Lime Rock Gazette
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- publish ek------ ------sru? cm r i ion- j o ii n r o n t e n ONK DOLLAR I’ll TV < TS. A 9ASB1B1 ®8TOfi® 'TO ®»®®At®»» M ® VOLUME V. EAST THOMASTON, MAINE, THURSDAY MORNLNG, MAY 2, 1850, NUMBER XIV. I .-M .... T 11 E M U S E , ‘Certainly not. Perhaps you would like to observnnt silence, except when nililressed, ami emotions I rend Sir Edward Aytomi’s letter announcing i then only answering with ’hated breath nml caught from heaven, unstained of earth, can- whilst Marian peeped over her shoulder, to petuosity ot his comrades, the gallows, being Our sweetest songs are those that tell ol sad his success in procuring it fur me. Here it whispering humbleness. not lie too nearly contemplated too minutelv ■ indite a fitting acceptance o f M r. Rivers’ pas-. decayed at the foot, gave wny. and camo dest thought. is. ’ ‘ S ir Edwnrd Aytoun bus been w aiting some analyzed !’ more his breath thrice dim- sionate proposal, But the task seemed mi , down, the cross-tree lying before him on the ‘ Very kind, indeed; but lie m ight have been tim e, my lord,’ suiil n gentleman who bail just med the magic class; then, endless one. Sheet after sheet o f note paper saddle o f his*«tecd. l ’lte horse, maddened Sltimberlio softly on thy beautiful eye. was wnstpd in vain attempts; but ullimatrly !« ith fright, increased his speed,dashed ngninst less profuse in his foolish compliments. A entered, in it low voice. 'H e is becoming im •Like the m tin n e ro f a dream, JIT T. It. IIERVST. lie breathed her name.’ I real service, such as he has rendered you , re patient.’ : she placed a rough draft for approval in her the enemy, who, taken by surprise by this Accompanied by a wish to witness n!l llmt ,noi||P|>s hands. , novel engine of war, gave way to the shock, Slumber lie softly on thy beautiful eye! quires no such silly tinsel to cutdtanee its val- An expresson o f extreme annoyance pass Spirits, whose smiles arc —like thine—of the skv. I , ed over the great man’s features a's bo mutter- j >’n.l passed from the re ce ip t o f his m arriage F a r too stiff, too Cold, too formal, Ellen, and the horse dashing on, the paltroon, with ' Itis gallows, broke the opposing ranks wlier- Play thee to sleep,11 with their visionless strings,* ’ Ii ' foolish. compliments!’,• , ., exelnimed, • . Henryit ml, ‘T h a t is the most persisting pcr.sonngn ofl'cr till tiie answer was despatched. i T liis w ill never tin.’ Urightcr than thou, but because they have wings! I II i vers with Rome neper by; * I believe Sir Ed (i tint in er beselgeil amt worried n government The wizard depths of the mirror instantly j Then pray, mamma, write it yourself, and ' ever he went, threw the enemy it,t r confits Pair as a being of heavenly birth, wind is perfectly sinccro in expressions lie for favors, lie is, however, tun important tut disclosed u handsomely litrnislted, I will copy It. ’ wa« the means o f winning a signal victo ry;— lin t loving nnd loved, like a child of ihe earth! lias used. You need not, Aunt Barbara, ele- J animal to be slighted. Ask Sir Edward to ! opening with French windows upon a slut,I.-, Mrs. Danvers eomplietl;, . and the missive «nd he was landed not only ns it hero, hut as Why is that tear ? art Ilion gone in thy dream, vale your eyebrows in tiiat manner, I do not' walk op,’ he added in a louder tone, Iiery anil flower garden, through which pres- ‘ |ln(| s0 ,.|,arnird Mr. Rivers was, after n flrent Retlitts in the art of war, capable of 1 o ihe valley far off, anti the moon-lighted stream, o f course mean that I deserve the high coin- Sir Edward Aytoun entered, and it ently entered beautiful Ellen Danvers, nttireiI snlnc ,.,„rn,j.ltj,,,,, |,y Mnrinn, fairly copied seizing tiny casual advantage, and turning it Where the sighing ol flowers,and the nightingales pliments he is pleased to pay to what lie calls m art ollous how rapid nchnuge the noble lord's in nil elegant white morning dress, nnd with (lni, scribed bv Ellen Danvers. , to momentous use. Precisely in this manner song my ability anil superior fitness for the office— 1 features underwent. a bouquet of brilliant (lowers in her hand. A , j j,.jj.