, - ~ Th. Weath.r Servlng~~ • University of Iowa Campus and Iowa City e at

Eet. 1868 - AP I.eaa.td Wire Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, June,28, 1952 Pittsburg.h Steel, 'C I 0 - • Senate-House Union Spokesman Calls Conferees Near Pact 'Important Break' PITTSBURGH ~ - The CIO United Steelworken and ph - burgh Steel compsny .I~ed an agreement Friday Ijvl". 10.600 em· Controls Truce ployes a 12~ ~nt hourly pay boost, modified union .hop and other benefits. WASHINGTON (A') - Senate­ Avery C. Adams, president of Plttsburlh Steel, .nd CIO President House conferees early today were Phl1lp Murray slened the cootracl reported near agteement on a at union headQuarte,.. after an "'~ pradu re. said It will close compromise economic controls all-day conference. all its 14 Yord mbly plan blll extending wage and price A unton spokesman Id the from Ma chu. .etts to CaUfornla .lenln, of Plltsburth Steel "An controls Lor another eight months u and three of I four [Jocoln­ ImPOl1.nt break In the solid front Ml.'rcury $embl)' plants at the , to a year. put up by basic steel." clos of work Monday. This Will Earlier, administration forces Pit burah St~l. with five Idle 27,200 employ . won back lost ground In the battle plan , I the blUest ballc pro­ Startln, Tuesday, th company over economic controls. when the ducer yet to come to terms since ald, manuf ct.unn. op!!'ratlonl In senate-house conferees abandoned Murra,,', 650.000 .teelworker. the hute De.rbom Roue plant 8 house provision which would walked off the job June 2. will be broug}!t to a gradual halt, have dropped price controls over A union spokesman aid the with moat of them hut down by all commodities not rationed or new contract substantially fol­ the Fourth of July w('('kend. allocated. low. the ,ovemment'. r lroactlve to April t. ( Da"r lo.na Ph.. Fro. • •••• 1 The provision, sponsored 'by In addition to lhl' walle Inrf ase House Tentatively Rep. Henry TaUe (R-Iowa), and the modified union shop, the Davenport Girl Crowned Queen would virtually have torpedoed agreement calls fo .. six paid holi­ Approves Atomic priC!e controls bec~use nothing Is CD&I., , •••• P ....., Pr•• 0 ...... ' days, 'hr week's vacaUon after 'roy IIAFFtN. ( EN'rBR) 15·year-old hlt'b hHI Junior from now rationed and only a few I)&vfbPOrt, w roword QU n of J' alJ- '-te m 1 C'&mp FrJ­ Rehearsals Near End; Play to Open Monday I~ YC'lIrB Ins\ead at 25 yearB, and Expansion Fund scarce metals are allocated. inc rea In ahUt dHrer nUala cia)' nlehl fotloWina &be camp' pUblic eon 11 In $lie Iowa temorl~ nJon. lIer '&endan art' (ll'fl to rt,ht) Deroth" Ifub colefr. ono- MaybaDk ConIirDD RePOria "( MET A GREENWICH VILLAGE ARTIST who u .ked me to have a drink with him •.• bu.t I rx­ from four to 51 cents an hour on WASHINGTON (jP')-The hou ~: Iulla Pf~rson , Burlln&1on: M baffin: Mal')! Bf'lh Ta,IOI', Sen. Maybank (D-S.C.), cbalr­ pl &1JH:d that I Ilever drink before IUllClh becalUlJ It ai waYI raiDS Inf ap.,eU&4!," expl&ina loan DoMcll),. the econd .hllt and Ilx to nine gave tentative approval "rid y to Da .. enpori, and Gt deane Goodf, BlooJIIIlfld. cen on th thJ rd . hlfl. man of the Senate Banking com­ AI, Lake ForetIl. III .. (second from left) to an amused ,roUP of IIa&enen OODIIII\1n« of (left to rilhn ts e an atomic ncrfY t'xpanlllon fund Under th modified union hoP. ------~------mittee, confirmed earlier reports James Haieh, 0, MonUcello; MIss Donnelly: RJehard Gillespie, G, Elllcell 1&,.. Md.: llIJll Rukel!. G. of 11,48:1,000,0 O. a reduction of that the provision had been jettl­ Storm Lake, and Nancy Burnam. A4, Med.In&, N.Y. The llecne Ia from Ute IlIvenU, Utu\er ptodue­ new mploye. must loin the union but have the option of withdraw­ about on -halt (rom the amount Boned from proposed compromise Uon of "Second Threshold," which will open Monda" nlchl a& II p.m. p Id nt Truman asked. Toy Chaffin Is Crown~d legislation extending controls an­ Ing anytime clurlns th 20th to Th d Jon, subject to a J)lIa­ other :tear. ------80th day oC mployment Ther I c sible rollcall vol I t r, cam u In lieu of the TaUe proposal, no such option under the straight th hou. \)f'I an voUna n a bUi Queen of Music Camp conferees agreed to accept a Sen­ 1st SUI Summer Play Allies Repulse union shop. c rryin. about SIO billion to Toy Chaffin, II5-year-old hleh Llllya', "Rose Etude" and Han­ ate-passed statement of Congres­ mllint In a vari ty of ,overnm nt sional polley favoring termina­ school junJor (rom Dav nport. d I', "Con rto GrOllIO .'~ TO'Open Monday Night Three Strong * * * o~ratlon n th (I cal year which The "Blue band" ulled Roncal'. tion of wage and price controls Ford 10 Shut Down . tarts neltt Tucsday. WII crowned qu n of th SUI "Marcha 3 de Febrl'ro" 8 8 Its first "as rapidly as possible consistent The University theatre'. first The blue t I t'm In the bill Is AII..state Mu Ie Camp Frld y with the poUcles and purposes" of Red A flacks numbfod. Followilli the Spanish production of the summer season, son will be played by James $6,27~,640,750 folta the forel,ItD aid nleht followtna the camp', pub­ composition W81 Hadley', "Youth the controls law. SEOUL. Saturday (.lP) - Allied For Lack of Steel prOlram. Althou.h the btl ap­ Ule Triumphant Overture." Bnd an Phll1p Barry's "Second Thres- Hatch, a eraduate of Iowa State D£'l'ROIT (JP') - Th 8t I ltLrlke lic cone rt In Iowa Memorial The Senate provision further troops f1ghUn, In the pn.--d.wn proprl9tion~ committee, In end In. arr n,cment of Strall" ' " Llebes­ hold," wUl open Monday at 8 p.m. Teachers college, now teachln, at darkness today repulsed thre struclt ita first .Iedg hnmm r blow Umon. says it is the polley ot congress In the SUI dramatic art audltor- the Monticello high school and theo blU to the floor Wednesday, II r Waltz •." strons Red as&IIults aaainat a peak at auto production Friday when Mi. Chaffin and h r four at- that the President, pending term­ ium. community thcater. mad an ov rail cut of about 25 1n the hotly--conte ted hill II ctor thc Ford Motor Co. announced 8 Ination of controls, should suspend The play will Tun through July Supplyln, "love Interest" to per c nt. forel,n aid e. c: -!)Cd with tendants were nominated price and wage reeulations where west Of Chorwon. aerl a of mao .hutdown~ and lay­ a relatively minor reduction - by the camp', 214 members this 3, with performances every night. Miss Burnam will be Richard GIl­ The Communlsl.l attacked with offs within th ned t w days about quart r ot a million dol­ goods sell below ceilings and Studenta mllY obtain reserved lesple, G, Ellicott CIt)', Md., In thc week, and were preaented at 8 a relnforct/'., III low. Ave .. Iowa el. ,..... 111. lI'Il'I~f' on..... an. DAILY IOWAN EDIToRIAL tlTAFr By The AlIIIOCla&ed Pr_ 10)11 •• secon4 clan mall .ewa I ••~D Irem •.m.. ,. 1.1 ·lS tr, J:ntes:.\l •• .'a .. a.m. rdUpr ...... William Clabby ~~ .t 11M pgotoftk•• t. Iowa City. ••• Ir... I , .... 10 • ,.81 .••U,. lI.hr- Sen. Robert A. Taft's camp, 11M ... ot __•• of Marcb I. ••,. 1t"H' , ..... IJ 101 •••• Mana,ln. Editor ...... Josepb Meyer scoffing at rival claims that "the I . New. Editor ...... Roberl Kon City EdJtor ...... Gear,. Youn, jig is up" for Taft, ~aid Thursday Call 4191 I.,m •••• '- lII.b.,.. the Ohio senator now lacks only screen live coior television pr0- le r.,.r. .... lMIDI, •••f.'