1 Nl"Ll,r .s +q 4+eb HrsToRY oF ARcHITEcTURE I

SouthtothefortressofTughtoqobodisihe,tombofitsbuilder,Ghiyo. leod to the tomb compound' Tughloq. R on.. fortified ltrtu*oy suddin Ghiyos-ud-din Tughtoq time stood within ol"ig" reservoir*' which of one fortifying every- o mon of set ideoF"whfe"-he wcis'obout wos obviousry ogoinst is hord to soy; fortified his tomt os well. whot thing in sight, he grounds too literolly' who took the term hoppy hunting probobly Mongols it hos been .is onf *otui on! bridge over The reservoir 1.o tonggr stores ]rre woy for on extremely busy rood' The broken off in the miOJte to mo[e p]gn ond its entronce-ll"'9i'old'-9d tomb is bosed rou-g!Jy-*q11qP9u9.991!l*: b;-mosffe P"ffi66' -,!- Simple-*-,-; Architecture Very mUCh the worrior's tomb. The mousoleum itsetf is very simple,

S i m p t e w e, i,T ; t !l ! Jrr ",', decor< l?*lifi *Jr.r.r. EoCh wott rrosQ66ed"J@#i:#fi'*ifl: soteYvgys E"oGitul,lq]!cevyq'ffi.Thedomeisentirelyot-white*mgr-severe tomb does ollow itself bre ond is quiie sii.rling inaa"aa:rnriotn", ofewinscribedSgnels,glc.h,b-o19|els.lotticeworkscreensond,lotus-bud, edseswhich i"ffi there is o tiny grove of the enJlgnce, in the corridor, the left is not exiictly o fioworos *," rriton,s fovorite Jog; which which is soid to be thot of lo do' consid'iiruL''r rrr,er dogsvvvv uncleon' typicol thing forcr o Muslim'Musllm' whowtlt.l

THIRD SEMESTER I r-r-.- includes the introduction \;'- e l ndio n ;;; e n ts in ih j,:;I]:ffi| i: T |ffi1.J[:.#*1; orchitec- n J?,ffi Th.ese rndo-rsromic in the *uoi"roi ierioo. prov- ",,subcontinent region rules in different *"YJini'oduced #;;H:ly:: These styles tures in lndio grorith-espec'roi'rli this fierd' which tremendo* The Muslim rulers inces ^oJL ,inou oi,itr.u fusion of both' were neither rrro]ii. nor '' : l'f$,j; :p'lt'xrffi [",1 J? :"iffi r: ]r i*t] to this monv new ffreil o'itoingt' Dure period ond opprieo to-oJ;;;" ;'r"" durins this in *,"i, ou,uiri"oi'. ;i; yYlT; poloces' were introduceJ *Z'qu"t' minorets' forts ond mostly creoted mousoleums' chorocter of which conditioned the numerous reosons their proc- There were Muslim powers ond o1u of *t,,',Jr, *.r the to the the provinciol styres, closely ossocioted when o prolrin"e remoined tice of orts of Derhi. their effect on orchritecture *,u ilrrrim aynosty' of centrol powerwhich wos i; the distont ports this influen."l, less notic"t;i; wos grew strong, *r,," tl^re provinciol style t#i ievetoping of the the country. nnJther moio, witnin ihe oreo orts which'" ,r..uu'deJ the noture of the indigenous oito"ot ortisons' Another or* tl'tn" o"o"iotion the nr' province thot'flJurirr,Jo styre in rndio wos frorincior Muslim reoson behind the deverop*Jni'ot ot different toreis;';;[;"1]^"i#"l"t lslomic orchi- srotion ot u*J",.i"nt"o ond t't"i"O wonderfut ortirons "*ozing with lndion pro- rulers. They *Li" notive rono mixing tectures onoiiit"i"niprin.ipr., "if'eir vinqisr.urt,,rel sJdJi[:::r*; mi*tl;iff.,'*..::di. n o s p e cifi c buildi n s moterio| J opi s P'","iI :'^1' differen:?:'r;;;:lI':: : ;;"k'il of ", "r rlr"tor tec!1icol "::' ot wnicrr ioturollv tions impor.i ond rore tn < common in some regions "1 being irre building ort' oitlJt"o ilt"""n"tolt"t ot

lndionsubcontinentweredividedintofollowingcotegortes. fii:t I Puniob wos the er:Yl::. Jffi; iiT:.i :jI Ii T ;:,tm; il[i lyr '[ltru'*:Jf":nT;#ir Jr ?tJ T;if,: ]i: "il;fii mrltr;;',';;,:nffi ::fl ,1l:l:ffti^"-;;v,'***j:,",ff [[:'.'ffiinnuence'" ,:=H:i#itTi,*iltffi *f.]fi[]f#ffi"rrr ."0 produced':ffi hishlv3; ffiffi#;nif,to.i. :::Ffl wos [*:";H[ilfi iecture of Puniob Province



The construction of lslomic orchitecture procticed during the Tughloq dy- nosty wos reloxed under the Soyyid ond Lodi rule. Due to the inheritonce of greotly weokened siote treosury, both the dynosfies were not oble to construct monumentol buildings. So their desire for orchltecturol construc- tions were projected in smqll tombs ond mousoleum built throughout . The pottern of orchitecture during Soyyid ond Lodi dynosty wos therefore restricted to tombs ond sepulcher only. The orchiiectures during Soyyid ond Lodi dynosty mode smoller influence to the cities where they ruled. Whotever they constructed mirrored the bro- ken spirit of the rulers of both the dynosties. No fomous building orts, copitol cities, imperiol poloces ond fortresses were creoied during their regime oi Delhi. They were olso not credited for ony or colleges. During the eniire regime of the Soyyid ond Lodhi, they constructed severol os memoriols io the deod. This orchitecturql period during Soyyid ond Lodhi Cynosiy wos known os the period of the mocobre (word probobly derived from *moqboro* or ihe cemetery in Arobic). A lorge number of tombs were constructed orouncj the copitol. The three royol tombs of Muborok Soyyid, Muhommed Soyyid ond Sikondar Lodireflect the prototype of orchitecture c'-,ring Sovyid orrd Lodhi dynosty. Aport from ihese, other fqmous orchi- tectures of Soyyid ond Lodi ciynus'iies in the Delhi neighbourhood ore Boro Khon ko Gumbod, Choto Khon ko Gumbod, Shish Gumboci, Boro Gum'cqd, Tomb of Shihob-ud-din Toj Khon, Poli ko Gumbod ond Dodi ko Gumbod.

Architecture during Soyyid ond Lodi dynosty developed q new form of ls- lomic orchitecture which wos loter followed by the Mughols. Soyyids ond Lodis consiructed the tombs in two different forms; one pottern wos bosed on octogonol plon surrounded by orched wolkwoy with one storey in height ond the otherlone wos bosed on squore plon without wolkwoy wiih two or three storey in height. ln both ihe coses, the building hod o with pil- lors on eoch side of the ociogonol ond the squore vorieiy. An importont feoiure of the orchitecture during Soyyid ond Lodi dynosty is the omozing meosurements of height ond width to motch with the structure of ihe bose- ments. The height ond width of eoch octogonol foce is thirty feet, including the bosement. The orncmentol pinnocles or guldosto is preseni of the cor- ners. This meosurement is olso holf the iotol height of the building including the flniol. Eoch octogonol foce contoins three orched openings divided by pillors. The centrol opening of the octogonol foce is slightly brooder thon the two oiher openings. The tomb chomber inside is octogonol in plon

THIRD SEMESTER olong with on "orch ond beom" opening in eoch foce" The squore type tomb structure ond olso the octogonol type tomb structure morks the pot- tern of orchitecture during Soyyid ond Lodi dynosty.

Amongst the octogonol ond squore tombs of the orchitecture during Soyy- id ond Lodi dynosty, octogonol tombs were reserved for the rulers ond the squore type tombs were reserved for the nobles of their courts. All the mon- uments were supposed io erect within o yeor or two either before or ofter their demise. Among the severol monuments found in the city, three lorge mousoleums ore of the rulers themselves, while the others ore the resting ploces of severol nobles of their court. The orchitecture of the tomb build- ing of the three rulers Muborok Soyyid, Muhommed Soyyid crnd Sikcrndor Lodiore identicol, the only exception is the crown of the dome of Muborok Soyyid which is four feet lower thon the other two tombs. They meosures 30 feet eoch to the octogonol side, 74 feel width, ond the height of the dome, excluding the finiol is 54 feet, except the Muborok Soyyid's tomb which is 50 feet.

