and Korea Building International Cooperation in Science and Technology , 25 November 2013

Current Status on Geothermal Research in Chile

FONDAP-CONICYT Project Nº 15090013 Dr. Diego Morata Dpto Geología y CEGA Fac. Cs Físicas y Matemáticas Universidad de Chile

Chile’s Energy Critical Scenario

Electric Energy Sources • Supply at risk due to climatic conditions (2012, source: Ministry of Energy) (hydroelectric) and import dependance ( fuels). Natural Gas Hydropower • Crisis in 1998/99 (drought) and 2007/2008 (shut- (29%) (35%) off of natural gas supply from Argentina) led to electric rationing. Oil NCRE Coal (13%) (3%) • Government target of 20% supply from non- (20%) conventional renewable energy sources by 2020 (now, 20% by 2025 & 30% by 2030?). Total electric capacity: Growth and energy consumption trends GDP 17.5 GW Energy

consumption (2012) Growth Index (GDP) Index Growth

Source: Min. Energy Source: Ministry of Energy Countries Generating in 2010 Country Installed Capacity (MW)*

01. USA 3,098 02. Philippines 1,904 03. Indonesia 1,197 04. Mexico 958 05. Italy 843 06. 762 07. Iceland 575 08. Japan 535 09. El Salvador 204 10. Kenya 202 11. Costa Rica 166 12. Turkey 91 13. Nicaragua 88 14. Russia 82 15. Papua New Guinea 56 Installed capacity in 2010 worldwide: … 10.9 GW (electricity) and 48.5 GW (direct uses) 21. Germany 7.1 Chile 0 *(Bertani, 2012, Lund et al. 2011)

Chilean Geothermal potential

El Tatio , region, North Chile “One of the largest undeveloped Aguas Calientes, Cordón Caulle region, Central Chile geothermal prospects of the world“ (Lahsen et al. 2005) Geological setting

• Geothermal resources of the Andean region of Chile occur in close spatial relationship with active volcanism, which is primarily controlled by the convergence of the Nazca and South America Plates.

•Two main volcanic zones can be distinguished within the Chilean : the Northern Volcanic Zone (17ºS-28ºS) and the Central-Southern Volcanic Zone (33ºS-46ºS) parallel to the coast. At present, the Andean volcanic arc represents one the largest undeveloped geothermal provinces of the world.

Geological setting

Northern Volcanic Zone (17ºS-28ºS) • volcanism is emplaced along the High Andes and part of the . During the and Quaternary, an extensional tectonic phase caused differential uplift along nearly N-S, NW-SE and NE-SW trending systems. Volcanic vents and hydrothermal manifestations occur within the small grabens associated with these fault systems .

•There are about 90 thermal areas, which are largely of the chloride type. Preliminary estimates of the potential of some of these areas is between 400 MWe to 1,000 MWe, and preliminary results of the boreholes indicate a potential of 5-10 MW per well (Lahsen, 2010).


Geological setting

Central-Southern Volcanic Zone (33ºS-46ºS) •Restricted to the Andean Cordillera. This volcanic activity has given rise to stratovolcanoes, pyroclastic cones and , with associated and pyroclastic flows. From 33° to 34°S, most of the thermal areas are associated with the Pocuro Fault System. Between 39° and 46°S, geothermal activity is partially controlled by the 1,000 km long, NNE Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone (LOFZ), an intra-arc dextral strike-slip fault system, associated with second-order intra-arc anisotropies of overall NE-SW and NW-SE orientation.

•More than 200 geothermal areas. Their thermal waters are of acidic-, bicarbonate and chloride types. Preliminary estimates of potential for power generation from areas with current exploration programs vary between 600 and 950 MWe (Lahsen, 2010).

Cordón Caulle eruption, 2011


Human Legal resources Development regulation of Geothermics Geothermal resources

from here….

Ahuachapan (El Salvador) Chilean geothermal exploration background • Italian pioneers started the first geothermal exploration program in Antofagasta (1920’s)

• By the late 60’s the Chilean state starts to promote geothermal exploration at the northernmost part of the country

• At the end of 1979 geothermal explorations were paralyzed

• Up to 1995 the research of the geothermal resources were carried out solely by the University of Chile

• A new law in 2000 renewed interest in geothermal exploration and exploitation of resources in Chile

• 2011 CEGA began operations with the aim to generate and improve geothermal knowledge in Chile and the rest of the Andean countries Current geothermal concessions

• FONDAP Project funded by CONICYT during five years (2011- 2015), renewable during five years more.