. "f" Au·t. Clly Editor •....••. Don Mapel ....., II a ...... 'I'~. oal, Sporta Editor ..•...... Jack Ben"er three delegates votes to win the cess, will soon make Its otlicW ..,,~ •• IIid.&o.I.1 .111 ... ar" ..' ~. ".~. "',D' ." ••• t a.u, D,.tll .".Doe. Soolety EdJlor ...... Mary Danai Republican presidential nomin­ introduction to theater ownen .. DAILY IOWAN BUIIMIU ITAr, a tion in Chicag . Talt's campaign managet, Dav­ a means of combining film ~ SubierlpUon ratel - by Garner In low. BUllne.. Manaler .• John Crul.nberry .~\ '" .v.m~\"v A.. ·t . Bualnou Mjff . .. calvin Lamber\ with TV presentations. Preview or City, 15 con\l wi!t!kly or ... per year 11\ id S. Ingalls, said the senator has .dY~nce; abc. martha, ".2S; tbre.e NaUolUll Adv. Man.~r .. , Ed HunUn. 601 deiegtes compared with 361 audiences will see a live show " maOl1L",onoNII moalhi• .,.!IIl. By mall In Iowa, " per J yellf; .Ix monthl, .: three monthl. CldlUJ~ Mana,er . .'. Barbara Boyd for Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. .,; All other mall IUbacrlpUoM no.OO top theatrical talent, telecast o,~ Call 8-1161 II , ••••••• , •••••• DAILY IOWAN CDlCULA'rfON STAr, The latest' tab­ .. , .."D,U1 I... , ••, 1 ...... per year; IUt monthli• .,.80; wee ctrcul.tlon Manaler .... Robert Hell a closed circuit hook-up from J ... "".. II ....., ... all I.n... .".r. mORtllo • .,.25, . ulation - based on delegates pledged, instructed, conceded or newly-organized studio . willing to express a first-ballot • • • GENE~L NOTICES choice - shows Tart wIth 484, A PROJECTION METHOD FOI WSUI PROGRAM Eisenhower 4d7, GOP nomination color TV, Eidophor can be bt, sta lled in thea tel's for live shof! ~~~L NOTICES Roald be d~l&ed with tbe ell, editor of requires 604. Ingalls posted the claim as if ings of specialized entertalnmeui ne »aU, I~wanla the newsroom In Eut ball. Notlcel mUlt be lub- CALENDAR 1DU"4 b, Z p,m. the da, p~e\lln, flnt publlcaUon; theJ will NOT Sat.rd.,.. June 28, UtD2 in answer to a statemen t by Sen. to supplement regular film (are:: 8 :on Morning Chapel Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., Eisen­ in other words, it wlll be used ia lie aeee,&ed b, pbone, and mUlt be TYPED OR LEGIBLY WRIT· 8:15 News , TEN alUl SIGNED bJ a rHpoDilble penon." 8:30 Summer Se.renade hower's campaign manager, that place of those god-forsaken ''!" 1:00 Organizations an important shift in delegate pictures. The idek is that Ge~ 8:!O Oraanalres ALL UNIVERSITY PARTY AT IOWA MOUNTAINEERS. DEV· 9:45 Music in March Tlme opinion has made it certain that events can be telecast onto tbealfi the Iowa Memorial Union, Satur­ iis Lake outing (camping, climb­ 10:00 Jerrv Grs-v Show the five-stsr general will capture screens, in color, yet, as they take 10:15 Bonjour Meldam.. day, June 28. Social dancing to the ing, swimming and hiking) July 10:30 SIl(Ptv Sneaks the nomination. place-the TV would act as a sup. music ot Leo Cortimiglia, enter­ 3-6. Leave clubhouse at 7 p.m., 10:4$ Health Ch.tl Lodge disclosed that Eisenhow­ plement to the." A" film. tainment, movies, and refresh­ 11 :00 NovaUme er will shift his headquarters July 3. Fee is ,5 payable in ad­ 11 :1& Music Album EIDOPHOR IS MAKING ments. trom Denver to next rn vance. Register by 6 p.m. Wednes­ 11 :30 ('nncorl '1'.11 ". the AIr U.S. debut following 12 ),ean ~ day, July 2 with Johh Ebert, 12:00 Rh~thm Rambles week to take personal charge ot THE LUTHERAN STUDENT 12~ Newl research at the Swiss Institute 01 Pro~pect Place, Phone 7418. 12:4$ Gue.t star . his forces in the convention fight. association will meet at the Luth­ J:oo Musical Chats The convention opens July 7. Technology. Public fjgures '(IIIq 2:00 New. viewed an earlier demonstralliia erl!n student house, 122 E. Church 2:15 SaturdAY Matlnep, Ledge predicted Eisenhower at 2:30 Sunday. Th group wl11 go THE UNIVERSITY LIBRAllY 4:00 Tea Ttmf' MelodJeS will be nominated on the second last year believe that . EidoIiIot 5:/\0 Stor.el 'N StuU GUr~~=0~==~~~~~~_ to West Liberty for an afternoon wiU be ciosed July 4th. Regular or third ballot. will take its place along with tht hours will be resumed on Satur- 5:311 News l of swimming, tennis, softball, and ~ : 45 Soorll Time At a news conferel'lce in Wash­ invention of "talkies," in over· a' picnic ' supper. Devotions and day, July 5th. \ 6:00 nlnner Hour ll hauling the entire entertslnmeoj R:55 New. "This corner isn't the same without the low long whistlesl ington, Taft dismissed Lodge's meditations are planned. Married ":00 Forum claims as just so much political industry. students are urged to come and 7;30 Sa"'rday Shadows DR. P. HEWISON-POLLOCK, B:OO Univerlllv 01 Chlcalo Roundtable whistling in the dark, without • * • bring their families. A late car minister of the Presbyterian 8:30 Campus Shop justification. INOIDENTALLY, WEBSTD,. will leave at 4:30 tor those unable church, will speak on "The Be­ 9:.5 Newl Once again, Taft out at what tells me that "eidophor" is a woN to come at 2:30. 10:00 SIGN OFF ginning of Wisdom" at the Sum­ Monday. ~.n. 10. 195t 5 Men Seek Mexi(o's Presiden(y he termed New York Gov. Thom­ taken from the Greek rneaniDI mer Vespers 7:15 this Sunday 8:00 Morning Chapel as E. Dewey's strategy-baking "image bearer." PH.D. FRENCH READING EX· 8:15 News evening, June 29, on the west ap­ 8:30 Morning SOTenade management of the Eisenhower • • • amination will be given Wednes­ proach to Old Capitol. 9:00 Anclenl Mpdleval Culture campaign. Obviously referring to MAGAZINE "X." VOy day, July 30, 1952, from 7 to 9 8:W Women', New. SUI'~ Special music will be provided 10:00 The Bookshelf contentions that "me-too" tactics fine campus magazine which a,m. in room 321 Schaeffer hall. by Toni Blankers, contralto, and 10:15 Bakel-·. Dozen In Election S(heduled Eor July 6 scuttled Dewey in 1948, Talt said. made its debut last sprin{, his Only those' who have signed the Loah Lunan, organist. 11 :00 Sprenode In Blue "I am afraid that Eisenhower-s sheet posted outside 307 SchaeUer 11 :15 Music Box By Central Press awarded its staff and contributon I Noyal Tucker of the Congre­ 11 :30 Le~ There B. Light backers would urge him to con­ hall will be admitted to the ex­ 11 :45 Rent Control A political firecracker may ex­ with shiny, new pennies engraved gational student group will be the 12:00 Rhythm Rambles duct the kind of campaign that ~mination. Please sign by Monday, plode south of the border July 6 with a small "X." Enclosed with worship leader, and ushers will 12:30 News when Mexico elects its new presi­ Dewey conducted." the token of gratitude is a note July 28. No other examination will be Dean Thompson and Bernie 12: 45 Report from E1!rope In other political developments: be given until the middle of Oc­ I :00 Musical Chato dent. reminding all receivers "noll4 Oyaas of the Westminster Foun­ 2:00 New. Mississippi's Gov. Hugh White tober: 2: 10 Enrly lt1th Century Music There are five men in the field raised a new threat 01 a southern spend the aWllrd because it lw dation. 