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07 TH-- ECONOMIPRF}SCT8 Og TH I P'JN.3AB CANAL COLON' "Ye can Know them from their dsel1tnRe, " . eý 4ýu'ý ýý, ýi sa.. ý . _, ,. ý "God has said, from water all thine are made. I son g(,vently ordain that this funkle in which mib- ei tense i'z obtained wire thirst be converted into a place of comfort** AYbarl .:3 KAPAR SINGH BAJWA, 5w>ý,. ý''.: aýý.: +a...... Rý.:..: - ýxý,:. ýrüýii'ýa: ý. yoaýa: s, +. _.: ý. - .; ý; , wir' -ý`°'°--; "v. BEST COPY AVAILABLE Variable print quality CONTAINS PULLOUTS (1) 1 PRR7A0 To readers interested in the material progroas of the Province, no introduction zooms necessary for no fascinating, a subject as the "Enonoiio oftoota of the Punjab Fanal development of the Canal Poloniee. " The origin, .roath and colonies in an interesting and surprising; miracle or the 20th century -a miracle which has given rise to an Important trading city litt© Iyaulpur, the capital of the Lower Chonab Colony. T' e development of the Lower Bari Toab Colo yº has an Importance of its own as it ie the youngest of all its sister colonies and as most or us have soon the change that has come over the now Par* One can see what it wns like loss than ten years ago an one passes in the Karachi Mail through the desert skirting the youngest Canal Colon; yq not. a vestige of cultivation on either aide: only sand hills and a barren plaint dreariness unroolaimod save by the vivid tiiraie of water and trees. How this blight and hideousness of land, wao redeemed by the miracle of the 20th century and what are tho consequences of this change form the scope or shy thesis. I have chosen what appears to ne to be the notable features and grouped round them the circunstancen which led to then and the consequences which came from them. It hen " ., not been pomsiblo, hotroror, to mention all the noteworthy I plinto In tt o development of different colonies and sir ', apologies are, therefore, aua for any partiality or noglent ' which 2 may appear to hate dono. large ýS I have deliberately given much attention and* .. space to Chapter LY (on moans of co untcationn) an tho pronpority of colonies very =Ch depends upon therprotrreea and improvements ettooted in their raoann of co=1nication t'Äa ýj~°` and I real therefore no bonitation in quoting A. Smith, (sir "inprovement in the moans of transport is the ºreatedt of all the agricultural Improvononts. " r'hapter V (on popula- tion in meant to indicate the relation between migration of population and canal irrigation. Chapters VL & VII (dealing with depressed classes and the janglis respectively) are important both from social and economic point of view. The importance of Chapter VIII (unrocognised assets of the Canal Irrigation) lies in its exposition or a few important effects which are generally overlooked by a superficial observer. Chapters'. XI (experiment of co-operative sale) is very important from the present day stand point and the Chapter XIII dealing with the problem or indebtedness has mueti bearing upon the Chapter XI. The latter is a remedy of the economic ills of indebtedness diagnosed in the former. An for ray appendices, I in y subfit that they form an integral part of zy theela and therefore deserve a careful perusal. Appendix "A" is based on an inductive enquiry 0 Into the village No. 369 near Cora, district Lyallpur. The usefulness of Appendix "B" lies in its reference to sufferings and hardships undergone by early colonists and also in its real story of a 3ufaid Pon grantee. It oniv ire=aina for me now to express ray thanks to hose who have helped ne and especially to my Professors, Uesere. G. D. Sondhl, U. A., I. E. S., and ß. Auditto, ld. A., P. E. S. who have holped no with nuaeroue suggestions and oritioisII. I also wish to acknowledge xr debt to books like 'Wealth and Welfare of the Punjab' and'The Punjab peasant in prosperity and debt", which have been my guide books throughout this work. I am also indebted to L. Chanan Shah, a money lender of Chak No. 116 R"B., district Lyallpur, who has, although after many persuasions, given me the true copies of accounts which have been attached in the appendix 'C'. I am ready to* acknowledge the help that I have received from the study of various reports on the subject. (iii) " It r do not go boyond thin general aoknowledgernont It Is duo not to any wish to conceal an obligation but Solely to the Impossibility of tracing to their sources all conceptions and arvumentß that I owe innumerable publications. Last but not the least I am indebted to uy father, who ha© allowed no to draw on his wide and diverse experience of the colonies. I may also mention that I have boon a little ovor bold as far as zur rhaptera on the $problems or Indebtedness" and "Fragzaentation and anailneea of holdings$ are oonoorned. 