
The The American River Natural History Association ACORN Number 166 www.arnha.org Winter 2013/2014 Return of the Wayfaring Duck story and drawings by William Avery, Ph.D.

The migrating diving ducks have returned, so it must observed between Barrow’s Goldeneyes and Common be fall on the American River. They bring with them their *ROGHQH\HV K\EULGVKDYHOHVVGLVWLQFWZKLWHFUHVFHQWV summer offspring looking almost all grown up now. The than Barrow’s and maroon, rather than green, head irides- *ROGHQH\HVDQG%XIÁHKHDGV JHQXV%XFHSKDODIRU´R[µRU cence). Cross-genus hybrids have been observed between ´EXIIDORµDQG´KHDGµVRQDPHGEHFDXVHRI WKHUHODWLYHO\ %XIÁHKHDGVDQG+RRGHG0HUJDQVHUV VHHSibley’s Guide to large head and steep foreheads) belong to the ancient goose Birds for more complete descriptions). and Anatidae, which also contains the more fa- *ROGHQH\HVDQG%XIÁHKHDGVDUHDOVRIDLWKIXOWRWKHLU miliar Canada Geese and dabbling ducks such as Mallards and overwintering areas, so the ones we are seeing on the Ameri- Wood Ducks. But Bucephala also belong to an elite subfamily can River now are probably ones we have seen in previous - Merginae - the sea ducks. Other close relatives within this years. They are even more faithful to their breeding territories subfamily include the eiders, scoters and mergansers such îDOZD\VUHWXUQLQJWRWKHVDPHZRRGHGODNHVDQGULYHUV as our familiar year-round resident the Common Merganser WRPLOHVWRWKHQRUWKLQ&DQDGDDQG$ODVND,QIDFW and also the smaller more migratory Hooded Merganser. see Goldeneyes on page 3 The occasionally seen Ruddy Duck, though also a diver, does not belong to this subfamily. 1DWXUH)HVW([KLELWV And so our wayfaring sea ducks have returned to their 'UDZ9LVLWRUVIURP$IDU southern home, but even by Margaret Leavitt and Peter Hayes though the Goldeneyes and %XIÁHKHDGVZHQWQRUWKZLWK /RQJWLPH(IÀH

Holiday Sale at EYNC Discovery Shopv6DWXUGD\'HFHPEHUDPWRSP President President’s Message Diana Parker First Vice President 'HDU$51+$0HPEHUV Liz Williamson Second Vice President, Publications Peggy Kennedy 'LG,VHH\RXDW1DWXUH)HVW",WZDVWKHWKLUGDQGWKHEHVW1DWXUH)HVW\HW,Q Third Vice President DGGLWLRQWRWKHVSHFLDO(<1&SURJUDPVRYHUH[KLELWRUVKHOSHGWRPDNHWKLV Bud Banker DPRVWLQWHUDFWLYHH[SHULHQFHIRUWKLV\HDU·VDWWHQGHHV Recording Secretary Claudia Hulbe ,I \RXKDYHQ·WEHHQWRWKH1DWXUH&HQWHULQDZKLOHWKHQ\RX·YHPLVVHGVHHLQJ Treasurer WKHFR\RWH V" WKDWKDYHWDNHQXSUHVLGHQFHDW$QFLO+RIIPDQ3DUN:LWKGXVN Donald R. (Don) Mongeau occurring earlier each evening, treat yourself to a trip to the Center to watch the turkeys lumber off the hill and land in a nearby tree for a good night’s sleep. Members at Large Noah Baygell And while you’re visiting us at the Center, stop by the gift shop and pick up Marsha Bedwell DFRS\RI WKHXSGDWHGDQGFRORUYHUVLRQRI $51+$·V2XWGRRU:RUOG,W·VKRW Hunter Merritt off the press and will make a thoughtful gift for family and friends who enjoy Bill Spaller Linda Thomas the parkway. David Wade $V$51+$URXQGVWKHEHQGRILWVIRXUWK\HDURIÀVFDODQGRSHUDWLRQDO Larry Washington UHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUWKH(IÀH

