Urban Ecosystems https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-017-0728-4

What shapes and diversity on urban courses?

Sabine S. Nooten1,2 & Patrick Schultheiss 1,3,4 & Jules Wright1 & Catriona Macdonald1 & Brajesh K. Singh1,5 & James M. Cook1 & Sally A. Power1

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

Abstract Recent concern over increasing loss of biodiversity has prompted considerable interest in the role of urban green spaces as reservoirs of local biodiversity. This study assessed the diversity of three indicator taxa - , and birds - on golf courses spanning a wide range of environmental variation in terms of climate, elevation, course age, size and connectivity to native woodland. Species richness and community composition was further compared between contrasting on-course habitat types that reflect different management intensities. We identified a set of taxon-specific environmental correlates indicating an intricate interplay of landscape- and local-scale variables that affect local species diversity. Our results show that floristic diversity is positively associated with the amount of rainfall, whereas and bird diversity are related to local-scale factors, particularly the number of trees and the size of water features on a site. The amount of on-course native habitat was a strong predictor of plant and ant diversity and was also associated with the number of unique species at the site level; this reinforces the value of remnant habitat patches as local biodiversity reservoirs that represent minihot-spotsinanotherwisespecies-poorurban landscape. Community composition for all three taxa differed markedly between non-playing and playing areas, with boundary and remnant habitats generally having more diverse, species-rich communities. Our results suggest that local floral and faunal biodiversity on urban golf courses can be enhanced by creating woody non-playing areas and, especially, by preserving, restoring or expanding remnant habitats.

Keywords Biodiversity .Communitycomposition .Climate .Environmentalfactors .Urbanenvironment .Golfcourses .Plants . Ants . Birds

