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Japanese St. Ed’s maples create to hold tranquility holiday Page 2 tournament Page 7 The Eunice News VOL. 116 NO. 103 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2020 $1.00 New Hope Church announces a new private Christian school Eunice Christian Acad- include Joy Jodon, admin- credibly excited to begin emy (ECA) will be open- istrator and teacher; Ka- this journey and be the ing in August 2021 for the tie Richard, early child- start and the foundation 2021-2022 school year. hood curriculum director of Eunice Christian Acad- ECA is a Christ-centered, and teacher; Wendy Nu- emy.” private school serving gent, teacher; Margaret Students at ECA will pre-kindergarten to sixth Gil, teacher; Katie Savoy, experience daily worship, grade. office manager; and Ev- prayer, and devotions to “We offer hands-on elyn Ashford, aftercare begin every day, and these learning, enriched with director. Biblical foundations will creative and innovative All teachers have bach- be incorporated through- ways of teaching while elor’s degrees and/or out the accredited Abeka also equipping students teaching certificationscurriculum. “We believe with Christ-like purpose,” along with years of class- by setting this type of said Megan Frye, direc- room experience. Christian environment tor of development. While Of the staff, Frye said, we provide a safe and nur- New Hope church will “We are very passionate turing atmosphere where facilitate the school, stu- about providing the best students and families can Staff at the planned Eunice Christian Acad- director and teacher; Joy Jodon, adminis- dents from all religious education possible while explore and understand emy includes, from left, Katie Savoy, office trator and teacher; Margaret Gil, teacher; backgrounds are invited instilling Biblical prin- their identity in Christ,” manager; Megan Frye: director of develop- and Wendy Nugent, teacher.
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