Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status Arts, Community and Events 110 Lifelong Enable Manurewa's growing number of residents CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $65,000 In progress Green The Manurewa Seniors Network meetings are on hold The local board agreed to the recommendation from Learning and aged 55 years and over to engage in community Community as the meetings have been service provider-led rather staff for the contractor of the engagement and Seniors Network activities and access the Life Long Learning Empowerment than community-led by seniors, and have not been scoping project to continue with administering the Scholarship to apply for funds for lifelong learning well attended. Manurewa Lifelong Scholarships, given the many opportunities. Haumaru Housing was unable to meet all its relationships he has built with seniors community Strengthen the capacity and partnerships of the deliverables and have returned their unspent funding. groups. He has interviewed 13 seniors groups, five Manurewa Seniors Network to deliver Manurewa Staff are engaging a local contractor to identify more are identified, and he will also interview Seniors Network Expo and Life Long Learning existing local seniors networks and groups, and isolated seniors. Over 500 seniors will be Fund for seniors in Manurewa. ($15k) isolated seniors in the local board area, to establish contributing to this project in total. The report will be their needs, strengths and aspirations. Results of the made available in Q3. The lifelong scholarships will Fund Manurewa Business Association to deliver project will be available in Q2. be decided and delivered in Q4. Shuttle Loop Service. ($50k) 111 Manurewa Youth Fund the Youth Council to be involved in building CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $72,000 In progress Green The Manurewa Rangatahi scholarship round will be The Manurewa Youth Council (MYC) participated in Council and the capacity of young people to shape plans, Community open for interested applicants by the end of Q1. The several activities in Q2 including: Rangatahi neighbourhood facilities, and encourage and Empowerment 2019/2020 application and criteria have been updated - A Halloween activation held at The Space Scholarships support youth-led activities, linking into and the promotion will have links to these Recruitment Drive. placemaking activity in Manurewa. ($45k) documents. Applicants will be informed of the local - Visit to Ihumātao for an educational experience. Approx budget allocation 19/20: board's decisions in December 2019. - Meeting with Colleen Brown regarding the Junior Events $6000 The funding agreement has been completed and Neighborhood Support initiative. Development/Leadership: $8820 processed for Manurewa Youth Council. - Meeting with the Village Collective Youth Advisory Accountant fees:$3680 Group to establish a relationship and discuss how Rent: $10,000 they can support each other. Branding:$2500 MYC also volunteered to paint the mural wall The Space:$4000 outside Countdown Manurewa alongside local Misc/Ins/Meetings $10,000 primary schools and artists. Thirty-three applications were received for the $25,000 targeted to the Youth Scholarship Rangatahi youth scholarships with 16 being Scheme awarded. A panel made up of local board members Engage and support the Youth Council to and two youth council members reviewed the promote the Youth Scholarship Scheme. applications. Scholarships are currently being processed for payment. Note: the 2019/2020 budget figure shown for this In total, 28 applications were received for the MYC activity includes the $70,000 originally approved and 25 young people were successful. plus $2,000 carried forward from 2018/2019. 114 Apply the Broker strategic collaborative relationships and CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $0 In progress Green In Q1, the strategic Broker: - Participated in the In partnership with MyRivr, staff held the empowered resources within the community.This includes five Community Manurewa Town Centre Steering Group for Empowered Communities Approach Phase Two communities key activity areas:1. Engaging communities:• Empowerment Manurewa, Homelessness community network, and workshop for less accessible and diverse groups, approach – reaching out to less accessible and diverse Crime and Safety network group to strengthen focussing on capacity building and funding. In connecting groups - focusing on capacity building and relationships, explore opportunities for brokering and addtion, in Q2, staff have: - Supported community- communities (MR) inclusion • supporting existing community groups keep informed.- Engaged with community groups led initiatives, Manurewa Marae, The Pride Project, and relationships.2. Strengthen community-led including less accessible ones to enable council’s and Manu Tukutuku with their initiatives. - placemaking and planning initiatives - Civic Events team to collaboratively deliver the Supported the Puhinui Stream Project, and empowering communities to:• provide input into Community Volunteer Awards. engaged in discussions about Healthy Waters placemaking initiatives• influence decision-making The event reflected strong collaboration and projects. - Enabled access to council and on place-based planning and implementation.This partnering.- Attended two cross-council meetings to Transport for operational and technical expertise for includes urban revitalisation activities, strengthen internal relationships and explore the Trimdon walkway project.- Worked closely with collaborating with relevant council departments opportunities for actioning the Thriving Communities the Manurewa Marae in developing the inter- and council-controlled organisations.3. Enabling Action Plan.- Connected with Te Ora o Manukau, generational programmes for Kuia Kaumatua and council:• supporting groups to gain access to Mana Whenua and Mataawaka to explore Rangatahi.- Supported the "Māori Input into Local operational and technical expertise and identify opportunities for responding to Māori aspirations.The Boards Decision Making" project.- Collaborated with and address barriers to community programme of work with MyRivr involves three Manurewa Marae to co-supervise two MIT Social empowerment.4. Responding to the aspirations of workshops focused on responding to the views of Work students- Supported the Business Association mana whenua, mataawaka, marae and Māori community. Over 100 people attended the Phase One by connecting community groups to the JAM organisations:• this does not replace or duplicate workshop in June 2019, with very positive feedback. Bluelight Project steering committee for delivery in any stand-alone local board Maori The Phase two workshop will occur on 27 September Q4. responsiveness activities.5. Reporting back - to 2019 and focus on the identified priorities from local board members on progress in activity areas workshop one. 1 - 4.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 115 Respond to Maori $8000 - Enable Otara Health to administer the CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $27,000 In progress Green The strategic broker co-facilitated the Rangatahi co- The Strategic Broker completed funding aspirations: delivery of the Maori Input into Local Board Community design workshop to increase Māori voting agreements for the Manurewa Marae for their Manurewa Maori Decision Making Project Delivery Group. Empowerment representation and participation in partnership with Te projects following the "Relashing the Waka" responsiveness Engage in the Maori Input into the Local Board Ata Rangatahi and Te Kaha o te Rangatahi. This was initiative. These community-led programmes are Decision Making Project Delivery Group and an initiative supported and directed by the Māori Input between kuia kaumatua and Rangatahi, a tool kit of deliver the actions directed by the Maori Input in into the Local Board Decision Making Group stories on the history of the Marae, the carving of Local Board Decision Making Governance Group. (MIILBDM) to strengthen engagement and names, as well as celebration of Matariki. Updates $14,000 - Enable, support and identify the responsiveness to Māori by southern local boards. on these were presented on 30 November 2019 at opportunities and needs of both Mana Whenua The Manurewa Marae Funding Agreement has been the Marae’s 50-years celebration attracting over and Mataawaka community programmes from the administered to support the Manurewa Marae with 800 people to the Manurewa Marae. flow on of Manurewa Marae’s “Relashing the intergenerational programmes. This is a flow-on from Staff have supported and enabled Otara Health to Waka Projects” Relashing the Waka - Matariki Kaumatua / Kuia deliver the "Māori Input into Local Boards Decision $5,000 - Enable and support Community groups activation day to celebrate seniors in Manurewa. Making" project and with preparing for the southern that focus on educating, or innovatively promoting The funding agreement with Ōtara Health to local boards' hui in Q3. Te Ao Maori, Tikanga Maori, Te Reo Maori in administer the MIILBDM project will be signed and Manurewa. paid out in Q2. 261 Citizenship Deliver an annual programme of citizenship CS: ACE: ABS: Opex $23,903 In progress Green The Civic Events team delivered citizenship The Civic Events team delivered citizenship Ceremonies - ceremonies in conjunction with the Department of Events ceremonies on two separate occasions during Q1 with ceremonies on two separate occasions during Q2 Manurewa Internal Affairs 293 new citizens from Manurewa local board area. with 304 new citizens from the Manurewa Local Board area. 262 Anzac Day For funding for local Anzac Day services within CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $24,150 Approved Green Scheduled for Q4, planning will commence in Q2. Event planning started in Q2 for delivery in Q4. Services - the local board area as per the plan Events Manurewa 263 Local Civic Events Deliver and/or support civic events within the local CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $9,500 In progress Green The Weymouth Boating Club blessing event was No civic events took place in Q2 as the Keith Park - Manurewa board area.To note this amount has been Events confirmed to be held in Q3. Further conversations will playgound opening was postponed. increased from $7k to $9.5k reflect the additional take place in Q2. In Q1, the Civic events team $2.5k LDI opex for kaumatua services at delivered one civic event in the local board area:- citizenship ceremonies. Keith Park playground dawn blessing, with 30 people attending the morning karakia followed by a light refreshment on site. 264 Community Deliver a Community Volunteer Awards biennial CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $14,000 Completed Green The Civic events team delivered the Volunteers award The event was held in Q1 and no activity occured in Volunteer Awards - event within the local board area. Events ceremony in Q1. There were 82 nominees and 300 Q2. Manurewa people attended the event held at Manurewa Sports Centre. All nominees received awards and Jim Watkins was awarded as Supreme winner. 265 Armistice Day - Armistice Day event delivery CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $7,000 In progress Green Planning has started for Armistice Day, to be delivered Manurewa Remembrance, known as the Armistice Manurewa Events in Q2. Day commemoration occurred on the 11 November 2019. Approximately 400 people attended the service. 266 Jazz at Nathan Deliver a free jazz concert and family fun event at CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $8,500 Approved Green Scheduled for delivery in Q3. Planning will commence A proposed event schedule and activity was Homestead Nathan Homestead. Events in Q2. presented to the event lead, with planning progressing well. Artists and bands have been secured with food and drink stall options being explored. Staff are reviewing localised marketing opportunities. The event has been included in the regional Music in Parks series promotion for wider reach.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 267 Event Partnership Funding to support externally delivered CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $122,000 In progress Green Funding agreements have been completed for the Funding agreements have been completed for five Fund - Manurewa community events through a non-contestable Events following three events in this fund with $65,000 either events with $95,000 either paid out across the six or (Externally process: been paid out or currently awaiting payment: currently awaiting payment. Delivered Events) - Manurewa Santa Parade $20,000. - Eye on Nature (Manukau Beautification Trust) - Manurewa Christmas in the Park $20,000. This includes: $12,000 - Totara Park Event $25,000. - Manurewa Santa Parade $20,000 - Manurewa Christmas in the park $20,000 - Manurewa Santa Parade (SDW Solutions) The remaining three agreements and payment of - Teddy Bears Picnic $15,000 (replacing the $20,000 $57,000 is expected to be completed in Q2. Outdoor Movies event). Eye on Nature will be done as one overall Service - Totara Park Event $25,000. - Manurewa Christmas in the park (Manurewa Agreement with other contributing South local boards. - Manurewa Fun Run $15,000 New Life Community Trust) $20,000 The remaining agreement, Manurewa Junior Sports - Manurewa Junior Sports Awards $15,000 Awards, totalling $15,000, is expected to be (Counties Manukau Sport) completed and paid out in Q3. The Service Agreement for Eye on Nature - Outdoor Movie Event (SDW Solutions) $15,000 ($12,000) is being processed for payment.

-Totara Park Event (SDW Solutions) $25,000

- Manurewa Fun Run (What Hope) $15,000.

Total = $122,000 342 Community Grants Funding to support local community groups CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $170,000 In progress Green The Local and Multi-board Grant Round One The Local Board Quick Response Grant Round (MR) through contestable grant rounds. Community 2019/2020 was completed in Q1. $62,102.60 was One 2019/2020 was completed in Q2. $42,492.23 There is strong alignment between Manurewa Empowerment allocated, leaving a total of $107,898.00 for the was allocated, leaving a total of $65,405.77 for the Local Board's priorities/criteria with the local remaining grant rounds. remaining grant rounds. board's Arts, Community and Events (ACE) integrated activity. 497 Operational Operate Nathan Homestead:Provide exhibitions CS: ACE: Arts ABS: Opex $348,062 In progress Green During Q1, Nathan Homestead delivered eight During Q2, Nathan Homestead delivered 57 Expenditure - and public programming based on themes of & Culture programmes which included 46 programme sessions programmes to 2057 participants. Highlights Nathan exhibitions.Offer an expression of interest and received a combined total of 2,433 attendees and included holding a Creative Market 30 November Homestead process for exhibiting artists. Provide a participants. Highlights included the following events 2019 that showcased 27 stalls, kid's free art (Council Facility) programme of art classes and workshops for and programmes; a series of weekend workshops workshops and singing performances, and an adults.and children that includes a focus on local called ‘Return to Power’ aimed at Pacific and Māori interactive demonstration: Paopao - the Art of Maori board priorities.This activity will be aligned with young people who have a passion for creative and Tapa with Arapeta Ashton. the local board's Arts, Community and Events performing arts; Garth Steeper's 'For PBS' exhibition (ACE) integrated placemaking activities. Provide and Alfriston College's 'Ko Wai Tatou? Who Are We?' a venue for hire in Nathan Homestead. exhibition, and the introduction of 'Rei Niho Whale Bone Carving' and 'Whatu Kakahu' Māori Cloak Weaving courses. 499 Nathan Deliver initiatives for Nathan Homestead identified CS: ACE: Arts LDI: Opex $80,000 In progress Green The detailed designs for the external signage and A detailed design and schedule of works is being Homestead in the David Nathan Park and Homestead & Culture wayfinding have been reviewed by Arts and Culture considered and will be presented in Q3 along with Business Plan Business Plan. staff and are with the Parks team for approval. Work is an update exploring ideas around honouring Iniatives due to start on the removal of current signs in Q2. Simone Nathan. This activity will be aligned with the local board's Arts, Community and Events (ACE) integrated placemaking activities.

