^ V

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1970 U PAGE FORTY-POUR JjJanrljTj^Tr ^WTiting UTrali Average Daily Net Press Run ^ 21m Week Ended The Weather de- that an architect can be select­ project expressing their November 14,1970 gatioh of architectural compet­ prizes must be established and . Clearing wd colder tonight; ed by March 1 in order to keep sire to be. considered. WANTED ition procedures revealed that approved by the A.I.A. iow In 20s. Partly sunny tomor­ ^Jbout Town Cost Rules OutjContest ’Hie committee which will se­ to a timetable for preparing row; high in 40s. Saturday fair; such a contest is an expe.nslve SULKY DATES SET Clean, Late Model 1 6 , 0 8 0 lect the architect or architects plans for a referendum next little temperature change. The Women’s ' Guild of Trini­ procedure which proves econ­ I will consist • Director of Pub­ November. The Board of Direc­ ALBANY, N.Y, (AP) - - Ihe Manche»ter—~A City of Village Charm' ty Covenant Church will present For Picking SchoohDesigti omical only in projects which USED CARS coat over $20 million. lic Works William O’Neill, tors must approve any referen­ New York State Harness Racing a Christmas Concert BViday at Building Insi>ector Thomas Co'mmisqlon has approved 1971 8 p.m. at the church. Members Previous ideas about possibly of the cost factors involved in -Rules and regulations for such dum questions for November Top Prices Paid VOL. LXXXX, NO. 66 (Olasslfled Adverttslng bn Page 29) Monahan, Assistant Town iMan- dates to r the harness racing (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 PRICE TEN CENTS are reminded' to brlntr home­ holding a design competitlan for conducting such a contest. a contest must be s^ ro v e d by by August and a good deal of For All Makes I ager John Harkins, Superinten­ meets at Roosevelt Raceway, made goodies for for the chil­ While deciding against the the American Institute of Arch­ the work, on the plans must be plans for the proposed new For­ dent of Schools Dr.-Donald Hen- Westbury, N.Y., and Yonkers dren at the Crom\|reIl Children’s idea cf a competition, those at itects.-. A professional advisor der procedures, be Bartholomew Guida over at- accidents, Illness and other non- ice will be held tonight at 7:30 Perm anent__ Women's Knfr Beiets are indlcatlcm a decisiem in the Spanish ships and airlines. made first to the Police Board tempts to "pollUcally” control hostlle causes. at Zion Evangelical Lujtheran . pres. Tabfics; new I'lng Cotton suede, vvith fringes on Here’s the new look in men’s tamo will be taken then. on Friday afternoon.” the pzrflce force. But, In his collars; 2 - button \ ORLON ACRYLIC A # e yoke and bottom. Lace front. ’Ihe government has promised Another 377 Americans were Church. OPAQUE shirts. Stripes, solids and The crowd, carrying national ’The New Haven Register stat- atatement. Ahem said “ there Is Demand of June G1 Pullout cuffs. Solid colors Values to g.sg 2 for Blue, brown, green. S, m, I. “ Justice will be done” despite wounded in acUon last week, plaids. Sizes 14^ - 17 ed flatly TTiursday that Ahem uq j.yt between Mayor Guida and stripes. Siz­ flags and placards, burst into the ETA kidnaping of West Ger­ while the South Vietnamese ’The Junior Choir of North ' es -17. . apidause when Franco appeared man diplomat Eugen Belhl. will resign his post Friday and myself, nor has he inter- commemd said It had 290 men —United Methodist Church will panty hose on the bsdeony with Prince Juan ’Hie news egency Clfra, which' the reslgnatlwi will become ef- j^red In the operaUons of this killed and 764 wounded. ’Hie rehearse tomorrow at 3:16 p.m. Caztoa, his named successor, fecUve Jan. 1. 