3:00 Music by Roth tor the job that pays $250 a week been defaced." All university and townspeople 8:30 MUSic Hon VarleU •• revolt if the Democratic national ALL WOMEN IN EDUCATION 4:00 Music of tor six years. Under Mexican law, convention, which meets July 21 • • * are invited to attend this period 4:15 Festival of Waltz•• no president can succeed himself. "THE RIVER" IS A FlU! are" invited to attend a tea given 4 :30 Teo Time Melodies in Chicago, adopts an "anti-south" of outdoor worship. In case of As a result President Miguel Ale­ made by in India InQ by, PCLambda Theta, July l from rain the service will be held in 5:00 NovaUme platform on explosive civil rights 3:00-5:90'in the Union River room. 5:15 Chlldren's Hour man will not be able to run for directed by Jean Renoir, It is dis· the Congregational church. 5:30 New. issues. ',: Phl . ~mbda Theta meepng, 5:45 Sporto Time o([\ce again. His term expires at Addressing the Democratic state tinguished for its striking tropbi l2:00; • June 27th in the P.D.K. This is the third in a series 8:00 Dinner Hour the end of this year. convention, White said if the na­ detail and its script, based on • 6:55 News lo~nge , in ' ~ast ,pall. Brink sack sponsored by the Advisory Com­ 7:00 Drama Workshop To many, the winner is already tional convention goes too strong novel by Rumer Godden. The plol lunch. Names wll1 be presented mittee of the Student Christian ~:30 I\(uolc You Want a shoo-in. He's Adolfo Ruiz Cor­ on civii rights bills for the south's concerns the problems and I.,. Council. 8:00 AWAY From It All fli~ (· me~lfership. , 8:4& eornpuo Shop tines, the candidate for the Party taste, the states' rights Democrats trations of adolescent love as el· · "'~"'.'" 9 :45 Newl Roundup of the Revolutionary Institutions, should walk out and put up their perienced by three young womm --- 10 :00 SIGN OFF • .JUDGE HAROLD . C. KESSIN­ DR. P. HEWISON POIjLOCK commonly called PRI. own candidate. A compelling and artistic fila!, ,er, municipal judge of Ridge­ will speak on "The Beginning 01 23 Years of Control In Washington. political strate­ free from all traces of HollYwood wood, New Jersey, will deliver Wisdom" at the Summer Vespers This is the party that, under gists pondered the latest comment propaganda. Policemen Study by Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illin­ the third lecture of the summer 7:15 Sunday evening, June 29, on one name or another, has been in • * • se$sion series on Monday, June the west approach to Old Capitol. ois on the question of whether OF INTEREST TO FOLLOW· control for over 23 years and has he would yield to a possible draft 30th, at 8 p.m., on the South All university and townspeople Defense Methods had not only its candidate for ers of the Art Guild will be ~ _ u"'~ .. Campus (or ~4a(!bride hall. are cordially invited to attend, this for the Democratic preSidential president e1ected; but has also nomination. news that its offi~ers have de: Jti cl!se of rain). His subject will Pl!rlod of outdoor worship. In swept the elections for both the cided to engage a singl4! film ~ ~, "How We Elect Our Presi­ case ot rain, the service will Up to now, Stevenson has in­ For Atom Attack Chamber of Deputies and the sen­ SUI exhibition this summer. 'l1ll del'\\s::' held in the Congregational church. WASHINGTON (JP) - Thirty sisted over and over again that ate and thus control congress. In ADOLFO RUIZ CORTINE (bow tie), one of the five candlda.1.es he is oniy a candidate for re-elec­ idea has never before beeh it· thousand policemen went back to the current government, tor ex­ for the Mexican presidency, receives a. bouquet from a youthful ad­ tempted- the guild's film series b school Thursday in classrooms tion as governor and "could not ample, PRI has 207 01 the 211 mirer at a political rally. Cortlnes. considered top contender for the accept" the presidential nomin­ usually confined to winter-audio from Milwaukee u> Boston to office is a member of tbe Revolutionary Institutions party. Despite ence consumption - but if their study up on what to do if an atom members of congress. ation. the power of the PRI party. some l\lexlcans believe that this election past recor.d can be used as a bifii bomb should hit. This election, however, may His latest answer on the drart Qllicial daily prove the exception. Many say shows prospects 01 being an upset in favor of the Federation of Peo­ question: "That remains to be of judgment. the plan shOljld All the instructors were in prove a success. ~ Washington, teaching "school tor that "if the election is honestly ple's Parties. seen." survival" on television. run, and if the ballots are honest­ Police in 10 cities - New York, ly counted, the PRI will lose." Communist candidate Lombardo ~, BULLETIN Chief opponent to the PRI is Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Toledano is making his tirst cam­ Miguel Henriquez Guzman· of the SATURDAY, .JUNE 28, 1952 VOL. xxvm, NO. 190 Detroit, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, paign tor public office although, Toledo, Milwaukee and Chicago­ Federation of Peopies' Parties. 11NIVEJlIJTY CALElfflAR l&e.. are ICIheduled sat in theatres equipped for tele­ Another opposltion candidate is as a labor leader, he has long been PEKIN, IND. (CP) The Ia &he Preilthnl'l otrlc.. Old CapUol vision while federal civil defense Efraln Gonzales Luna ot the Con­ active in public circles. The Com­ Fourth of July is more than just administration officials lectured. servative National Action Party. munist party claims 30,000 mem­ a dlly oft for the 800 residents of S&hartla,. June 28 Thunda" July 3 Gunnar Back, a news commen­ bers, and scores of fellow travel­ Also in the race is Candido Agui­ Pekin - it's a day for remember­ 8:llO p.m. All University 8:00 p.m. - University Play, tator, showed pictures of an atom lar of the Independent Revolu­ ers are said to be in the People's Party, Iowa Union. "Seoond ThreShold," Theatre. bomb explosion over Nevada su­ tionary Party, and finally there is party. ing God and country. Honda" JUlie 30 Frida" Jul, " perimposed on a picture of New Vincente Lombardo Toledano of The election will, for the tir:;! This year, as on 121 previous Independence Day, Classes 8:qo p,m. - Summer Session York city. the Popular and Communist Par­ time in years, give an accurate Fourths, Pekinites will stand si­ ~ture l Judge HarQld C. Kes­ Suspended. A direct hit, he said, would ties. lent and respectful as the ~onsti­ elnger, "How We Oet Our Prelli­ mean casualties could run as high estimate of how strong the prq- tution is read aloud in the picnic Monday, July 7 Official Since 1910 Soviet sentiment is in Mexico. dent," SQuth Ufjlon Campus. 8:00 p.m.-Summer Session Lec­ as 500,000 if no warning were grounds at the oldest annual Rulz Cortines, 61-year-old gov- Lombardo Toledano is considered 8:00 p.m, ~ University Play, ture by Hal Boyle, "The Poor given. If a warning' was given, Fourth of July celebration in the ernment otticial, has been asso- by many as the chief critic of "Second Threshold," Theatre. Man's Philosophy," south Union and civil defense on its toes, the land. cjated with his party since 1910 Washington north of Buenos • I Tileaday • .Jul, 1 campus. casualties could be cut in _halt, Pekin will be proudly patriotic 8;00 p.m. - University Play, he said. when he served as an army pay- Aires. on the Fourth, and not the least "Second Threshold," Theatre. Thunday• .July 10 Arthur E. Kimberling, former master. Ten years ago he was Orderly Development 10:00 a.m.