Islamic Architecture-Notes
1 Nl"Ll,r .s +q 4+eb HrsToRY oF ARcHITEcTURE I SouthtothefortressofTughtoqobodisihe,tombofitsbuilder,Ghiyo. leod to the tomb compound' Tughloq. R on.. fortified ltrtu*oy suddin Ghiyos-ud-din Tughtoq time stood within ol"ig" reservoir*' which of one fortifying every- o mon of set ideoF"whfe"-he wcis'obout wos obviousry ogoinst is hord to soy; fortified his tomt os well. whot thing in sight, he grounds too literolly' who took the term hoppy hunting probobly Mongols it hos been .is onf *otui on! bridge over The reservoir 1.o tonggr stores ]rre woy for on extremely busy rood' The broken off in the miOJte to mo[e p]gn ond its entronce-ll"'9i'old'-9d tomb is bosed rou-g!Jy-*q11qP9u9.991!l*: b;-mosffe P"ffi66' -,!- Simple-*-,-; Architecture Very mUCh the worrior's tomb. The mousoleum itsetf is very simple, S i m p t e w e, i,T ; t !l ! Jrr ",', decor< l?*lifi *Jr.r.r. EoCh wott rrosQ66ed"J@#i:#fi'*ifl: soteYvgys E"oGitul,lq]!cevyq'ffi.Thedomeisentirelyot-white*mgr-severe tomb does ollow itself bre ond is quiie sii.rling inaa"aa:rnriotn", ofewinscribedSgnels,glc.h,b-o19|els.lotticeworkscreensond,lotus-bud, edseswhich i"ffi there is o tiny grove of the enJlgnce, in the corridor, the left is not exiictly o fioworos *," rriton,s fovorite Jog; which which is soid to be thot of lo do' consid'iiruL''r rrr,er vvvvdogs uncleon' typicol thing forcr o Musllm'Muslim' whowtlt.l THIRD SEMESTER I r-r-.- includes the introduction \;'- e l ndio n ;;; e n ts in ih j,:;I]:ffi| i: T |ffi1.J[:.#*1; orchitec- n J?,ffi Th.ese rndo-rsromic in the *uoi"roi ierioo.
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