Note: the 2019/2020 budget figure shown for this activity includes the $40,000 originally approved plus $40,000 carried forward from 2018/2019. 1064 Access to Provide fair, easy and affordable access to a safe CS: ACE: ABS: Opex $0 In progress Green During Q1, participant numbers across council and During Q2, participant numbers across council and Community Places and welcoming venues in the Manurewa Local Community community managed venues have decreased by eight community managed venues have increased by 14 - MR Board area. Places per cent compared to the same period last year. per cent compared to the same period last year.

Council delivery: Booking hours across council and community Booking hours across council and community Weymouth Community Hall managed venues have remained the same compared managed venues have increased by four per cent Community Hall. to the same period last year. compared to the same period last year.

Community delivery: Satisfaction results for council managed venues show Satisfaction results for council managed venues (supported by council through a contract for that 100 per cent of hirers would recommend the show that 97 per cent of hirers would recommend service/funding agreement) venues they have visited in this local board. The top the venues they have visited in this local board. The Clendon Park Community House two activity types are arts/cultural events and top two activity types are arts/cultural events and Manutukutuku Community Centre meetings. meetings. Randwick Community House Te Whare Awhina o Tamworth. 3 / 24 Manurewa Local Board

Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 1065 Activation of Enable and co-ordinate a wide range of activities CS: ACE: ABS: Opex $224,311 In progress Green During Q1, activation highlights for Manurewa In Q2, the resolution was passed (MR/2019/164)to Community Places that cater to the diversity of the Manurewa local Community Community Houses and Centre included; the approve - MR community. Places expansion of the food bank services to include approve the establishment of a new two-year lease clothing and household items for families in need and commencing 1 July 2020 with Housing New Community delivery; a well-attended Whakapapa quilting workshop. Zealand for each of the four community houses (supported by council through a contract for All service contracts/funding agreements have been located at 139 Shifnal Drive, 4 Tamworth Close, 1 service/funding agreement) agreed and paid. Rata Vine Drive and 60 Maplesden Drive, Te Whare Awhina o Tamworth and Clendon Park The focus for Q2 will be the Regional Hui, our bi- Manurewa. Community House; one year term expires 30 annual gathering where partner organisations from It also endorsed staff to work with the Manurewa June 2020 ($76,939) across the region come together to network and leave community house service providers and Housing Manutukutuku Community Centre; three year with key information to support them in serving their to identify long-term solutions for term expires 30 June 2022 ($100,000) communities. sustaining community house service provision in Randwick Park Community House; one year term Manurewa in the future. expires 30 June 2020 ($47,372). The Regional Hui took place in Q2, with excellent Operational funding/management fee amount to attendance. be adjusted annually in accordance with ’s agreed inflationary mechanism once confirmed. 1066 Programming in Develop and deliver programmes that respond to CS: ACE: ABS: Opex $0 In progress Green During Q1, Manu Tukutuku Community Centre have During Q2, The ButtaBean Motivation (BBM) Community Places a need or gap in the Manurewa Community developed and delivered a range of programmes with continues to be a highlight of the programme - MR community.Community delivery:(supported by Places a number of partners. A highlight has been the offered from Manutukutuku. The BBM involves the council through a contract for service/funding Butterbean community intervention exercise activation of bootcamps to help at risk residents agreement).Manutukutuku Community Centre (as programme that focuses on culture as a vehicle to who suffer from obesity, diabetes and other health per contract) ensure healthier lifestyles for our community. related barriers. Over the course of six weeks there was an average attendance of over 55 participants, ranging in ages from four to over 60. Feedback from participants talked at length about the inclusiveness from within the group. During the course of the six week programme, the participants were also coached on their eating habits, how they formed and how they will be able to change these habits over time. Some of our participants lost between four and six kilos over the course of the programme, with one participant losing 11. A Q3 focus for the centre will be evaluating the programme and investigating funding options for 2020. 1157 Randwick Park A one year term with Te Whare Awhina O CS: ACE: ABS: Opex $0 Completed Green During Q1, the Licence to Occupy and Manage was In Q2, the resolution (MR/2019/164) was passed to Community House, Tamworth Incorporated for the operations of Community agreed and signed by Te Whare Awhina o Tamworth approve the establishment of a new two-year lease One year Licence Randwick Park Community House:139 Shifnal Places Inc. commencing 1 July 2020 with Housing New Drive Manurewa being Lot 1 DP 92969 for the Zealand for each of the four community houses. 2019/2020 year, commencing 1 July 2019 and It also endorsed staff to work with the Manurewa terminating on 30 June 2020. community house service providers and Housing New Zealand to identify long-term solutions for i) Rent- $1.00 plus GST per term if requested sustaining community house service provision in ii) All other terms and conditions in accordance Manurewa in the future. with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Guidelines July 2012. Staff will work on operationlizing this in Q3. iii) Licenced area to be approved by Community Leasing Team. 1158 Clendon Park A one year term with Te Whare Awhina O CS: ACE: ABS: Opex $0 Completed Green During Q1, the Licence to Occupy and Manage was In Q2, the resolution (MR/2019/164) was passed to Community House, Tamworth Incorporated for the operations of Community agreed and signed by Te Whare Awhina o Tamworth approve the establishment of a new two-year lease One year Licence Clendon Park Community House: 60R Finlayson Places Inc. No further update required - completed. commencing 1 July 2020 with Housing New Avenue, Manurewa being Pt Lot 210 DP 83570 Zealand for each of the four community houses. for the 2019/2020 year, commencing 1 July 2019 It also endorsed staff to work with the Manurewa and terminating on 30 June 2020. community house service providers and Housing New Zealand to identify long-term solutions for i) Rent- $1.00 plus GST per term if requested sustaining community house service provision in Manurewa in the future. ii) All other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Staff will work on operationlizing this in Q3. Guidelines July 2012

iii) Licenced area to be approved by Community Leasing Team.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 1162 Te Whare Awhina A one year term with Te Whare Awhina O CS: ACE: ABS: Opex $0 Completed Green During Q1 the Licence to Occupy and Manage was In Q2, the resolution (MR/2019/164) was passed to Community House, Tamworth Incorporated for the operations of Te Community agreed and signed by Te Whare Awhina o Tamworth approve the establishment of a new two-year lease One year Licence Whare Awhina Community House: 4 Tamworth Places Inc. commencing 1 July 2020 with Housing New Close, Manurewa being Lot 393 DP 92904 for the Zealand for each of the four community houses. 2019/2020 year, commencing 1 July 2019 and It also endorsed staff to work with the Manurewa terminating on 30 June 2020. community house service providers and Housing New Zealand to identify long-term solutions for i) Rent- $1.00 plus GST per term if requested sustaining community house service provision in Manurewa in the future. ii) All other terms and conditions in accordance with the Auckland Council Community Occupancy Staff will work on operationlizing this in Q3. Guidelines July 2012

iii) Licenced area to be approved by Community Leasing Team. 3074 Manurewa Partnership with the Manurewa Community Trust CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $127,000 In progress Green Manurewa Community Trust received funding to Manurewa Community Network (MCN) delivered Community Trust (MCT) for the allocation and administration of Community allocate and adminster of local board community- the Manurewa Community Expo on 10 October Partnership funding for community-led initiatives.LB will fund Empowerment focused funding. The Manurewa Community Network 2019 with 61 stallholders and strong public and partner with MCT who will:-transfer funds to will hold the first of two expos on 10 October 2019 at participation. Shopkeepers were happy with the community groups to deliver on local board Manurewa Town Centre. The second is planned for expo drawing in people to South Mall. To coincide outcomes.-administer Neighbours day funding Clendon in April 2020. Organisations exhibiting at the with the final days of the local body elections, staff allocations-manage and administer the expos cover health and wellbeing, whanau, education, delivered a One Stop Shop where 46 people Distribution Committee for decision making on aged and disability services, employment, social enrolled to vote and 53 people voted. Manurewa responding to emerging issues and opportunities services, housing.There is no budget remaining in this Community Trust (MCT) is still refining its process in the community. activity. of disbursing pre-allocated funding to pre-identified organisations. The Pride Project has received its funding. MCN is still working with MCT to access funding for the October Expo and for the Clendon Expo which is now planned to coincide with The Pride Project's Bilingual Hikoi in March 2020. Staff met with MCT to review its partnership with MLB so far and to plan for next year. 3302 Community Safety Funding to the Manurewa Business Association CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $73,000 In progress Green Manurewa Business Association received funding for Staff are working with Manurewa Business Initiatives - for the delivery of community safety initiatives Community the delivery of community safety initiatives through Association, New Zealand Police, James Cook High including through placemaking and other activities, Empowerment placemaking and other activities, including CCTV School, Alfriston College and Manurewa High placemaking including CCTV monitoring. This inlcudes the monitoring. School, Te Kaha o Rangatahi to plan delivery of the (MBA) funding of Clendon Park Business Association for Clendon Park Business Association received funding Manurewa Bluelight JAM project in 2020. placemaking activations and organisational for placemaking activations and organisational support support. There is no budget remaining for this activity. 3315 Community Discretionary fund to respond to community CS: ACE: LDI: Opex $16,793 In progress Green Transfers in $4,000 Te rukuruku MR/2019/112 No allocations for Q2. Response Fund issues as they arise during the year Advisory $10,000 from work programmes moved to CRF. Manurewa Balance: $30,793 ATEED 1193 PopUp Business The Pop Up Business School provides a free 10 ATEED: Local LDI: Opex $7,500 In progress Green Venue and dates for the PopUp confirmed for Event succesfully delivered in Q2 with around 50 School South day business school to provides education, Economic November 25th to December 6th 2019 at Te Haa O attendees. A report of the event will be available in Auckland (MW) support for local people interested in starting their Growth Manukau and event listed on ATEED website and Q3. own business. Examples elsewhere have had Eventbrite for registrations. Promotional video positive results in terms of the numbers of completed and various channels being used to drive businesses established. By supporting local registrations by community members. residents by providing entrepreneurial training the generation of local businesses will be increased and local employment opportunities provided.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 1195 Town Centre To deliver initiatives that support the revitalization ATEED: Local LDI: Opex $86,978 In progress Green The services of Richard Knott Ltd and Auton The total budget this financial year has been revitalisation of the Manurewa town centre amd other centres Economic Associates have been retained in order to support the revised to include the $6,978 deferred from the implementation in the local board area. Projects would need to be Growth steering group. A funding agreement has been drafted previous finncial year. supported through the Town Centre Steering for site survey work to be undertaken at 286 Great Group. Specific work areas could include: • TC South Road as part of the Te Mahia Station project. Following the local elections in October 2019 the work and delivering on outcomes from the This will be issued to the supplier in Q2 for signing new local board has agreed to continue with the steering group • Outcomes from work in with the work being undertaken as soon as possible town centre steering group. The survey work for surrounding environments • Te Mahia station once the agreement has been signed and agreed. 286 Great South Road has been completed and the work and delivering on outcomes report recieved. Richard Knott Ltd has been provided with the report so that he can consider this in his work programme for the town centre steering group.The group has met to reconfirm its focus for the remainder of the year. To date $47,478 remains unallocated by the steering group. Staff have asked for projects to be identified to utilise the funds over the remainder of the financial year. 1196 Young Enterprise The Auckland Chamber of Commerce , on behalf ATEED: Local LDI: Opex $2,000 In progress Green The Auckland Business Chamber is expected to draw The Auckland Business Chamber is currently Scheme (MR) of the Young Enterprise Trust, delivers the Young Economic down the funds allocated by the Local Board in Q2. planning the YES Kick Start days to be held in Enterprise Scheme (YES) in Auckland. ATEED as Growth This will enable them to deliver the YES Kick Start February 2020. Payment of the funds allocated to the economic development agency is a strategic days in February 2020. support the Kick start days will be made in Q3. partner supporting the delivery of YES. YES is a practical, year-long programme for year 12 and 13 students. Through the programme, students develop creative ideas into actual businesses, complete with real products and services and experience real profit and loss. The funding from the local board will support the delivery of the Young Enterprise Scheme Kick Start Days in February 2020. The Kick Start days are held in sub-regions (north, south, east, central/west) and are the first day students get to meet the Young Enterprise team, and find out about their 2020 year, what YES is all about, and what is in store for them. Community Facilities: Build Maintain Renew 2026 Keith Park - renew Renew and relocate the toilet block and play CF: Project ABS: Capex - $460,767 Completed Green Current status: Physical works on playground is in Current status: Toilet and playground are now toilet and space at Keith Park away from the parking area, Delivery Renewals progress. Artwork of toilet has been approved. operational. Communication boards still to be playspace allowing for increased accessibility and public Next steps: Complete approvals for toilet installation installed in January 2020 safety.FY19/20 - deliver the physical due to be end of October and monitor physical works Next steps: Project complete works.Estimated completion date yet to be of playground until completion, mid December. established.This project is a continuation of the 2017/2018 programme (previous SP18 ID 2132). 2027 Mountfort Park - Renew general assets in Mountfort Park, CF: Project ABS: Capex - $88,078 In progress Green Current status: Construction work has completed for Current status: Engineer is compiling a list of assets renew general including renewal of the bollards, drinking Delivery Renewals Counties Manukau Driveway which is stage one. to be renewed during stage two of the project. This assets fountains, fencing, car park, edging, retaining Next steps: Develop list of assets to be renewed and will include furniture renewals and car parks. wall, rubbish bins, seats and signage where prepare business case for future years for stage two. Next steps: Business cases will be prepared for required.FY19/20 - obtain consents where proposed works in future years and delivery of required and plan the staged physical works stage two will proceed. phase - complete.FY20/21 - deliver the physical works components ensuring minimal disruption to the park users.This project is a continuation of the 2017/2018 programme (previous SP18 ID 2137). Risk Adjusted Programme (RAP) project 2028 Totara Park Renew park assets to ensure the park is CF: Project ABS: Capex - $405,672 In progress Green Current status: Automatic bollards have been installed Current status: The data and power connection for renewals maintaining current service levels. Works to Delivery Renewals awaiting power supply and connections. the automatic bollards have now been installed. include renewing the base course, boardwalk, Next steps: Estimated completion for bollards is end of Further delays were encountered due to supply and carpark, fences, gate, paths, retaining wall, October 2019 contractor availability. rubbish bin, seats, signs, step and toilet block. Coordinate all on-site physical works with the Next steps: The bollards will be operational once a local board in alignment with the March 2019 few minor elements are installed in January 2020. local event.FY19/20 - obtain consents as required and plan the physical works phase. FY20/21 - deliver the physical works allowing for minimal park disruption.Estimated completion date February 2020.This project is a continuation of the 2017/2018 programme (previous SP18 ID 2138). 6 / 24 Manurewa Local Board

Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 2084 War Memorial - Renewal of the car park at the Manurewa War CF: Project ABS: Capex - $0 Completed Green Project completed. Project completed. renew car park Memorial Park. Delivery Renewals This project was initiated in the FY17/18 programme.