-The University club, bit ashamed of it. , Wedn~" Jul, % police chiet at Louisville, told secretary to Aleman when the The administration, and the The celebration has changed 8:00 p.ll). - University Play, brunch, Iowa Union. cops how they could help In emer­ current president was Interior sec- PRI, is maintaining it is best Monday, Jul, 14 but little since the first one in "Second Threshold," Theatre. gencies. He said peacetime train­ retary. When Aleman. became qualified. to continue the orderly 8:00 p,m. - Summer Session 1830. Of course, nowadays there . Wecba9da" Jul, 2 ing would help but (a picture of president, he named hiS former ,progress of Mexico's development Lecture by Harrison Wood, "The are more people under the oaks in 8:00 p.m. - University Sym­ an atom bomb expiosion was associate to cabinet rank. Like and that it has the men best Changing World," south Union Gill's Grove (3'bout 17,000 are ex­ phony Orchestra conc'j!rt at Me­ flashed on tbe screen) "nothing Aleman, the PRI standard bearer trained to do the job. pected to attend this year) and morial Union. campus. has prepared us for one of these is considered a friend of the Unit­ The opposiition is challenging they come in cars instead of babies." ted States. spring wagons. SHOWN ABOVE IS AN '~xam ille of how tbe more tba.n a. (Fo~ iIlformaliOll n,arcllllJ ~&eI bf!,ond lhU ICIhedule, After 45 minutes of lecturing, thc administration and saying the As for the other candidates, one LelJlOnade and Chicken residents of Peilin. Ind.. and the surroundlu area turn ... II .... reeeryatiou hi &he ottl~ , UII! Pre.lden" Old Capitol.) something new in television was government is corrupt. However, celebrate the Fourtb or July. Next week's annual obllervanee will political wag said "They have as On Pekin's Fourth there are tried. The audience asked ques­ the opposition has little oppor­ be Pekin's l~~d, maklnr It the oldest annual Fourth of July much chance of being elected as a still old-fashioned lemonade and ceteIIft. tions, Mostly they were of a tech­ tunity of reaching the masses out­ tlon In the land. nical nature. Fellow in Evanston, Republican as has to governorship fried chicken, a strong-voiced or­ of Georgia:." side of public speeches. Most Ill., wondered about his authority ator in the afternoon, fireworks Yet, there Is always the chance magazines ond newspapers, mind­ pIa use and somewhere in the line Gill, daughters of Pat Gill, y~ to go to the aid of another town ful of the power of the PRI, are at nigh t and "The Star Spangled there is always a drum and bugle year's Pekin Fourth of July pe. hit by a bomb. for an upset. Many say Mexico Banner" all day long. actively supporting Ruiz Cortinez. corps from some proud American rade leader. has reached the point of political Peldn, a tiny agricultural town maturity where the opposition According to government fig­ Legion post. Estate Ownen Worrletl ures, there are 5.5 million eligible set among the "knobs" a few miles might well win without the use of north ot the Ohio river, was cau­ This year a spit-and-polish army Privately, however, the 14_ violence. voters. Married men over 18 and tious at first about cla1ming un­ bachelors of 21 must vote; failure group from a nearby Quartermas­ Gill are worried. Settlement of lite Guzman 18 Contender equalled antiquity for its celebra­ ter Depot wlU bring with it a Gill estate among several' l\IIlrI to do so is punishable by fine or tion. It discovered, however, that The top contender is Henriquez jail sentence, although this is not few of the nation's latest weapons. may force the sllie of the 18-ICIt Guzman, a tormer army officer though a few other towns had enforced. Women are not permit­ celebrated the Fourth before 1830, Noon brings lunch-fried chick­ grove, now valuable buJ1dlD& who tllrned contractor and is said ted to vote. to be one of the richest men In none could challenge its claim of en, of course, as well as country property. "And we don'! kD/IW Mexico with a fortune of more SAllIe Ballotinc unbroken continuity for so many specialties like sweet and sour what will happen to the FO~ than $50 mllllon. Only 53 years Ballotini is done in much the years. pickles and two kinds of pie. At then," says Miss Eunice, old, he has been campaigning same style as in this country, with Imporiant Speallen two o'clock a hush settles over the "Wouldn't seem right to b~V. it against corruption in government those unable to read being given Many a fine speaker has stood grove. The Constitution is read, any place else," says Miss LoreltJ. and the high cost 01 living. He, assistance in the booth. on the circular bunting-draped and the speaker has his say. At ,t seems likely, ho'!l'ev~, ~! too, Is friendly to the United In the last election, in 1946, bandstand through the years: be­ night there are fireworks and the the uove, like many other Amerl· States. Aleman won by 1,785,901 to 443,- sides several senators, governors day ends with everyrbody joining can landmarks threatened . wlIl Gonzalez Luna, an attorney, was 357 for Ezequiel Padilla. the for­ and congressmen, there have been in on "The Star Spangled Ban­ sale and oblivion, will be laved ~ nominated by his party after mer foreign minister. Many ex­ Abraham Lincoln's vice"president ner." public subscription, After aU, ~ Manuel Gomez Martin, party perts are saying when the ballots John Hay, sent by the President Cball'III&Il II Edltor Loretta is right - it wouldn't ill fouhder and leader, declined the are tabulated, Adollo Ruiz Cor­ to deliver a fiery aPolitionist ad­ This year's chairmon, Victor to have the celebration any p~ Green, editor of the Pekin Banner, nomination. One year younger tines' wlll win by as many votes. dress, and a wartime emissary else. from the White House who came Chautauqua atmosphere of Pekin's than Henriquez Guzman, the head to read greetings from Franklin says he thinks the fine, old-time ENLISTS IN AIIl FORCI of the Conservative National Ac­ SCHNOEBELEN IN KOREA Fourth is due to the absence of D. Roosevelt. Bill Hedges, 19, son of tion party is described as "a trlend A SUI graduate, Pvt. Yaro M. Today's sought-after speakers commercialism. Nobody makes a ¥(. ind EIGHTH ARMY COMMANDER of the ." Schnoebelen, 138 Koser, Iowa are men whose oratorical style is dime oU the celebration except Mrs. Irving W. Hedgell, 730 Thlrd Wl4er Gen. noqlu MaeAltbar Veteru Rl!volaUoDAl')' City, now is serving with the 25th in the tradition of William Jen­ two local granges, who have the ave., has enlisted in the 'U.!l. IIr darllll' the JaJ*llHl! occupation, Candidate No.4, Aguilar, is a Infantry division in eastern Korea. nings Bryan. soft drink concession. force. Hedges ieft Thursdl1' tor • • • • Ll OeD. aeberl L Elcbel"pr 64-year-old veteran of the revolu­ Schnoebelen received hill .B.S. In IMtII 1Z Houn There Is no admission charge, Chicago where he will _v, , J. ,.tti.r\Ar Of pollOi ollellal. In Toronto wu Informed that "there haa aDbOlIDCe4 hII luppon of tion, and Is waging a strong per­ June, 1951. He entered the army The celebration always lasts 12 and the Gill heirs, who still own further assignment. He at~ • , .... ',.