'The Register said department.” Seen Abandoned by Hanoi m often reflects official views, said U.S. Command said allied at the chtuch. Ahem will probably accept a po- ^he ’rimes also said that VINYL CHRIBTMAB •.•.vX- and Carlos’ wile. Princess So­ toe case of Belhl was independ­ PARIS (AP) — North Viet­ sider the American suggestion.” your neighbors and your contin­■ forces killed 361 North Viet­ GIRLS', BOYS' $3- R->x-:-: phie of Greece. ent of the Burgos trial. But sltlon as an invesUgaUve and Ahem was dissatisfied with the nam invited the United States Xuan 'Thuy asserted that uing dispatch of troop's and sup­ namese and Viet Cong. FIELDTEX AND MARTEX security officer, possibly with a Friendship Lodge of Masons table cloths BOXED ’The demonstration climaxed a today to propose any “reason­ Bruce ignored the proposal. plies far beyond your borders to The summary raised to 41,144 will have a business meeting I;-;? s m i series of pro-Franco rallies all (Bee Page Eight) Hartford Insurance firm. (See Page Eight) reg. $1 sleepers with F L A N N ^ BACKING able date" for withdrawal of all Hanoi has consistently refused carry out that aggressiem," the number of AmericEms re­ tomorrow night at 7:30 at the towel sets its forces from South Vietnam. to acknowledge- that its troops Bruce declared. ported killed/ in action In the Masonic Temple. Officer dress Hanoi thus apparently aban­ are operating in South Vietnam, He reiterated the American is business suit. ''' The opaque look for fash­ • 52x52 Size | .2 1 Cambodia and Laos, and has re­ (8ee Page Eight) ion. One size fits all^ Cof­ 2.59 • 4 .7 7 Reg. 5.98 doned a demand that all Ameri­ proposal for an immediate cans leave by next June 30. jected all American proposals Heavy brushed cotton knits, 7 • 52x70 Size 1.87 cease-fire "to stop the flghttag ’The Holy Family Mothers fee, navy, black, beige^ Labor Official Says: The United States said it lor mutual troops withdrawals. now and resolve the other issues' Greol gifts at low prices. pc. styles, with feet. Some • 5 4 N I Reg. 7.98 / CJlrcle will meet tomorrow with grippers. Prints and sol­ • 60” Round Fringed would accept a timetoble for Bruce also repeated the in an atmosphere free from the 8:30 p.m. at the home of Attractive Christmas Gift American rejection of the Viet ids. Sizes I to 4, 4 to 8. * . * 7 pulling out Its troops only as use of force.” William Brannlck of 3 Hartland m Cong proposal for a coalition re­ part of a~ final settlement that^, And he again urged the other Judge Voids Rd. for a Christmas Governor May Declare Emergency includes withdrawal of all North gim e in South Vietnam. ‘The ses­ side to give more serious con­ Members are remind^ Vietnamese forces from South sion produced no discemable sideration to the release of war grab bag gifts. m Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. change in toe long deadlock. Accident prisoners and Impartial inspec­ U.S. Ambassador David K. E. "We will not accept any arbi­ V GIRLS' LONG SLEEVE GIRLS', SIZES 7-14 tion of prison camps in North GHUB’ 8-14 As State Unemployment Rate Soars Bruce reiterated at the 96th ses­ trary deadline set by you for the and South Vietnam. sion of the peace talks that the withdrawal of our troops," South Vietnamese delegate Conviction cotton quilt robes knit polos United Stateq rejects the de­ Bruce told the North Viet­ stretch slacks By JUDY FREUND Pham Dfing Lam said the Viet HARTFORD (AP) — A Super­ \ \ (.n mand for a withdrawal by next namese Viet Cong delegations. Cong proposal for a coalition Associated Press Writer June 30. ior Court Judge has dismissed reg. $ 9 reg.. "However, we are quite pre­ government shows “ in the Xuan Thuy, chief North Viet­ pared to negotiate an