Film Studies A Level Film Studies Delivery Guide Exploring messages and values in film September 2015 Oxford Cambridge and RSA A Level Film Studies Delivery Guide CONTENTS Introduction Page 3 Curriculum Content Page 4 Thinking Conceptually Page 5 Thinking Contextually Page 6 2 Introduction Delivery guides are designed to represent a body of knowledge about teaching a particular topic and contain: KEY • Content: A clear outline of the content covered by the Click to view associated resources delivery guide; within this document. • Thinking Conceptually: Expert guidance on the key concepts involved, common difficulties students may have, approaches to teaching that can help students Click to view external resources understand these concepts and how this topic links conceptually to other areas of the subject; AS Level content only • Thinking Contextually: A range of suggested teaching only activities using a variety of themes so that different activities can be selected which best suit particular classes, learning styles or teaching approaches. This Delivery Guide has been written to aid teachers, however the activities listed from page 6 to page 23 have been written in a direct address to students. It is recommended that when using the suggested activities teachers follow their own good practice and where necessary contextualise or amend the activities (for example, in terms of film choice or themes) for the needs of their own cohorts. If you have any feedback on this Delivery Guide or suggestions for other resources you would like OCR to develop, please email
[email protected]. 3 Curriculum Content Identifying, exploring and analysing messages and values is a necessary focus for study across all four units of the specification.