Introduction land use changes, with climate change, nitrogen deposition and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations also playing Human modification of the global environment has led to major roles (Sala et al. 2000; Chapin et al. 2000). High the rapid decline of biological diversity, driven mainly by levels of biodiversity are considered important for a number of reasons, including the provision of ecosystem services Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article such as primary production and local climate regulation, (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11252-017-0728-4)containssupplementary for its intrinsic and aesthetic value and, in particular, for material, which is available to authorized users. providing ecosystem resistance and resilience in the face of disturbance (Chapin et al. 2000). A complex interplay of * Sabine S. Nooten environmental and biotic factors governs biodiversity at dif- [email protected] ferent spatial scales. At the landscape scale, the main drivers of biodiversity variation are environmental factors such as 1 Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, Western Sydney temperature, precipitation and soil type (Sala et al. 2000). At University, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia the more local scale, biodiversity can be strongly influenced 2 Present address: Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical by air quality and adjacent land use (Bailey 2007;Gadsdon Biology, Biozentrum, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany et al. 2010;LeeandPower2013) as well as the type, rela- 3 Research School of Biology, The Australian National University, tive size and connectivity of native habitat fragments (Bailey Canberra, ACT, Australia 2007; Pardini et al. 2010; Hagen et al. 2012; Beninde et al. 4 Present address: Research Center on Animal Cognition, Center for 2015). Biotic factors such as vegetation structure and com- Integrative Biology, Toulouse University, CNRS, UPS, Toulouse, France plexity also play an important role in mediating species in- teractions and movement through the landscape (e.g. 5 Global Centre for Land Based Innovation, Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW, Australia Beninde et al. 2015). Concern over the impact of land use Urban Ecosyst change, particularly rapid urbanisation (e.g. Grimm et al. many species of plants, birds and vertebrates as areas of adjacent 2008), has led to recent interest in assessing the contribution remnant native habitat outside of course boundaries (e.g. Yasuda of large recreational green spaces - i.e. parks, gardens and et al. 2008;HudsonandBird2009;Hodgkisonetal.2007b). golf courses - to urban and peri-urban biodiversity (Lin and Different habitat types within golf courses can harbour dis- Fuller 2013; Aronson et al. 2014). Whilst golf courses typ- tinctly different floral and faunal communities, with marked ically have relatively low biodiversity when compared to turnover in species composition and abundance (e.g. Yasuda native bush or forest areas (Terman 1997), they can compare and Koike 2006). In Australia, communities have generally well to other urban habitats (Colding and Folke 2009;Mata been investigated by comparing golf courses to other land use et al. 2017; Threlfall et al. 2016; Threlfall et al. 2017). types, such as patches of remnant forests (Hodgkison et al. The benefits of green space in urban landscapes are increas- 2007b)orurbanparksandgardens(Ossolaetal.2015; ingly being recognized, in terms of its importance for recreation Threlfall et al. 2015; Threlfall et al. 2016), but there has so and human health, including local climate regulation (Grimm far been very little attention paid to differences in community et al. 2008;VidrihandMedved2013;Doicketal.2014)and assemblages between habitats within golf courses. improved local air quality (Hartig et al. 2014;HartigandKahn To date, the separate effects of local-scale factors such as 2016). Urban green spaces enhance human well-being by, for habitat diversity and complexity, and landscape-scale factors example, providing daily access to nature and reducing noise such as climate on the biodiversity of urban golf courses have (Andersson et al. 2014;HartigandKahn2016), factors that have been studied in different parts of the world. However, it re- tangible value, as evidenced by the frequently higher house mains less clear how these affect biodiversity when acting prices where properties are close to green areas (Andersson together. Our study addresses this knowledge gap by asking: et al. 2014). Larger vegetated areas typically support greater Are local-scale factors more important for local biodiversity levels of biodiversity than smaller pockets of urban green space. than landscape-scale factors, or vice-versa? And, are the pat- Indeed, a recent study by Beninde et al. (2015)revealedpositive terns similar for different groups of organisms? Answers to relationships between the amount of green space and the these questions are of direct relevance for biodiversity man- diversity of a variety of taxonomic groups across 75 cities agement and conservation efforts in urban green spaces since worldwide, while, at the more regional scale, Turrini and Knop they can highlight the possibilities and limitations of such (2015)foundapositiveassociationbetweenthediversityof efforts and help inform managers in their choice and the amount of vegetated area in several cities in of management strategies. Switzerland. Habitat connectivity also has an important influence In the present study, we focused on biodiversity surveys of on species movement and thus diversity in urban environments, three key taxa: plants, ants and birds. Plants, as structurally as exemplified by Shanahan et al. (2011)forbirdspeciesrichness diverse primary producers, are of key importance in terrestrial in Brisbane. The value of golf courses as important reservoirs of habitats. Ants are being increasingly used in biodiversity sur- biodiversity is often underestimated (Gange et al. 2003), despite veys, as they are abundant in the environment, contribute sig- the fact that they typically represent a considerable proportion of nificantly to ecological functioning within the landscape and green space within the urban landscape, providing varied habitats are sensitive to disturbance (Underwood and Fisher 2006; that support a diverse range of flora and fauna (Colding and Andersen et al. 2002; Andersen and Majer 2004). Birds are Folke 2009;Gangeetal.2003;Threlfalletal.2016;Threlfall a charismatic taxon and are commonly used as a vertebrate et al. 2017). Indeed, suburban golf courses have been shown to indicator group for biodiversity studies in urban environments enhance local biodiversity for a range of taxa, including bird, (e.g. Rottenborn 1999;Blair1999;Shanahanetal.2011)in- beetle and bumblebee species in the UK (Tanner and Gange cluding on golf courses (Sorace and Visentin 2007; 2005), and plants, vertebrates and invertebrates in Japan Hodgkison et al. 2007a, b). (Yasuda and Koike 2006). Within Australia, golf courses have The present study seeks to address the following key been identified as valuable refugia for threatened vertebrate spe- research questions: (1) Which landscape and local scale cies, including birds and mammals in suburban southeast environmental factors are associated with high levels of Queensland (Hodgkison et al. 2007a, b), as well as a diverse biodiversity on golf courses? (2) Which on-course habitat fauna of birds and bats (Threlfall et al. 2016, 2017), ants types harbour more species? (3) Does the community (Ossola et al. 2015), bugs (Mata et al. 2017)andnativebee composition of plant and animal taxa differ between hab- communities (Threlfall et al. 2015)inMelbourne(southeast itat types? Based on previous studies investigating plant Victoria). Golf courses typically comprise both playing areas diversity across environmental gradients (e.g. Kreft and (intensively managed fairways, greens and ) and non- Jetz 2007;Benindeetal.2015), we predict that plant playing areas (generally including boundary and between- diversity is closely associated with both landscape-scale fairway vegetation, water features such as lakes and ponds and variables (e.g. climate) and local scale variables (e.g. areas of remnant native woodland). Non-playing areas are gen- connectivity to native vegetation; Shanahan et al. 2011; erally more structurally diverseandhavebeenshowtosupportas Beninde et al. 2015). We further predict that bird and ant Urban Ecosyst diversity are more closely related to local scale variables max. Summer temperatures (16–25 °C); (3) annual precipitation that influence nesting and foraging space, as has been amount (854–1510 mm), obtained from the nearest weather sta- previously found for both taxa (Hodgkison et al. 2007a, tion for each golf course and calculated over the last 30 years, b;Ossolaetal.2015). Finally, we predict that there will (http://www.bom.gov.au/); (4) connectivity to surrounding be large differences in the composition of species assem- woodland, calculated as the percentage adjacent to the golf blages associated with different golf course habitats, with course perimeter (10–85%). Local-scale factors were course the greatest contrasts being between remnant vegetation age (42–111 years), course size (32–92 ha), size of on-course and highly managed playing areas, for all three taxa. remnant vegetation (0–31 ha), size of water features (0–33 ha), average tree density (110–456 trees ha−1)andtreebiomass(13– 199 t ha−1). All site-level data are included in Table S1. Methods Survey design Study area To capture as much within-course variation as possible, species The Greater Sydney Region is Australia’smostdenselypopu- richness and community composition were assessed on each lated metropolitan area, supporting approximately five million golf course in different habitat types: three woody habitat types people in an area spanning ~12 thousand square kilometres were selected for plants, ants and birds, and an additional two (www.cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au). We selected 15 golf courses non-woody habitats for ants and birds only (Fig. 1): woody: on- covering a range of temperatures, precipitation and course course remnant or restored nativehabitat,between-fairwayhab- characteristics, such as age, size and degree of connectivity to itat and course boundary habitat; non-woody: fairway habitat surrounding native habitat. Selected courses spanned an area of and water feature habitat. On each course, four replicates per ~88 km east-west and ~50 km north-south. Sites ranged longi- habitat type were selected using a stratified randomised ap- tudinally from coastal Dee Why (33° 44′ 20.75″S, 151° 18′ 22. proach: a grid with 50 ×50 m cells was placed on the golf 06″E) to Wentworth Falls (33° 41′ 48.18″S, 150° 21′ 45.98″E) course and four survey locations per habitat type were random- in the Blue Mountains, and latitudinally from Terrey Hills (33° ly drawn from available grid cells at each site. 41′ 19.56″S, 151° 15′ 38.52″E) in the north, to Camden (34° 3′ 1.19″S, 150° 43′ 51.29″E) in the south (Fig. 1). Plant survey

Landscape and local-scale environmental variables Within each replicate area, plant species identity was recorded in rectangular plots of 10 ×40 m and abundance was estimat- The diversity of three focal taxa (plants, ants and birds) was ed by assigning scores of 0–5, following a modified Braun- assessed in relation to four landscape-scale and six local-scale Blanquet scale (DECCW 2009; Tozer 2003). Vegetation sur- (site-level) environmental variables: Landscape-scale factors in- veys were carried out once on each course between January clude (1) elevation (range 2–947 m above sea level); (2) mean and April 2014.

Fig. 1 Location of surveyed golf courses within the Greater Sydney available data from the last 30 years (http://www.bom.gov.au/). Inset area Left panel shows the study area, where filled squares show golf shows location of study area within Australia. Right panel shows courses, ragged lines show annual precipitation isolines, shading habitat types within golf courses and exemplary survey setup for plants indicates mean maximum summer temperature, averages based on (rectangle), ants (transect) and birds (survey point) Urban Ecosyst

Ant survey v9.1 (Colwell 2013). In addition, for two taxa, the diver- sity of a subset of species, i.e. native plants and non- Ants were collected between January and April 2014 water birds, was analysed in the same fashion as de- using minced meat baits in five habitat types; these in- scribed above. cluded the three woody habitats used for vegetation sur- Multiple regression analysis was used to assess rela- veys (see above), and additionally around water features tionships between taxon-level diversity (H) and the four and on fairways. Four replicate areas were surveyed once landscape-scale and six local-scale environmental vari- per habitat type for each course. Following preliminary ables. Analyses were carried out with untransformed var- trials of different methods, five baits were deployed in iables, except for elevation, which was logged. Linear 1.5 ml Eppendorf tubes along one 100 m transect per regression models (lm)werefittedusingtheleastsquares replicate and left out for three hours, during the morning approach to calculate R2 in the package MASS (Venables (09.00–12.00 h). A total of 100 tubes per course (five and Ripley 2002). A two-step process was used to select habitats x four replicates x five tubes) were collected and the best explanatory model. Firstly, co-linearity amongst samples preserved with 70% ethanol and stored in the environmental factors was assessed by calculating the freezer at −20 °C. Ants were first sorted to genus and variance inflation values (VIF) and factors with values then to species level, using morphospecies, i.e. >4 were omitted (O’Brien 2007). Secondly, the most recognisable taxonomic units based on morphology, fol- parsimonious model was selected based on the lowest lowing procedures described in Oliver et al. (2012). Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) value in a com- Identification to subfamily/genus level was carried out bined step-down and step-up model selection process using taxonomic keys (Shattuck 1999;Andersen1991) (MacNally 2000). A canonical correspondence analyses and online identification resources (http://www.antwiki. (CCA) ordination was used to visualise the community org/wiki/). Final species identification was carried out composition for each of the three taxa, in relation to the in Darwin, Australia, under the expert guidance of Prof. tested environmental factors (Fig. S1). All statistical Alan Andersen and the use of the CSIRO ant reference analyses were conducted in R version 3.2.0 (R collection. Voucher specimens have been lodged there as Development CoreTeam 2015). Initially, the effect of en- areference. vironmental variables on species richness was explored, revealing highly similar trends as for species diversity. Bird survey Given this similarity we have focused our study on rela- tionships between environmental drivers (landscape and Bird surveys were carried out in the morning (06.00– local-scale) and biodiversity ofthethreetaxaassessedon 10.30 h), using a modified point survey method Sydney’surbangolfcourses. (Gregory et al. 2002). Two sets of bird surveys were Species richness was compared between habitat types conducted, the first between September and December using linear mixed effects models (LMEs) in the package 2014 and the second in February–March 2015. For each lme4 (Bates et al. 2015)toaccountforthenesteddesign golf course, 16 locations - in the vicinity of the of the study (habitats nested within golf courses) (Zuur vegetation/ant surveys - were selected. After approaching et al. 2009). An appropriate function based on the distri- the survey point, a settling time of one minute was bution of the untransformed count data was selected: the allowed before observations started. An observation full and native plant species data sets were analysed using consisted of a 5-min period during which all visible bird the function Bglmer.nb^ based on a negative binomial dis- species were identified, individuals counted and the hab- tribution to account for overdispersion; birds were itat noted. Only birds using the site, i.e. perching, resting analysed using Bglmer^ based on a Poisson distribution; or feeding were counted. Birds flying overhead or those and ants and exotic plants were analysed using Blme^ that were heard, but not seen, were not included in the based on a Gaussian distribution (Zuur et al. 2009). site counts. The community compositions of the three surveyed taxa were analysed using BmanyGLM^ in the package Data analyses mvabund (Wang et al. 2015). The multivariate test statis- tic Wald-Χ2 was used to evaluate compositional differ- Data were used to calculate plant, ant and bird species ences between habitats within individual golf courses. richness, diversity and community composition. Diversity The Bblock^ function was used to account for nesting was calculated as the Shannon-Wiener diversity index of habitats within courses. Data were visualised using a (H), which accounts for species richness and the propor- model-based approach to unconstrained ordination based tional abundance of each species in the sample (Shannon on latent variable models (LVMs) (Hui et al. 2015)in 1948;Magurran2004), using the program EstimateS boral (Hui 2016). Urban Ecosyst

Results A total of 8660 individual birds, representing 97 species, were recorded during morning surveys. Site level species Comparisons between golf courses – species numbers counts ranged from 26 to 52, with an average of 34 ± 4.5 &diversity species identified per golf course (S1 Table). Bird species diversity was positively related (P < 0.01) to the area of water Overall, we identified 603 species across three taxa; of these features on a site (Table 1,Fig.2e). However, the diversity of 438 were plant species with an average of 62 ± 25 (AV± SE) non-water birds (77% of all bird species) was significantly species per site (equivalent to 75–230 species per ha) higher (P =0.02)onoldercourses(Table 1,Fig.2f). (Table S2). Across all sites, 62% (n =270)ofrecordedplant Relationships with other environmental factors were not species were native and 38% exotic (n = 168). Plant diversity significant. was positively associated with site elevation and precipitation (Table 1,Fig.2a, b), but there was no significant relationship Comparisons between habitat types – numbers with other environmental factors, such as course size or con- of species nectivity. In addition, the diversity of native plant species was higher on courses with larger areas of remnant habitats We identified 350 species across three taxa in on-course rem- (Table 1, Fig. 2c). nant habitats, 393 in boundary and 280 in between-fairway Ant surveys involved the collection and identification of habitats. At water features and fairways, where only ants and 13,149 individual ants, belonging to 68 species, with an aver- birds were recorded, we found a total of 86 and 55 species, age of 18 ± 0.80 (range 12–22) species per course (Table S2). respectively. On average, there was greater native plant rich- At the overall course level, ant diversity was significantly ness in remnant (14 ± 1.13) compared to boundary habitats (8 (P = 0.03) positively related to tree biomass (Table 1, Fig. ± 0.79), whereas species richness of exotic plants was greatest 2d) although relationships with other environmental factors in boundary habitats (4 ± 0.41) (Fig. 3a, c). Fairways were were not significant. associated with particularly low species richness for ants (1