Representatives to other groups: Commission on History and Science Give the Gift of Nature Greg Voelm Parkway Advisory Committee Are you looking for a holiday or birthday gift for a loved one living in a Betsy Weiland senior residence in the Sacramento area? Save the American River Association Betsy Weiland American River Parkway Coalition EYNC’s Young at Heart Program provides the unusual experience of observ- Katie Baygell & Peggy Kennedy ing and learning about nature. EYNC naturalists work with the residence staff to design a program, such as bringing an owl or raptor for interested ARNHA residents to their site or leading a guided walk at EYNC. American River Natural History Association 32%R[‡&DUPLFKDHO&$ ‡ZZZDUQKDRUJ Now, you can honor the senior in your life by donating a nature program to his or her residence. The Young at Heart program can accommodate The AcornLVSXEOLVKHGTXDUWHUO\RQSDUWO\UHF\FOHG paper by $51+$D F  QRQSUR¿WRUJDQL]DWLRQ a variety of physical abilities. Contact Betty Cooper at EYNC (916) 489- Letters to the editor should be sent to the address above. 4918 or at [email protected].

2 Visit the (IÀH

William Avery is a frequent contributor to The Acorn and is a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences, CSUS. This article is an excerpt from a book that he is writing while on sabbatical en- titled An American River Sketchbook. He recently completed artwork for Field Guide to California Rivers, UC Press, 2012, and Field Guide to Oregon Rivers, OSU Press, 2014. N

A good viewing spot is from any bridge over the American River.

4 Sandhill CranesDQQRXQFHWKHLUZLQWHUWLPHDUULYDOZLWKD³JDURRRDDD´ NatureFest, from page 1 On a stage set up under the oaks, live animals presented are unable to )O\)LVKHUV8QOLPLWHGWDXJKWFKLOGUHQ several animal shows gathered enthu- survive in the wild because they have DERXWÁ\ÀVKLQJDQGORFDOÀVKSRSXOD- VLDVWLFDXGLHQFHV$VKRZE\1RU&DO been raised by humans or injured in WLRQVE\Á\W\LQJ´ZRRO\EXJJHUVµDQG Bats, and presentations at their popular some way. Wild Things presenter, Gabe FDVWLQJWR´FDWFKDQGUHOHDVHµPRXVH- booth, offered facts and dispelled myths .HUVFKQHUVWUHVVHGWKDWDOWKRXJKHDFK WUDSÀVK9LVLWRUVH[DPLQHGLQVHFWDQG DERXWWKHVHUHPDUNDEOHDQGEHQHÀFLDO of the animals he works with is valuable bird specimens displayed by two new mammals. Hawks, Honkers & Hoots for teaching people about wildlife, he H[KLELWRUVWKLV\HDUîWKH8&'DYLV%R- featured feathered critters at both booth would rather the animals were living in hart Museum of Entomology and the DQGVWDJHSUHVHQWDWLRQ.HOOL0RXOGHQ the wild as nature intended–just as the 8&'DYLV0XVHXPRI:LOGOLIHDQG)LVK founder and educator of HH&H, deer, turkeys, and woodpeckers who %LRORJ\$QG$51+$3XEOLFDWLRQV introduced a Western Screech Owl to FDOO(<1&DQGWKH1DWXUH6WXG\$UHD &RPPLWWHHPHPEHUV3HJJ\.HQQHG\ fascinated groups, including the family home do. 0ROO\.HOOHUDQG3HWH+D\HVVWDIIHG RI)UHG%RHORI/DXVDQQH6ZLW]HUODQG 0RUH WKDQ VHYHQW\ $51+$ DQG DERRWKWKDWQHWWHGRYHULQVDOHV ZKRQRWHGWKDW´:HKDYHORWVRI RZOV (<1&YROXQWHHUVZRUNHGLQWKHGD\V RI $51+$ERRNVLQFOXGLQJWKHQHZ in Switzerland that we hear calling ‘hoo- OHDGLQJXSWR1DWXUH)HVWDQGRQWKH color edition of Outdoor World. KRR·IURPWKHIRUHVWµ6RPHQDWXUH day of the event. A visitor, Ray Cun- $VLQSDVW\HDUVWKHVWDUVRI 1DWXUH H[SHULHQFHVDUHJOREDO ningham of Antelope, summed up )HVWZHUHWKHOLYHDQLPDOVLQFOXGLQJ Two presentations by Wild Things the value of all the staff and volunteer (<1&·VRZQUHSWLOHDQGUDSWRUDPEDV- drew large crowds to meet and learn HIIRUWVZKHQKHVDLG´,OLNHDOOWKHH[- VDGRUVZKRZHUHLQWHUYLHZHG ZLWKWKHLU about animals such as Radar, the rac- KLELWVWKHH[SRVXUHWRDOOWKLVQDWXUH, handlers) by Good Day Sacramento and FRRQ3UHFLRXVWKHUDWWOHVQDNHDQG QHYHUHYHQNQHZWKH(IÀH

