the PublicanThe Alliance of Beverage Licensees Winter 2012 Viti Wine and Lager International Beer Styles Wine Clubs: Expanding the Wine Culture Building Your Brand Options in Glassware 40026059 # AGREEMENT AGREEMENT The official comfort beer of Winter is here. WORLD BEER CHAMPIONSHIPS GIB-C19640_MovemberBackerCard.indd 2 11-08-30 12:15 PM Wasserman + Partners advertising Art: lm AE: mh Dsgn: gj proD: sh CmYK Laser % trim sizE: 12" x 21" prEss / stock: offset giB-C19640.02 BlEED: .125" rEs finishED: 300 ppi DEsign : file: giB-c19640_movemberBackercard othEr: - Artwork scAlE: 1 : 1 rev: Aug. 30, 2011 – 12:14 pm finishED: - rEs Artwork: 300 PPi AE/proD : movember Backer Card formAt: inDesign cs5 notE : BaCK DElivEr: collect traP at OutPut stuDio : On the Cover Ralf Joneikies Viti Wine and Lager Quarterly Publication for the Alliance of Beverage Licensees 2nd floor 948 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1N9 T 604-688-5560 F 604-688-8560 Toll free 1-800-663-4883 24
[email protected] 2011-2012 Board of Directors President Ron Orr (Interim) Past President Al Arbuthnot VP Membership Jonathan Cross VP LP Poma Dhaliwal VP Governance John Lepinski VP LRS Ron Orr 12 18 26 30 Secretary/Treasurer Roger Gibson Executive Director Ian Baillie Directors Brady Beruschi, Al Deacon, Mariana Fiddler, the Al McCreary, Mike McKee, Gavin Parry, Ronnie Paterson, Kurt Pyrch, Danny Rickaby, Stan Sprenger Director at Large Dave Crown The Publican Editorial Committee Damian Kettlewell, Ralf Joneikies, Mike McKee, Gary McPhail, PublicanWinter2012 Ron Orr, Brian