Table 1 Summary of final a 2 b (minimal) multiple regression Taxon group Environmental variable Estimate SE P-value F R -values models for Shannon-Wiener di- versity index (H) and associated Plants 0.296 0.0061 7.17 (3,11) 0.57 environmental variables includ- Intercept 1.492 0.519 0.0152 ing the model coefficient Precipitation 0.001 0.001 0.0250 0.39 (Estimate), standard error (SE), p- value, F- statistic (degrees of Elevation (log) 0.289 0.105 0.0185 0.38 freedom) and R2-values Size 0.007 0.005 0.1626 Native plants 0.261 0.0002 16.34 (3,11) 0.77 Intercept 0.977 0.397 0.0318 Precipitation 0.001 0.001 0.0066 0.48 Elevation (log) 0.332 0.091 0.0038 0.44 Size of remnant habitat 0.019 0.007 0.0158 0.40 Ants 0.129 0.0171 7.645 (1,13) 0.34 Intercept 2.177 0.079 0.0001 Tree biomass 0.002 0.001 0.0171 0.34 Birds 0.141 0.0028 9.545 (3,10) 0.66 Intercept 2.607 0.147 0.0001 Size water features 0.331 0.101 0.0080 0.66 Elevation (log) −0.097 0.056 0.1168 Connectivity 0.0027 0.001 0.0683 Non-water birds 0.196 0.0176 5.764 (2,12) 0.41 Intercept 1.818 0.214 0.0001 Course age 0.007 0.003 0.0153 0.41 Connectivity 0.003 0.002 0.1343

a Numbers in parentheses show degrees of freedom b Adjusted R2 -values shown for the final model, partial R2 -values for associated environmental variables are shown in italics Urban Ecosyst

Fig. 2 Relationships between 4.5 4.5 Shannon-Wiener diversity in- a b dex (H) and environmental fac- 4 4 tors for (a) Plant diversity and 3.5 course elevation (log), (b)plant 3.5 diversity and annual precipitation 3 3 amount, (c) native plant diversity Plant Diversity Plant Plant Diversity Plant and area of remnant habitat, (d) 2.5 2.5 ant diversity and tree biomass, (e) R2=0.38; P<0.05 R2=0.39; P<0.05 bird diversity and the area of 2 2 water features and (f) diversity of 1 10 100 1000 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 non-water birds and course age. log Elevation (m) Annual Precipitation (mm) Only significant relationships are 4.5 2.8 shown c 2.7 d 4 2.6 3.5 2.5 2.4 3 2.3 Ant Diversity Ant 2.2 2.5 2.1 R2=0.40; P<0.05 R2=0.34; P<0.05 Native Plant Diversity Plant Native 2 2 0 10 20 30 40 0 50 100 150 200 250 Size Remnant Habitat (ha) Tree Biomass (t ha-1)

3.2 3.2 e f 3 3

2.8 2.8

2.6 2.6

Bird Diversity Bird 2.4 2.4

2.2 2.2 Non-Water Bird Diversity Bird Non-Water R2=0.66; P<0.01 R2=0.41; P<0.05 2 2 0 2 4 6 8 0 50 100 150 Size Water Features (ha) Course age (years)

± 0.49) (Fig. 3b) and birds (12 ± 0.82), the latter otherwise found between habitat types for the species richness, for all having very similar species richness between the remaining plants, native plants, ants and birds, but not for exotic plant habitat types (Fig. 3d). Overall, significant differences were species (Table 2;Fig.3). These differences were mainly

Fig. 3 Number of species, by a 14 habitat type, across 15 golf 50 b 12 courses (a) Native plants, (b) 40 ants, (c) exotic plants and (d) 10 birds. Boxes show median and 30 8 upper and lower quartile, 6 20 whiskers extend to 10th and 90th Species Ant # # Native Species 4 percentile 10 2

20 c 25 d

15 20

15 10

# Bird Species 10 # Exotic Species 5

Between- Boundary Remnant at Water Between- Boundary Fairway Remnant Fairway Fairway

Habitat Habitat Urban Ecosyst

Table 2 Summary LMEs for species richness by habitat type including driven by significantly more plant species (all and native; the model coefficient (Estimate), standard error (SE) and p-value P <0.01)inremnanthabitatsandsignificantlylessant Taxon a Habitat type Estimate SE P-value (P < 0.001) and bird (P < 0.05) species on fairways.

Plants Intercept 2.135 0.094 0.0001 Between-Fairway −0.350 0.100 0.0004 Comparisons between habitat types – community Boundary 0.350 0.099 0.0004 composition Remnant 0.612 0.110 0.0001 Native plants Intercept 1.667 0.119 0.0001 Plant species composition varied by habitat type with Between-Fairway −0.337 0.146 0.0207 remnant habitats having the highest proportion of native Boundary 0.337 0.146 0.0207 (compared to exotic) plant species (75%; average of 30.7 Remnant 0.818 0.154 0.0001 ±4.4species),followedbybetween-fairway(65%;15.7± Exotic plants Intercept 3.217 0.600 0.0001 1.2) and then boundary (61%; 22.5 ± 3.1) habitats. Ants Intercept 2.417 0.213 0.0001 Species composition for the three surveyed taxa combined Between-Fairway 0.533 0.275 0.0581 differed significantly between habitat types (Wald-Χ2 = Boundary 0.617 0.275 0.0294 18.09; P <0.05; df 2,33) (Fig. 4a). Pairwise comparisons Fairway −0.917 0.275 0.0016 showed that the combined community composition in Remnant 0.922 0.294 0.0028 remnant habitats was distinctly different to that in Birds Intercept 3.903 0.155 0.0585 between-fairway habitats (P <0.01),andalsowhencom- pared with boundary and between-fairway habitats a Plants & native plants: Number of observations (n =168); (P <0.05). On its own, plant community composition Habitat:Course (n =42);Course(n = 15). Birds & ants: Number of obser- vations (n = 288); Habitat:Course (n =72);Course(n =15) was not significantly different between habitats (Wald-Χ2 =13.64; P =0.102; df 2,33), but pairwise com- parisons showed that it did differ between remnant and between-fairway areas (P <0.05), as well as between

Fig. 4 Unconstrained 5 5 ordination based on latent a b variable models (LVMs) show- ing community composition by 3 3 habitat type across 15 golf courses (a) All three taxa combined, (b) native plants, (c) 1 1 ants and (d)birds