THIRD SEMESTER l.Le .:4Fr*-;-,6r,*'-'--_


flourished in lndio when GhoziTughloq Archiiecture during Tughloq dynosty the Khcrlji rulers' The period of come io power i,i rsl in Dethi-Jeteoting ond been morked os the time of elotion Tughloq dynosty in history hos new Mosier builders were hired for o rediscovery for tslomic orchitectri"r. style' The turt of creotivity in lndo-lslomic Sulion to constrr;i new empire " pottern of orchitecture during Tughloq lndo-lslomic style dominoted th; dynosty.Thelndo-lslomicstyleoforchitectureWostheomolgomotionof Hir,J, style of :rchitecture' This omolgqmo- lstomic orchitectrr" o, well cs tionhoppenedduringtheinvosionperiooofthgMuslimrulers;theyusedtotemples ,noteriols of the Hindu or Join build their mosques with the ,ri*i ondfewiemplesitselfweremodifiedintomosques.Thefusioncreotedthe in lndio thot groduolly developed new lndo-lslomic style of or.flit..lure intoogreoto,cnit".turolsignifi*."duringtheTughloqdynosty. whilst mok- creotivity to his own copitol city Eoch ruler odded orchitecturol influence O,t-.,otiy to stond oport' The ing orchiiecture during the fughioq in the lslomic orchitecture is there- of the three obove mentioneo i'rltt forenoieworth,,r.Ghivos-udninrrgrrloq'sTughloqoboddepictsthesogo ofthegloriousdoysoforchitecturcricieveiopmentsoftheTughloqdynosty.of i'rie Tu- of g;roen bricks. The orchitecture The greot poloce wos mod" into iwo R*omon foshion ond wos divided ghloqobod city wos boseg 3n ports,oneportconsistedofthefortressCorrespondingtothecostleoftheout for the resi- port *orl1" extended occident ond the other "it,1, '1'1ch dentiolondmiliioryrequirementsofthetimes.Thewqllsweremodeupof sun-driedbricks.Thehugeo,t"r*oltshodsloping,extendedtothelorges"rni.ir.Yl* with evelets were oreo of ihe ,oJr.l"l,n oetr,i rioje. ?::Pns down of the enemles' present of ,ugJor intervols to look

Amongthemo]ororchiiecturesduringtheTughloqdynosty,thetomboforiginolly the tomb wos con- otmost p"|,t*.tiy-fr"rltu"d' Ghiyos-ud-pinJi connutLo with the citodel by on in on ortiflciol loke, which wos structed orched ccusewoy hos been re- poth. Howerrer, of pr"i"nt the eminent form of o self-contoined for- cr-,ivos-ud-Din', io*t is in the ploced. r,e bostions wiih eyelets for srop'rirg *orr, of circuror tress in minioture with the os o fortified it mlv olso hove L"*n intended orchery; on tti"-off,er r,ono centrol tower'


i power under the oegis of the ruring ,ne rsromic orchitecture frourished i mointoined fo::.:""f1",1'""-:it::?-: Muslim tt"o of Delhiwfricfr wos ' of'the wos from distont ports :lH H;':';i',r'ri"r. The origin of these'orchirectures lndio from the twelfth to the sixteenth of western Asio,, which prevoiled in centuries.TheorchitectureouringKholjidynostywosintheformotivestoge the lost yeors of the ihirteenth of building ort thot mode o little p.gtltt'in Muslim dynosiy qnd ruled the Delhi in lndio. Kholiis were trre seco"nd century of Alo-ud:din Kholji' who os- from 1290 lo 1320. Under the reign Sultonote development in the field of the throne of Delh i in liqo, o .rr.iol cended os o greot potron.of lslomic orchitecture took plcce. He wos considered building projects were tl-r'= exten- orchitecture. This ruler's most i.nportont construction of in Delhi' sion of the Qutb ond the Aibcrk in 1 l9I in lndio wos introduced by Qutb-ud-din ' lslomic orchitecture most octive potron from the slove dynosty' He'wos the the first slove King greotest significonce his.constructions were of the of the building ort ond lslomic or- style' Loter the trodition of the in toying the Lundotions oiif"'" by il-re Khorji dynosty. Architecture chifecture wos foilowed ond continued duringKhotjidynosty*o,orotcontQuredbyAlo.ud-dinKholii.Herecon- wos 'structedtheQutbmosqueerectedbyhispreoecessors.HeexiendeditsThe proportion of the minor '"gl end ond roised o minor. northern "otlrrol .n. t"t up by the Slove Kings o century -i{ doubte, compored to thos;;f il; L- mosgu? h:*"-I:l: ?:lir' ,, before. The moin wolls of the "'attil!"jsible; T::t ":1t:

TheorchitectureofKholiidvnostywoso.gt?:tt:ilttllonofcreotiveon.rltetligent supervision' The Qutb knowledge which *o, .o,IprJ"i ]n truth' Aloi of the nfci OJrwozo echo this Minor ond the structurof "[,i."nt Dowozowoscompletedintr."yeorl3o5.Thisstructureisthesouthernen.Some fresh o gotewoy_oi nro- ud-din Kholji' tronce holl to the courtyord, moture de- . wos present due'to thJossistonce :f llu :'rl::"0 build- influence ouidjlg Aloi Dorwozo is o unique i veropmenis were done to in" method of inventiven""l? of t]" ot"h"s' in the ing ort due to the shope ond ond in the ono support system for the.dome its wolling, in the conception of mony indig- The nroi Oorwozo consists design of the surfoce O"toiotion' design' enous feotures throughout its


,iil--''rt \=d


Its fobric runs in the lndion rnonner, someiimes in the form of o mere border, of oihers comprising consideroble poris of the poitern. lt is the skil- ful fusion of the two modes thot hos produced in this building such on out- stonding work of ort. Alo- ud-din Kholji creoted four entronces to the Aloi Dorwozo mosque two of which were to be on the long eostern side, ond one eoch on the north ond south. However, only the southern entronce wos completed comporing to the other unflnished portions. To view the progress of the work from hls royol residence, the Sulton constructed the souihern quorter which wos one of the most ortistic structurol ochievements produced under the lslomic rule. The designs of the three outer fqces of Aloi Dorwozc ore similor, eoch contolning o toll orchwoy over o flight of sieps leoding to the higher floor of the interior. Below is o plotform, iis verii- col sides grocefully corved in voried bonds, while the surfoce of the woll qbove is divided into two stories ond then ogoin into upright rectongulor ponels, the two lower being orched recesses with stone grilles. These ore occomplished with the combinotion of red sondstone ond white morble, olong with the orobesques ond decorotive inscriptions enriching the whole. The outstonding lslomic orchiiecture of the mosque consists of o rore kind of orch constructed in o horse-shoe shope structure. Around its outlines is o bond of inscription corved in white morble, while in the inner curve is o "fringe" of speor-heods, ond in the spondrels cre sockets, typicol of the orchwoys in the buildings of the Sciijuqs. Suppcrting the orch ore slenrler nook-shofts, corved ond moulded, ond the whole is ploced in o recton- gulor frome work bordered with vorious repeoting potterns ond writings in white mcrble. The surfoces ore intricoiely corved with the coloured plostic scheme. The Aloi Darwozo os o whole is o wonderful lslqmic orchitecture in the lndigenous style. The structure not only depicts the finesse of lslomic orchitecture but olso murmr..rrs the brillionce of the development of orchi- tecture during Kholji dynosty.

THIRD SEMESTER I ,,- | a pieces of Mughol Architecture is the Loi Quilo One of the most spectoculor ,l638 \ or the Red Fort. Built by the Mughol emperor, Shoh Johon between ,|548, ond the Red Fort hos wolls extending up to 2 kms in length with the height vorying from lB metres, on the riverside to 33 metres on the city side. Ihe entry to this splendid fort is from the Lohori Gote or the Chotio Chowk. * Loi Quilo is now o busy morket ploce colled the Meeno Bozoor'. This bo- zoor hos on excellent collection of ontiques, minioture pointings ond skill- fully crofted foke ivory jewellery. The Fort sports oll the obvious iroppings befitting o viiol center of Mughol governonce holls of public ond privote oudiences, domed ond orched morble poloces, luxurious privote oport- ments, o mosque, ond eloborotely designecl gordens. Even todoy, the Fort remoins on impressive testimony to Mughol nrognificence, despite being ottocked by the Persion Emperor Nodir Slioh in 1739, ond by the Briiish sol- diers, during the wor of indgpendence in 1857.

The Red Fort wos the poloie for Shoh JohorTs new copitol, Shohjohonobod, the seventh Muslim city in the Delhi site. He moved his copiiol from Agro in o move designed to bring prestige to his reign, ond to provide omple op- portunity to opply his ombitious building schemes ond interests' The Red Fort stonds of the eostern edge of Shohjohonobod, ond gets its nome from the. mossive woll of red sondstone thot defines its eight; sides. The woll is i.Srriies iong, ond vories rn ireighfTrom 60ft orr the rive rside to I lOft towords the city.l. Meosurements hove shown il"rot the plon wos ger()roted using o squore grid of 82m. The fort lies olong whot wos once the course of the Jomuno river (it hos since chonged its course) thot supplies the moois thot to surround most of the woll. The woll of its rtcrth-'ostern corner is odjoining on older fort, the Solimgorh, o dgl -\t,i- A"kdlr'r7 + \W wca*yC, U *"41\r*'l ia- olac,ro-l*v r.sr)lL ,F-- ..tr^rhl)G"yt r-a, fifrlrLe.- i6\qt of. IWZ vtmte+tlnLE S{r*y*^^' u t f-rvt A*"6vt, 6'Yd- v^uo'u^L + cW sw'b ' thd ontraqc* ,yrfi"uo"y + lffi adlly '21vs4l* W 16 ^^ lu,,tw evL\tJ y-,r- xL e,tuvA.tauv- 4t^7tya- 1y,o'olr^*'rcSt-z- of SrEk-- Lqq-@e,Ca-- qY*nhs fur ,frenV o{. rcV{"u ltC 22o x4o lV Gl xzz "+w) YYLDsluLr/ A^Ueu^rV

-;r*.*_ a-fi#,t \\A d,Atzr zrrcUaL .JalZ"r*f Lh^f ^t oiu*,5"lilrh;ril- vp*''to'*'*T L* ov"atea \;il, + k "AUz?x- ,l >%.ot.a*'-'lt's' g? ri'e's fr* + NtliL'luv-t- \ *x a{t \- thau *h* opoa Spcuce--af \v6. A ^*PW '\W 1'*'*o^AL' - 6?, t*lrt- ir,'. wbl'ALo +* a&" f*"^bl""h-o-rnx

l- e It- - 1- tl) ,oll_ Le_fnartvta_W l\.^- za_ LALI, ru*vf)sr-ts- rcWb lA vige$a \hu'e<- tar.F- * P*. ?!1f', ?n* "st*oV Wp;,;'' d,k* + a5v;w wrta-rb(t- . \ \ L

rll il Y\d,l,vnl,. vu. tiuirl-1 t"zf L-- L" <;l"'vs-v'\L? \ Lt t t'gtd'W'l cLroviLLctcvti't- ( .c'vt/t. ('Tvt -*-- \Vn'Yl'a-L / 'i^otds*z'fi' [ 5 Z\,t ycL ,t,5lt.':t- '-'T-- 1 'l-'- i ' a ,'''-u ', , . \^,o, l.-,:?)/\

i--:-'' i .,,i,.,, -:,=ffi'r* ot-'6'*a- trti +rr^ a{- a, rec*cr'n6u- nou'Wr \aao fb x loort {v L-l n.orffi"l { 1 ^ *^+*s'x:)ii*^9,ry inj-f ,2. s1Lli'7r',-- Yffit,r^,;, "'1+ ;. t I ' ,prAt+t ,* looo +t (z o+' g M ) :;i O.ru ' ,,^ oo'r r -x .,R)f^:^ cL,? 0r,2L-0\;4t- e*rhr(. cawPor; h?r4 e'tcY:'A cf'hiut vrurreuV d"il" ufitl,' br>eA at'tr'n^L yviVov^*- ak MdrL cDYfi,6/ ',L*La 6a' \?'i &:t*) 1l,u- Ta\ +V*Ct oA 1-*'* fY a*,.A-,e7-w l*\Lq"^)^) 4ld.u Gl,D14 WrF* bT +1no *';vw-tvv '- "" ::a,,.LLD -';Z'ftr":,t Lt[e- fE 'r-)* ) lW dYt- 6Y1 "'tu'rY ? ry9' ,T: ,fitp&Vtu *a-a*A(fr^?-Y* ^ s-Y nil @ wvuA' \\e y'X*- ol a' !'wvuva'y V-v^a-t"at- ,r*,d-^**' c#'^o'* a"ava'r- vr# +a*'v*+ ' 'r)^ ca^.*e,rP^rt "+ U-e+'h€-L/ vv' tL',.t ryTl.rrb I M;"^kr U] \W oro'Xi*' Ot\r\'j\-P-e'rth?t" *,,i*t \,.;1, 7-,1,,^.1 1'. AraV;:,Vc-l- c.t-v'z- --F iti l\'€' vrxurd{Lc lve ffutr>Y tvt*gnit'al-rtv ft-vv'b "(' - $rriy\r.*u brLl,v, / \t.r-*rtha-z Y*A"!" ' v'.v*ire{-y fu' ftnuV "fl"'47 ratttbLu '['[7,r 'f;-- ?rr,.- ,!6:w"r."17iv f1,t'-1 lr-v144t.11'-"!rl.'- *.,i-L 'w,!wv,;i1i.LL-!u"-r.t,.tt?. thol *1*"W lW- Vw,fiK- vvw^n&wov.Y fr f'rupw'V 6 ' ,k a- cowvyre,tt o+\*n\fr-, %,+La ' 116 att''e.r Vet^e-, \@l tM *f wa-# L:D OY\ ftevaa;V 'frdtN\ awuor(,^n wLl rLLD{vk€74,ehY tu-L{ lV; tudff^ .rV,u wtrv,"'ru.sLTl WCl-t+z-Cn et L- 1*1,, ^\"rc *'r*',_O ? uo 4" rf,nttnvvfr e wnnk ouf,f^a- {At f'*" Y\r + t *ryye*t"' Scv-rl.*t Ot; a-rcin-r* 2s€K€'' o6vLtl\,on'-cV\ *Y^{:Lj:::..:: th-, I 'iu,. f,'vlr,-&oyl\-,f " vD,u-?W s1_arfncu L,v{v-e- twlte.rc-rl c.,-r'*t,. sfe.,.* lli: ye\t&c-u' ,f *n^^,X SUat'z cuvz\- \\.t(- or,*iv'e- Stnt:p.ru-- tydtz \ AttorctYa-A, c,n'lh vioW (alta.rw 4 u-r,ut"ntr#.

\s\atYrn - -\rr;.Wi I aal: ure* I -l \wvye'ri^\ UW Mu$.^ l' S\a.'r.ru AY*W (lt'lt- te4-6 \ *tza,D e-, l.,t^n\i OU*W ( lago ) &, ,^f,t\o1* a-[^* t32D-r+rs ) 4. ?a,,4,,tr;L }l.;tN^r,tfi (t+r+'L I t+ ) Ltil^1 Ay^-% (r+ot -6T) I v- t ,rt ,,, n{, ***t0 ALkil" Wiwar (b** "t . \^-[*aa, + ltA; -l Coy,,.kV t* P'* shray, Ai*lnirW'az lv'4 VS*7'A$\^A;5 eeLh u,ilL, a- 'f*^-y J | {) J r- c, l-

\W ba;<.- bpz-rv k lol ab W Gb ^k ^.o1, f'l ec"oh sV^Xre- h^* a,' A*tt*n-nb yaWeru iw 9**fifrA UY p). "^,*T- t{ Aff d,Y"PA fl^'y'o)', 0 ^'Lber*a'ffv5J ::! ra csro)-[,a-t- pra-Xr-hDvt 4l'r;-rd- e+^r s?Yf"(L U - f'rLW Wh ne hhfq .v*QA-

V-8/ Vv,*attce, a"b \W fi"o{+fl\ /;A, "lhn-r* ts a- slalh- h ,iMri&u, wvy- t5- \\; f*f . V,b"tr aLrf,B^b U l@"6-' @t W rvt-r\4 ib .Jd WL*ti

eirol^o )''x"-4- orfu,--, /) Aor.wx. Wrrstt,*)fl:u ; e{y\aE*Cfr\ 7 (/5 a, q"*Y Yw'," *TuotHL r *t - .f6,.: *S-r,