CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1232 HON
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E1232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 9, 2016 Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights and non-Americans present in the United CELEBRATING ‘‘EDDIE GAEDEL of Columbus—who has been a leader in draw- States, of crimes against humanity and war DAY’’ ing attention to the plight of Christians in this crimes. conflict—testified that ‘‘Repeatedly we hear Without accountability, without humanitarian HON. DENNY HECK from Church leaders in the region that Chris- assistance reaching these religious and ethnic OF WASHINGTON tians—and other genocide survivors—are last communities, we risk losing the invaluable, an- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in line for assistance from governments.’’ We cient presence of these communities in these Friday, September 9, 2016 can and must do better. To that end, H.R. countries altogether. This will feed violent ex- 5961 requires the Administration to assess tremism and dim the future of Iraq and Syria. Mr. HECK of Washington. Mr. Speaker, I and address the humanitarian vulnerabilities, I urge my House colleagues to support this rise to call the attention of my House col- needs, and triggers to flee, of religious and measure that will deliver immediate assistance leagues to one of the most unusual careers in ethnic communities that were targeted for to genocide survivors, help prosecute and our national pastime of baseball, one that genocide or otherwise severely persecuted. It punish perpetrators, and invest in a sustain- began and ended with just one trip to the plate directs the Administration to fund entities that able future for these persecuted religious and at Sportsman’s Park in St. Louis on August are effectively providing assistance to these ethnic communities in the lands in which they 19, 1951. In the bottom of the first inning, dur- ing the second game of a Sunday afternoon communities and guarantees that faith-based have lived for so many generations. organizations on the ground are not excluded doubleheader against the Detroit Tigers, the f St. Louis Browns sent a pinch hitter to the from U.S. assistance. ′ ′′ One such example is the Chaldean Catholic plate, 3 7 Eddie Gaedel, whose 65 pound PAYING TRIBUTE TO ED MORLAN Archdiocese of Erbil, which provides assist- weight made him the shortest and lightest ance to internally displaced families of Yezidis, player in Major League Baseball history. Muslims, and Christians, including food and HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON Wearing the uniform of the Browns nine year old batboy, Eddie drew a walk on four resettlement from tents to permanent housing, OF COLORADO straight pitches from Detroit pitcher Bob Cain, as well as rental assistance, for Yezidis, med- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and was replaced by a pinch runner. His one ical care and education to Yezidis and Mus- Friday, September 9, 2016 day professional baseball career came to an lims through its clinics, schools, and univer- abrupt halt several days later when American sity—which are open to everyone. The Arch- Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to League president Will Harridge voided diocese provides some form of each of these honor the retirement of Mr. Ed Morlan of Gaedel’s contract. Nevertheless, his place in kinds of assistance to all of the estimated Bayfield, Colorado. Ed has worked tirelessly baseball history was preserved in the record 10,500 internally displaced Christian families for decades to grow the economy of South- books as one of the only players to have a in the greater Erbil region. Yet as it provides west Colorado and provide opportunities for perfect 1.000 on base percentage for his en- these critical services, it has not received a countless families in his community to suc- tire career. Eddie Gaedel’s autograph is now single penny from any government. H.R. 5961 ceed and prosper. Ed’s life of service started before his work in worth more than Babe Ruth’s, and the bat he is clear that the Administration must be sup- used in the game recently sold at auction for porting entities, regardless of whether they are local economic development when he fought for his country in three tours in Vietnam. For over fifty thousand dollars. faith-based, that are heroically providing as- St. Louis Browns owner Bill Veeck promised sistance to genocide survivors on the ground. his actions he received a Purple Heart and a Silver Star. Returning from Vietnam, Ed set Eddie Gaedel immortality when he signed him In recognition of the extraordinary suffering to a contract to play for the Browns. In Spo- of these religious and ethnic communities, and his sights on making a difference in his com- munity, becoming a town board member of kane, WA, an organization works annually to their extraordinary vulnerability to