PORTLAND DAILY PRESS PORTLAND. FRIDAY MORNING • JULY 17. 1874. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. _ THF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS PI H KCTORY. REAL ESTATE. TO LEI. that elicited Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the app ause. After a few unsuc- _WANTS. THE PRESS. cessful representations, the company dis- PORT I.AN I> PUBLISHING CO., J. B. MATHEWS A Booksellers and Stationers. and CO., For Sale. Tenement to Let. Horse Wanted. banded, Aurora was left in the hotel of a HOVT.A F»0»; ,No.»I itlifi.ii. Hired. FRIDAY little town At 109 Kxoixangb St. Wholesale Dealers in First TWO STORY HOUSE on Now MORNLYG, JULY 17. 1874 penniless. The landlord, touched Pohtland. Quality T. P. High TVrUMBER i»S BRAMHALL STREET. Apply to SOUND, KIND, FAMILY HORSE, Prompt ITIcfsOR'AIV, 254 Con'/ren St. twelve water At her and ANEWStreet, containing rooms. Sebago W. A. MORRIS, at N M. PERKINS x A driver, entirely sail for lady to rive, wo'ght by beauty allowed Tekms : Hollars a Year in ami Co., 950 to charming ways, Eight advance. Tc State of Maine gas, and all modem For further tree or 1(H)0 los. Address with particulars, her to and Mooting Slate, improvements. Street, to L. M. liOWDOIN, Saco. price &c., remain, seented to flu-' compensa- Mail subscribers Seven Hollars a Year if paid in au- Book particulars at 91 Middle Street, up stairs. P. a Box 719. Gossip and Gleanings. Binders. inquire 4 “FAMILY,” tion >n iter to vanee. NO. ALL). extolling all the in the 119 COMMERCIAL STREET WM. A. Printer’. A. S. FERN Jlllla_dtf jylCdlw* people IIIINCY, ICooni It, town. Among the of the Ex.'huuge, No. Ill Ht. jyl6d2w House to Let. loungers village THE MAINE PORTLAND, MB. Exchange was tin de STATE TRESS SMART A No. 5:1 Wanted. Refusal on the of a Marquis Gouvernel, who, alter J. B. KHACKFOKD, No. 35 Plum Spring Street, near Park. In- part husband to push MATHEWS. S. G. DOBMAN. JAMES L. FOGG. F. Estate SMART, active effort to Hired. 0. Patterson’s Ileal HOUSEqurre of GEO. E. DAYtS, 84 Commercial St and intelligent young man to the making every gain her acquaintance, Is published every Thursday Morning at $2 50 a act as news baby-wagon on is to be made dtf tf A agent on the train. Reference ami Sundays even to her a that cost a if in __ sending boquet year, paid advance, at $2 00 a year. D'10_ a deposit required. to O. K. Confectionery. BULLETIN. Apply CHLSHOLM tfc ground for a divorce. small fortune, bribed the waiters of the hotel william A Good Furnished House. BROS.. 369 Commercial Street. jyl6d3t Kates of Advertising: One inch of space, Schumacher. I. A. PERKINS ninniifndurerofplaia to carry his breakfast, with the w ruing of consu mes a unit to Loan. engtli column, “square.” fancy Candles, 2H7 Congress Hi. Money BE Situation papers, to her as hi: follow to lirsl week: 75 cents rpo LET—pleasantly located, lOrooroB. Sebago, Wanted. There is a man in parlor, Jsbould $i50 per square dai.y per FBESCO Me. ru in a Indianapolis who de- ^oriLliuil first class Real Estate Seemity, in Portland, a v!!nace, baib and tine breakfast there. W 'ek after; three insertions, or less. $1 00; continu- PAINTER, iKU?’ la-gr garden. a young mail as travelling salesman. Best ol When Aurora pale from ONor vicinity—Rents collected, taxes paid, &c., on Ktal claims the “Quarrel of Fitz-Jatnes and Rod- every other day after hrst week, 50 cents. Office and Builders. BY retcrences furnished. Address F. F. DUN- fasting, her poverty with her ing at SrhiimficlKi' Brothers, Carpenters Commission. Houses and solo. Apply to F. coupled pride Halt square, three insertions or less, 75 one bought 1KIju1?-4J1£UK,S’ “A*£,tf NING, Portland, Me. Dhu’’ in such a cents; WHITHEI A- MEANH, Pearl G. Dealer in Real Estate. Office 13 jyltidlw erick way as to make the having prevented her front ordering a meal week. $100; 50 cents per week after. 5 BBFKIHR BhOt K. Hired, op. PATTERSON, powitc Park. Fluent Block. oc4dtt the came out of her Special one third additional. TO stiflest shirt collar wilt. day previous, dressing- Notices, LET ! Voting Lady Wanted. she Under head ot “Amusements,” and “Auction I respectfully inform the public that I liave taken room, fancied she was in a dream, -eeing the B'lcasant learn the Goods a Sales”, $2 00 per square per week; three insertions business of Chas. J. Schumacher and will ait-nd Dye-House. Booms With Board, Fancy business. Appiv l>y let- breakfast on the aud a A French Boot' Brick House ter to steaming tabic, or less $1 50. promptly to all jobs entrusted tome. I sba 1 en- POSTER’S Dye Blouse, 24 Union Siren.* nolOeodtf TO A. XJ., Press Office Detroit Free Tress: Sad thing to lose your mail ten At 30t St., S.S.KMcHT, sitting quietly hv reading a new-pap T. A Jveitisement* inserted in the ‘LMaine State deavor to keep tbe reputation which tuy predecessor Cumberland S reet for Sale. Coutains High JJ15 d3t Rooms, Sebago Water and Gas. T wo minutes’ wile,” said a friend to a who A scene of indignation on one side an I of Press” (which has a large circulation in every part has held lor so many years. ON Vermonter, Furniture—Wholesale and Itetail. walk from Hall. A nice location for a business To Let. Ot the State) for $1 00 per square 1 or first U M. KUHFJIACIIFR. City Wanted. stood at the grave ot his wife. toler- supplication on the other followed. Aurorc insertion, « t'OREI A mam Pi ice to “Well, an.I 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- Wtl.li CO., Arcade, No. $t>,GUO. Apply convenient Tenement, gas and Sebago wa- yielded tar enough to sit down anil while Street. 1,1 BOY to learn the Business. to the eat, tion. A CARD. 1S Free jylldlw* WM. H. JERRIS. ONEter' House No. 1, Fore cor, Eastern Dittg At'ply ably sad,” replied mourner, “but. then, itomeiiade. St., A P. 0. BOX 1SH7. llte Marquis pleaded his suit. Site could Addie.-sail communications to I CEO ROE A. inquire at tlie house. die, take great pleasure in recommending Mr. Wm, WHITNEY, No. 50 Ex- jullti jyts « her clothes lit my oldest she but she PORTLAND Ht. just girl. said, had no love to sell. Then PUBLISHING CO. Schumacher as one ol the best house decorators ever change of nil _ Upholstering kind. For Sale or to Let. To he vowed lie would in Portland, and have no doubt that Mr. Wm. Schu don«> to order. Let. marry her. She said she TWO-STORY house situated on the northeast- To Fanners. could macber will execute all w< rk entrusted to him dura- desirable aad pleasant Rooms, 318 A not allow him to do that, as lor him A erly part of Peak’s near Evergreen Congress Michigan girl was killed by lightning CARD& bly, tastily and satisfactorily. Island, TWO Suppplitd with Sebago water, &c. Fitted STRONG, active Man, English, accustomed to to marry a dowerless would Furniture and House Goods. Landing, Port land Hai bor. A 1 o for while girl be the _BUSINESS CHA.s. J, SCHUMACHER, Furnishing pply up dressmaker. Apply to A farmiug, wants an engagement. Address picking feathers for her nuptial B£NJ. jy4tf J. on pillow. height of u'nsuitableuess. H*. |ia,| juld3m Ecclesiastical Decorator. ADAi4i§,cor. Exchange and Fed- STERLING, premises. JOHN C. C," Press Office. just era I ttlreef». GFRRY, Jy'JdUv*_‘ This seems to be a fair to those taken tw > Jtlim 312 St. warning government lottery tickets. JOSEPH G. EUGENE, Congress “Take }M> t. p. mcgowan, HOOPER & EATON, Old Pont Office, The Most Desirable Property in the WAATJED. young ladies who are too proud to sleep on this,” exclaimed, handing Iter one Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Exchange Ntreet. To Let. husks. of them; “it shall be for your dowerP U. F. IIOVT, No. II Preble Street. Toe ticket drew Catholic Up- Vicinity of Portland for Sale. PLEASANT and very convenient Persons houses to twenty thou-and pounds! Bookseller, Bookbinder, done to Upncr Tene having sell on Congress or and Domestic bolstering order. A meur ot 5 Rooms to a She married returned to Imported Cigars and dealer in small, quiet family. Rent Cumberland Stjeeis, or in any central part of An Allentown toad swallowed a and him; they Paris, S-b Address, P. o. Jrox 1834. ■Binli.thi8■jjl will firefly, and offer t-lie city, bear of cash customeis ou ampli- began housekeeping in a sumptuous and mauufacturcr of all Property situated on Ocean Street, ation to the Chronicle Brands, Articles, Ac. Furniture and says: “While the latter was ex- mansion. Beautilul as Pictures, Religious Upholstering. WEWoodford’s Corner, Deering, and known as the "'-T_tf_ she itad been in her DAVID W. No. S» Federal St. of JOSEPH the interior of site NO. 360 CON6BLSS STREET. 251 €)OIV«UESS STREET, DEANE, Phiney Property, consisting about ll| acres of To Let REED, ploring the toad, the light of poverty, was still more so in the at- All kind, of I. phol. rriug and Repairing finely located land, in the highest state of culiiva- of Under C'ou.rcK* Hall. No. 90 Commercial Real Entitle Agent. SO Middle Street. his lautern was visible to outsiders mosphere wealth. The story of the ju2 ME. Sm done to order. tion, bavins cut 30 tons of Hay in one season. There Street, Thomas Block. through costly PORTLAND, to jy7 eodtf&wir her husband had sent her Bibles Sold on Instalments. jy2tf s abundance of choice Fruit. The buildiugs are am- STOKEApply F. J. ROLLINS, the skin ot the detested boquet won her apMtr 22 Street. reptile.” the title of the Hair Goods and Toilet Articles. ple, thorough and substantial, consisting of large Exchange Marquise of Flowers J. H. HOOPER, and finely arranged House, with Girls Wauled After her K. F. wood-shed, carriage installation in Paris, Voltaire AND No. S and — BOORS, SASH BLINDS, SHERRY, Clapp’s Rlock home barn connected. The barn Is one of the — BY THE An invaluable is a wife who can went one day to call on her. A Swiss TJ 3? H O LSTERER Congress Sired, opposite Did City Hall. best and most conveniently arranged in the State. / BOARD. companion lackey Window Frames, Glazed Sash, &c. a in tntilorm Glass, There is also large hay barn on line of street, ie- Star Match “read your thoughts.” The restraining in- gorgeous demanded his name. Nos. 31 and 33 Free St., cently built, at considerable expense. The late Mr. Company. “1 am Voltaire.” he BLINDS FAINTED YO OBDEB. Horse Shoeing and jy’0 fluence of sermons anu replied. Carriage repairing Phiney spared neither time nor to make this /'ortland Sunday school libra- MANUFACTURER OF money __diw« “Mine, la has no Done the nnd best S. Kooms To Lei. Marquise such name on to contractor. cheapest by tOVNU. a first class property. It is situated within 15 min- ries is but “small S3?“Special prices al No. 102 Fort «t. Gentlemen and Wanted at the very beer,” compared to the her visitors’ answered the JParlor 8nits, Lounges. Spring utes* ride of Portland, most of the way over a shell their wives and two or three Orphan Asylum. list,” lackey. It. FRINK FA it ATI A- fflWOX Beds, Mattresses, INII CO., road. Horse Cars, Maine Central and Portland & single gentlemen can be accommodated with PROTESTANT Woman, to do general house- patent-brake power of such a helpmeet as “However, you may inscribe,” opening the I’ateni Bed I jo Rochester Railroad pleasant rooms and board at 75 Free street. work. McDonough tinges, En- 301 COMMEHCIAL STREET Jewelry and Fine Watches. Cars stop at Woodford’s, a lew oc7tf A Apply at No. 42 Park St., atternoons. this. visitors’ book, “and to-morrow I will let yon ameled C hair*, Ac. minutes walk from the Across Back jnlTdlm-ttf Oppcile Holyoke. Benson & Co. ABNER property. Bay my!5 tf know the result.” IiOYIELIi, 155 Middle Street. you get oue of the finest views of the to be ob- Hoard. Egr*Ail kinds ot repairing neatly done. Furniture city went Akfui.h for Howard Watch Company. tained. Church and School excellent. For Terre Haute The Voltaire borne and wrote her a poxed and matted. oct5-’69TT&Stt HI. privileges Gentlemen or a Gentleman and his Wife can Wanted, jExpress: Brooklyn Ar- glow- PEARSON, further lniormatinn ot poem. She in four liues: inquire TWObe aecommodat. d with first class Board and CAPABLE Servant to do housework in that Rev. ing teplied F. O. BAILEY A Rooms general yus says Dr. Talmage receives forty Manufacturer ami Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. CO., at No. 20 Brown Street. mylfkltf A a family of four, one and one-half miles from Laiss'iijs a la belle jeunetMc WM. M. MARKS je29tf 15 Exchange St., Portland, Me. the thousand lette:s in a He tinds Ses folairt ft J. A. MEBKILI. A CO., 130 Middle St. city. Address Box 1565, Portland, Me. myCti year. time to emp irteiuents. Nous n vi ons qne our la sa^ense. Card & Job Printer EDUCATIONAL. of a man Book, SPLENDID as press who received ten letters a Her dll It Ilf.. HAEU nf rnM..«l.n Tnllnnn 1 FARM, known the Marr Farm, LOST AND FOUND. day admirably reply won his respect, as her A situated in For en- “wu 109 BXCUiNBE ST., Door Plates. Numbers, &c. Scarl»oiough. particulars auancicu mice ui mum. x UtJ IlirUU youth and beauty ha I won his heart. He quire at No. 12 Casco street. Portland, or of FREE- Carpet-Bags. never saw her l)l )\1 Mill I K 1i V J\. .rniif.li Westbrook Found. weie love letters, aud the balance duns. again until a lew days before (DAILY PRESS PRINTING HOUSE.) Silver ‘•Spooia* made, nud replating of all J. R. DURAN A- CO.. 171 middle find Seminary, his dea'lt. kindw doueami warrauled. IIS Federal Ktreeia, POCKET BOOK containing a sum of money and A name of E. C. Elizabeth. The Description of work and carefully RARE CHANCE STEVENS’ PLAINS, ME. Staples, Cape Every promptly owner can have the same on Courier-Journal: A young widow lady left Some Senatorial Portraits. xecuied. and at the lowest by calling prices 22 TEMPLE ST. Masons and Builders. — FOR — W. M. The Fall _ the other The ai>22 tc Term ot this Institution will commence on BLANCHARD, Washington day for Colorado, to stoutly-built aud rather ilesby young Jtt27 tf N E. REDI.ON, !l:13 1-7 Csngren Nt. jyl6d3t* Cumberland Foreside. __ man the cloak-room TUESDAY, Aug. IB, 1874, marry a mau to w.ioni she was engaged, and standing by door, with H. St W. J. HMlWliTOX, and continue stiaight, jet-black hair, jet-black eyes, and W. C. Pattern and Model Maker. INVESTMENTS touiteen weeks. Gold Spectacles Lost whose business i. so arbitrary as to him CLAitK, null Counsellors at deny not, distinguished leaiuies, i9 Stephen W. Attorneys Law, J. 1. 750 Fore EXPENSES. Circus, yesterday afternoon. Please leave the to BAIIBOIR, SUree!. Cor,ol privilege go so far from home, even to ot Helena, Arkansas. IT was horn Uroxa. Porllnud. ATthem at THIS OFFICE and receive a reward. Dorsey 103 FEDERAL STREET, 15 Fluent Block, opposite City Hall, FOR 30 DAYS. Board, including Fuel and Light, in For full d2t marry. About one man in a thousand is , in 1842; went to Ohio when a julO * lilrancc I0'.S Exchange St. tf term, per week.$3.50 For less tba a full Jl16_ b»y; entered the Un'.ou at nineteen. 5 Doors Bast of Temple St., Photographers. term, per week. 4.00 worth, as a husband, the fatigue, trouble, army I offer a limited number of Splendid House Lots on Washing, ner dozen, average.. 60 Lost. He fought under General Grant at Suilob. A. S. DAVIS and A CO., No. SO middle Street. the following Streets, from 12J to 17 cts. foot: Room rent, per with room-mate. expense of goiug that far and it too per term, 1.00 riding in the Western part of the city a for, General Buell at Perryville, General Rose- J■ II, 1, 15751iddlc Croat.. alone.... 7.00 POCKET GAS AND WATER AMMON, St.,cor. Montreal, WHILE BOOK, contain it g owner’s name, often turns out that he isn’t. But women crans at Stone River and Gen- ^INSURANCE. Wnluut, Melbourne, Quebec, Library Fee. 25 Chattanooga, and Willis address, papers and a sum of The tinder Emerson, Sts., will money. will take such risks for a small e al Thomas at Mission Ridge. In 180-4 he was No deduction will be made tor absence flie first or please leave same at this office and receive suit- very pre- Plumbers. able transferred to the of the PIPING. and tlie Eastern Promenade. last week of the term, nor for absence during the reward. Jyl5dtf mium. army Potomac, and JAMES MIIAEK,S«.»I Federal Street. _ Also at great bargains, lots on North,Howard, Con- term in any case excepting that of protracted sick- took part in the battles of the Wilderne-s and &p21 tf ness. Marine Insurance Co. gress, Monument, Hammond, Lincoln and I'Tanklin Cold Harbor. At the close ol the en- Streets. Students will furnish their own [Prom the Philadelphia war-pie Real Estate Agents. quilts, sheets, pil- HIRED, Press.] tered the service of the Tool Com- J. m. A Iso l House, $050, and 2 Houses, $1700 each. low-cases, and toilet All articles need- Sandusky PAT8WS, JOHN C. No. 9;{ towels, soap. not returned. Taken from my Stable, June Vicissitudes of Cabinet Life. IV STATE STREET. PROCTER, Exchange Also Water Lois, Fiats and Sites ing to be washed should be marked with pany—became foreman of its shop, where Street. Manufacturing plainly the AND23d. a OKAY MARE, about 7 years old, S50 lbs. adjoining Railroad Track. owner’s name. called him ‘‘Steve was PAVER AND weight; a little lame in off lore foot. A new the present no in they Dorsey”—and CONTRACTOR, CASH MOSES nearly exception CAPITAL, $.100,000. GOULD, TUITION. leather trimmed Harness, wiih flat traces and reins. the embarras-ments which soon chosen its The same lie EDGE-HTONEg Roofers. 55 North surround Cabinet president day MET, St, A phaeton Top Buggy, built by West Arnes was elected President of the Central Marine Insurance on favorable terms. No Fire or J.C. PEIt TERM OF FOURTEEN Loud, officers. In the of Arkan- I. N. mcCOY A CO., !7S Street. PROCTKR, WEEKS. bury, black with and brown roll history every government risks written. S|irin. gold stripe lining, up sas and soon after removed Streets, Places, Sidewalks, and all kinds 83 St. sides near.v new. the world has ever those who were Railway Company, R. B. julSdlm_ Exchange Common English.$5.50 Man aged 32, 6 feel high. 160 pounds known, ol' done FULLER, President. dark to be to that state. He refused a 9eat in the Paving Promptly, HENRY and Higher English. 6.50 weight, complexion,black moustache, and wore supposed the counsellors of the House, WASHBURN, Secretary. Sign Awning Hanging. dark blue clothes. Please look but his FOR SALE. Highest English.?. 7.50 to the stables in vour chief power have had a to accepted unanimous election to the Materials furnished it desired. S. YOUNO, No. 1011 ore Street. Latin and thorny path Paving Risks and jaSrtly Greek. 8.50 jurisdiction. Information of the above will be liber- Senate. Here is a placed made binding according to con- LOT of vacant situated on tread, and often when representative American, laud, the west side French and German, each, (extra) 2.50 ally rewarded by J. AUSTIN ROGERS, 2109 Wash- they supposed they Office at Street t'ouinii8nioner,M Office tract at of between Pleasant and had reached ttie zenith who in a little more than ten years has mu SilYer and Plated Ware. A High, Danforth, Sts. Music 24 lessons, (extra)...12.00 to 24.00 ington St., or notify E. H, SAVAGE, Chief of Po- ot their glory found % This let has a front of about 61 feet and is about the whole Irom 194 Use of Piano, (extra). 3 00 lice, Boston, Mass. jyl4dlw themselves really in the lowest of tether poverty and obscurity myu Portland, me. 3m* No. 5 ABNER COWEI.l,, 133 middle Street. feet and have beer, drawn b depths Exchi,n?e Street, deep, plans How, for a Church Organ, 20 .es*ous. (extra). 35.c0 their to fortune and the com- block of seven or nine and convenient resi- disgrace. Kings have been ungrateful prominence—from genteel Penmanship, 24 lessons, (extra). 2.00 mon soldier to the United States and for the same. of Lost—Valise. to llieir faithful them the Senator. ALBERT MARWICK. Stair Bniider. dences, adapted Enquire Book-keeping,single euiry 2.00 servauts, making *• Neai him sits W, H, SJMONTON, lm EDWIN double the person who has found it will leave it. with tor crimes tor which to Jones, of Xevada, true Welsh- je27 R. F. ElBlsV. l.o. Fore CHURCHILL, 4.00 scapegoats they ought 757 Street, eor. No. 4 Portland IF its contents, with Sc Book man in tace and name. of cor- —DEALER US — Pier, Drawing. 20 lessons (extra).” 5 cq Bailey Noyes, Store, have in more than oue Large frame, Cross Ml., iu Hule-uo’a Mill. mar28From 12 to 2 he will be tor his suffered, while, turu, o'clock. P. M. Crayoning, 8.00 paid trouble. It contains Manu- thill of feeble of nose, «. Ii. Cor. York & valuable to the monarch’s head has been to the puleir, lia.r, yet strong Hackmatack Knees, Timker, HOOPER, Maple Painting in cil, 20 lessons, 12.00 scripts owner. jyl3dlw* brought Skip Street*. (extra). block for to of head, there is about him an aroma ot pros- DANGER IN DELAY For Sale in the Painting, water colors 6 00 having allowed his miuis'ers Hiasts amt spars. Deck Plank and Town of West- and not to be mistaken. He is Wax Work, Flowers, &c., 6.00 biludfold aud lead him into error. In our perity plenty all kinds ol Hard Hood sawed to brook. Chemist Gold Locket Senator Jones, with mines attached. Watches; Jewelry, &c. Applied rv, 5.00 Lost. own country the life of a Cabinet officer is many Order REMEMBERJULf 1866. FINE residence Nostu'ent will be 4tli, J. W. A II. II. middl one-half mile from the Railroad charged with less than half a last one Rich, unmarried and hospitable, his name be- lUCDUFFEEjCor. tuition. becoming of such danger :md irrita- 1 f' uiou Ml*. A Depots, Post-office, good Schools and Churches tennis afternoon, lftth inst., between 95 Brack- came in at once, while his HOLYOKE’S WHARF. six miles from H:ilf term’s ett Street tiou, that men who love their ease ind prominent society FOR Portland; Uonse and Ell two stories' fi^~ expense" required in advance, and FRIDAY ami Nelson Sc Co.’s, Congress Street, per- thirteen finished double tlu* balance at the clo^e ot the teiin. an oval Etruscan sonal shrink from such communications with the President have COMMERCIAL STBivaj.'. mh3illf rooms, parlor." with mar ole -shaped Gobi Locket, enamelled on reputation accepting mantles, Wood-house and Stable connected—all in Text book-, Stationery, &c., for sale at Seminary. one side, and attached to a black velvet ribbon. Tlie a From administra- made him equally notable in politics. I?or further posit.on. Washington’s Reliable Insurance HOTELS. good repair, painted and Barn 40 x 60 cn the information address finder will be suitably rewarded it at Another carver of his own fortunes in the blinded, by leaving tion to that of Jackson, the hie ot a cabinet tVUOIlFUUI) & BABCOCK. premises; grounds contain 15* acres, excellent laud, G. M. BODGE, A M., Principal, officer was a serene Senate is Henry Davis ot Piedmont, W *t apply at the old of well 30 and acre Me. No. 95 Brackett Street. existence, undisturbed agency fenced, apple pear trees, } choice Jyl4d4w_Stevens’ PJaius, by he three wells of water or Virginia. Born in Maryland, knew MODEL MAhEBS & JOBBERS, • strawberries, good upon the place Jyit personal animosity the jealousy engen- only OCEANIC IIOU8E, and good cistern in the cellar, cellar under whole _iff dered the the winter country school, and lived and MANUFACTURERS OF State Normal & Training School, by rivalry for the possession of po- House, line cement bottom; grounds ornamented litical worked on a I vrm until he was twenty. He U'alrh nod 4 lironoiuetcr Maker*’* Peaks’ Island. Maine. with tine patronage. During Washington’s two Tool*, W.D,LITTLE &C0., shade Lees. This is one oi the finest resi- theu entered the of the Baltimore * Mt*lh« and Plsilo- new COPARTN ERSH1P. terms his cabinet officers employ lunticnl, Oplitni This Family Hotel, situated near dences in the county. Terms easy. Enquire of 3. R. MAINE. were omy changed I noli u School Evcrtne- u or. the Davis CASTINE, at the Ohio as a brakeman. and kopbical mein*, Established in 1848. Landing largest and most & Co., Portland, or Otis Brown, Westbrook. end of the first term, with the excep- Railway Company Apparatus. Ac., beantiful island iu Portland harbor, three mar21tf in its service for fourteen tion of of who was continued years. miles from tlie is now tor the re- Copartnership Notice. Secretary War, changed 56 Market Ntrerf, Printer* Bxrhauge, •dry, open three times. Since then he has passed all the grades of up- Office 40 1-2 __ceptit n of guests. groves, pure The same state ot affairs ap- ME. Exchange St., Shady For Sale. This school, for tho preparation of will Portland, July 10,18T4. ward effort and success, and is now a bank PORTLAND, water, fine teachers, The to John WHO REPRESENT THE FOLLOWING spring lawns, boating, bathing, fishing, open Copartnership of plies Adams’s administration, thi* attractive summer resort ibe combined PLEASANT two dwelling House, in a miner, a sli and a Senator. C. F. VTOODFORD, 0. P. BABCOCK, «£rc., give story good fhomas Jcffeisou made hut oue re- president, pper Hiivamatn-H of both countrv and npttshoGP. Kfe*imprs repair, suitable for two families, on TUESDAY, Aujfust 18, CHARLES J. WALKER cUauge, II lev c>1 TooTia XiOt more my 19 dAwfim FBBBttT russ fOITBPlITfflk A situated & CO.. ♦ Ir\!n(V Tnvn... M^ bww \UUib AfcO, leave Custom House Wharf, Portland, at 6, 0 30, tue southerly cortiei Or r^H i.iwaav* expires this limitation, lhe business will be ami continue fourteen weeks. day by as of than forty—a medium sized, PiKENIX INSURANCE 10 30, A. M.; 2 30. 3 30, and 7 15 P. M. Enquiie at the House any time after 10 A. M. continued by Secretary State, aud Tliomas Dearbon wide-eyed, large Rnnlrinn’ T-I miKP tvf CO., nosed of a lURTI t OAA., my 20 tf CHARLES J. of Secretary of War. James ic his gentleman, Sanguine temperament, OkiU, ItORtJtT T. HTERItINC, Tuitiou anil many Text Books Free. WALKER, Madison, AHWtR.