1 would, however, shelter ziynelt behind the words or Ualthue that "when a man faithfully relater any facts which have come within the scope of his own observation, however confined it may have boen, he undoubtedly adds to the sum of general xnowledge and confers a benefit on society. ' I have also done nothing beyond collection of facts and drawing con- clusions therefrom. In spite of all the friendly help t it to because of the limited space and time at E7 disposal that my thoaie is by no means what I could have wished it to be. I will, however, sake an end of try apologies In the florae of the author of the Boot of Maccabees: *if I have done well, as is fitting; the story, it is that which I desired; but if olanderly and meanly, it Is that which I could attain unto. " X. So Bajva. (Iv) mmmla_ 12E Mrw ()QI;T=a - i. Pirat proposal for opal colony - Po]ioy or oovarnunt in found Oonal Oolonioe - Iaaono tor tho conntruotion of poronnial canal inatoad of tho Inundation - Ordor or the ontab11IIhnont of canal colonioe. A tmorS hi9%9xtný1 rmA ttnor! anrhlanl O= 4a . Early proposals for a of iai-deaor1ption of the Colony trat Tho Lotro r Jhelum oniony - Tho po Dull ar ro aturo or thin Oolony am Tho Lover Bari Dottb Colony -- The U'por Jhelum Canal ._sr_mm___ 80 Tho problem of Arbox'io+2lture -- road aide Md otmu), aide plantation. Tho erroot Or Arborioulturo as the aaving or Manure uethodm adoptod for enoouraZ1X211L boriuulturo - o: norai cure®y. -it-Iwoo rýmninioration 13. Genetat - Tho caao of Loper tmenab 00lonW - Effort a of the Irrigation Dopartnont -I oponaibilitlen of the District Boards; vi1in9e roads -- 1tooessity of a MrrAea or good ouhrerte - An impo Mt Innovation Railways - conclusion. memo u1 ntonr 22 The problem of population in the Colcnioe - =rioultiee of tho probloa - Tho population of Zoo'i©r t' enab ooionY in 1901 - In 1911 population - The Jhelum Vim Colony -- Population of the Colony in 2906 -- moot of irrigation on tho density of population. (v) 28. Qý Ai. _.. tribes lard. Tho location or the doprooooä and criminal on Lower orimta to Indian Christian®- AliotI onta or the tribes oonoiusion bnrl Doab = orrnto or i=n to tha original - rntAP'r tV XS 32 Tho rool(MUZ%on or nonadoa Thoir aharactorlatioa -A chango - SQL=- y_t1,, 37" , unrooogniaod anoet© or oanal Irrigation T'ovor or cubct1tut1ne 1raodiato moving in oase of doatruation to advanaaa crops - D1yoraity of oropping - Maintenance of cultivation end domszndfor labour throughout tthe soar - 11roeonoe of fodder, puaturciZo Mid rotor for cattle --- Improved sanitary conditions - (r= T 43. homo inpo rt ont oarsaide rat 1Ona- Inoroase In tho 1rmd rovonuo - Moe in the prioe of land - inoroaoo in the total area under v oat - Waal distribution of beggars 21 cotton Dogs and Joriocn cotton - American cotton in the Cmal 00 Tony - ©uggontiona for 1wrovement Exporimont or co-oporatlvo sale 510 2inrk0tit a3 a Part of Produotlon - VIO problem of iiarkoting - The reduction in the charges of raavxeting - TmPOrtcnoe of the co-opoxatlye nalo ahopt. ZL=M Rolation betuoon Agrlaulture and Xndustries , 570DopulatIon Errootaor the oolonloa on tho distribut1 m of m one the different ooMationa - An explanation - An exoeptl. on - Bari oab Colony - An i1luützakion em (vi) xtII PObloa of indobtodno©n -- 60. An inquiry in tho curroundinc villozos - Land rovonuo od indobtodnoca - Conoluulon. r 'PT,ý -a -= Conclusion 67. A Short hintorio fl rurver - Financial r©Dulta - t ttocta in Csonorai -- M%raotcnrietloo of the canal colonies A caltraat Appondix WAI 75 Tho probimlzot traontation and aaallnoea or holdings - The Joint Ownership - Ynatt oes rrom the LYallpur District -- Advantoges of the oyetex of the josnt osnerohip -- or1t 1Ci 3 Appendix 'B" " How X nicratot to tho Oolong 85 . Appendix $01 Delnmoo shoots 91 Appendix "DI wator -logging 108 List of disgrems and I11ustrations. Tr.® houso of a yeomen grantee - Front pieoe. Fig i's canal irrigated area In the punlab (VII) Fig P. Total area of the 4ropa Irrigated md total area under whoat. 45 (Cupp. Fig 3 Deal and A,-zorioc cotton 47 Pit; 4 Land Revonue - Diroot and indirect roooiptn 69 I (v T. F1FflJ C. &5. (V ., ru, Ir ýa $Sn /J ovnRd )4 , Litt of -rs 1- l9a 3. j to 11 la, r,, 'º ti a" oý .23456789 i q-90 IS41-9. t l893-94 I89S-96 1897-'1 lS1t- f1l" /4701-01 ! 90 3- 04, Icl05- ce 1907 08 !'O9 - 10 1911- 12, /9i3 - i4 /4i5 - 16 N17- 8 19,9- 20 M-20-MV 192 /-22 T nu Nets%.