between,” that not only drew upon writes author Mikkel Aaland. “The heat pro- and can be downloaded from Amazon.com versity in Thousand Oaks, Calif., continued her expertise on Bering, but also her accom- duces an artificial ‘fever’ and urges every (Kindle) and Barnes and Noble (Nook). the theme of last year’s event by focusing on plishments as a photographer of Minnesota organ of the body into action. While out- Mikkel Aaland is an award-winning Nordic explorers and their voyages, expe- winter scenes. Vitus Bering is a challenge to wardly relaxed, your inner organs are as ac- Norwegian-American photographer, popular ditions and discoveries. The program had a academics because he left few clues about tive as though you were jogging or mowing workshop leader, and the best-selling author musical theme woven into it as well. himself. In short, Bering was a hero who the lawn. At the same time, you are being of 15 books, including “Sweat: The Illus- The Friday night program was held in overcame great struggles to cross Siberian cleansed from inside out by the skin. trated History and Description of the Finn- Samuelson Chapel. The first presentation wilderness, build ships in the Russian Far “I wrote the guide for people with basic ish Sauna, Russian Bania, Islamic Hamman, was given by Dr. Donald Ryan, who spoke East and then lead an expedition to discov- building skills who want to create the per- Japanese Mushi-buro, Mexican Temescal and about Thor Heyerdahl. The quality of this er the entrance to the Northeast Passage as fect bathing structure. I also wrote it for just American Indian & Eskimo Sweatlodge.” He presentation set a high standard for the event. well as Alaska. After the presentation, an im- about anyone who wants to deepen their un- lives with his family in San Francisco, Calif., Ryan chronicled the highlights of Heyer- promptu reunion of Minnesota-born Califor- derstanding of what makes a perfect sauna dahl’s career, offering personal insights that nians surrounded Urness during the coffee only someone who knew and worked with break, inspired no doubt by her photography Leif erikson Lodge 2-001, sons of norway Heyerdahl could. Dr. Ryan did an excellent contrasted with the beautiful, sunny 80°F job of correcting misunderstandings of Hey- day outside the symposium. Culture, entertainment and fun for young and old – Come join us! erdahl’s work. For example, explaining that The next presentation was delivered March 9 Kon-Tiki was not meant to prove a theory by Markku Loytonen, who spoke about the Corned beef dinner, meeting and program “Viking Assault on Ireland.” $7 for dinner. 6 p.m. that Polynesians originally migrated from Swedish-Finnish explorer A.E. Nordenski- South America, but rather demonstrates that old. The presentation not only gave insights March 12 • Second Saturday Kaffestua. 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. ancient peoples had much greater seafaring into Nordenskiold’s career but also offered • Second Saturday Youth Group. Free! 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. capabilities than they are given credit for. insights into in the 19th century and • Second Saturday Happy Hour. Snacks & drinks for $5. 5 – 8 p.m. Who knew that Heyerdahl did not drive and broader concepts of national identity. Loy- March 26 refused to carry a mobile phone? Or that tonen’s presentation was followed by Larry • 5k Leif-to-Leif Run/Walk. Registration at 8:30 a.m. Race at 9 a.m. working well into his 80s, he continued a Johnson, who introduced the composer Le- • Norwegian Heritage Day and Taste of Norway with traditional food, crafts, and entertainment, including bunad parade at 3 p.m. disciplined regime of a six-day workweek roy Anderson as the 2011 inductee into the Free admission and open to public! 