$ two made with an open, honest in his MTlNttSTOffB Si 1.600,000 Proprietor, who will also collect any amounts due the firm. terms, two changes in the State glance sagacious COMPANY, Good accommodations for and a jylCdlw* family, club or self- CHARLES J. WALKER, department, three in the four in the eyes pleasant smile. lO Pine New York. CUJVlJLflJfcJVl AL IJNSLiKAPitJU IU., CITY boarding. For particulars Treasury, Si., ADVERTISEMENTS address, CALVIN S. vt*»i auu imcc in Senator Morton looks tired and and NEW 1 iiK, TRUE, LUC AVilVj. »ew and every mortal ills as he has home for daily England The house is situated near the fine truck, or the War the and physical years. water, NOTICE wagon, dray, cart, any vehicle use I I_ 11 <1 <1 1 » -n ry five, three, Navy three, Middle States credited at par tor Correspondents. ORIENT INSURANCE His face is one of the CO., grove, rooms large and airy, eu guile and for the conveyance of juuluii OCHUUl IU1 tlie Postmaster-General for the first most wonted and Ai., single, and all command a view of the octau, fine bricks, sand. ciav. travel, dirt, rubbish umuiu marked iu the a ROUNDS-& DYER time considered a cabinet Mar- Senate; large frame, which ties lot the negotiation of Miscellaneous Securities. An«rt*.8050,000 fishing, boating, bathing, pine The At officer) three, tiding, grove. wares, furniture, merchandise, building materials, NOKKIDGEWOCK, ME. tin cannot support itself without the of two jul2 dly house is lirst-clas* throughout. Coaches always in or any other article or to Van Uuren, in four years, had two secre- aid thing whatsoever, ap- a CONNECTICUT INSURANCE CO., attemian e at the iu Saco to take to the Eaton School, which has been under the taries of the and caues, large and round head, black, depot passengers ply City Maislial’s Office lor their licenses uavc auiuiou a. Navy two large 1IARI FOBO, CON IN., copartner snip ior me carrying on or postmaster-gener- JAMES O’DONNELL, to the house. Terms moderate. on FRIDAY the 17th day of next, from 1( to 12 THEcharge of its present principal for 18 years, of- als. William H. did somewhat sunken eyes, a pugnacious nose, July fers business ot Harrison not live long Annem.8750,000 d. II. MOULPtN, Manager. A. M.. and from 2 toti P. M. All owners une. I)., Visitor. O. L. change. Millard Fillmore made no powerful l Awl the house from Portland every half hour. JySdlOt Marshal, Neely, woman not three weeks CLKVlil.ANO, OHIO City j Billings Principal. Semi for Circular. octOtf change in his cabinet. Pierce had hut one suffrage, ago, in the of deeds for the several States, Board by the day or week. Lunches at. all hours. Commissioner Anmetn. 8450,000 JOM T. set ot cabinet oflicers. Buchanan Senate, proves this. Let every Amenean wo- fel. IQ Stable connected with the house. James had City ol Portland. ROGERS, whether she "wants to vote-’ or not WESTERN ASSURANCE CO., jylSdlw* WILKINS & SON, Proprietors. two secretaries of State, three of toe Treasu- man, she wants is lOHONIO, City Clerk’s Office, I REMOVALS. ry, two of War, three postmaster-generals, (what not the question), be EDGAR Anm- Jum thankful that S. BROWN, tn.8000,000 9,1871. ) No. 160 Commercial and two attorney-generals. Abraham Lin- American womannood has so CONGRESS HALL, To Owners or of Street, and a in the Occnpants Buildings coln changed the secretary of the strong just champion Senate of Law. SCOTTISH COMMERCIAL CO., and Lots ou C Cumber* Treasury Counsellor at Ntate, ongress, Removal. three War the Uuited Slates. OLASOOW, Sheldon Springs, Sheldon Vermont laud and Pine Stiectn: times, department twice, post- to E. A. Another Senator, equally valiant and ear- All coiI'?tlons promptly attended by $3,600,000 OTICE is the HEAD master-general twice, and attorney-general Eight miles East of St. Albans. TkJ hereby given that above-named OF UNION WHARF, nest iu this is Air. of LEIGHTON, Constable and BUI Collector. 1 v twice. Andrew Johnson made two direction, Sargent Cali- furnished for any air.ouut required Mineral water and batlis. Pure air. Excellent Table. Streets have by Order of the Board ot Mayor changes Treasurer of fornia. He is a tall, earnest man. iu IKSUUANOEon all insurable property at current rales ol and Aldermen, been re-numbered, according to plans ROSS, the Portland, each in the Interior department, attor- straight, Furniture Write for Circulars of terms and rooms. in the Civil aud all in- WILLIAMBangor and Macliias Steamboat remov- the of and 80 MIDDLE ST. premiums. Dwelling-hou-es, Household City Engineer’s Office, parties Co.,ba* and intend to on hand a full best and prime lile; clear, acute iudustri- ed Ins Office from 179 keep supply of the ney-general postmaster-geueral. He 9 and Farm insured for a term of at Address Dr. S. S. FITCH, 714 New York, terested are notified that the numbers so des- Commercial Street to Railroad Air. 01 my _dtf property years, Uroadway, heieby tiled hard to rid of Stan- ous. Anthony Rhode Island is among low rates of ignated must be affixed to the on said Wharf at the lauding of the Co’s Steamer. grades of very get Secretary premium. 25 Tremont Street, Boston, or at Congress Hall. buildings the Senators who a to the Loi-ses honorably adjusted aud promptly paid, as streets within sixty days from the first day ot Au- mar23 dtf ton, but the tenure-ot-office law intervened, give quiesence American Printers’ Warehouse Board very low. Open May until December. next. same iruth. The hair is whit- usual, at our office, as above. ju24dtt gust and Stanton remained, a thorn in the Hide of slowly gaining eodSmo And owner or of or above his handsome and his ex- apr6 any occupant any building part Johusou his remarkable career in the ening lace, 19 SPRING LANE. ot a who shall or refuse to affix to during building neglect ANNUAL MEETINGS. COAL AND WOOD. White pression growing gentler as lie begins to step the same the number designated by the and House. General Grant has had two Mt. Pleasant House. Mayor downward from [the noon of his life. The Boston. Aldermen, or who shall affix to the same, or retain s'eeretai ies of State, three secretaries of the C. C. KIMBALL, tlieieon more than one day, any number contrary to words he uttered over Charles Sumner's grave Atlantic dc St. Lawrence K. R. Co. UBARL.ES F. ROUNDS, Treasury, two secretaries ot War, two secre- the direction ot the Mayor and Aldermen, shall for- piove that the tenderness of his fllHE Stockholders of the Atlantic & St. taries of the two secretaries of the In- friendship Every kind of Printing Material on hand or made feit and pay a sum not Jess than one dollar, nor more Lawrence Navy, the of BRIDGTON, ME. JL Railroad arc WILMAiH W. DYER, and fidelity his heart equal his hue to order. thing used in the art of printing ti>a;i twenty dollars, and a like sum tor every subse- Company hereby notifie that their terior, and three attorney-generals. Such are Every will ap2dtf and furnished at short notice, and at the lowest cash quent offence. Per order, Annual Meeting be he'd at the office of the Treas- the changes and vicissitudes which attend the perception eloquence. feliidGm The above House will be opened to the Public H. I. ROBINSON, City Clerk, urer, in Portland, on Tuesday, the fourth day ot Au- The wiry, sinuous, forky-looking man, prices. at 10 o’clock A. for the of career of cabinet ministers in this country. ju9 eodtoaul gust, 1874, M., purpose striding about iu restless lashi in, a sort of at- making choice of niue Directors for the current year, It has been the practice of many Presidents JULY FOURTH, 1874, tenuated, bilious Carl Sclrurz, with all the )i Portland and for tiie transaction of any other business that CARRIAGES ! to promote unpopular Cabinet oflicers to for- may legally come before the red blood left out, is the new Sena- The Mountain road has been in first-class con- meeting. missions and on the Ingalls, put SOMETH I Aft MEW! F. R. BAR Clerk. eign places Supreme form Kansas. He and with or LETT, tor has a for * dition, the new Mountain Wagons Sad 1874. bench. General Jacksou this re- reputation Poitland, July JO, jylls&Wtd. began by more or less in a direction. VIACHINE WORKS die horses the ascent, can be easily made. Excursion warding Mr. Taney with the Chiet-Jusiice- ability; "literary” tickets from Portland via Portland & Ogdensburg FARRAND’S IMPROVED Save Your He has acute mental perceptions; a keen, Railroad and steamers ot Poitland Rolling ill ills. Money ship, while other Presidents sent retired Cab- sarcastic and fluent assui- EK Iron Founders, Boiler courts. tougus; courage, — inet oflicers as ministers to Engineers, Stockholders of the Portland Rolling Mills BY — foreign SEBAGO STEAMBOAT Self-Folding Tucker and Adjusta- ance sml ambition; but lie has not a face to Makers and Blacksmiths. CO., 1}HEare hereby noticed that the Annual Meeting of Attorney-General Williams is the first Cabi- ble Hcnimer. said will be bolficn at the Of- like or to trust. The youngish gentle- to Bridgton, and coach to the Mountain and return Company Treasurer’s inet officer rejected by the Senate when nom- MAKUFACTCRERB OF fice, 19fi Fore Street. Portland, on TUESDAY, man near him, with heard of $5. Fare from Portland to Naples, Bridgton, No. The most useful attachment ever invented for Sew- July Buying your Carriages inated tor another, Mr. Richard- flowing 21st, 1874, at 3 o’clock, P. M., for the .following pur- position. with hue rather than STATIONARY AM) PORTA- Bridgton and Harrison and return $*,5.50. ing Machines. of the of light brown, strong MARINE, viz: — AT THE — son's confirmation a« a judge court Tickets at Depot, or at Rollins, Luring & Adams, poses, but with a heart and a keen BLE STEAM ENGINES. one which bn* a Folding 1st. '1 o choose a and features, good No. 22 Exchange Portlaud. Thaonly Slide* Clerk, Treasurer, five Direc- claims was a cold and reluctant affair, hut lie street, which the tuck or hem c for the is Senator of a clear- PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL keep* perfectly veu* tors ensuing year. Old andwell known No. 2 on this list. glance, Ferry Michigan, loi K. Ball's M ood M orli- 2d. To transact Carriage Manufactory escaped being and an Agouts CHARLES E. GIBBS, Doing away with creasing, measuring or tolding oy any other business that may le- minded, practical legislator agreeable and ftlaiiili- absolutelySAFE.perfectly odorless. a come beiore the meeting. iug JfliH liiiH'ry, hand, thereby making great saving of time and gally —OF— Black and comely and as GEO. E. B. A. E. In the gentleman. straight M ai d’s Pa tout Bo tier. ALWAYS UNIFORM.ILLUMIIMATINGQUALITIES jy3t? Proprietor. labor. It will tuck any thickness of goods, from JACKSON, jClerk. Mary Wager, Tuty Qalaiy. <1 rtimrml site I .nicii) fit ill innu. VI IK. i.-f- Lace to Broadcloth, The Hemmer attached will Portland, July 8, 1874. y9dtd J. M, KIMBALL A CO., Voltaire and Aurore Dc Livry. black liair is l’.raighl—whicli is more than 215 COMMERCIAL. SIREET, hem any desired width from one fourth to two and a seen can said of his that, in the vernac- ^ BURNS IN ANY LAMP WITHOUT DANGER OCEAN HOUSE, fourth inches. It needs only to be to be appre- It was while Adrien Le Couvreur was bp mind; PORTLAND, MAIN K. ciate. SATE THE ADVANCE ON ICE ! driving Paris wild with admiration, that Vol- ular of the Pacific, is not always “level.” He vx I— XXI UUUIMUUII nniiSU L— Reduced I?rice $2.50, vent to outbuists ol POl! SALK—One New Portable Eneiuc, 40 lioree CAPE ELIZABETH BEACH, taire sat for his portrait to Largilliere. The occasionally gives preju- built to older. MBS. STEPHEN B. came to task at Voltaire’s dice and passion, only to allow himself alter- power, EXPRESSLYto “"his well known and popular Hotel liav- SMITH, ; Zenas painter his apart- H |*1 1 DiSPlflcg THE Air Thompson, Jr., waid to be to he “reasonable.” __ USEO^ ment. It was one of these persuaded __ ^^NliFACTUBtD been thoroughly repaired during the Mole for Dry llefrigerators during sittings Agent Portland, knows his out of his for HIGHLYVOLATILEAND DANGEROUS OILS. t winter will he opened for the season on In all Styles, Grades and Sizes. that a young girl went to ask for the poet. Nobody age family, Tank a Austin, June «. 1874. NO. 137 OXFORD NTREFT. he will no. tell it. All we know s that TURDAY, ju30tf SUCCESSOR’ She was so young and beautiful, that as she be EVERY «J. P. CH&MBERLAIN, Prop’r The does not look and never UNDER Largest and Best Assortment in the State, stood ou the thresliolJ without a ild, grows any older. House Painting AFETY possible JBII MBA W&EM bftjs Who has the largest and best assortment of Voltaire, Fresco PaiiiliiUTi 11,TSS Test combining all the latest Improvements, called Single We know also that he was a brave AND ITS PERFECT BURNING “1 and light* Double Carriages ever exhibited in Maine, thought of the painter, rose tohisleet saying, soldier, and Paper Hanging. QUALITIES and is now an earnest and Alfred among them many new and original designs (many ‘‘It is I.” and remained standing he ore the eloquent Senator, House, THE PEEKLESS. of which have been with his heart in the if Order elate at W. P. Hacting's Organ Manufactory, ARE PROVED BY ITS CONTINUED USE IN OVER copied by other concerns.) and chilli's embarrassed gaze like an admiration always light place, All orders all of which are fully un to the standard for is not. corner Exchange and Fedetal Streets. It is unsurpassed in En.r of !Tlan- quality She looked at the and said his head Simplicity, which gave to the OLD IIOIJNE its well-earned point. painter, promptly attended to. ALFRED, M A-USTE nuenicui. and Now Mr. Sumner is the most Durability. ItryiiCH. Purity reputation of building the best carriage in Slew Eng- tremblingly. “I wish to speak to M. De Vol- gone, perhaps C. M. LANE. C. S. AUSTIN. of tiraml ECONOMY of ICE. man oil the hour of the House is situated near land. taire.” The charmed at the vision distinguished-looking 154 I’earl Street. pleasantly Depot, Wholesale and Retail at Mttnutacturers’ Prices. painter, ebl M6m Besidence WHILEnoACCIOENT DIRECTLY on INDIRECTLY Court House and other of shad- Senate is the new Senator from New 11IIIS places interest, Clteaper than any other. CAN SAVE THE AD- as well as the poet, cried, “I shall not op- Hamp- ed by larec and beautiful elms. It is within a short the Mr. He >s KASEVER OCCURED FROM BURNING. VANCE l.\ ICE IN ONE SEASON, and get a bet- llr’Kcnifmbfr Old Keponitorf« e and concluded the shire, Wadieigh. forty-three years V. KEILER, superior arate .my last resource, father fishing, Ac. moderate. Commentary much is of him m this AS THE SAFEST AND BEST. Ac., Charges for or mother. But before I make debut as strong seuse, expected julod2mC. D. “Old Stand,” 290 Congress St, each chapter, also n my BILLINGS, Proprietor. Die- ol small M. C. Ame* in In- Concordance, an actiess, I must have instruction. You day tilings.—Mr*. FRESCO PAINTER, as a Provision and Grocery Store tor a onnerly kept | ionary, Analysis, "ku, vw Mile. Le Couvreur—” dependent. Headquarters First Regiment Infantry, ) History of all the ttooks iu the Yes, I know her,” replied Voltaire. l^SURANCEGOMPANiESANBFlREGOMMlSSlOHtH^ M AIN E VoLUNTKE Ii MILITIA. First Class 200® Tons Coal mustltc removed Bible, SO. 333 CONGRESS STREET, 1874. Grocery, (Apocrypha includ- like alt comedians, has taken A Joy FOR Ever.—Such is a tiue head of Portland, July 1U, ) from Maine Wharf in order to “She, grand _ and ed) bound in real Mo- of her I will liair. It’s the of and the of ,.T.HR G_Hf3 UI ~r_H Lc GLJ,N Tn_Y- Special Orders, No. 3. We shall keep Tea, Coffee, Sugar Spices, Foreign make lessons only heart. However, pride youth glory Grocer’s I’cnairs. rocco.and embellish- mineral washes should RESIDENCE « MAY STREET. L. Members of the Regimental Drum Corps will and Domestic canned and bottled goods, and take 1*0 her if you like. But wait! Have age. Alcoholic and Articles Butter and Cheese from the best I’aiTies to d with one tbous- you and AS THE BEST SAFEGUARD WHENLANIPSAREUSED appear tor inspection tnr P; iucipal Musician, Skillins, generally. wi.liiitg purchase (arse and never be used; simple healthful prepara- at Old dailies in the on band. Also or ind tine Engravi- you lovedThe young girl blushed, City Hall, on TUESDAY, the 14th inst., at 8 country constantly aniall lots nil! do well to eall tions are such is llearine made by "gs, what to said best; Perry Portland. Me. p. m., in lull uniform and with all S»ate and not kuo wing say, nothing. no regulation BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR. gel our price* before pui'elias- Davis & Son. Use other, jylauawlw JylT CHS.PRATT 8cCO. property in their possession. All members desiring “Believein me,” ciied Voltaire, “I will to he can then make if Ing. ESTABLISHED 1770. discharged application they Can be Obtained at 940.00, Payable at give you lessons, Tlie preface ot the theatre PEARCE, comply strictly with this order. Old Stand 296 Congress Sheet, Job Printing.—Every description of Job CHARLES j is love.” t 108 FULTON ST. NEW 11. Fifteen well qualified drummers and two RANDALL & McALLISTER, 9100 per Week, Printing executed promptly, and at ihe lo-.v YORK.. will lie enlisted if PORTLAND. for buglers they present themselves at — OF —- She had not eatert twenty-four horn's; at the Press Pril House, H>» House & Ship number. eodtf prices, Daily ling Practical this inspection. jul7 MO. 60 COMMERCIAL STREET, she carried all her fortune upon her back. •"xchauge St. Wm. M.Marks. & Co., By command ot her misera- I ant Capen, Sprague She was in debt tor the rent of Twenty-six years Practical experience, CHARLES P. met OPPOSITE CUSTOM tt JOHN J. NcG-UIN ESS 1VITH of MATTOCKS, Locust Treenails. HOUSE. advan- ft prepared to do anv and all kinds Plumbing Nos. G and 8 Custom House Street, Colonel Commanding Regiment. ble room. Voltaire—ignobly taking Does Advf.rtisino I’av?—There Is no in- or and can guarantee Official: her iiis Work on Houses Ships, talely 241 CONGRESS STREET. tage of her helplessness—offered stance on record of a well sustained system of moderate. Work Mist Class. M. 100.000 beet Kift IjOciisI FOB SALE. Mtlsfaction. Charges Adams, Adjutant. jyll-lw Treenails, house for her her debts, taught of success. BOSTON, 130.000 best Sawed W bile Oak do. I' O R T L A N bo'Uie, paid judicious advertising failing P. ». Hotel, D, MAINE at her in ad- 123 Federal Si., under £0,000 best quality Canada lluee*. her the art of acting, wrote poems “Mv success is owing to my liberality AGENTS. can be seen at NEW ENGLAND Steam Aid. Samples the Office ot thin paper. a dream tor six weeks. tf joi in; ^\x>7\ ms —ALSO— Tag feet, and lived iu vertising.”--/former. mat ivte. jut 7 deodaw Orders oy mad will receive attention ami made mon- T»oRTia.A.NX>, ] prompt The was given to her, ‘I advertised my productions aud Has the stock of fine Plank above First Class will be book forwarded to any aditress on of Sis Largilliete piVrt'ait largest White Oak & Hard Wood & Wedges Tug sold at a har- receipt One she was ey.” —Nicholas rfIHE cash. Parties desirina name on can have it and in her 1 mom. day E. COL1JMS, 1 gain it sold at once. Bull is ten years old, book hung is a sure GEO. AT LOWEST I'AMI PRICKS top on without extra ot “Constant and FOR SALE." new this yeai. Boiler new. and charge. jul'Jtf nowhere to be Ibun d, and instead her Vol- persisteutadvertising Engine Machinery to wealth.—Stephen Girard. in first-class order. a lette r. my ibar prelude Phaetons, Carryalls, taire found “Ah, love,” invests one dollar in business should PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, L- TAYLOR, Length of Keel.*...60 ft. "tie who Stock and Fixtures of a ref ail and she “I shall \ you uuto dealh. Grocery Breadth of Beam.17 Ckees©.” wrote, Vo'ship invest one dollar in advertising that business.’ Provision Store in one of the beat locations in 178 COiUITIERClAL ‘•Sage 316 CIONORKSS kTRKET, THE STREET, Cjl nder.20x20 ft. Imagine that 1 am de ad, and write my epi- -A. T. Stewart. Portland. Possession Inquire Express Wagons, Just received direct trom given immediately Diameter of Propeller. 7x2 Vermont, ‘Heie lies one who deeply loved.’ It has furnished me with a com- all the various of f’ard ot SMITH. GAGE & CO., ME. <111 taph: “Advertising Isprepared to make styles _PORTLAND, Tanks hold 6000 gallons water. Coal bunkers hold I have le't it is that would have Lawrence. Medallion, Ac., from 92 Commercial St., and No Beach One Hundred Boxes you, you petence.”—Amos picture., Reiubrnnf, Top Top Wagons twelve tons. Everything in good order and condi- Sage Cheese, with the aid of advertisements I could this process wc or W. W. OOuI>Y, And the Business tion. For done nothing more ha «11 remained you. "Without Kelouebei) Negnliee.. By Concord style Wagons in the State lurther particulars enquire of *»r address For sale in speculations. I hint, of Mole, nn.l other im- iu27dtf 374 •ougiess St. for and the unders by I leave to the muses. Adieu.” have done nothing my Ret rid Freebie., SALE Warranted. ^ 10 cts gned. They can be seen at «oik any day you nine' Por al, of which no $100 Stamp ami 10 cents to most faith in printer’s ink. Ad- perfection, of the Skin. in Saco Kiver. JAMES M. ANDREWS, She was Aurore de I «'vry. She had a pas- the complete charge will be made. All work warranted to 9B PHIIVTINC of every description neatly MAINE. O. a. HAKCJ Ac Box Me. H. SMITH, GAGE & is the road Ur business.—ifur- extra SACCARAPPA, CO., 1689, Bangor, CHARLES HRAGDoN. CO., sion for » that went vertising royal Call and exajainelor yourselves lucl.lsdtf executed at this office. dtf au29 eodtl comedy, joiue'.l troupe 1mm, ap23 juGdtf Biddeforu, Maine. jyllislw* 93 Commercial Street. of it num. to England, and was tht? only member of fair i The leading Republican paper in Minneso- theless, have the effect to dispel the cloud minded citizen, and again returning my Decidedly the best practical joke of the year SPECIAL Sch May Evelyn, McLearn, Georges Bauks—300 the heartfelt (banks to the people of the 5th Con- NOTICES. bbls mackerel. NEW jL’HE PBESS. ta a br'ef sketch suspicion which darkeued the horizon of is related by tbe Jefferson (Texas) Democrat. ADVERTISEMENTS. gives Congressman Dunnell gressional District. Sci» Nettie Walker. Drew. Machias. fame. The entire force of tbe town was ar- Sch ham* Van Ban of bis career in that and concludes great clergyman's 1 am, very yours, police t. Bums, Rockland. stale, by truly Scb FRIDAY MORNING, JIJLV 17, 1874. It is a of that where Eugene Hale. before the on the charge of GREAT REDUCTION IN RATES Saginaw,Ryder, Bulb lor Boston. a bad not better insist point worthy notice, raigned Mayor vising bim that be <;l.KA.tKI>. SANFORD S Mr. Beecher is* best known, the reflections vagrancy. The charge was preferred by the To New longer on serving the people in a public ca- Howdoiii York, I'hiadelphia, Baltimore, Steamship Franconia, Ura*i>, New York— Henry FOR GOVERNOR, upou liis character have been most scornfully College, families of the policemen, who stated that tbe Washington, Cincinnati. Chicago. St. Fox. Nevertheless, Mr. Dunnell insists on To th* Editor the Press: Brig Eliza Morton, (new. of 431 tons) Le- pacity. discredited. The local newspapers are nearly of onder charge had no visible means of Louis, .>an l’i ancisco and ail West. Portland, JAMAICA parties points land. Buenos Ayies— A A S E Spring. Jr. a candidate for tbe “Centennial” Con- Ma li has lately appeared in the NELSON DINGLEY, being unanimous in expressions of perfect faith in newspapers support, as they bad received but §12 from the We sell tickets via Lake Shore anti Michigan, Soli Bowdoin, Randall, Bristol, RI—W S Jordan and bis workers are bim such the affairs at Bowdoin. If all the Southern. Baltimore a id & Co. gress, securing bis aud so in denunciations of concerning city in tbe last five months. Pennsylvania Central,Krie, GINGER integrity equally Ohio, Gnat Western and Central end Scb Mary A D, (Br) Heisler, NS—Jno ensure bis nomi- articles h id been written men Michigan Lunenburg, part of the delegates as will the author of the aud shad- by capable men, The most lover has been discovered Grand T runk Porteous. For to Congrciia incomprehensible practical Huilwayss, and Fall Ativer anti Stou- elegant, preparation is prepared from the Representative* who understood the Line .Sch Janet St rpJUS nation. The is that bis indictment which he has been ar- thoroughly affairs of the at In oneof bis letters tohis ington Steamers, S, (Br) Somerville, John, NB-John X true Jamaica G'm.er. c m Dined wi h choke 1st District—J'HiN H. BURLEIGH. general impression owy upon Bristol, England. At lea* rate* than any Agency in Blaine. Porteous. arom ifi -s an I ne French mil i» va*: Id Dstri t—WILLIAM 1\ PRY E. to with The of stand institution, their opinions would have far he “i that genu brandy, ly Jrieuds will have haul sand great per- raigned. people Brooklyn by adored wrote, wish, my darling, and S U or F*>«nce of 7 Distric —JAMES G. BLAINE. SAILED 15th—Barques Celina, Lymau. sui»erior to every other Extract Ginger weight, and iu would not me Excursion Tickets to New York and Re- 4tit District—SAMUEL K. HERSEY. sistence to secure his eleciion. their illustrious townsman with supreme de- greater people general you would write such long litters. If before the public—all of which arc prcpiml wub al- with them in their endeavors to turn. Richardson & C»oss have fl arter d the sclir John cohol the obi hlh District-EUGENE HALE. and refuse to accept any state- sympathize were to bring an action for breach of by process. votion, utterly you Went worth to load lumber at Darien. Ga. lor Tho- either or the Iu Mieanier and Railroad Tickets front ment as true,which implies a doubt Of bis moral help injure college. your against me, the lawyers would copy maston. and the schr Henrietta, from Port Royal,SC, Current Notes. promise Portland to Bodou at reduced rale*. CHOLERA MORBUS, Every regular attache of the Press is furnished of there an article on to Portland. paper Tuesday appeared the between us and four- probity. correspondence charge Tramps, Pains, Diarrhoea, ar.d arc in- with a Card certificate countersigned bv Stanley T. The is attempting Bowdoin “Parent.” The wri- tKsentery, Washington Republican I have the charity to believe that Mr. Tilton College signed for folio of seventy-two words. HOLLIES, LOIMXG, & ADAMS, (from merchants’ exchanoe.1 stantly relieved by it. It will rendei m attack of A.l. steamboat and hotel pence every Pollen. Editor. railway, Cholera Morbu> If taken when the ni- to ridicule Wilson of Indiana, no ter believes that if the honored head of the in- Ar at I Ma- impossible, Congressman had conception of the wrong he Tbe shorter the letters the more we save from Sagua 5»h, barque taring, McDonald, s managers w ill conlet a favor upon us by demanding I adequate 24 Exchange Portland. ton ot this dangerous first luamkst stitution should be or Si., tanzas; 8tli. brig do. complaint who as instigatorin the House of the investi- was in the revival of this pitiable scan- expelled should volun- the ju6 d2msn Ernestine, themselves. ere lentials ol every persou claiming to represent our | doing lawyers.” Chi ift Matuuzas 9th, brig banuio B Tucker, Tuck- the of be was an tarily resign bis position, its would er. North of hatter*s as we have information that several “bum- ! gation into lately deceased government dal. Locg ago told by eminent prospects More than forty years ago a resident of Jef- lonraal, Ar at« aibari* soon and would n 3d. brig D S Soule, Soule, NYork; CRAMPS AND PAINS name of the the District of and as chairman of merchant that if he was in his brighten people open their N. named went out mers’* are seeking courtesies in the Columbia, holding pos- ferson. H., Osgood, appar- Sportsman. Blanchard, do. cloistered wealth and throw the into the Whether produced by indigestion, iu.pim^r food, Bp ESS, and we have no disposition to be, even pas- the committee on its so dis- session a self-inculpating letter signed by Mr. spoPs to attend to his usual business affairs, Sch Geo Walker, ot Machias. from Portsmouth for part, faithfully ently change ot water or diet, 'oo free iuinlg u e id ice to such frauds. of Bowdoin. Iu he believes that Sydney CB. got ashore 11th Inst, at John’s Island, sively, a party his as to deserve the thanks of Beecher, it was his duly as an honorable man treasury fact, an enfeebled wife and five very water, exposure to sudden changes of charge! duty leaving young LADIES’ and came off badly damaged. She was taken into temperature, the whole to be SUITS are in> mediately relieved by it. One ounce added lo that sort to destroy it; that the retention of it was the faculty ought weeded. The children on the sweet charities of the Yarmouth, NS, for renaiis. the country. Mr. Wilson can stand depeudeut a gallon ot We do not read anonymous letters and communi- act of a black-mailer. But this view of the writer must know that with the small fund if he to which he of world, forgot return, did. mftiokan 1)1 ICE WATER The name and address of the writer are in thing. it cations. case, obvious as it did not seem to that Bowdoin possesses, is impossible for her one of Connec- was, pre Years after of tbe children, grown to mau- The captain cl brig Ernestine, which arrived at for The venerable Freeman Smith An 1 sweetened, forms a mixture, which,an a al. cases ind’spensabie, not necessarily publication sent itself to bis mind, fie to have to procure men whose demands are greater Sew York Sagua Gtti in-t. reports 5th inst. lat 25 33, Ion 81 03. cooling, appears hood. in passing through State, came hc ilthy. and reliohing Summer Bev-iage ba* u.