NEWS OF THE GOLF WORLD IN BRIEF Stu White, pro at Ogden than Oakmont provides . (Ut.) muny El Monte course, Elimination of traps that only reports record play shows caught the 12-handicap-and-up city's need of a third course ... members saved maintenance White says present courses expense but didn't reduce ac- bring business into community curacy demanded of the pro from outlying area . Biggest experts . And what pleasant year yet for exhibitions . golf atmosphere there is about Hogan, Nelson and trick-shoot- the old Oakmont clubhouse. ers Kirkwood and Paul Hahn There wasn't any surprise at getting about all the bookings Snead's victory in the PGA . they can handle...Snead, Man- HERB GRAFFIS The surprising thing about grum and other tournament Sam is why, with his swing, he circuit pros also in demand for time they doesn't win them all . Marty Furgol take off from the circuit . Clubs that looked good in the second round when he don't want tournaments want to see head- lost to Snead in 3 extra holes . Marty's liners .. Gallery draw generally profitable protest against Snead's blowing an insect for exhibition clubs. off Snead's ball on the 15th green, by a stretch of the imagination, might have Oscar Fraley, United Press sports col- come under Rule 10 (4) prohibiting clean- umnist, jolted PGA by writing "The cur- ing a ball . That was a fine point Furgol rent tournament at Oakmont will go down finally decided to skip ... Marty's later win into the already tattered history book of of the Western Open again showed Marty the Professional Golfers' Assn. as the most as a fine player who will go a long way mismanaged of them all." . Delay in get- when he gets his temperament trained. ting scores was a major point of complaint . Fraley said "Results of the matches Walter Burkemo going to the PGA finals have been kept virtually as secret as the was a far and pleasant change from a few inharmonious inner councils of the PGA." years ago when Walter's back was so . Cause of score information delay was badly damaged by combat injuries some explained by PGA as due to failure of spon- thought he might be a hopeless cripple . sors to provide required equipment . Jack Burke showed well at Oakmont in Fraley's blunt criticism probably will turn going as far as Snead ... Some critics used out good for PGA in reminding of necessity to say Jack, Jr., wouldn't do well on real of complete preparation and check-up on championship courses but his performances tournament arrangements by PGA tourna- at Pebble Beach and Oakmont refute them ment staff and officials . Until the PGA ... Ellie Vines had tough going at Oakmont has enough personnel and first class organi- with an ailing back that threatened to zation plan it'll have the worry of wonder- compel his withdrawal . After winning ing who'll bid for its championship . The from Phil Friel, 3 and 2, in the first round, problem is much tougher than that of the Vines beat Picard, 1 up; Bradley, 2 and 1, USGA, which announces sites of its major and Bulla, 1 up, before losing to Burkemo championships two years in advance, be- on the 37th of the semi-finals . Three of cause PGA championships require heavy Burkemo's matches (against Toby Lyons, financial guarantees from sponsors. Chick Harbert and Vines) were extra hole affairs . Walter beat Dick Shoemaker, 2 Despite operating flaws, some bad and 1, and the little veteran Reggie Myles, weather and the usual "upsets" knocking 1 up. out gallery magnets early, Sports Editor A1 Abrams, head of Dapper Dan organiza- Chick Harbert, canny businessman tion which sponsored the 1951 PGA cham- among tournament pros, has bought him- pionship, said the event brought a good net self a winter home in St. Petersburg, Fla. profit to Dapper Dan charities ... Oakmont . He's also bought a restaurant and bar- again stood up as a magnificent test of there ... Lately pros have been saying finest shot-making and as example of superb swing of the younger players is that of Joe maintenance . Rough for the PGA is cut Kirkwood, Jr. Maybe his victory in the shorter than for the USGA National Open Milwaukee Blue Ribbon tournament will and Amateur so the PGA didn't have Oak- give Joe, Jr. more confidence in his short mont as tough as it'll be for the 1953 Na- game . Good to see so many of the pros' tional Open ... Pros agreed that there isn't sons doing very well in pro and amateur a better test of golf for the entire 18 holes competition . There are, among sons who come to mind, Harbert, Douglas, Burke, IDEAL BENCH GRINDER Kirkwood, Williams, Picard, Myles, Fry, Revolta . Carolina Golf Assn. first ama- teur junior-only tournament drew field of 83. Santa Cruz County G&CC sells tickets to Hogan's "Follow the Sun" movie to finance course and clubhouse improvements . Mountain View, Calif, proposed