• Joint research UCH (Principal Institution) + PUC (Associated)

• Hosted in the Department of Geology (Universidad de Chile)

• Other associated departments or institutions: Geophysics, Mechanical and Civil Engineering (UCH) + UCN + UA + PUC + UdeC

• 24 (+1) +4 (by projects) investigators + 5 (+1) post-docs + 3 professionals (1 chemistry) + c. 30 post-graduate students (PhD & Ms Sc) and c. 30 undergraduate students CEGA’s Main Goals

• Generate and communicate scientific knowledge • Form highly trained scientists and technicians • Establish a state-of-the art, multi-user analytical facility • Promote collaborative research with other academic institutions and the private sector • Develop new and emerging methodologies for improving geothermal assessment and exploration • Increase public awareness and promote geothermal resources as a renewable, clean alternative energy Research lines

Geothermal systems are like Climate & snowflakes in that sense that no two Paleoclimate Impact systems are exactly identical Natural SURFACE Geologic Contamination PROCESSES hazards & ENVIRONMENT

Isotopes Thermometry Porosity & Permeability RESERVOIR FLUID 3D Tracers ARCHITECTURE GEOCHEMISTRY structure & FLUID DYNAMICS

Reactive modeling Groundwater dynamics GEOTHERMAL KNOWLEDGE Fracture systems Clay mineralogy and structural control STRUCTURE, Fossil HEAT-WATER-ROCK TECTONICS 3D geothermal INTERACTION imaging systems & GEOPHYSICS Hydrothermal alteration Geodynamic evolution

MAGMATIC Heat transfer Dynamics of SYSTEMS convection National and International Collaborations

• Institute of Earth Science and Engineering, University of Auckland, New Zealand • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA) • GZB – International Geothermal Center (Germany) • KIT (Germany) • CNRS, Laboratoire de Magmas et Volcans - Université Clermont-Ferrand, France • Università degli Studi di Firenze, Univ. di Bologna (Italy) • University of Austin (Texas, EEUU) • University of Illinois (EEUU) • University of Quebec (Canada) • Universidad de Granada, Spain Training and Research Activities (2011-present)

• Courses, seminars and workshops • Departments of Geology (UCH, UdeC, UCN, UA), Geophysics (UCH, UdeC), Mechanical Engineering (UCH), Civil Engineering (UCH), Structural Engineering and Geotecnic (PUC) • Undergraduated and post-graduate (MsSc & PhD) theses • Post-graduate programs UCH, PUC, UCN • Analytical facilities and state-of-the art instrumentation • Joint research among national institutions and with foreign centers, and outreach activities Some courses… CEGA’s analytical facilities • Mineralogy (XRD+SEM+FTIR+XFR-EDX+HR-TEM+FI)

LA-ICP-MS-MC • Water and rocks Geochemistry (ICP-AOS+IC+AAS+ICP-MS-Q)

• Isotopic Geochemistry (LA-ICP-MS-MC)

• Gas Geochemistry (GC)

• Micro-CT (PUC)

• Geophysics (MT+Gravimetry)

(equipments in orange: new CEGA acquisitions; > US$ 2 Millions)

MT Geothermal projects update (2012)

• About 70 exploration concessions and 6 exploitation concessions • 15 companies • All with thermal manifestations at surface • 2 projects in the Environmental Impact Study stage Geothermal projects update Northern Chile

• Slim holes have been drilled Apacheta Apacheta-Cerro Pabellón (ENEL Green Power-Geotérmica del Norte) Quebrada El Zoquete El Tatio-La Torta Polloquere (Energía Andina) (GGE) (Min. Doña Inés de Collahuasi) • Most advanced is Cerro Pabellón (a 50MW binary plant in 2015-2016)

• Results from wells: 5-10 MW potential (Lahsen et al., 2010)