\X '!I1.tltl,Ulihabii ata,. of Into.dc.tlon: dry and deJ;l.nt; de­ GeD. bwq.ld D. li8eironJ ... for IOnal campaign based on prlciples In August, 19M, and arrived in hours. In the morning there Is a the grove, pay the taxes on It SUI and was majoring I" qI­ ~te4 and d..,U~; dill)' ud. IMUrjolll. d.. e(J lind deJeertd; dead the BepabllCIUI prealllepUal of the revolution calUni for the Korea on May'. He Is serving in long parade down Main street. without recompeQse. ·~ That'. the neerlng. He was working tOr ·iht - . ~k;".n.a .ead. . nolDlaa&lon. araeAr&I1ur II • promotion of the welfare of the company B of the 35th InfantrY The Grange and Community way Poppa would want It," say Bendix Aviation corpora~ IJ ' ~rri,t.t, · ., ~tl eftl. ~iltrlllllP4 b, KIq ,... bands play, the lloatB draw ap- the MiAeJ Loretta and Eunice Davenport until hiI ~ • - II,~~ - ,1000- _ •. _. _...... _ ..l_ w__.... . ~ 'TII.'*".oj luPpol1er of lep, Boberi T .... COlI)lllQn mjln. re&iment. 2Soldiers Receive ~ ·3"5,000 Children -to -Undergo'Johnson-.cou If_Republicans; Medals of -Honor Big Texas Polio Experiment Democrats, (onventions r~i H.,I~ The id a that e rrUns substan­ tial profits is a vire of some sort capital ("tht- cumulative re­ r - r-f)J ti:~~S~~ooT':jl~~ w~~ e~: tOge:~:~!::dc:;J)~~~a.ntcir~ei~=~t JOh::nc::!~~ (or which the bUl>in man owes suit of som body's effort") [or Ita used here In a test medical auth- The Democrats met In the courthouse and elected Donald E. Bor- an apology was attacked by V. R. operations may go for years wlth­ oritles hope will prevent paralysis cbarl, Iowa City attorney, a their county ehairman lor the next t '0 from polio. ye rs. Th Republicans mel In the Community bulldinll. dkided to M rtin. g neral _ales man3Ker of out ~elvln, dividend, while l.AIGtl . The children, aged one to sIlt, back Dwl&ht EiM'nhower tor presldentlal nomin ,and adopted reso- th yt g company, Newton, t their firm is building up its po­ rision PrII. r Will take part in the bigllest Inoc- lutlons urging th tate d legation 10 do the same. SUI's third annual orkshop on slUon or Is att mpUn, to CfJIlUnue o ftir~ ------Economlc Education Thursd to function und r adverse clrcum- OWDeIl ; Illation of a command blood rrae­ e\' nin£ tanc film ~ lion (gamma globulin) ever at­ Larson Emphasizes 141 artin declared that It' the Taxes are amona the .trongest Prevleto tempted as a means of fighting trBtJve intern firm with a~l"e, sales-pro- dampers on busln xpanslon, moUn profit-producin, policies especially in th cue of the sinal1- sbow J paralysis. pltals at SUI. s warded one of Announcemenl of the inocula­ Importance of Unity 54 degr of m ter of hMpltal that j abl~ to pour more and bu.ines man wbo may nol have o,~ more funds into expansion and past aminp to tall back upon, tion, which begins next Wednes­ Atty, Gen. Roberl 1.. Larson, of administration at Northw lern trolll j impro\'~meDt of Its facilities. and Mlrtin said. day. come as this Texas city W3S urUver ·lIy's commeneem nt xer­ lo,,'a City. delivered the keynol ci es June 18. atcordln, to Dr. thus ~real~ more job and gr~ater "Th~ greltest contribution gov­ gripped by a polio epidemic. addre to th GOP's. He aid the Malcolm T. 1acEacher-n, profes­ benefits for e\'eryont> associated ernm~nt can make to Job per­ SUI: New C..­ or nd director at the program with It. Ipelulty Is to make ,overnment Ii • Six new city polio cases, ve cru ade against gamblin, was in hospital dmlnl tratlon at H alro pointed out thai the more economical and thu relieve j:ounty and three non-resident Northw stem. own.. of a busin . who prov[d~ the tax load." h added. cases were brought up for treat­ proof that the people ot the sl te ment Friday. would support a ,ood tausI'. These cases raised the total so He saId the Republican party far this year to 14 11 city cases with must "sweep th Incompetent" ~ deaths, 98 county cases with 4 out of ottiee." In t'lIlIlng for unity deaths and 94 non-resident cases y.'ith 8 deaths. within the party, Laf'!'lOn urged The National Foundation of In­ party m mbers to dOl'I the slo­ fantile Paralysis, which Is financ­ gan, "Taft or Ik WlII Do It ~ng the gamma globulin research, Alik ." regards 20 cases per 100,000 pop­ Lat"lon told the 'ulotion lIS a polio epidemic. \fhl: city of Houston has an esUmated ond' onJooken that Republic ns Sell Your Odds & Ends Through Thrifty Classifiedsl 800,000 population and the county, should " wake up to the fad lh t w hich will /llso be Included In the they are a minority party and 110 1 inoculation, has 200,000. to work on that b 15." 1WANT AD RATES Places To Eat . Dr, William Hammon of the Elwin K . Shain, of Iowa City, • University of Pittsburgh wll1 di­ Introduced th r solution to b ck Olle day ._ ••.__ .•. Ie per word 4~ rect the inoculation, the second EI MOWer. A 7. to vot lavor­ Three da, • ._._ ... l!e ~r ord ever attempted but the first on Ina EI nhow r ov r Taft follow­ Ive da,• ... _...... I5e per word JUch a huge scole. He said the Young Heroes Receive Medals ed. TeD day, _. ___•. :tOc per word HOUM for Rent pilot test last year at Provo, Utoh, -'---- TWO BOY AND OlliE GIRL r elve ant-dal from I'resld .. nt Tru­ ODe month ...... ate per wor4 MOVING. Dial _ and ... III. ~DIeW was tried on only 5,768 chlldJ"en, IDlmum ebarre SOc mo<\e", equl "'M' 61 tM IdallU &ro.. not I:nough to make a conclusive man at lbe Whiie lioll I' for bravery and outstanding .. rvlce durln.c Tranal r. 1951. R'-'Clelvln .. medals are (from left) luan W. Ober... 17. MUU­ Corruption Is Theme answer, Dt:ADLlN 8 WUI Combal. ParalY8:. bocke •. 1\11' •• for oulatandln.. service to hb chool. town aDd country; lnatruc1ion Parkt.t E. Strait. 10. Coral Gabl • Fla .• for rl kine hi lite 10 sa \Ie • p.m. w kdaYI for ilu rlion However, the researchers .. t Of Demo's Address In following mornlna', Dally a 9-year-old rirl. Gerry Gu laf on, \I ho wa .ttacked by a hun ai­ Pittsburgh university whO have low n. PI ase check your Id tested the blood fraction on mice Il&'at.or, and Mar.. arel Galas I, t6. prlndield. 1Ji., ror savin.. Ih At the D moer tic convention In Ih first 1. ue it appears. Uves of seven youn.. chJldren \I hen the hOD:.4l where he W8& baby· and monkeys for two yeors said In the courthou e Attorney Bor­ Th~ 0 Ily Iowan can be r - they were convinced that while it alUln .. burned to Ihe ,"round. apon Ibl tor only on incor­ ~hart won the county chairman couldn't prevent polio It cold be rect I nserllon. Ilsed successfully on humans to election by a one vole m rilin HelD Wanted combat paralysis. over John O'Connor, Jr., In an II u.s.Civil Service CLASSIFIED DISPLAY IOWA CIUant "" Ihe '·h.lp ....nI4ld · Hammon emphasized lhat the Iowa Citian to Train One insertion ..... __ . liRe per Ineh MOVING Into on .""rlmont' LMvelhe ...Iu ...... 01 th. Iowan \0 IIlI PQOIU to 10 county. rMponalblU17 01 moinE lonl or Ihor1 blood lra~tlon, which hos been r... t ""i~ daY! lAt th.