-5 -3 -1 1 3 5 -5 -3 -1 135 -1 -1

-3 -3 Between-Fairway Fairway -5 Remnant -5 c 4 d 4

2 2

-4 -2 2 4 -4 -2 24

-2 -2 at Water Between-Fairway Boundary Fairway -4 Remnant -4 Urban Ecosyst boundary and between-fairway habitats (P <0.05).These Discussion differences were largely driven by a greater abundance of native species such as old man Banksia (Banksia serrata), This study surveyed biodiversity on urban golf courses at two coastal wattle (Acacia longifolia ssp. sophorae), spiny- spatial scales, assessing the influence of habitat type within head mat-rush (Lomandra longifolia)andsweet courses, and the role of environmental drivers between (Pittosporum undulatum)inremnanthabitats, courses. Like many studies of its kind, the lack of repeat sur- and by high abundances of tallowwood (Eucalyptus veys over time may limit the generalisability of our findings. microcorys), Queensland Brush Box (Lophostemon As hypothesised, we have clear evidence that floristic diver- confertus)andthenon-nativeKikuyugrass(Pennisetum sity was particularly associated with landscape-scale environ- clandestinum)inbetween-fairwayhabitats.Theoverall mental variables including climate and elevation, whereas fau- composition of native plant species was similarly unaf- nal diversity was more closely associated with local-scale var- fected by habitat type (Wald-Χ2 = 11.50; P =0.164; df iables such as the area of water features or overall biomass of 2,33) (Fig. 4b), although pairwise comparisons revealed trees. At the community level, the composition of all three significant differences between remnant and between- taxa differed markedly between playing and non-playing fairway habitats (P <0.01),with the samespeciesmen- (woody) areas, indicating that the presence of a heterogeneous tioned above driving observed pair-wise differences. mix of habitat types can enhance levels of biodiversity within Unlike the plant community, ant community composition the wider metropolitan landscape. did differ significantly between habitat types (Wald-Χ2 = 9.833; P <0.05; df 4,55) (Fig. 4c). Pairwise comparisons Environmental drivers of biodiversity differ showed that fairways harboured a distinctly different ant com- between taxa munity (P < 0.05) compared to all other habitat types. Of - ticular note were higher abundances of Nylanderia nana and Environmental correlates of biodiversity differed for plants, Pheidole spp., and lower abundances of Rhytidoponera spp. birds and ants. Floristic and faunal diversity has been related and Iridomyrmex spp. on fairways. Habitats around water fea- to a wide range of environmental variables in previous studies tures were significantly different to remnant habitats with, for example, plant diversity positively related to precip- (P < 0.001) with differences mainly driven by the particularly itation and temperature, and negatively related to altitude high occurrence of Iridomyrmex nr. septentrionalis around (Gaston and Blackburn 2000). Similar trends have been re- water features and the occurrence of species from the genera ported for both ants (Dunn et al. 2009) and birds (Gaston and Anonychomyrma, Camponotus and Monomorium,and Blackburn 2000) in earlier studies. Crematogaster laeviceps in remnant habitats. The role of climate (in particular precipitation) and altitude The complement of bird species recorded during site sur- as drivers of plant diversity is clear from our study, as evi- veys also differed between habitat types (Wald-Χ2 = 21.10; denced by greater diversity on golf courses located in wetter P <0.001;df 4,55) (Fig. 4d). Pairwise comparisons revealed locations and at higher elevations - principally in the area of that remnant habitats had a distinctly different bird assemblage the Blue Mountains to the west of the Sydney Basin. Although compared to fairway and water features (P < 0.001), and also the average number of plant species in Blue Mountains golf between-fairway areas (P <0.01),butnotcomparedtobound- courses (~220 spp. per hectare, see Table S2,supportingin- ary habitats (P = 0.962). Differences were chiefly driven by formation) was lower than that in the surrounding native dry greater numbers of noisy miners (Manorina melanocephala), sclerophyll forests (360 spp. per hectare; Rice and Westoby Australian magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen)andredwattlebirds 1983), these are particularly high values for on-course species (Anthochaera carunculata)onfairways,andmoreEurasian richness compared to similar studies (e.g. Yasuda and Koike coots (Fulica atra) and little black cormorants (Phalacrocorax 2006). Other courses in the Sydney suburban area that had sulcirostris) at water features. similar values for plant species richness and diversity to sites in the Blue Mountains were also located adjacent to large Species restricted to a single habitat type areas of native woodland, suggesting that the nature of the surrounding landscape plays an important role in course- Each habitat type added a suite of unique species to the total level biodiversity. Indeed, golf courses can be considered im- species count, most of which were singletons, occurring only portant at the landscape-scale by providing connections be- once across all surveyed sites (for a complete list of these tween isolated areas of native habitats, and by adding struc- unique species, refer to Tables S3-S5). Of the five habitat tural diversity - such as water features and open spaces - to types surveyed, remnant habitats harboured more unique spe- otherwise woodland-dominated areas (Hodgkison et al. cies of native plants and ants than any other habitat type 2007b; Gange et al. 2003). The importance of landscape- (Table 3). Water features had the most unique bird species scale connectivity of remnant native habitats and corridors (n = 15), and fairways the least (n = 1) at the site level. for species movement has previously been shown for semi- Urban Ecosyst

Table 3 Unique species occurring within a single habitat Taxon Remnant # (%) Boundary Between- fairway Water feature Fairway # (%) type #(%) #(%) #(%)

All plants a 68 (16) 90 (21) 61 (23) –– Native plants a 51 (19) 34 (13) 33 (12) –– Exotic plants a 17 (10) 56 (33) 30 (18) –– Ants 12 (17) 7 (10) 3 (4) 2 (3) 3 (4) Birds 10 (10) 10 (9) 1 (1) 15 (16) 1 (1)