The 4th edition of Biking and Hiking the American River Parkway is available at the Discovery Shop inside the Effie Yeaw Nature Center, and selected local bookstores, for $14.95.

or online at www.arnha.org

Poison OakFDQJURZWRIHHWDVDEXVKRUFOLPELQH[FHVVRI IHHWDVDYLQH 'RQRUV-XO\$XJXVW ‡ William & Ann Aaker ‡ Terence & Elise Cassidy ‡ Eleanor Fenton ‡ Marvin & Linda Kamras ‡ Beverly Abbott ‡ Dawn Cawrse ‡ Feuchter ‡ Kathy Kayner ‡ Jill Abramson & Colmar ‡ Kate Chapman ‡ Adele Fife ‡ Bobbie Keck Figueroa- Moseley ‡ Kang Chen ‡ Gail & James Finnegan ‡ Mary Cay Kelison ‡ Gary & Judy Agid ‡ Veronica & Jack Chipley ‡ Lon E. Fisher ‡ Peggy & Bruce Kennedy ‡ Peggy & Mike Agron ‡ David & Maxine Clark ‡ Nancy Fisher ‡ Jennifer Kerr ‡ Janice & Robers Ahders ‡ Claudia Hulbe ‡ Marilee & Stephen Flannery ‡ Claudia Kirkpatrick ‡ Mark & Debbie Aizenberg ‡ Dale & Jeannie Claypoole ‡ Warren & Marie Fleckenstein ‡ Kit Kirkpatrick ‡ Erin Allen ‡ Melissa & Jon Cofer ‡ Tova Fleming ‡ Judine Klousner ‡ Ronald Alvarado ‡ Betty Cooper ‡ Saphonia Flowers ‡ Lois & Ken Koefoed ‡ American River Raft Rental ‡ Lawrence & Vivian Counts ‡ Jacqui Fogle ‡ Ann Kohl ‡ Joy Amulya & Frederick ‡ Garry & Robyn Cox ‡ Lisa Anne Forsythe ‡ Charles & Joan Kosmatin ‡Reardon Bruce & Anne Anderson ‡ Ms. Gloria Cox ‡ Kit Fung ‡ Leslie & Jacquelyn Lahr ‡ Wesley & Catherine Apker ‡ Barry & Diane Craig ‡ Maureen Geiger ‡ Sandi Lane ‡ Kirsten Appel ‡ Jane Crowden ‡ Harold & Barbara Gillogly ‡ Daphne Lang ‡ Robert Aragon ‡ Jose Cueto & Anita Prietto ‡ Emily Giza ‡ Jim M. Langham ‡ Joanna Arnold ‡ Nancy Dagle ‡ John Graham ‡ David Lavezz ‡ Susan Ashcraft ‡ Peggy Dalton ‡ John & Deborah Greenwood ‡ Ted & Jean Lawson ‡ Paige Ashley ‡ Bill Davis ‡ Kathryn Griffin ‡ Margaret Leavitt ‡ Ron & Iris Bachman ‡ Cheri Davis ‡ Eugene & Dorothy Gualco ‡ Dorothy Lee ‡ Paula Baldi ‡ Susan & Rodney Davis ‡ Amy Guis ‡ Matt & Laura Legrand ‡ John & Dayle Barry ‡ Mary & Douglas Davy ‡ Sandra Haddad ‡ Christina Lewis ‡ Bob Bastian ‡ Carol Davydova ‡ Barbara Haig ‡ Robert Lincoln ‡ Diane & Rich Battistessa ‡ Catherine De Martini ‡ M.J. Hamilton & Dave Reed ‡ Judy Link ‡ Kari & Richard