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and 15-minute power naps, and dental work Scandinavian American Hall of Fame in Cal- Be our fan on Facebook! Questions? Need membership info? Call 206-783-1274 done in Cuba? In a world where celebrities ifornia. After lunch Tommy Dickey offered rarely live up to their personas, it was nice an oceanographer’s perspective on the career Leif erikson HaLL, 2245 n.W. 57tH st., seattLe, Wa 98107 to hear that Heyerdahl the man was as opti- of Roald Amundsen. His overview not only Sons of Norway Building, B-20 mistic and wonderful as his expedition nar- touched on Amundsen’s accomplishments 1455 W. Lake Street ratives. but also gave an overview of Antarctica, Norway Art Minneapolis, MN 55408 The second presentation was a perfor- which was a fitting segue into the high point (612) 339-7829 mance of The Andree Expedition, a song cy- of the symposium, a talk given by a real life www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] cle by Dominick Argento. It was brilliantly Norwegian explorer, Liv Arnesen. By appointment please performed by Christian Nova, baritone and Liv Arnesen is a veteran of several ex- Frank Garvey, pianist. In summary it was peditions in Antarctica, Greenland and the text taken from the expedition’s documents Arctic, and she made an attempt to climb Find the perfect gift from the put to music. The 1897 expedition was an Mount Everest. Arnesen and her expedition comfort of your home at attempt by three Swedes to reach the North partner Ann Bancroft focus on making inter- our online store, or if you’re in the area, visit our Pole by balloon. To this day it resonates cul- active curriculum for students. Her presen- E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! turally on many different levels: a love story, tation included video footage and gripping (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] a mystery solved decades later, and a moral- narratives that brought her adventures to life ity tale that warns of the dangers of technol- for the audience, while delivering a simple ogy and nationalist fervor. After performing, but compelling message: “Dare to Dream.” a presentation was given by Nova that ex- She also told the audience about her upcom- plained some of these nuances as well as the ing 2012 expedition. The plan is for Arnesen, musical complexities of the piece. Bancroft and several other women from all The next morning, the symposium con- over the world, who all are teachers or work SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — ROSEMALING — FISHERMAN’S CAPS — BOOKS — AND MORE! tinued with a presentation by Carol Urness CONTINUES PAGE 14 Visit us online at www.thetrollscove.com 14 • february 25, 2011 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Corner A modern day Viking The boys from Vangen: Bjarne Livollen honored with Leif Written by Leif Halse Erikson Award from Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Sons of Norway Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual English/Norwegian serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to District 3 practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic! Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor

In June 2010, Bjarne Livollen was rec- ognized with the prestigious Leif Erikson Award for his contributions to the Sons of Norway at the District 3 Convention in Har- «PUSS, TA DEM TROLL!» “SIC ’EM, TROLL!” risburg, Pa. Livollen, who is a member of the Sons of Norway Hudson Valley Lodge De hører noen som roper i skogen: «Slep- They hear someone shouting in the for- #3-432, accepted the award at Land of the per de fuglen ut av snarene mine, røverunger! est: “Letting the bird out of my snare, those Vikings in August 2010. Men vent, så skal de få!» Det er nok Larris little rascals! But just wait, they’ll get what’s The Leif Erikson Award was created By som roper, de kjenner han på målet. Nå kom- coming!” It must be Larris who is shouting. Photo courtesy of Bjarne Livollen mer han settende og har Troll med seg. Han They recognize him from his voice. Now he A. Norman Arntzen of the Sons of Norway Bjarne Livollen, the 2010 recipient of the Leif Er- løfter ei øks i været og kommer rennende comes running and has Troll with him. He Hartford Lodge #3-474 in Hartford, Conn., ikson Award, in front of the Viking Ship Bar at the beint mot «Vangsgutane.» lifts his axe in the air and charges at the Van- in 1967 to recognize individuals who have Land of the Vikings retreat center in Pennsylva- Nå kan Larris finne på hva som helst, gen boys. made significant contributions as a humani- nia. Here he is pictured with his family Ågot (left) så sinna som han er. «Vangsgutane» har ikke Right now Larris is capable of anything, tarian, in public