Burkemo and Finsterwald Take 1 up Leads in PGA National Loop ¦ Leaders' Birdies 1 Sfetf Put Hebert and Begins to Show Don Witt Behind DAYTON, Ohio
; **" • « V¦ ' ' Trrtrr-VM.iJgUp */,v* v?iiF ’ - ? yiP-' V* -*v ? * VVI y Bnß Burkemo and Finsterwald Take 1 Up Leads in PGA National Loop ¦ Leaders' Birdies 1 Sfetf Put Hebert and Begins to Show Don Witt Behind DAYTON, Ohio. July 20 WP>. Former Champion Walter Burkemo of Franklin, Mich., PORTS . won three straight holes from Return to Form S** the second through the fourth THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. SATUEPAT. mi *a, 1357 and led Lionel Hebert of Lafay- iiml1 .1 ii'w Pretenders Dropping A-11 ette, La., one up after nine y holes of their X ;-X «B B While Dbdgers FINALISTS IN FIELD OF | 36-hole semifinal Rise, 128 ¦ match in the PGA champion- Braves Stay Hot ship today. By the Associated Presa After losing the first to He- The f&vored “big three”— Larry Beck, Dave Leon bert’s birdie three, the bold- Milwaukee, Brooklyn and Cin- jshooting Burkemo won the next cinnati—are on the move and 'three with 3-5-3 ibirdie, par this could be the beginning of |and birdie) to go two up. The the end for the pretenders Play for Junior Title 29-year-old Hebert, a newcomer among the contenders in that By MERRELL WHITTLESEY to the professional tour, got thus far haphazard National Larry Beck, a cool, blond one back with a nine-foot birdie League pennant race. i youngster who has a noticeable putt at the short eighth, but a ONE FIGHT ROCKY CAN ENJOY—Rocky Mar- to right are Dow Finsterwald, Milwaukee's first place resemblance to Dick Mayer, the missed six-footer on the ninth Don Whitt, Mar- Braves, crippled National Open champion, and green which would have squared ciano, ex-heavyweight boxing champion who is no ciano, Lionel Hebert and —AP and bandaged, longer Walter Burkemo have found ways to win even Dave Leon, a swarthy 17-year- the match.
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