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MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1867. 273 Bills: In addition to an act concerning truant children and absentees from school; To incorporate the Worcester Gazette Company ; Were severally read and passed to be engrossed, and sent up for concurrence. Resolves in relation to the re-publication of the report on the invertebrate animals of Massachusetts ; and Bill relating to dissolving attachments in civil suits ; Were severally read, and passed to bo engrossed, in concurrence. On motion of Mr. Jewell of Boston, the bill in relation to common common nuisances. ; and nuisances. The report on petition of Hervey C. Newton ; _ Newton.0' Were severally taken from the table, and placed in the orders of the day for Monday. On motion of Mr. Chisholm of New Bedford, the bill to state police, increase the number of the state police, was taken from the table, and placed in the orders of the day for Monday. Adjourned. Monday, April 1,1867. Met according to adjournment. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Coe of New Bedford, a member of the House. Engrossed bills : mils passed. Relating to leased railroads; To annex a part of the city of Salem to the town of Swampscott; Concerning educational statistics; To incorporate the Pacific Guano Company ; (Which severally originated in the House of Representa tives ;) To extend the time for the construction of the Lee and New Haven Railroad, and for other purposes; (Which originated in the Senate ;) Were severally passed to be enacted, and signed and sent to the Senate. Remonstrances against a license law were presented, as License law. follows:— By Mr. Russegue of Franklin, from William J. Breed and 49 others of Raynham, and H. Angie Foster and 77 other 271 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, ladies of Haverhill, and Mrs. H. Fairbanks and 317 others, ladies, of Melrose. By Mr. Stearns of Bedford, from J. H. Hanaford and 79 others, the Bethesda Sabbath School, and William W. Davis and 121 others, of Reading. By Mr. Ballou of Foxborough, from A. J. Lancaster and 70 others, and J. E. Brown and 90 others, ladies, of Fox- borough. By Mr. Waitt of Nantucket, from Charles G. Coffin and 107 others of Nantucket. By Mr. Rogers of Charlestown, from Mrs. Sarah R. Colby and 92 others, women, of Charlestown. By Mr. Chipman of Sandwich, from C. H. Chapouil and 95 others of Sandwich. Severally referred to the committee on the License Law, and sent up for concurrence. On motion of Mr. Harding of Cambridge,— Use of the Ordered, That the Sergeant-at-Arms he and he is hereby hall. instructed to furnish seats to such members of the Legisla ture as may desire to listen to the arguments for and against a license law, to be made in the hall on Tuesday and Wednesday. Water in Mr. May of Roxbury, from the committee on the Judi Roxbury. ciary, on petition of the city of Roxbury, reported a bill to authorize that city to procure a supply of water. Duties of the Mr. Kimball of Boston, from the committee on Finance, Auditor. to whom was referred the opinions of the Attorney-General and the Supreme Court relative to the powers and duties of the Auditor, reported a bill defining the duties of the Audi tor of Accounts, and establishing certain matters of finance. Severally read and ordered to a second reading. Normal Mr. Taylor of Andover, from the committee on Finance, schools. reported that the resolve for the payment of expenses incurred in support of the state normal schools in the year 1866, above the appropriation therefor, ought to pass. Qualification Mr. Aldrich of Worcester, from the committee on the of commis sioners. Judiciary, reported that the bill concerning the official qualification of commissioners for the Commonwealth in other states, ought not to pass. Sale of Mr. Coolidge of Boston, from the same committee, on an shingles. order of March 1, relative to the measurement and sale of shingles, reported inexpedient to legislate. Roads. Mr. Branning of Lee, from the committee on Roads and Bridges, on an order of February 27, relative to the con- MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1867. 