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INDEX1 A C Adaptation studies, 130, 190 Canon, 94, 146, 187, 188, 193, Adenauer, Konrad, 111, 123 194, 214 Adenauer Era, 105 Cochran, Russ, 164 Another Rainbow, 164, 176 Comics Code, 122 Comics collecting, 146, 161 Cultural diplomacy, 51, 55, 59, B 113, 116 Barks, Carl, 3, 43–44, 61, 62, 69, 185 Calgary Eye-Opener, 72, 156 D early life and career, 71 Dell Comics, 3, 5, 15, 30, 98, “The Good Duck Artist,” 67 123, 143 identifcation by fans, 99 De-Nazifcation, 6, 105 oil portraits, 72, 100, 165 Disney, Walt, 2, 38, 49, 53, 57, 59, retirement, 97 66, 69, 80, 143 Beagle Boys, 74, 135 Disney animated shorts Branding, 39, 56, 57, 66 The Band Concert, 40 Europe, 106 Commando Duck, 65, 121 Bray, J.R., 34 Der Fuehrer’s Face, 62 Col. Heeza Liar, 47 Donald and Pluto, 42 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 219 Switzerland AG 2021 P. C. Bryan, Creation, Translation, and Adaptation in Donald Duck Comics, Palgrave Fan Studies, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-73636-1 220 INDEX Disney animated shorts (cont.) F Donald Gets Drafted, 61 Fan studies, 26, 160 Don Donald, 43 Fanzines, 148, 163 Education for Death, 63 Barks Collector, 149, 165, 180 Modern Inventions, 43 Der Donaldist, 157 The New Spirit, 61 Duckburg Times, 157, 158, 180 The Spirit of ‘43, 62 Female characters in Disney comics, 19 Disney Animation, 44, 47, 72 Frontier theory, 85–86, 94 Kimball, Ward, 44 Fuchs, Erika, 6, 15, 16, 105, 152, 201 World War II, 50 early life and career, 125 Disney comics, 177, 180 ”Erikativ,”
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