Bauer ‡ Bob Deal ‡ Neal Hamilton ‡ Robert Lipman ‡ Susan Beatty ‡ Christine Deans ‡ Edward & Bea Harris ‡ Mike & Mary Livingston ‡ Amy Becker ‡ Mirlita Dennis ‡ Glenn Harris & Anne Katten ‡ James & Louise Lockhart ‡ Chris & Dave Beeby ‡ Jennifer & Mark Denno ‡ Steve & Judith Harrison ‡ Susan Lorimer ‡ Chris & Sandra Beery ‡ Ellen Derby ‡ Therese Hart ‡ Sonya Lyons ‡ Audy & Mary Ann Bell ‡ Susan & Keith DeVore ‡ Hayes ‡ Ken Mack ‡ Karen Benson ‡ Joseph Dion ‡ The Hearne Family ‡ Jean Manzella ‡ Bruce & Barbara Berg ‡ Elizabeth Disbrow ‡ Eileen Heinrich ‡ Jean Marcy ‡ Joan Berry ‡ Ms. Ann Doersch ‡ Amber Henning ‡ Brian Marler ‡ BES Health & Wellness ‡ Mr. Walter Dong ‡ Emily Hill ‡ Gene & Judy Marquart ‡ Debra Bishop ‡ Michael Donnoe ‡ Norman Hill ‡ Martinez Family ‡ Suzanne Black ‡ William & Diane Donnoe ‡ Richard & Eleanor Hoffelt ‡ Richard & Mary Mastain ‡ Thomas & Margaret Blankenship ‡ Shardoof Doongursee ‡ Diane & Julian Holt ‡ Ms. Rosemary Mayfield ‡ David Bloch ‡ Jennifer Dove ‡ Jane Horgan ‡ Michael & Tanja McCey ‡ Kristen Boelter ‡ Joseph Downing ‡ Dina Howard ‡ Sandra McGinnis ‡ Wendy & Kenneth Bogdan ‡ Roger & Carol Dreyer ‡ Megan Hubbell ‡ Dr. Carol McKenzie, PhD ‡ Amanda Bouillon ‡ Yvonne Dufault ‡ Greg Huff ‡ Marilyn McRae ‡ Ernest & Diane Bouillon ‡ Virginia Dunstan ‡ Gary & Betty Hunziker ‡ Patricia McVicar ‡ Bowington/Brown ‡ Norman & Dorothy Eade ‡ Gary & Gayle Hursh ‡ Robert & Anne Meagher ‡ John & Sylvia Boyle ‡ Dennis Eckhart Family ‡ Teresa Jacobs ‡ Irene Mehaffy ‡ John & Jennifer Bressler ‡ Harvey & Scarlet Edber ‡ Jo Lynn Jarrett ‡ Wayne Menebroker ‡ Frank & Susan Brown ‡ Jeff Edwards ‡ Dustin Johnson ‡ Merchants National Bank ‡ Doris Buchman ‡ Marcia Ehinger, MD ‡ Ernest & Muriel Johnson ‡ Hunter Merritt ‡ Nicolle & Stein Buer ‡ Diana Elmer ‡ Johnson Controls ‡ Richard & Lori Mersereau ‡ Rob & Maureen Burness ‡ Sheila Epler ‡ Neal Jones ‡ Margaret Mette ‡ Bustamante Family ‡ Ms. Marilyn Evans ‡ Sandra Jones ‡ Beryl Michaels ‡ Edric & Ethelwynne Cane ‡ Craig & Jacque Fabian-Brown ‡ Mirna & Brad Jope ‡ Misca Family ‡ Joel Carson ‡ Nathan Fairman ‡ Michael Kalmanson ‡ Ms. Barbara L Mohr

