CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) at AGDER ENERGI in 2016 Appendix – Total Figures for Group and by Company

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CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) at AGDER ENERGI in 2016 Appendix – Total Figures for Group and by Company III < > GRI index AE total by company Conversion factors CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) AT AGDER ENERGI IN 2016 Appendix – total figures for Group and by company AGDER ENERGI APPENDIX 2016 1 III < > GRI index AE total by company Conversion factors This document supplements the section on CSR in Agder Energi’s 2016 annual report, and the scope and boundaries described in that section also apply here. The appendix forms part of Agder Energi’s GRI 4 reporting. This document breaks down the joint figures for the Group by topic and company, as well as providing data for the construction of the Skjerka dams and Hodna substation, two of Agder Energi’s major projects in 2016. The document contains the GRI index for Agder Energi’s annual report and appendix. The appendix is only published on our website CONTENT Click on the text to go to the page of your choice Energy 3 Impacts on biodiversity 4 Greenhouse gas emissions 5 Local pollution 6 Health, safety and the environment: our top priority 7 Employees at agder energi 8 Competition law 9 GRI index 10 General Standard Disclosures 10 Specific Standard Disclosures 11 Agder Energi vannkraft 13 Agder Energi Nett 16 Agder Energi Varme 19 Agder Energi AS 21 Agder Energi Kraftforvaltning 23 Otera Infra 24 Otera XP 26 Otera AB 27 Otera AB 28 JSC Latgales Energetika 29 UAB Baltic Hydroenergy 31 Conversion factors 33 AGDER ENERGI APPENDIX 2016 2 III < > GRI index AE total by company Conversion factors ENERGY Agder Energi’s energy generation (GWh) Source 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Electricity generation Water 8 884,1 9 002,7 9 067,7 7 740 8 100 Solar PV 0,04 0,04 0,04 0,04 0,04 Wind power 0 0 0 0 5,4 Heating District heating 158,9 138,58 132,7 150,8 141,5 Total energy generated by Agder Energi 9 043,04 9 141,32 9 200,44 7 890,84 8 246,94 Renewable share in district heating (%), excl. electricity 99 % 95 % 91 % 83 % 79 % Data for Baltic Hydroenergy AS is inclu- The high proportion of renewable energy metres to provide cooling to the hospital, ded in the Group’s CSR reporting, but not in the district heating system mainly several large buildings in the Kvadraturen in the main section of the annual report. reflects our use of waste heat from district and Agder Energi’s head office in This explains the slight discrepancy Returkraft’s waste-to-energy plant in Kristiansand. Agder Energi is building between the energy generation figures in Kristiansand and from Glencore Nikkel- several hydroelectric power plants that the main annual report and the ones in verk. In 2016 our plant at Vesterveien will be completed over the coming years. this table. was converted to use biodiesel, so that The Group is also working on several the district heating system for central major hydroelectric projects that may The Group’s hydroelectric power stations, Kristiansand no longer uses fossil fuels. increase the Group’s renewable energy including Baltic Hydroenergy, generated Agder Energi Varme’s free cooling plant generation in the future. 8,884 GWh of electricity in 2016. uses cold sea water from a depth of 150 Agder Energi’s stationary energy consumption (GWh) Source 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Energy consumption in buildings and other facilities Electricity 16,4 13,76 16,9 13,1 13,7 Oil 0 0 0 0 0,08 District heating and cooling 1,3 1,1 1,3 1,3 0,47 Total for buildings and other facilities 17,7 14,86 18,2 14,4 14,25 Pumping stations Elektrisitet 69,8 100,4 91 65,8 79,42 Transmission and distribution network Elektrisitetsforbruk nettap 370 390 360 369 350 Total stationary energy consumption 457,5 500,2 469,2 449,2 443,67 Agder Energi’s premises include offices, An average figure for consumption per reduction in actual energy consumption warehouses and installations for the square metre is therefore not very rele- from 115 kWh/m2 in 2015. Distribution generation and distribution of energy. vant. Energy consumption at our head losses in Agder Energi Nett’s local and They are built in accordance with building office, which was completed in 2010, was regional distribution grids came to 370 regulations at the time of construction. 