a Plants were surveyed in woody habitats only; # shows number of species, percentage shown in parentheses natural grasslands (Lindborg and Eriksson 2004), longleaf example the brown treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus), the pine savannahs (Brudvig et al. 2009) and also for urban green white-winged triller (Lalage tricolor)andthelyrebird spaces (Kong et al. 2010). (Menura novaehollandiae), supporting the notion that older habitats are particularly valuable for more specialist species (Southwood et al. 1983), which are generally less frequent in a Local-scale features correlate with faunal diversity community (Gaston 1996). A similar pattern of higher faunal diversity on older golf courses has also been identified in the Our study revealed a positive relationship between ant diver- Greater Helsinki area in Finland (Saarikivi et al. 2010). sity and site-level tree biomass, which is in line with findings elsewhere of the greatest abundance and diversity of ants be- ing associated with wooded, rather than other habitat types, Remnant habitats add biodiversity value such as heath (Andersen 1986). However, this contrasts with the lower ant diversity reported for more complex habitats in Species richness and community composition were compared urban green spaces in the Melbourne area (Ossola et al. 2015) between different habitat types, which represent different and in Sydney sandstone ridge-top woodlands (Lassau and management intensities in terms of mowing frequency, clear- Hochuli 2004). Differences in findings between these geo- ing of dead plant matter and supplementary inputs of water or graphically close studies are likely associated with the con- agrochemicals. We found that remnant habitats consistently trasting settings of these studies (native habitat in Lassau and harboured more species than other habitat types (Fig. 3), a Hochuli (2004)versusmetropolitanlandscapeinourstudy). large proportion of which were unique at the site level. Birds featured prominently on the courses surveyed. We Furthermore, up to 90% of the recorded plant species in these found higher bird diversity on courses with a greater area of habitats were native, the diversity of which was positively water features, reflecting the dominance of water birds (e.g. associated with the size of remnant patches, thus highlighting cormorant, Australasian grebe, white-faced heron, and many the importance of good-sized native remnants for preserving ducks such as chestnut teal and hardhead) in our study – spe- local flora. Similarly, in Japan, plant species composition in cies that are attracted to well-maintained water features within non-playing forest areas within golf courses was found to courses. The importance of the size of suitable habitat patches differ distinctly from between-fairway habitats, the former for both species richness and abundance is well known for more closely resembling communities of native remnant for- many taxa (e.g. MacArthur and Wilson 1967;Collinge ests (Yasuda and Koike 2006). All wooded habitats were as- 1996), including birds. Other studies investigating bird fauna sociated with significantly higher numbers of bird species on golf courses have also found species richness to be posi- compared to fairways, suggesting that the former play an im- tively associated with the area of native on-course vegetation portant role in supporting landscape-scale bird diversity, per- (Hodgkison et al. 2007b)andforesthabitat(Soraceand haps by providing refuges for species that are displaced as Visentin 2007), indicating that structural heterogeneity within surrounding areas become increasingly urbanised (Sorace sites may be particularly important for birds. and Visentin 2007; Hodgkison et al. 2007a, b). We did not find a significant relationship between the area Golf courses can offer a great variety of habitats for of remnant vegetation and bird species richness, although the ants, which are valuable ecosystem engineers as they diversity of non-water birds was higher on older courses. scavenge for dead , predate on potential Again, this relationship may be due to the fact that the oldest pests, pollinate plants and aerate the soil. Overall, signif- courses - with the highest bird diversity - are located in the icantly fewer ant species were found on fairway habitats Blue Mountains area, where the surrounding area has large compared to the more structurally complex wooded habi- tracts of continuous native woodland. Some of the woodland tat types that are known to provide suitable habitat for specialists were also associated with older courses, for foraging and nesting (Andersen 1986). Urban Ecosyst

Community composition markedly different and gardens; they prefer open habitats and are usually seen on between playing and non-playing areas the ground or on low vegetation (Shattuck 1999). This oppor- tunistic genus is associated with disturbed habitats (Yates and The overall community composition for all three taxa differed Andrew 2011)andhasalsobeenreportedtobeabundantin between playing and non-playing areas (Fig. 4). For example, urban woodland remnants and parks in southeast Melbourne between-fairway habitats had simplified plant communities (Ossola et al. 2015). compared to boundary and remnant habitats; this trend was most likely driven by the more frequent occurrence of native shrubby understorey plants, including members of the Conclusions Banksia, Acacia and Leptospermum genera in the latter habi- tats. Similar differences in plant species composition between The key relationships between species diversity and environ- habitats have been found on golf courses in Japan, with non- mental variables differed between taxonomic groups; plant playing forest areas within courses more closely resembling diversity was closely associated with landscape-scale factors communities of native remnant forests than, for example, (precipitation), whereas ants and birds were more closely re- between-fairway habitat (Yasuda and Koike 2006). The pres- lated to local (site-level) factors, notably tree biomass (ants) ence of multi-layered, remnant native vegetation has been and the size of water features (birds). Overall, our results in- found to be beneficial for local floral and faunal biodiversity dicate that large areas of open, park-like fairways, water fea- in other urban studies (McKinnley 2002;Gardenetal.2007). tures and patches of remnant woodland on golf courses pro- Between-habitat differences in bird community composi- vide a habitat matrix that can support a wide range of plant and tion were driven by the occurrence of habitat specialists, par- animal species. On-course remnant habitats in particular ticularly woodland birds in remnant and boundary habitats harboured a greater diversity of the less mobile species (i.e. and wetland birds around water features. Similar distinctions plants and ants), highlighting their role as refugia for local between woodland versus wetland bird communities have al- flora and fauna and thus representing mini hot spots of diver- so been reported for golf courses in suburban areas in southern sity in an otherwise species-poor urban landscape. Our results Queensland (Hodgkison et al. 2007a). Of note here is that we suggest that the floristic and faunal diversity of urban golf frequently found that fairways were predominantly associated courses can be enhanced by management practices aimed at with typical grassland birds, including the masked lapwing increasing the extent of woody non-playing areas, especially (Vanellus miles) and the crested pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes), by preserving and/or enhancing remnant native habitats. as well as urban-adapted habitat generalists, such as the wel- come swallow (Hirundo neoxena), magpie lark (Grallina Acknowledgements We wish to thank the Greater Sydney Local Land cyanoleuca) and the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala). Services who provided the funding for the study. We are grateful to Prof There were fewer bird species recorded on fairways than in Alan Andersen at CSIRO in Darwin for his generous assistance in ant other on-course habitats despite the more open nature of fair- species identification. We are also grateful for the generous help provided by Dr. Alison Downing and Karen Marais in identifying plant specimens ways making it easier to record a sighting. The noisy miners, at the Herbarium at Macquarie University. We would like to thank Golf in particular, other birds away and are particularly asso- NSW, and the general managers and superintendents of all the involved ciated with eucalypt trees with little understorey i.e. fairway golf courses for participating in the study. and between-fairway areas (Maron et al. 2013). The unique ant composition in fairway habitats was largely driven by small yellow or brown ants of the genus Pheidole, References which nest and live in the soil. 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File S1: Supporting Information for What shapes plant and animal diversity on urban golf courses?

