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'Roceedings Volume 1 'ROCEEDINGS Second United Nations Symposium on the Development and Use of G eot her ma I Resou rces San Francisco, California, USA 20-29 May 7 975 VOLUME~~ 1 NOTICE Iponartd by the Umtd Sula Gorrmmmt. Nenther the United Suta nor the UNld Suta Energy Rcrlrch and Lkrrlopmnt Adminirimtion. nor my of their cmpbyeu. nor any of them mntmctors. rubeonfncton, or their employ-, rmkn any wmnty, express or implied. or anum' my legd hbilrty or rerponn%ilily for the accuracy. complctencn or urfulner of any mfornntion. appmtu. product or Parr direlord. or represents that its uy would not infriw pdmtdy oruned right,. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DbCUMENT IS UNLIMITEQ DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency Thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. First printing, 7 976 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 75-32682 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, USA (Stock NO. 060-000-000015)- Howard Brand Director James R. McNitt Technical Secretary Symposium 0 rganizat ion UNITED NATIONS COMMIITEE Miriam Malach Organizing Secretary C. John Banwell Technical Adviser John J. C. Bradbury Technical Adviser Cecilia A. Tsesniowski Administrative Secretary UNITED STATES ORGANIZING COMMllTEE Robert 0. Fournier, Chairman U.S. Geological Survey David N. Anderson California Resources Agency Charles L. Baldwin Governmental Organization Committee California State Senate Jim Combs Institute for Geosciences University of Texas at Dallas Ritchie B. Coryell U.S. National Science Foundation Henry G. Curtis Northwest Public Power Association Richard J. Green U.S. National Science Foundation Bob Greider Chevron Oil Company J. H. Howard Lawrence Livermore Laboratory University of California Sidney Kaufman Dept. of Geological Sciences Cornell University Glen R. Kendall Teknekron, Inc. Paul Kruger U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration James T. Kuwada Rogers Engineering Co., Inc. John F. Matthews California Resources Agency Carel Otte Union Oil Company Morton C. Smith Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory University of California Victor V. Veysey Assistant Secretary of the Army-Civil Work Louis B. Werner U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration Donald E. White U.S. Geological Survey Paul A. Witherspoon Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory University of California J. Dean Worthington Pacific Gas and Electric Company P Table of Contents Introduction Acknowledgments Rapporteurs’ Summaries Summary of Section I: Present Status of Resources Development Summary of Section 11: Geology, Hydrology, and Geothermal Systems Summary of Section 111: Geochemical Techniques in Exploration Summary of Section IV: Geophysical Techniques in Exploration Summary of Section V: Environmental Factors and Waste Disposal Summary of Section VI: Drilling Technology Summary of Section VII: Production Technology, Reservoir Engineering, and Field Management Manuel Nathenson Summary of Section VIII: Electricity Production H. Christopher H. Armstead Summary of Section IX: Space and Process Heating H. Christopher H. Armstead Summary of Section X: Other Single and Multipurpose Developments Ronald C. Barr Summary of Section XI: Economic and Financial Aspects Summary of Section XII: Legal and Institutional Aspects L. J. Patrick Muffler L. J. Patrick Muffler Alfred H. Truesdell Jim Combs H. Christopher H. Armstead Manuel Nathenson Ronald C. Barr David N. Anderson Section I: Present Status of Resources Development Present Status of World Geothermal Development United Nations, Energy Section, Centre for Natural Resources, Energy & Transport Ismet Akil Development of Geothermal Resources in Indonesia Potencial GeotCrmico de la RCpublica Mexicana Hector Alonso xxvii xxix xxxiii xlv liii lxxxi lxxxvii xcv xcvii ciii cxi cxvii cxxi cxxix / 3 1 1 17 Volume 1 vi i viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Geothermal Potential of Mexico Hector Alonso Geothermal Energy Explorations in Turkey Results Achieved in Hungary in the Utilization of Geothermal Energy Estimates of the Geothermal Resources of Iceland Sadrettin Alpan Jeno Balogh Gunnar Bodvarsson Recent Developments and Future Prospects for Geothermal Energy in New Zealand Richard Sharpe Bolton Rail Carrasco C. Ralil Carrasco C. Vladimir eermlik, Elena