•New exploration drillings will be done in Puchuldiza (GGE) Polloquere (Energía Andina) Pampa Lirima (Energía Andina) Colpitas (Energía Andina) Juncalito (Energía Andina)

Geothermal projects update Southern Chile

• Slim holes have been drilled in Tolhuaca (MRP, exGGE) Chillán Laguna del Maule (Magma Energy) Tinguiririca (Energía Andina)

• With a potential of 3-10 MW per well

• Most advanced is Tolhuaca (12 MW in Tol- 4, exploitation in 2015-16?) Tol-4 27/08/2012

Concesión Apacheta Concesión Tolhuaca

1. ENG S.A./GDN S.A. (Enel + Enap) 1. MRP (ex GGE Llc.)

Pozos geotérmicos Pozos geotérmicos # 3 # 2

EIA 55 MW EIA 12 MW (potencial de 70 MW) Generación Generación +/- 2015-16 +/- 2015-16

Apacheta Tol-4 27/08/2012 Collaborations with private companies • Energía Andina (Origin + AMSA) • Mighty River Power (ex-GGE) Supporting for • ENEL undergraduated, MsSc (2) • GTN-LA-Fundación Chile and PhD (2) theses + • Serviland-Minergy-Infinergeo Research Projects • Transmark • Pozos profundos Collaboration with public institutions • SERNAGEOMIN • Ministerio de Energía Research project

Main Current Projects

Low enthalpy • Heat-flow map in the Santiago and Talca basins High enthalpy • Alteration patterns in active geothermal fields • Structural controls on geothermal systems • Gas geochemistry in selected geothermal areas • Dynamic of magmatic chambers • New isotopic systems in geothermal research • Mineralogy and geochemistry of silica sinters • Geophysical survey in active and fossil geothermal fields Heat Flow Map for the Santiago and Talca Basins

• Mapping heat flow, thermal gradient and thermal conductivity. • Location of areas with anomalous thermal behaviour • Using thermal map for future urban plan and direct use

Conceptual model Alteration patterns in active geothermal fields

• Tinguiririca (EASA) and Tolhuaca (GGE) drill holes • New drill core with Transmark • Surficial alteration (Serviland- Infinergeo)

• Diffuse CO2 (EASA)


I/S 14Å

Gl 10Å Droguett et al 2012, XIII Cong. Geol. Chile Structural controls in geothermal systems

Geothermal (and volcanic) systems in S. Chile mostly related with an intra-arc major fault (the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone)

(Sánchez et al., 2013, International Geology Review). Gas geochemistry in selected geothermal areas

New GC lab!!!

Direct sampling using titanium tubes + dewar glass tubes system – High flux emission (Giggenbach, 1975; Giggenbach y Goguel, 1989) New isotopic systems in geothermal research • Recent acquisition and installation of a Neptune plus (MC-ICP-MS) with LA system • U/Pb geochronolgy • U-Th disequilibrium ages in calcites (2014?) • Non-conventional isotopic systems (2014) • Trace and ultratrace GQ Future Research (and training) Projects (involving industry!!!)

• Geophysical survey in active and fossil geothermal fields • Geothermal modeling & reservoir engineering • Environmental impact • Plant design • Mechanical engineering • Corrosion and material research • Outreach, dissemination and society Outreach • Assist in the development of the Chilean geothermal industry by training courses, workshops and seminars

• Develop communication strategies in order to make information accessible to the scientific community and the Society (scientific and non-technical publications, conferences, webpage, exhibits and science presentations for the general public and primary/high school students)

• Educate local communities on the benefits of development and integrate them into educational programs and activities Ley Geotérmica Nº 19.657 desde el año 2000

Año- 1 Año-2 Año-3 Año-4 Año-5 Año-6

I Periodo II Periodo III Periodo

2 años Extensión Periodo exclusivo para obtener Concesión de Explotación 2 años Concesión de Explotación. 20 + años 2 años Si inversión es >25%

Concesión de Exploración

Periodo muy corto si: • Se requiere EIA • Aplicación de ILO169 • Limitaciones climáticas • Realizar exploración geotérmica

La existencia de una Ley y su reglamento, sumado a las licitaciones realizadas por el Ministerio de Energía, ha permitido la existencia de una cartera de proyectos de exploración y la participación de numerosas compañías…