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EPA/Diethylenetriamine Thursday May 23~1~S5 Part~ Environmental. Protection Agency 40 CFR Part 79S Dlsthyl.ne1flamine identification ~ Specific chemical Substance and MkU~e testhig Requirements; Final Rule Dl.thyfert.trlamlne; Proposed Teat Rule; — Rule JI~ 21398 Federal Register f Vol. 50. No. 100 1 Thursday, May 23. 1985 / Rules and Regulations ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION chemical fate testing (underaerobic relevant to assessing the risks to health AGENCY conditions only) for DETA. and the environment posed by exposure 1. Introduction to particular chemical substances or 40 CER Pal 799 This notice is part of the overall mixtures. implementation of section 4 of the Toxic Under section 4(a)(1) of TSCA. EPA (OPTS-420129 19*4-FRI. 2815-Sal Substances Control Act(TSCA, Pub. L. must require testing of a chemical 94.-469, 90 Stat 2003 etseq.. 15 US.C. substance to develop health or Idantificatlon of Specific Chsnilcal environmentaldata if the Administrator Substance and Mixture Testing 2801 et seq.) whichcontains authority R.qulrem.ntLD4.thylen.thamln. for EPA to require development of data finds that: AOSNCY Environmental Protection (A)(i) th. manufacture, distribution in commerce, proc. Agency (EPA). eonng, use, or disposal of a chemical substanceor mixture, or that .*CT*Osc Final rule. any combination of such activities, may present an unreasonable riakof injuryto health or the environment, (n) there are insu~cientdata and.aqerience upon which the ai~anv:This rule establishes testing effects of such manufacture, distribution in commerce, processing, requirements under section 4(a) of the ma,or disposal.of such substance or iI~iThweor of any combine- Toxic Substances Control Act(TSCA) tion of such activities on health or thf.Invironment can reason- for manufacturers and processorsof ably be determined or predicted, and diethylenetriamine (DETA~CAS No. (di) testing of such substance or mixture with respect to such 111—40-0) consistIng of (1) oral sSscts is necessary to develop such data; or subchronic (90-day)toxicity in at least (B)(i) a chemical substance or mixture is or will be produced one mammalian species, (2) dermal insubstantial quantities, and (I) it eaten or may reasonably be absorption in the same mammalian anticipated to enter the environment in substantial quantities or species used for thesubchronic testing. (II) therein or may be significant or substantial human exposure (3) chemical fate under aerobic Scsuch substanceor mixture, conditions, and (4) mutagenicity (ii) there are insufficient data and experience upon which the (includingtests for both gene mutations effects of the manufacture, distribution.in commerce, processing, use,or disposti of such substaflee or mixture or of any eombina- and chromoaomalaberrations). This tion of such activities on health or the environment can reason- Phase 1 final testrule constitutesEPA’s ably be determined or predicted, and final decision concerning the testing (iii) testing of such substanesor mixture with respect to such needs for DETA as recommended by the effects is necessary to develop such data. C InteragencyTesting Committee for all effects except carcinogenicity. Elsewhere in this issue of the Federal For a more complete understanding of above. DETA reacts withCO, inthe ai Register. EPA is proposing under section the statutory section 4 findings, the to form carbamates which precipitate 4(a) of TSCA that DETA be tested in reader is directedto the Agency’s first ‘from solution. For this reason, DETA i~ chroniconcogenictty bioassays, If this proposed testrule package manufactured In an essentially closed substance exhibits positive results in.. (chloroaietb.ne and chlorinated system and is transported under a certain of the mutagenzcfty tests beuzenes. published July 18.1960(45 FR nitrogen atmosphere. Due to DETA’s required In this final rule. 48510)1 and to the second package reactivity with airand to the conditior oaiu In accordance with 40 CFR 23.5 [dishloroinethane, nitrobenzene, and used during its processing, the Agency (50FR 7V1). this rule shall be i.1,1trfchloroethane. published Jima 5, concludes that it is unlikely that promulgated for purposes of judicial 1981 (48FR 30300)) for in-depth significant emissions of DETA to the review at 100 p.m. eastern daylight time discussions of the general issues atmosphere will occur. On the other on June 6, 1985. This rule shall become applicable to this action. hand. EPA believes that significant effective on july 8.1985. IL 3ad~powid releases of DETA to waterwill occur ~esmana~su~noecow~*cY during manufacturing and processing Edward A: Klein.Directar. TSCA A.Pt’Ofile operations. EPA believes that Assistance OfficeCrS-799). Office of DETA. CASNo 111-40-n. Is s~ occupational exposure to DETA ToxicSubstances. Ra. E-543, 401 M St.. r alkaline. hygroscopic~viscous liquid. (primarily by thedermal route) occurs SW.. Washington. D.C 20480. Toll FreeV~ The estimated annual production of during manufacturing storage. transp (800-424-9065). In Washington. D.C. DETA in 1982 ranged from 28 to 3~. processing, and clean-up activities. a, (554-1404). Outside the USA: (Operator. million pounds. The primary uses of • that themost likely source of consum 202-554—1404). DETA are for the production of paper exposure to DETA consists of dennal su~.suvrrasvNWOSMAnOse In the wet-strength resins, epoxy-curing contactwith epoxy-resin products FederalRegister ofApril 29,1982(47 FR agents. cheIati~gagents, lubricatingoil containing the substance as a curing 18386), EPA issued a proposedrule and fuel additives, surfactants. and agent. under section 4(a) of TSCA to require corrosionInhibitors. DETA also hata L JTC Recommendations testing of DETA for a variety of health minor use as a decontaminant for effects and for chemical fate under both military chemical agents. As discussed The Interagency Testing Committe aerobic and anaerobic conditions. in detail in the Agency’s - (lTd. organized undersection 4(e) o~ Today, under section 4(a) of TSCA. EPA Diethylenetriamine Support Documeni. the Toxic Substances Control Act I Is promulgating a final Phase Itest rule which is available from the TSCA tTSCA),Included DETA in its Eighth requiring health effectstesting and Assistance Office at the addressgiven . Report to-the Administrator of EPA / V FedaaaL Register / VoL 50, No. 100 1 Tht~rsday,May 23. 1985 / Ruins and Regulations 21~ April 2& i9~1.p~SdE’thSF.dmeL resulting from DETArelease to the not the Agency’s choice of the ma!route Register of May 23.1961 (46FR23139). envirr~nt.and ch~i.&lLate testing of exposure for therequsud scbchroni~ The ITC designated DETAa. apriority (under both aerobic and anaerobic studies appropriate? chemical and re rw,i.~sndadthat it be conditions) is rV’.c4~ tcdevelop such d. Aithounji theAgency is spectfyiag testedfor healtheffects, to data. the oral route of exposure for- the chroniceffects. repro ~ I&~-E~t~. and 3. Differences from 17’C.g requi,ed iubchronic [90.day) testing of teratogenLciLy~The LTd 0based itt Recommandaticna. lithe proposed rule DETA. the Agency is primarily desi~*tionof13E~Aon the substances for DZTA.theEPA also prc~~the concerned about dermal expos~’.vto known bioiogical efTacts, the reported reasons why theAgsocyspro~e.ed this chemical: would it. therefore.not be • produclianin exams of10 milhioc testing.ieq~akemeninfor DETA differed necessary to require the performance ci pounds per year. and theNational from the TICsosmameedabenahe the a dermalab.rpttonstmiy of DETA to Occupational HazardSurvey (Ref. 1~ _______ U follcwss provide date aesded in e’uabests the estimates that 63,000workers are. o.L~Acyproposaksuhehreinc risks posed by dermal expoasond potentially expoosdtc DETA. testing rides than -iletini, ~eeic s. A1i1 theTIC ie~~~-~’ stodion became theAgeeq lmMe,sa hill-~eti.~ hsla8 ofIJETA. C Pru!