IIED Project Report Template
Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation: strengthening the evidence and informing policy Research results from the Mountain EbA Project, Peru Hannah Reid, Karen Podvin and Elmer Segura Author information This report was written by: Hannah Reid, research consultant to IIED Karen Podvin, Programme Officer – Ecosystem-based Adaptation, IUCN, Regional Office for South America Elmer Segura, Anthropologist, Peruvian Mountain Institute Corresponding author: Hannah Reid, hannah.reid@iied.org Acknowledgements This report presents findings from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) project ‘Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: Strengthening the Evidence and Informing Policy’, coordinated by IIED, IUCN and UNEP-WCMC. The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) supports the IKI on the basis of a decision adopted by the German Bundestag. Particular thanks are due to Stephanie Arellano and all interviewees for helping with this research, and also to Florencia Zapata for her thorough review of this paper. Interviewees include: Florencia Zapata, Edith Fernandez-Baca, Pablo Dourojeanni and Giovanna Egas as implementing partners from TMI, UNDP and MINAM; Gonzalo Quiroz, Jaime Dionicio, Jacinto Giménez, José Ruiz and Diego Guevara from the NYCLR; Honorato Morales, Gregorio Carhuamanta, Ángel Pomachagua, Miguel Lázaro, Guadalupe Beraun, Justina Ricapa, Teresa Arroyo, José Ruiz, Juan López, Marcelo López, Foster Damián, Astrid Beauseras, Bill Yalli, Jhemi Sosa, Natalia Isla and Sabina Pérez from Canchayllo; and Plinio Reyes, Mauro Crispín, Felipe Cochaches, Diego Guevara, Robegildo Taipe, Prescilio Ruiz, Horacio Flores, Abdón Cochaches, Ricardo Vilca, Walter Pariona, Juan Segura, Herbert Fernández, Gerardo Segura, Algemiro Fernández, Argenio Reyes and Emergildo Ramos from Miraflores. Project website: www.iied.org/ecosystem-based-adaptation Published by IIED, December 2018 http://pubs.iied.org/17629IIED ISBN: 978-1-78431-611-2 IED is a policy and action research organisation.
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