agreed crimipal charges against a 21- Speciai Gift Group-One Doiiar Each! ^ 2.98 3.98 Hey, toe bread line’s start- clearest terms that your con­ year-old Norfolk man who was 3J59 2 for $7. tag," someone yelled in Jest as namese delegate, told reporters timetable for complete troop cern is not to put an end to the after the meeting broke up: "At withdrawals as part of an over­ convicted of gross negligence for GIRLS' REGULAR 1.49 REGULAR 1.59, SATIN stiU another line b^;an to move fighting and the killing but to an auto accident in which anoth­ 100% cotton quilt robes with Fine cotton knits with inserted Flared stretch slacks in o the end of the meeting, I took all settlement. Such a settle­ bibs for the layered look. at toe 'Unemployment Compen­ achieve your unchanged objec­ er Norfolk man .was killed in Stretch tights hairdo pillow covers Kodel polyester fill. Dainty choice of solid colors—navy, sation office. note that the American delegate ment would have to Include res­ tive, which is the seizure of lace trim. -.Sizes 8-14. Stripes, solids. Sizes 7 to 14. brown, green, red. Sizes 7-14. 1968. ’Die unemployed stood 12 deep has categorically rejected our olution of the question of North power in South Vietnam by Nylon stretch tights -easily wash­ Rayon satin pillow covers Keep , proposals. Vietnamese forces In Cambodia Judge Walter J. Sidor dis­ able, quick drying. Light or dork in the dosen or so lines. Accord­ to r c o - or by other devious hairdos beoutyrporlor fresh. Zip­ “ I' therefore proposed that if and Laos as well as South Viet­ missed the Jtu'y’s verdict and the shades. For sizes 3 to 6x, 7 to 1^. per closures. White, pink, blue. ing to one who had been stand­ means.” charge Eigainst Michael Toomey, the United States is not wjlling nam." To have and ing on line once a week since Xuan Thuy said that if Presi­ who had faced up to 10 years in to accept June 30, 1971, as the Protestations by North Viet­ CHILDREN'S REGULAR 1.19 last summer, it was a slow day. dent Nixon carried out a three! prison. PLAID BATH ENSEMBLES He attributed toe scarcity of date for final withdrawal of all nam about its sovereignty and to hold WOMEN'S MINI WOMEN'S PRINTED to renew the bombing of North Toomey was convicted largly slipper socks, mittens Bath Towels $ 1 ...... Reg. 1.29 GIRLS' REG. 4.98 Its troops, then it should suggest security “ ring hollow Indeed pet^le to toe snow on toe Vietnam “ the Vietnamese peo- on evidence obtained by his fa­ another reasonable date. In that when considered In light of your Hand Towels 2 for $1, Reg. 69c eo. gowns with panties ground. ther, State ’Tnxqter Sidney W. Fancy knils, colorful patterns. ;n gift pajamas holiday dresses ’Riese were the lucky ones case we can immediately con­ continued aggression against sizes for infants, toddlers ond Wash Cloths 3 for $1, Reg. 39c eo. (See Page Eight) ’Toomey, that he had been oper­ * 1 amnng the unemployed in the children- Famous /. P. Stevens quality. Close out. ating under the influence of al­ 9 A Q Values to Values to state, whose numbers now ap- cohol. - LADIES' REGULAR 89c 4^ 7.96 I»« taey were ineligi­ Associated Press Writer out a tie. His father, John Rice it. Sr:, also appeared for the ses- hicle to make the marks or to ble for the extension. ’Die principal at New Canaan blankets suede leather ’niat reprieve, which began in NEW CANAAN, Conn. (AP) gjon. Silverberg said the youth’s- fedlow the course it di(l,” 'Judge GIRLS' REGULAR 79c WOMEN'S bed pillows High, James O. St. CJlsdr, calls October, eiqitres in January for To his classmates at New Cana- fajjje]. \yas “ behind his son in Sidor said. “ For the Jury to Rice “ a superior student—in the fancy knee socks nylon & lycra