new course to water greens and fairways with efflu- ence from sewage plant city intends to build ... Sacramento, Calif., city champion- ship's field sets record with 237 . Player in Oregon Open penalized two strokes when his putt struck cup which came out of green when flag was lifted. Mrs. W. M. Bering, Decatur (111.) CC re-elected pres., Illinois Women's Golf Assn. Indianapolis Amateur will be played with field playing all of the city's 5 muny courses . Indianapolis junior also played on each of the city-owned courses. Here's the economical way to eliminate out-of-service mower time, lengthen mower life, insure smooth grass Monroe (N.Y.) GC opens new pool . cutting —the Model 50 Ideal Bed Knife Grinder. Puts a Newspaper hole-in-one contests having keen edge on any length bed knife, to any degree of bevel record lists of entrants ... In many cities and clearance; grinds both edges with one set-up. Effi- cient clamping method; fast, easy adjustments; tapered merchants are in tie-up prize deals with cup grinding wheel grinds to extreme ends of any bed promoting newspapers and getting a lot of knife. The Model 50 Ideal Grinder belongs in the main- publicity . James Hynds, Sr., named tenance shop of every park, golf club, and cemetery! greenkeeper, Sand Point (Wash.) GC . Write today for full information. Fine piece by Marco Smolich in Sacra- mento (Calif.) Bee on Lloyd Perrault, shop asst. to Pro Bus Pendleton at Land Park THE FATE-ROOT-HEATH COMPANY course ... Perrault was former college ath- Dept. L-l • Plymouth, Ohio 4 r MILORGANITht E IS USED YEAR AFTER YEAR BY PARK RIDGE COUNTRY CLUB Bert Rost, the able Superintendent at Park Ridge Country Club, Park Ridge, Illinois, has done an outstanding job of maintenance since he took charge. He uses Milorganite regularly on greens, tees, and fairways. Graham Gardiner, before him, was an ardent Milorganite booster also. Park Ridge has used Milorganite year after year for more than twenty years. Exceptionally fine turf on greens, tees, and fairways is a tribute to the skill of these two men and the grass produc- ing qualities of Milorganite. The services of our staff agronomists and Soil Testing Laboratory are available, with limitations, for the asking, tor further information urite to: Turf Service Bureau THE SEWERAGE COMMISSION, Milwaukee 1. Wis iY MORE^BIIIlORG ANI FERTIUzer lete and 5-handicap amateur until polio hit WRITE OUT him . Bus lauds Lloyd's work. Your Order For Frank A. (Midge) Murray, 57, died June 26, in a veterans' hospital at Detroit fol- lowing 4 years' illness . Midge was 30 years in Michigan pro golf, starting as asst. to Walter Hagen at Oakland Hills, then going to Owosso, Birmingham and operating a fee course at Elizabeth Lake and WRITE OFF . He also served as MacGregor's Michi- gan representative . He was an active, These Golf Liabilities cheerful and competent golf businessman who had a multitude of friends ... He was / CRABGRASS in the navy during World War 1 . Midge / COPPER SPOT is survived by his widow and three sons. Big party for Johnny Minner, retiring / DOLLAR SPOT after 25 years as starter at San Francisco's / BROWN PATCH Harding Park course . According to A1 Zimmerman, Pacific Coast pro who's been / PINK PATCH taking a holiday at British tournaments, most promising of younger British pros is 16-year-old David Thomas, asst. at Bourne- PMAS Gives You mouth . .. Ralph Godsy new mgr. at Penin- DUAL CONTROL sula GC (S. F. dist.) . Dick Quillen, for- . it's the proven-effective merly Peninsula mgr., switched to manage- Herbicide-Fungicide ment of California GC. Get PMAS from Golf Supply Dealers Green Hills CC, Muncie, Ind., formally or write: opened . Looks like this is the biggest year industrial golf leagues ever had . W. A. Cleary It's getting tough for them to get enough CORPORATION starting time in metropolitan districts . Seattle financed trip of its representatives NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY to USGA public links tournament at Mil- Greenskeepers know... SKINNER irrigation equipment IS BEST! Quality equipment... for every watering require- ment . individual units or complete systems. Uni- form coverage . de- pendable performance . long life. All parts are brass, bronze, or stainless The SKINNER IRRIGATION COMPANY steelandarereplaceable. 415 East Canal Street, Troy, Ohio Write today for details. Pioneer and leader in Irrigation for nearly half a century waukee with hole-in-one contest conducted by Kings County Golf Assn. Ralph Yankee now pro at Los Serranos FOR HEALTHY TURF (L.A. dist.) ... Porky Oliver's 295 yard drive in winning the PGA driving contest and his winning long drive in the Blue Ribbon open and MORE OF IT show the Fat Man is hitting them plenty fat .
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