|lo !'sighed the affianced bride, ns the j "'any persons win their laurels. Fling sweeis on the wave ns it wanders along! J servant approached, presented a letter—the ,|ir<.0 the npartmcHt. ‘ No doubt von' Others pitch themselves headlong into somo in which encomium, by tiie way, it appears ‘ M y dear S ir E dw ard, I am so glad to see Blest he the dream that restores them Io thee, ,. letjer—and retired. Ellen Danvers I'toct-il ' al)(| pnpa know bust, but I rf<> wi.d, 1 couhl re- l’'’!iticul movement, of the mortis of which tile minister fully concurs—but 1 am quite yo u ! I have been longing to talk over your But thou art the bird and the roses to in c ! the flowers upon a marble stand, and glancing , ci|„.ni.nte a |itt|0 more warmly the poor gen-' " c>'c entirely ignorant, hut bustle along sure Sir Edwnrd thinks precisely as lie writes. last night’s speech. It was—you know I ntn He nnd I, you know, were college friends.’ not jn ,|10 of flattering- a first rate tiling. I cl"''°"sb’ 1,1 '" c so"'> " b'lst a eliarining blush ||c,v e h e m e n t passion for in-easible, and n" ‘* make a great noise; and finally find their.- And now, as I watch o’er thy slumbers, alone, And hear thy soft hr;athing, ami know thee mine | ‘You silly hoy! Yet it is perhaps better Palmerston was delighted with it. lie had ' mantled her fine features, w ith some precipi-1 | p(,n). nver-crateful m e.’ selves shoved in front o f the melee nnd forced own, you should believe we gain nothing by ' int(!ni|(!ll> , Ul1„ w, t„ -,,C!lU himself, |,ut felt, I "’U , . „ . , | ‘ You will bo a happy wife, Edie,,,’ replied ' len‘* the enterprise; who„,w ithot.t know big ' ’ t’O blush deepened as she road, till its Into Aj rjJ j-)„nvevP) ■ nn,| Rivers w ill be a fortunate ' rl8 ,n fro>» w rong, they strike upon whatever Ami muse on the wishes that grew in that vale. prying too curiously beneath the surface of when you hail concluded, that nothing more And the lancies we shaped from the river's low :,he w o rld’s conventionalisms: was to lies,t i d ’ I ......mocked.................. that o ......... f the........... freshlv-gathered° ............ .. .........roses "by J m isnnnil.’ m e ttoor closed, nml me glass cm "™ ssom s to them handiest; it happens to tale, ‘Glisscz, mortals ; n'nppnyez pas,' S ir Edw ard bowed, looked pleased— l,Ur sit,c; " l,rig llt S'n il‘! her S'V,'Gt « blank. lcrt? ll,e 'n “ ,0 Bna’ ’ ni" 1 " ,P-V nrR " " 1 blame not the fate which lias taken tiie rest, . is a m axim of sound w orldly w isdom; but let lie did not, however, reply, lint pi|cnt|y J»'d a soft, love-sigh, ns she Rented herself in ( ‘ Infernal m irror!’ nxelaimcd Henry Rivers, «ise nnd fearless lenders—efficient and far- Since it left, to my bosom, its dearest and best! l US change the subject. I am very glad yon kept Itis seat in an expectant m titiidc mid I’c" slvo f " 001' mid attitude, escaped her gentle, whose fierce emotions during the scenes tin- seeing politicians. Slumber lie soil on thy beautiful eye! 1 toid; my advice not to make Ellen Danvers an , manner which no secretary of state could pos- i ''oiled before him I have but interjection.,Ily J /««’>’ ">'" great mm who have attain. Love be a rainbow to brighten thy sky ! offer till your appointment was gazetted.’ 1 sibly misunderstand. Comp,tritivelv young as , •’’•'.rico-blessed mirror!' described-- Infer,tai mirror I you have rob- [Ctl 'hetr ennnence m some department of sci- Oli ! not lor sunshine and hope, would I part i ‘I doubt,’ returned llcnry Rivers, with in- Itc was in tears the baronet was alien,ly far t Slle " ns ,'0U8Ul1 froln hnr revcric th'! ! "cd l°v<b ’if-, of all its cl,arm ! Frank Mild-1 ®"ce jurisprudence, by an ardent and dc- Willi tiie shade time lias flung over all—but thy creasing ill lnnnnr, ‘that either Ellen or her trance of her sister Marian, a gay, light-iwnv ,0(,i | have seen him there! Mitdninii, tpiinineil application; which, with common loo old in public life to be amused or diverted lie a rl! father bestowed a thoujjight on the subject, or , ,. J hearted damsel, about tw o years younger that! j idiot that I wi ,s to avail in vse lf o f such dev-1 “ ' ‘Hities., cannot fail to ensure pre-eminence. , ,. , . , r Iron, Ins purpose by empty coniplinieiits. Still art Ilion all which thou wert when a child, I were in tin: slightest degree influenced in their I I i .