bras jacket those who were eliglUe, al- an High S c h ^ , John Rice Jr. yjg entire proceeding," which he adt the conclusion that thu top 20 per cent of his class," 4.97 toough the state Job n ^ k e t cen- was Just another member of toe g^l^ probably would be trans- evidence (Minted to negligence Fancy knee locks, worm Smooth, natural, crepe tricot cups. and says he is an honor student tiiiues to tighten. class (rf 1971, one of those quiet fg^rgd to Superior Court In could result only from specula­ in 0 lorge assortment tjf ^ i Demi stretch straps, white, regularly 5.98 2.50 whose "special area of interest 9 11. 32-36 A, 32-38 B-C. I. TUs time the emergency pay- boys Mdu> got good marks and Brideenort tion and conjeeture." colors. Sizes to ™ 2.99 is fossils and environmental stu­ 50% polyester, 50% rayon I jeheck ta r the Jobless woricer is shared Uttle J fl hlmseU with. " 7 ^ _ Judge Sidor said that afier a 21x27 cut size, of pink or gjjjgpj ' Rice was arrested In the Fort dies.” St. Clair says toe youth fabric, in o choice of solid or b y law in the hands of the gov- review of the evidence he wished thermal weaves. ' 6" nylon blue florol stripe ticking ^ . Smith, Ark., police statizm after plEins to attend coUege. Color it fanciful.., faminina REGULAR 1.50,.GUARANTEED NOT TO RUN filled with allergy-free Da­ Zip out orlcm acrylic pUe ‘emor. On-Wetoesday afternoon, the ^U {ing In and telling officers he had directed the Jury to ac­ ... flowaty... in draamy bound. Blue, green, pink, Rice’s physics teacher, Stan­ quit Toomey of the chaii^s. gold. , cron polyester. Corded. liner. Choice of dark or U ^ t ' ' ^ When the rate of insured un- 17-ye^-old^usky youth was re- jjg awakened at a roadside huaa... and put It In a pack- brown. Sizes 38 to 44. ‘employment in toe state is six turned to ^ e c U c u t from Ar- rest staUon and didn’t know ley A. ’Twardy, says he was only "Having failed to direct a ver­ i« a aa pral^ as a powdar panty hose *1 pr. M an “ average” student who did dict, it becomes Jncumbent on per cent or hlj^ier for eij^t of k a ^ to face charges of mur- ^ ^ 3 ^olng in Arkansas. b o x ... that’s your naw the 10 meet recent weeks, the dering his mother, brother, sis­ not speak out very often in the court to set aside the verdict Save 60c per pair on these guaranteed nylons. Beigetone and taupe. One size fits all. Teen-agers who know the CAPftlCELadySchlckBac- X’X’Vx-X Connecticut Labor Department ter and grandmother In their . . class. "Gee, it’s unfortunate. rendered by the Jury,” he sai(L ■•■••X'.v.v. New Canaan home one week ago. h®®vy-8et. 17-year-old y^ th Poor Md. It’s a real, shame,” : ’Trooper Toomey came upon tric Shavtr. And aaa how ❖ x-xvx-: kiatifiea the governor. He can then declare an emergency and „ . from school say he kept to hlm- he said. the accident scene in Norfolkrfolk fast doaa, smooth and stay x-x-x-x-:- Rice appeared In Nor- self at school, and was not extend benefits 18 additizmal shortly after the crash and Kdoaa Its dainty handlwoik. X-X-X-;-X-K-H-!4S walk Circuit Court fRiursday have dates or attend social ’The bodies of the victims — known to have dates or attend his s (» to a hoBi>ital, where So cool and cofnfbctabla, as OPEN TO 9 P.)A. TIU CHRISTMAS weeks. morning but his arraignment acUvItles. “ Not very many peo- » v T Near Emergency the trooper requested that a wail as colorful, ifa a Joy to % decorative handle, and a SAT. TO 5:30 “We very definitely are ap- ^ P>® him.” said one boy. hammer, according to pcUice— blood sample be tak ^ havs and to hold. AvaHaMa ’The delay was requested by at­ didn’t want them to." ln«rMto,blusorsoM. piodditog that point now,” Theo­ torney Jeroll R. ^Uverberg o f ______were