Written Answers SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 Written Answers 528 Taken Lightly and Nobody Has Appeared Till Today to Give an Explanation I
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527 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 Written Answers 528 taken lightly and nobody has appeared till V.P.Singh had subm!tted it to the Secretary today to give an explanation in spite of the GAneral. assurance given by the Leader of the House that the matter will be brought to the notice of [Englist~ the Minister for Information and Broadcast- ing. He came here so many times, but he did He is your officer not appear before the House. He should have come here and tendered an apology MR. SPEAKER: I haV9 not received it. and given an explanation, as to why those remarks were made against Maulana Abul SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: He had Kalamji. I strongly protest against this dis- submitted the letter before 11 A.M. That crimination between this House and that letter was written to the SupArintendent of House. I am sure that every ~ection of this Police on 3.8.91 i.e. just one month back. It House will support my view. reads as follows: rTranslation] "To the Superintendent of Po- SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN (Rosera): lice. Gorakhpur, Sir. I was a Mr. Speaker, Sir,lwanttodraw),ou attention candidnte of Janata Dal against to a very important issue which has been Mahant Abedya Nath in Gora- subject of discussion in the House for the last khpur constitlJency in the last two days. Day before yesterday, it was Lok Sabh:l elections. Votli'S were submitted that Shri ~harda P~asad Rawat in my favour. Sim ilar position was was assasinated due to political reasons. there- in respect ()f Prabha Rawat Yesterday a discltssion was held here in of our palty who was pitted respect of Shri Chote Lal Yadav who was agairlst Shri T.P. S~,ukla in our fatally attacked. It is nol ~'et known whel:'er rons' ituency· (Interruptions) he could be savsd or not. [English] Yoasterday an uni:naginable scene was MR. SPEAKER: He has auther-ticatoo created in this HOuse. I am making this it. statement with utmost responsibility. Shri Vishwanath Pratap Singh is present here. (Int~rruptions) He has been to Gorakhpur. Now he would tell t'le House all the facts he has gathered Mn. SPFAKER: He has coms to me. I during his visit. However I would like to said that if he authenticates, I .... ill accept it. submit to th" House that before his death. Shn Sharda Prasad Rawat had written a { Translation] letier on 3.8.& 1. which has now been authen- hc<::.ted and submitted to you under ru:e 369 SHRI RAM VIL~.S PASWAN: i have (A) under the signature of Shri Vlshwanath come to know f 'om ve''! reliable sources that Pratap Singh. I would like to read 0111 that some hardened criminals have bean hired :etter here in this House. (/nterrupticin:;) by Mahan! Aoaldyanath and hic; confident MLAs namely Shri Om Praka!lh and Shn (English) T.P.Shukla, formy assassination. Kindly take jrr.m~diate :>Ieps to prcvide me securit" as I MR. SPEAKER: Lei me correct the do ~t have ar.y licenced ar1l!J with me. 1"1 record. It is IIot in the handwritting of Shri such a grave s;luation, 1t.lOdly issue "ec~s V P.Slng!'!. sary directions for my security and the secu· rity of my family members I may also be [ 7ransf<Jt1on} intimated about such measures. SliP: RAM VILAS PASWAN Shri Mr. Speai<er, Sir. we ali are political 529 Wrinen Answers BHADRA 20, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answ"rs 530 workers. Here is our states, we have Gov- Sir, Shri Sharda Prasad Rawat had never ernments of differ"nt politic.a! parties. The asked for security. He being an ex-Minister conspiracy to assassinate Shri Rawat was could demand for security. In U.P. ordinary hatched at the instance of the State Govern- M.L.As ar~ being provided security. b was ment. Only one month back, a written re- for the first time that he had asked for secu- quest was made to the Supqrint~ndent of rity as he was fearful that his life was in Police by Shri Rawat to provide him security danger. That is why he asked for security but COver. It is a fact that Shri Rawat who was a he was asked to pay Rs. 4000/- per morlth for Minister it, Uttar Prad9sh had never de- making security arrangement. Being an 8);- manded po:ice security for himself during his Minister he sought security to protect his life. tenure and It was adua!ly when his life was I am nClt going into the merits and de-merits