This project is completed and was delivered in advance of the planned timeframe. The budget remains in the original allocated year as it was committed. 2127 Randwick Park - Renewal of the play space assets at Randwick CF: Project ABS: Capex - $0 Completed Green Project completed. Project completed. renew playground Park. This project is carried-over from the Delivery Renewals FY17/18 programme (previous SP18 ID 3171).This project is completed and was delivered in advance of the planned timeframe. The budget remains in the original allocated year as it was committed. 2156 Clendon Park Refurbishment of Clendon Park Community CF: Project ABS: Capex - $214,893 In progress Green Current status: Negotiation with contractor to Current status: In physical works. Community House House building exterior and roof. This project is a Delivery Renewals determine final price. Next steps: Complete physical works. - refurbish exterior continuation of the FY17/18 programme (previous Next steps: Obtain additional budget through change including roof SP18 ID 2119).This project is in delivery and will request be delivered in advance of the planned timeframe. The budget remains in the original allocated year as it was committed. 2157 David Nathan Park Renewal of the condition 4 and 5 park assets CF: Project ABS: Capex - $45,920 In progress Green Current status: Preliminary design phase is Current status: Finalising draft concept plan - renew park including the steps, pathways and fencing, upon Delivery Renewals completed. Stakeholders consultation is completed. Next steps: Meet with the local board to present the assets completion and approval of the Conservation Detailed design and cost estimate are in progress. draft concept plan. plan. FY19/20 - investigate and scope, including Next steps: Prepare business case with the scope and options that would benefit from an increased level the cost of the project. of service to be presented to the Local Board. FY20/21+ - plan and deliver the physical works. This project is a continuation of the FY17/18 programme (previous SP18 ID 2128). Estimated completion date yet to be established. 2194 Manurewa - renew Renew park furniture and fixtures at the following CF: Project ABS: Capex - $68,922 In progress Green Current status: Stage one completed for financial year Current status: Staff are working with the park furniture and sites: Beihlers Road foreshore, Mountfort Park, Delivery Renewals 2018/2019. operational management and maintenance team to fixtures Bluewater Place foreshore, Carter Park (Sharland Next steps: Start planning for stage two renewals by plan for the stage two renewals at Mountfort Park. 2016/2017+ Avenue Reserve), Greenmeadows Reserve, working with Operations team scheduled for financial Next steps: Monitor design works and once Leabank Park, Inverell Park, Macadamia Park year 2019/2020. complete send out the tender for the physical works (Melia Grove Reserve), Weymouth Foreshore. contract FY19/20 - plan and deliver physical works. This project is a continuation of the 2017/2018 programme (previous SP18 ID 2133). Risk Adjusted Programme (RAP) project 2201 Nathan Comprehensive building renewal including CF: Project ABS: Capex - $202,435 In progress Green Current status: Procuring physical works for interior Current status: Detailed design underway for Homestead - major replacement of the carpet, vinyl, Te Reo Maori Delivery Renewals refurbishment. Detailed design underway for wayfinder signage and tendering for physical works building renewal signage, toilets, heritage sheds, CCTV, rear wayfinder signage. Consultant engaged to carry out for interior refurbishment underway. including entrance and shared office. FY19/20 - scope and scope, assessment and recommendations for heritage Next steps: Tendering for signage supply and wayfinding signage obtain consenting if required and plan the sheds. installing to be completed. Physical works for physical works process. This project is a Next steps: Commence physical works for interior interior refurbishment and heritage shed to be continuation of the 2017/2018 programme refurbishment. Procure signage and installation. completed. (previous SP18 ID 2118). Complete scope of works for heritage sheds and obtain physical works pricing.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 2234 Te Matariki Comprehensive renewal at the community centre CF: Project ABS: Capex - $772,001 In progress Green Current status: Project stage one completed and Current status: Stages one and two of the project Clendon to include an exterior building refurbishment, Delivery Renewals handed over, Stage two to start on 15 October have been completed and handed over to the Community Centre fenced carpark for centre/staff vehicles, outdoor 2019.Next steps: Handover. contractors to maintain. The final stage of the - comprehensive seating replacement, reception/office refit, roof project - the changing rooms - is in progress.Next renewal replacement and cladding refixing, stadium court steps: Focus on completion of the changing rooms divider installation, stadium repaint, storeroom extension, upgrade security system, Whare Kai floor replacement, Youth Zone shade sail installation and kitchen upgrade. FY18/19 - design, consultation, obtaining consents and tendering has been completed.FY19/20 - undertake the physical works in accordance to centre's schedule.Estimated completion date yet to be confirmed.This project is a continuation of the FY17/18 programme (previous SP18 ID 2124).Risk Adjusted Programme (RAP) project 2290 Renew play Renew play space assets at the following priority CF: Project ABS: Capex - $24,625 In progress Green Current status: Draft concepts completed and have Current status: Concept plans for Keri Anne and spaces sites: Keri Anne Park, Leabank Park and Delivery Renewals been reviewed for renewal assessment. Advised Wordsworth Reserve to commence in March. FY2018/2019 - Wordsworth Road Reserve. FY19/20 - investigate board of concept designs for feedback and further Second option of concept plans for Leabank Manurewa and design the works required at the play areas development, play spaces which do not require further Reserve underway. including options that would benefit from an development and investment to continue with detailed Next steps: Complete concept plans for all three increased level of service to be presented to the design. Discussions with local board regarding funding parks and present at the next local board workshop. local board. Estimated completion date yet to be allocation in work program has taken place. established. Next steps: Proceed with detailed design for delivery of play spaces, work with local board on further investment and development of selected play spaces. 2291 Renew walkways Renew walkways and paths in conjunction with CF: Project ABS: Capex - $32,893 In progress Green Current status: The draft scoping reports have been Current status: The scoping reports have been and paths the approved Greenways Plan for the Manurewa Delivery Renewals reviewed. received and staff are exploring funding options to FY2018/2019 - Local Board area.FY19/20 - design and plan the Next steps: Present the options from the scoping cover budget shortfall Manurewa physical works, obtaining consenting where reports to the local board. required.FY20/21 - plan and deliver the physical Next steps: Present the options from the scoping works.Estimated completion date yet to be reports to the local board. established. 2292 Manurewa - install Overview - installation of new CCTV cameras CF: Project ABS: Capex - $28,000 Approved Green Current status: Close circuit televisions to be installed Current status: Close circuit televisions to be CCTV cameras throughout the Manurewa area.Investigate Delivery Development at the various sites is being investigated in installed at the various sites is being investigated provision gaps for the cameras in collaboration collaboration with the Council security team and with outside consultants in collaboration with the with the Council's Security Manager, options to be Community/Corporate facilities. Council security team and Community/Corporate presented to the board for their input and Next steps: Finalise the close circuit television sites, facilities. approval.Estimated completion yet to be scope of work and complete the project. Next steps: Waiting feedback from the external established. consultant on the close circuit television sites and scope of work to complete the project. 2321 Weymouth Boating Renew and improve boat ramp at the Weymouth CF: Project ABS: Capex - $309,187 Completed Green Current status: From latest update with the board, the Stage one of the project is completed. Club - renew and Boating Club to ensure it is fit for purpose. Delivery Renewals project will be split into two stages. Stage one will take improve boat ramp FY18/19 investigate and design the boat ramp in place from over winter and spring 2019 and focuses Stage two of the project is reported under SP ID collaboration with the coastal team on dredging and ramp correction works. Stage two will 3734. FY19/20 obtain consenting where applicable and be over the summer 2019 and autumn 2020 season deliver the physical works. and focus on enhancement of access to the ramp, (Local Renewals contribution $100,000 FY19) stage two will be delivered under the Maritime Recreation Fund project. Stage one Project has been tendered and successfully awarded to a contractor for physical works. Next steps: Start works in accordance to stakeholder time frame requirements.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 2421 Kaimoana Street Renewal of the wharf at Kaimoana Street CF: Project ABS: Capex - $1,330 In progress Green Current status: Procurement for design and consent of Current status: Procurement of the design Esplanade - renew Esplanade.FY19/20 - investigate, design and Delivery Renewals the renewal has gone out to tender.Next steps: consultant was previously delayed and has now wharf undertake consenting for the works required to Evaluate the tender responses and engage a been re-visited with an updated scope and a new ensure the asset remains fit for public consultant. specialist design consultant. The procurement use.FY20/21 - plan and deliver the physical documents are currently being updated to be issued works.(Local Renewals contribution $10,000 for pricing by the preferred consultant expected by FY19)Risk Adjusted Programme (RAP) project end of January 2020.Additionally, consultation to determine asset level of service is also being undertaken and expected to be completed by end of February 2020.Next steps: Finalise engagement of the design consultant in February 2020 and commence assessment of remedial options in March 2020, including high-level cost estimates, to be submitted to the Local Board for consideration in March/April 2020. 2440 Manurewa - LDI Funding to deliver minor capex projects CF: Project LDI: Capex $100,000 Approved Green Current status: Wattle Farm Ponds project from Current status: Wattle Farm Ponds project handover minor capex fund throughout the financial year as approved in the Delivery previous year is in construction and will be completed is complete. The local board have asked for advice 2019/2020 monthly local board workshops. end of September. on two other possible initiatives. Next status: Receive direction from the local board for any new initiatives. Next status: Continue investigation and report back to the local board. 2441 Renew park Renew park roading and car parks at the CF: Project ABS: Capex - $0 In progress Green Current status: Weymouth Community Hall - Current status: Keith Park - Present concept design roading and car following sites: Weymouth Community Hall and Delivery Renewals construction is complete. Keith Park - the engaged to the local board for feedback. parks FY18/19 - Aronia Way Reserve to ensure the sites remain fit consultant is designing the car park to align with the Next steps: Develop detailed designs based on Manurewa for purpose. FY19/20 - obtain cost estimates, playground concept plan and improve accessibility. feedback. consents where applicable and plan the physical Aronia Way Reserve - A change in the leased area is works stage. FY20/21 - deliver the physical required before further action can be taken. works. Estimated completion date yet to be Next steps: Keith Park - Present concept design to the established. local board for feedback. Aronia Way Reserve - Confirm the new leased area. Weymouth Community Hall - complete project close out documents. 2442 Manurewa Development of a new community centre in CF: Project ABS: Capex - $57,069 On Hold Amber Current status:Awaiting the strategic assessment. A strategic assessment is required to be able to Community Centre Manurewa. Current status - stage one - develop Delivery Development Next step: Determine the design brief of the project. progress the project. development concept design to be proposed to the local board for their input and approval. Consultation to be Current status: Awaiting the strategic assessment. undertaken with iwi and the community. FY19/20 Next steps: Determine the design brief of the - detailed design and quality surveyed cost project. estimates to be established for the local board to review. FY20/21 - obtain resource consents and plan the physical works stages. Estimated completion and milestone dates yet to be established. 2546 Manurewa Netball Overview - renew the netball courts at the CF: Project External $0 Completed Green Project completed. Project completed. Complex - renew complex. Current status - stage one - develop a Delivery funding courts business case, design and plan the physical works. Stage two - obtain resource consent, tender and deliver physical works. Estimated completion date yet to be established. 2582 Totara Park - Renew mountain bike tracks, bush walking tracks CF: ABS: Capex - $0 In progress Green Current steps: Site visit conducted with engineer to Current status: Engineer has provided a report renew tracks and and bridle trail throughout the park. FY20/21 - Investigation Renewals understand scope of works for stage one. which details works required for Stage one renewal bridle trail investigate and scope the renewal works required and Design Next steps: Engage consultant and proceed for design works for Bridle path. including options that would benefit from an of stage one. Next steps: Obtain budget and proceed for detailed increased level of service to be presented to the design works for Bridle Path renewal works for local board.FY22/23 - plan the physical works for Financial Year 2020. delivery.Estimated completion date yet to be established.

