Liicycle PARADE L'abbing Ihkougil PARK PLAZA Fnlkancl THIRTY-FIFTH
-- -- liICYCLE PARADE l'AbbING IHKOUGIl PARK PLAZA FNlKANCl THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CITY OF BROOKLYN AND THE FIRST OF THE COUNTY OF KINGS FOR THE YEAR 1895 BROOKLYN PRINTED FOR THE COMMISSIONER THE OFFICIAL LIST. Commissioner, FRANK SQUIER. Deputy Commissioner, HENRY L. PALMER. Secretary, JOHN EDWARD SMITII, General Superintendent, RUDOLPH ULRICH. Landscape Architects, Advisory, OLMSTED, OLMSTED & ELIOT. Paymaster, ROBERT H. SMITH. Assistant Paymaster, OSCAR C. WHEDON. Property and Labor Clerk, WILLIAM A. BOOTH. Stenographer, MAY G. HAMILTON. THECOMMISSIONER~S REPORT OF THE WORK OF THE DURINGTHE YEAR 1895. OFIJICE OF THE COMMISSIONEROF THE DEPARTMENTOF PARKS, " LITCHFIELD MANSION,"PROSPECT PARK, BROOI~LYN,January st, 1896. To the Honorable, the Common Council : GENTLEMEN-I have the honor herewith to submit to your Honorable Body my Annual Report concerning the care of the Parks and Parkways of the City of Brooklyn and of the County of Kings, which have been under my charge during the year 1895. There have been more than the usual developments in the way of care and improvement of the parks, and in addition there has been an acquisition of property which doubles the area of park lands existing at the beginning of the year, thus placing the city somewhat on a par with other great cities of the country. Steps have also been taken in the direction of increas- ing the pleasure drives, and the County now owns nearly all the property needed for the creation of the most charming drive in the world-the Hay Ridge Parkway, or, as it is popularly called, the Shore Drive.
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