Surat Pekelena Ha' Ha' Putih Beritis – Ha' Penan Selungo

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Surat Pekelena Ha' Ha' Putih Beritis – Ha' Penan Selungo SURAT PEKELENA HA' HA' PUTIH BERITIS – HA' PENAN SELUNGO naneu Ian Mackenzie peteneng ngan tenabah kepéh lem ta'un 2011 1 2 • a moment ago [A !moment A!go] § ni'ei • admit [ad!mît] § ngakun | Uban Séng jah lakei sa'at, na' péh iah • a number of [A !nAmber Av] § rungen | Pu'un rungen sakai sitai. nekau, iah bé' ngakun iah éh nekau. 'Because Séng was a bad man, 'There are a number of guests there.' even though he stole, he did not admit that he was the one who stole.' • abandoned field [A!bandend fild] § kejung • admonish [Ad!mônesh] § meta' | Akeu meta' anak inah sa'at • able [!ébel] § omok | Jian kenin omok menéng rengah jin ka'au mu'un. 'I admonished that child for its bad behaviour.' kepéh ... 'I am grateful to be able to hear your news once more...' • admonition [admôn!îshen] § ha' petesen | Ha' petesen tepun ké' • about [A!baut] § barei oko, pasan, tok, tong | Akeu juk tosok sahau ka': "Mai ke sa'at ngan kelunan. Ko' nesen ka'au jah jin poho barei oko jah ha' tapan tong kelunan sahau. 'I would like to talk about kelunan éh maren." 'This was my grandfather's admonition: "Do not a story about someone long ago.' Iah tosok pasan urip tong tana'. 'He do wrong to people. Remember that you are descended from people talks about life in the forest.' Kepéh jah awah tusah tok tabang nah of high status.' ketai da'. 'There is just one more problem about the fare (to go) • adopt [A!dôpt] § mamung | Uban redo inah bé' pu'un anak usah there.' Surat éh bara' tong Penan tong tana'. 'A book about Penan in néh, iah mamung anak jin padé néh. 'Because that woman did not the forest.' have children of her own, she adopted a child from her sister.' • about [A!baut] § tipet | Ba Ubong tipet duah jam keju <teleu dau • adopted child [A!dôpted chaild] § anak namung lakau>. 'Ubong River is about two hours away <a three day walk • adultery [A!dAlteri] § petuyang ngan do atau banen irah éh away>.' jah | Lakei inah petuyang ngan redo padé néh. 'That man is • above [e!bAv] § bau | Juhit marang bau lamin. 'The bird is flying committing adultery with his brother's wife.' above the house.' • advice [Ad!vais] § ha' tebara, ha' tena' | Anak tekep kivu ha' • abroad [A!brôd] § sa usit mu'un, sa dipa ba banget | Sa usit tebara tamen tinen. 'Children should follow the advice of their mu'un mu'un. 'Far abroad.' parents.' Iah bara' ha' tena' éh kenyo. He intenionally gave • abruptly [A!brAptli] § ulak | Iah ulak beleka' lakau awah. 'He misleading advice.' Ha' néh tena' pasan jalan éh tekep kenivu mé' abruptly and unexpectedly went away.' sala' mu'un. 'The advice he gave regarding the path that we should • abstain from [Ab!stén frAm] § ngeju usah jin | Jian ke ngeju follow was quite wrong.' Ha' néh tena'. 'His advice.' Ha' tena' usah ko' jin kekat arong éh sa'at -- mai nekau, mai ngesa'at adet. Labang. 'Labang's advice.' Ha' néh tena' kineu gaya' suai keleput. 'Abstain from every kind of wrong -- do not steal, do not behave 'His advice on how to make a blowpipe.' Ha tena' kineu gaya' suai badly.' Kekat tamen tinen irah nebara anak réh nyoho réh ngeju keleput. 'Advice on how to make a blowpipe.' usah réh jin adet éh sa'at. 'All parents instruct their children to • advise [Ad!vaiz] § petena' | Iah petena' ké' pakai keleput. 'He abstain from bad habits.' advises me on how to use the blowpipe.' Akeu petena' ke' suai livah • abundant [A!bAndent] § lalun | Sahau tong tana' Ba Buto, sinah iteu. 'I advised you on how to make this thing.' ka'an lalun. 'In the old days, animals were abundant in the River • advise [Ad!vaiz] § tena', tepat | Akeu tena' jalan ka'au kivu. 'I'll Tutoh area.' Tong lebo ja'au kerita lalun. 'Cars are abundant in a big advise you on which path to take.' Bé' jak keh lakau, amé tepat keh city.' mena ha' tebara ke' ka'ah omok jam seruh. 'Before you go off, we • accompany [A!kAmpeni] § kivu, nyeliko | Bé' Asik buha' éh tai advise you to wait for instructions so that you will know.' Akeu tepat kivu kekat padé tai Marudi.' 'Asik did not allow him to go with his ka'au mai lakau merem dai naneu ayau. 'I advise you to not walk at brothers to Marudi.' ....kenat péh irah pengeja'au seradu éh nyeliko night lest you be attacked by enemies.' Iah tepat ngan irah bakéh néh éh. '...and also the officers who accompany him...' jalan alut tai Marudi. 