> but as a ol faith. ticut, in a Idler to Senator Brownlow, pub- spoke sch t»avb*oak. of Stockton, t.apt 42 guaranty good been under the si hallucination than her whole revenue. Gregory, Barrels of ice ore pared in this laboring range across this familias — — Irorn New York tor equal. water, way, We cannot undertake to return or reserve com- to quondam pilfer comfortably AT days Wane’s rive Nicaragua, lished in the New York Tribune, objects I allow at may be drank without the slightest inju y and hap- I that the false in which he had that, present, she is in precarious to a new and the with captaiu crazy, mate sick. and no navigator on that are not used. position placed settled down affinity father of py B tli- man who finds in thi* a substitute tor spir- munications tire civil bill as and harm- b ard of the vessel. Shu was rights unnecessary bis with Mrs. Wood- but is it the course to capable sailing steering it nous lit value to himself by identification circumstances; right a second crop. Recently the man feeble and NE when last seen. liquors. the Farmer. Mechanic, ful. He bolds that the irrational and un- •ind Laborer, cannot be ov» re«' iuiuted. li is well* a p hull as her aud could be pursue, to att* mpt to defame the characters of with the third Barque Henry Knight, Gilkey. at Boston from Ca- champiou biographer whitened age, accompanied by as to be within the roach of all; so finely flavored as Cumberland County SSeytibliean color cannot be men whose records arc untarnished, and to diz, reports. 1 It h. otl Cohassit, was in collision with christian prejudice against an the to be lover* of the retrieved by onslaughtou pastor of Ply- of his returned to this, tbe sceue and carried a wav an l enjoyed by choice»i liquor*. Convention. recommend remedies that possibilities and rea- partner joys, sell! O D Wetherell. bowsprit down but must be left to time stove starboard bow. The schr lost stovo put by law, mouth church. He brooded over this idea till son will not and cannot regard? He al*o of his earlier years, to find the deserted wife jilboom, EASTMAN, BROS., starboard bow. Ac. DYSPEPSIA, are re- aird tbe influences of civilization. it made him and states that “the college lias been down iu her and the sur- The Republicans of Cumberland County softening morbid, gained complete runniug long since grave, children Sch Ma y Lord, (of Ellsworth) Lord, lr rn Savan- ever Flatulency, Sluggish Digestion, want ot Tone and quested to beud Delegates to meet in Convention in that of this and moral since President Harris left, and is lower nah .or Palma de Majoica. in getting under way,car- Mr. Smith thinks legislation mastery of his mental faculties. rounded by children aud grandchildren of their Activity in the Stomach and Bowels. now than for as is ried aud bad to remain tor Oppression many yea s, proved away jibboom repairs. alt r are Room of Hall, Portland, character would trengthen the party, com- The thought possessed him like an evil spirit, number of own. Fating, sure to be relieved by a single dose Reception City by the small applicants taken after each meal. PORTS. — — aud him on to the fatal of a admission this I will IHMIKvHTM ON posed of tlieNortheru Democracy and the un- goaded act striking (17) for year. and to his that the 332 CONGRESS STREET, SAN FRANCISCO — Sid I 1 AH WILL BE PAID for a bottle of any other covert blow at the man who of all others most brietly state, understanding, STATE NEWS. I7tb, ship Commodore, jjfc * ThuiNtlnr, 2»tli, at lO rebel ot the South, in ""Extract or l>,». ac« of Jamaica it Aujju*t 1874, repentant Democracy reason why the number of applicants was so Gilmore. Port Ludlow. Ginger, o’clock A. HI., deserved bis and reverence—from KEY WEST-Cld Abbie N found to equal it in line fl.tvor, a lie their allied to obtain possession of gratitude was because the examination was previ- 30th, barque Frauklin, puriiy, pnmpt attempt small, Mears. Pensacola. medicinal etlect. Largest, Cheapest and Best. Take for the of rorainating candidates for 4 whom he had received unnumbered kindnesses ous to and to purpose the government in 1876. commeucemeui, many preferred FRANKLIN COUNTY. C'd 3d. sell Annie Havener. Pensacola. no other until you have given it a trial. Senators, Sherijf, (aunty Treasurer and County the drill Whiting —who hud beeu appreciative, of his await the action of the Boards upon DARIEN—Ar sch Collins, from at the State election genius,gen- ii muic viiiiu nuo iiim iu x uuiuu iiu; vnii 8th, Mary Collins, Commi S'oner to be supported The Rockland Free Press cannot believe Now ibat the drill is the large number JjlO snti WEEKS A B erous in his advancement aud tol- optional, Boston. POITEK, MTON, in September. promoting ex- er (lay, and the whole village turned out to find act that there is any reason "for complaint who would otln wise have been previously DARIEN—Chi 7th, sch Helen M Bowen, Alexan- Als» to choose a County Committee, and to just him. After a he was erant ot his eccentricities. It he has not dis- will themselves at the uext ex- search accidently der. Bost-m. General Agents. upon any other bus ness winch may properly Cv.me officers at the works in that amined, present lon^ that the granite discovered in his little bed fast asleep. SAVANNAH—Ar 14th, Trowbridge, bet Me the Convention. covered by this time that the stroke be aimed aminaiiou. brig Henry For of the B inch Boston. sale by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine* The basis of repie.f utaHon will be asfollow's:—Each vicinity are devoting their time improperly to It is to be regretted that this matter The caterpllars are committing depredations ley, with such deliberate cruelty, at another has re- NEWBERN, NC—Ar 10th, sch M A McCann, Call, eiiv and town will be entitled to one Delegate and drill has assumed a political form. Tbeestub- in the woods in Perkins Plantation. They con- polities, and ventures to add that “those gen- coiled himself with lie is Bangor. W. F. PHILLIPS A one additional L>elegute lor every Cj vot^s cast foi upon crushing force, lishn ent f ihe drill iu a classical college was a fine themselves to the birch aud $3.50 I CO*, of mostly poplar ALEXANDRIA—Ar 12tb, scb S S Bickmore, Bar- Sidney Perharn for Governor in 1872. A fraction tlemen have been as attentive to man n. t> the apparently the ouly acquainted with the dismal dangerous innovate But thanks be trees. On the west side of Mt. Siddleback ter. Boston. 35 votes addiii nal to the full number will entitle the J. W. PLltKIVS A COH business as usual.” This nev- late actiou of the Boards in discarding its re- about three acres of woods have beeu BALTIMORE—Ar 14th, scb Wm Butman. But- city or t<»wn loan ad- litional Delegate This basis maybe true; story who has not been brought to that con- entirely BOTTOM DROPPED OUT! of leaves these and th man, Bucksville. wi 1 gtve the following delegation and apportionment: ertheless the whereabouts and apparent mis- with quirements. stripped by worms, *y clusion unerring certainty. she lias* firm liii hid, i,arorne euse. lor oain; » u» Wholesale Ri 1.1 win 3 .3 Bowdoin has enemies, but are eating their way to the summit. In other 01ig uray, Agent# J. Edith. Pitman. ma‘J4 sion of a number of these were ie* U friends, friends w ho would not falter in their sections of the plantations, the trees look Phiuney, Portland; bbie McDonald, Jyl7U'e is m arly new and hi ed up for the of r< ot Carrie Jones, Colcord. Beverly. purpose ceivingcredentials delegations to lia.vest lican party in this district, my -.rateful thanks business t} take stock.and to the viola and Wuli ’cello. Charleston; this sea.- on for a few country boarders. Patent* woo James G. Blaine’s ability any- making goods Rietzel, flute; Pries, Sid 15ilr, ship Ida Lilly Lrlly, Blanchard, for Acca- THOMAS HANCOCK, Gray, for this renewed manifestation of its regard and —op THE— wuh to send their children will And this a rare but are as as the KNOX COUNTY. having T. G. HU I CHINS, «.’ape thing he desires; senatorial grapes or the confidence. exhibition, they large Society pulco, repaired. chance. Good stable fo hot sea and earring'*.*. Pleas- Elizabeth, Passed tlirough Hell Gate 14th, schs L B Sargent, li. R. MIL Gorham. can afford to and extend to one of Union cheese 39(3 of ant walks and drive-, and go al fishing-in the vicini- LETT, residential pippin.” The 5th District has important industries in offer, every factory produces pounds Elizabethport lor Salem: Oliver, fm LUTHER SROOliLYN IIFE IISIRAXC Sargent, Hyue, ty. A good team will lie in readiness f ir Old Or- BILL'NGS, Bridgton, a dependent on the legislation of the numerous industries of the state. It is to cheese daily, using 33(30 pounds of mi k. This Port Johnson for Benson. Elizabeth DANIEL ELI 10T, Brunswick, The Tribune now concludes that the cur- large degree Bath; Ophir, chard. For particulars add re-» *'S,’* Pbess office It covers one-half of the sea coast is an average of pounds of milk to a pound port for Salem; E F Meany. Lewis, New York for WM. T. Chairman. Portland, Congress. be that our manufactures will not fail to 8J or call in i»eison between 1 aud 3 m. SMALL, act cause a of hoped of COMPANY, E P do tor J p. jyl* L. B. rency will decided expansion of the State, along which lie our shipbuilding cheese. Portland; Church, Gifford, Westport; CHATMA.n, Sec'ttary, Leering, be This to the H Connce, Cox, Port Johnson for Salem. Committee. instead of the contraction of cities aud towns, aud from which also set sail represented. applies whoI$ A station for coast has Republican County the currency gov-rnment survey PROVIDENCE—Ar 15th. schs Black Warrior, BOARDING AND our hardy fishermen. Here too are the mouths state. The officers make an inuovition this been erected OF NEW YORK. DAY SCHOOL its on Ragged Mountain, Camden,for Stevens. Calais; Cant John, Means, Pittston; Sea *117,000,000 which correspondent predict- of our rivers and our iu whose harbors, safety year by advertising premiums for a baby show. the season. Foam. Pliilbrook. Bangor. Railroad Morals. ed some time since. The amount of contrac- and navigability almost our entire population OXFORD COUNTY. Sid 14th. schs Annie B iBr) Bradley, for Portland; For Ladies. Let this part of the exhibition be a success, as The peculiar feature which commends this Com- Yoimg is has a near interest, while a little farther out is Kenouskeng. Wva't, Savannah. The reader would from the tion which has already taken place not yet Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Partridge celebrated pany to public favor is the entry made in each par- Mi»» general infer the chain of light houses giving security to our it can be. This is the first state fair which has NEW BEDFORD—Ar 14th, sell J P Wallace, A. €. IVIOItt* School for Young their silvt r wedding at Rnmtord Centre, June ticipating policy of a detinue cash value, iueieasing indicated the barometer. The in Thompson, Bristol. bitdira, resolutions the stockholders of the ,by gold commerce. lumbering interest farther been held in the heart of the state. Lewiston from year to year, which the Company will loan to passed by 19th, wh'fh w.»s attended by 150 of the friends. V1NEYARD-HAVEN—Ar I4th, schs Castillian. -A.T The States has its ot the interior, and the granite quarries of the the policy holder to aid m the payment of his an- PORTSMOUTH, T*L IT,, Erie at its annual United army idlers, has many and if arrangements are An elegant supper was served in a teut near from Port Johnson for Salem; David Torrey. South Railway Company meeting mainland and islauds are connect- attractions, nual it desired, or over to him at Will commence the fall term 9eutem>er 24. AQ men and women, to maintain, which is quite inseparably the followed premiums, pay any Amboy for Portland; A J Dyer, Iloboken fordo; that ex-President Watson was ed with the interest, the tact made wi ll the railroads, th°re can be no doubt house, by interesting exercises, time alter the receipt of two or three premiums broach** or English education, French. Gmi recently held, as as that ol Continental nations. This navigation by Cocbeko. New York for Camden: Dr Rogers, New- n, costly in PENOBSCOT COUNTY. should he have occasion to surrender Ids jiolicy. Latin.Music and 1)'awing will he taught by the m ,t not a miracle of but a that their products are shipped vessel■« en- but there will be a large attendance. port tor Calais; SBas Me Loon, and An Cl lot. Kook only railroad wisdom, is the real reason our national Further .nformaiion will elieertully be to instructors; the a la why promise iu the or and Penobscot Democratic convention will be given land tor New York; Casco lxnlge, Portland for do; competent Languages by ly gaged coasting foreigu trade, who are to whether to trom sort of a that and blend- to pay a dollar is rated at ninety cents in thus all branches of parties pleased call, desiring Vandalia. Hallowed tor do; Wm Duren.tm Perr.» for Kurope. prodigy monopolized nearly human industry in Ministers’ Conference.—The American held at forenoon, 18th. be or uot. The School Bangor, Tuesday Aug. insured for do; Carl I» do lor Building is new; situated in the tdea.s- com. We have been expending immense the are a do; Sedona. Kennel)©e Lothrop. ed to the best advantage all of the wisdom district welded together iu common Conference of New Church ministers will be The district couveutiou will be held in the af- antesl part cf the city, and furnished wnh ail ,*m- sums now Philadelphia; J P Wallace. Bristol for New Bedford; for articles of luxury (we call them concern. teruoou of the same veniences for health and comfort. and first class virtues of the couutry. 'In- held iu next and day. Jus Holmes. Ellsworth for Rondout. most of which have been drawn These are that affect all alike whatev- Bath, commencing Monday EATON SHAW, Ki feri*.ncks—Rev. A. P. Peabodv, commodities), things un- Sid, schs Florida. Hattie M A J Jas Cambridge; the ordi- Bangor po’ice men are making war on Mayo, Dyer, B. Kmerscu. .and Janus T Fleh deed, so greatly impressed would .rout abroad. We have kept English qnd er may he the party bias of the individual. To coutiuuiug through the week. Ministers will Wall, and all urevious arrivals. George Emj s. K-«|., licensed dogs. GESIKBAL AGENT. Rx-Gov. Goodwin and Kev. Janies De.Ny.>r- other factories driven to our demands see that the material interests of sueh a district BOSTON—Ar 15th Gilkey, Cadiz; Boston; nary man be with his goodness and brilliancy supply be present troui , New York, lu- barque Henry, mandie. Portunomli. do not suffer iu aud The Bangor Insurance Company is the only schs Carrie Bell, Pensaro.a: Speeoaway Cof- lor and r.ickoacks—not neces- unjustly Congress, yet t-> Seaaey. £$T‘For full send for Circular. as set lorth in these that he finery strictly diaua, Ohio, Illinois and from other states, aud insurance of that that loses fin Alice, Lombard. Lo- particular? resolutions, bear fairly in mind, the needs' and wan s of company city by Office Fluent's, Block, Portland. Alexandria; Weehawken; 17 sary. I his is the lesson of last year’s revul- the and duskia. Meaus. William, from jy deoylltuA w2ui21) would when he learns that other sections of a united from Canada. A sub conimittee of the Con- Chicago fire, its losses are only #1000. sntt Hoboken; Datrforth, surely conclude, sion.—Stockholder. country presenting julO Bangor. diverse claims, is no light dut3' laid upon a ference, being a commission on the revision ot SAGADAHOC COUNTY. Brown. Glace ill-health is the cause of his retirement from The “enormous to the Post Office REMOVAL. I Clu 15ili, brig Shatta, Bay. saving” representative. He is best sustained under Ar schs Ida. Lewis. tin liturgy, is m session the present week; its Samuel D. Re^d, a weil-known citizen of 16ib, Huestis, Pascagoula: NEW LAW Eiie management, that Mr. Watson is about Department in consequence of the repeal ol such double who lias at his hack Elizabeth Low.Alexandria; A Hamlin, Lew- E00K8. responsibility, Phipsburg, died Wednesday, at the age of 79 Dehart, the ati meetings having commenced Wednesday, i EVANS Ac is, G M Partridge, Rondout; to suffer the penalty of absolute goodness franking privilege, is good for that depart- intelligent aud trusting constituency. I be years. MOONEY, Elizabethport; Mills, the members of the commission now Chaitanooga. Snarne, anil Northern I ight. Orne. i, ment hut a little haul on the others. Thus lieve that iu all public life nothing should be Amoug DEALERS IN Oliver's Piyccdesl 3III and die a3 the The of an unknown was A E Fred young good do, body boy found Bjugor; Willard, Weeks, do: Dunbar, ... the Post Office “saves” some so much prized as such a support. It should iu session are the Rev. J. K. L). S7.50. Department Hibbard, D.„ in a Edition, and will wonder he to its floating cove near Woolwich, Wednesday. Perkins, Castine; Henry. Carter, Belfast; Congress, how managed escapt two or three huudrer toousaud dollars in the make representative independent in the best COAL AND WOOD, Orizon. Bath. Sherman Ac Rt'dfii id on of tlie Rev. Field of It to have been in the water fur a Damage, Bristol; Fletiher. sense of the word. Chicago, Gei-rge Toronto, appeared the happy end of the very good little boys we postage of the mail matter of the Treasury Its consi. ted of HAVE REMOVED TO Bt low. brig Adeline Ricndtdsnn. Hie Law of negligence, The convention over which Can ad •, the Rev. P. Stuart and the Rev. Frank longtime. clothing striped you presided Cld 16th. schs Maiacaibo, Tobin, Portland; Gram- ... used to read about in the rather old fash- Department, but the expenses of the Treas- pants, checked shirt with knit undershirt. A Sil Udiiiou, $7.50. adopted the resolutions of the Augusta State Sewall of Ohio, and the Rev. William B. Hay- RICHARDSON’S pus. Joy. Hancock. United ury Department have been iucreased by just pair of skates were strapped to the boots, WHARF, SALEM—Ar 14ih schs Marv E Pearson. Warten, »iBt's PniiUruot ioned Sunday S bool books. Pernaps he es- Convention as its expression upon national pol- den of this hat sum; so of thousand dollars in the city. Pott Johnson; Farrell. Ell worth; Glide. Act. wi-h all Hie amend, fifty itics, and I heartily accept them as sound polit- SOMERSET COUNTY. Office 189 Commercial,cor. of Ceuter St.. Minfola. caped because he was born across the water ol Miller. Bangor; Forest Queen, Warr n, Rockland. meals I Ik Department State, and like amounts in the ical doctrine. It is a matter for sincere con- incliidlni; act Snip building.—The editor of the New York (Press Correspondence.) Ar 5th, sehs Harriet, Was?, and Raven, ll«nick. But now it comes out that Mr. Watson Hirer executive One branch ot that the af where we shall he pleased to see all our old custom- ot June, 1S74, ... .7.3. departments. gratulation, upon great questions Weather was ex warm Port Johnson; Grace Cushing. Hamilton. Port John he Stockholder, S. P. a native ot rentely Wednesday in ers aud the public gene ally. was uot so a mau as resolutions: government pays another, leaving the ag- feeling our national currency, and the finances Dinsmore, Esq., Point, Grant, tni Elizabethj>ort: James good per Skowhegau. The thermometer stood 98 iu the We are prepared to take orders for Coal for present son; Sandy gregate about the same.—Prov- of the country, the sentiment of the State of Maine, has just returned from an extended tour Henry. Tiuewonb. New York t A Colcord, Pierce, that he cjuld uot have been re-elected Iasi appropriation ■siiuut: «ii o iu. or Winter use, at the Lowest Market Rates. DRESSFR, McLELLAN & CO., dence Journal. Maine so far as it can he judged from public in New aud of the revival of Searsport; Fred Warren. Turner. Orland. Eugland, says ship There is to be a two trot LYNN—Ar 15th. schs ->asS Pike, Dow. fm Calais; week it he desired it ever so much, that ili- expression, is strongly set in favor of a sound days’ here August Standard Coals of all kind*. Hard aud Law Publishers 8c The New York Post does not like building: 1th and and Aden, New Velma, Look, Eiizabetb- Stationers, Evening currency aud an early return to 5th, $625 iu purses; and the 11th Moft Wood, Ftlging*, I tc,, Scud, York; health was an excuse for the general public, specie pay- port. Mr. Blaine s letter but admires Mr. Titcomb's ments. I trust an! believe that events are At some of the there is aud 12th at North Anson, with $5U0 iu POKTLiAN d. ship-buildirg places purses. NEWBURYPORT—Ar 15th, schs Samuel Nash. and that the resolutions were oulv a to that an thanks to th^ noble activity, the If not ALWAYS ON HAND. Jy17 dat triple etter of on the free trade tending rapidly end, i, recalling memory, PISCATAQUIS COUNTY. Sumner. Weehawken: Lacou. Kilpa‘riek. Hoboken acceptance ques- the of three-coated firmness and patriotism of the reaching dimensions, old tune activity. Sid schs W Wilson. whitewashing process to let Mr. President,joined The thirty different streets aud of Portland. 15tb, Jones, Rockland; Mercy tion. The Post is an excellent bat on Six or seven vessels were noticed on the squares May 15,1*74. my22sn3m Cumberland County 'S cacbcrs' in- paper, with wise and temperate action the part of large ~ T Trundy, Crowley. Calais Watson down with and commend Dover aud Foxcrofl, have been named, aud dignity, that real of a slocks at New bury nor t, and as many at Port- PORTSMOUTH—Ar 15th, schs* Wm R Drury, stitute. IS? I. :ias an idea that it is better to than Congress, any danger departure | u.iuie boards have been on buy goods land. The in are posted HALE’S Fred Eliza- xi iui iuuici cuipwi ubiuus, iu.it uc uccCr from sound principles upon a so I shipyards Maine generally appropriate Thompson, Georgetown; Gray, Swett, njiiy make them— that the of this eoun- subject vitally all of them. The name boards were presented At PORlLAM), Aug. 10, province affecting the nation's honor and imisncritv. Ims uu>j, wi.ua prospect mat me aggregate ton SUBSTITUTE FOR CASTOR OIL bethport. them as the circular oi' Mr. coun. to the towns by Dr. H. A. Robinson of Fox- Shi 15tb. Serena P Smith, for B: ngor; rilO continue five dais, under the cbaige of If on. Livingston, ry is lo raise raw materials and furnish food away. uage launched for the year iu the state will The most reliable and safe vegetable substitute for brig Ppdge. passed croft. schs Bagaduce, Cox, New York; Joi n Luut, jl John H. French, LL D., alin ed by \\. J. be! of the shows that he with last which was Castor Oil ever compounded, relieves Bulcb, foreign stockholders, for To t^e first resolution of tlie Stale Conven- compare favorably year’s, instantly Calais. Corf liell, N. A Luce and Supu Johnson. Europe. in The bouse of Edwin at Colic, and all diseases ot children lias the Erie owners. Irr that eiieu- tion, the one that has me excess of that of any of the fifteen or Ireland, esq., Sebee, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Teachers will ideate come whh robbed adopted by put in twenty Causes natural and provided paper, IXMlHIIdl loll, 1 XUbfiCliOt' U UK»Ol VUIIinH «MNHIib. veils previous. wasdaniaced by tire to the amount ot $51)0 on teething. healthy sleep, gives fr'OREIGlV PORTS. pencJs, and such text lt>ok*»suie iu rest to mother and child, the general u.*e, Mr. Watson’s own utterances are shown Monday last. Insured m tbs wu regulates bowels, and lor lar, It declares that “the should twn^uu — prepared earnest work. beeu possible, the Democratic legislature ol Ropulilicau par y Richmond Camp TSTEimWCf:—— Tssimilaies the rood, and builds rnectntd riKtu square Ar nt fndla »»*t, tiaxuuc Eva H Fisk, Xii-hpls, fixcttwitm pr.ny. Evaininfliion Frida ; CViMficate* to be false; (hat he represented to the BritisL not he content with its past record, hut, reiter- ui*. trom s u tie ting, puny weakness to strong and Boston > to all par- that state would have removed of tickets to the WALDO COUNTY. tial pal lug. judges pro- ating its former declaration of should state carap-meetiug at Richmond, robust e&llh. A perfect medicine chest far our Sid fm Havre 14th fust, Loretta Fisb. Watts, Car- h ind and stockholders that the o principles, Ali friends of education are to at- property as A new cornet diff; barque Evanell. Hichboru. Sydney I’D. cordially invited bate, sheriffs, etc., did the New Hampshire move lorwanl to meet new issues as they arise.” Aug. 4th, will he sold at all the principal sta band, with fifteen members, tend both and Ar at Gibraltar 14th, b from day evening ses-h ns. the company was three times as much as il These words our as a has been organized in under tile barque uiy, Hopkins, body, for everv Republican poiice judge, the embody pesent duty tious of the Europ an and North American, Searsport, Phi.adelphia. WAR KEN JOHNSON, as is its record iu war lead of Wtu. M. Lawrence of Castiue. New WHITE’S that he claimed neve, party. Splendid the of Sid fm Cardiff 14th Saud Land- State Supei in: endeot. really is; improvements officers it could have beeu turned Portland & Ogdeusburg, Portland & Rochester instruments inst, ship Watts, only reach, the rebellion and upon the gnat measures uf have oeen purchased at a cost of rick, RioJaneio. JyH w3v\2b«2fcLlroimiu4.au’Q ina that he directed the reports of the con- aud Maine Central SPECIALTY FOR DYSPEPSIA. 