THE SOUTH CAUCASUS AND TURKEY: HISTORY LESSONS OF THE 20TH CENTURY 2012 The South Caucasus and Turkey: History Lessons of the 20th Century Publisher: Heinrich Böll Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office Editor in Chief: Sergey Rumyantsev © Heinrich Böll Foundation South Caucasus Regional Office, 2012a 38, Zovreti st., Tbilisi 0160, Georgia T +995 32 238 04 67/68, +995 32 291 37 39 | F +995 32 291 28 97 E
[email protected] | W | F ISBN 978-9941-0-4390-1 CONTENTS Nino Lejava, Khatuna Samnidze From the Publisher 7 Sergey Rumyantsev Introduction. “History Lessons” in the Year of “Anniversary” 9 PART 1. BEGINNING OF THE 20TH CENTURY: “RECENT” PAST 19 Ilham Abbasov The History of Azerbaijan: Deconstructing the “Age-Old Friendship” and the “Deadly Feud” Myths 20 Satenik Mkrtchyan The Republic of Armenia’s Neighbours in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries in Contemporary World History Textbooks 47 Nino Chikovani The Images of Self and Neighbours in Georgian History Textbooks: Representation of the Events of the Beginning of the 20th Century in the Post-Soviet Period 65 Çakır Ceyhan Suvari Religious Identity and the Construction of Otherness: The Perception of Armenian Identity in The Turkish Educational System 94 PART 2. THE END OF THE 20TH CENTURY: SEARCHING FOR NEW INTERPRETATIONS 119 Sevil Huseynova Azerbaijan in the Late 20th – Early 21st Centuries: Ethnic Boundaries in the Context of Relations with “Neighbours” 120 Mikayel Zolyan Writing the History of the Present: The Post-Soviet Period