or charitable service, in the and Karl. annet å gjøre enn å komme seg unna straks. as mad as he is. The Vangen boys have no fields of sports, education, medicine, or the Steinar vet om en bratt bakke nær ved. Nede choice but to get out of there immediately. sciences, or cultural advancement. Since achievement at Land of the Vikings with the under bakken er et gjerde av grove kvister. Steinar knows of a steep slope nearby. At the 1985, the District 3 Board has chosen the completion of the Viking Ship Bar stands De legger i veg utfor, men svinger til side for bottom is a fence of rough branches. They recipient. as a monument to your talents. Your carv- risgarden i god tid. Larris kommer etter i vill ski off downhill, but turn aside just ahead of As the 2010 award recipient, Livol- ing should be put on display so that others in fart. Han får ikke tid til å svinge, men renner the brush fence. Larris follows them at full len joins an impressive circle of honorees, Sons of Norway can enjoy their beauty. beint på risgarden. Dermed stuper han over speed. He doesn’t have time to turn, but runs including U.S. vice president Hubert H. “Bjarne, you are a person known to be riset og bryter av skiene sine. Øksa mister straight into the fence. Then he tumbles over Humphrey (1975), Norwegian actress and private, shy and unassuming, though willing han i snøen. the brush and breaks his skis. The axe is lost humanitarian Liv Ullmann (1982), Harvard to contribute as able (such as the boat). I be- in the snow. Larris er så rasende at han skriker høyt. University professor emeritus Einar Haugen lieve only your closest friends were aware of Selv er han helt hjelpeløs nå, men han roper Larris is so furious that he hollers loudly. (1987) and Norwegian Olympic gold medal- your strong will, your deep values concern- til hunden: «Puss, ta dem Troll!» Med gap- He himself is completely helpless now, but he ist Johann Olav Koss (1994). ing honesty and courage, as well as your ex- ende kjeft og avflekte tenner hopper hunden shouts to the dog: “Sic ’em, Troll!” With his Livollen crafted the iconic Viking Ship ploits in life, kept so private for these many i veg etter Kåre og Steinar. De renner på av mouth wide open and his teeth bared, the dog Bar at the Land of the Vikings recreation alle krefter, men Troll er sprek og drar innpå i bounds after Kåre and Steinar. They ski with decades. Those exploits carried during those lange byks, nærmere og nærmere. all their might, but Troll is agile and with long center near Sherman, Penn., which was high- dark and dangerous times during World War bounds, draws closer and closer. lighted in the Jan. 28 issue of the Norwegian II are paramount in setting you apart from American Weekly. others. They are deeds of a true patriot. A Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen Charlie Nilsen, past president of District person who did what had to be done in those Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. 3, said this at the award ceremony: times of need, with little concern for your www.astrimyastri.com “Bjarne, you are now added to that own well being. Your courage, iron will and close circle of men and women awarded concern for others gives us the right to say, such an honor. They include dignitaries such Bjarne Livollen, you are a modern day Vi- Deb Nelson Gourley presents Kings of Norway as kings and presidents, explorers of world king. Surely deserving of the Leif Erikson Written and illustrated Kings of Norway includes 3 CDs that renown, artists and entertainers also recog- Award for 2010.” by Anders Kvåle Rue feature bilingual text, bilingual audio and full- nized worldwide, as well as fellow members The Norwegian American Weekly con- color illustrations of 57 kings and one queen who of our beloved Sons of Norway. gratulates Bjarne Livollen for his sustained ruled Norway from circa 875 to present. Ideal for “I am sure it became clear to the com- commitment and noteworthy contributions first-year Norwegian classes and heritage/cultural mittee that you possessed the qualities of to the Norwegian-American community. programs. Includes text and audio of both a master boat builder and craftsman. Your Tusen takk, Bjarne! Astri, My Astri and Astri, Mi Astri. For all ages on both sides of the Atlantic!