6 )UHH3URJUDPVDW(<1&HYHU\6DWXUGD\DWDPDQGHYHU\6XQGD\DWSP ‡ Don Mongeau ‡ Elizabeth & John Roberts ‡ Doug Souvignier ‡ Gregory Uba &Tonius Louie ‡ Jaclyn Montano ‡ Ms. Jane Robinson ‡ Jo Souvignier & Rod Nystrom ‡ JoAnn Underkoffler ‡ Winfield Montgomery ‡ Mary Ann Robinson ‡ William & Anne Spaller ‡ Violet V. Underwood ‡ Stephanie Monzon ‡ Theresa Robinson ‡ Lu-Anne Spencer-Hartle ‡ United Way ‡ Carla Mook ‡ Mark Roese ‡ John & Janice Speth ‡ Jay Verhaag ‡ Denise Moore ‡ Howard & Donna Ross ‡ Karl Speth ‡ Greg Voelm ‡ Marie Moran ‡ William Rowley ‡ Will Speth ‡ Bettie Wade ‡ Matthew Morehead & ‡ Ms. Anne Rudin ‡ Daphne Stammer ‡ Katharine Wagner Deborah McCoy ‡ Sacramento Audubon Society ‡ Laurence Stearns ‡ Natalya Wahba ‡ Fred Morrison ‡ Marva Samuels ‡ Morna Stephens ‡ Charlie Waitley ‡ Kent & Charmaine Morrison ‡ Timothy Sapunor ‡ Kristie Stevens ‡ Linda Wall ‡ Deborah & Bob Moskovitz ‡ Hunt Sara ‡ Patricia & John Richard Stock ‡ Jean & Rod Ward ‡ John & Marsie Mott ‡ Nicki Sauer ‡ Sarah Stoltz ‡ Larry & Jamie Washington ‡ Frank & Joyce Nein ‡ Susan Savage ‡ Betsy & Todd Stone ‡ Lea Webb ‡ Mark Nemmers ‡ Samuel & Mary Ellen Scarlett ‡ Jerry Stone ‡ Betsy & Fred Weiland ‡ Michelle Nevins ‡ Ellen Schaefer ‡ Ray & Caroline Stonebraker ‡ Rachel Weinreb ‡ Kent Newton ‡ Peter Schlocker & Betty Louie ‡ Perry Stout ‡ Rick & Laura Weisberg ‡ David Novak ‡ John & Kathleen Schnobrich ‡ Christina Straw ‡ Rob & Laura Wendel ‡ Cynthia Oconnell ‡ Whit Schroder ‡ Sherry Stuart ‡ Western Health Advantage ‡ Sandra Osborn ‡ Kathy Schulz ‡ Pat Sullivan ‡ Gregory R. Wheeler & ‡ Eve Panush ‡ Lynn Schweissinger ‡ Sunshine Fund Mary B. Oliveira ‡ Thomas & Diana Parker ‡ Valorie Scott ‡ Marc & Carol Sussman ‡ Bill & Nancy Whitaker ‡ Thomas Parrish ‡ Thomas & Duste Sellas ‡ Roger & Lynn Swanson ‡ Rebecca A. Whitehead ‡ Andrew & Maria Pascoal ‡ John & Julia Serences ‡ Sherrie Swass ‡ Jan Wilcox ‡ Scott Peters ‡ Lanna Seuret ‡ Bea Swearingen ‡ Mary Wilkinson ‡ Joyce Peterson ‡ Francis A. Sheehan & ‡ Carl Sweet ‡ Williams Family ‡ Steven Phillips Paula W. Huber ‡ Sharon Tapia ‡ Stephanie Wiman ‡ Gordon & Lynne Pistochini ‡ Laverne & Vaughn Shell ‡ Jaclyn Teofilo ‡ Linda Winthers ‡ Miriam Porter ‡ Shell Oil Company ‡ Linda & Dick Thomas ‡ Patty J Wood ‡ George & Maro Poulos ‡ Dr. & Mrs. I.D. Siddons ‡ Bohdan and Motria Tomkiw ‡ Dorothy & James Woodstrom ‡ Diane Ramsey ‡ James & Denise Silvernail ‡ Jerry Towner ‡ Wroblicky Family ‡ Eric Ratinoff ‡ Nowelle Sinclair ‡ James Trawick ‡ Harold & Suzanne Yackey ‡ Lyle J. Ray ‡ Susan & John Skinner ‡ Teresa Trimble ‡ Lynne Yamane ‡ Tim & Julie Reardon ‡ Anne Smith ‡ John Troiano & ‡ Bill & Carol Yeates ‡ Ellen Reller ‡ Ms. Cindy Smith Victoria Brown-Troiano ‡ Laura & Jason Rizzi ‡ Walter Smith ‡ Del and Alta Tura Thank you!