'e; out to make room tor utterly unfit men. reconstruction at its close, and sacred as are the railroads, and their branch- .$(>uo. Ar ai St Thomas 3d inst, brigs Ennis, Dyer, from to be so made as to memories of that conflict which involv- Gienada; 4tb, Merriwa. Downes. -lo. dition of the company mighty es. Facilities for boardand at very low Last week a Searsport mau gave to a lodging hoy This is the only prompt, efficient and safe master At Poiut a For Lake ed the life of ihe Union, the to Petre 29th ult, brig Sarah Emma, Car- conceal rathei than disclose the reai fluancia Republican party rates will be afforded. All letters of liquor enough make him drunk. A relative of such sym- toms as loss ot Winnepiseogee. should not these alone in its claim inquiry appetite, heartburn, pal- ter, fir New York 2 days. present to of the boy gave the scamp a severe pitation ol the heart, dizziness, melan- horsewhip- sleeplessness, Ar at Havana 9ih Wo —... condition of the and that his Our Sew York Letter. ft mu-t li ami application for tents or inst, ship Wilcox, Curtis, .miu. Trains leave Portland A Rx-hesfer road; genera popular support, go farther, must lots, rooms,should ping. The was on a war- choly, costiveness, wi mental ami debili- whipper arraigned d, physical Guanape. for Alton at 7.30 a in. and so am lie equal to the duty of the licur, aud wilh each be sent to A. H. rant issued ty, as well as many it will J* Bay management has been incompetent Howard, llollowellj by Judge Johnson of Belfast, and others, which, neglected, Sid Sih, brig Frontier, Blaisdell, North of Hatteras. * FI * P- m. ot its soon “the house we live in” the j year protract*d power responsibility in- deed $16. a contribution of the citizens place beyond reach Sid fm Matanza* 8fh itiM, barque Joshua For that the value of the stock had suf By of Luring. WoKboro and Centre Harbor, corrupt and its self should he all the of any remedy. Blanchard. North ol Hal terns. via Alton The IScccbcr Scaudnl—Tilton’* Letter creases, scrutiny Knights Pythias Celebration.—The ttie amount was promptly paid, B ay and Steamer Mt. W ash ingt n, 7.3u ». a over mil- more this we can well afford I had sometimes able Cld at Montreal 11th inst. Kate m. lered shrinkage of twenty-eight searching. Upon Massachusetts Knights of Pythias, through Mrs. W. H. S “Dyspepsia” twenty years, barque Harding. (passengers taking thi> train c in mase the entire UnjiiMt'liabie—Full Coufidence of pyward of Thorndike, and an- to eat the and little of Montevideo. over the to go lo the record, to the great election of 187‘d, their graml have received and only plainest foot!, very that. Harding, iilp Lake, and return same day) arrivii g in lion dollars on an aggregate of less thai ledge, accepted other was tbrowu from a in that I tried Sid fra Pietou 31st TUos Beecher'M in hi* luooccuce— the a vast re elected lady, carriage physicians and remedies without relief until l ult, brig Owen, Guptill, for Portland at 7.20 p. ni Neighbor* country by majority Pres- invitations to participate in a grand celebration tuwu millions. In the meantime th- last Friday, and badly bruised. learned ot “White’s Special.y lor Dyspepsia,” which St J ago. For Woifbor via Wolf boro all at eighty-seven ident Grant and a Republican majority of two- by the order in at' (>. Junctic-u, raL, Tiltou’* Hallucination. Maine, Portland, August hai entirely cured me. (Signed) 7 30 a. m. and 4.15 p. iu. of as as thirds in the lower House of The It is to The Sears port House, at Searsport, was dis- bonded debt the road well its floating Congress. proposed p trade in the forenoon, enjoy Mrs. B. L. WEST. Vineyard Haven, Mass. L Latest by European steamers.] j\17dtf W. H. TURNER,Saterlntondtnt. Senate has for been as cover™ on fire Tuesday about years largely Republi- a harbor excursion to Litt e Hog Is a;.d, wuii night, midnight, Oct. Ent out at liabilities has been increased, and but was Springfield, Ms., 18.—Mr. White, Dear Sir:— Liverpool 1st, Genevieve Strickland. enormously can. a fish and saved with the loss of about $1000. clam*bake, and a regular dinner and Tlie “Specialty” is liked very much by every one who Strickland, New Orleans. TVOTICE is hereby given that ti e subscriber liaa for all this there is to New York, July 15, 1874. The first and session of the expenditure nothing long Congress on -door sports, and in the evening a prome* Judge Dickerson has written a dissenting uses it. We have sold it for two years, and are not Ar at London 2d, Emerald Isle, Williams, for New been duly apjK.inted and t.u:« u up. u Unaeh 'ha There is such a of interest then elected has trust of show. It is even declared that the degree attaching just closed, and it is worth the nadoeoucert at the city ball. The arrangements opinion to the case of the Belfast railroad, selling anything but the “Specialty” uow for “Dys- Yor«. Administrator of the estate of while to examine some of Yours C. P. ALDEN. Ar at Cardi'T 1st, Valencia. to the Beecher discussion, that it is a difficult its work for which, as far as perfected, are. for the Mass ichu-eits against the town of Unity, which will be in- pepsia.” truly, Norwegian, Rogers, HENRY H. LILBY, late of Erie railroad is not in so efficient a Sid 1st, Davt Brown. Colcord. Callao. Portland, proper whether good or had, the will to charter the steamer New Bruns in the Price §1 Bottle. For sale all in the matter to observe silence it. The Republican party Knights corporated reports. per by druggists. Passed toe Lizard Is: B County of Cumberland, deceum1 ;.nd concerning be held Send tor Circular to the H. ius!, L Gilchrist. Emerson, given sfate as when Mr. Watson assumed its man- responsible. wick for the round trip starting from this city IN Descriptive proprietor, from bonds as the law directs. All (>ersons de- name GENERAL. Antwerp tor New York; C H Southard, Brown, having and fame of the great preacher are so in Its found the a G. WHITE, Cambndgepori, Mass. mands the Yet all these opeuiug country prostrated by on the afternoon of tlic5tli.—Boston Advrrtiser. H avre forXarditf. npon estate of said deceased ai« required agement. despite glaring proofs are to he much .jnelGd&w6mos to exhibit the expressibly precious, not merely to bis personal monetary panic, winch had disturbed business Grasshoppers reported doing Ar at Penarth .'.'Uth, Florida, Curtis. Havre. same; and all persons indebted to said of the and of the damage to growing crops iu different sections of estate are called upon to make payment to dishonesty incompetency friends but to the aud the that relations, depressed trade, manufactures and News and Ar at Heivoet 3Uih ult, Penang, Patten, from Bal- country world, Other Items. the state. TO THE LADIES. CHARLES F. LIBBY, the stockholders their re- commerce, aud thereby so shrunken the public timore. Administrator. man, place upon the effort which has beeen made to tarnish Caleb is talked of for Sid fm 1st inst. Portland, July 7, 1&74. j\ 17UUwjw*F revenue that to carry on the government, new Cushing Congressman The rear drive in the Kennebec has Greenock Signal. Williams, Wil- cords three which set in the passed I have just received a nice assortment ot resolutions, forth, them is viewed with mingled feelings of sorrow taxation was threate ed. To have at such a from the Essex district. North Anson. The water lias beeu all mington. high Ar at Flushing 1st inst, Annie from most the .time new burdens an aud an clean Torrey, Libby, BOAKUi.Ml emphatic language, irreproachable and auger by all classes of people. Besides this, imposed upon embarrass- It is proposed to coin a twenty-cenfc piece in along, unusually drive lias been HAIR' New York. and 1)AY SCHOOL, ed would have been made. SWITCHES, character of the man and the such air of people, especially offensive, In Elsinore Sound 27th Clara Mernman unquestioned there is au mystery about the insin- silver at the mint. which I am selling cheap. ult, Eaton, and the Republican majority in Congress s*l trom Reval for Bristol. No. 12 Pine St .Portland. of the official. uations that have been made—so an af- itself to the Queen Victoria’s is Ar ability great only alternative, the reduction of youngest son, Leopold, Frnuil loTesa J. P. at Seville 22d ult, L Staples, Stowers, from New Nhiuiug mark. SMITH, York. Erie and has fectation of reluctance to tell the whole truth on the running expeuses of the government. The going to study law. mismanagement corruption A great medicine is always a fur fraud. Ar at Gibraltar 24th Misses SYMONDS will re wn their result is now before (lie people. The expendi- target Over the Bookstore, Cor. Congress & Oak ult, Alzena, Plummer, from r|lHE Sd no? been a to railroad the part of bis accuser, such a quantity of om- A son of King Coffee of Ashautee will be ed- Shallow without the talent *U». Bostou. Ywm,K ?*aoies on TH CRSDa Y. S. the long reproach manage tures of the last wre reduced ten cheats, to originate any- jylisnlw » pt year nearly Cld Breton. 1 * tit. For Circulars, contain the nons bints of disclosures withheld and revela- ucated in under the care of the or the 23d. Fidelia, Young, Cape mg particular* ad- ment iu this and more than al millions of dollars, and for the eurreut over England gov- thing useful, decency to permit an article of dress the country, year Sclilotter beck’s Moth aud Freck.e Lotion Sid lm Lisbon 23d ult, Clara Pickens, Coombs, for Principal. No. 12 Pine St. j> 17-« d2w tions no millions ernment. excellence other causes lias about the suppressed—that small degree of cuii“ tweut.v-seveu of dollars. As a result superior to perform its mission, without Cadiz. brought hostility of the is bleuded with the uatural solicitude this, treasury is again in sound coDdi Sir striving to turn a dishonest to exhibited to such the osity Henry Thompson, the renowned London penny by attempting A safe and sure remedy lor removing Tan. Pimples, As we shall take corporations by people tion. The public debt is being reduced, aud substitute trasli in its HPDKEN. account of stock the which all minded when a is on his to this p ace, aie now engaged in imi- Moth Blotches. Freckles ami Eruptions from the right people feel, rep- m t a new t x has been levied. surgeon, way country. He will last of tue mouth to a throughout the country. We are single One of and Skin, rendering it soft and fresh aud to it June 23, lat 37 N, Ion 3 E, barque H L Gregg, from prcrioii- change gratified, utation is tating counterfeiting Hostetler’s Stomach Bit- imparting •u our imperilled, than which none is dear- the duties of the hour is economy in the expen- visit California and the Yosemite. a MAHKJLE PCU1TV. New York for Venice. i,usi..ess, we goall offer our o ui- howeve", to think that it3 infamy is almost a ters, the most popu ar tonic anil restorative in the No date, lat 31 3U N. lcn sch W fm er to maukind. diture of tlie public money; what record could Mr. a native of is in 62, Carrie Clark, !»lete stock of Sehroff, Bombay, India, PRICE FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. New lone exception in the history of American he bet*er upon this point? civilized world. A brood of local bitters, mixtures of York for Barbudoes. 1 was — not aware, when I wrote my letter of this country to examine our of in- No tlate, lat 10 S, Ion 30 15, from Nor has the been in its efforts system public damaged drugs with worse Liquor, has out Prepared only A. G. SCHLOTTEKBECK & ship Mogul, Let us too, that its mor- party lacking cropped by Liverpool for San Francisco. railroading. hope, 29th ult. iu which I stated the facts of this towards the reform of struction. and Chemists, 303 abuses. It lias investi- all over the country. Although the sales of these CO., Apothecaries Congress street, (roods and als are confined to its own stockholders and one door above Brown. Me. au2Gsntl Dry Shawls whole matter as are understood gated alleged malfeasances most Col. of Norwich made a Portland. they popularly thoroughly. Tenny stroug speech pernicious slops are too insignificant to artcct the in- When it was that — — their proxies. Mr. Beecher’s and towns- urged the government of the in the AT among parishioners Connecticut House the other day in terests of a staple it seems a to warn District of Columbia had become reckless and remedy, duty Boston & Maine Tickets Wanted, men that he had invited au 1 had the favor of the < lie then.. inquiry. corrupt the Republican party committed tlie taxation of church property. public against The color of the true spe- Extra It is not our to discuss idea that he would feel himself citie may be simulated, but its cures nf FOB WHICH inducements to Purchasers. purpose the merits constrained by investigation to able and honest men of both The cheap transportation problem lias been dyspepsia, liver complaint, rheumatism,intermittent lever, con- or demerits of a but we the terms of the to adhere parties, who after a long examination united in protective tariff, tripartite agreement, partially elucidated at Cape May, by stipation, nervous debility, &c\, cannot be imitated. WII.C a which abolished the harnessing CASH BE PAID. to the of silence which that report whole form of the «e»* Prints Sc will venture to remark that the attempt oi obligation contract District aud a Shanghai rooster to a baby carriage. per yard. government, the task of fram nga V<1. wide * ambries li I»• the Commercial to the imposed. The violation of that treaty Tiltou new one has been Johnson is said to his debts Wm. .Allen, Jv., No. 11 DRESS Baugor attribute de- by committed to a Andy pay Exchange •» commission, NOTICES. GOODS, Linen Suiiiues ia ] •» was an act of inexcusable bad faith. But of ot the head of which is ore of our SiECIAL crease of iu the and honored more promptly than any other man iu Tennes- Street. Kussia Crash « population farming ship- Hou. L. M. Morrill. Here ?e course, after it had been broken, Mr. Beecher Senators, was no see. jel9-sntf building towns in this state to that policy, is from another of the duties of was shrinking the COAL. marked down to absolved from a further observance of its Dr. Fulton on Horace more ingenious and than real and in hour, the reform of abuses. preached Greeley last COIN TV BONDS. original conditions and had 3,000 tons of the bent and Steam 40 PS. DRESS the right to pursue what- hi it pt vious Congress ihe same bad Sunday and discovered that his belief iu Family GOODS AT 25e. accordance with the facts. In the first parly C.'o«tls to be m»Tcd at once, “to enable u» CITY. BONDS. place, ever course he deemed necessary to his vindica- universal salvation was the cause of his to repair oar abed** » for a score of the men of our ru of railtoad SCIIOOi. DISTRICT BONDS. years young from gnat corporations, sustained b.v ■ wibuiub ih'itphwj win nowrii Linen tion the aspersions which bad been cast failure. IIEAIj ESTATE MORTGAGES. Goods, Domestics, rai towns have been subsidies of government lands ami and lo call aud neeiheCOAIj a «lo tain our 12 1-2 cts. etc., etc., constantly taught by him dark moneys, per Yard, upon by allusions aud hoarse whis tbe result lias been tiiat iu the vmnureu are mane to walk in tne prl« ea before purchnaiug ela where. at a great reduction from former present Cougr.-ss right path All carefully selected in the 10 (o 12 prices. lucir liuueih, scuuui LCiicuers ulu oLuer ioca.i land and subsidies We can aeil aa rbmp aa any «>ealcr in west, paying pers. grants have received uo re- in Detroit. Fourteen women attended a dog town. Call aud nee for yo* metre*. per cent interest. Very safe as well as — at — lhat in Maine offers no The other for him cognition. profitable. magnates, agriculture only thing to consider was fight in that the other with their JA.fi fe* A \\ ILI Moreover, and this is uo small the city, day. ijlTIS, Bargains in Parasols and Sun Umbrellas. field for and the exercise of brains. how far the of a matter, •SOG Commercial *l. enterprise opening such flood gate of gossip whole array of unfounded babies. CHARLES M. IIAW KEK, claims, sum-kmo of Wood of all kind* nol constant- In time the seed of this vicious he.au aud scandal might and and of sawed,or We mean wliat tve in to variety possibly affect the welfare jobbeiy fraud, enterprises A new ou baud. 08 say regard red storfc. doubtful fifty dollar note will make its appear- ly jvl7su3t M1DHLK STREET, in.I in tiring Innnn..nf fliiml ....-.I., -1„ 1_ iu their public character lias been this Con junta sntf ruer to do *•» b.ive .U IKaFI) Ot K. to hear truit in au exodus of the young men liy ance this week. The and liOODS gress met in and engraving general Horatio WAY DOM N. that there are tairly open fight, everywhere Our entire Stouk of Dress and women ftom the towns to our iu Plymouth church, as there are appear:'nee are said to be Goods selling farming beaten and trampled under foot. 1 venture very clear and fine. ivr a T? pu n Staples’ the other at cost. towns and cities—many to ju many religious societies, some mous- assertion that the ‘•lobby” never left A head of Franklin adorns the face. manufacturing Washing- VICKERY & ing, bodies who ton so desperate and hungry as at the close of LEIGIITOIV, t ovcll An in industrial some to strive tittle-tattling, gabbling busy A yacht with niue prominent business men of In Auburn, L. B. Warren Company, engage pursuits, the last session of Herein 131 iTI id die Hired. July 4, of Minot and New Goods take a iu Congress. millions Mrs. ltoxana Barter id Auburn. Dry Store, savage delight their Toronto on jyl7illw.su_ after the dollar which do not earn slandering neigh of money have been saved. board left that place on the 11th to they In Bath, July 14, Brea S. Willis and Miss Louisa bors. To such evil-minded persons, the to and REMOVAL, AGENTS, Thousands, too, have been allured to the pas- Nor are these all the good things done by the go Niagara, has not since been heard M. Ward. tor’s friendships were often made the occasion present Congress. It put its foot on from. She is In Gardiner, July 3, Robert G. Clark and Carrie West. The tariff has had whatever to firmly supposed to be lost, with all on nits. SPRINGER CONGRESS, COR. BROWN STS. nothing scheme to ns 2. Alitt. No. 78 Middle of to the of them. It is no every disorderly involve in a war St., reproach objects by board. In Tenant’s Wilson Uyw do with indeed, the stampede had well with Spain, and yet sacrificed no whit of the has removed her Studio to Harbor, July 11, Smalley and J?16_ this; means a difficult to in- \\ Miss Mary Bickmore. matter, unfortunately, nation’s honor. dliam Hayward, the who was begun ten years before the war. As to the vocalist, ROOM: 3, CL/lPP’S BLOCK, flict serious damage upo*1 a lady’s reput itiou by It repealed the salary bill, thereby respond- well known tbioughout tile POBTLAMD. and country, died quite BONDS loss of population business of ourship- a mere if it is ing to a nearly unanimous sentiment. Where she will receive iu DIKD. gesture, artfully executed. 11 public suddenly at Sidney, Cape Breton, pupils Object-drawing and bu cannot the Commercial recall It revised and consolidated into convenient Wednesday Puiutiug, as usual. iding towns, to be true—and since it is to was a at Portland ... i;>. happens likely and attainable form all the He native of N. aud his maria sntf Japanese 3*op9ins, various statutes of Manchester, U., In Albion, July 8, Nathan aged 66 Halil the w irk that the Anglo-rebel pirates did in come now that there is an Webb, year*. .... out, investiga- the United States, giving iu a single volume relatives reside there. In Clinlon, July 3. Mrs. widow of the late 13 1-3 cis. Hannah, Belfast ... sweeping their shipping from the ocean anu tion on foot, I may as well state it—that vvlmt has heretofore been searc'-ed lor by law- A Berkshire manufacturer PHOTOGRAPHS 1 Basher Kouudy, aged 65 veais. gives it as his In rancis Bangor ... the yers and business men seven eeu Bath, July 13,1 Oliver, Rged 76 years. |>a it to seek the protection ot other names of some of the purest and through that there are driving volumes. opinion woolen goods enough in In Math, Juiy 14, Mis. Caioline I\, wife of Cant. Plaids at 13 1-3 cts. Lewiston .... worthiest women BURNHAM, Andrew E. 46 tears. the memories iu have the Lunham. aged • ■ flags? Perhaps, however, sug- Plymouth parish, It repealed the law which set a foot the San- country, already made, to the mar- Cleveland 0., :v supply TtlTC PHO-LOGHAPHER, In Arrowslc, July 13, Mrs. Sophia Y., wife ot ChaB. “ tl.is been with that of their advis- born and struck dowu the a Toledo gested by straightforward application ol coupled spiritual contracts, abomina- kets for year, if all mills should cease Snipe, aged 46 years. Black and gs pro- has returned from the South and taken rooms in White er iu a tions of the moiety system. Chicago cause aud effect, are not pleasant. such way as to leflect upon their chas- duction for that time. ;>s It provided for the distribution of the money Cook County tity. Iudeed these wretched calumni dors ha .e An old in a town MARKET MfcllAKE, JM>. 12, DEPAKTIIKE UEIIl'EAK Striped CWrcnadincs, 7’s awarded b.v the Geneva Tribu ml, so that the lady of Lancaster County, HTEA.llElf* not Louisville Kv., always limited their to ladies actual losers of vessels or N. refused Opposite the Name. From For at 13 1-3 ets. ;s The letter of acceptance of lion. Eugene aspersions freight b.v the Con- Y„ lately the gift of a load of wood Mtotea, Date Baine Central it. R. Claribel.New York Ac .. 7 , within the but have visited their false federate cruisers that were included in the re- from a he Hayti, .July 17 elsewhere is a sensi- society, tree struck by where has eveiy facility for making Likenesses, K. X A. Ameri.au R R. nale, published, plain, of the will soon receive lightning, through Polynesian.Quebec-.Liverpool_July ig bold u*s blameless port tribunal, tlieir ttom miniature to life size. He will be to York charges upon parties of oth>-r congre- fear that some of the ’’fluid” might remain ill happy Algeria.New Liverpool ...July 18 Delaine at 13 1-3 cts. money and interest. The State of Maine will meet his old patrons ami the public, and will see to von Salk by _ ble, straightforward document, eminently of City of Brussels ..New York Liverpool... 18 gations, and, indeed, other communities. benefit this dist ibirion. tlf and cause disaster to it that none go airay dissatisfied. Extraor July of its especially by wood, her kitchen .inaiy Golon.New .Jult 18 characteristic author. Addressed to inducements ottered to Clubs atid York..Aspinwall .As these goods are worth double the money, they Kerry well-disposed individual entertains a Other sound measures might he siove. Classes. Utopia..New York. it instanced, j>7snlm J. W. i*. BUMWHAM. Glasgow.July 18 will be sold ill a very short time, and the first comer* SWA.\ A his constituents contains that matter about but 1 have said enough to show that Celtic.. New York Liverpool_Julv 18 proper repugnance to the introduction of such perhaps His name is but will have the best chance. Samples sent oy mail. BARRETT, which i.-> man should assail the Noou, things look as dark as vViscousin.New York .Liverpool_July21 a Representative should inform his into Republican majority Crescent 100 topics public and in this cir- 1>IS. SI RUP New York.. ... MIDDLE discussion, in Con without a careful examination night for him; because he patted one BICRNELL'8 City. Havana .July 21 STREET. gress, of Haggerty Cuba. ..New district. It tells them what Congress has I lies the secret of the real York..Liverpool.... July 22 8eI^l cumstance, fancy, reti- its work. That lias only to he realized, ou the head with a Cure* Bowel or Summer eon lebISI shovel, hurting Haggerty Complaint*. Scandinavian.Quebec.Liverpool.July 25 done, sound and wholesome cence which Mr. Beecher has so and I have lio fear that it will not ts> gives sugges- long maintained appreci- badly and getting himself iuto Qe will Being composed largely of Brandy, Snices and Victoria..New York. 2.5 ated. It us uo jail. .Glasgow.July tions or, the will do harm to contrast all this simple astringents, without % particle of has City of Chester.New York.. 25 great of the and iu reference to the covert attacks of liis assail- find that are not Opiate, Liverpool_July questions day with the nmmfes atioris which spades trumps in this after a 25 trial to Batavia.Boston— Horatio have attended game. proved yeais' superior any other Liverpool... 25 looks to the Now that Juiy future rather than to the ants. he has resolved to speak, the tlie reinstatement of our It was a little N. article for Cholera Minnesota.New York. 28 Staples, past temporary opponents Newark, J., episode. Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Morbus, Liverpool_July the fact is to be in in two of the New Cholera-In fan turn, Colic, Cramp, S ck or Sonr Stom- Abyssinia.New York.. 20 of party, as was to be of so likely demonstrated, that he has power England States— Mr. A. B Johnson, chief clerk of the Liverpool_duly expected Connecticut aud New Light- ach,, Sea Sickness, Dyspepsia, &c., aud may be im- AlllleH.New York. .Jamaica. &c.Juiy 31 been for some the victim a sort Hampshire. If any hon- thoroughly a as years of of honse Board, and plicitly relied upon in the must severe cases, yet so progressive public man Mr. est has felt that he had reason to private secretary to the late Portland that he has Republican simple and pleasaut that it may be given the most 78 Middle Hale. It is a paper blat'k-mail; sought to appease his find fault with his because of Mr. lias an in IVliuiatnre St, replete with the highest party certain Sumner, interesting article delicate infant. It acts upon the system like water Almanac.July 17. Lewiston <>’s. slanderers by conciliation instead of treating shortcomings, let him look at these two states Scribner’s Mouthly for upon a wilted plant. Sun rises. .4.38 I Moon ;_■ far as its traffic is on the same treaty concerned, cau utter the on our coast which is I now ex sch. from A Second hand Clothes and whole truth, are unsealed. The decay every shipyard just lost. The adverse comment was landing “Henrietta,” Brunswick, Barque Mary Nelson, (Br) Nutt,Turks Islands— Bought sold. ju20oodti FOB VILE principally \ or with reference to the Maine Central to resume same of its old-tiine I Ga., suitable for Ship, Stole B*idge building, tor 15.03 bushels salt to Ryan & Kels* y. footing publication repreLeusiblc from of beginning pros- ou the scale of PINE KLOORINO ami STEP every point sliding the fourth article of the s.-de low. All orders ieit at No. 17. Exchange Barque Pictou—563 tons Notice. as the perity. ( St., Atlantic, (Br> Foster, ccal Special SOUTHERNBOARbS. in lots to suit tor sale low Eastern. This will end the war aud and a breach of honor in its in- the Ocean Insurance Co., Up Stairs, will be to A D VVhidd n. purchasers, view, involving With entire confidence that in tbe coming treaty, Cattghnawaga Canal aud the At- promptly 0\YHI.I. * GUliENoCGH are selling nice Two to close a consignment jatteu ied to. J. H. HAMLEN & SON. Sch Cumberland.-, T Button injure the ticket business. of a I 1canvass the he seen * iautic Philadelphia. f't Kids at 7o ets.: also Best in Black RYAN .t KEl fringement parol agreement, will, never- right way .will clearly by the coasting trade. jyil sntf Sch Win Boston. Very 'EY, Doming,Tttiuuell, UB.1 Colors lor $2.00. jnelfitf n.j2*U No. 181 Commercial Sineg mar S. C. Arrival of the Hclioouer Temperance Meeting at Stafford Decay’s Effacing Finger will never L. Treadwell vs. Ralph M. Pomeroy, C. B, Reunion. Homan Mtacb IjIm. I £rr<‘intcd by the United States after said improve- are with Odorifer- and others the Atchinsou mcnts weie so uiide. THE PRESS. several laches and the teeth that brushed daily Pomeroy representing Toledo, July 16.—A cable despatch an- ISales at the Broker’s Board. July 16.1 ! AUCTION SALES. ■ ... M ■ ■■ Block.—Recently gentlemen June A ous Sozodont. It lends a floral fragrauce to and Pikes Peak Railroad. nounces the arrival at Cork of the schooner O. Boston & Maine Approved, 1,1874. in the laudable Railroad.107 engaged purpose of reforming the breath as well as the teeth from B. [General FRIDAY 1874 protects Boat Races Postponed. Beusion, \vhicli sailed from this port in May Nature—No 33.] MORNING, JULY 17, the slums of this have rented the ball corrosion and last, aud Irom AN ACT to amend an act en city decomposition. jlyl3d&wlw Saratoga, N. Y July 16.—The boat races Montreal June 4th. This ves itled “An act to amend F. 0.1IA1LK1& CO., $eI, with liouicMiit iflarkriN. au act emitted ‘An act to reduce underneath the famous Stafford b'ock, formerly are postponed uutil to morrow. together the Pamlico of Chicago, duties on im- a was reduce I II * l>KFN» Schumacher Bros, have just completed receutly reported lost off the coast of New- New Youk. July 16—Fveuiug.—Catron was dull, poitsandto internal taxes, and for other used as a dance bail, gambling saloon and rum A Disappointed Crowd. easier and sales 1142 purposes,' March May be obtained at the Periodical Depots of Fes- neat little Album containing twelve of the foundland. unchanged ; bales; Middling ui»- approved third, eighteen hun- AUCTIONEERS Over assembled at the Lake to- lands at forward deliveries dt edited 3-33 on all ured and prnden Bros., Martinis, Robinson, Bruneii & Co.. shop, aud have commenced a series of temper- mincipal views in Portland. It is a very pret- 20,000 people I7jc; seventy-three. to after momhs except Sept, fh.ur receipts 1*307; sales 12,- Be it enacted —AND — Andrews, Gleudenning, Moses, hendei- ance affair. Go and see it. day witness the University race, and by the Sena'e and Haute qf Wentworth, meetings therein. The room, which is a ty jlyl3-lw I.omm of Ijife. 100 obis; Western and State at 5 00 (& 6 White Repre- Bon, and Cbisbolm Bros., on all trains that run out ol sweltering for an hour in the suu and being 60; sentatives of the United States of America in Con- sort of aud Wheat Western extra at 6 60 (ft 0 80; extra Ohio at the city. cellar, low studded dark, has been to without to eat as the Chicago, 10.—The bodies of tw o men gress assembled, That section third of an act en- White Shetland shawls for SI.25 and up- obliged go anything July 5 00 7 extra St Louis at 6 II 00. At of aud a child 30; 15vgt closing titled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act to Commission Merchants Biddeford, Pillsbury. somewhat a coat of white-wash Con- two hotel- were not to one-hundreth were discovered uuder the ruins of 11 00. improved by wards, at Covell & old stand. supplied quiet Southern flour at 6 00 (juj Wheat dull amt reduce on i At Saco of L. Hodgdon, Company’s a house 401 south C ark Street duties imports, and to reduce internal the the liberal use of Brown streets. pail of the demand, were told about 7 o'clock lasteveuiug, in buyers avor—receipts 134.250 bush; sales 92,000 " At '\ atei ville, ot J. S. Carter. upon walls and soap gress, corner jyl3tf and takeu taxes, and lor other nu;pose-,' approved March Suh^room 170 Fore StrvH, that the race was till to-morrow to the morgue. They were the vic- bush ; 1 32 (& 1 34 for No 2 Chicago; 1 38 ft, 1 30 lor No At Path, of J. O. Shaw. suds as postponed third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, be | on the door. Several mottoes, such tims of tire. 2 Iowa ami .Minnesota ! At Lewiston, of French Bros, and Stevens & Co. Anything desired in a Catholic Bookstore afternoon. At least 2000 people were obliged Tuesday’s Milwaukee; ungiadcd Spring auieudeU so as to read as follows: (OiHee 15 Exchange Direct) “Moral Suasion” and the like have to ow- at 1 28 c3dtf BY TELEGRAPH. Secretary Oep’t, scarce anil decidedly tinner—receipts 14.700 bush; to the what reluctuut to euter, the most of 1 hem porate beuetitH provided for in the eighth section of pre- the New York Warehouse & Ra'lway Officer Washington, I>. C., > sales 70,000 bu.-li at 04* (jg 07c tqr Mixed Western; 70 the act entitled ‘An act to reduce duties on imports, AUCTION COLUMN. o about the windows and doors. and to the commercial facil- A. M.) T @ 72c tor White Western. Coftec nominal. is and to Sale of ferring hang Company, improve July 17, (1 Sugar reduce internal taxes, and for other purposes, laryc ities of New York. dull, fair to good retiniug at 7$ (gj 8c; prime 8*c; sales Household Furniture—F. O. & Co. Several men and and a number For New tCnglaud, approved June sixth, eighteen hundred and Bailey women, quite MATTERS IN MAINE. of 130 hhds l’orto Rico at relined lower seventy- to Wreck a Train. and retiniug 8cc; two. the same as such merchandise would have been SPECIAL NOTICES. of small and be- Attempt Middle States generally clear weather and at lo* (a) for standard A for boys gathered insic’o, however, logc ;lufc granulated; 10J entitled to had it been in store or Household Coal—Jnmes & Williams. Utica, 16.—A to the Utica temperature will in the interior for crushed; 10§c for powdcied. Molasses Rice actually public Furniture haved while the consist- July despatch prevail quiet. bonded warehouse on or prior to the thirty-first Dress respectfully exercises, Herald from s an and rains near steady. Petroleum is nominal: crude at re- day Goods—Vickery & Leighton. Fort Plain »ys attempt light the coast, with northwest 4J ft 5c; °*. 'July, eighteen hundred and I’ro- of took [Special to the Press.1 car to uned a» 12c bid. held at Tallow is at 8 seventy-two: BY NEW ing singing, prayer and exhortations, was made this to wreck and rob a southwest winds and baiometer. I2*c. quiet @ That the owner of AUCTION. ADVERTISEMENTS. morning rising Naval viaeil, such merchandise shall, M. 1.. A. Kxewraioa. of the 8*e. Stores—Ro-in steady at 2 15 (eg 2 20 lor within tliirtv ^Sanford’s Jamaica place. Some of those about the windows were New York Central road. Paymaster strained. days from the passage of this act make Ginger, Spirits is steady 36*c. Pork is ion in and School— For ladies. Glen N. H., July 10.—The Mercan- Reed left with some $50,000 ami a force sales Turpentine apphea therefor writing to the co lector of the Boarding Day young nclined to be a little but the close prox- House, Albany lower; of 100 bbls prime mess at 19 00; 100 bbls at noisy, of six had laced port which such merchandise ai rived.” | Boarding and Day Schoo.— No li Pine street. tile Association excursionists, 100 men. The would-be robbers vu KKI Cx N new in* ss at »9 50(a 19 02*; 500 do seller Aug at 19 70 FRIDAY. July 17tli. at 10 o'clock, A. M., of the made them civil most ot the Library Appiov. d, June third, 1874. at house 5.; I Teachers’ Institute-Cumberland County. imity police obstructions ou the track at a secluded plae» f'. 19 75. Keel is unchanged. Lard steady; city at ON Spring street, We rball wllpaih.r Probate Notices—Chas. F. t strong, arrived here at 7:30 this evening, safe, Sulls, handier Set* C ibby. lime. The of most of the attendants well chosen for such a crime near a piece of lljc; 50 tcs new prime steam at 11$; 100 tcs choice 'rabies, Carpets,! Fine Hair Mat- expression \ New Law Books— Dresser, McLellan & Co. prime steam at 1000 tcs tor tresses,Feat her bens, Wool and/h scelsior ■ well and happy. Having partaken woods. came and after 12c:; buyers option seller aitre»e», For Lake indicated A few of them, consequently The work train along RiMuiarck W'or*e. toilet g Winncpiseogce—P. *£. R. R. curiosity merely. July at lljc; 250do buyer optiou Keller Aug at Se's,QuiPs. Alr-tlghl and Coal Stows. be*?- Summer Board -Near Old of an elaborate supper the entire party is en- removing the obstructions ieft a man secreted life, steads. I Orchard. seemed 10 feel a real interest in tne London, July 10.—The staudard that linttei is lirm at 18 (uj 28c tor Western; 24 [a 33c lor Sinks, Tallies, Mimas, Chairs. Fxtcn»>< u however, to watch the track. He soon saw two men says MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. in danciDg in the great hall, promenad- niter accounts from that State. Whiskey is a shade easier at 98Ac. and Dining Room Chairs, Crockery, Ula** and Silver and no doubt some formed a detinite gaged a tie Kisseugen represent exercises, come out of the bushes and place large Bismarck’s freights te l tve11 ool are easier; Colton steam plated Ware. Cutlery, Cook Stove. tigctUr with Special meeting—I. A. R. A. etc. All seem perfectly at heme and condition is not so favorah e as wfas per of reformation. Yet it is hardly ing, chatting, across the up track. He started for them at 5-16 gc; do sail Com pci steam W beat the kitchen furniture. purpose hrst supposed. He was feveiish and little @ *d; 9d; per of the mountain houses. was soon ou the slept ! steam at re- in this most elegant they lau. The superintendent 9Jd. F O. BAILKY & <0. po sible they will succeed as long as they Tuesday night. Auctioneer*. Stated L. C. is spot and the pay car The men gave i.nrcaat> ot 4 bam Friday. in seasonable and his independence or Romania by Turkey. firm; 8|c; Wedge Steel, tcely clothing, having ments. The tall chimneys of the manufacto sides at life; clear sides 11c. iu. de- hand drill Steel, d bars of Plug Steel, -mall l>t .,f Council—Portland Oouucil P. of J.f second Fri- The following are the Treasurv balances to- Frcucb PoliiicM. Whiskey good face adorned with “moustache and goatee.’’ ries of H. E. Hill and -avis & Meleody were mand at 94c. Nhort Steel. 2f> pairs of Tongs, 7 LI ck*. 3 Ch tins. day. $12,745,083; special deposit ol msuw Bush day is—Currency, The Times’ Paris & co s. Scythe, 1 pair of Stone L> gs, 2l Dulls the room the blown down. The roof of Stott’s mill ou Law- special says M Dupont has j-OLJBDO. 16.—Flour is firm with a fair de- Blasting Rose Croix de third When the young lady entered legal teuders for redemption of certificates of July anil Plug l (irub 1 In n II rod* Chapter—Dunlap Chapter rence notice of the amendment to mand. is Dri'lg, Hoe, Bar, of Street, was taken across the street aud given the bill re- Wheat in fair demand and higher; No 1 round Friday. mau smiled and withdrew. deposit, $60,125,000; coin, $70,628,517, including Iron 4 r -ds of large round Iron, 4 bars of Hat pleasantly carlessly ou the American Bolt works from the committee of M. White Wabash new at 1 46; No 2 do on soot at 1 I lodged Company^ coin certificates ported thirty by 39; Iron, 3 ra-ps, 5 in the small tool box Consistory—Maine S. P. R. fourth man was the one $33,319,700; outstanding legal seller at 1 seller No 2 Red 1 fur chainhook*; Consistory, S., At first she that the The latter was struck Ventavon, yesterday, providing that the Senate Aug 34; Sept 119; 20$ hi a b t ot in and suppo-ed opposite. immediately No 3 shop Drill**, points and 4 sheaves; oue Friday March, June, September December. tenders, $382,000,000. consist of 100 cash; do at 1 15. Com is iu fair demand and Detrick who ca led the Doctor to the door and gave no after by lightning. The cap of tberonui house members nominated by Mac- lying in Iront of the In-arding h-use. one Various Matter*. higher; high Mixed cash or seller July 67$c; sellei Silk Elastic of the B -stou, Lowell & Nashua Railroad was Mabon, and 30 members of the to Belting Tackle anti fixings on Sheave**; .11 <>f the Stone I. O. O. F. attention to the matter until a second thought Assembly, Sept 67c; Kw- Ancient nal, belonging to the said .f B. tw Der- Lodges—Maine, on Monday evenings; it was first caller—a mau in of was commissioners to to that admirals shall be senators that the Lake are dull and Kendall; when found that the 'process erection, seriously marred. day appointed posi- ex-officio; Freights unchanged. ricks on the on on Fri»la\ BEET standing Quarry with all the hx- Brotheis, Thursday evenings; Ligouia, One of the firm of tion John F. who for several first Senate shall sit three next Shipments—0.00U bbis ’.8,000 bush Upper well to before the Herbert Bros., grocers, was Cook, (colored), years, the six hour, wheat,12,- BUCKLES, iugs belonging to said and one iron Beacon, on Tuesday evenings; Ivy, D., ol known the physiciau—left 000 bush bush oats. Derricks, large evenings; blown from bis on Hale and years has h°ld the office of or to the decision of the As corn, 2,000 Bar on the second and fourth carriage Street, past register. more, according Quarry, nearly three kegs ol Ponder in K., Saturday. Doctor returned to his dinner, and that uo one died Milwaukek.»J 16.—Flour bis leg broken, his wagon beiug thrown into an Ex-Mayor WaUet Lenox to-day, aged sembly The President of the Senate is to be- uly quiet and unchanged tool chest on Quarry, some Powder ;u a can, 1 Pump Encampments— Machigonue, first and third Wed- Wheat is 1 knew about the other man first seen in au up field. 57 years. come Provisional President of the in steady; No at 1 19$; No 2 at 1 17i on sj*>t; ami Hose, 5 Pick Axes, Drills. Hammers and Sh- v- Eastern second and tourth Wednes- adjoining _ Republic 1 nesdays; Star, 13J seller Aug; 1 08 seller Sept. Corn firm with a Ladies’ el* in said tool box; water Pail an I two Steel eveut of a first aud third stairs room. Dr. Morse thinks the mau was of vacancy between tbe adjournment fair Dipper, days;’ Portland, Satun.ays. College Pharmacy. demand; No2 Mixed 6u$c. Oats firm with a fair S:ts, and a lot o4 sp » ns, Wedges &i.u 11 lf-Kouuds. of the —Furnishing Relief third in the present Assembly aud the mee'iug of — association—Every Tuesday hid in a small room off th sitting room when At a meeting of the College of MK. TILTON’S demand; No 2 Spring 53c. Rye firm. Pork 19 50. AND all of the Wheelbarrows ami two Chains in the no nth. Pharmacy SCANDAL. the next. The President of the* will this the second annual of the Republic Lake Freights—W heat to Buffalo 3£c; do to Oswego Quarry’ Powder House; Hard Wrood Plank and lum- lie went it a few minutes before. Two evening report through be empowered to dissolve the with at ic. i»er to said Kendall; some Boards u Board of Pharmacy was submitted, showing Assembly | belonging der TEMPLARS OF HONOR. vicini- the of the Senate. Receipts—6,000 bbis 58.000 busb wneat. the b< tan house and two well dressed men have been seen in that that of 104 candidates examined the approval Hour, FANCY ling large Tab*, 1 Spado, 3 past year Tlie Case Mr. Beecher.— Shipments- 3,000 bbis Hour. 47,000 bush w heat. GOODS, Iron Bars, 1 Sheave. At Templars' Hall, No. 100 Exchange Street. an Against The fipaniMb War. ty for two or three days, evidently making seventy-oue passed satisfactorily, and thirty- J’be all the first and third in each Detroit. July 16.-Flour quiet and unchanged.— foreg log, including property attached Council—Maiue, Mondays one were The total Phar lb —The Carlists have aban- In at !)• » examination of the premises. rejected. registered Etc. Madrid, July Wheat dull and lower; 1 53 tor extra; No 1 White at great variety by Bcuj. True, pu y Sheritl, i certain *uits month. umsists were Newspeper Gossip, 1,003. of whom 507 were proprie- doned the seige of Puycerda after the repulse 1 47; 1 21 lor Amber Corn at 70c. against said Kendall, more fully set out In p titiou Temple—Forest City, No. 1, every Wednesday Michigan. steady f< Good Samaritan Brotherhood.—Rising tors aud 540 assistants. of a second assault. The Carlists besieging Oats in good demand at 52$ (a) 58c. r leave to sell, saitl proper.y lieing sold free tr- m evening. to said attachments older .1 U.S. Distr ct t'ouit, Chicago U«dr«n no Aid. Cnenca have occupied the bouses in the sub- Freights Oswego 5*. by Star Assembly No. 2 of this Older was iustitut lino* r of Section xxv of urb-. Reiuforcemeuts for the besieged Re- Receipts— 0,OUu bbis Hour, 0,000 bush wheat, 1,000 NELSON & ptovisions U.S. Bankrupt Maine Charitable Mechanic Association— Cobb has received New York. July 16—The Brooklyn Eagle busb bush Co’s., Law. oats. ed last at Arcana Daniel R. Boston, July 10.—Mayor b ve arrived from corn, 1,000 Corner of and Ca^co streets. First hurs- evening Hall, by the Beecher committee had publicans Madrid aud the 1 Terms of sale Cash. Fifteen cent, be Congress the following answer to his despatch offering says investigating Shipments -l,00n bbis Hour, 2,000 bush 1,000 per to de- in each mouth. assisted members of Eastern Star city is being defended. wheat, sited at time of sale. Putci.asers day Dresser, by relief to Chicago: another meeting last evening, the result of energetically bush corn, 00,000 bush oats. pr to have 30 days The 297 tor goods. Young Men’s Christian Association-Corner No. 1, The officers were To His Honor Samuel C. of which is secret. Enough, how- Cuban War. St. removing Assembly following Cobb, Mayor carefully kept euAKLhsioA, July lG.-Cotton is dull; Middling Congress CHARLFS P Congress and Casco streets. Every evening. Boston:— leaked out to warrant the asseition that fatal uplands MATTOCKS, elected and installed: W. C. R, George H. Le- ever, Havana, July 16.—Mauy cases of vom- 15|c. Just above the Assignee in pr Joslah B. Kendall. Poktlas d Fraternity—No. street, the crisis of the scandal has Preble House. Bankruptcy 333i Congress The people of Chicago will always remember Beecber-Tilton ito have occurred among the shipping, and Savannah, July 16.—Cotton nominal; Middliug d4t W. R. _ evening. W. V. R William E. Hodgkins; beeu case of is jyii diw Every favor; and be gratified for the kind feelings and kinder reached. The Mr, Beecher some in the city. Small pox is also preva- upands 15Jc. Knights ok Pytiiias—Bramhall No. 3 S. W. F. Fred I. acts of aud known to the and the bond of Lodge, S., Henry Burgess; S., Leacli; Boston her citizens. The tire ol fully committee, lent. mobile, July 17.—Cotton nominal; Midlling up- evenings; Munjoy Lodge, No. 6, Mon- with his have School Thursday VV. T W. .John F. Tuesday causes no suffering beyond our means anxiety which friends been bur- Extracts from the semi monthly official re- lauds at 16c. Furniture. Benches, day evenings: Pine Tree, No, 11, Friday Henry McCormick; evenings. S#G., to relieve or that would ol dened need no longer be borne. The so called port of tbe are as follows: In New Oh At their Hall. Clapp's Block, Market Square. St. W. J. Fred E. W S. justify acceptance campaign leans, July t16.—Cotton quiet; .Middling John; G., Norton; W,, aid lrom worst is known that it is but what at Portland Army and Navy Union- Cornel abroad. The damage to prop- very nothing the eastern department a small column of uplands 16$c. Safe, Ac., Albert F. W J. John in and the of one Congress and Brown streets. First Tuesday in each Frank; W., Andrews, erty is greater in appearance than in reality. explanation apology gentle* troops, operating in the hills naar mau Spanish Havana llarkel. BY month. Jr.; P. W. C R., Joseph E. Couw iy. John F. There has been no serious injury to any im- to another gentleman would fully atone Manzanillo, dbcov*Ted a camp of the enemy NOTICE AUCTION. interest. It is that for. It b» saje y inferred that Mr. Beech- and attacked killi six Havana, 12 Dutch standafd Sons of Temperance—Portland Division, No. 93; St. John was elected This Order has portant probable a thorough may them, g insurge, ts. A July 16—Sugar—No Deputy. vCt 21 rs. ai d on TUESDAY, July 2!st. at 10 o'clock A. M.. at eons' oi nan. r revision of the fire ordinances and er will come out of the furnace of s ffiictiou in band of insurgents 600 was discov- 20£ Bxchauge quiet weak; U. S. 60 Temperance riuay evening. reorganiza- numbering House No. 45 s. been introduced iu this hut it is 1 27 1 28 Mem short ai 1 30 ON Daniorth Street, we *1 all il * recently state, tion of the fire will such which he has been so sorely tried, with a ered near and a column of days currency & ; sight Independent Order op Good Templars—Ar- department prevent pub Burras, 1 lot of 25 School Benc.es. 0 Be *- infantry, @ 32 ptem ; 60days gold 1 50 (aj 1 62 prern; do short Furniture, -ingle Forest destined to take a front rank iu the secret or dres hereafter. our thanks fur lie estimate of his private character like and went from Hol- Chairs. cana, Monday; Mission, Wednesday; City Accept your gold artillery flying guerillas sight at 1 54 (c£ 1 56 piem. steads. Tables, Mattresses, Crockery Ware, Williams* street. aud t.raes refined. in Ac. Al-o 1 Sofa. Saturday—in block, Congress Mys- dels of the country. Rising Star Assembly sympathy friendly offer of assistance. many quin pursuit. &c., Thursday; Atlantic, Tuesday ;—at Sons ot Tem- A rumor that Theodore Tilton had Iu F. O. BAILEY Ac CO Auctioneer*. ic, fSigutd) H. D. Collins, begun the central department a small force of Kuroptau .fluiket*. Photographical! perance Hall. Congress street. Iron Clad, Thursday, will meet at Arcana Had Saturday evenings. in 15 d6t Mayor of proceedings divorce against his wife, and Spanish guerillas encountered near jy West Etui. Chicago. insurgents 9LONDON, July lb—5.00 P. M.—Consols at 02| @ that the caso had been placed in the bauds ol San Neuvites A battalion was Persouul. Various IVlaticrs. Miguel sent 922 for money and accouut. Portland Typographical Union, No. 75—Cor- caused a to Judge Morse, reporter call upon out to help the gue.illas, but failed to encoun- ner Cougress aud Casco streets. Second Saturday in At the of the American Philo- Mystic Park races to-day were ow- London, July 16—5.u0 1*. M.—American securi- meeting postponed the lazier gentleman. The Judge disavowed ter the A convoy from Puerto Prin- I leave to inform each mouth. ing to the heavy thunder shower this afternoon enemy. ties—U. S. 5-20s,1867,lOUR U. S. 10-4 s, 1052; do new beg my logical Association, a paper on “The Subjunc- any knowledge of the proceedings and stated cipe bound for San Antonio was at 5s, Brie Payson Literary every which made the track Camugero 1032 (ex coup). Railway 3oJ (a, 30*; do pre- Society.—Meetings heavy. that tie din uot believe such a tion was con- ferred 47. and tive Mood in Greek Conditional tacked by the insurgents in force. The convoy friends and the that Monday evening, Brown’s Block, cor. Brown Sentence-,” Tiltou. public at o’clock. templated by lost four officers and seveuty feven men killed 16.—United Slates ENCOURAGE Cougress streets, 7J was read by Prof. J. B. Sewall of Bowdoin Frankfort, July 5-2-Os, 1862. The Union contajns an interview and wounded The loss of the was I shall Mercantile Library • Brooklyn insurgents 97|. close my Photo- Association, Congress NEW YORK. with Mrs. with whom Mis. Tilton also Hall Bio k. Second Monday in each month. Deliv- College. Oviugtun, considerable. Liverpool, July 16—Noon.—The Cotton market has beeu of which the is is ery f books, 2 to 6, 7 to 9. day and eveniug. Mrs. Charles O. Cole and dauthter of Wasb- stopping, following quiet; uiu.iimg uplands atNi(aj8id; do Orleans graphic Studio until Au- Portland Manufacture. an extract: at salqs 12.000 bales, 2000 bales lor ex- Bos worth Post G. A. Sjjd; incluuing R.—Meetings every Friday ington* D. C., are in this city. MINOR TKLEUKA1TI8. and auu Slate Politic*. Reporter—I understand from a statement in port speculation. as evening in Mechanics’ Hall, corner of Congi ess gust 1st, 1 intend THK Thomas Burgess, sou of the Rev. Alex ltur- one of the ihat Mrs. Tiltou The total insurance at the Chicago' fire is visiting Casco stieets. New Yoke, July 16 —A special to tlie Times morning papers, will return to her old home in $2,927,290; estimated net loss T /x \ r ^ Patriotic f rder Sons of America—Camp No gess, formerly rector of St, Luke’s church ami says a council of leading Democrats at Saratoga Livingstone salvage $462,320; Chicago to attend the meet- street, and that Mr. Tiltou will leave it to her $2,244,970. yy ^ 1 convenes at Arcana Da*«, Williams*block, corner nephew of the late has been yesterday favored the nomination of Samuel J LARGEST & BEST STOCK and No. Bishop Burgess, and her of Congress Chapel Sts., Tuesday eveniug: Tilton tor Governor. An address to the Demo- family. Tne of Hanover is d ill at of the National Pho- admitted to and is now on a tour ex-King angerously OF THE ings 2 at School Turner’s Holy Mrs. certain — — House, Island, Cape Elizabeth, Orders, crats the state was Dr. Oviugion—Ob, you may he that Vicuna. of No. 3 on and throughout read Friday evening; Weunesday evening abroad, by tamiiy mauers wilt oe arranged without any No. Stevens, but it was decided not to publish it The losses of insurance New No. 4 on Mono ay evening at Temperance Hall, on companies tographic Convention, » difficulty either side. Mr. Tilton is a man 35i£ Congress street. u il he had been submitted to Mr. Tilden. It York city Brooklyn and Newark by the Chica- A Five Car.