The First Billion Years: Habitability 2019 (LPI Contrib. No. 2134) 1042.pdf NITROGEN OXIDE CONCENTRATIONS IN NATURAL WATERS ON EARLY EARTH. Sukrit Ran- jan1,*, Zoe R. Todd2, Paul B. Rimmer3,4, Dimitar D. Sasselov2 and Andrew R. Babbin1, 1MIT, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, CamBridge, MA 02139;
[email protected], 2Harvard University, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, 3MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge CB2 0QH, UK, 4University of Cambridge, JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0HE, UK, *SCOL Postdoctoral Fellow. Introduction: A key challenge in origin-of-life the fact that UV photolysis would not have occurred studies is determining the environmental conditions below the photic depths of these molecules. on early Earth under which abiogenesis occurred [1]. Results: We find that the sinks due to Fe2+ and While some constraints do exist (e.g. zircon evidence UV are orders of magnitude stronger than the sink due for surface liquid water), relatively few constraints to vents. Inclusion of the effects of these sinks sup- - exist on the abundances of trace chemical species, presses [NOX ]<1 µM in the bulk ocean over the vast which are relevant to assessing the plausibility and majority of the plausible parameter space. Oceanic - guiding the development of postulated prebiotic NOX -dependent prebiotic chemistries must identify - chemical pathways which depend on these molecules. mechanisms to concentrate local [NOX ] above the - - - - Nitrogen oxide anions (NOX ; NO2 , NO3 ) are oceanic mean. However, [NOX ] could have reached - chemical species of special importance. NOX are in- prebiotically-relevant concentrations (³1 µM) in fa- voked in diverse prebiotic chemistries, from the origin vorable surficial aqueous environments, i.e.