Name: ______American History- Mr. Brown

Chapter 6 Essential Question: What drove the colonists to declare independence from Great Britain? Timeline: 1763 Proclamation of 1763-restricts westward expansion. 1765 Parliament passes Stamp Act-/Effect-colonists organize boycott of British goods. 1767 Parliament passes /Effect- boycott is resumed polital activism spreads. 1773 Parliament passes /Effect colonists destroy tea in Tea Party. 1774 Intolerable Acts are passed/ Effect-colonist organize First . 1775 Fighting begins at Lexington and Concord. 1776 Declaration of independence announces American separation from Britain.

Section 1 Why was Ben Franklin in London in 1765?

King George III-

The Proclamation of 1763-


Why did Parliament keep passing new acts?

Quartering Act-

The -

The Stamp Act-

Explain why the colonist disagreed with Parliament?

Famous outcry (saying) about taxation-

Patrick Henry-

Sons of Liberty-


How and why did the colonists react when Parliament took over the assemblies’ power to tax?

Why would Britain’s new laws have convinced Americans that their freedom was under threat?

Section 2 Crispus Attucks-

Boston Massacre-

The -


The Townshend Acts-

Writs of assistance- How did colonial boycotts affect British merchants?

Why were the colonists angry about the writs of assistance?

Explain why the Townshend Acts angered the colonists.

John Dickinson-

In what ways did colonists protest British laws?

Daughters of Liberty-

Samuel Adams-

General -

How did the get started?

What does Paul Revere’s etching suggest?

John Adams- The Tea Act of 1773-

Committees of correspondence-

How did Samuel and differ in the way they protested British actions?

Circular letters-

How did colonists in the port cities react to the Tea Act (describe the )?

Why did parliament keep trying different ways of raising revenue?

Section 3 Militia-


The Intolerable Acts-

What rights were threatened by the Intolerable Acts?

The First Continental Congress (what was it and what is it’s significance?)-

Abigail Adams-

Patrick Henry’s famous speech/quote “…give me liberty or give me death.”

Why did the fighting begin at Lexington?

Paul Revere-

William Dawes-

Why was a hotbed of political protest?

Lexington and Concord (what happened where?)-



What democratic traditions were threatened by Parliament’s policies?

Section 4

Margret Kemble Gage( who was she and what was she suspected of doing?)-

What events lead to the ?


Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys-


Second Congressional Congress-

Continental Army( how was it formed and who was selected as it’s commanding general?)-

Describe the events that led to the Battle of Bunker Hill(also why is it significant)?

Why were the British forced to leave Boston?

The -

Benedict Arnold (and Fort Ticonderoga)-

What eventually caused the British to leave Boston?

Thomas Paine (and what was “”-

Who is called the Royal Brute?-

What was the key resolution of Virginia called for (what did it declare?)-

Thomas Jefferson-

What did fear if the war were to be lost?

What are the main ideas found in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence? P184

What are the main ideas found in the Declaration of Independence? P.183, 184-185

E. Q.: What drove the colonists to declare independence from Great Britain?