International Virginia Woolf Society Bibliography of Woolf Studies Published in 2007 (includes addenda for previous years) Please send additions to Celia Marshik, Historian/Bibliographer
[email protected] BOOKS Adams, Maureen. Shaggy Muses: The Dogs Who Inspired Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Edith Wharton and Emily Bronte. New York: Ballantine, 2007. Birkerts, Sven. Reading Life: Books for the Ages. Saint Paul: Graywolf P, 2007. Blair, Emily. Virginia Woolf and the Nineteenth-Century Domestic Novel. Albany: State U of New York P, 2007. Bolchi, Elisa. Il Paese Della Bellezza: Virginia Woolf Nelle Riviste Italiane Tra Le Due Guerre (The Country of Beauty: Virginia Woolf within Italian Periodicals between the Two World Wars.) Milan: I.S.U. Università Cattolica, 2007. Bosseaux, Charlotte. How Does It Feel? Point of View in Translation: The Case of Virginia Woolf into French. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007. Burrells, Anna, Steve Ellis, Deborah L. Parsons, and Kathryn Simpson, Eds. Woolfian Boundaries: Selected Papers from the Sixteenth Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf. Clemson: Clemson U Digital P, 2007. Deena, Seodial F. H., and Szatek Karoline. From around the Globe: Secular Authors and Biblical Perspectives. Lanham: UP of America, 2007. Draesner, Ulrike. Schöne Frauen Lesen: Über Ingeborg Bachmann, Annette Von Droste- Hülshoff, Friederike Mayröcker, Virginia Woolf U.V.A. München: Luchterhand, 2007. Ellis, Steve. Virginia Woolf and the Victorians. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. Fisher, Jane. Contagion of the Heart: Women’s Literary Narratives of the Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1920. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Hall, Sarah M. The Bedside, Bathtub and Armchair Companion to Virginia Woolf and Bloomsbury.