—A new Pullman cat- of an affectionate, nature. I be- UNITED STATES liolilon ill flint. P.itv this sleeping is published iu full iu the Times. generous He, go lire aggregate $472,500. The losses of for- lieve, sufferers intensely now. We liave not arrived here yesterday from the Pullman Car A St-amlnl* eign companies are $400,000. PASSED AT THE FURNITURE ARRANGEMENTS. seeu him since Saturday, when Mrs. Tilton month. MAIL Works in Dayton, Ohio. It is named the is At Wilson a Jersey City agi'ated by social scandal, in came to our house, hut you may rest assured Siraitaville, Ohio, Sigent, guard First *■ at Session of the Fortj-Third in Itlaiuc van be (mind at Moncton,” aud is the best car ever iu the city. which the pastor of a fashionable church and that he has no hard vindictive feel'ngs towards the mine.s, was induced to take a drink from Congress. a * bottle said to PORTLAND PDST OFFICE. The inside finish is all doue with young lady organist are the principal actors. bis wife. 1 suppose that when these family contain cordial. He was soon imported after seized with The church is known as the Prospect Avenue matters come to be arranged the world must spasms irom the efFect ot [General Nature—No. No. 46 aud is It has a 26.] Exchange Street. W. GODDARD Postmaster. woods, very tasty. smoking and the whose know of poisou mixed with the 1 The two men J. H. LAMSON. c. Presbyterian church, pastor, them,.but the world will Jiud that quor. AN ACT to amend the act entitled “An act to reg- Chief Clerk room and a number of over other name is John S. is a man were arrested. jj8iaugt J. W. iORK improvements Glendenniug, young there w -s do ill-will on either ?id“. ulate tho carriage of passengers m steamships We defy competition. Our prices of 27 years. The name is Miss Annie The au The uud other vessels,” March similar cers aud will cost about $30,000. It is lady’s Brooklyn Argus publishes interview cable s'enmers Faraday and Ambassa approved three, eighteen are the Lowest. Office Hour*. The are said at one time to hundred and fifty-five. always for the Inter-Colouiul road aud will be changed Pomeroy. parties with Mr. Tilton, in which he denies having From 7 3(fa xn to 8.30 p m, Sunday s excepted. have been eugagt d, but the engagement was said to tint he would make a revela for Nova Be it enacted by the Senate and House anyoody Scotia. of Repre- one who thinks ot kind ol ior Carriers aud General Delivery to narrow gauge here aud then go to St. John broken off. Last the sentatives of the United States of America in Con- Any buying any Sundays open night reverend gentleman cion iu his statement th *t will drive Mr. Beech- The 9 10 a m. CarliAts have ordered one Republican That the thirteenth section of from to via Bangor. The “Pictou,” the mate to this was arrested ou the charge of bastard v a::d ad- er from the He also said: ‘*1 ask gress assembled, the miuistry. shot for every shell fired by the fleet off Bilboa. act entitled “An act to the of PROPOSALS. A> rival aud Departure of .Hail*. milted to bail in $1000. On being confronted f°r no or concealment. I stand regulate carriage pas- oue will arrive to-day for the same road. compnmiise Two sengers iu steamships and other vessels,” approved Boston and intermediate offices. Arrive at 12.50 with the girl, was asked if lie alone indeed. I daughters of Mrs. Robinson of Nichol- FURNITURE Glendeuuing alone, have been swayed b.v At area third, eighteen hundred and will be received- at this office 10 Pa., were abducted two men connected iifty-nve, be, Proposals until an.I 10.30 p m. Close at 8.30 a m, and 2.40 aud 9.00 would marry her but aud exclaimed of but driven to it rest son, by and the same is First Maine Cavalry.—The First Maine declined, feelings charity, now, hereby, repealed; and jhat here- o’clock A. M. on Saturday the 15th day of August can save time and money by calling cn us before p m. that he could furnish un eniable that *ix with Robinson’s circus. utter each and proof on tbe truth.” i every collector ot customs to wh in next for improving the following named rivers and Boston and the West. Arrive at 5.30 p m. Associatiou hell a at Grand of suatl be purchasing. Cavalry meeting the leading members of the congregation had C' arles H. Griffin of West Hartford, Codo., | delivered the manifests or lists ol pas.-eu- harbors, viz.: Intermediate or Way Mails via Boston and Maine gers prescribed the twedth section Army Hall last to make arrangements beeu as intimate with her as he. A warrant was drowned in to ou an ezcur by of the act 1 Mach inn for about Arrive at 12.50 and 10.00 pm. Close at evening, THE FlttE attempting get March River, Me., 20,000 cubic Railway. was issued ou of Miss AT OSKOSH. aforesaid, approved third, eighteen hundred of xu and 2.40 in. complaint Pomeroy that sion boat yards dredging. 8.30 a p for their reunion in September. A committee yesterday. ana shall make returns from such mani- and she is enciente, and that is the fifty-live, 2. ft*ciiob*< ot Me., for about Geo. & Co. (iieai Southern aud Western. Arrive at 12.55 Glendeuuing Prank Jordan of in leste or li is ot to River, 25,000 A.Whitney was appointed to inquire into the cost of a cel* Providence, attempting passenge's the Secretary oi the cubic of 10.30 p in. Close at 8.3U a m, 2.4u and 9.00 p in. lather of the expected offspring. of the United in yards dredging. to jump on a moving train, yesterday, fell be- Treasury States, such manner as 3. € auideu Maltawamkeag, aud routes. ebratiou. The will con- GOO Burnt—3000 Peo- shall be Harbor, Me.* for about 23,000 Bangor, connecting programme probably Ihaural Run me**, Buildings neath it and was killed. prescribed by that officer, under whose di- m. at m. cubic yards of dredging. Warerooms and Arrive at.3 p Close 12 rection statements of tho same shall be Manufactory, sist of a clambake at the islands iu the morn- The disastrous prepared 4. I'KoPOMAiiS will also be Augusta aud connecting routes. Arrive at 9.05 a tire iu Chicago awakened a Gerret Smith sends $1000 to the and received until ple Homeless. grasshopper published. 10 A. M. on tbc3lst m and 3 pm. Close at 12 m and 5 pm. and a in the The next of a in the The Friday, day of July for the re- No. 46 and over Nos. 38. 43 ing banquet evening. feeling xiety dry goods trade. sufferers ot Minnesota. Approved, May 7, 1874. moval of 40, and the East. Arrive tiou of about 500 cubic yards of sunken ledge Express, Augusta, Bangor an cond. the market for cottou goods is es- and 44 meeting will be held at early day, when the Indians and are the [General Nature—No. iu the “Upper Narrows’ of Cocheco River an Lselianite Street, at 2 a m. Close at 5 p m. a d rule rirm at g’asshoppers reported, 27.] sentially unchanged prices ■lever, N* w Sk>whesian, intermediate offices and the north. Brown, will be former in Wyoming, stealiug a litt’e stock; the AN ACT to amend the thirty-first section of an act Uiiinpothiie* President, Major present. current asking rates. There is considerable ac- Milwaukee, Wis., Julv 16.—The boundaries Ari ive at 3 p m. Close at 12 m. latter m cluuds in Columbus Nebraska. entitled “An act for enrolling and out the Persons desiring to make proposals for any of the ME. iu cotton which were taken iu of the burnt district iu Oshkosh extend from county, calling j PORTLAND, Canada and intermediate offices, via G. T. B. Ar- tivity flaunels, naii nal nlilitia, and tor other purposes,” approved above works, are to to the under- ^ Aged Brotherhood.—The Aged Brother- fair New aud Western tbe Beckwith House to its rear on Division requested apply rive a 3 pm. Close at 12.45 p in. parcels by England job- Match third, e gliteeu hundred and sixty-thiee. sigued at his office, No. 11 Clapp’s Block, Congress Northwestern G. T. R. Arrive at 9 a hood held a yesterday afternoon to bers, and bleached of low and medium Street t > Covin, then northeast far beyoud the tor and Morning by meeting sbirtings HKANG1AL Aftk* Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- Stieet, Portland, Maine, specifications fur- m. Close at 6.30 a. m. more limits, and then almost to Lake Winueba ther information the same. make arrangements for their annual excursion. g ades are again treely dealt in. Dull- city sentatives of the*United States of America in Con- concerning Lewiston aud Auburn. Arrive at 9.05 a m, 3 and ness is still go. Six huudred were burned aud Proposals must be made for each the prevailing characteristic of the buildiugs gress assembled, That all otficcis on duty at any separately work, 7.15 m. Close at 6.15 a m, 12 m, aud 5 m. It was voted to go to Old Orchard, aud E. D. as the and be p p market for imported goods, of which iudeed MOO people rendered homeless. Loss about $1, point west of a line drawn noith and south through required by specifications accompanied Rochester, N. H., and inter mediate offices. Arrive Portland Wholesale Market* Omaha by the requisite proposal and guar Gammon, Charles Morse and J. R. Thompson the movement is There however, no 000,000; insurance $160,000. City, aud north of a line drawn east and guaranty—each at to.10 a in. and 3 pm. Close at 7 a ra. and 1 p m. light. is, to be m on forms which will 77 MIDDLE STREET are 10—The warm late west upon the southern of shall anty duplicate prin.ed and oilier offices on the P. & O. R were a committee to make all neces- abatement of confidence in an aud active The following the amounts of insurance Thursday, July weather of boundary Arizona, be North Conway appointed early be a furnished on application at this office, ami when on the lowed sixty days'leave ot absence without de- R. Arrive at 9.*»JU a and 3.00 Close at 8.00 all business,"a shared aud property destroyed iu the great tire, as has made almost a complete standstill in business, transmit led must be so on the sealed m, pm. sary arrangements and to fix the time. J. R. feeling by importers duction of pay or allowances: That the endorsed, a. m. aud 1.00 m. alike given by the different Iu Wisconsin Provided, as to indicate before C. 1C. HAWES p jobbers agencies: t here is but little change in anything The fish same is ta en but once in two And envelope, being opened the par- m. at of the sent years: provided By the Bridgtou Stage. Arrive at 3 p Close Fhompsou, Secretary Brotherhood, The warui weather en- iu other ticular work bid for. lately prevailing has companies $.30,600; compiuies (mostly market is active and there is a good demand. Flour further, That the leave ot absence may be extended a m. $732,900. The loss is now The undersigned reserves the to reject all Agent for the Celebrated in his resignation, to take effect at the annual abled the jobbers and retailers to get rid of a astern), aggregate to three months, if taken once only in three years; right Easiport, via each steamer. Arrive at 6 a m. is quiet and unchanged. Sugars are very strong "bids which, iu his opinion, are not reasonable; also considerable amount of light dress the giveu as $800,000 in round unmbers. The num- or four mouths if taken once only in iour years. Close at 5 p m. meeting. fabrics, with no in ihe bid of any person who, iu his will not of which is no means ber of business bouses de is about one change prices. Approved, May 8,1874. belief, ESTEI’S REED Casiine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, Mount Desert. Mill- supply by excessive. troyed faithfully, satisfactorily and promptly perform the ORGAN, Sporting Gentleman.—A from hundred and of residences five hundred. Nature—No. gentlemau The Stolen Child. [General 28.] contract. Also, Dealer in Arrive at Cam. Close at 9 pm. Cuba a lire took the Foreign AN ACT in relation to the customs duties on im- U. .■>. Engineer Office, GEO. stopping here has receutly purchased The Press announces that late [This place Tuesday night, night Export*. ) THOM, Nova Scotia and Prince Edwards Island. Arrive Philadelphia I»orted fruits. Portland, Me., Lieut. Col. of Engineers, of the but was not BUENOS AYRES. Eliza ft [ Thursday at 9 a m. Cio»e at f> p m. bull of superior fighting qualities. The last night one of its reporters learoed that the Chicago fire, sent by the Brig Martin-304,496 1874. Bvt. Gen. U. S. A. Sheet &c. Saturday dog lu,U00 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of July 16, ) Brig. Music, Books, &c., Mai. 8. via New York. to sail- lumber, pickets. Repre- Foreign day previous is full hlcoded and has a record tor missing child of Christian K. R iss of German Associated Press. It iu the Boston sentatives the United States jy!6d6t dog good appeared ST. NB. Schr Janet of qf America in Con- ing oi steamers, Close at 2.40 p m. had been aud one of his abductors JOHN, S—1000 bbls flour, Violins, G attars, Accordeuns, Concertinas, town, found, Journal of but as a gress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- Banjos, chewing up all other dogs within his reach.— Wednesday morning, spe- 1800 ft lumbe.. Flutes, Pii Harmonica*. Piano Stools. captured. ury is hereby directed to suspend the rena\ ment of colos, Cornets, cial. As was said of the fire Wednes- NS. Schr A D—1000 Extra Violin Suing*, wh lesale and retail. His owner is obliged to keep him chained all Execution* the Erie Railroad. nothing LUNERBURG, Mary qtls all duties heretofore paid on imported fruits until DR. S. EDWARDS. .tluuicipai Court. Again*! fish. time. day, it was dry further legislation by Congress authorizing the same, the He is destined for the bull ring in It is stated that the Court of this passed by.] I in cal Merchandise. BEFORE JUDGE MORRIS. Supreme Foreisu port**. or until the final decision oi the Supreme Court, ex- Music sent by mail, and attention Cuba, where a single dog is matched against a s ate having decided that the guarantee of the T RKS ISLAND. Bark A cept iu cases where suits iu court have been discon- 253 particular given Thursday—Mary Mulligan. Intoxication. Fif- Mary Nelson—15,034 Trcmont St., Boston, to orders. bull. Erie Railroad Company of $5,000,000 of b<*nds Jay C ooke A Co. bush salt to Ryan & Kelsey. tinued by instructions of the Secretary oi the Treas- teen days. large Aud the error in the 77 MIDDLE STREET. of Boston, Hartforu & Erie Railroad Company NS. Bark Atlantic—563 tons coal to A ury. punctuation of the clause successor to the late Mulliu. aud seizure. Fined Philadelphia, July 16.—Before P1CTOU, to in the fifth section of Charles Search $50 is valid aoid that the Erie is Register D Whidden. relating fruit-plants the act my29eopheu anil Tuesiiny, July *Aotb uud 2ld. where Catholic Uoiou are to an entertain- Railroad after the word “fruit*' is and said NEW The give constructed a large ladder and sent it here for Company. most of the info’mation desired. Mr. JTaben- hereby corrected, those suffering with Pulmonary ARRANGEMENT. Daily Domestic Receipt*. clau»e shall read asfoilow's: tropical Consumption, ment at their hall next the Fire to Last the .VI on time in to Father Ulatthew*. s*oek, senior of tbe resideut in Fruit-plants Coughs, Bleediug at the Lun^s, Scrofula. Tuesday eveuing. Department try. night partner firm, and semi-tropical fur the of or Dyspepsia. By water conveyance 1,000 bush corumeal to Geo purpose propagation Cancer, Diseases ot the Liver, Ki and H. H. Rich has been elected lieutenant of “hooks” took it out and it It worked A committee of Fether Matthew a* d Roman New York, said that at the time of the suspen- cultivation: That the duties Heart, Ineys The Steamer Charles put up. W True & Co. Provided, impose*l by Spleen, Eruptions of all descriptions, Dropsy, Tu- Houghton, Catholic Societies this elected Rev. Dr sion of the firm of Jay Cooke & Co., were virtue ot this amendment shall not be levied or col- the Mechanic Blues ir of W. C. and it will evening they mors, Female Complaints. place Young, very e.isy, it is thought that be just indebted to lected fruits entered for at Aslhiua, Costiveness, J. H. LEE, MASTER, McGlyun to the leadership of the movement Jay Cooke, McCulloch & Co. The upon consumption any Diarrhoea, Fits. St. Vitus Nervous Prostra- Rockland I rime Market. of to Dance, resigned. what is needed. It will be exhibited before the now on foot for the erection of a monument to latter firm held no co lateral to secure this in- port entry prior July first, eighteen hundred tion. Kin limni bill. Init.ottOlOY. Rrntirhif is. limit. will leave Custom Houae Wharf on and after Mon- and debtedness. 15.—Common. 90c 1 seventy-four. or next tor Little at The Bo3ton & Maine Railroad Company has Committee ou Fire Department iu a few days. Father Matthews, and a resolution was passed Jay Cooke & Co. were solvent ou Rockland, July @ 00; Lump Neural.la, Hysterics, Apoplexy, any other dis- day Chebeuj'ue touching Cushing’s $1 Casks, 20 (g) 25c; Wood, 5 00. Approved, May 9,1874. can consult him FREE OF CHARGE from 9 and Peaks’ Islands at 9 A. ftt. and P. M. the the Eastern Com- authorizing him to appoint two members from Sepember 17th, aud insolvent ou Septem- 40; ease, adopted plan pursued by o’clock a. M. 9 o’clock P. M. will leave Litile at 11 A. M. ea« h to assist him out the ber their to raise [General Nature no. Returning, Chebeague Base Ball.—The Mountaineers aud Dirigos society i.p carrying 28th, caused*by inability 29.] and 5 P. M pany, and now charges til'teen cents in addition funds to meet tbe j^r^Ail are invited to call. jyl6d3t work. Dr. McGliun pledged himself to make demands. The chief New York Stock aud Money Market. AN ACT to establish an assay office at Helena, will play to-day at 3 o’clock for the second prize Fare to 4'hebeasuc and AO ctm. to the regular far wlieu the passeuger pays in the movement a success. The arnouut collect- eau^e was the advances made to the Northern in the of Moutaua. return, New Yokk, July 16—tiventno,—'The Wall street Territory Other l1... XT_ .1. 1 mi ternoon regard sub*cripiions ritory Montana, assay the same afternoon. i rumored that a com- conducted under the of LUMBER. aud his foot ings to a verdict to be rendered. Dr. Hammond ex cent, government loan, being provisions the act en- day right seriously injured. uess also remonstrated against. All the bouse* bination ofUerman bankers would uni $2D,uuo,ikh), “An that other causes than the titled act revising and ameudiug the laws ICE CREAM a pressed the opiuiem that the would them a Mr. Libby, agent for the S P. C. A., found The Bankrupt Law.—The full text of the stopped simultaneously. The examination of with a proviso Secretary give to bite of a contributed to the death of Mc- relative the mints, assay offices, and coinage dog them will be resumed on call on the balance of the $179.000,UUO or agree Dot to ot superior in to lior.-e from the glanders, on Oxford United States March Friday. of the Uuited quality any quantity :i,o<»o7ooo suffering Baukrupt Law, approved Cormick. sell any more for three months. It was retorted this States,” approved February twelfth, hundred and Feet Timber Plaul« and Board* street, yesterday morning, and had him shot. 2,1807, withal the amendments, iucludiig the Various VI a Iters. afternoon that the estate of .John Artmtt ol Elmira eightceu seventy-three. Families, Picnics and Parties. for Mbip, for in one of the state courts Sec. 2. That the of the Bridge. Fa l*ry, C ur uud llou-e arson Departure of the Bane Ball Clab* had obtained judgment Secretary Treasury A. W. Scott aud other earnest and interest- act of June and a full has been The in the Mallinger case tried in Spoous and Plates furnished without Or 22, 1874, index, jury the Kri Railroad for $97,U00 on guaranteed is authorized and directed to cause to be charge. sessions to failed to on a ver- Europe. agaiuBi hereby ders be left at purposes on Wliarl and at the Mills. The as- will be at the Allen Mission un- general day agree Boston. Hartford & Erie Co. The de- may only ing speakers published Voorliis & Co. iu conven- bonds of the constructed a suitable at in soitnient offered in Maine. by Baker, dict and were 16.—A crowd wit- building Helena, discharged. Philadelphia, July large cision sustains tlie legality of the guarantee made mail ion temperauce meeting this evening. The ient form for use of and is for sale tlie Tei ritorv of Montana, tor the purpose of HATCH’S OYSTER £3r"Urders by promptly attended too. lawyers, by Cyrus P. Smith, president of the Union Ferry nessed the departure of the steamship Ohio for by Erie ot the $5,000,000 ot the Bosti n, Haittord & HOUSE, said assay office, and provide the same with are cordially invited. Mr Lei Ian & Co. The in Company, says that iu the five years past two this mormug, with 400 pas- Erie bonds on which there is accrued interest to the 307 J. W. hEEXI.NU, public Dresser, price paper Liverpool nearly the fixtures and at a cost Congress Street, hundred million have been trans- Boston and Athletic extent of nothing having been paid since necessary appura us, covers is 75 cents. passengers sengers, including the $1,800,000, OR AT THE ■IIMD Kl< ■■ tltDKO'lt 1868. ihe talk about toe lease of the Panama & not exceeding titty thousand dollars, which HUMIIF ported between New York and Brooklyn with- base ball clubs, on their tour in Police Notes.—Five sailors got on their professional Pacific vi all has been followed by a report that tbe sum is out of TlnuiifinTory, 170 below Oxford Ml. l»lil out the loss of a single life through the careless- hereby appropriated auy money Pearl, JtU_ The Mercantile Excursion.—A part of England. Union & Central Pacific Railroads have now under in the u >t otherwise afternoon, near the post ness of the or its Treasury appropriated. ■jul-1istf figlitiug legs yesterday company employes. A number of friends of both cUibs accompa- adviseraeu from English capitalists and the Mercantile Library excursionists start d on House authorities have seized Bos- p opositiong Approved, May 12,1874. J U ST PFOE1V ED office. All went to the police station, with eyes The Custom ny them, including representatives of the shipbuilders to put on a semi-monthly line be. ween nature—No. NOTICE. A large iot ol mnnrnino* and head* Considerably mellowed. their trip to fhe mountains yesterday morning $14,000 worth 01 diamonds belonging 10 &olo ton press, iu a tdition there embaiked on the China & San Franci>co to be composed ot six new [General 30.] r.iou a oil board of screw steamers. This it is in- and the remainder took the noon train over Citwhagen, passenger the Oli o a number of invited guests, who accompa- proposition, stated, AN ACT to ameud an act eutitled “An act to That known as Stafford’s volves a contract for ten on condition that tbe SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED. GAS lovely locality Westphalia, who is charged with attempting to ny the clubs down ihe river as far as Dele- years lor the establishment of a STOVKS, the Grand Trunk. Owing to the large number Central & Union Pacific shall each subscribe provide military block was the scene of a lively time yesterday them in his baggage vvare with a baud of their 'esign $300,- ami tor its with all the different kinds of Fuinit ure for smuggle City music, 000 the M was at 2 ( 489} for demand. All three. ma le the first move by breaking quired to furnish evidence of Marie, late commander of the steamer Europe, I tors. sales of Cold were made at 109}fa)109}; the rates satisfactory having These stoves arc all wariautetl to give perfect sati- him in a uu- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- graduated at some N. E. College, and of had the bead of the man, cutting very Bum*; Ball. and Captain Roussau, late of the steamer paid for carrying were 1} @ 2 per cent. The Custom having sfaction resentatives the United Stubs of America in some expeiicnce in teaching a school of the above- The hot weatlier and ibe America. receipts to-day were $358,> 00. The Assistant Treas- oj manner. A challenge was extended to the Ohio Politic*. That said act and the mentioned grade. Salary liberal. to ladylike Haymaker Juan Bellido de editor of the urer p.iid out to-day }335,(>00 on account of interest Conyress assembled, be, Applications JOHN the woman Dou Luna, be made to Aug. 10, A. !>., 1871. Address. KINSMAN, determined attention of enraged B B. C., to a match of base ball for Columbus, Ju*y 16.—The Republican State and $3,000 in iademption of bonds. Governments same is hereby, so amended that all acts and prior play game Cuba organ, La Independence, was held to bail S. S. COM vi IT retaliated strik- Central Committee and a number of prominent steady. State bonds dull. The stock market was therein to be doue a* d per- EE, the man aud he ungallautly by a silver cup, and stated uo time to play. The in $1000 tor a challenge to things required 128 Exchange Street. yesterday sending from the various of the linn at the commencement of business and prices ad- at Rock in the Slate of jylOdtf_ Biddelord, Me. hair the Republicans portions formed Island, Illinois, the woman, whereat a general squall were on the at 3.30 o’clock Don Jose Ferierde Canto, editor of Spanish later on there was a off, after which rncll_ ing Haymakers grounds state met to day for consultation. Senator vanced; falling shall be doue and on the military and El Cronista. The challenge was accept- the market became dull. The total transactions of performed emu d, until both were covered with blood, and the Mountaineer B. 15. Club refused to paper Gherman and Congressmen Garfield, Foster. reservation at Fort Leaven in the Stare . A ( are nionPacific 25} occupying claimants. _jyl6dlw* Notice. American Belief Association this Friday even- and Kirke went to his rescue when be violently Michigan Ceutral...... 69 Be it enacted the tracks. Ulorc About the Stolen Child. by Senate and House of Repre- Stand. Colored, ClMMd and K,'paired In good morning saw the burglars’ the cf and as were unable Lake Shore. Hack ing, .July 17ih, 1874, for purpose making clutched both, they to free 72} sentatires of the United States of America in Con- order by and 16.—A detective Illinois Central...94 Orilers for bat kine leii at Unllisnn * CLOTHES arrangements for our annual Excursion themselves from his grasp all three were Philadelphia, July private yress assembled, That when an occupant of Colby’s, JOIIMOT.V womau who figured in the & land, will be JAHK8 Free Mired, SbttMSD-—The any oilier business ihit may legally come be- drowued. in iliis city arrested a mau named Christopher Chicago Northwestern.36} having color ot title, In good faith has made valu- AO,till Seriny Street, jnominly atie,,i!e>l to & North we Tern J. near H. H. at the New England fore the Per stated this afternoon of one of the Chicago preferred. 54} able improvements thereon, and is, in the by KYAN. |e 23-tm- HAT'S. little unpleasantness meeting. order, Ma>or Havemeyer that Wooster, suspected bring parties & Rock island. 97 proper He Chicago found not to be the owner called at the station John J. Sec. he would not give his answer 10 the press uutil iu the Ross child stealing case. action, rightful tlieieof, jji&itw_ House Wednesday tight, Sheauan, implicated The were the for Paciuc such shall he in S'iVOO Reward. an iuvest He was following quotations Kail occupant entitled the Federal and after a copy of it reached the hands of Cov. is in jail awaitiug gation. REMOVAL, morning to see the combatants, who road securities: couris to all the rights and remedies, and, upon in- above toward will lie laid for inL rui 't ',, yesterday F. O. Bailey & sell at 3 o’clock Dix. tp-da.y takeu before the elder son of Ross, bonds shook hands Co., to-day Central Pacific ex-div,.. 68} stituting the proper proceedings, such re ief as may THEleading to Ibe conviction oi any person lor Id- soou effected a settlement. They at 15 chares stock A motion was made to Justice Law- was euticed iuto tne wagon of the abductors Pacific do be DR. G A. CLARK office, Exchange Street, 150 to-day Union ex-div.... 81} given or secured to him by the statuses of the ling out the water from my tanka on Croreatrmt uu out in the Richmond dis- the bills and in com- in the Gear Stone Machine order I reuce, iu the Court Chambers, for an but subsequently let Union Pacific-land giamc.. 79} State or Territory where the land lies, the has removed to 334 Street. Office hours M'-.iU’a wharf. W. all around, paid departed Company, by 1 Supreme .although Congress U. HALL. of C. P. Matlocks, assignee. injunction and receiver in the case of Samuel trict, but the boy couldu’t identify him Union Pacific income bonds...... 76} title of kthe plaintiff in the action may have been liom 2 to 4 P. M. jyikltl M pany. IJ————————^—