• 58 bilingual stories & audio in English and Norwegian • Book includes 3 CDs — hear all stories in both languages • Hardcover, 128 pages, all in full color, illustrated • $29.95 (1 book & 3 CDs) with FREE shipping in the USA Astri My Astri Publishing Deb Nelson Gourley www.astrimyastri.com 602 3rd Ave SW [email protected] Waukon, IA 52172 Phone: (563) 568-6229 Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates Photos courtesy of Mary Andersen Organization of the Week in the The beloved Viking Ship Bar at Land of the Vikings was crafted by Bjarne Livollen. Den Norske NEBRASKA symposium… Fiskeklubben (…continued from page 13) Linde performed and the event concluded San Diego, Calif. Honorary Consul with a dinner at Lundring Events Center, also Virgil Johnson A social organization to celebrate with children, to retrace Amundsen’s route to on the CLU campus. All and all, the Nordic Norwegian heritage. Royal Norwegian Consulate Spirit Symposium was a first-class event. 10330 Regency Pkwy Dr, Suite 100 the South Pole. Leading up to and during the The Nordic Spirit Symposium is made For more information, contact: Omaha, NE 68114 expedition, their organization will be provid- Skipper Jon Holmerud Tel: (402) 390-7104 ing an educational interactive experience for possible by grants from the Barbro Osher [email protected] • (619) 470-8745 Fax: (402) 390-7130 children to follow via the Internet. It was a Pro Suecia Foundation, the Norway House www.fiskeklubben.org truly inspiring presentation. Foundation, the Royal Norwegian Consulate For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, The symposium switched back into a General in San Francisco and the Consulate visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations musical celebration mode, as guitarist Celia General of Finland in Los Angeles. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports february 25, 2011 • 15 sports oslo 2011 app… Bjørgen wins in (…continued from page 1) tural program. If you want to know where your Face- Last sprint races in downloaded for free at App Store. book friends are among the crowd, the ap- For those who plan to attend the Oslo plication will help you to locate these in the Drammen before 2011 party, this application will be useful to crowd. Metro line 1 has frequent departures World Championships have, both prior to and during the event. The during the championship days. With the application gives access to the official pro- Oslo2011 application, you check out both gram, information about the various compe- the timetables and delays. The application titions (with track profiles and maps), start also includes a map of Oslo. FIS Cr o s s -Co u n t r y lists and results. The application also feeds The Oslo2011 application is developed information from the Oslo 2011 Web site, as by student Eric Gjessing, as a bachelor the- Marit Bjørgen won the 10 km Individual well as photos from the official photo data- sis in computer engineering at a university in start World Cup race in classical technique in base. Maps of the arena gives the users an Oslo. Eirik Gjessing is now building up his Drammen on Feb. 19 in the class of her own overview of dining options, tents own company focusing on development of edging out runner-up Justyna Kowalczyk of and other key points. The application also digital . Poland by 17 seconds. Aino Kaisa Saarinen provides a good overview of the varied cul- finished 36 seconds behind Kowalczyk. Photo: hypreoss.blogg.no Marit Bjørgen came to Norway directly Marit Bjørgen won the 10 km individual start in Climate meeting… after the two-week high altitude training classic technique on Feb. 19. (…continued from page 3) tention to the severe drought forecast over camp in Seiser Alm, Italy. The biggest Nor- the next 20 to 30 years. wegian medal hope remained unbeatable Kowalczyk brought today with her Fe Radio Café. Also at the seminar to shed During recent years New Mexico has only a few days before the World Champi- second place the distance World Cup win light on these and related issues were Kim positioned itself as a pioneer in the field of onships in Oslo. home. She is now leading the ranking with Holmén, director of the Norwegian Polar In- renewable energy. There is a good chance Bjørgen was in the lead from the first 867 points and can’t be beaten anymore in stitute, and Dr. Gregg Garfin of Institute of that this will challenge New Mexico’s newly intermediate point. After 1.7 km she was al- the final World Cup races. In second place Environment and the University of Arizona. passed goal to reduce greenhouse gasses and ready 10 seconds ahead of Justyna