'He advised his friends to take a boat to • accordance [A!kordens] § tekep | 'We should do it in Marudi.' accordance with your wishes.' Jian ke' ngevélé éh tekep kemurung • aeroplane [!æroplén] (pengateng éh penakai irah Beritis) § bilun ko'. éh pu'un pawit • according [A!kording] § kivu lem | Kivu lem tukit inah, sahau • affectionate [A!fækshenet] § silu | Anak silu méu. 'The child is sahau irah Ivan ngayau Penan. 'According to that story, in the old being affectionate to the cat.' days the Iban preyed on the Penan.' Kivu [lem] kenin ké'... • affliction [A!flîkshen] § penusah, pengeketa, pengesa'at 'according to what I know or think...' • afraid [A!fréd] § medai | Akeu medai torok bisa'. 'I am afraid • according to [A!kording tu] § kivu | Jian ke' suai éh kivu of poisonous snakes.' Iah medai peloho. I am afraid of falling.' pengelo ko'. 'Do it according to your wishes.' Kivu adet Penan. Retek iteu maneu lu' medai. 'This place makes us afraid.' 'According to Penan custom' • after [!after] § la'o, jin la'o | La'ah tuju dau la'o Noh masek lem • account [A!kaunt] -- on account of § uban | Akeu bé' omok lakau kapen nah. 'Then after seven days Noah entered that ship.' Ayah dau dau inah uban penyakit ké'. 'I was unable to travel that day on la'o loho néh. 'Eight days after his birth.' La'o éh tepat ngan irah account of my illness.' bakéh néh, tai éh tong tokong kenéh sebayang. 'After having told his • account [A!kaunt] § akaun | Akaun lem opis jalan réh modo rigit. friends what to do, he went to the hill to pray.' Jin la'o urip ko'. 'after 'Bank account.' your life is over..' Telo paka' jin la'o néh sepé rai. 'A new shoot that • ache [ék] § sakit | Akeu sakit boré. 'I have a stomach ache.' has grown since it split off.' Mai ke' nekedeu jin la'o ko' kuman dai Akeu sakit ulun. 'I have a head ache.' Akeu sakit pesun uban bi ka'an lem usah ko' nah tevasut. 'Don't run after eating lest the food in kivah éh bahat. 'My shoulders ache because I am carrying a heavy you gets pushed down too fast.' backpack.' • after [!after] § sa murin | Pengeja'au éh nyoho akeu tuai sa • acid [!ased] § ba béteri murin siteu jin ka'ah. It was the leader who told me to come here • act [akt] § penganeu | Penganeu éh sa'at. 'An evil act.' after you.' Tuah lakau sa murin jin Sagap tai Ba Kelalang. 'We • active [!aktîv] § tigéh, bé' kelo posot, bé' leko, ngalayau gusi travelled to Ba Kelalang after Sagap did.' gusi • afternoon [!after!nun] § dau kuba' | Tong dau kuba'. 'In the • adam's apple [!ademz !apel] § tegoro' | Tebelen eh ra' batok afternoon.' Dau bé' jak kuba'. 'It is not yet afternoon.' Dau lepah inah, ngaran neh tegoro'. Lakei pu'un tegoro', redo be pu'un. 'That kuba'. 'Afternoon has arrived.' Kuba' dau. 'It is afternoon.' bulge on the throat is called the adam's apple. Men have adam's • afterwards [!afterwerdz] § la'o inah | Lebé si'ik la'o inah... 'A apples, women don't.' little while afterwards...' • add [ad] § nabah | Iah nabah ba punyai apo. 'She adds water to • again [A!gæn] § kepéh | Akeu juk tai Long Kerong kepéh. 'I dissolve flour.' Redo nabah usen lem ba'an. 'The woman adds salt to will go to Long Kerong again.' the food.' • age [éj] § umun | Umun kelunan tai piso siget dau, barei tok • add to [!ad tu] § nabah | Akeu juk nabah gaji. 'I shall add to the minit jam. 'A person's age moves on every day, like the minute hand wages.' Irah nabah lamin. 'They added to the house.' Akeu nabah ba of a watch.' Umun kayeu iteu lemah polo ta'un. 'The age of this tree tong sawan. 'I add to the water in the cup.' is fifty years.' Umun lakei inah si'ik awah. 'That man is of a young age.' Umun langau bé' omok lebé. 'The age of a fly cannot be great.' 3 • ago [A!go] § lepah, pelepah | Duah laséh lepah. 'two months • along [A!lông] § kivu kebit, kivu dirin | She continued walking ago' Lemah ta'un éh lepah. 'five years ago' Jah-polo minit lepah. along the road. 'Iah lakau kepéh kivu jalan nah.' Kapen lakau kivu 'ten minutes ago' Jah-polo minit pelapah. 'ten minutes ago' dirin ba banget. 'The ship sailed along the coast.' • agree [A!gri] § kivu ha', kivu tong ha', kelo kua' kenin tong • along the way [A!lông dhe wé] § belah jalan | Mena' penguman ha', kua' kenin ngan , setuju | Labang kivu ha' ké'. 'Labang agrees ngan réh keréh kuman éh belah jalan. 'Give food to them so that they with me.' Daud kivu tong ha' Labang. 'Daud agreed with what can eat along the way.' Labang said.' Akeu kelo kua' kenin tong ha' ko'. 'I agree with you.' • already [ôl!rædi] § lepah, tenéh | Akeu lepah beso.
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