POETRY. stock market, and lias led to the fall of bond The most notable of these fires is that which MISCELLANEOUS. of that character. broke out in and was RAIL TOADS, RAILROADS. STEAMERS. Chicago Tuesday evening, _ It is said in New York that the are not in hand until near when tifiy- Only Seven. Grangers got morning, seveu acres over _~BSTA B LISHEeTiSILL beginning to view with apprehension the hos- had been burned and 1700 EASTERN & MAINE CEN- KNOX Si LINCOLN RAILROAD. PTEBflATlOKAL STEAMSHIP t o. tile their has evoked in the cen- laid in ashes. The fire broke out in a faces (-4 Pastoral feeling policy buildings Coach, Calm- nud *1. Jths. Story af'ttr Wordsworth,] --- Diroc rail route to Wiscasset. New Enutporlf Oigby ters of Eastern It is said that Eastern aud was caused the of capital. paint shop, by explosion le, Sperm. Furniture, TRAL RAILROAD. P?2?!??*?l,?**iCast Damur.scotta, Wahioboio, U iutNornm.' Iliilifaz. firms have Milwaukee houses to close some materials which a workman was mixing Fw arren and Rockland. I marveled a requested why simple child, No change of ears between as intend to withdraw The of the over COMMfiNClNOJtNE 1874. Portland That lightly draws its breath, up their accounts they larger part territory swept by Machinery, Polishing, 1, and Rockland. SUMMER ARK'ANGKMENTS. ut er so wild Should groan* very their from where hostile the fire was not touched the fire of aud Sf earners leave Rockland for all on capital sections Grange by 1871, _— traius points the Pe- And look as as Death. ^ Passenger leave Portland dai- pale Kerosene, Loom, Harness nobscot Mount Desert Vinal interests threaten to involve them with unfore- was covered poor wooden buil huddled for Aortsmoutb and (Sun- river, Mucliias, ilaveu, by lings jgfS??!fS£?Sy*|ly. Boston, Hurricane and Dix Islands. THREE TRIES PER WEEK! a fc:»w'--£«-3davs excepted) at *2.U0 A. M. tD.10 a. Adopting parental tone, seen tinder mine in the heart of the Whale, and Leave Maine Central at 7.0 a. and 1.00 her she perils. together—a 'M., 13.15 P.M. Depot, m., I asked wny cried, P. M. On ami after Monday .Tune with a number of fine were Leave Portland for Portsmouth and Dover !5fb, The damsel answered, a groan, The Vermont & Canada Railroad has been city. Quite buildings daily, connect at Rockland. tor the International Neals Fool Shellac (Sundays excepted), at 9.1U a. m. and 3.15 m. Stages Camden, Lincoln Ster.DNrSDAY and as from seven lost and A. M. *0.20 AI. Warren Union, daily. St., every How have had?” ers As far heard persons their 112.30, P. many apples you of the Iowa Central Railroad report to such Leave At Warren for Jefferson and Whitetield, Fill DAY. at H P. M., for ami St. .John, N. B. She Boston for Portsmouth, Bangor, Monday* Ea»t|>ori answered, “Only seven!” three firemen. Losses are estimat- Portland, Het will leave St. .John ami East on the bond holders that the company is hopelessly in- lives, being oils. Japans. Houlton, Calais and St. John at *6.20 P. M. Wednesdays and Fridays. inning port At Watdoboro* North same days. ed as follows: Ou Clark Street, ; 3d Av- Leave Boston tor for Waldoboro’, Washington “And are you sure you took no more, solvent and recommend foreclosure. $30,000 Portsmouth, Portland, Bangor and Connect ions made at A aud St. John at ||8.15 A. AI. Liberty daily. East port tor St. Andrews, My littlo maid?” quoth 1. euue, $25,000 : 4th State DC*. !*. At New Castle amt Houlton. The Indiana Deinocratio Convention was Avenue, $175,000; FULLER, Leave Dover for aud Portland at for Bristol and Pemaquid, daily. Kobbinsion, Calais, Woodstock “Oh. mother me Portsmouth 6.30, Ci nnectioim made please, sir, gave four, Wabash 10.50 aud 5.00 p. m. Freight Trains daily and freight taken at .ow rates' at Si. dohn lor ingb'.. Annapo- But were in a held Street, $1,.‘300,000; Aveuue, $1,700,000; lis they pie!” Wednesday, every county being represent AND Leave Jv2Mtf O. A. OCX>MBS. Suo’t. Windsor, Kentville. Haliiax. N. s >i,«.lia. Am- MANUFACTURER OF VARNISHES JAPANS I'oruu'ouililur Portland at tl0.28, A. M.; 1 ed. Gov. Hendricks The Michigan Aveuue, $150,000; Taylor Street, $50,- ||2.55 P. AT., *8.23 P. AI. herst, ictou, Sumnitrside, Charlottetown, ami Fred- “Is that’s the case,” I stammered out, presided. platform eriektoii, Polk Street. Harrisot $50,- AND DEALER IN Leave Portsmouth for “Ot course had eleven declares for the of 5-20 bonds ia green- 000; $40,000; Street, Portland, Bangor, Houlton, Freight received on you’ve payment Calais, and St. John at *8.23 P. M fT days of sailing unlit 4 The maiden answered with a ERS. P. M. pout, for the of 000; Congress Street, $75,000. Van Bureu Street, Leave Portland tor o’clock “1 had backs; resumption specie payments Lewiston. Bath, Rockland, Au- _STEAM ain’t more nor seven!” ILLUMINATING, LUBRICATING & WOOL OILS, Waterville and julJdtf A. K. STUBBS. Agent. when the condition of the country will warrant $50,000; Canal Street, between Wabash Ave- usta, Skowbegan, at t7 00 A M Leave Portland (via tor Oillce 20S ...... Danville) Far- I wondered hugely wrbat she meant, a nue and State total, $4,025,- Fore Lewiston! it; against county school supervisors; for li- Street, $150,000; Street, Portland, Me, mington, Waterville and at At. Maine Co. And said, “I’m bad at riddles, Skowhegan fl.05 P. Steamship 000. Few business houses were but Leave Portland for Bath, Au- For Little But 1 know beie little girls are sent cense liquor law and for the defeat of the Re- touched, Lewiston, Rockland Chebeaguo J gusta. Skowhegan, Belfast, Dexter and SKMI-WKF.KLY For tatardiddles. thousands Bau-mr* at UYD. telling publicans. are rendered homeless. Non-Resident Taxes 1.10 P.M. and after MONDAY. June 29ib, 1S74, t The next heaviest tire was at Weehawken, Til E BAX IE It Leave Portland tor Bangor, via OXsteamer will run a* fallow*: “Now if you don’t reform,” said 1, THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. In Ihc Town of IVewr €»louccMtcr in ihr Augusta, (Pull- Steamers Eleaiiora ami Frauc»uia| man Palace at 10.45 p. m. Leaving Oreai Cbel*eague at * a m. and 4 p. m. “You’ll never to heaven!” N. New where the exteusive C omity of C'uiiibcrlniicl for the Tear Sleeping Cars,) go J., opposite York, 187 S For Bath ami at 15.50 Leaving Little Island at 7.JO a. tu., 12 But all In each lime I The Treasury officials ate making arrange Lewiston, Augusta P. AT. Will until further notice run as Cbebeague vain; try oil tanks at the terminus of the Erie mHE following is a list of taxes on real estate of For Lewi&tou via Danville at 15.45 P. M. ni. and 5 p. in. The little idiot makes meuts to into effect the of the Railway follows: reply, curry piovisious 1 non-resident owners in the town of New Glouces- Leave Biddelord tor Portland at t8.00 A. Leaving Franklin Wharf daily at 9 a, 2 p. m.. “I ain’t had more nor seven!” were other in the vicini- M., re- Leave Franklin Wharf.P>rtland located,and buildings ter for the year 1813, iu bills committed to at 5.35 P. M and 7 p.m. currency law. Rules have been adopted for Benjamin turning every MONDAY and THURS- I| The loss is at was PORTABLE W. Merrill, Collector of said town, on the 21st day The 9.10 A. M. and 3.15 P. AI. trains Fare for the round trip 50 cents. POSTSCRIPT. the of national banks ty. put $700,000. Lightuiug from DAY, at 5 P. M., and leave Pier 1 keeping deposits required June. 1873. has been returue-i byliim to me as re- aud the 8.U0 A. M. train from J he Sunny Side Hotel on Little has cause Portland, Bangor 38 Fast River, New York, every MONDAY and Chelx-ague To Wordsworth’s name was the of the fixe. on the 2d of make been re ova ted ami borrow wrong, by the act. Up to Saturday $2,802,000 of na- maining unpaid, day June, 1874, by his close connections to New lork by one or THURSDAY, at 4 P. M. thoroughly rtfur is ..laud is Or The are some of the more certificate or tbai date, and now remain no- other of tlie routes from tir^t class in every The tables of this i.otei slightly misapplied; lioual bank bills had been received for following import- unpaid, Boston. Passengers ticket- The Eleanora is a new steamer, just built for this rts|»ect. And so I’d better call m v redemp- tice is hereby that if the said interest ed will he with all the eelkacies ol sea»on. song, given taxes, through by either route. and both she and ihe Franconia are tilted supplied the ant fires of the week: Mill of Bliss & are not into route, up “Lines alter Ache-inslle.” tion under the new law. The Carpen- am* charge* paid the treasury of the Hain arrives in Boston at 2.00 tor Charge- reasonable. receipts r> 9*.*9 with tine accommodations passengers, making this —H S. R. loss in said town within eighieeu months from the date ot I. M. in season to the train for Sailing and tithing parties furnished with boat# Leigh. ot the internal revenue bureau ter, Pawtucket, 1., $20,000; Torouto, couuect with the most convenient and comfortable route foi travel- seem the commitment of the said so much of the real New all ami all needed an» liances. of John bills, Yorn, rail, also with the 5.30 P. AI. lers between New York and Maine. These steamers to those of the week $15,000; tannery Furbish, Woburn, estate taxed as will be sufficient to pay the anioun (steamboat) trains tor New judihltt B'tAKDMAN St improve, ending York via Fall River, will touch at Vineyard Haven during tli» summer JENKS,Proprietor*. an oil store in San due therefor including the interest ami charges w il Stonmgton and Norwich P. M. t rain of The uatioual bauk Mass.; Francisco, $100,000; Lines. The 3.15 months ou their passage to and fiom N w York. Seven Saturday being $3,823,120. without fuither notice be sold at public auction a arrives in Boston in season to connect with trains History Days. at Rock loss ten houses at Passage in State Room $5, meals extra. circulation is port, ill., $35,000; bew ill Gross’ store Upper Gloucester, in said town, tor New Yors via outstanding $384,909,709. The Springfield at 9 P. AI Goods forwarded to and trom Philadelphia, Mon- loss half of the on SATURDAY, the 2nd day of January, 1875, at lhe 9.10 A. M. and 3.15 P. AI. trams tenders have been reduced to the lawfn Big Rapids, Mich., $25,000; from Portland treal, Quebec. St. John, and all purls of Maine. legal two o’clock, P. M: connect at Conway Junction with the Great Fails and ALLAN_LINE. The news for the week Wednesday business of Iowa Shippers are requested to send their freight to the ending limit of The amount of the 5 part Sireator, 111., $150,000; Conway Railroad. $382,000,000. per Tax for 1873. Ratio of tax $1.15 on $100 valuation. Steamers as e irly as 4 I*. M., on the days they leave July J3th. 45 'J lie 8.1.) A. M. train from Boston SUMMER SERVICE. reserve the late law recovered Falls, la., buildings, $150,000. Names. Acres. No. Lot. No. Div. Ain’t. arrives in Port- Portland For further inforuiation apply to required by up 104 laud m season tor to take the In addition to there has been Samuel Tuttle, loj 33 $1 5 passengers cars of the HENRY FOX, General Ageut, Portland. to was the above, a P. & O. Railroad. Saturday $12,177,240. The sales of pos. Samuel Poole. 144 46 1 90 J. F. AMES, Ag’t, Pier 38, E. New York. ANOTHER WEAK RESERVOIR. The 8.15 A. train R., tal stuni>>s very large number of smaller fires. Charles P. 3 104 33 1 37 i M. from Boston connects with etc., was over three million dollars Jordan, the Shortest Ocean While the in the of the Be nj* Burn ham, 6$ 105 37 1 5 Grand Inink Railway tor Montreal, Quebec and Jy16_dif Voyage. uublic, forgetfulness than IN GENERAL. all more last year. The Dost Office Depart- Elijah Bennett, 17 1 44 parts of Canada East. PORTLAND, BANGOR & M At HI AS First-class mail steam- calamity at Mill River, was being lulled iuto Minister Scheuck laid the corner James H. tickets are sold in and Weekly ment ascribes the fact to the abolition of the Friday Mavail, 35 Through Portland Baggage ers of this line hail checked to from <|a«-b«-e in same Samuel 1 37 through Houlton, St. Hal- security, another reservoir the part of stoue of Liucoln Tower in be erected Tuttle, 10J Calais, John, every *mnrduy franking Loudon,to Samuel I ifax, Dover, Foxcroft. Rockland. Sec. .TJoruiMg, privilege. Poole, 90 Steamboat for l.ivri nnfll. t, i.. .t the same state and a torrent of water A Company. breaks, The in commemoratiou of emancipation in the Charles P. 3 1 37 freight train will leave Portsmouth for Dover, District Commissioners are very Jordan, ami Dover for Pnrtumn.nl. Derry. making 1 52 pours over the country, doing damage to prop, United Slates. Several warm Benj. Burnham, 6J First-classf rtniitlnh mail ste-mers < f work w.th the old not to Erglishmenpaid 'Pullman car this line thorough extravagant, Elijah Bennett, 14 1 44 sleeping express tram. N. B. This SUMMER ARRANfiEMENT. sail troni but no lives are lost. tram runs llnlifux every other 'I nr»«luy, <•■ m- erty, happily Saturday James H. 35 102 7 2 74 Sunday Morning, dots not run Monday say corrupt, government abolished by Congress. Mayall, merit ing Ntay -, lor at aud the rainfall in Massachu- Shadoc H 18 92 morning. Liver|>««l, tooching night Sunday goes on. One of the Hartford’s crew has a umphrey, t 4|ueeu«tov«u. Expenses are being cut down in every direc- A. S. 10 1 15 Accommodation train two vvecK. Hatch, trips per The iilnskow l ine ot steamers sail from setts was much heavier than here, and this spoiled from a “hot ball” and one of the STEAM Mrs. Wm. Hi?'ast Express. eye 3 9 3 99 tion, large numbers of clerks ex- ENGINE, Tine, Quebec for Glasgow direct. discharged, Daniel 2 CHARLES F. eveiy Thursday caused the water .to rise in all the streams to nine has had a to pre- .Merrill, 9 3 4e HATCH, The Steamer LEWISTON, Passage- Fiist-f'an— $."0 to*mo its tensive advertising iu dead beat papers Chicago leg amputated Joshua General geld.or equiv- stopped Pierce, hrs, 60 6 90 Manager. Cilah. will alent, according to accommodation, 'ituru-clus* an unusual height. The Middletield reservoir vent death from taken into the system Tuttle & Law land GEO. BACH ^ Cnpt. Dekring, *30 —in short, the Commissiou is applying busi- poison MANUFACTURE!* BY rence, ELDER, u leave Railroad Whart toot of U. S. General Agent Eastern & M. C. R. Me. cnrreacy. is situated on a brook of the same name near a cut sustained a fall.-It took 205 bal- formerly owned by Joseph R., Portland, State 'I booked to from all ness to the of na- by by 2 St„ every ursday Passengerr ned parts of Eng- principles inatiagemen; the M.. a*yer, 2 30 * mu! wa- I'riilnjr Evruiug. al land. Ireland, Noiway, Sweden, Denmark ami Ger- its junction with the Westfield river. The lots to nominate John S Cowan in tlie 4th William 20 Jyio___ tional sponge. 11 is asserted that a large part Sweetsir, 2 30 1 lO o’c.oclc, or on arrival oi Express Train from many. ter covers about 100 acres and the dam was Ohio Branch isn’t Wm. unpaid Pr« of the useless 225 clerks were district.-Long patronized Harmon, Boston, commencing May 19th, 187 4. pnior, Mt. De- —A2TD— four rods wide. The dam was built of sert,) each trip from .June 19ili to 181 h in addi- it, upper Ex-Gov. has to Secretary Pish has refused to sign contracts 20th, 1869, and June 28th, 1870. Passenger Trainii leave Port- Sep1. Shepherd attempted procure SEW BRITAIN ,and ior tion to her usual at So. W. eartli aud the whole The for Ko»toa at 6.15, 9.10 A. M. landing Harbor, during suddenly gave way. the indictment of Charles A. Dana of the New stone to build the new state buildings from and 3.15 P. M. which time the Lewiston will leave Maebiasport at PHILADELPHIA man at the upper reservoir hastened to alarm the because of JLeave Portland for Black Bine 4,^0, instead of 5 A. M. York Sun, for libelling him, It is Richmond, Va., quarries alleged Point, (Shepherd). Poiut, Old Naco, Stfiiniwlup Liue. the people living in the valley below. His fraud in rains are Awarded First Premium by American PURE WHITE LEAD Orchard, Bi«idefor«l, said that the recent Poland law was passed for obtaining them.-Timely Kenucbnuk, Wells, North Berwick, Nal- and the of the lower dam in the of 1 institute, 1809, 1870 aud 1871 : tiold mou Falls. Grent Falls The Steamer CITY OF RICHMOND, Capt.C. Kil« warning strength this and similar purposes. reported vicinity Memphis.-Lack and Dover at 6.15, Leave each port every Wed Vy & j. r.iv uiupiu c.xptii itruce m use, inis 9.10 A. 3.15 and 6.00 P. M. iftr, will leave Railroad Wharf every tlomli Sat’d’y* prevented a of the Mill River calam- of and the low rate of Medal by E*ouisinua and Texas practical M., repetition The President purposes to continue the exe- employment steerage A*- lead is now conceded to be all that is claimed I.eave Portland for WcUucMriay nn«l Frhluy Ev* iimuw, nl IO 8tnte mid First Poilsmoutb (via The lotal loss is at half of the Fairs, 1871; tor it, and is to in the Portsmouth Sc Dover •’clot Is, or on arrival oi trom Boston. No ity. put $350,000—a cution of the civil service rules as far as be has passage crowd out-going European steam- guaranteed fully equal any Railroad irom Dover) at 6.15 ExpicssTrain Premiums whenever market. A. M. For at Bel- Wharfage* which falls on the Boston & Railroad fairly Bangor, touching Rockland, Camden, Albany Candidates ers with returning emigrants. Tickets have it is From power. will heieafter be obliged to put iu competition. strictly pure, containing nothing but line A Focal Train will leave Portland for fast, Sears)»ort, Sandy Poiut, Bucxsport, Winteri»ort Long Wharl, Poston, 3 t .m all of whose bridges the Wesifie'.d been sold for several weeks ahead.-Gen. white lead and the best refined linseed oil. Biddeford at 10.25 A. and an*l Hampden. From Pine Street Co., along go to Washington for examination. M,, returning will leave t+tifdh yjy Wharl, Phil* ft is unexcelled in body. Biddeford at 11.20 A. Returning, will leave Bangor every Monday, Wed- delplda, at to a. ru. liver.which it crosses several times, were either Robert Cowdin of of| the First Mass. M., stopping at all wav sta- 0] rlj The West is takiug very little currcucy un Bostyn, It is unsurpassed in purity of color. tions. nesday «.nd Friday mornings, at 6 o’clock, touching i Insurance one hall the rate or aud for miles Vols. and well in It is Of EXTRAORDINARY Fcave at the above named in Portland at swept away injured, twenty der the new law. It is not believed that the known military circles, died FINENESS. Boston for Portland at 8.15 A. M., landings, arriving ■fflMrKASja-A:tiling vessels. 12.00 5 o'clock m. the so FOR SALE BY M. and 6 00 P. M. p. track is badly washed that travel cannot in Boston New York one Statf as8ayer*s Office, 1 Freight for the West the Penn. K. and circulation of any of the eastern banks will bo Friday.'—In Kelley, All Boston Trams make Western For lurtber particulars inquire at Railroad Wharf, by R., Soot 20 S«ate St.. Boston. J Southern, and liner forwarded tree of he reuewed until Tbe mill aud oth- an officer of the to Northern Portland. by Olmectin/ ComrutaejoL Thursday. disturbed. society prevent cruelty to Gentlemen:—I have analyzed and examined the connections. JAS. T. CYRUS STURDIVANT, General Agent, A er property at Black’s Hollow aud Middlefiehl animals struck John Burns on the head the White Lead manufactured by The New Britain White FURBER, PASS (IP, TES DOLLAAS. The commissioners und er tbe Geneva award Portland. May 1874. Lead Company, with resul., as follows:—This white General Superintendent. mylHtf factory village, and one unused woolen mill we 8th from which he has siuco died.-The S. H. Gen. For Freight or to bill will meet at Washington tbe 22nd inst. inst, Frank H. lead is entirely free from a alterations or make- STEVENS, Agent, Portland. Passage, yppt, a Houghton, swept away, carriage with valuable New York firm oi any kind and is- round in U8tf factory of & Co. has weights linseed __ Among the cunency seut in nation- dry goods Diggles pure £uue_L1874. PORTLAND E. B. KOiV, Ag.ni, being by oil. It is fine, very cense, has was a ham full of j.ood power, — machinery ruined, wool went Liabilities half a million, but will covering ASD banks for redemption, is a couuterieit $300 bill. suspended. and is in every re.-peer ot stan ,ard quality. PORTLAND & ROCHESTER RAILROAD. jn23-ly VO I.ona W harf, H. i,n. dowu stream, and many buildings were more or on.-It is believed that the S. DANA FINANCE, BUSINESS, ETC. probably go Respectfuliv, HAYES, less The is washed State Assayer and Chemist, Mass. SiiUNER AKKANQBIHENT. Fill LAD ML Fill A. STOWS G TO A L l,\ injured. highway eutirely This is the dull of the dull camp meeting at Round Lake, N. Y. will re- E! essentially part 7 & 9 CENTRE Trustees Hartford, I*rovidence & Fishkill R. R. Re- away in places aud several bridges lost. sult in a union of the STREET, season. Business men are in of the complete Methodists in pair Shops. FOIl NKW YORK, living hope trains leave Portland for THE TILTON-BEECHER SCANDAL. the were killed Hartford. Conn- Feb. 1873. Passenger Clyde’s Iron Line of Steamers ! good time coming. much upon the country.-250 dogs Saturday 18, Rochester and They rely Hew Britain White Lead Co.: intermediate stations at AHEAD OF Al.l. The lull in the interest that the Tilton letter in New York.-The death rate is smaller in 7.30 A. 1.30 and 4.15 P. M., OTHEKtA. general good crop of the the reduced Gentlemen—We have given your white lead a M., making between country, Portland, very direct connection at Rochester with traius for Running Providence caused has been broken by a declaration that New York than for several Maine, thorough trial, and are satisfied t-iat it is to Boston, ami WED- 1 stock of manufactured goods, aud the years.-Represen- equal over Boston Sc Maine and Eastern Railroads. Also Philadelphia every l«is is the oirly inside route Avoid general any now manufactured. Your l ulv NESDAY anti SATURDAY Mr. Beecher called upon his church for au in- tative Karsou will run for connect at Rochester wilh Dover and gives ■ Point rest of the past nine months. In of the again Congress.- V. 1 Winuipiseogee direct to hr Judith. spite .PERRY, Railroad for Alton and w ith communication ana vestigation as soon as the Tilton letter was Goldsmith Maid Master Car II. 1. & F. R. R. Bay, Portsmouth, Great rom Portland and all in Minnesota will as beat Judge Fullerton and Bulller, Falls and i'on other points Maine, with grasshoppers realize large a way Railroad for Conway. Seamboat train, b made aud that such au is STATE AGENT. Leave Philadelphia and bevond. Through rates are given to Express ives Boston from Bn*, public investigation wheat as Red Cloud at Indianapolis, A liorse Rochester for Port lam l and wav* stations at ton crop last year, and the general reports Saturday. W. W. WHIFFLE Ac < O., Philadelphia and all points reached the Penn. Providence R. U. Remit daily, except bandar now on a 7.20 A. M. 12 M. and 5 P. M. jy going by comm.ittee of the most called Gen. Grant won the 2.34 race Central and the Phil. & at 5.J0 P. M. connecting at Smtongron with ibe en- continue favorable. The latest from over a The 12 o’clock train direct Reading R. R’s., und to ail reports Sole 21 market making connection at toe in tirely be* and superb Steamer Rhode prominent men connected with the number of in 2 3L—■—Little Agents, Square, Rochester with trains from principal cities the Soul b and Southwest. No I,land, every Plymouth tbe cotton states indicate that the of competitors Rock, Boston, leaving Boston Wednesday and ami with ~ promises No lo ? 1 Wharfage. No Commission lor Friday, the eleg- Extra Insurance Pay le23 via Boston & Maine, and Eastern Railroads. forwarding. antMonday, society. Ark. advices are" cheerful over rains which save PORTLAND, ME. I ill iuiformatinn WALDU A. and popular Steamer Sionington every tbe crop in all of them are much better than a eodly Leave Portland for Sarto River at 6.20 P. M. given by PEARCE, Tur».ay 2!» Devonshire Thursday and Saturday, in New York ai- Tilton, reported to be has made the Leave Saco River for at Agent, St., Boston, or J. B. COYLE, striving insane, month since. There have crops.-George Washington of Arkansas Portland 5.30 A. M. «u ml v ii nee been some failures Jr., Portland. »»l* *1 all other liar.. B:i aa Stages connect as follows: cheeked ibe the heaviest tbe is dead. He killed a man and was subsequent- WM. P. CLYDE, & CO„ Gen’l Managers. through. past week, being Diggles •'Vo from Explosion—IVo liability At Gorham for and No. Ticket* at have been embraced in a Danger West^Gorbam, Standish, Janll ly 12 So. Delaware A ^enue procoied details of Breton * Maine and letter, (which might killed the filer while to break to out of Liminglou, Philadelphia. firm of New York, with half a million liabili- ly by j attempting get Order. daily. Fa-tern Railroads and at Roilim. ,v a darn- 2v At Buxton Centre for Ex- dozen words) to the committee them has West Buxton, Bonny Eagle change St., and W. X>. Little A till informing ties. Gold remains at to prison.-The Faraday arrived at Ports- and MAIL' LINE TO Co., Exchange St. 10!)J lOUj. Importa- | Limington .daily. L. \V. FILKINS. II. S. that he was teady to testify in the case. A mouth. N. H.. has begun .to 4av the under- At South Waterboro BABCoCK. tions are light. for Ross Comer and Dam’s Gen. Paseugei Ag’t. New York. President. statement is also to the effect that Mills published eud of the new cable from Straw Poiut. .In short it is the SIMPLEST, SAFEST, most daily. din CRIMES ground At Centre Halifax Nova AND CASUALTIES. DURABLE and most ECONOMICAL in Waterboro’for Limerick, Parsonsfield Scotia, Mrs. Tilton denies any knowledge of any im- -Look here! Sar. Domingo is and Engine quiet the world. We fully guarantee them in all the above daily. on Mr. Beecher’s but that dur- There seems to be a general state of uneasi- WILLIAAJ H. Excursion propriety part, money easy!--The first bale of Texas cotton particulars. COLT’S ARMS CO. have spared no TURNER, Superintendent. DIRECT! 1874. 8casou. 1874. the time that Tilton was infatuated with ness amoug the Indians. On the south aud expense in getting up SPECIAL TOOLS AND MA- Jyi tr ing wa3 for New With connection** to Prince Edwnrd In. shipped Orleans, Sunday.