at stake, that he demanded it in black and of his apprehension. He was told that he white. but no security was provided to him. wo:J1d have to pay Rs. 4000/- per montil and Howe".r when I raised this i -;sue here in this then only the security WOUld be provideci, House, the Members of BJP were infliriated. The result was that he was not provided I want to submit it to all my friends that today security and consequent~' hewas murdered. we aa are Me'Jlb9rs of ParHament and to- When I 'A&ntthere I was 'old that a bomb was morrow we may not be occupying that seat. thrown at his house and this at1ack was pre· planned. People were not fearful of the bomb But if one i~ not a Mtlmber of Parliament aUI.1t was a planned murder comMitted in no and is an ordinary worker of the party. there haste. There was none who could chastt the is no security cf his life. Through you, I killers ............ '. (Interruptions) demand that the Home Minister be sum- moned immediately in the House to report as I want to bring one thing more to your 10 what actio" has been taken so far in this kind l'Iotice. Why we are demanding a C.B.! regard. H6 should order a CBI inquiry into inquiry. After the murder, a letter was shown the matter. The hon. Members from all sides to the S.1. there by the 20 year's old son of thA want that this case of murder should be deceased. The S.1. advised him not to pro- handed over to the CBI for inquiry so that duce it otherwise the matter would remain suet: incidents do not recur. If such murders pending a:1d it would be roferredtothe C.B.1. are not curbed nobody can check th a spread This was what thc police official said about of faSCism in the country and if fascism th;s relevant document, The poor boy did not comes the life of no worker can be know its implications. He was told not to safe......... (Interruptions) produc':} this letter. ~ raises doubts whetner the oHicials there are roa~ty i"terested in an SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH inqui!)' or not. Why he was ".)t provided (Fatehpur): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I went to security despite hiS demand also raise Gorakhpur yesterday alongwith the Chiaf doubts. There is nothing beyond death. Death Ministvr (If Bihar. The dead body of Shri IS finaL It is regretable that the murder of Shr. Sharda Prasad Rawat was lying in front 01 Sohan Lal Peepal was committed in Badaun. his House. The family members of Shri ~awat He was a Janata Dalleader belonging to t:'e expressed a desire to meet me. I also wanted Scheduled Caste ..... , ,..... [ Int9fruptions.]. Shn to mwel the family. H,s wife was there. HIS Sharda Prasad Rawat who was 3 prominent son took out a letter from his briefcase and :ead03r of Janata Oa! .... as mu.-dered, Shri gave it to me. He told IT'e that his father had Chhotet Lal Yadav was also a iront ranked given it to him when he was alive. I asked the leader and bid on his life was also mad", officials there whether they were given any Yesteroay night I went Ihere. The doctors such latter or not. They also admitted ,I,al had lost hope and we were unable to help such a letter was given to them. That is why, him at Allahabad. The doctors advised that it I have placed before you a copy of that letter would be better 10 rush him to Delhi. I re- duly auth"nticated by me along.vith their Quesled the hon. Home Mii1!Shlr to make signatures. arrangement to bring him ~o Dolihi by air. I 531 Written Answ81S REPTEMBER 11,1991 Written Answers 532 want to thank ths han. Home Ministe.r for [English] granting my roqllest. .t_n arrangement was made accordingly and I·e was adm!tted to ft.1f SHRI SASU DEB ACHARIA (Bankura): India Instit~te of Medical Sciencqs for ueat- Sir, the Home Minister shOUld bp immedi- rTlent. Just now Shri Sonkar Shastri has ately summoned to this Hous£:. [Interrup- givan it in writing and you might have seen it. tions] ner~ is nothing to be agitated about it. Grviog ;: re~erence of the Deputy Home. MR. SPEAK!:R: Now, Shri Jaswant Minister, Shri Ram L&I Rah:, he said that he Singh to speak. hirrseF. had h9ard IJmaji saying that you wo,:'Q SE:9 the last rit6S .;,f St,ri Sonkar being ( Interruptions) perforrr~'; 0'1 the GHAT of Banaras very 5Ocn ............ .. MR. SPEAKER: let him s,:>eak. I have called shri Jaswant Singh to spe&l<. SOME HON. MEMBERS: Mr. Speaksr Sir, it is Ilbsolutely incorract ......... (lnteffup- ( Inteffuptions) fions) MR.SPEAKER: Pleasetakld you; srats. SHP.I VISHWANATH PRAT.~P SINGH: I am allowing Shri Jaswar.! Singh to speak.