Sabine S. Nooten, Patrick Schultheiss, Jules Wright, Catriona Macdonald, Brajesh K. Singh, James M. Cook and Sally A. Power

Table S1 Landscape-scale and local-scale (golf course) environmental variables for 15 surveyed golf courses

Mean max. Course Course Remnant Water Tree Tree Golf Elevation Precipitation Connectivity summer age size habitat features density biomass a (m.a.s.l) (mm) (%) course Temp.(ºC) (years) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha-1) (t ha-1) BlueMtns 1 332 22.1 1207 65 108 39 11 0.1 262 136 BlueMtns 2 893 16.2 1304 20 100 39 6 1.1 217 173 BlueMtns 3 947 16.2 1511 75 111 35 5 0.8 229 154 Coastal 1 6 22.2 1107 80 75 48 25 1.0 333 50 Coastal 2 17 22.2 1107 85 85 59 31 1.5 338 15 Coastal 3 5 22.1 1332 70 92 37 3 2.6 110 13 Cumb 1 77 23.5 854 20 63 82 11 4.9 313 134 Cumb 2 44 24.5 880 10 93 53 0 2.7 183 98 Suburb 1 130 22.7 1332 85 66 62 29 3.2 456 186 Suburb 2 57 22.2 1328 75 90 32 8 0.9 263 110 Suburb 3 12 22.2 1453 45 85 92 6 32.8 186 88 Suburb 4 88 23.0 1011 20 60 36 2 1.2 201 154 Suburb 5 2 23.0 965 80 42 49 0 6.0 189 199 Suburb 6 7 22.7 1089 10 83 37 0 3.1 152 198 Suburb 7 35 22.8 961 25 43 39 0 1.0 227 129 a Courses located in the Blue Mountains (BlueMtns), at the coast (Coastal), on the Cumberland Plain (Cumb) and in suburban areas (Suburb).

1 File S1: Supporting Information for “What shapes plant and animal diversity on urban golf courses?”

Table S2 Course-level species richness for plants, ants and birds

Golf course a Plant spp.b Plant spp. ha-1 Native spp. Ant spp. Bird spp. BlueMtns 1 90 225 64 16 29 BlueMtns 2 83 208 58 21 29 BlueMtns 3 92 230 68 19 28 Coastal 1 64 160 48 18 33 Coastal 2 44 110 37 20 28 Coastal 3 43 108 23 15 36 Cumb 1 65 163 30 22 38 Cumb 2 28 70 16 16 39 Suburb 1 90 225 68 21 39 Suburb 2 77 193 45 18 32 Suburb 3 69 173 45 12 52 Suburb 4 58 145 35 17 24 Suburb 5 52 130 25 18 49 Suburb 6 44 110 27 12 30 Suburb 7 30 75 16 18 26 a Courses located in the Blue Mountains (BlueMtns), at the coast (Coastal), on the Cumberland Plain (Cumb) and in suburban areas (Suburb). b All plant species (Plant spp.), Plant species per hectare (Plant spp. ha-1), native plant species (Native spp.), ant species (Ant spp.) and bird species (Bird spp.).

2 File S1: Supporting Information for “What shapes plant and animal diversity on urban golf courses?”

Table S3 Native plant species added by habitat type (i) remnant, (ii) boundary and (iii) between-fairway

Native plant species Frequency (i) Remnant Acacia falciformis 1 Acacia implexa 2 Acacia terminalis 6 Angophora floribunda 3 Arthropodium milleflorum 1 Asplenium australasium 1 Austrostipa sp. 2 Baumea rubiginosa 1 Boronia sp. 3 Bossiaea obcordata 1 Bossiaea scolopendria 4 Brachyscome angustifolia 1 Breynia oblongifolia 1 Cheilanthes sieberi 2 Crowea saligna 1 Dichelachne inaequalis 1 Dodonaea cuneata 1 Epacris longiflora 1 Eremophila debilis 1 Gahnia microstachya 1 Gompholobium grandiflorum 2 Gonocarpus teucrioides 1 Grevillea buxifolia 1 Grevillea laurifolia 2 Hibbertia acicularis 1 Hibbertia cistiflora 2 Lasiopetalum ferrugineum 4 Lepidosperma sp. 3 Microlaena stipoides 2 Mirbelia platylobioides 2 Mirbelia rubifolia 1 Mitrasacme polymorpha 1 Notelaea longifolia 1 Ozothamnus diosmifolius 3 Parsonsia straminea 1 Persoonia chamaepitys 3 Philotheca buxifolia 1 Pomax umbellata 2 Pseuderanthemum variabile 1 Scaevola ramosissima 1

3 File S1: Supporting Information for “What shapes plant and animal diversity on urban golf courses?”

Table S3 continues

Native plant species Frequency (i) Remnant Schoenus sp. 1 Sporobolus sp. 1 Telopea speciosissima 1 Tricoryne elatior 1 Vittadinia cuneata 1 Xanthorrhoea minor 1

(ii) Boundary Acacia falcata 1 Acacia floribunda 1 Allocasuarina nana 1 Banksia oblongifolia 2 Callicoma serratifolia 1 Callistemon citrinus 1 Callistemon sp. 1 1 Callistemon sp. 2 1 Callistemon sp. 3 1 Echinopogon sp. 1 Eucalyptus acmenoides 1 Eucalyptus leucoxylon 1 Eucalyptus nicholii 1 Eucalyptus scoparia 1 Eucalyptus sp. 1 1 Eucalyptus sp. 2 1 Ficus sp. 2 Hydrocotyle peduncularis 1 Ipomea indica 1 Kennedia rubicunda 1 Leptospermum polyanthum 1 Lobelia alata 1 Melaleuca bracteata 2 Melaleuca linariifolia 1 Melaleuca sp. 1 Persoonia linearis 1 Poranthera microphylla 2 Restionaceae gen. sp. 1 Sporobolus parramattensis 1 Stenocarpus salignus 1 Stylidium lineare 1 Trema tomentosa var. aspera 1

4 File S1: Supporting Information for “What shapes plant and animal diversity on urban golf courses?”

Table S3 continues

Native plant species Frequency (iii) Between-fairway Acacia sp. 1 Acmena smithii 3 Araucaria heterophylla 2 rhombifolia 1 Banksia aemula 1 Callistemon sp. 4 1 Callistemon sp. 5 1 Callistemon sp. 6 2 Callistemon subulatus 3 Cotula australis 1 Cynodon dactylon 8 Eucalyptus cinerea 2 Eucalyptus crebra 3 Eucalyptus deanei 1 Eucalyptus elata 3 Eucalyptus racemosa 1 Eucalyptus resinifera 1 Eucalyptus sp. 3 1 Eucalyptus sp. 4 2 Eucalyptus sp. 5 1 Eucalyptus sp. 6 1 Eucalyptus sp. 7 1 Goodenia heterophylla 1 Hardenbergia violacea 3 Indigofera australis 1 Leptospermum rotundifolium 1 Melaleuca sp. 1 Melaleuca squamosa 1 Podocarpus elatus 2 Tristaniopsis laurina 1 Viola sp. 1 2