-m worll: 'M "7 Needs Investigator Borchart uc ds Atty. Edward Five Insertions per month, Mull with your fumltur. \0 our modem.. tool Dial HII Iodorl used to treat measles, could cause 11 ~lIlpped Tr.nd r Betvl • Ua_ no harm to children. With Air Force Unit W . Lucas who did not run for })Of Ins rtlon ... _.. ,88c per Inch J)roa, Tran '~r .. Th U.S, civil rvle commis- T n In rllons per month, Typing sion announced Friday that It sUll r -election. • MALL !lIrnlahod------a""rUnen! Bluden: Stan C. Kaiser, 2d Lt. U.S, air per Insertion " . ....8Oc p.£.r Ineh ...."pl. r lrod"e, lady. Phone NIl has openings for Inv Ugators, ac­ O'Connor, In d IIverln, th kcy­ Dally Ins rtlons during mo"llth, TU IS and Itnr.. 1 t"plnt. mlm~'" SUI Profeslor's Son lorce, has left tor Attcrbury air Ill: IlNGTON PC>rublt ty~wrlt r. a;;:;;d b'!lWHII' a.m,-4 p.m. ,r.phln., Notary Public, Mary V. cording to N, J, Organovic. di­ note ddre, charged th, I neither per Ins rtlon _._._7Oc per Inch 8u",0. 101 Iowa \.lie Bonlt. D\.II N:I4I rondillon, Call 1012. LOI\ Heads Hi-Y Congress force base, Ind., to be processed. rector of th eighth civil rvice parly "has the corner on hon­ and Found or 2131. ty," He ·ald corruption In gov­ 8,1", AI.uUllt"',"'" f. ,Nick Johnson. a spring gradu­ From there he wl!1 proceed to T". Oall, 1•• ,n II. hUon Ottl .. rnment would prob3bly be the a...... t ..... 1.. 11 er ate' of University high school, is Hondo, Tex" for pilot tralniniC presiding over a section of the main I. ue no matter whom the with the 3304th train In, squadron. Republicans nominate as their First National Youth and Govern­ CALL 4191 Kaiser, who is the son ot C. J, choice tor presld nl. fi\ent assembly now being held in Kaiser, 1621 WlIson st., attended Th 130 person gothered 5t WlIshlnaton, D.C. thc courthouse hcord char es ot Johnson, son of Prot and Mrs. SUI lor lour years and Is a ,rad­ corruption In 1I0vernment in the Wendell J ohnson of Iown City, Is uate of lown City high school. report of the r 'olutlons commit­ serving as president ot the Six th He Is a member or the Iowa t also. National HI-Y Congress. His The,. \l!ns Rome p oi - Jo Sell. father Is B profes90r of psycholollY Flying club, Iowa Mountainecrs, E·t K buver "rol xpu'Tng nd and speech at SUI and direc~or of the Arnold Air society and th cleanin, up corruption 1n 1:> mo­ the university's speech c1 lnic. Elks club, crlltic rank nnd t'lsewhere." I 'lion CAAruRETORS HENBY C A BL A N DERSO N GENERA TORS STARTERS Briggl & Stratton Moto... e ..... '- " .. ".~-.. TWO IIn,I.. two rooml - one PYRAMID SERVICES rOGm op8rtm.nl. G781 ailAlr I. QUICK LOANS on 1.... lry . dolhlnl, ...dIM. eto. HOCK-BY!: LOAN. 1,.110 220 S. Clinton Dial 5723 INOW: ond double ro",nt. ),I..,.. c 71f S.:.,~D-:Ub~J:-=q~U.::t.-::-:-______-.,.,._ lowl Ave. Phone 1687. ""'" LOANED on IUnJ ...muo,. dla· mondl. clolllint. Mc . RJ:LIABU LOAN MOVINa, D I.l 1010 Ind UN the complet. Co. lOt Eott Burlln"on, Modern equIpMent Of the Moller Broo Trlnlff'r. Houses Here Are Typical Results nJ'RNlSIfED rOGnu lor lummlr. Clo.. In. LET ... tron I r your lurnllute ,,'tll abo", .... SH Do.. OL OlUl1bl .. or Dill willi our ",oclfm eQulpmfnt to yo"r n." From Want Ad Users! ..:am , bo . Mlb T 8roa. Trend r . Dial Music and Radio For toot comfort . . • For new Iboe look .•• nEe· ED SIMPSON • .. found a buyerl RADIO and TV aervlc. for .U ..... ket. 113 Iowa Avonue "We needed cash and decided to 11 our D ill 22SD. Sutton Radio and T.llvltolon. Shoe Repalrlnr and Suppllel umm ra cottage, I ran a W !lot Ad for LET US REPAIR YOUR SHO~ only two days Dnd sold It for 20'7< more WANTED than l.'1e loeal ae nt had offered." or Wholesale driver salesman, Rent-A-Truck Blue cross. Blue shield, paid ... got a iob fast vacations 6. incentive bonla HERTZ Drl v:l~ r SYSTEM "Even with a business school diploma, the be t I wa oU red was $35 a week LI enJle!! plans. Insurance. .•. till I ran a Want Ad staling IJlY qualifications, Next day I landed a Job MAHER BROS. Apply in Person. paying me $50." PhODe 9696 MODEL DAIRY

LAFF .. A·DAY ... sold my stove " My range was 11 years old and no lODger manuac:tured. But I found a buyer lor it with a Want Ad in one day. And sold it (or 40'it more than rd hoped for."

••• got a high offer "The best I had been o ffered by niends a nd neltbbors for my old baby plan pen, baby earriap, high chair and scales was $15. With a Want Ad that COlt only $!.tO 1 got $32 for the lot." • I).


"Don't call me 'Pet'! It just reminds me that I work Daily Iowan Wanllds like. do,!"

• , .

• AG~ FOn - mE DAILY IOWAN, SATUBDAY, JUNE !I, 1I~ • . ' Ath'etlc Meet at ..POW Camp in North Korea Steve O'Neill Records Fall , u.s. Olympic Tryouts By TED SMITS did 56-7lK-better than the Olympic r~ord o[ 66-3 set In the 1946 New Ma (IP) - of Morgan State won the blue games by at the U.S.A. Thompson Friday did 54- ' ribbon 100 meter dash at the final Olympic team tryouts Friday in 5 ~ and finil;hed fifth. At Phi/s' Camp; 10.5 seconds as a powerful American squad shaped up Lor the games In the javelin of the Navy Olympics ~ 235-8% for PHILADELPHIA (J.P) -. TIle in Helslnkd amid a series of record breaking performances. tirst place, closely pressed by at the-Los Ahgeies A. C. with Philadelphia Phillies annOUllI:l!d Six meet records were set In eigllt event,s, with 's 234-1 'Ye. Franklin (Bud) Held, formerly of StanIord, was thi\d with Friday nigh t tha t manager Eddie time of 1 :48.6 in the 800 meters one at the brigh test. Tllis tied the 224-2~. In the last games T. Rautavarra of won the' event Sawyer has been replaced '" American record held by another Olympic great, John Woodruff of w.\th 228-10%. , Steve O'Neill. Pittsburgh • . Meredltll Gourdine, Cornell, won the broad jump with 25-472, Announcement of Sawycr's dil­ followed by Jerome BifCIe, U.S. army, 25-2, and , mil;sa I was made after a speclll Whitfield is defending Olympic champion at 800 meters and will U.C.L.A., 25-1~. Although he made the team, this was Brown's tlrst meeting at the Phillies' clubbo also try for the 40o-meter title. Only in the broad jump and the 100 defeat after 41 straight victories. ' in Shibe park following Frida, meter dash did the 1952 performers fail to exceed tile best tryout The 100 meter dash was a sizzler. In the first heat came the first night's ' 6-0 win over the Neltl marks ever made by Americans. serious casualty of the day. Jim Golliday of Northwestern, the colle­ York Giants. Upsets were the order of the day. Milton Engel of New York uni­ giate champion and a prime favorite to win at , puUed up The replacement of the quiet. versity and the Pioneer club surprised with the best hammer throw lame and finil;hed last. scholarly Sawyer in his fifth y of his life, 182 feet, 5 inches, beating Sam Felton, who had 182. , In the finals, Bill Mathis was away fast and led at the half way as manager ot the team he bul1\ Then of Texas A. & M. threw the shot two feet point. Bragg nd Lindy Remingino of Manhattan charged up and Bragg intb a National league pennan further than he had ever done before to win at 57-1 %, with Parry came home a winner with barely a yard to spare on Remiglno. After winner in 1950 came as a surpriSl!, although his replacement had O'Brien ot Southern California second at 57-Ih, and the world record a long huddle and much consultation at pictures it was announced been subject of rumors since the holder, , ex-Yale, barely qualifying at 56-11~. · that Jim Gathers of tile U.S. air force would be taken to Helsinki. He Phil1ies failed to turn into a win­ Curtis Stone. already a team member at 10,000 meters. defeated and of Texas U. tied for third place. Customarily the first ner this season. , the highly regarded Kansan, in the 5,000 meters with a three finisllers in the 100 run in the open event in the game and tile George Fletcher, secretary ot new American record of 14.27.0. fourth place man is used In the 400 meter relay. the clUb, said that Sawyer would The first three men in each event of the tryouts automatically , formerly Cornell, set anotller American record continue in the Phillies organiza­ - .