~ thes ~p—~y ~ 60.diy ~ would nil ~k nd~ (96-day) tanicity • EPA Issued aproposedrulepubLhed withse~~mi%m testing in”-~g~1~ cespr~nAve In the Fss~afXApr~2L1I6Z mayb.ssodan... ________ histopathokgisel ———-—tics ofbody (47FR18396) in ~ lathe instfr~ Iifeti~estoc~at~aM tissues, be .d~- b~.ce~LETA- recammendatlcrssbytheTICon~rA. effectsother th~~riri~p ~ related effectsthat would be ob..... ..,I 1. TestR U1c~JaE~The pru,u..ed certain other age-relatedeffects.The In fu1J-hfe~e~ 1rut1x~.~ he rule requiresthat DE’TAbe tastedfor~ available data providedno sound bans thosee~.sinre.,Jii..~long latency a. Subchroaic (g0day} health effects for supensise .CDETAs’ abilty to case. perkida? In at least two man~han.p... oncs~~orags-islatedeffects. b.Mutagen~cltyf~enematationand b. EPA ~Enot prepme testirqfar D. NewDev’~’~ Fo& cy ___ reprsdactiw sad ~ effects. Proposed Rule becasae, hr ~Agmay”, ~ di. Theproposed rule farDETA ~‘PR and anaerobicmaditiessj. available data çaMIr.~limited)did not The EPA based Its noposed testing 1838& Ap,Rm 7961~indicotedth.t.lf suggest .poinntia~ha these efisota. interestedpertlea ,~uoded—• reqm~me!~. on dieauthorityof section The analysis and find~onwhich the 4{a)(1)(AJ ofISCA. opporr~eyfaroralca~e~co die above determinations were based ire proposed refe. then theAgeniy~M 2. Findingn TheAgeecy fosodthat the preen~trdfri the~eby1anetit~ne a meeting en thisr~ to manufec~e.~ ass. and Support Do.~nt. whichIs aenthble WaahIngtee~DC.. en July 13.1962. Since disposal ofDETA may presentan from the OfIn,olTcxfcSithstancus’ ( unreasonable risk of injury to no requestswere received by the EPA health, dns in ~ and iwsagenfa ‘rSCA A~efatancaOffionThe rrc, for thepresentationoforal comments on recommendati~and EPA’S ~ this rule, an peb cmeetfugwea heft A effects. for thefollowing resson~ testing requirementsma a. There ma e~istlng~te winch meeting betw~en ,.-..ntatlves from Indicatea poinutial ~n health below~ the Union Carbide Corporationend hazardh~ DETA Mth re.~.atinthese members ofth sdenti~cstaffof the ~c ~n Office of Toxic Substances ofEPA effects. • o-_ -~ .~ — b. EPA believes ~ era -~-g-• me~ held an SeptsmberlO 198Z in dIscus, mutagenicitystudies ofDETA (1ef 3) exposed in DfFA In the kpl~.in ‘ a a using cenaiwsa products. ~ , performed for that armiofactusenwhich of release oi DETA into 5. are discussed in datailIn Unit 1IL F.
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    Chemical Resistance Guide Last Revised 12/20/2010 North® Nitrile Gloves 2 of 9 CHEMICAL RESISTANCE GUIDE This Chemical Resistance Guide incorporates three (800) 430-4110. North also offers ezGuide™,an Key to Degradation and Permeation Ratings types of information: interactive software program which is designed to electronically help you select the proper glove for E - Excellent Exposure has little or no effect. The glove retains its properties after extended exposure • Degradation (D) is a deleterious change in one use against specific chemicals. This "user friendly" G - Good Exposure has minor effect with long term exposure. Short term exposure has little or no effect or more of the glove’s physical properties. The guide walks you step-by-step through the process most obvious forms of degradation are the loss to determine what type of glove to wear and its F - Fair Exposure causes moderate degradation of the glove. Glove is still useful after short term of the glove’s strength and excessive swelling. permeation resistance to the selected contaminant. exposure but caution should be exercised with extended exposure Several published degradation lists (primarily Product features, benefits and ordering information P - Poor Short term exposure will result in moderate degradation to complete destruction “The General Chemical Resistance of Various of the suggested products also are included in the Elastomers” by the Los Angeles Rubber Group, program. ezGuide can be accessed from the North N/D Permeation was not detected during the test Inc.) were used to determine degradation. web site, www.northsafety.com or ordered I/D Insufficient data to make a recommendation • Breakthrough time (BT) is defined as the elapsed by e-mailing us at [email protected].
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