Spy-Sense: Spyware Tool for executing Stealthy Exploits against Sensor Networks Thanassis Giannetsos Tassos Dimitriou Athens Information Tech. Athens Information Tech. 19.5 km Markopoulo Ave. 19.5 km Markopoulo Ave. Athens, Greece Athens, Greece and
[email protected] Aalborg University Fr. Bajers Vej 7A5 DK-9220,Denmark
[email protected] ABSTRACT 1. BACKGROUND AND MOTIVATION As the domains of pervasive computing and sensor network- Recent technological advances in sensing, computation, stor- ing are expanding, a new era is about to emerge, enabling age, and communications, enabled the design and prolifera- the design and proliferation of intelligent sensor-based ap- tion of new intelligent sensor-based environments in a vari- plications. At the same time, sensor network security is a ety of application domains, ranging from military to civilian very important research area whose goal is to maintain a and commercial ones. It is expected that their adoption high degree of con¯dentiality, integrity and availability of will spread even more in the future and WSNs will soon both information and network resources. However, a com- become as important as the Internet. Just as the Web al- mon threat that is often overlooked in the design of secure lows easy access to digital information, sensor networks will sensor network applications is the existence of spyware pro- provide vast arrays of real-time, remote interaction with the grams. As most works try to defend against adversaries who physical world. Ongoing trends include their integration in plan to physically compromise sensor nodes and disrupt net- smart environments [1, 2, 3], structural and environmental work functionality, the risk of spyware programs and their monitoring [4, 5, 6, 7], participatory sensing [8, 9], smart potential for damage and information leakage is bound to grids [10, 11], assistive healthcare [12, 13] and so on.