Approved Risk Adjusted Programme (RAP) 2586 Totara Park Investigate, design and cost estimate the CF: LDI: Capex $20,000 Approved Green Current status: Strategic assessment.Next steps: Current status: Project is in the inital stages - being Friends Nursery requirement for a nursery expansion at Totara Investigation Investigate and design the strategic assessment stage. Staff will organize a Expansion Park as informed by the Totara Park Masterplan. and Design meeting with stakeholder and applicable local board Investigation FY19/20 - investigate, design and cost estimate membersNext steps: Investigate and design. the works proposed and submit to the Local Confirm scope of the project. Board for further direction.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 2588 Totara Park Toilet Investigate, design and cost estimate the CF: LDI: Capex $20,000 Approved Green Current status: Strategic assessment. Current status: Project is in the inital stages - being Investigation requirement for a toilet to be installed at the at the Investigation Next steps: Investigate and design. the strategic assessment stage. Redoubt Road entrance to Totara Park as and Design Next steps: Investigate and design. Staff will informed by the Totara Park Masterplan. FY organize a meeting with stakeholders and 19/20 - investigate, design and cost estimate the applicable local board members to confirm the works proposed and submit to the Local Board for scope of the project. further direction. 2600 Totara Park Pools Reline pools CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Project will be scoped and completed in future relining of the pool Investigation Renewals in principle years. and Design 2604 Clendon Investigation and Design will develop a concept CF: LDI: Capex $30,000 In progress Green Current status: Finalise project scope and costing. Current status: The draft concept plan is underway. Community Centre plan for the future development of Clendon Investigation Next steps: Issue a contract for this project Next steps: Once the concept plan is completed it Reserve - develop Community Centre Reserve pending the outcome and Design will be presented to the local board for feedback. concept plan of the service assessment. This will be presented to the Local Board for formal adoption. 2624 Aronia Way Renew play space at Aronia Way. FY20/21 - CF: ABS: Capex - $10,000 In progress Green Current status: Designer is engaged and public Current status: Proposed concept plan accepted Reserve - renew investigate and design the works required at the Investigation Renewals consultation in progress due to end mid October. with minor changes required. play space play area including options that would benefit and Design Next steps: Collate information and start concept Next steps: Commence play equipment from an increased level of service to be presented design. procurement and further engagement with mana to the Local Board. FY21/22 - scope and plan the whenua is required. physical works for delivery. Risk Adjusted Programme (RAP) project 2631 Blackgate Reserve Renew walkway and drainage at Blackgate CF: ABS: Capex - $10,000 Approved Green Current status: Community Facilities are working with Current Status: working with Auckland Transport to - renew walkway Reserve to mitigate future flooding. FY19/20- Investigation Renewals Healthy Waters to coordinate stream improvements increase the width of the walkway that is on a and drainage investigate and design the works required at the and Design with path renewals. The local board will be consulted greenway path. play area including options that would benefit on increasing path width as the path is on the draft Next Steps: To confirm path width and timing of from an increased level of service to be presented greenways plan. works. to the Local Board. FY20/21 - scope and plan the Next steps: Confirm path width and timing of works. physical works for delivery. Risk Adjusted Programme (RAP) project 2690 Holmes Road Refurbishment of the infrastructure. FY20/21 - CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Project will be scoped and completed in future Depot - investigate, scope and plan the physical works to Investigation Renewals in principle years. infrastructure ensure the asset remains fit for purpose. FY22/23 and Design refurbishment - deliver the physical works. 2697 Finlayson Refurbishment of the infrastructure and external CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Current status: Finalise project scope and costing. Community House features of Finlayson Community House. FY21/22 Investigation Renewals Next steps: Issue a contract for this project. - refurbish facility - investigate, scope and plan the physical works and Design to ensure the asset remains fit for purpose.FY22/23 - deliver the physical works. 2723 Volta Park Renew play space at Volta Park.FY20/21 - CF: ABS: Capex - $10,000 In progress Green Current status: Designer is engaged and public Current status: Proposed concept plan accepted (Templeton Place investigate and design the works required at the Investigation Renewals consultation in progress due to close late October. with minor changes required. Minor changes to Reserve) - Play play area including options that would benefit and Design Next steps: Collate information and start concept concept plan requested. Space Renewal from an increased level of service to be presented design. Next steps: Commence play equipment to the Local Board. FY21/22 - scope and plan the procurement and further engagement with mana physical works for delivery. whenua is required. 2733 Renew play Renewal of single play items. Scope of works: CF: ABS: Capex - $20,000 Approved Green Current status: Commence scoping of works and site Current status: The contract for physical works for spaces FY19/20 - Renew the spinner roundabout at Alfriston Park Investigation Renewals visits. Anderson Park is completed and will commence by Manurewa (Saralee Drive Reserve) and edging at Anderson and Design Next steps: Prepare project documents for delivery. February 2020. Next steps: Commence physical Park (Grande Vue Road Reserve). FY19/20 - works and order play equipment. plan and deliver the physical works. 2736 Innismara Park - Renew play space at Innismara Park. FY20/21 - CF: ABS: Capex - $10,000 In progress Green Current status: Designer is engaged and public Current status: Concept plan underway renew play space investigate and design the works required at the Investigation Renewals consultation in progress due to end mid October. Next steps: Consultation with community on play area, including options that would benefit and Design Next steps: Collate information and start concept proposed plans, then present to local board for from an increased level of service to be presented design. further input. to the local board. FY22/23- plan and deliver the physical works. Estimated completion date yet to be established. Risk Adjusted Programme (RAP) project

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 2737 Renew play Renewal of play space assets at the following CF: ABS: Capex - $10,000 In progress Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Current status: Concept plan underwayNext steps: spaces FY20/21 - priority sites: Manurewa Recreation Centre and Investigation Renewals Present concept plan to the local board Manurewa Weymouth Park (Joshua Place Reserve). and Design Investigate and design the works required at the play areas including options that would benefit from an increased level of service to be presented to the local board. FY20/21 - obtain consents where applicable, plan and deliver the physical works. Estimated completion date yet to be established. This project is a continuation of the 2018/2019 programme (previous SP18 ID 18750).Risk Adjusted Programme (RAP) project 2739 Renew play Renew play space assets at Felicia Park and CF: ABS: Capex - $10,000 In progress Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Current status: Concept plan underway spaces FY21/22 - Gallaher Park. Investigate and design the works Investigation Renewals Next steps: Present concept plan to the local board Manurewa required at the play areas including options that and Design would benefit from an increased level of service to be presented to the local board. FY21/22 - obtain consents where applicable, plan and deliver the physical works. Estimated completion date yet to be established. This project is a continuation of the 2018/2019 programme (previous SP18 ID 18750). Risk Adjusted Programme (RAP) project 2744 Renew walkways Renew condition 4 and 5 walkways and paths. CF: ABS: Capex - $0 In progress Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Current status: Scoping details underway and paths FY20/21 Identified sites to be presented to the Local Board Investigation Renewals Next steps: Planning for concept design - Manurewa for their input and review. FY20/21 - identify and Design priority sites. FY 21/22 - scope and plan the physical works for delivery. 2753 Manurewa Aquatic Complete vapour barrier works.FY21/22 - plan CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Project will be scoped and completed in future Centre - renew and deliver the physical works. Investigation Renewals in principle years. vapour barrier and Design 2758 Manurewa Aquatic Renew lift to improve accessibility to all. FY21/22 CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Project will be scoped and completed in future Centre - renew lift - plan and deliver the physical works. Investigation Renewals in principle years. and Design 2764 Keith Park - renew Renew failing bollards and vehicle barriers at CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Project will be scoped and completed in future bollards and Keith Park. FY20/21 - investigate, scope and plan Investigation Renewals in principle years. vehicle barriers the physical works to ensure the asset remains fit and Design for purpose.Estimated completion date yet to be established. 2767 Keith Park roading Renew park roading and car parks at Keith Park. CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Project will be scoped and completed in future and car park Investigate and scope the works required as Investigation Renewals in principle years. renewal identified by the Keith Park Concept plan, and Design including options that would benefit from an increase level of service to be propose to the local board. FY19/20 - undertake design, obtain cost estimates, consents where applicable and plan the physical works stage. FY22/23 - tender and deliver the physical works. Estimated completion date yet to be established. 2771 Manurewa Aquatic Retile the lap pool floor. FY20/21 - plan and CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Project will be scoped and completed in future Centre - renew lap deliver the physical works. Investigation Renewals in principle years. pool floor and Design 2772 Manurewa Aquatic Renewal of the solar tubes and water proofing CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Project will be scoped and completed in future Centre - lighting removal. Potential for LED lighting options. Investigation Renewals in principle years. and waterproofing and Design upgrade 2773 Manurewa Library Comprehensive building refit to include carpet CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Project will be scoped and completed in future - comprehensive replacement, fixed furnishings and equipment. Investigation Renewals in principle years. renewal FY20/21 - in collaboration with the facility and Design managers, investigate and scope the works required. FY21/22 - plan physical works in accordance to centre's schedule.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 2803 Laurie Gibbons Refurbishment of the infrastructure and external CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Current status: Finalise project scope and Memorial Park features of Laurie Gibbons Memorial Park Investigation Renewals costing.Next steps: Issue a contract for this project. Change rooms Change rooms. FY20/21 - investigate, scope and and Design plan the physical works to ensure the asset remains fit for purpose. FY21/22 - plan the physical works for delivery. Estimated completion date yet to be established. 2822 Wiri Stream Replace Kerrs Road frontage of Wiri Stream CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Current status: Finalise project scope and costing. Reserve - renew Reserve with bollards. FY21/22 - undertake Investigation Renewals Next steps: Issue a contract for this project. bollards investigation and scoping of design options. and Design FY22/23 - undertake physical works. 2833 Te Matariki Comprehensive building refit.FY21/22 - in CF: ABS: Capex - $0 Approved Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Project will be scoped and completed in future Clendon Library - collaboration with the facility managers, Investigation Renewals in principle years. comprehensive investigate and scope the works required. and Design renewal FY22/23 - plan physical works in accordance to centre's schedule. 2983 Renew park Renew condition 4 and 5 park structures.FY20/21 CF: ABS: Capex - $0 In progress Green Project will be scoped and completed in future years. Current status: Tendering for professional service structures FY20/21 - identify priority sites.FY 21/22 - scope and plan Investigation Renewals Next steps: Start scoping investigation - Manurewa the physical works for delivery. and Design 3046 Manurewa Jellicoe Complete a full project scope for the development CF: Project LDI: Capex $40,579 In progress Amber Current status: The local board gave staff approval to We did not get full support from the residents at 44 Park Tennis Club of two tennis courts in Jellicoe Park, Manurewa Delivery progress and move the courts and fence 6m away Jellicoe Road to place the courts and fence on the from the boundary line of Jellicoe Park and residents boundary line of both properties. The scope has at 44 Jellicoe Road. The tennis club have been changed to locate the courts and fence 6m away informed. from the boundary. The footpath will also need to be Next steps: Staff will provide an update to the local realigned. board as we progress. Current status: Staff have completed the planning scope as per resolution MR/2019/111 Next steps: Staff will return to the local board to present construction and resource consent costs in order to progress. Funding for delivery will need to be resolved at a business meeting. 3143 Manurewa Full The Full Facilities maintenance contracts include CF: ABS: Opex $4,740,748 In progress Green The start of 2019/2020 financial year presented a City Care have continued to improve throughout the Facilities maintenance and repair of all assets across Operations relatively good start to the first quarter for City Care in quarter across all of the southern local board areas. maintenance buildings, parks and open spaces, and sports the RIMA local boards areas.The turf mowing in both In particular we have seen improvement in turf contracts fields, funded from local board budgets.These open and built spaces has been challenging, due to mowing and most open space services compared to contractors also undertake coastal management wet and soft ground preventing access to some of the the same period last year. To meet the demands of and storm damage works, and upcoming town parks and sportsfields. Despite the wet conditions high growth during Spring, City Care bolstered centre cleaning, street litter bin emptying, and however City Care have managed to maintain a high resources, improved their frequencies and sought vegetation clearance and berm mowing works, mowing frequency during the period. Some sites were out efficiencies in the scheduling and order of site although these are funded from regional exempted from mowing to avoid causing damage to visits. As a result there have been very few budgets.This activity and related budget also the grounds but the contractor has agreed to ensure complaints received for this very important includes smaller built system contractors such as to maintain reserve frontages, boundaries, tree service.The second quarter has also seen our pool plant specialists and technical systems clearance and edging. The results were reflected in contractor shift into a ‘cluster’ management way of contractors. the audit as well as lower number of customer working where a site’s services are no longer complaints received during the quarter.The scheduled separately, but rather, all elements are streetscape clean contract started off well at the visited concurrently by each relevant team e.g. hard beginning of the quarter, berm mowing and litter and surfaces, mowing, gardens, etc. This change aims town centre cleaning in the Manurewa Local Board to improve efficiency and ensure that the site is area. However there is still some improvement maintained holistically.In November, Council required moving forward. Council staff and City Care received the annual playground inspection report are working together to address some of the generated by our contractor. The findings from this neglected berm mowing and having these included in report will help ensure that our playground assets the scheduled berm mowing.Discussions with City remain safe and fit for purpose as they inform the Care in relations to especially the building wash, with renewal programme and generate a large number the recent water restrictions in winter, is to focus on of smaller maintenance tasks that can be actioned scheduling these building washes in the upcoming through operational budgets.City Care have also summer. The primary focus for the contractor moving provided a condition report on plant and mulch into summer is ensuring all assets are ready for densities in all amenity garden assets right across summer and are fit for purpose and maintenance the Rima contract area including both street and frequencies are adequate to meet expected demand. reserve plantings. Staff will be working with City Care to prioritise sites and allocate budgets to action infill planting during the 2020 planting season.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 3144 Manurewa The Arboriculture maintenance contracts include CF: ABS: Opex $355,788 In progress Green The first quarter was focused on reduction of the In the second quarter the backlog of request for Arboriculture tree management and maintenance in parks and Operations requests for service. This was balanced against service was successfully reduced to a more Contracts on streets, funded from local board budgets. addressing deferred requests and higher priority new manageable level. Ground conditions improved in requests received. Outstanding work is now limited to November allowing for deferred work due to wet These contractors also undertake storm damage sites where access has been restricted due to ground ground conditions to commence. With these dry works although these are funded from regional conditions. It is anticipated these sites will be ground conditions, annual park programme work budgets. accessible shortly into the second quarter, weather commenced in December including aftercare and dependent. The scheduled works programme was watering of recently planted trees. delayed as a consequence of the large amount of requests, but is now on track. Replacement planting of trees removed throughout the year has been completed during the quarter. 3145 Manurewa The Ecological Restoration maintenance CF: ABS: Opex $111,294 In progress Green During the first quarter, the annual update of the Site The majority of the first stage of pest plant visits are Ecological contracts include pest plant and animal pest Operations Assessment Reports, a large portion of the pest now complete and pest animal control visits have Restoration management within ecologically significant parks animal monitoring, and the majority of the first pulse of been increased throughout the high value reserves. Contracts and reserves. the rat control programme have been completed. Aftercare maintenance visits of newly planted areas Request for service work orders received, continue to within reserves was carried out during November. be seasonally normal, with an increasing trend in activity becoming apparent during the late stages of the quarter. 3199 Rukumoana Place Remediate landslide as a result of storm damage CF: ABS: Capex - $50,000 Approved Green Scope development underway to include geotechnical Current status: Site investigation and scoping and Burundi between Rukumoana Place and Burundi Investigation Development expert input with next steps to finalise approach. details underway Foreshore - Foreshore ensuring the area is stabilised and and Design Next steps: Engage professional services remediate future proofed. landslide FY19/20 - investigate, design and deliver the physical works required to achieve sought outcome. This project is to be delivered with geotechnical subject matter expert input and oversight. 3593 Manurewa - LDI Funding to deliver minor capex projects CF: LDI: Capex $49,140 Completed Green Wattle Farm Ponds - Northern Maritime Model Society Current status: Wattle Farm Ponds project minor capex fund throughout the financial year as approved in the Investigation Project Current status: Procurement complete. complete.Next steps: Close project. Seek direction 2018/2019 monthly local board workshops. Possible minor and Design Contractors are waiting for the park furniture to arrive from the board to utilise remaining budget. projects include: Shade sails at Tington Reserve, Next steps: Schedule delivery and update the board Wattle Farm Road Reserve and Coxhead Road accordingly. Reserve. Implement projects from the Greenway Plan. 3610 Pitt Ave Reserve - Overview - renew bridge at the reserve. Current CF: ABS: Capex - $99,450 In progress Green Current status: The engaged consultant is designing Current status: Preliminary design completed and renew bridge status - stage one - investigate and scope the Investigation Renewals the bridge to a width of two metres. the bridge has been designed to a width of two renewal works required. Stage two - obtain and Design Next steps: Acquire consents and prepare for delivery. meters. Budget estimate revealed funding shortage consents where required and plan the staged Next steps: Obtain additional budget, acquire physical works phase. Stage three - deliver the consents and prepare for delivery. physical works components ensuring to minimise disruption to the reserve users. Estimated completion date yet to be established. 3631 Manurewa Coastal Manurewa Coastal walkway network connecting CF: ABS: Capex - $48,893 On Hold Red Current status: Council staff have received direction The current discussion is to use this funding toward Walkway Network Weymouth to walkway and Investigation Renewals that this remaining maritime fund is to be used for the Weymouth boat launch upgrade. This is under - develop incorporating drinking fountains.This project is a and Design developed design and a firm order of costs for the review and being coordinated with all parties. walkways (Heron continuation of the 2017/2018 programme Weymouth Boat Launch. Council staff are preparing a Point) (previous SP18 ID 2135). consultation plan and will be engaging all associated Current status: Council staff have received direction parties to prepare a preferred scope of work. that this remaining maritime fund is to be used for Next steps: Auckland Council staff will engage in developed design and a firm order of costs for the consultation concerning this change in scope and Weymouth Boat Launch. Council staff are preparing prepare a scope of work for review. a consultation plan and will be engaging all associated parties to prepare a preferred scope of work. Next steps: Auckland Council staff will engage in consultation concerning this change in scope and prepare a scope of work for review.