~.~ ...,: ~' qualify for the team. A crowd of 15,000 was on hand. Tomorrow the when he won the 400 meter hurdles in the sparkling time of :50.7, ALLIED PRISONERS-OF-WAR clear hurdles durin.- a 100-meoer hurdle event a.t an athletic meet in tion in a special scouting assign­ balance of the finals will be run off. only one-tenth of a second lower than the world record. of camp No. I, somewhere In Norih Koraa. Len to rilh!: S&1. James Alt, Petersburlr, W. Va.; Pvt. James ment for owner Bob Carpenter. The quality of performances here far exceeded anything known Arkansas was second, and Ronald Blackman of the U.S. army took A. Lord, Manches&er, En,land; Pfc. Charles R. 8oyd, Preston Ky., and Pvt. Anthony Paul E&&,les, ;Fletcher said that Carpenter. in previous Olympic team tryouts. In the , Bernie Meyer, 10r­ third place, from Bob Devinney of Kansa&, one of tile favorites, who Gloucester, England, who won the race. This pioture was taken by Frank Noel, an Associated Press telephoned O'Neill Friday af merly of New York university, failed to make the team although he collapsed as he cr<;,ssed the finish line. Louisville, where the new Pili la­ photograptrer who Is a. POW hlmaeU, and was released by U.S. army censors after Red censors had delphia manager was on a scout­ released the neratlve. Allied authorities have oUen noted that Communist censors pass such pictures ing assignment for the Boston Red. because of their 'evident prop.... anda value. Sox and that O'Neill Rrr'Rn:."" come to Philadelphia ImJmecllaleLY. Snead, Ferrier.ln Front O'NellI will be on hand to Scotsma ... Is Guest - ' the club in its game with the In Inverness Matches York Giants tonight. ,Whi'te Sox Move To'4th Place TOLEDO, O. (iP)-Former PGA The clu!} secretary said champions Sam Snead and Jim Carpenter and Sawyer had Dodgers Woo New Fan Ferrier Friday romped out tront discussing tile cllange for Maior Scoreboard , in quest of the $5,000 first prize "past several days," and that Cubs Shut Out Pierce Winner In the Inverness four-ball matches was decided a change would AMERICAN 8TANDING8 - Data Arranged W L POT. Gil as they tacked a 4-up defeat on for 'the best of the club." New York ... 37 24 .807 veteran Byron Nelson and former Cincinnati, 6-0 B08ton, ., . . , .. 38 30 . 54~ 31l. from the American forces radio Over Indians ABEt'tDEEN, Scotland (IP)-The amateur champion Skee Riegel CINCINNATI (IP) - Lefty Paul Wa.hh1lton .. 33 28 .541 4 * * * * * * Chlcallo .. , ., 38 31 .537 4 Brooklyn Dodgers wooed and won in Germany two years ago and The one-sided victory, in which Minner rang up his seventh win C,leveland .... 38 II .537 4 CHICAGO (iP) - The Chicago Scotland's hottest baseball fan St. Loull ..... 31 36 .t83 8 he's been a red hot fan by radio the winners ripped nine strokes VAR5ilY NOWl for the Chicago Cubs Friday White Sox Friday night nudged Friday with a free trip to Brook­ ..., .. ' ., .. , , I I. (0 r Philadelphia . 26 32 .448 81l. ever since. off par with a best-ball 31-:U-62 night, shutting out the Cincinnati Detrolt ...... , 21 U .323 18 back Into a fourth place tie with lyn and a date with a lady Dodger Reds, 6 to 0, on six hits while Fr.d.,', B•• u". Cleveland by defeating the In­ Not understanding some of the against par 35-36-71, gave the 2 New Hit. -ALL IN COLOR Cttleallo I, Cleveland 1 fan. West Virginia clouter and the for­ smacking two doubles and a sin­ St. Loull 2, Detroit I dians, 5 to 1 behind the four hit He is 23-year-old Alistair Forb­ technical terms of the game­ gle himself. Roy Smalley put the New York 10. Philadelphia 0 pitching at lefty Bllly Pierce be­ mer Australian a plus five rating W8sbJnrton 5, BOlton 3 es of Balgownie Crescent, Bridge baseball being virtualJy unknown for two rounds and a two-point game beyond recall when he T.'.,'. PI&.eber, fore a jubilant crowd of 39,968. of Don, Aberdeen. He's leaving by in Scotland - Ile wrote to the edge over Lloyd Mangrum and whacked a three-run homer in the Philadelphia 01 New York - Shantz Pierce fanned 10 to equal Ilis plane for Brooklyn Sunday wear­ (12-2) VI. Saln (7-2). Brooklyn Dodgers and promptly Cary Middlecoff ninth. Wa.hlnllton at Boston - MUleraon season's strike out record. The ing, naturally, kilts. was sent a set of rules and a base­ The only solace the Reds got (2-2) YI. Trout 15-8). Sox belted for nine Forbes, a grain plant operator, ball year book. from the contest was their Cleveland at Chlcaro - Garela 110-5) VI. Stobba (4-4) or Grl•• om 15·4) . hits. has never seen a baseball game. Friday, Forbes got a cable il'om lay against Chicago in the sixth, Detroit at 51. Loull Inl,ht) - Gray But he picked up are-broadcast (7-7) VI. Pllletle (8-5). The White Sox didn't have to the Dodgers inviting him to spend the second such play this season. NATIONAL 8"ANDINGS do much more than stand around Ceda.r Ra,ids, le.a. W L PCT. GB a week as their guest in Brooklyn, Brooklyn ..... 45 17 .738 to score two runs in the first inn­ all expenses paid. And just to be Iowa's Smar~e!Jt Ballro.m - CO-FEATURE New York , .• ' U 21 .IMI , ing. Nellie Fox launched the inn­ Cttlcallo .. , . .. 311 28 .1163 10 Favorites Win sure he wouldn't wander over to Ton1lht , Yankees 10, A's 0 SI. Loull .... , 36 33 .522 I~ \!o ing wMh a single to center and see the New York Giants play, a LYNN BARI ORCHESYSA • I Cincinnati , .. , at 38 .ttO 17 ~ went 10 third when Ray Boone date with Dodger fan Ellen Car­ "MVl tc .t,led In the manner of NEW YORK (IP) - Eddie Lopat Phlladelphla , 28 :IS .U4 17 Y.o Chuok FOlter " Orrin Tacker Bo.ton , .. , ..• 27 38 .415 IPY.o made a wild throw to second on men Bey, was arranged. blanked Philadelphia on four sin­ Pltlsbur,ll ... 17 51 .250 31 Minnie Mlnoso's fielder's choice. At Wimbledon Ev.ry WEDNESDAY gles for eight innings Friday as FrI'.,', a •••II. Fopular "OVER Z8- NIT'" Chlcaao 8. Cln.lOnaU 0 A walk to Eddie Robinson filled WIMBLEDON, England (A» - the crushed TWENTY-two-mon&h-old JIm­ Phlladelph.la 8. New York 0 the bases and then the two runs LAYNE, CHARLES MATCHED ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ the Athletics, 10-0. Lopat left after Brooklyn 8, Boston 3 ' The eight men who were sup­ my Mason demonstrates lhe scored when Ray Coleman drew a OGDEN, Utah (A» - Manager iii - eight innings because his shoulder St. Loull 6. Pltllburgh t posed to reach the quarterfinals pUchlnl' form thai makes him T .....,. '. PYelll.r. pass and Sherm Lollar was hit by Marv Jenson said Friday agree­ BOl lon at Brooklyn (nlaht) - Spahn of the men's singles in tile all­ stiffened and Tom Morgan fin­ the talk 0/ local play.