111.6 kWh/m2 in 2016. This represented a GWh in 2016. AGDER ENERGI APPENDIX 2016 3 III < > GRI index AE total by company Conversion factors IMPACTS ON BIODIVERSITY Environmental impact of electric power infrastructure 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Total number of power stations 45 45 40 36 34 Aerial cables (km) 13 566 13 520 13 500 13 477 13 442 Underground/undersea cables (km) 7 792,4 7 675 7 423 7 169 6 963 Length of district heating and cooling network (km) 75,2 71,5 69 65,8 62,2 Total km 21 433,6 21 266,5 20 992 20 712 20 467,2 Data for Baltic Hydroenergy AS is inclu- bigger impact on nature or society than is There are several reservoirs in the ded in the Group’s CSR reporting, but not usual for this kind of business. Our power Setesdal Vesthei Ryfylkeheiane protec- in the main section of the annual report. stations are not located in protected ted landscape. Agder Energi helps to This explains the slight discrepancy areas or in protected river systems. We do assess the environmental impacts of between the numbers shown in this figu- have six power stations along the River power generation, particularly at its own re and the ones in the annual report. Mandalselva, which is a national salmon power stations. Within the framework of river. Most of the Group’s more than 120 our existing licences, we are trying to Agder Energi has 45 wholly-owned and dams are situated in areas that are not reduce negative environmental impacts part-owned power stations, located in specially protected. In 2016 Agder Energi through various statutory and voluntary Vest-Agder, Aust-Agder, Telemark, Latvia Vannkraft carried out a major project to measures, such as releasing water to and Lithuania. Grid operation is not as improve a stretch of the Mandal river entice fish to swim up rivers and building such polluting, but the power cables have system, which involved removing six salmon ladders, as well as putting out an impact on the landscape, and there is a thresholds to recreate something appro- fish and roe in reservoirs. risk of birds colliding with them or suffe- aching the river’s natural state. This is ring electric shocks. Dams and power sta- considered the largest river restoration tions also change the natural environ- project of its kind in Norway. ment, but our activities do not have a Environmental impacts on biodiversity 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Trout released 18 900 40 100 48 700 48 700 45 200 Juvenile fish released 10 000 0 0 0 100 764 Roe put out 300 000 300 000 300 000 506 000 344 764 Total 328 900 340 100 348 700 554 700 490 728 There were four breaches of the rules exploit ing more of the flow in the Otra ri- CSR – water management in 2016 governing the operation of the company’s ver system. The project, which was Agder Energi is entitled to exploit rivers dams in 2016. These rules specify the mini- completed in 2016, altered the landscape within the limits set by the rules on the mum flow needed to preserve recreation in accordance with its planning operation of its dams and its licences areas and to protect fish stocks in dammed permission. The ongoing Skjerka dam under the Water Resources Act or Water- rivers. A more detailed description is provi- project consists of building two new rock- course Regulation Act. Each licence ded under “Local pollution”. fill dams to replace five concrete dams. normally includes detailed rules on the The project is scheduled for completion in water levels of reservoirs over the course The Iveland 2 power station, which is 2018. The project involves altering the of the year and on the amount of water wholly owned by Agder Energi, is genera- landscape in accordance with its planning that must be allowed to pass by the power ting additional renewable energy by permission. station – in other words, the minimum flow. AGDER ENERGI APPENDIX 2016 4 III < > GRI index AE total by company Conversion factors In some cases more water is allowed to At Steinsfoss power station in Otra, the Some of the reservoir restrictions and pass than specified by the licence, normally flow of water past the power station is minimum flow requirements on the Mandal due to special agreements or because the regulated by a separate agreement with river system are self-imposed due to stipulations of the licence are ambiguous. Vennesla Municipality. At Byglandsfjord environmental considerations. On the Uldal In some cases Agder Energi applies the rules governing the operation of the river system there are certain self-imposed minimum flow requirements or reservoir dams refer to a salmonid fish called the reservoir restrictions in the summer, and restrictions that are stricter than required bleke, but some of the details on water we aim to avoid very low river flow in the by its licences, out of consideration for the levels during the spawning season are left Tovdalselva. environment or stakeholders along the up to the licencee Otteraaens Brugseier- river systems. forening. GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS Agder Energi’s greenhouse gas emissions (tonnes of CO2 equivalents) Source 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Total for buildings and other facilities 546,7 542,2 1708,3 1116 611,6 Total for transport 2 965,6 3 270,9 1 972 3 340,6 2 687,7 Total for district heating production 715,2 1 028,5 1 114 2 489 3 955 Power grids Transmission and distribution losses 192 270 180 000 155 000 37 100 31 164 Total greenhouse gas emissions 194 380,1 197 111,6 184 794,3 161 945,6 42 205,7 Greenhouse gas emissions using European power mix 94 380,1 197 111,6 184 794,3 161 946 157 243 Greenhouse gas emissions using Norwegian power mix 7 077,1 5 139,6 Greenhouse gas emissions are calculated by the Group comes from Norwegian guarantees of origin to cover distribution by converting energy consumption and hydropower.
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