Kowalc- is Bjørgen with 610 points and Italian Mari- Together they discussed the challenges faced the effort to introduce a climate quota ex- zyk of Poland. The Polish star failed to come anna Longa is third with 481 points. in the southeastern U.S., with particular at- change policy. any closer and fought for the second place “It is very good to win a World Cup at with Finnish Aino Kaisa Saarinen. Kowalc- home. It was a good race for me today. There were a lot of people along the course. My trollstigen… zyk kept the pace high and edged out Aino (…continued from page 9) to Dombås, then the the Rauma Railway shape is very good and I’m looking forward Kaisa Saarinen to third place. (operated by the Norwegian State Railways - to Holmenkollen. It was a very tough race The overall World Cup ranking is led by Trondheim you drive via Dovrefjell to Dom- NSB) to the end-station Åndalsnes. today. The snow was not very fast but it was Justyna Kowalczyk with 1656 points while bås and down the same way via Romsdal to For more information, visit www.visit- good because at Holmenkollen it will be also Marit Bjørgen is second with 1022 points. Åndalsnes. By train, take the Dovre Railway norway.com, or www.visitmolde.com. Italian is third (975 points.) tough,” said Bjørgen. Sports News & Notes The Swedish Meatballs Sprint silver for Falla Fourth place for Svindal Ellen Lindstrom 917-968-2926 Norway’s had to settle Norway’s Aksel Lund Svindal led after the for silver in the women’s 1.2 km cross-country first leg, but had to settle for fourth place in the Sprint World Cup sprint event in Drammen, On men’s giant slalom at Garmisch-Partenkirchen Feb. 24. American won. Ran- on Feb. 19, missing the podium by 0.06 sec- dall beat the Norwegian by just 0.3 seconds. onds. Norway’s Kjetil Jansrud placed fifth. Sweden’s came third. (NRK) (NRK) Nordic Combined… (…continued from page 3) the ski resort Cortina d’Ampezzo organized competitions as a replacement. The Interna- world champions in four competitions. At tional Ski Federation annulled these events ...a delicious musical experience! in 1946 and so the awarded medals lost their this occasion it’s worth taking a closer look www.theswedishmeatballs.com at the history of World Championships. status. The long tradition of Nordic Ski World The Nordic Combined competitions Championships started in 1924 together with were always held on normal hill and with two the Olympic Winter Games in Chamonix. rounds, the distance of the cross country race The Scandinavian Hour Back then the Nordic Combined athletes was 18 km. Until 1954 there was a total of 14 Celebrating over 40 years on the air were only awarded Olympic medals. In the World Championships. Strongest nation was two other sports, cross-country skiing and ski Norway with nine titles and 25 medals. The KKNW – 1150 AM jumping, the winners became World Cham- most successful athlete was Hans Vinjaren- pion and Olympic Champion at the same gen with two gold and two bronze medals, Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST time. The first official Nordic Combined Johan Groettumsbraaten went down in his- Streaming live on the internet at: World Champion was crowned in Johannis- tory as the superstar of the early years. bad a year later. Otakar Nemecky won gold The first major changes were made in www.1150kknw.com in his home country. 1948. Then it was decided to hold World Until World War II, World Champion- Championships every two years and the Nor- ships were held every year. After the tempo- dic Combined athletes had to get used to a rarily used terms “Rendezvous Races” and new competition format: From now on the “FIS-Races” the events was called “FIS Nor- jumping portion took place first and the race dic World Ski Championships” for the first afterwards. But with only one competition at time in 1937. Because of the war the cham- the championships, the chances of winning a pionships were not held in 1940, whereupon title remained low. committee… (…continued from page 3) rector of Centre for Asian Theatre (CAT), Bangladesh. artistic and general director of The • Øyvind T. Gulliksen: Professor of National Theatre, ICON and The American Literature and Culture at International Ibsen Festival. Telemark University College, Bø. • Consultant for the prize: Einar Members that continue their engage- Bjørge, Cand. Philol in theatre. ment in the committee: • Kamaluddin Nilu: Theatre director, For more information about the prize, actor and Ibsen researcher. Former visit www.ibsenawards.com. Secretary General and Artistic Di- with Brekke Tours & Travel

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