-round a pitched ball. ment has been reached tor a ished up. Mickey Mantle launched 18-7, VI. Van Cuyk (5-t" England lawn tennis champion­ league in Mobile. Ala. Wet,hlnl' New York at Philadelphia (DI,tII) Cleveland's tirst hit off Pierce sllips finally made it Friday. heavyweight bout between Rex the New York scoring with ~ two­ 34 pounds. Includinl' diapers, Hearn (I·l) VI. Roben. It·t). Layne and Ezzard Cbarles in Og­ run homer in the fourth. . St. Loul. at Plttsbur.h - Pr•• ko Ct·t) in tile third inning developed into W9ile more than 100 persons JIm clutches the ball like a bl.­ VI. Dlcklon (5-10). a major tllreat, but it tailed. With fainted (rom th heat - hot wea­ den Aug. 6 but it remains to be Mantle's sock Into tile lower iealller and also bale wUh per­ Chlcaao al Clnclnnall - Ruoh (8-4) V., ther is so rare in Britain they determined whether it will be for right field staI}ds was his seventh Wehmeier (4-4) . one out, Jim Hegan singled oU "ALONG THE fect coordination and tlmln.-. Pierce's glove and Feller bunted, fain at 90 degrees - top-seeded 10 or 15 rounds. GREAT DIVIDE" of the year ahd third as a left­ HIs dad. a railway eondudor. but Pi8r08 threw badly to second fran~ Sedgman of Australia diti- lURK DOllGLAS handed batter. ataried &eachlnr him io &bruw a ======::;:::===== trying for a forceout. Both run­ posed of fellow countryman Don baseball when he was It months Dodgers 8; Bnyes 3 ners were safe. Harry Simpson Candy without working up a good AIR CONDITIONED old. BROOKLYN (.4» - The Brook­ sweat. lyn Dodgers scol'ed their ninth forced Feller, but Bobby Avila BY REFRIGERATION Surqeon'. lnatrumenla Sev.enth-seeded Eric Sturgess of EquIpment & Suppu.. victory at the season over Boston walked to fill the bases. Pierce then extricated hirnsel! by fann­ South Africa, who meets Sedg­ Browns 2, Tigers 1 without a defeat Friday nigh t, man in the next round, deteated gl. 11.1 li ~, ) For EnIT Field of Pr&C&l~ beating the Braves, 8-3. Ralph ing Larry Doby. Grant Golden. at Northwestern lmtrument Maw . ST. LOUIS (iP) - Lefty Hal Branca allowed only two hits in university. an eight inning relief stint to gain ENDS TUESDAY For The ProfeuWn Newhouser of the The winners were the seeded Sine, 1895 credit for the triumph. Ileld the Browns to three hits Fri­ players from 1 to 6 - Sedgman, The victory enabled the Brooks Senators S, BoSox 3 J aroslav Drobny of Egypt, Vic to widen their league lead over day nigllt, but two throwing er­ BOSTON (IP) - Eddie Yost Seixas of Philadelphia; Dick Sa­ JANIE "RussEtL rors gave St. Louis a 2-1 victory. the New York Giants to four Ilomered and Pete Runnels clouted vitt, the defending champion from I games. a_ Phebus, aepretleDi&&ive Bob Cain and Satchel Paige al­ a pair of three-baggers Friday Orange, N. J. ; Ken McGregor of VICTOR MATURE lowed Detroit only five Ilits, all night as the Washington Senators Australia, Herbie Flam of Beverly DIAL S308 Sunday: ABOTT & COSTELLO ... )tOler Ave. Iowa Cit)" singles. supported Conrado Marrero witll Hills, Calif., Sturgess and Mer­ Newhouser, making his first Cards 6, Pirates 4 a nine-hit attack that defeated the vyn Rose at Australia. MEET THE KlLLER start since May 11, set up the first PITTSBURGH (IP) Enos , 5-3 . .BilIy Good­ The Americans almost lost their \ BORIS 'KARLOff Brownie run In the third with a Slaughter drove lh five runs Fri­ man homered for the tllird Boston national champion in the women's wild throw. Joe Demaestri led off day nlght with four consecutive run in the eiihth inning. singles. Maureen Connolly, tbe 17- Edward S. \Rose Sayt with a walk. Cain, attempting to Singles as the St. Louis Cardinals The ~enatQrs pounded former year-old titlel10lder from San sacrifice, popped to Newhouser beat tile Pittsburgh Pirates, 6-4. teamma~ Sid Hudson for seven Diego, Calit., squeezed past Susan Ba, Dru Store Items at a who threw wild past first base, Stan Musial helped the Card at their hits and all but one of Partridge of England, 6-3, 5-7, 7-5 DaUG STORE - ),oa let a permi tUng Demaestri to go all cause by doubling and singling to their runs before he was replaced to move into the quarterfinals. ST~~ the way to third. Bob Young run his consecutive hitting streak by Ray Scarborough starting the But ~he rarely looked like a rnmwm· ,peelaliled servioe at the lame -=y bounced out, but Cass Michaels to 23 games. eighth. • ' champion. rlDI& - Ii shoald be the natural NOW! YOU ~~TSEE POPULAR PRICES singled Demaestrl home. Vmegar Bend Mizell started for ------~,-- thine 10 do - of coune allow as In the fourth Newhouser walked the Cards but went to the showers A IIwry 01 FlrP io till ,oar PRESCRIPTION - Bob Nieman and Jim Dyck. Then in the fitth when the Bues scored flied to Don Lenhardt two runs. FURNITURE AUCTION Love, and lbe in left. Second baseman Gerry LoDging 01 ,D DRUG SHOP Priddy took the relay, but threw 1:30 P.M. TODAY ~ndian Girl into the Tigers' dugout, Nieman Phillies 6, Giants 0 111 S. DabaQae 8" .". for an scoring. PHILADELPHIA (iP) - Curt 11 South Johnson Street Amerloan 50' Simmons, the National league top Selling out - beautJful $325 .00 bedroom suite, good davenport, pitcher on the earned-run list, large arm and rocking chairs, radio, Voss washing maclline. 2 ••• Brou.bt limited the New York Glants to Ell()I&IDI three scattered safeties, Friday cane chairs, gate-leg table, library tables, smaU apartment stove, w You'll Find .A Superb night as the Philadelphia Philliell rugs, refrigerator, lawn mower. A large assortment of house­ LUe Alln'" hold belongin&S of every description. downed the New Yorkers 6-0. Ute BackgroOlld The loss cracked the Giants' Silver Collection six-game Wi~i'g streak. Troyer and O'Leary, Auctioneers ENGLERT • LAST DAY .of the ~otlC at l. Fuiks RETREAT. If ELL! Salt The UNIVERSITY ·THEATRE 32nd SUMMER SEA'ON 1 • School of Fine Arts 1952 ENTIRE NEW SHOW State University of Iowa Iowa City, Iowa •. SUN.PAY DOIils RONALD • -SECOND THRESHOLD DAY· REAGAN by Philip {, Barry Faultless skill beautifully inter­ prets the silversmiths' master de­ OPENING MONDAY 0.. The Sallle signs. ProrrlUll 4S Minute. The Selection JUNE 30-JULY 1-2-,3 of ThrilHuq m~arby TECHNICOLOR Curiam 8 p.m. Adventure is CQID\'ltete ~Ih Royalty :::::l_:'-='''i::.:: ... ~~v:....~""-- ...... __ .- ._... ~ MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW -..::~~.-~~~.:.:::::;:;;:.00::.::-_._ ....., . \'l::=::.l.-____---_ . "'-- Box OfIce 8A, Schaeffer Hall Exteaaioa 2215 OfIce Houm Dall!, 8 A.M.-I 2: I P.M.-4 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M.-12 Noon Call Theatre Box OfIee Ext. 2~1 After 7 PI1- ~Q Run f Play ,·!OYALJOURN . 1 • . • •••• SINGLE ADMISSION ~.. :. ': $1.25 , FULL UNoTli. OffiCIAL "acORn or THa VISIT STUDENTS MAY OBTA,tNirESfRVA7IONS ~Y . PRESENTING 1.0. CARDS AT ROOM 8.t./~t HAEf'ER HAll Queen ELIZABETH of £ngfall4 "LlWe Beaa Pelle" and THEATRE 'AIR·CONDITIONED Richard H!mber and Ban. the DUKE ·o( EDt NBURGH ' Canada and WlSbinatoa - LATE NEWS- to .t, ~Iltrtkd by '"" Jrf.t\orIal 'II", hfd !II ~ ...... UIN u.....