-Re- CHINES with which to build these so that the Woodhull southwestern borders of of sev- Engines, woman, declaring his belief in Kansas, parts cent rains in Ohio have benefited the is made to and are tana, r ape urcion and m. .f onu*. h. r. crops.— every part up gauge, perfectly in- The Steamer CHAS. HOUGH- “free-love” she in eral tribes have been outbreaks of un- erchangeable, the importance of which will be uu- theories, (Mrs. Tilton) making of Westbrook Me. TON, O'apt. H. ec, Mary Durgan, formerly lerstood by all who are at all familiar with machin- iravelers^fl The Steamship FALMOUTH, Mazier, her trouble went to her for counsel usual severity. Parties of ranchemen aud W. A. will haviig had au adddi-n ot thrt« great pastor married, jumped through a glass roof at the ery. Thus, every Engine of a given size is an exact Capt. Colby, leave Portland feel in width on each -id.- ot her who advised her to farmers have been tied to their ot every other one of that size, and in case \ every Saturday at 5.3 leave her husband. When captured, wag- Chester House her iu- duplicate hull on the wit»r mak Sunday night, killing ot the broken cau be M., for HALIFAX, direct line, :>g ons and breakage, part immediately re- For New 1 er Mitt, and Tilton’s free-love fever cooled,he learned of the burutd to death. Agent Miles York, Philadelphia, I_** making connection* with tht In- .-taming up firmly with a large parly, stantly. Intoxicated.-Dockray, the Ameri- placed by its perfect duplicate. This is the ONI.V QUALITY of White has tercolonial for New Glas- thoroughly repaired anil tit ted upexpiemlv f«»r Ei- advice of Mr. Beecher to his conse been compelled to escape from the The inventor of this had in iu its Load that we have made lor the Baltimore, Washington, St. iouis, Hallway, Windsor, Trurc, is wife, aud,in Chey- can arrested as a spy in Cuba, is sentenced to Engine view, gow and Pictou, and steamer? loi Prince Edward cundotiH, now ready for l»u«im--, and will carry enne for his construction, the need that exists tor a last sixteen yearn. New to t desired rtim qence, was greatly,incensed and has agency life. A panic prevails all great perfect Oileans, Texas, Chicago, Om Island ; also at New Glasgow, N. S., wit I parti** any poi* upon sable unn -. evidently death.-The Orangemen in the principal cit- Steam small ted to all kinds Lindsey’? Faithful am! the border and Engine—of power—adar San Stages for Cape Preton,and at Halifax with steamer efficient officers are in eba.*_e, and pat- taken this method to the along people have left their ot aha, and all rons • injure Plymouth pas- ies and particularly in the Dominion, celebrated light mechanical work and that should also com- Francisco, points for St. Johns, N. F. may rely u on very efton being made toen.-uie bine all that is in Steam JOHN JEWETT & their and tor. It is further asserted that Tilton is farms. Troops have been sent forward and the good Engineering. West and South. RETURNING will leave Hall tax on safety comfort. Apply lo insane, Monday for July 12th. The observauce was SONS, tST TUES- Indians will be for crimes The first point was, to secure a perfectly philo- DAYS, at 4.00 P. M. insanity being hereditary. When the investiga- punished perpetrated not'so as general previously.-Mrs. Moats of sophical Boiler aud Furnace, in ordeT to insure the 182 Front New York. Through Tickets No freight received after 10 A. M. on of sail- W. W. in of the St., day 1IAKills tion closes,which will not be until next week,the revenge wrougs suffered at the bauds most perfect combustion, anu to take ing. McCounelsburg Pa., insaue, shot her sleeping up'the greatest via either Boston & Maine and or nossible amount of heat m steam. Eastern, Steamers Exenrsion Tickets to Halifax and return 145 Commercial Street. is the whole facts of whiskey sellers aud villainous traders. In generating PACKAGENt to the good un- public promised respecting husband and two children Boston, Stonington and Fall River and all % dead, fatally injured The second to til October 1st, $10.00 Portland, dune 27, 1874. his Gen. point was, make a perfect eut-ofi WOOD 25 Rail l nes to New York, the Great Ju?71m the lamentable affair. department, Pope attributes PaILS, 12£, and 50 lbs. each. Michigan Central, For further information to J. R. tbe with a razor and Sunday morning. Engine, working steam aud up Western and apply COYLE, pitchfork, expansively, keeping K EOS, 25, 50 and 1( 0 lb-, each. Pennsylvania Central Pacific Railroads, Franklin GBASSUOPI*ERS AND DROUTH. trouble to outrages upon the Indians ruf- the temperature ot the to loss Jr., Wharf. by -—-The President is at cylinder prevent by CASKS, about 200. 300 and GUO lbs. each. anil all other lavorite routes Saratoga college regat- radiation or condensation. oct28dtf JOHN PORTEOUS. Agent. The of tiiinlv traders. A finrlit. tm»lr lilnpw lintirnnn I containing four 251b. TIN AGENCIE'. ravages the grasshoppers in Minne- ta this week.-John Mitchell, Irish CASES, PaILS. patriot Tlie third point was. to combine and make the 12J lb. Wood and 25 lb. Tin Pails in advance. are J sota are more extensive and serious than at first some federal troops aud Sioux sold us as' Pacific Indians, July with the has whole a mechanically and correct ma- by heretofore, Mail Steamship Company pro slavery opinions during war, scientifically SOLD BY at The latest advices near the Owl mountains in in chine ; all its parts being with means to lower rates than any other Agency, and ncedtu S. li. contemplated. indicate that 4th, Dakota, to Ireland to run for Parliament.-The provided NILES, goue ake up lost motion, so that it be used for information cheerfully furnished. which Indians were may any W. W. WIIIPPLE & TO CALIFORNIA. about one-tenth of the area of the em- fifty killed and wounded, number of and CO., state, shore end of the new Atlantic cable was suc- years, always run smoothly. In all I^Tirbetfi to «ew York and return a ADVERTISING AGIST. one-thirteenth and Lieut. was killed and two tnese particulars as much care has been taken as in 21 Marker Portland. reduced Urea* bracing of the population, has Young privates laid at Rye N. H., Wcdnes Square, rates. Reduction in Freight and Pannage cessfully Beach, the and most ertect ever constructed. dtf Bate Contracts for Advertisement* lu all New been of wounded. A 4(1 largest [ engine HI>22_ alwny. LITTLE & and Ecoucuif t'ombiued. many season of rejoicing.--Erie- Railroad has a AMOUNT FUEL CON- See Pluck and CO., and British Provinces. as bare as if b irued over fire. The light 11 Indians were killed. In SUMED—thus proving the fact—well known to men by same following new set of directors with Jewett Office No. 8 Treiunut Street, Boston. Congressman at science—that wafer is the best medium to trans- Laugh! Passage Rates: Cabin $3 00. section of the or a of was New in Colfax 19 herders have mit 49 1-2 St. Hate, large part it, Mexico, county, of Ohio for the mechanical forces, generated in the com- Exchange Steerage $f>O- These rate* iti- President.-House-breaking bustion to the Jnls last Gov. Davis that b en killed Indians. On the whole there of fuel, production of motive power. Bn, PU CK and b< cln«.e SLEEPING ACCOMMODA T. C. EVANS. scourged year. reports by seems to be in style in all parts of the _tltt&Sup country. Happy. TIoN’S, AMI) MEALS THEREBY the are in a state of need if not are indications that the Indians will be A OVERTIMING A people great very -A beautiful soldiers’ monument was dedi- HU AND l’RINK RAILWAY OF CANADA. AVOIDING ANY EX I KA AGENCY ERG NT* for any furnished at CHARLES. EKl«’ on starvation. He has troublesome on the border this but Machinery purpose The most rol- New and ut Iron WAKE1I4K ME, verging asked the War season, cated at Ex joliest. eleg Steamers with magiufcent Worcester, Mass., \Veduesday. Manufacturers’ Prices. and ALTERATION OF TRAINS. accommodation*. Take tl is te him thero is to a icking, plucky story passenger route to San 10« Department give the value of the nothing indicate general oulbteak ever WASHINGTON ST it LET, BOSTON. quota Gov. Bullock delivered the address.-Mayor told by painter’s Francisco and avoid the snow and cold ol the over- of arms to that state in as the attacks are made small PT.EASE SEND FOR CIRCTLAR. biush, is faithful!) copied v^oromos. Slfl.TIEK land Route. For Freight and and lull in- Healer in belonging provisions principally by Wiltz of New Orleans says no more aid is nec- They ARKANtiEHENT. Passage Wood and Metal Type and all kind* ot )ull dlwtTSTtf ate lfi by 22 inches in she. 10 the Send formation at the New Primers' Materials. or for the district. The bands. pair. apply Company*s office, York, Advertise teems lose: red in any clothing suffering Sec- on account of the national orders to the or to the New essary, supply.- publisher. On and after Thursday, July 16,1874; England Agent*, €*. 1 HAIiT- I'ai’cr in the United State* or Canadas at puttliaherf retary of War that he had no to The casualty of the season is either PCtrains will run as follows: ■J'"H A* Co.. It» Krontl K«i»t«u- Rufus replied power drowning A Chinese newspaper has been started iu San Sit., lowest prices. Send for estimate*. from J F. RI DER. Express train 7 a. in. for Montreal Hatch, Vice Pres, and Director. do this. The people of the state and many boating or other water accidents. The Managing Agent? Francisco.-The College Regatta at Saratoga 239 “^‘Quebec, Auburn and Lewiston. in Portland. outside are aid. total loss amounts to about Superior St., Cleveland, O. DODD'S rendering generous twenty. is the sporting sensation of the week-Hot! Express for Auburn and Lewiston at 0 a. m. _J Mail train at 1.15 for The cry of want comes from southern and Shooting prisoners seems to be the favorite »12_d2™ p. mv Auburn and Lewiston W. D. LITTLE & CO.. -Grasshoppers are ap|)eariug iu Nebraska. and lslaud Pond, (siooping at all stations to Island ADVERTISING AGENCY, western where there means of of them ICE is hereby given that the subscriber lias Kentucky has not been disposing in the South. In -A Pond.)* connecting with night mail train for Quebec, an<>*(«13ni • O I W ■■ A IV ■.* mT1 D kp ns m* great deal of the Beeeher-Tiltsn scandal NO!been duly appointed and taken upon himself the 121 WASHINGTON pain annnnli rl it rt nrr f lui mincnn Inn 1, J... « Columbia a Montreal anil the West. STREET, Ro> TON. Co., Ga., deputy sheriff shot four trust of Administrator o' the estate of is getting into print. The is gain- Accommodation train for Lewiston and colored men impression Auburn, Plentiful rain now canuot save tile corn. under arrest for to es- JAMES S. WATSON late of Rutherford J. South Paris at Advertisements rercitteil for every in the attempting that Tilton has a week case. It is a Park,N. 6p.ro. For the Islands. Paper ground good United Stateaand Briti.I- i t t. e Wheat ripened in time to the drouth. cape aud a revenue in South Carolina deceased, who died leaving estate to be administered Express for Montreal, Quebec and West at 12 mid- me at t I.«t*t escape agent time for National Chamber of contract ptice*. Any Inhumation cheeilullv gossip.-The in Hie County of and given bonds as night. &ml after given Much destitution is aud the Governor shota distiller because he would not Cumberland, July 2, 1874, the Peak’s Island and estimates luuruisdied. reported stop. life insurance is in session in New the law diiects. And 1 do hereby appoint Euward Trains will arrive as follows: promptly The companies ONSteamboat Company’s Steamers GAZELLE, HORACE DODD. is asked to convene the legislature. Bains ate loss of the irou ship British Admiral on W. Fox, ot Portland, my agent or attorney in the Express from Quelec, Montreal and West at 8.40 I A. S. aval York. are Capt. Oliver, EXPRESS, Capt. B.C. Dean, They taking measures to get clear State of Maine. All demands a. m. now reported in Ohio Kings Island in the Pacific Ocean is Treatise on Nervous Diseases persons having upon will run as follows: Kentucky, Tennessee, reported, the estate of said deceased are Express from Lewiston and Auburn at 8.45 a. m. ESTABLISHED IN 1840. of state taxation.-The Dominion Chamber required to exhibit I Will leave the end of Custom flouse What f dally and with 79 of 88 on —* the Mail from Arkansas, all of which have suffered more persons board. AND THE — same; and all persons indebted to said estate are Quebec, Montreal and West, Lewiston at 6 A. M. for of is in at Trefetlien’s Landing, returning via Commerce session Halifax. A reso- called to make to and Auburn at 2.20 p. m. or less from drouth. It is estimated upon pavroent Jones’ Landin / and Inland. S. HI. PETTENGILL & CO.’S that during the last year Express trom Cushing’s lution approving the reciprocity treaty was lost. Frederick a. watson, Quebec, Montreal and West, Lewi«- At 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. for Peak’s and POLITICAL AND SOCIAL. there were 1344 deaths in New York fiom of Rutherford N. ton anil Auburn, at 7.45 m. Cushing’s d.ph- ——The i’riucekm Cordial Balm of Park. J., Administrator, or to p. islauds. ADVERTISING AGENCY. College crew won the Fresh Syricmn. EDWARD W. In politics there is a dreary dullness and it theria. FOX, Agent. At 9.30 A. M. and 2 30 P. M. for Evergreen, re- man race at Portland, June 2d. 1874. dlaw3wF No. 10 Slate St„ ard 37 I'ark Saratoga. During the year 18^5 I)r. G. had a turning via Tniethen’s and Jones* Landings and Boston, Ilow, New York. to continue. It is a good season for The following are the minor accidents and Edgar Lathrop promises new and from the of Passenger Offices Cushing’s Island. peculiar drug, interior Africa, Estimates furnished emits for in all small to thrive. On the crimes of the week: lor Sale a, a At 12 M. lor Jones’ and Trefethen’s Advertising fry whole, Massachu- Warehouse on Lewis brought prominently under his m lice by the very Carriages Bargain. Landings. Newspapers in the Untied Stales and British Brov- strange effect it trodured on an animal who had At 10.30 A M. and 3.30 P. M. for Island setts is the most field a Wharf, East fell loss nice new open Box and one second 74 Cushing’s inces. promising lor lively Boston, in; 850000.-A accidental I Buggy, EXCHANGE ST. thence to Scott’s, Trt felben and Evei ly swallowed a barge quantity. Owing to ONEhand Concord Wagon. Also two setts ol green Landings. time aud those who a farm in New York has light Ami at 7.15 P. M. f' r Jones’ enjoy of that kind baby been discovered this circumstance be was led to make many wheels — Lauding only. thing MILK experi- will be sold cheap at AND m uts on the lower and he so. n discovered On the last trip Irom the Islands will leave Ever- GEORGE I*. ROWELL * CO~ had better go there.' The Butler al- where six have died in ten build- animals, apt tf HOV EY & DEAN’S, people, days.-Six — — OF that it had a v«-ry peculiar effect on t lie Nervous Sys- 45 Preble green Landing and Cashing’s Island at 5 P. M Ire- on St., Portland, Me. DEPOT AT FOOT though they have the run of the custom-house ings Long Island were burned by lightuing tem. Thi>induced hm toex erimentbotb onhimcelf OF INDIA ST. letlien’s 5.10 P. M., Scott’s at 5.20 P. M., and Jones’ ADi ERTIWING AGENTS at 9 P. M. at Boston are not and two an>I some of his patients, and such was the wonder- half so happy as last year. persons killed.-Five men robbed a FOR ALL fully beneficial effects, and so rapid the cure of those Fare down and back 25 cents, Children half price. THE LEADING NEWSPAPERS. man named LI YIN (i STONE IS HEAD. Tickets sold at Indeed, it is reported that the Ilarrisou of $4000 in East afflicted with nervous that Dr. Reduced Bates! Social arrangements can be made by appl> ing at ‘‘poor boy” diseases, Lathrop For came to the that (III Years Millions have watched the ticket office on the wharf. IHralers in Priming Materials of every descrhdmii. Simmons has told his master Butler that after Cleveland, Ohio, him to a tree. MAGNESIA. conclusion he had discovered a new intently tying his perilous heroic and grand To Canada, Deiroii, Milwau- > resiles. ere. and valuable addition to the medicines ot fhe phar- yet struggles, Chicago, intoxicated pcinouN received on board |>e, the veto -Mrs. a« kee. Cincinnati, 81. 41 currency there was no chance for him. Maggie Smith was shot He so n found that this con hievements, and now desire the Louis, Oui.ha, the Office No. Park Row, New York. by macopeia. medicine,in eagerly Ni |u30ulf plvta l-if<* ot this hero iagiuaw, Paul, Mall Cake City, boats._ Gen. John L. Swift li is been bet son at an auction in “SUPERIOR TO CALCINED OR CAR- junction with some others, cured nervous diseases ol HiNlory world-renowned appointed deputy lloxbury Mass. and which also Dearer. Man Franciseo* BONATE OF WITH- all kinds with a and of which he benefactor, unfolds the curiosi- BATES Ac collector at where he found an MAGNESIA, certainty rapidity Boston. old pistol-Four men had no previous ties and wealth nfawibo and wonderful coun- LOCKE, OUT 'I HEIR conception. and all in weie DANGEROUS ASSOCI- A tew words on I hat try. 11 is just a ;ent8 wanted points the FOR BOSTON. lu the West the sore heads seem to find killed by the falling of timber at a launch specia’ disease generally known ready. 2,000 quickly. >< w-pnl»cr ATIONS.’’ as Nervous .,1 One agent sold another 190 one week. For Adrertiaiui; A|rnl<, at Port Debility Weakness. This is in most cases 184, In oriler to accommodate amusement in forming new It is a ing Jefferson L. I.-Tweed wants bet- on bv particulars, address West anti passengers arriving in parties. brought total ig oranee of the fearful perni- IllRBAIUl, BKOS., Northwest, Southwest the 114 PARK Indorsed and prescribed by the phvsicians either oi city by evening trains. ROW, XBW YORK. no one can them if ter jail leading cious ettecis, but it is also on in cases Phila., Boston Cin.. O. ju30d4wt privilege deny he would, accommodations.-Kate Stoddard,the the as the GREATEST brought many throughout country, being biought on no fault o’ the J 0. FURN1VAL through person afflicted, Agt. THE Sl’PEKIOIt NEA 1.0 J. H. late of D. K. o only the gen wal is that it isn’t a alleged murderess of be ANT-ACID yet presented 10 tne medical public. It but If— IUtfs, Lock*, Locke & opinion good Goodrich,will probably by« isease, long confinement, and several other RAH WSThb.lhingstone S. M. immediately and relieves 11 Jj f T ^ I dead, agents Want llVti STEAMERS Petlengill A. Oo. Joarr. Toledo bUir. year for pioneers. sent to the insane asylum-Gov. Caldwell of certainly causes—hut in all cas s the effect on the constitution THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY is in ee for the new or book. 800 il- srleiir. be blood, action. Bourbons arc the most incensed at iUagncsia Lathrop may consulted, free of charge on ami acts on the Liver and Price have been under the head of all disc at the directly Spleen. $1 SLBAGO LAKE STATION put crimes. the will be found invaluable. it once and would ises, United States Hotel, a bottle. JOHN policy of for have had au Try you Portland, y. KELLOGG."New York. jylt4w The MacMalion, they not be without it. Me., on Tuesday, Wednesday and liue of P. &• O. Railroad funuy journals and certain Southern Thursday, duly On and after July 13.1874, and until fur- (on ) idea that he was the warm until 21, 22, and 23. ldtjrn Monday, keeping place jyl ther notice, irains will run as follows: For Naples, Bridgton and Mt. Pleasant, No. politicians of the oilier side in the late un- ^_ Bridg- Chambord could safely be proclaimed king. FOR SALE AT WHOLESALE BY Leave Poitland for Upper Bartlett and intermedi- ton and Harrison on arrival of train wbicli leaves are a Rich Lands pleasantness making great deal of talk The of NEW harming ate stations at 0.40 a. in., 1.30 and G j>. m. Portland at 1.30 p. n»., and connects with train which ministry MacMalion has been defeated W. F. PHILLIPS & SINGINGr BOOKS. in Press about a third CO., Leave Upper Bartlett for Poriiaud at 5.15 and arr.ves Portland at 2.45 p. m Daily House term of President Graut. G«ti. several times IN NEBRASKA. Printing iu tbc but this fact has J. W. PE CHINS & CO. 11 30 a. m. an I 4.15 p. in. On aid alter July 6th steamer MT. PLEASANT U.S. Assembly, Gordon, Senator of has written not myl3 6m TIic Leave North for Portland at 6 a. will leave Lake on arriv d of train which Georgia, led to its resignation. combina- Leader J! XOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. Conway 15 in., 12 hebago a letter that his Strange m. and 4.45 p. m. leaves Portland at 7.15 a. ui.; i©turning, connects saying relations are intimate tions are made iu that body, but ou the whole The 8.40 a. m. Irorn Portland connects with steam- wit It train which arrives in Portland at 7.30 i> in. with the President and By H. li. Palmer, assisted L. O. Tru Year. Credit, Inlrrml only 6 Per Cl. that he infers from the by Emerson. ers leaving Best. >n the pievious evening. Also con- Fare from Pori land to Mt. Pit u-ant ana return Republicans are An at- gaining strength. PROPOSALS' nects at Boston & Maine Transfer Station $5.( to North and Har- conversation that Gen. with morn- 0; Naples, Bridgton, Bikigton Grant would like to lie to dissolve the Choirs, Conventions and Every ttoii 01 Work tempt Singing Classes bill wel- SEND FOR “THE trains from and the East via rison and return $2.50. Assembly—a Republican come this new ('Inn- PIONEER,” ing Lewiston, Augusta the people’s candidate in 187(>. Ex-Gov. Har- h Music Book, flllcd with new Tickets at the or measure—may succeed at Sealed will be received the committee A 1 Maine Central Railroad. Depot at Rollins, Loring Ad- any time. A con- Proposals by lunes, all ol handsome Illustrated Paper, containing the Home- of anthems, cliautR, ic., Ac., tbe best Exclusion steamer to con- ams, No. 22 Exchange St. vey Louisiana tikes occasion to declare that of the lor the erection of a woeden STEAD Law. A NEW NUMBER iust Naples, Bridgton, &c., spiracy Bonapartists has been discovered quality. published, nects with 8.40 a. m. Bridgton, July 1, 1^74. the South have mailed free to to all parts ot tbe world. Address, jy3tf confidence in the President and a Regular steamer to conuects quite number of leaders are Church Edifice for the Universaliit So- PKIt'K 81-18 or 812.00 PEU DOZEN. O. F. DAVIS, Naples, Bridgton, «&c., and and that the impli- wiih 1.30 p. m. Norfolk ami Baltimore amt i>rom|tily eurefutly executed ex-reb 1 element would vote fr cated. Land Commissioner, U. P. R. R., Washington ciety, Itocklaud, Jlc. Stages at South Windham for Windham, Raymond, him. The ex-Gov. has been jy7t4w Omaha, Neb. D. C. Lint. just appointed In Spain there is not much new. The Casco, Naples and Bridgton. Steamship Re- Plans and he seen at the office Levee Commissioner specifications may for our new book. The Hero- Stages at Sebago Lake for Stan dish Corner. Perhaps &c publicans have a few ot KIMBALL & agents of this Linesail from gained small victories, COOMBS. Architects, No. 18 City The Monarch! ism of Hannah Duston. and the Stages at Baldwin for Keizer Falls Steamships Trouble is in Song WANTED Indian Wars Cornish, Portei, end ot Gentral and at the apprehended Louisiana but ou the Buildings, Lewiston, Me., until and including the ot and Freedom, N. H. Wharf, Boston Lowest Lrtees. pending other hand the Carlists appear to be of Arte England. a work thrilling interest and Senii-W the fall because of 8tli day of July, 1874, and thereafter at the store of Stages at Brownfield for Denmark ami eeklv, tor NORFOLK and election, the organization of By H. R. Palmer, assisted by L. o. Emerson. historical value. B. B. RUSSELL, Publisher, 55 Bridgton. BALTIMORE. strong. John P, Wise. Nos. 10 and 11 Kimball block. Hock- Stages at tor Lovell and North Lovell. •‘white and a Cornliill, Boston. j>7f4w Frye burg leagues" purpose on the land, Me., umil 12‘M. of ilic20tb ot 1874. at Gteit Steamships:—' part of The Cuban authorities have a day July, for ClaRses. Stages Station for Glen House ** laid heavy tax, will Especially Singing First 86 pages con- (twice daily. t,, William Lawrence F. M. the conservatives to make the Proposals be received for the excavation and tain tlie for ar Bartlett lor Crawford and Capt. Howes. contest one be- elementary course, tbe same as that in the CHARUKW SUM- Stages Upper Fabyan William Crane” Solomon property partly, payable in gold. building of the foundation of the eburcb. separate y Houses Capt. Howes. Spanish gold Leader, which course is followed more lull WANTED-AgentsNEK, by Gi n. N P. Banks, Bishop Gil- (twice daily). tween races. from the church eoiflee or in connection wiili by than Appold” Capt. Wins'ow Loveland. WM. IS. is at 263. same; pages ailed w ith tbe most bert Haven, and War. M. Coknkll. LL. D., with L»v 5.15 and 11.30 a. m, from Upper Bart’ett close ^“Georqe MARKS, quoted also lor the church edifice al»ove the fou* dation. interesting Secular and “Black-stone” Capt. Geo. H. hallett. Last week we announced that tlnee Sarred Music for d to the euiogies of Carl Schurz, Gen. W. Ourtis, and others. connection is made with traius for Boston leaving judges of An has been made The m be addressed to the practice. Equ Song King John Hopkins” Capt. W. A. Hallett atlempt to assassinate proposals >y either in interest: Exclusive No J. Portland at 9.10 a. m. and 3.15 p. m., and passeugers of the Uoited States at architects rt territory. competition. Address, forwarded trout Norfolk to W courts, sitting Madison Lewiston, Ale., or to 75 H via Portland arrive in Boston as as ashington Prince Bismarck the agent of a Catholic Price, cl»„ or 87.50 per dozen. EARLE, Publisher, Boston, jy7t4w early by any teamer ot the La r. by other route from f(FreightLady Wisconsin, declared that the “Potter en- the mountains or North Conway. M A N A O F, T* law,” on JOHN P. forwarded from Settolk to priest, who has been intent that for WISE, By the 4.15 m. from Bartlett Freight Petersburg and _ acted tbe last of object j». Upper passengers river or rail; sad by legislature that state, is some American School Mu-ic Readers. make connections with steamers for Boston Richmond, by by the Va. d; Tenn time. Tbc Prince escaped with a slight Roks anti may found on the 4th page. The effect of the week that JOHN T. I OLIVER DTTSOS & CO., CHAS. ’f. DITSON & CO. hop; Baltimore $15, time65 hours. bought sold. past the topic is entitled to a BERRY, strumeut. llluMrateo Catalogue** mailed. Freight from Upper Bartlett at 5.15 a m. ar- For further information the sep- ALPREP K. SPEAR. Boston. 711 Sew York. daily, apply to decision has been to the railroad arate head. J B’dway, A large' diMcouut to 12.35 p. ui. derauge Rocklanu. 1874. Miaiatero, Churches, riving 1 E. SAMPSON, Agent. Albert ’w Sons. July 1, jy3dt20 I*}!*5 d&wZw School**, Lodgea, etc. jylkUwf tf S3 Central Colby Jtuie2fJ Wharf, Boston. lUYti u-