PORTLAND DAILY PRESS PORTLAND. FRIDAY MORNING • JULY 17. 1874. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. _ THF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS PI H KCTORY. REAL ESTATE. TO LEI. that elicited Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the app ause. After a few unsuc- _WANTS. THE PRESS. cessful representations, the company dis- PORT I.AN I> PUBLISHING CO., J. B. MATHEWS A Booksellers and Stationers. and CO., For Sale. Tenement to Let. Horse Wanted. banded, Aurora was left in the hotel of a HOVT.A F»0»; ,No.»I itlifi.ii. Hired. FRIDAY little town At 109 Kxoixangb St. Wholesale Dealers in First TWO STORY HOUSE on Now MORNLYG, JULY 17. 1874 penniless. The landlord, touched Pohtland. Quality T. P. High TVrUMBER i»S BRAMHALL STREET. Apply to SOUND, KIND, FAMILY HORSE, Prompt ITIcfsOR'AIV, 254 Con'/ren St. twelve water At her and ANEWStreet, containing rooms. Sebago W. A. MORRIS, at N M. PERKINS x A driver, entirely sail for lady to rive, wo'ght by beauty allowed Tekms : Hollars a Year in ami Co., 950 to charming ways, Eight advance. Tc State of Maine gas, and all modem For further tree or 1(H)0 los. Address with particulars, her to and Mooting Slate, improvements. Street, to L. M. liOWDOIN, Saco. price &c., remain, seented to flu-' compensa- Mail subscribers Seven Hollars a Year if paid in au- Book particulars at 91 Middle Street, up stairs. P. a Box 719. Gossip and Gleanings. Binders. inquire 4 “FAMILY,” tion >n iter to vanee. NO. ALL). extolling all the in the 119 COMMERCIAL STREET WM. A. Printer’. A. S. FERN Jlllla_dtf jylCdlw* people IIIINCY, ICooni It, town. Among the of the Ex.'huuge, No. Ill Ht. jyl6d2w House to Let. loungers village THE MAINE PORTLAND, MB. Exchange was tin de STATE TRESS SMART A No. 5:1 Wanted. Refusal on the of a Marquis Gouvernel, who, alter J. B. KHACKFOKD, No. 35 Plum Spring Street, near Park. In- part husband to push MATHEWS. S. G. DOBMAN. JAMES L. FOGG. F. Estate SMART, active effort to Hired. 0. Patterson’s Ileal HOUSEqurre of GEO. E. DAYtS, 84 Commercial St and intelligent young man to the making every gain her acquaintance, Is published every Thursday Morning at $2 50 a act as news baby-wagon on is to be made dtf tf A agent on the train. Reference ami Sundays even to her a that cost a if in __ sending boquet year, paid advance, at $2 00 a year. D'10_ a deposit required. to O. K. Confectionery. BULLETIN. Apply CHLSHOLM tfc ground for a divorce. small fortune, bribed the waiters of the hotel william A Good Furnished House. BROS.. 369 Commercial Street. jyl6d3t Kates of Advertising: One inch of space, Schumacher. I. A. PERKINS ninniifndurerofplaia to carry his breakfast, with the w ruing of consu mes a unit to Loan. engtli column, “square.” fancy Candles, 2H7 Congress Hi. Money BE Situation papers, to her as hi: follow to lirsl week: 75 cents rpo LET—pleasantly located, lOrooroB. Sebago, Wanted. There is a man in parlor, Jsbould $i50 per square dai.y per FBESCO Me. ru in a Indianapolis who de- ^oriLliuil first class Real Estate Seemity, in Portland, a v!!nace, baib and tine breakfast there. W 'ek after; three insertions, or less. $1 00; continu- PAINTER, iKU?’ la-gr garden. a young mail as travelling salesman. Best ol When Aurora pale from ONor vicinity—Rents collected, taxes paid, &c., on Ktal claims the “Quarrel of Fitz-Jatnes and Rod- every other day after hrst week, 50 cents. Office and Builders. BY retcrences furnished. Address F. F. DUN- fasting, her poverty with her ing at SrhiimficlKi' Brothers, Carpenters Commission. Houses and solo. Apply to F. coupled pride Halt square, three insertions or less, 75 one bought 1KIju1?-4J1£UK,S’ “A*£,tf NING, Portland, Me. Dhu’’ in such a cents; WHITHEI A- MEANH, Pearl G. Dealer in Real Estate. Office 13 jyltidlw erick way as to make the having prevented her front ordering a meal week. $100; 50 cents per week after. 5 BBFKIHR BhOt K. Hired, op. PATTERSON, powitc Park. Fluent Block. oc4dtt the came out of her Special one third additional. TO stiflest shirt collar wilt. day previous, dressing- Notices, LET ! Voting Lady Wanted. she Under head ot “Amusements,” and “Auction I respectfully inform the public that I liave taken room, fancied she was in a dream, -eeing the B'lcasant learn the Goods a Sales”, $2 00 per square per week; three insertions business of Chas. J. Schumacher and will ait-nd Dye-House. Booms With Board, Fancy business. Appiv l>y let- breakfast on the aud a A French Boot' Brick House ter to steaming tabic, or less $1 50. promptly to all jobs entrusted tome. I sba 1 en- POSTER’S Dye Blouse, 24 Union Siren.