UGANDA BUREAU OF STATISTICS THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Uganda Bureau of Statistics Statistics House Plot 9, Colville Street P.O. Box 7186, Kampala Tel: +256-414-706000 Fax: +256-414-237553 Email:
[email protected] June 2011 Website: UGANDA BUREAU OF STATISTICS 2011 STATISTICAL ABSTRACT FOREWORD The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) is mandated to provide relevant, reliable and timely official statistics needed to support evidence-based policy formulation and to monitor socio-economic development outcomes. The Statistical Abstract, published annually, is the prime channel through which the Bureau presents combined information derived from the latest surveys, censuses and administrative records from Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and from many other sources. The information is compiled using international best practices in statistical production. Information contained in the 2011 abstract covers statistics on socio-economic sectors, including, but not limited to, Environment, Population, Education, Health, Agriculture, Labour, Expenditure and Poverty, Energy, Business, National Accounts, Banking and Currency, Prices, Trade, Migration and Tourism, Transport and Communication and Government Finance. This abstract has for the second time included sections on Food Security and the Producer Price Index for Hotels and Restaurants (PPI-H&R). Presentations in this publication are in the form of tables, graphs and charts accompanied with explanatory text. UBOS appreciates the continued cooperation of MDAs in availing the requisite data in time to produce this publication. Special thanks go to UBOS technical staff who compiled the 2011 Abstract. Copies of the publication are available at Statistics House, Plot 9, Colville Street, Kampala. Further information can be obtained from the official UBOS website: