Journal of the Institute of Management Services AchievingAchieevivingn eexcellencexccele lelencn e throughthhroouggh peoplepep opple andandd productivityprooduuctctiviviitty MManagement anagement Services Heading in the right direction Making lean count Winter 2011 Volume 55 Number 4 ISSN: 0 307 6768 CONTACTS Winter 2011 Volume 55 No 4 ISSN 0 307 6768 Management Services 27 Castle Street, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2PX Editorial Telephone +44 (0)1795 542429 The Institute of Management Services is the primary body in the UK Facsimile +44 (0)1795 535469 concerned with the promotion, practice and development of the range Email
[email protected] Editorial deadline for the Spring 2012 issue is 3 February of methodologies and techniques for the improvement of productivity Publication date is 8 March and quality, known collectively as ‘Management Services’. This embraces the disciplines of industrial engineering, work study, organisation and Advertising methods, systems analysis, and a wide range of management information Rob Aspin and control techniques as illustrated in our Body of Knowledge. Telephone +44 (0)1795 542413 Fax +44 (0)1795 535469 The Institute acts as the qualifying body for the Management Services Email
[email protected] profession in the UK, focusing developments in practice and knowledge Media Committee and acting as a forum for information exchange. This in turn enables our David Blanchfl ower, Julian Cutler, Mel Armstrong members who work under a variety of job titles across the whole of the UK economy, to make a more effective contribution to the well-being of Editor their own organisation and to the nation’s economy as a whole. Anne-Marie Jordan In addition to creating and upholding professional standards for the Designer Kate Hayward practice of management services through the adoption of a code of ethics and the provision of a system of qualifying examinations, the Institute Published by of Management Services collaborates with national and international The Deeson Group Ltd on behalf of professional bodies in similar fi elds.