275 struction and repair of roads, reported inexpedient to legislate. Severally placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. Mr. Wright of Lawrence, from the committee on the Amend ments of the Judiciary, reported, asking to be discharged from the further constitu consideration of the orders of January 11 and 12, relative tion. to amendments of the constitution, and recommending their reference to the committee on Amendments of the Constitu tion. The report was considered and accepted, and the orders referred accordingly and sent up for concurrence. Papers from the Senate. The petition of Ziba Gay and 61 others of Chelmsford, License law. for a license law, was referred to the committee on that subject. The petition of R. B. Borden and 1,680 others of Fall Ten hour River for a ten hour law, was refei'red to the committee on law. Questions of Labor. The petition of Clap & Brother and 81 others of Boston, Boston, Hartford & in aid of the petition of the Boston, Hartford and Erie Erie It. It. Railroad Company, was referred to the committee on Railways and Canals. Ordered, That the committee on the Education of Deaf- Deaf-mutes. Mutes be authorized to provide for necessary clerical assistance, and to report in print. Severally in concurrence. Bills: Concerning the North Attleborough Branch Railroad North Attle boro’ Branch Company ; It. It. Co. Concerning the Wrentham Branch Railroad Company ; Wrentham Severally introduced on leave in the Senate, came down, Br. It. It. Co. and were severally read and referred to the committee on Railways and Canals in concurrence. Bills : Middleborb’ To incorporate the Middleborough Savings Bank ; Savings Bank. To incorporate the Boston Young Women’s Christian Young Wo Association ; mens Chris tian Associa To incorporate the Grand Hotel Branch Railroad Company tion. Grand Ilotel in Dorchester ; Br. It. It. Co. Severally passed to be engrossed in the Senate, came down and were severally read and ordered to a second reading. Report, leave to withdraw, on petition of the school School com mittee of committee of Westport, accepted in the Senate, came down, Westport. and was placed in the orders of the day for to-morrow. 276 JOURNAL OF THE HOUSE, Attleboro’ Gas Light Bill to incorporate the Attleborough Gas Light Company, Co. passed to be engrossed in the Senate, in concurrence, with an amendment, came down, and was considered, and the amend ment was concurred in, (changing the name of the corpo ration to the Union Gas Light Company.) State aid. Mr. Coolidge of Boston, from the committee on the part of the House, on the subject of state aid, &c., to whom was referred the bill concerning state aid to soldiers and sailors, &c., with the Senate amendments thereto, submitted a report, which was considered, and the recommendations of the committee were agreed to, as follows The House concurred with the amendments at A, B, C, D, E, and K, non-coneurred with the amendment at H, and concurred with the amendment at P, with an amendment. Sent up for concurrence. On the question of concurrence with the amendment at C, the yeas and nays were ordered, and the result was yeas, one hundred and twenty-one, nays, eleven. (Appendix, No. 23.) Text-books in schools. On motion of Mr. Rockwell of Millbury, the vote accept ing the report concerning school committees, on Saturday, was reconsidered, and Mr. Rockwell moved to amend the report by substituting a bill concerning the change of text books in the public schools. The subject was then postponed till to-morrow. Warrants for state tax. Mr. Kimball °f Boston, on leave, introduced a bill in relation to warrants for a state tax ; which was, under a suspension of rules, read three times and passed to be engrossed, and sent up for concurrence. ■Orders of The orders of the day were taken up. the day. Bill in relation to the taxation of the Mercantile Savings Institution of the city of Boston, was read. .'No quorum. The vote on the question of ordering it to a third reading disclosed the want of a quorum, and the House Adjourned. T uesday, April 2, 1867. Met according to adjournment. 'Memfcer qualified. Mr. Theodore C. Hurd, elected a member of the House from the 16tli Middlesex District, (the town of Framing ham,) in place of Mr. 0. C. Esty, resigned, presented his credentials and was conducted to the Council Chamber by TU ESD A Y , A P R IL 2, 1867. a committee consisting of Messrs. A. J. Wriglit of Boston, and Potter of West Cambridge, and having been qualified took his seat in the House. Remonstrances against the passage of a license law were License law. presented as follows By Mr. Miller of Fitchburg, from Amasa Norcross and 879 others of Fitchburg, Alfred Emerson and 25 others of Fitchburg, and the Trinitarian Church of Fitchburg. • By Mr. Perry of Attleborough, from William C. Kent and 20 others, George Cooper and 62 others, and Mary E. Brainard and 49 others, ladies, of Attleborough. By Mr. Coe of New Bedford, from Lizzie M. Gregory and 158 others, and A. G. Thompson and 63 others, of Princeton. By Mr. Sawyer of Amesbury, from Willis P. Sargent and 40 others of Amesbury. By Mr. Martin of Marblehead, from Thomas Swasey, Jr. and 61 others of Marblehead. By Mr. Holcomb of Chicopee, from S. M. Perkins and 162 others of Chicopee. By Mr. Warner of Greenfield, from William B. Washburn and 80 others of Greenfield.