persecution, help Eddie achieve the immortality he was Bayfield, CO, for five terms while also working H.R. 5961 requires the Administration to cre- promised. Founded in 2011 at O’Doherty Irish with the Region 9 Economic Development Dis- ate a Priority Two, or ‘‘P–2,’’ visa category of Grille and Pub, the Eddie Gaedel Society, trict of Southwest Colorado, a nonprofit organi- special humanitarian concern that would pro- Spokane Chapter No. 1 has launched a na- zation that supports business startups, that vide one additional avenue for genocide sur- tional campaign to make each August 19th has given more than $19 million to advance vivors to seek resettlement in the United ‘‘Eddie Gaedel Fan Appreciation Day’’ in ball- growth and opportunity in the region which en- States through the U.S. Refugee Admissions parks everywhere. The club is also seeking compasses five counties and two Indian Res- Program. It is important to note that this is not Eddie Gaedel’s induction into the Baseball ervations. a ‘‘fast track’’ to resettlement—P–2 applicants Hall of Fame, where his jersey bearing the Through his hard work over 27 years, as undergo the same security screening as all number 1/8 was displayed for many years be- refugee applicants. But this special category Executive Director of Region 9—a fledgling or- fore being returned to St. Louis, where it now allows them to access an overseas interview ganization with a $30,000 deficit when Ed took hangs in the St. Louis Cardinals Hall of Fame wherever the United States interviews refugee over in 1989. Ed has overseen an expansion and Museum. I am a proud honorary member applicants, without needing a referral from the of the organization that now boasts an oper- of that organization. UN, an NGO, or a US Embassy, as is usually ating budget of close to $2 million dollars and Several years ago, Spokane Mayor David the case. has for decades been instrumental in the eco- Condon declared August 19, ‘‘Eddie Gaedel This bill also addresses a critical factor that nomic health of Southwest Colorado. Day’’ and St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay did so will influence the continued presence of small- The mining industry in Silverton, CO has this year, the sixty-fifth anniversary of Eddie er, vulnerable religious communities in Syria faced several rounds of layoffs in recent dec- Gaedel’s one day, four pitch baseball career. and Iraq beyond this conflict: accountability for ades. Ed’s work with Region 9 has helped to In addition, the St. Louis Cardinals have made those who perpetrate heinous crimes against offset many of these negative impacts by cre- their home game on Friday, September 9, them. H.R. 5961 directs the Administration to ating a thriving environment for small busi- ‘‘Eddie Gaedel Bobblehead Night,’’ and will prioritize supporting the criminal investigation, nesses. Through the years, under Ed’s direc- give away thirty thousand of the miniature prosecution, and conviction of perpetrators of tion, Region 9 has assisted businesses from statues of baseball’s smallest player to fans genocide, crimes against humanity, and war hardware stores, to ski areas, and even an who attend their home game against the Mil- crimes. These efforts will be focused on fund- animal hospital. waukee Brewers. ing and supporting entities that are conducting Mr. Speaker, Ed Morlan is an outstanding Of particular note is the fact that the St. criminal investigations, building Syrian and citizen of Colorado’s Third Congressional Dis- Louis Browns batboy who literally gave Eddie Iraqi investigative and judicial capacity, or col- trict. He embodies the spirit of entrepreneur- Gaedel the shirt off his back in August of 1951 lecting and preserving evidence for eventual ship and commitment to community that so he could go to bat, Bill DeWitt, Jr., is now use in domestic courts, hybrid courts, or inter- makes this such a special place to live. With- principal owner of the St. Louis Cardinals. His nationalized domestic courts. Whether they out Ed’s hard work, many rural businesses son, Bill DeWitt III, is the team president. The are members of the Assad regime, ISIS, or would not be thriving today. Although Ed is re- DeWitt family’s involvement in professional some of the Popular Mobilization Brigades in tiring from Region 9, he plans on continuing to baseball in both St. Louis and other cities Iraq, there can be no impunity for individuals help the community. On behalf of the people stretches back over one hundred years. Bill who committed these dreadful crimes. of Colorado’s Third District I want to thank Ed DeWitt, Sr. sold the St. Louis Browns to Bill H.R. 5961 also directs the Administration to for his work, and service to his country and Veeck only weeks before Eddie came up to identify gaps in our criminal statutes to facili- community. We wish him the very best in his bat, and was serving as the team’s general tate the prosecution of American perpetrators, future endeavors.