3674 Burundi Avenue Construction of coastal jetty. This project is CF: Project LDI: Capex $0 On Hold Amber Project on hold. Further direction required from LB in Awaiting Local Board funds allocation to commence Reserve - upgrade carried over from the 2017/2018 programme Delivery regard to funding the detailed design and physical detailed design and construction Puhinui inlet jetty (previous SP18 ID 2377). works. Project on hold. Further direction required from LB in regard to funding the detailed design and physical works.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 3712 Manurewa - Investigation and option analysis for field and CF: ABS: Capex - $41,480 In progress Green Current status: Awarded contract to start concept Current status: Project has now evolved into a OLI investigate options lighting upgrades to provide for the shortfall of Investigation Renewals design for fields at Manurewa War Memorial Park. project 'Manurewa War Memorial Park - develop for sports lighting 120 hours per week. Board priorities include: and Design Next steps: Start concept design work. multi-use facility & upgrade sports fields' (SP ID and sport field Mounford Park; Jellicoe Park soccer lights; 3713). upgrades Clendon soccer lights; Memorial Park. Options to Next steps: Continue with project under the project be approved by the local board. SP ID 3713.

3713 (OLI) Manurewa Overview - Sports field upgrade and development CF: ABS: Capex - $299,999 In progress Green Current status: The local board have endorsed staff Current status: The detailed business case War Memorial of a multi-purpose facility in the Manurewa area. Investigation Growth progressing a detailed business case for the progresses on track with local board and Park - develop Stage One - investigation and options analysis for and Design development of the AFC buildings as a multi-purpose stakeholder workshops having been held between multi-purpose field and lighting upgrades, to provide for the facility, floodlit artificial turf and service improvements August and December 2019. High level design facility and shortfall of 120 hours per week. Develop the to all other sports fields. Approval to proceed the principles for the multi-use facility and sports field upgrade sports business case for the sports field upgrade and detailed business case was endorsed by the upgrades have been finalised.Next steps: The fields investigate the feasibility, and develop a business Environment and Community Committee (ECC) detailed business case will be completed in late case for multi-purpose facility requirements. 10/07/19. A delivery team has been allocated to the January / early February 2020 on the basis of the Stage two - yet to confirm the full staged detailed business case and a timeline has been agreed design principles and a presentation approach to the initiative. developed. Local board and stakeholder workshops workshop with the local board will follow. have been held during August and September Conditional upon the local board's agreement to 2019.Next steps: The detailed business case will be proceed, a final report will be submitted to the progressed against timeline with ongoing local board business meeting in either February or March 2020. and stakeholder engagement during November and December 2019. It is proposed that a summary report will be taken to the local board's business meeting in February 2020. 3734 Maritime Overview - installation of toilet block and drinking CF: ABS: Capex - $20,000 In progress Green Current status: This project is stage 2 of the Current status: Stage two of the Weymouth boat Recreational Fund fountains within the Manurewa Coastal Walkway Investigation Development Weymouth boat ramp renewal works project. The ramp renewal works project. Stakeholder Network. This project is to be design in and Design concept plan was presented to the board and has engagement was been completed and has informed collaboration with the parks and coastal teams. been approved to proceed. Detailed design is the detailed design. Resource consent has been Current status - stage one - investigate and currently underway with stakeholder engagement to lodged for approval. Stakeholders have indicated design the proposed development for local board be conducted concurrently along with the consenting construction post summer is ideal, this will be review and input. Stage two - detailed sign and process. discussed in the new year. obtain consents where required. Stage three - Next steps: Finalise the detailed design plan and deliver the physical works. Estimated documentation in preparation for tendering project on Next steps: Review of detailed design still to be completion date yet to be established. This local successful consent application. completed. board initiative is funded from the Maritime Recreational budget. 3748 Clendon Overview - renew the skate park at the reserve. CF: ABS: Capex - $235,166 Completed Green Current status: Ongoing monitoring of physical works Project completed. Community Centre Current status - stage one - investigate, scope Investigation Renewals;#LDI: through to completion. Reserve - renew and plan the physical works to ensure the asset and Design Capex Next steps: Final inspection of physical works. skate park remains fit for purpose. Stage two - plan and deliver the physical works. This project is a continuation of the 2017/2018 programme (previous SP18 ID 2127). Estimated completion date yet to be established. Community Services: Service Strategy and Integration 1215 Identify options to Identify and confirm the status of any upcoming CS: Service Regional $0 In progress Green Local board resolved on 19 September 2019 Discussions with Kāinga Ora (Housing New sustain the community places leases associated with non Strategy and (MR2019/164) to: Zealand) on the proposed new leases effective from community Level council owned facilities due for review / renewal. Integration a) approve the establishment of a new two-year lease 1 July 2020. Initial meeting held with one service of Service, in Understand the impact of any actual changes in commencing 1 July 2020 for each of the four houses provider to establish the process of capacity relation to provision, if applicable. Year 2 of 2 year project b) endorse staff to work with the Manurewa building and long-term option development. community leases community house service providers and Housing New for community Zealand to identify long-term solutions for sustaining Planned for Q3: house services community house service provision. New lease agreements approved for the four (139 Shifnal Drive, Planned for Q2: Liaising with staff from Panuku and houses. Further planning with service providers 4 Temworth Close, HNZ's legal team to establish the new two-year leases and Kāinga Ora on long-term options and capacity 1 Ratavine Drive (effective 1 July 2020). building requirements. and 60 Maplesden Early planning with service providers and Housing Drive.). New Zealand on long-term options and capacity building requirements.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status Infrastructure and Environmental Services 418 Manurewa waste To build on previous local board investment to: • I&ES: Waste LDI: Opex $45,000 In progress Green The Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust has Talking Trash and Kāinga Ora visited residents minimisation support Manurewa residents on a home-by-home Solutions been engaged to deliver three Good in the Hood during quarter two to discuss waste management basis to reduce their waste, know what to do with community activations in identified hot spot areas in and minimisation. They also engaged with tenants waste, and to book council’s inorganic Manurewa. The trust is working in collaboration with on Hatherly Way in Clendon to help determine how collections.• identify, train and grow a thriving Clendon Pride, Kāinga Ora (formerly Housing New to prevent the dumping of rubbish on the network of local wastewise champions.• build on Zealand), Talking Trash, Be a Tidy Kiwi and the roundabout located at the cul-de-sac. Three Good the Nau Mai Hood initiative in Clendon with Neighbourhood Policing Team to deliver these in the Hood Clendon activations took place in focused engagement on strengthening activations. The activations will focus on waste October 2019 at Maplesden Drive and Palmers collaboration, building community pride, and education as well as removing rubbish, mending and Road. At the 123 Maplesdon Drive shared developing and implementing community-led painting fences, and cleaning up shared driveways. driveway, 10 of the 15 households participated in strategies to prevent illegal dumping. This project During quarter one the Good in the Hood team the clean-up. Three skip bins were filled with will culminate in a community wastewise event. undertook planning and preparation for the delivery of inorganic materials along with two green waste three educational activations in the Clendon area. The bins. At the 48 Maplesdon Drive shared driveway all Good in the Hood Clendon activations will take place 11 households participated, and three skip bins and on 8, 9 and 10 October 2019 at Maplesden Drive and two green waste bins were filled. The Palmers Road Palmers Road. Te Awa Ora Trust has been engaged activation covered five shared driveways and most to deliver a home-by-home waste education and of the households participated. Seven skip bins and support programme for Manurewa residents living in five green waste bins were filled. Highlights of the hot spot areas. In quarter one the trust developed an activation events include:• reaching families on a engagement plan for the project and undertook a door personal level• seeing the residents come out to knocking campaign in Clendon to support the Good in help • the connection between the families• the the Hood Clendon activations. To date, the door gratitude shown by the residents and the knocking campaign has resulted in 18 people encouragement it gave them. volunteering to help with beautification projects and 27 people volunteering to remove rubbish. 619 Water quality Following on from last year's expanded water I&ES: Healthy LDI: Opex $10,000 In progress Green The final results from the previous year’s water quality Weekly water quality monitoring commenced in testing programme quality testing programme, this budget will fund Waters monitoring programme were received in September November 2019 at the Weymouth West, Weymouth at Manurewa another summer season of weekly enterococci 2019. Following the analysis of these results, it was South, St Annes Bay and Kauri Point beach sites as beaches testing at: determined that the 2019/2020 water quality testing well as weekly sampling of the stormwater outlets at • St Anne’s Beach programme should proceed as originally approved by Weymouth South and St Annes Bay. Data collected • Kauri Point Beach (Carnoustie Drive) the board at their June 2019 business meeting. This is being provided to the Healthy Waters Safeswim • Weymouth Beach (Weymouth South) year’s testing programme will consist of weekly team for analysis and will help to refine the • Roys Road Beach (Weymouth West). sampling at Weymouth West, Weymouth South, St Safeswim water quality models operating at This budget will also fund another summer Annes Bay and Kauri Point beaches as well as weekly Weymouth West and Weymouth South. Testing will season of weekly sampling (for further microbial sampling of the stormwater outlets at Weymouth continue until late March 2020. Results will be source tracking tests) at the major stormwater South and St Annes Bay. Weekly sampling of the four analysed in quarter four and presented to the board. discharge outlets at: beach sites and two stormwater outlets will begin in • St Anne’s Beach early November 2019 and continue through to late • Weymouth Beach (Weymouth South). March 2020. Results will be analysed and presented to the board for discussion in quarter four. 620 Manurewa Marae This project builds upon the 2018/2019 I&ES: Healthy LDI: Opex $25,000 In progress Green In quarter one a funding agreement was finalised with In quarter two, rain water tanks were installed on water sensitive Manurewa Marae restoration project where Waters Manurewa Marae to enable the installation of a rain- Manurewa Marae and are now operational. To design retrofit opportunities were scoped for how to retrofit water tank on site. A plumber was engaged to install confirm final completion of the project, Manurewa project water sensitive design on the marae and an the rain tank. Works commenced in late September Marae are providing a summary plan of the works options report identifying possible improvements 2019 and are due to be completed in quarter two. undertaken for this water sensitive design retrofit was developed. project. This is expected to be submitted to staff in This funding will be used to implement the early quarter three. recommended water sensitive design improvements identified in the options report. The priority recommendations include the installation of a rain tank on site with associated pump to utilise stormwater for use in some of the toilets located on the marae. 707 Puhinui Stream To continue restoration work on the lower Puhinui I&ES: LDI: Opex $15,000 In progress Green In quarter one a review of the previous year’s The network of bait stations around the inanga restoration Stream with a focus on the inanga spawning Environmental restoration work was undertaken and a project plan for spawning area was set-up in quarter two, and five area. The work for this year will deliver two main Services this year’s work was completed. Procurement has additional traps were added to the trapping network initiatives:• maintaining existing plantings which been progressed and will be finalised in quarter two. A to expand protection around the spawning area. were planted over the last two financial years• patch of gorse has been left in place on site to prevent Maintenance work on existing traps was carried out maintaining the bait station network was installed erosion. This year’s project will include planting native this quarter, along with plant maintenance. to protect the inanga spawning area.The trees in this gorse patch, to grow through and Additional bait for the trapping network has been requested budget is less than the previous eventually shade out the gorse whilst maintaining ordered for the ongoing pest control. Tracking financial year as the bulk of the planting and bank stability. Plantings will be maintained, and gorse tunnels have been set up in preparation for the first weed control has been completed. This project controlled around the planting sites. The bait station round of pest animal monitoring in January 2020. will also receive funding support from the natural network will be operating in quarter two, prior to the environment targeted rate to purchase additional inanga spawning season. materials and bait for the bait station network. 15/ 24 Manurewa Local Board

Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 712 Tōtara Park To continue restoration work on the upper Puhinui I&ES: LDI: Opex $40,000 In progress Green In quarter one a suitable site at Tōtara Park was Further planning was undertaken in quarter two for ecological Stream, connecting native bush remnants and Environmental identified for enhancement through riparian planting the enhancement site at Tōtara Park. The approved restoration riparian plantings to create a resilient ecosystem Services and fencing. A planting plan and methodology have planting and fencing plan developed by the Healthy within Tōtara Park. been prepared for the site, and planting will be Waters consultant will be supplemented by 5,880 Local board funding will enable the installation of undertaken in quarters three and four. These local square metres of riparian planting. A plan for new fencing to prevent stock from accessing the board funded enhancement activities will be delivered additional planting is currently being developed. The streams and wetland, followed by riparian in conjunction with a Healthy Waters stream additional planting will provide greater ecological plantings in these newly fenced off areas. Both restoration project being undertaken in Tōtara Park. benefit to the site which contains the north western the fencing and plantings are key actions to The Healthy Waters project is part of an offset tributaries of the Puhinui Stream. enhance and restore the ecological values and mitigation for a wetland construction project in water quality within the headwaters of the Puhinui Papakura. This project will support and extend the Stream. ecological outcomes of the local board funded project Suitable planting site(s) will need to be identified activities. and a fencing, weed control and planting plan put together ahead of community planting day events. Planting maintenance for previous year’s plantings will be funded by regional budgets. 720 Papakura Stream To undertake a weed control and planting project I&ES: Healthy LDI: Opex $15,000 In progress Green At a workshop on 13 August 2019 the recommended Procurement was completed in quarter two. Weed restoration planting in a local reserve along the Manurewa side of the Waters activities for the 2019/2020 Papakura Stream control, plant maintenance and planting preparation (Manurewa) Papakura Stream to support biodiversity restoration planting project were discussed with the activities commenced in November 2019. This will improvements. Holmes Road Reserve has been board. The board agreed the following activities for continue in quarter three and four until the identified as a suitable planting site, which will delivery as part of this year’s project: community planting day occurs in May or June enhance the previous planting project at nearby • maintenance of the previous year’s plantings at 2020. Frangipani Avenue Reserve. Frangipani Avenue Reserve which will include weed This project will also undertake plant maintenance control and infill planting. at Frangipani Avenue Reserve to ensure that the • planting of low-growing flood resilient plant species plants become well established on the site. along the Papakura Stream at Holmes Road Reserve. Ongoing plant maintenance at both sites will be • weed control at Holmes Road Reserve and Glenross required for up to five years before becoming part Drive Foreshore. of the community facilities maintenance contracts. Following the workshop, procurement for suitable The total maintenance costs will steadily contractors to undertake these activities was decrease each year and the remainder of the progressed. Planning for a community planting day is available budget can be used to plant other underway with the event likely to take place in June suitable areas along the stream. 2020. In quarter two, weed control works will commence at Holmes Road Reserve and Glenross Drive Foreshore as well as plant maintenance and weed control at the Frangipani Avenue Reserve site. 730 Be a Tidy Kiwi litter Building upon the 2018/2019 litter prevention plan I&ES: Waste LDI: Opex $5,000 In progress Green Waste Solutions are working with Be a Tidy Kiwi to Local schools were contacted in quarter two to prevention project project, this project aims to: • install two Be a Tidy Solutions deliver this initiative. Planning is underway to identify identify a suitable school to participate in a litter (Manurewa) Kiwi signs at litter hotspot areas, such as local two suitable sites for the installation of Be a Tidy Kiwi clean-up event. The waste wise ambassador parks • undertake one school engagement and signage in early quarter three. This year’s project is programme will also be piloted with the school. The litter clean up • set up one pledge booth at a aiming to engage local rangatahi to become waste Be A Tidy Kiwi signage will be installed in quarter popular local event where people take a pledge to wise ambassadors in their communities. This three, and the recommended sites for these signs Be a Tidy Kiwi and put litter in its place (each engagement will complement the work being carried will be discussed with the board prior to installation. pledge receives a Be a Tidy Kiwi badge) This out as part of the board’s community waste project will be supported by Waste Solutions minimisation project. subject matter experts and Auckland Council’s local communications team.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 874 Manukau Harbour To continue to support the implementation of the I&ES: Healthy LDI: Opex $8,000 In progress Green In June 2019 the member local boards allocated In quarter two each of the nine member local Forum - Manurewa Manukau Harbour Forum work programme. This Waters funding totalling $70,000 to the Manukau Harbour boards agreed to reinstate the Manukau Harbour year’s work programme includes a youth Forum work programme, with detailed projects to be Forum and nominated a board member and an leadership sustainability wānanga (educational presented to the forum for consideration early in the alternate to represent the board on the forum. The programme held over three days), a 2019/2020 financial year. first forum workshop and business meeting was communications plan, support for young At the 30 August 2019 business meeting the Manukau held on 13 December 2019 and the forum approved environmentalists in southern Auckland, and Harbour Forum approved a budget of $48,000 for the the allocation of the remaining $22,000 work supporting volunteer action during Seaweek. following projects: programme budget towards the delivery of a part- Additional proposed project/s informed by the • continued support for the delivery of a youth time Manukau Harbour Forum Coordinator. The governance and management support review leadership sustainability wānanga - $15,000 coordinator will support the forum to deliver their report will be considered by the forum early in • continued support for the delivery of a vision, including the development of a forward work 2020. communications plan - $10,000 programme and a plan for engaging with mana • support for the Southern Auckland Youth whenua. Staff will progress procurement for a part- Environmentalists - $5,000 time coordinator in quarter three. Also in quarter • support for enabling Seaweek volunteer action two, staff worked with the Southern Auckland Youth across the Manukau Harbour - $18,000. Environmentalists to develop initiatives for Updates on the delivery of these initiatives will be progressing their vision for an environmental provided in quarter two. Project proposals for movement in southern Auckland. Initiatives include delivering on priority recommendations identified in delivering up to three workshop events to unite, the governance and management support review inspire, educate and support Pasifika and rangatahi report will be developed in quarter two. The forum will environmental groups. Planning for these events consider project proposals for allocating the remaining will progress in quarter three. $22,000 of work programme budget in December 2019. Libraries 992 Access to Library Deliver a library service - Help customers find CS: Libraries ABS: Opex $1,102,605 In progress Amber The number of items borrowed this quarter has Physical items borrowed continues to be of concern Service - what they need, when they need it, and help them & Information decreased which is in line with the trend across but we are seeing more of the community coming in Manurewa navigate our services and digital offerings. . Our visitor numbers have to visit our libraries Providing information, library collection lending stabilised. Encouraging users continues to be a focus services and eResources as well as support for for all staff. Visitor numbers and physical items borrowed have customers using library digital resources, PCs slightly declined in comparison to Auckland and WiFi. Libraries statistics. Late night opening during the Hours of service: Christmas and New Year period was very quiet. - Te Matariki Clendon Library for 52 hours over 6 days per week. ($535,714) - Manurewa Library for 52 hours over 6 days per week. ($566,891) (Budget based on FY18/19, will be updated when available) 993 Preschool Provide programming for preschoolers that CS: Libraries ABS: Opex $0 In progress Green Numbers attending our Wriggle and Rhyme sessions Extra resources from The Storytime Foundation programming - encourages early literacy, active movement, and & Information have decreased slightly due to the Measles outbreak. were distributed at the final PEPE (Parents Enjoying Manurewa supports parents and caregivers to participate Parents are choosing not to socialise their babies Playful Education) session for the year so babies confidently in their childrens' early development during this time. Measles immunisation information is would have some reading material during the and learning. Programmes include: Wriggle and displayed at our front entrances and shared at the summer holidays. Manurewa held a Christmas Rhyme, Rhymetime, Storytime. beginning of all Wriggle and Rhyme sessions. morning tea for mum's and caregivers who bring Storytime's continue to have strong attendance and all their babies to Wriggle and Rhyme and this was the cultural language weeks are very popular. well received. Attendance numbers have increased since the Measles outbreak has died down. 994 Children and Provide children and youth services and CS: Libraries ABS: Opex $0 In progress Green At Manurewa Library, Harry Potter's Birthday and Top Secret' was the theme of September's school Youth engagement programming which encourage learning, literacy & Information Roald Dahl Day were celebrated with special events holiday programme and tamariki enjoyed activities - Manurewa and social interaction. Engage with children, whereby many children and parents dressed up and such as decoding messages, cipher hunts, youth and whanau along with local schools to participated in activities based on the books. Comic operation escape, close quarter combat with a local support literacy and grow awareness of library Book Month was celebrated with an Avengers Movie karate club and much more. There was a notable resources. Marathon held twice a week during September. Many increase of whānau attending these activities of our movie watchers entered the Comic Book Month together. Kia Māia te Whai (Summer Reading Take 3 competition with a record number of entries. Programme) has had a healthy number of The Manurewa Business Association and Pak'nSave enrollments after librarians promoted the Clendon kindly donated items for all events for prizes programme at local schools. A Halloween party and for refreshments. Children and Youth Librarians was held at Manurewa after hours with parents and are regularly visiting The Manurewa High School and children dressing up and participating in traiditional James Cook High School where they meet with Halloween activities. The Clendon Warehouse members of the Manga Clubs. donated more items to use as incentives for the Read to Me programme.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 995 Support customer Provide services and programmes that facilitate CS: Libraries ABS: Opex $0 In progress Green Large numbers attended Te Epetoma o te Reo Māori Clendon's Coommunity Christmas morning tea was and community customer connection with the library and & Information Kūki ‘Airani / Cook Islands Language Week and Uike well attended by regular customers and members connection and empowers communities through collaborative Katoanga'i 'o e Lea Faka-Tonga / Tongan Language of community groups such as; Citizens Adivce Celebrate cultural design and partnerships with Council and other Week special storytimes. Members of the Pacific Bureau, Clendon Business Association and the diversity and local agencies. Celebrate local communities, cultural Mamas Arts and Cultural Trust assisted children to Walking Samoans. Manurewa's last Book Club places, people and diversity and heritage. Gather, protect and share make beautiful tiare with flowers donated by a local meeting of the year was popular with a large group heritage - the stories, old and new, that celebrate our florist. A special Ava ceremony was held by The of members contributing towards a shared lunch to Manurewa people, communities and Tāmaki Makaurau. Walking Samoans to signify the upcoming LIANZA celebrate their ten year anniversary. Staff ran a (Library and Information Association of New Zealand ukulele session at the LIANZA (Library and Aotearoa) Conference. Members of PIMN (Pacific Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa) Island Management Network) who are hosting the Conference promoting easy-to-play Pasifika songs Conference were present as was our Local Board for children. The session was popular with Chairwoman Angela Dalton. Librarians from all over Aotearoa attending. 996 Celebrating Te Ao Celebrating te ao Māori with events and CS: Libraries ABS: Opex $0 In progress Green Whakatipu i te Reo Māori / Māori Language Week Two Māori staff graduated from the Heke Puna Māori and programmes including regionally coordinated and & Information was celebrated with various activities for children and Maumahara studies programme run by Te strengthing promoted programmes: Te Tiriti o Waitangi, adults. Carvers from Rory Roi Toi Katipa's team held Wānanga O Raukawa with Level 5 Diplomas. They responsiveness to Matariki and Māori Language Week. Engaging two sessions demonstrating their skills to adults during have been immersed in the programme all year Māori. Whakatipu i with Iwi and Māori organisations.Whakatipu i te the day and tamariki at the Tutubugs club. Children which has increased their confidence and ability to te reo Māori - reo Māori - champion and embed te reo Māori in were able to get a hands-on experience of carving. A speak te reo within the community and share their Manurewa our libraries and communities. Kapa haka event attracted a large number of knowledge of tikanga Māori. Tahuri Mai kōhanga performers from local schools, the highlight being the was approached by Māori Services staff to join Te performance from Clendon Park School's Te Whānau Kōhanga Reo programme and agreed after hearing Awhina unit which was outstanding. of the benefits for their tamaraiki and whānau. 997 Learning and Provide learning programmes and events CS: Libraries ABS: Opex $0 In progress Green A local physiotherapist is running Healthy Body, Mind The Employment Basics programme commenced Literacy throughout the year. Support our customers to & Information and Spirit classes on alternative Saturdays at in collaboration with The Pride Project. Job hunters programming and embrace new ways of doing things. Lift literacy in Manurewa consisting of; Tai Chi, DIY acupressure receivced support in creating their CVs and digital literacy the communities that need it most. Help and coping skills for de-stressing. Forty families have applying for jobs. Staff took attendees to the support - customers and whānau learn and grow, and joined Spark Jump so they can have internet access Auckland Airport Job Expo and encouraged them to Manurewa provide opportunities for knowledge creation and at home. Clendon staff have been collaborating with apply for positions in hospitality, retail and tourism. innovation. Clendon Pride to create an Employment Hub in the One attendee gained a volunteer position with library Makerspace. A Mahi Clothes Library has been Riding for the Disabled, another has taken up established and course material prepared for the first tourism studies, and a computer tutoring contract intake. was gained by another attendee. 998 Additional Develop and deliver targeted programmes and CS: Libraries LDI: Opex $5,000 In progress Green Additional resources were used to fund the Pacific These additional resources enabled us to hire a programming - outreach utilising additional resources. & Information Manas Arts and Cultural Trust members to attend Te storyteller; Mr Yipadee to provide entertainment Manurewa Epetoma o te Reo Māori Kūki ‘Airani / Cook Islands during the September school holidays. He drew Language Week and for the carvers from Rory Roi Toi sizeable crowds at both libraries and had adults and Katipa's team during Whakatipu i te Reo Maori / Maori children participating in his engaging sessions. He Language Week celebrations. also gave away copies of his books and provided an opportunity for parents to purchase signed copies. Parks, Sport and Recreation 3233 Glenveagh Park Develop a parks service assessment to determine CS: PSR: Park ABS: Opex $0 Completed Green The service assessment has been completed and was Completed in Q1. Drive Reserve the service outcomes required to inform local park Services endorsed by the board at a September 2019 development. workshop. No budget has been allocated to this project although the board is interested in pursuing development of a playspace in the future. This will be considered through the Community Facilities future work programmes. 364 MR: Te Kete Māori naming (and associated story telling) of CS:PSR: Te LDI: Opex $31,000 In progress Amber Mana whenua have identified all overlapping mana The overlapping interest step in the process will Rukuruku (Māori parks and places in partnership with wana Waka Tai- whenua interest for naming in the Manurewa Local require longer than initially planned - this will push naming of parks whenua to value and promote Auckland’s Māori ranga-whenua Board area and are currently working through the this process out across Q3 and Q4.More mana and places) FY20 identity and use of te reo Māori. 2019-2020 will be naming process for parks in tranche one. whenua have joined the programme this quarter year three for this programme and continue with good collaborative discussions taking place. naming of community parks with the option of Mana whenua will agree who has responsibility for considering community places. naming each park. The process for the gifiting of names will be workshopped with the local board.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 396 MR: Leisure Nathan Homestead Early CS: PSR: ABS: Opex $0 In progress Green Occupancy figures this quarter are similar to quarter 1 Nathan Homestead Facilities Childhood Education; Deliver a variety of Active 2018-2019. Kauri Kids Early Childhood Education Centre Programme accessible programmes and services for early Recreation This quarter the teachers have been working to Active visits for childcare have increased by 3% childhood education. improve the outdoor and indoor play environment for compared to the same period last year, and the children. For the outdoor environment, play areas enrolment levels have been consistent throughout have been cleaned and water blasted, and the garden the past quarter. Twelve children are currently has been made over. The indoor walls are also getting enroled, 60% of the capacity of the licence. The repainted to give the interior a makeover. The goal is team have developed strong relationships with the for our environment to have lots of loose parts and children’s families and regularly run events in the natural resources to reflect our philosophy. centre to engage with parents. The team The centre is embedding ‘Get Set Go’ in our participated in the Nathan Homestead Market Day programme, which is active-based curriculum. All event, with a bouncy castle and stall promoting both weather play is being introduced, and there has been the childcare and after-school care programmes. a big focus on gardening activities and ways the The children’s families were invited to celebrate children can be ‘eco-friendlier’. Diwali at the centre, with a shared morning tea and Story park is a tool we use to share children’s learning lunch. The feedback was really positive and our stories with their whanau, and we have been getting families always fully support and enjoy these lots of positive feedback from families who use this events. tool. We have set our KPIs track the quality of our Before- and after-school care learning stories. The OSCAR programme has an average of 28 Kauri kids Nathan Homestead ran numerous events enrolments this quarter, consistent with the same for its children and their whanau this quarter. This period last year (Nathan Homestead has a license included a Father’s Day event, a disco night, a for up to 40 children). Following customer requests Korowai blessing and a cooking evening. for before-school care, the programme has been This quarter the centre is introducing ‘rituals’ to the expanded, but this is provided at Manurewa Leisure children. Through professional development, the Centre, Frances St. The introduction of the morning teachers are upskilling and moving to embed our programme has been successful and those children philosophy where we create a ‘home away from home’ continue to attend after-school care at Nathan environment for our Tamariki. Homestead as they enjoy the creative arts based content of the afternoon programme there. 397 Manurewa Pool Operate Manurewa Pool and Leisure Centre. CS: PSR: ABS: Opex $0 In progress Green Manurewa Pool and Leisure Centre has shown a The centre has experienced a 21% increase in and Leisure Deliver a variety of accessible programmes and Active decrease in Q1 of 22% in active visits when measured active visits when measured against the same Centre: Operations services that get the local community active Recreation against the same period last year (June – August period last year, due to fitness visits increasing 7% including: fitness; group fitness; learn to swim; 2018). Management is investigating the drop in active and pool visits improving 12.3%. The customer recreational swimming; aquatic services; visits vs the previous year and are working on a more satisfaction survey (NPS) score of 34 is an increase recreation services. exact way to capture visitation data, as in its current on the same time last year, with improvement state it is not recorded accurately.This quarter the feedback commenting on busy/crowded pools and centre had a scheduled maintenance shutdown where the fitness centre and group fitness areas being too there was a complete rebuild of the sauna. Pool staff small. Staff are looking at how to provide additional are getting great feedback from the customers about space for fitness activities in the centre. There's has the new sauna. Membership numbers and been steady growth in active visits and programmes programmes have seen a slight improvement this throughout the centre with the growth in bookings quarter when compared to the same period last year. bringing more of the community into the centre. The Customer experience scores remain similar, using a NZ Underwater Hockey regionals, four Water polo 12-month rolling average (when compared to the end competitions and the Weetbix Triathlon in of quarter 4).We continue to run and promote our November were held at the centre. aqua classes which are low intensity and perfect for our older customers and our customers with disabilities. Feedback we receive on these classes, is they are a great way to get our members active and are also a great social activity for our community.Our Fitness team has been working with the local retirement home where once per week our instructors visit the home to do some light exercise classes with the residents. The instructors also bring the residents into the centre once a week to attend an aqua class.We have been running fun days with aqua-runs and games to get more children in to the centre, which in-turn brings their whanau in to either supervise or take part in various active leisure activities. 398 Totara Park Pool: Operate Manurewa Leisure Centre. CS: PSR: ABS: Opex $0 In progress Green This is a seasonal pool and opens in December 2019. Totara Park Pool was opened for the summer on Operations Deliver a variety of accessible programmes and Active Recruitment has started for the team that will look the 7 December 2019 services that get the local community active Recreation after the pools over the summer. including fitness; group fitness; early childhood education; recreation activities and facilities for hire.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 399 Manurewa Leisure Operate Manurewa Leisure Centre.Deliver a CS: PSR: ABS: Opex $0 In progress Green Active visits have had a slight improvement, Active visits are down 9% in comparison to the Centre: Operations variety of accessible programmes and services Active increasing by 4% from same period last year (June to same period last year. This is largely due to a more that get the local community active including Recreation August). Customer experience scores have decreased accurate collection of information. fitness; group fitness; early childhood education; slightly, with customer feedback being addressed. Booked/programmed space indicates visitor recreation activities and facilities for hire. OSCAR registrations have improved from the same numbers should be consistent with last year which time last year and centre staff are now delivering a indicates that last year’s numbers were slightly new programme providing physical education to local, incorrect. OSCAR (after-school care) programme South Auckland Middle School.We have had an registrations remained steady at an average of 57 increase in elderly people visiting the centre due to the (Manurewa) and 27 (Nathan Homestead). October new "Strength and Balance" classes facilitated by Holiday Programme registrations increased by 4% "Age Concern". The classes have been well in comparison to the previous year. The centre’s patronised resulting in a new time slot created to meet net financial position is favourable, due to an the need. increase in revenue over the quarter. Staffing costs have increased due to the extra programming undertaken. Recent feedback from customers refers to the general condition of our aging facility and cleanliness, we are working with the cleaning contractors and Community Facilities to address these concerns. The team piloted a girls-only youth programme “TWERK” over an 8-week period this quarter. The 2 sports trialled, gymnastics and softball, were facilitated in partnership with Pullman Gymnastics and the Manurewa Mets Softball Club. The goal is for the girls to experience sports they have not had access to before and to inspire a lifelong connection to sport/active lifestyles. 400 Te Matariki Operate Te Matariki Clendon Community Centre. CS: PSR: ABS: Opex $0 In progress Green The centre has just completed a refurb with the Active visits have remained consistent despite the Clendon Deliver a variety of accessible programmes and Active Wharekai, childcare and exterior of the building disruption caused by renewal works.  Community services that get the local community active to Recreation renewed with paint refresh and general tidy up. Basketball skills and the mixed netball league have Centre: Operations include: group fitness, early childhood education Carparking space to the rear of the building has been been delivered at Manurewa Leisure Centre while and recreation activities. used to provide a gated safe car park for staff to the stadium has been closed for painting. Other access the building. Phase two is due to take place bookings have been moved into library spaces, so next quarter where the stadium, meeting rooms and that disruption to customers is minimisedThere has security cameras will be looked at. Programmes are been positive feedback about recent upgrades to performing well, however some programmes have the centre. been moved to Manurewa Leisure Centre Frances Early Childhood occupancy has remained steady at Street, during Term 4 as the centre is undertaking a 56%, the same as last year. In October the ECE paint refresh during this time. Active visits are slightly team celebrated Diwali with traditional foods shared down on the previous year due to centre closures for with the children and their families. the painting to take place. Customer Experience The Clendon Cavaliers basketball skills programme scores continue to be high with great feedback coming has been running well this term, with participants through on the programmes run in the centre. returning each term.  Skill levels have grown, and many young players involved in the Cavaliers programmes and basketball league have been selected for Counties Manukau representative trials. 401 MR: Pools and Provide free access to Manurewa Pool and CS: PSR: LDI: Opex $30,000 In progress Green Customers aged 65+ = 3,064Adults supervising Senior Swim (aged 65+) = 3,311Adults supervising leisure access for Leisure Centre for: • those aged 65 and over;• Active children and people with disabilities = 10,063We children = 16,299People with disabilities = 1006This targeted groups adults supervising children; and • people with Recreation continue to run and promote our aqua classes which quarter has seen a healthy increase in active disabilities. are low intensity and perfect for our older customers participation for the groups funded for free access and our customers with disabilities. Feedback is that by the board.Senior swim entries have grown by they are a great way to get members active and a 8%, and supervising adults by around 50%. great social activity.The fitness team has been working with the local retirement home. Once a week instructors visit the home to do some light exercise classes with the residents. Instructors also bring residents into the centre once a week to attend an aqua class. Fun days with aqua-runs and games to get more children in to the centre have been successful and also encourage their whanau to attend - either to supervise or take part.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 536 Maich Park Provide funding to the Auckland Teaching CS: PSR: Park ABS: Opex $16,500 In progress Green Maich, The Trust have finished a boundary fencing • The Auckland Teaching Gardens (ATG) have just Auckland Teaching Gardens Trust to operate one teaching gardens Services upgrade to the gardens and is currently looking for a had their AGM and Gardens Trust for the community, to encourage and mentor support mentor for the lead mentor. • ATG have finalised their 1-3 year strategic plan. people to grow their own food. • ATG have been working on site signage to explain the project and welcome new members • A new ATG website is being developed to promote the gardens and provide for people to sign up for a site • Improved relationships with local schools per site • ATG and Auckland Council won the national “Outstanding Community Programme Award 2019” at the Recreation Aotearoa National Conference in November 759 MR: Ecological This is an ongoing programme to support CS: PSR: Park LDI: Opex $67,000 In progress Green The Community Park Ranger organised five events - Two volunteer training days were held - risk volunteers and community and volunteer ecological and Services two at Totara Park, one at Rata Vine Reserve and one assessment and Level 1 First Aid. environmental environmental initiatives. This includes: annual at Wattle Farm Road Reserve. Community Park Ranger has been meeting with programme FY20 pest plant and animal control; local park clean Total of 506 volunteer hours recorded and 1600 plants groups to plan for next years planting programmes. ups; and community environmental education and were planted this quarter. events. Additional activities have been planned throughout the year. Q1 - Winter/spring community plantings Q3 - Prepare for autumn planting Q4 - Autumn community plantings 788 Randwick Park Provide year round custodian and activation CS: PSR: LDI: Opex $18,000 In progress Green Randwick Park Sports & Community Trust are Q1 report shows Randwick Park Sports & skate park services for Randwick skate park that contributes Active delivering against agreed key performance indicators Community Trust are tracking against agreed key activation to a safe, active and positive skate park Recreation as per the funding agreement. Q1 report is now due. performance indicators. Key highlights include the environment. growing of the scooter club activation which incorporates the cleaning up of our parks while riding scooters. 789 MR: Activation of Enable and coordinate a range of 'free to attend' CS: PSR: LDI: Opex $50,000 In progress Green Staff have met with various delivery partners in Q1 to The local board have received a memo outlining the parks, places and activities and events that support the local Active confirm summer activation schedules. A confirmed delivery schedule for this financial year. In Q2, CLM open spaces FY20 community to be physically active. Either Recreation schedule will be finalised and forwarded to the local have delivered: through the Out & About programme or other board via memo in early Q2. 6 activations were -3 Kids Try Training - 22 attendees locally focused community or partner delivered in the July school holidays that included 4 -4 Glow Worm walks with over 400 people organisations and initiatives. glow worm walks, 1 Amazing Race and 1 Art in the attending. Park. - 1 Amazing Race - 54 attendees - 1 On Ya Wheels Treasure Hunt - 16 attendees - 1 Park Fun day - 56 attendees Other activations include the delivery of 1 Wild Child and 1 Wild Streets Play. The Clendon Pride Project Trust led the community engagement at the Clendon Skatepark re-opening, and skate activations were led by Young Guns Skate School. 791 Clendon skate Provide year round custodian and activation CS: PSR: LDI: Opex $18,000 In progress Green Attendance records show a range of between 5 - 35 Attendance negatively affected by the refurbishment park activation services for Clendon skate park that contributes Active users on the park during custodian hours with a as well as wet weather in October with between 5 to a safe, active and positive skate park Recreation noticeable decline at end of July and into August due and 20 during custodian hours on Tuesday, environment. to wet weather and the start of the park refurbishment Wednesday and Thursday. We made mobile ramps project. During this period we have provided mobile available during this period but they have not been ramps in the carpark space as an alternative. A popular. The new mural was started in October and minimum of 4/5 boards are being borrowed each day completed in November. Minor issues with alcohol, by locals. There is a core group of between 5 - 10 graffiti during the October period. Attendance locals regularly engaging in lessons on Wednesday picked up in November with between 5 and 40 that have been promoted via flyers and social media. during custodian hours with completion of the The Clendon Skate Group (skate club) has been refurbishment plus more settled weather. A re- formed and created its own logo. The club members opening event was held on the 30th of November visited Barry Curtis and Papakura skate park during led by The Pride Project plus a number of other the July school holidays. Reporting has improved and partners. The borrow a board initiative is still a number of pictures are included each month as working well, and helped enable more locals to evidence of delivery. participate at the re-opening skate event. Free lessons have started to pick up again with local skaters supporting kids to learn the tricks of the trade with the mobile ramps in the car park.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead Dept / Budget Budget Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Unit or CCO Source Status 1127 MR: Urban Forest Develop a local board specific programme which CS: PSR: Park LDI: Opex $15,000 In progress Green Work has not yet begun on the Knowing phase as the Arranging a workshop with the local board in Q3 to (Ngahere) Strategy will identify, increase and protect Auckland's Services local board needs to provide direction on the scope discuss the scope of the report. Urban Forest (Ngahere). This is a three year and extent of this work. project: Year one 'knowing' phase: complete This will be workshopped with the local board in Q3. spatial mapping of the existing tree canopy cover on public and private land in the local board area. Determine the extent, type and age of urban Ngahere. Develop options and identify any funding required for programmes in years two and three: Year two 'growing' phase: Find space for planting new trees using partnerships, including community groups, schools and the Million Trees Program. Year three 'protecting' phase: direct and indirect methods for the community to nominate and protect trees. Plans and Places 1249 Coordination of Ongoing coordination of implementation of the CPO: Plans Regional $0 In progress Green Ongoing monitoring of the implementation of the Monitoring of the implementation of the actions Manurewa- Manurewa-Takanini-Papakura Integrated Area and Places actions identified within the area plan for Manurewa. identified within the area plan for Papakura and Takanini-Papakura Plan, including identification of specific actions for Regular meetings with the steering team comprising Takanini is continuing Integrated Area delivery in 2019/20 represen tatives from the MLB Services, AT and the Plan relevant Council departments implementation - Manurewa actions The Southern Initiative 116 Youth Connections Youth Connections will: TSI: The LDI: Opex $40,000 Completed Green COA security training for 10 young people were COA security training for 10 young people were - Manurewa • retain and build on the impactful work of Youth Southern provided in Smac Gym with C4 Security. This was a provided in Smac Gym with C4 Security. This was a Connections to date particularly the community- Initiative three day programme which was completed with all 10 three day programme which was completed with all led solutions demonstrated to create impact; achieving the training and certification. Four of them 10 achieving the training and certification. Eight of • boost and scale up tried and tested The are already employed full time in living wage. them are already employed full time in living wage. Southern Initiative activities relating to young Noho based training (five days) were completed for 18 Noho based training (five days) were completed for people and employment or entrepreneurship; young people which everyone completed. A video of 18 young people which everyone completed. A • trial and experiment new approaches to support this Noho was to be completed if further budget can video of this Noho has been completed which young marginalized youth (such as those in care, be found. recieved further funding from the Local Board. A in the youth justice system or discriminated video release event will be held in late February - against). early March which will include the Noho participants, thier families and the elected members from the Local Board. BERL research conducted on the ‘State of youth in South Auckland’, which includes Manurewa and this research is expected to inform future work in the Manurewa area.