A. Lubimova, Lajos Stegena Recursos GeotCrmicos en Bolivia Preliminary Report on Bolivia's Geothermal Resources Geothermal Mapping in Central and Eastern Europe Progress Report onGeYtherma1 Development in Italy from 1969 to 1974 and Future Prospects A Report on the International Geothermal Information Exchange Program, Pietro Ceron, Pietro Di Mario, Teo Leardini 1974-1975 Allen L. Clark, James A. Calkins, E. Tongiorgi, E. Stefanelli Les Progrks de 1'Exploration Gkothermique B Bouillante en Guadeloupe Geothermal Exploration Progress at Bouillante in Guadeloupe Characteristics of Greek Geothermal Waters Jean Demians d 'Archimbaud, Jean-Pierre Munier-Jolain Jean Demians d 'Archimbaud, Jean-Pierre Munier-Jolain E. Dominco, A. Papastamatoki Jan Dowgido The Geothermal Resources of Southwest Poland Geothermal Resources of the USSR and Their Geologic-Economic Subdivision Present State of Development of Geothermal Resources in Czechoslovakia V. M. Fomin, B. F, Mavritsky, L. F. Polubotko, F. A. Makarenko Ondrej Franko, Miroslav RaEick9 Exploration and Development of Geothermal Resources in the United States, 1968-1975 A Review of Indian Geothermal Provinces and Their Potential for Energy Utilization James B. Koenig, David N. Anderson, Gerald W. Huttrer V. S. Knshnaswamy A. Lahsen, P. Trujillo A. Lahsen, P. Trujillo Boris F. Mavritsky, Victor G. Khelkvist El Campo GeotCrmico de El Tatio, Chile The Geothermal Field of El Tatio, Chile Exploration for Thermal Water Fields in the USSR 21 25 29 33 37 43 45 41 59 67 101 105 109 123 129 131 139 143 157 170 179 TABLE OF CONTENTS ix Geothermal Resource Development Program in Northeastern Japan and Hokkaido Yoshitaro Mori Geothermal Exploration in Kenya John W. Noble, Sebastian B. Ojiambo Geothermal Regime of Southern Nigeria Silas Ogo Okonkwo Nwachukwu Geothermal Energy Developments in Iceland 1970- 1974 Gudmundur Pdlmason, Karl Ragnars, Jhhannes Zoega Posibilidades de Aprovechamiento de la Energia GeotCrmica en el Peru, 1975 Feasibility of the Development of the Geothermal Energy in Peru-1 975 Overview of Geothermal Energy Studies in Indonesia Geothermal Potential in Switzerland Geothermal Exploration of the Puga and Chumathang Geothermal Fields, Ladakh, India Ravi Shanker, R. N. Padhi, C. L. Arora, Gyan Prakash, J. L. Thussu, K. J. S. Dua Jack G. Souther Alberto Parodi I. Alberto Parodi I. Vincent Radja L. Rybach, F. C. Jaffi Geothermal Potential of Western Canada Present Status of Geothermal Resources Development in India Geothermal Resources in Australia Evaluaci6n del Potencial GeotCrmico de Cerro Prieto, Baja California Evaluation of the Geothermal Potential of Cerro Prieto, Baja California (Mexico) S. A. Subramanian Lindsay Thomas Enrique Tolivia M. Enrique Tolivia M. Section II: Geology, Hydrology, and Geothermal Systems Hydrothermal Alteration and Mass Transfer in the Discharge Portion of The Dunes Geothermal System, Imperial Valley of California, USA Hydrogeology of the Pannonian Geothermal Basin Preliminary Report on the Cesano Hot Brine Deposit (Northern Latium, Italy) Dennis K. Bird, Wilfred A. Elders Tibor Boldizsdr, Kalman Korim Adriano Calamai, Raffaele Cataldi, Mario Dall 'Aglio, Gian Carlo Ferrara Geothermal Research in Western Campania (Southern Italy): Geological and Geophysical Results Gian Mauro Cameli, Michele Rendina, Mariano Puxeddu, Aristide Rossi, Paolo Squarci, Learco Taffi 183 189 205 213 219 227 233 24 1 245 259 269 273 275 279 285 297 305 315 X TABLE OF CONTENTS Geological Setting and Geochemical Characteristics of the Parbati Valley Geothermal Field, India A Hydrochemical Study of the South Santa Cruz Basin Near Coolidge, Arizona Geology of Izmir-Seferihisar Geothermal Area, Western Anatolia of Turkey; Determination of Reservoirs by Means of Gradient Drilling Tuncer Egder, Sakir Simgek On a Possibility of Heat Utilization of the Avachinsky Volcanic Chamber Sergey A. Fedotov, Stanislav T. Balesta, Valery A. Droznin, Yury P. Masurenkov, Victor M. Sugrobov Ingvar Birgir Fridleifsson Lokesh N. Chaturvedi, Bikash C. Raymahashay Frank Dellechaie Lithology and Structure of Geothermal Reservoir Rocks in Iceland Structural and Hydrological Factors Controlling the Permeabilities of Some Hot-Water Geothermal Fields Geothermal Provinces of India as Indicated by Studies of Thermal Springs, Terrestrial Heat Flow, and Other Parameters Geology and Gravimetry of the Quaternary Basaltic
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