* nolOeodtf TO A. XJ., Press Office Detroit Free Tress: Sad thing to lose your mail ten At 30t St., S.S.KMcHT, sitting quietly hv reading a new-pap T. A Jveitisement* inserted in the ‘LMaine State deavor to keep tbe reputation which tuy predecessor Cumberland S reet for Sale. Coutains High JJ15 d3t Rooms, Sebago Water and Gas. T wo minutes’ wile,” said a friend to a who A scene of indignation on one side an I of Press” (which has a large circulation in every part has held lor so many years. ON Vermonter, Furniture—Wholesale and Itetail. walk from Hall. A nice location for a business To Let. Ot the State) for $1 00 per square 1 or first U M. KUHFJIACIIFR. City Wanted. stood at the grave ot his wife. toler- supplication on the other followed. Aurorc insertion, « t'OREI A mam Pi ice to “Well, an.I 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- Wtl.li CO., Arcade, No. $t>,GUO. Apply convenient Tenement, gas and Sebago wa- yielded tar enough to sit down anil while Street. 1,1 BOY to learn the Business. to the eat, tion. A CARD. 1S Free jylldlw* WM. H. JERRIS. ONEter' House No. 1, Fore cor, Eastern Dittg At'ply ably sad,” replied mourner, “but. then, itomeiiade. St., A P. 0. BOX 1SH7. llte Marquis pleaded his suit. Site could Addie.-sail communications to I CEO ROE A. inquire at tlie house. die, take great pleasure in recommending Mr. Wm, WHITNEY, No. 50 Ex- jullti jyts « her clothes lit my oldest she but she PORTLAND Ht. just girl. said, had no love to sell. Then PUBLISHING CO. Schumacher as one ol the best house decorators ever change of nil _ Upholstering kind. For Sale or to Let. To he vowed lie would in Portland, and have no doubt that Mr. Wm. Schu don«> to order. Let. marry her. She said she TWO-STORY house situated on the northeast- To Fanners. could macber will execute all w< rk entrusted to him dura- desirable aad pleasant Rooms, 318 A not allow him to do that, as lor him A erly part of Peak’s near Evergreen Congress Michigan girl was killed by lightning CARD& bly, tastily and satisfactorily. Island, TWO Suppplitd with Sebago water, &c. Fitted STRONG, active Man, English, accustomed to to marry a dowerless would Furniture and House Goods. Landing, Port land Hai bor. A 1 o for while girl be the _BUSINESS CHA.s. J, SCHUMACHER, Furnishing pply up dressmaker. Apply to A farmiug, wants an engagement. Address picking feathers for her nuptial B£NJ. jy4tf J. on pillow. height of u'nsuitableuess. H*. |ia,| juld3m Ecclesiastical Decorator. ADAi4i§,cor. Exchange and Fed- STERLING, premises. JOHN C. C," Press Office. just era I ttlreef». GFRRY, Jy'JdUv*_‘ This seems to be a fair to those taken tw > Jtlim 312 St. warning government lottery tickets. JOSEPH G. EUGENE, Congress “Take }M> t. p. mcgowan, HOOPER & EATON, Old Pont Office, The Most Desirable Property in the WAATJED. young ladies who are too proud to sleep on this,” exclaimed, handing Iter one Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Exchange Ntreet. To Let. husks. of them; “it shall be for your dowerP U. F. IIOVT, No. II Preble Street. Toe ticket drew Catholic Up- Vicinity of Portland for Sale. PLEASANT and very convenient Persons houses to twenty thou-and pounds! Bookseller, Bookbinder, done to Upncr Tene having sell on Congress or and Domestic bolstering order. A meur ot 5 Rooms to a She married returned to Imported Cigars and dealer in small, quiet family. Rent Cumberland Stjeeis, or in any central part of An Allentown toad swallowed a and him; they Paris, S-b Address, P. o. Jrox 1834. ■Binli.thi8■jjl will firefly, and offer t-lie city, bear of cash customeis ou ampli- began housekeeping in a sumptuous and mauufacturcr of all Property situated on Ocean Street, ation to the Chronicle Brands, Articles, Ac. Furniture and says: “While the latter was ex- mansion. Beautilul as Pictures, Religious Upholstering. WEWoodford’s Corner, Deering, and known as the "'-T_tf_ she itad been in her DAVID W. No. S» Federal St. of JOSEPH the interior of site NO. 360 CON6BLSS STREET. 251 €)OIV«UESS STREET, DEANE, Phiney Property, consisting about ll| acres of To Let REED, ploring the toad, the light of poverty, was still more so in the at- All kind, of I. phol. rriug and Repairing finely located land, in the highest state of culiiva- of Under C'ou.rcK* Hall. No. 90 Commercial Real Entitle Agent. SO Middle Street. his lautern was visible to outsiders mosphere wealth. The story of the ju2 ME. Sm done to order.
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