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead CL: Lease CL: Right CL: Final Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Dept/Unit or Commencemen of Renewal Lease Status CCO t Date Expiry Date CF: Community Leases 1455 25R Dr Pickering Ave, Manurewa Renewal of building Lease CF: 12-03-15 1 x 5years 11-03-25 In Green Renewal of lease application received, staff A site visit has been arranged, staff (entrance at 190 Weymouth Road): Community ROR progress anticipates a site visit to be undertaken aniticipates the item will be workshopped Counties Manukau Cricket Leases during quarter two. with the local board during quarter three. Association Incorporated 1456 Clendon Community House, 60 New ground lease CF: 01-07-16 1 x 2 years 30-06-20 On Hold Amber This item is on hold pending This item is on hold pending Maplesden Drive, Clendon Park: Community confirmation/intent of the head lease confirmation/intent of the head lease Clendon Residents Group Leases between Kāinga Ora and Panuku between Kāinga Ora and Panuku Incorporated Development Auckland for the Clendon Development Auckland for the Clendon Community House and Ratavine Community House and Ratavine Community House. Community House. 1457 39R Wattle Farm Road, Wattle New ground lease CF: 01-10-09 1 x 10 30-09-19 Approved Green This item will be initiated in quarter three. This item will be initiated in quarter three. Downs: Northern Maritime Model Community years Society Incorporated Leases 1458 Ratavine Community House, 1 Rata New ground lease CF: 01-11-16 1 x 2 years 30-06-20 On Hold Amber This item is on hold pending This item is on hold pending Vine Drive, Wiri: RaWiri Residents Community confirmation/intent of the head lease confirmation/intent of the head lease Association Incorporated Leases between Kāinga Ora and Panuku between Kāinga Ora and Panuku Development Auckland for the Clendon Development Auckland for the Clendon Community House and Ratavine Community House and Ratavine Community House. Community House. 1459 Manurewa Netball Complex, 1R Renewal and Variation of ground CF: 01-08-09 1 x 10 31-07-29 On Hold Amber Service Strategy and Intergration are Service Strategy and Intergration are Dalgety Drive, Manukau Central: lease, deferred from 2018/2019 Community years assessing the service need following the assessing the service need following the Netball Manurewa Incorporated work programme Leases proposal to transfer the building to Council. proposal to transfer the building to Council. Options will be presented to the board once Options will be presented to the board once the assessments are completed. the assessments are completed. 1460 War Memorial Park, 16R Gibbs Road, This item is on hold, the Manurewa CF: 01-11-96 1 x 5 years 31-10-16 On Hold Amber The proposed new lease is on hold pending The proposed new lease is on hold Manurewa: Lease to Manurewa Association Football Club facilty is Community completion of the business case for the pending completion of the business case Association Football Club part of the War Memorial Park Leases redevelopment of War Memorial Park. The for the redevelopment of War Memorial Incorporated project which comes under the business case will investigate current Park. The business case will investigate Local Board's OLI (One Local provision levels in and around War current provision levels in and around War Initiative), the clubs occupancy is Memorial Park. This work is currently Memorial Park. This work is currently rolling over monthly. underway with the Community and Social underway with the Community and Social Policy unit and Strategic Projects unit Policy unit and Strategic Projects unit New ground lease, deferred from (Community Facilities). (Community Facilities). 2018/2019 work programme. 1461 20R Roys Road: The Scout New building lease CF: 01-01-10 0 31-12-19 Approved Green This item will be initiated in quarter three. This item will be initiated in quarter three. Association of NZ - Weymouth Scout Community Group Leases 1462 Manurewa Local Board Community Leases to be progressed in the CF: Approved Green Leases to be progressed in the 2020-2021 Leases to be progressed in the 2020-2021 Leases FY2020/2021 Work 2020-2021 Work Programme year: Community Work Programme year. Work Programme year. Programme Weymouth Rugby Football Club Leases Incorporated; Counties Manukau Kindergarten Association Incorporated - Leabank; Manurewa Croquet Club Incorporated; Totara Park Equestrian Centre Trust - Grazing Licence; Totara Park Equestrian Centre Trust - Lease; Totara Park Equestrian Centre Trust - LfAP for Arena; Bowling Club Incorporated; 1463 Manurewa Local Board Community Leases to be progressed in the CF: Approved Green Leases to be progressed in the 2021-2022 Leases to be progressed in the 2021-2022 Leases FY2021/2022 Work 2021-2022 Work Programme year: Community Work Programme year. Work Programme year. Programme All Seasons Community Sports Leases Trust; Counties Manukau Sports Foundation; Manurewa Community Facilities Charitable Trust; Te Manurewa Pasifika Early Childhood Education Trust; Jellicoe Park Tennis Club Incorporated; Ministry of Education - Tuputupu Foou Aoga Niue; Te Kotahitanga Ki Manurewa Kokiri Centre