5 File S1: Supporting Information for “What shapes plant and animal diversity on urban golf courses?”

Table S4 Ant species added by habitat type (i) remnant, (ii) boundary, (iii) between-fairway, (iv) fairway and (v) water features

Ant species Frequency (i) Remnant Camponotus sp. 2 (claripes gp.) 1 Melophorus sp. 2 (Group D) 2 Meranoplus curvispina 1 Monomorium sp. 3 (sordidum gp.) 1 Papyrius sp. 1 1 Pheidole sp. 7 1 Prolasius sp. 1 (Group A) 1 Prolasius sp. 3 (nr. reticulatus) 1 Tapinoma sp. 1 (minutum gp.) 3 Froggattella kirbii 1 Prolasius sp. 2 (nr. nitidissimus) 1 Tetramorium nr. turneri 3

(ii) Boundary Camponotus agilis 1 Camponotus sp. 3 (rubiginosus gp.) 1 sp. 1 (doriae gp.) 1 Leptomyrmex erythrocephalus 1 Pheidole sp. 10 (P. megacephala) 3 Pheidole sp. 12 (variabilis gp.) 1 Solenopsis sp. 1 2

(iii) Between-fairway Anonychomyrma sp. 2 2 Camponotus nr. hartogi 1 Monomorium sp. 4 (nigrius gp.) 1

(iv) Fairway Camponotus intrepidus 1 Iridomyrmex sp. 2 (suchieri gp.) 1 Pheidole sp. 5a (tasmaniensis gp.) 4

(v) at Water features Camponotus aeneopilosus 1 Pheidole sp. 4 (tasmaniensis gp.) 1

6 File S1: Supporting Information for “What shapes plant and animal diversity on urban golf courses?”

Table S5 Bird species added by habitat type (i) water features, (ii) remnant, (iii) boundary, (iv) between-fairway and (v) fairway

Bird species Common name Frequency (i) Water features Acrocephalus australis Australian reed-warbler 8 Anas gracilis Grey teal 14 Aythya australis Hardhead 9 Calidris subminuta Long-toed stint 1 Cygnus atratus Black swan 7 Himantopus himantopus Black-winged stilt 1 Limosa lapponica Bar-tailed godwit 1 Nycticorax caledonicus Nankeen night heron 2 Passer domesticus House sparrow 1 Phalacrocorax carbo Great cormorant 19 Phalacrocorax sulcirostris Little black cormorant 21 Phalacrocorax varius Pied cormorant 1 Platalea regia Royal spoonbill 2 Tachybaptus novaehollandiae Australasian grebe 31 Thalasseus bergii Crested Tern 1

(ii) Remnant Acanthiza pusilla Brown thornbill 1 Climacteris picumnus Brown treecreeper 1 Coturnix ypsilophora Brown quail 2 Elanus axillaris Black-shouldered kite 1 Eurystomus orientalis Dollarbird 1 Glossopsitta concinna Musk lorikeet 1 Lichenostomus chrysops Yellow-faced honeyeater 1 Microeca fascinans Jacky winter 1 Pardalotus punctatus Spotted pardalote 2 Trichoglossus chlorolepidotus Scaly-breasted lorikeet 5

(iii) Boundary Accipiter fasciatus Brown goshawk 1 Alectura lathami Australian brush-turkey 1 Ardea alba Great egret 1 Corcorax melanorhamphos White-winged chough 1 Menura novaehollandiae Superb lyrebird 1 Pardalotus striatus Striated pardalote 1 Podargus strigoides Tawny frogmouth 1 Spilopelia chinensis Spotted turtle-dove 1 Turdus merula Common blackbird 2

7 File S1: Supporting Information for “What shapes plant and animal diversity on urban golf courses?”

Table S5 continues

Bird species Common name Frequency (iv) Between-fairway Lalage tricolor White-winged triller 1

(v) Fairway Colluricincla harmonica Grey shrike-thrush 1

8 File S1: Supporting Information for “What shapes plant and animal diversity on urban golf courses?”

A + B + + + + Soil Sand Content +++ Soil Sand Content ++ + + + +++ ++ + + Size Remnant++ + Habitat + + ++ + Size Remnant+ + Habitat+ Connectivity+ +++Connectivity+ + + + + ++ + + Summer Mean Max. Temperature + + + + + + + + ++ + Precipitation ++ ++ + +++ + + + + + + + ++ + + + Precipitation + +++ Course Size Tree Density ++ + + + + + + + + ++ + Tree Density+ ++ + + + + + ++ + ++ ++ + + Summer Mean ++ Course Age +++ +++ + + + Course Size+ + +++ + + + +++ + + Max. Temperature + + + + CCA2 + Course Age ++ + +++ + + + + + ++ ++ ++ ++++ + + ++ + + CCA2 + + + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + +++ + ++ ++ + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + +++ + + + + + ++ ++++ + + + + + + +++ + Course Elevation + + + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + ++ + + + ++ + + + + 101 Course Elevation − 1012 + + +

− + ++ ++ Tree Biomass + Tree Biomass ++ + + ++ + + ++ + ++ + + + 2 2

+ − − + +

−3 −2 −10123 −3 −2 −1012 CCA1 CCA1

D C +

+ Course Elevation Course Age Precipitation Soil Sand Content + + + + + Connectivity ++ Size Remnant Habitat + + + Tree Density+ + + + ++ + + + + + + + ++ ++ + + ++ + + + + + + ++ + + + +++ + ++ + ++ ++ + Course Elevation Precipitation + ++ ++ + + CCA2 CCA2 + + + + ++ + +++++ Course Age + ++ + Tree Biomass + + ++ + Connectivity+ + ++ ++ + Course Size ++ Size Remnant++ Habitat+ + + Tree Density + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ + + + + + + 2024 ++ ++ Size +Water Features − + + Tree Biomass + + + + + + + Course Size +++ + + + + ++ + + + + + + Summer Mean Max. Temperature 10123 ++ − +

4 + Summer Mean Max. Temperature − −6 −4 −20246 −2 −10123 CCA1 CCA1

Fig S1 CCA plot showing relationships between environmental factors and the composition of three taxa Plants (A), native plants (B), ants (C) and birds (D).