Visit the (IÀH

On the evening of September 11, the 1DWXUH%RZODQGWKHUHFRJQLWLRQE\ %XWLQWKHHQGVDLG3DUNHULWLV $PHULFDQ5LYHU1DWXUDO+LVWRU\$VVR- the Sacramento Environmental Com- people who make the difference: skilled ciation conducted its annual meeting at PLVVLRQRI1DWXUH)HVW·VVXFFHVVIXO and passionate volunteers, staff, and (IÀH


Clean Up On a Cloudy Day by Linda Thomas




asts come from all over to use this as a training ground where Floating Down the River they can tip over and safely right themselves. They call the by Peter Hayes UDSLGVVLPSO\¶WKH-XDQ·µ ,QWHUUXSWLQJWKHYR\DJHWKHUDIWHUVGLVHPEDUNHGDWWKH 3DUWLFLSDQWVLQWKHÀUVWHYHU´0RUQLQJ)ORDW'RZQWKH $QFLO+RIIPDQ3DUNSLFQLFJURXQGWRIHDVWRQDVSUHDGRI WR- /RZHU$PHULFDQ5LYHUµZHUHWDNLQJDEUHDWKHURQWKHULYHU matoes, carrots, cucumbers, and many other organic veggies EDQNZKHQDORQHND\DNHUQRVHGLQWRVKRUH´,·YHQHYHUVHHQ IURP6RLO%RUQ)DUPVSUHVLGHGRYHUE\*X\*DODQWH DJURXSOLNH\RXJX\VEHIRUHµKHVDLGODXJKLQJ´(YHU\ERG\·V There were many highlights of the day for participants: wearing life jackets, you’re all paddling together, and nobody LVGULQNLQJEHHU,WGRHVQ·WKDSSHQWKLVZD\µ ‡&ODXGLD.LUNSDWULFN´,KDGIXQVLWWLQJDORQHLQWKHIURQW 6XFKSUDLVHW\SLÀHGWKHKLJKO\VXFFHVVIXO$XJXVWHYHQW of the raft, watching the river, the ducks, and the ap- VSRQVRUHGE\$51+$WKH(IÀH


Palaver Toms and hens gather near an old oak tree to dine and to talk turkey. --Peter Hayes

Welcome New Members! July-September, 2013 ‡ Joy Amulya & Frederick Reardon ‡ Brian Marler ‡ Robert Aragon ‡ Martinez Family ‡ Susan Beatty ‡ Jaclyn Montano ‡ Dawn Cawrse ‡ Denise Moore ‡ Kang Chen ‡ Kent & Charmaine Morrison ‡ Nancy Dagle ‡ Sandra Osborn ‡ Tova Fleming ‡ Thomas Parrish ‡ Maureen Geiger ‡ Karl Speth ‡ Amy Guis ‡ Will Speth ‡ Sandra Haddad ‡ Christina Straw ‡ Neal Hamilton ‡ Jerry Towner ‡ Megan Hubbell ‡ Gregory Uba &Tonius Louie ‡ Teresa Jacobs ‡ Lea Webb ‡ Dustin Johnson ‡ Jan Wilcox