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Work Programme 2019/2020 Q2 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Lead CL: Lease CL: Right CL: Final Activity RAG Q1 Commentary Q2 Commentary Dept/Unit or Commencemen of Renewal Lease Status CCO t Date Expiry Date 3366 Jellicoe Park, 40R Jellicoe Road, New ground lease to existing CF: 01-05-09 Nil 30-04-19 In Green Staff have yet to receive the new lease New lease application received, staff Manurewa: Lease to Manurewa group. Community progress application from the group. Staff have anticipates a site visit to be undertaken Amateur Athletic & Harrier Club Leases followed up and anticipate the application to during quarter three. Incorporated Deferred from the 2018/2019 work be received during quarter two. programme.

3367 Mountfort Park, 77R Sykes Road, New ground lease to existing CF: 01-07-09 Nil 30-06-19 Complete Green Staff have workshopped the matter with Iwi This item was completed in quarter two. Manurewa: Lease to Te Kohanga Reo group. Community d at the Mana Whenua forum in September National Trust Board - Tahuri Mai Leases 2019, no objections were raised. Staff will Deferred from the 2018/2019 work prepare a report in quarter two. programme. 3368 Manurewa Swimming Pool Grounds, New ground lease to Manurewa CF: 01-06-08 Nil 31-05-18 In Green Staff are working with Active Recreation Staff are working with Active Recreation 31R Russell Road, Manurewa: Lease Tennis Club Incorporated. Community progress regarding improving the utilisation of the regarding improving the utilisation of the to Manurewa Tennis Club Leases site. This item is anticipated to be site. This item is anticipated to be Incorporated Deferred from the 2017/2018 work progressed during quarter three. progressed during quarter three. programme. 3369 Tadmore Park, 238R Great South New community lease to Senior CF: 17-08-97 Nil 16-08-17 In Green Staff have workshopped the item with the Staff have workshopped the item with the Road, Manurewa: Lease to Senior Citizens Service Club of Manurewa Community progress Local Board. Staff are working with Service local board. Staff are working with Service Citizens Service Club of Manurewa Incorporated. Leases Strategy and Integration, Community Strategy and Integration, Community Incorporated Empowerment and Venue Hire to develop Empowerment and Venue Hire to develop Deferred from the 2017/2018 work options to improve the utilisation of the options to improve the utilisation of the programme. council-owned building. council-owned building. Options will be presented to the local board once the assessment is completed. 3370 Mountfort Park, 25R Dr Pickering New ground lease to Manukau CF: 01-01-09 Nil 31-12-10 In Green The groups legal status has been Item presented at the Mana Whenua forum Avenue, Manurewa: Lease to Racing Pigeon Club Incorporated. Community progress reinstated. The item is to be presented at on 30 October 2019. There were no Manukau Racing Pigeon Club Leases the Mana Whenua forum for Iwi feedback objections raised for a lease to be granted. Incorporated Deferred from the 2017/2018 work during quarter two. Email forwarded to Mana Whenua programme. representatives for feedback on the proposed lease with the close off date being early January 2020. Staff anticipate a workshop with the local board during quarter three. 3371 Mountfort Park, 25R Dr Pickering New ground lease to Manurewa CF: 01-11-92 1/11/2002 31-10-12 On Hold Amber This matter is on hold pending the Staff are working with the group to arrange Avenue, Manurewa: Lease to Rugby Football Club Incorporated. Community resolution of the outstanding building a payment plan regarding the outstanding Manurewa Rugby Football Club Leases insurance charges. arrears prior to the lease matter being Incorporated Deferred from the 2017/2018 work progressed. programme. Staff are investigating outstanding building insurance charges for 2018, 2017 and 2016. This lease item is on hold pending the resolution of the outstanding building insurance charges. 3437 Manurewa Library Complex Grounds, Variation of ground lease for the CF: 01-06-15 01/06/2025 31-05-35 Complete Green This item was completed in quarter one. This item was completed in quarter one. 7 Hill Road, Hill Park: Landowner proposed playground Community d approval and lease for additional Leases premises to Royal New Zealand Plunket Trust

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