discovered ’Thursday by At the trial, the defense tried lOl'Sh dore Hatcher, aefing director of But many said they -Uked to block the results of the test^- New Canaan, who said he was Rice even though they didn’t John Rice Sr., who had Just re­ i I j unemployment compensation in turned froth his Job as a chef .16 per cent alcohcrf—from reach­ WE HONOR r e t t e d by the youth’s father know hint very well. “ He was a iW M A D I the state labor department, said social activities. "Not very ing the Jury on grounds that H0USBfi|9^{ALh'I Wednesday night and needed nice guv, "/said one long*haired 946 MAIN ST. in an interview this week with tory in Hamden. young Toomey*s constitutional ^K)WNTOWN MANCHESTER (AP Fhoto) more time to talk to toe boy. classmate who explained that rights had been viedated by the (gee Page Two) Unemployed gather at New Haven Unemployment Compensation Office. Rice appeared In court wear- Rice has a bad case of acne (See Page Elgtit) test. I :


PAGE THREE MANCttESTE® EVENING HERALD. M /^ U h ESTER. CONN.. .THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 A MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, !^N CH ESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY, D^jCEMBER 17, 1970 PA <0 9 7 4 2 fipMi stMi hi «SMi% a 0 K9732 \ BRTDGBPCMIT (AP) Prison Santa Claus came a Ut eariy aMii eoKMiS Mr !*««« Sr Mr • In many hands the best d^ Closed Society, fense Is to force declarer to rutt ♦ Q2 Sentences of 10 and 16 years to Janet Popeleskl o t 112 WEST EAST h^ve been Imposed on two men Helaine Rd., bringing her a IsustitsoMimo as often as possible. If declarer fiMMlMMnCM # K10 8 6 « 3 2 ■ frpm New HajVen County as a '^^^xontract with Lucia Chase’s runs out of trumps, he Iosot control of. the/ hand and cannot C? KQ53 97 A J 10 8 result of convictions. in two Panel Contends^ li^ ou s Ballet Theater. In town O 64 O A J 108 separate bank holdups. Ml MMim safely take his winners in the NEW HAVEN (AP) - Yale exceUence o f corporaUcm per- o " ^ Oylng ^ t from New Yorfc side suits. Just remember to A 854 A J 9 6 Richard Magnotti, 33, of New 1 ' NO EL SHOP University's board of tmstees formance." yesterday, the comely yo<^ m temper your enthusiasm: You SOUTH Haven was sentenced to 16 has been made up for more But it went on to critlclxe a st&rr^eyed w er ^ may have too much of a good ♦ "?rt597 4 years by U.S. District Court than 2% centuries almost ex- group vdilch nominates alunml 8°°*^ fortime when interviewed thing. 9? 6 Judge Robert B. ^ m p an o in cluslvely of “ white, northeastern to the trustee board, the Alumni home. seAnnip Un*r 17 nqiHiw eecwwvN West dealer. 0 Q 5 connection with the armed hold­ Protestant, senior society males Board Standing Committee. Janet started dancing when tawtarMiltCmrSKn (Both sides vulnerable. AK1073 up M the Orange branch of the from private secondary schools. The standing committee, said she was at niing Junior High Opening lead — King of North East Soath Peoples Savings Bank. He was says a special panel of Yale the report, “ has done a medl- School, studying under Joseph West Hearts. Pass Pass J A cMivlcted by a federal jury in alumni. ocre job in exercising its vital Albano of the Hartford Ballet, Pass , M MK UWU 17 ABHinii. West led the king of hearts Pass 1 0 .. Pats 1 A October. And as a result, the groiq> powers” by falling to “ provide Two yearn ago she was award- MtlMUtwyMry and cbntlnued with the three of 1 NT Pass 3 4 Mhgnotti also has been con­ says, many alumni from mi­ a genuinely diverse selection of ed a full scholarship in New MCMlRMt) Pass hearts to Bast’s ace at the sec­ Pass 4 /h AH Pass ; victed of holding up a branch nority groups feel they dcrn’t candidates on a year-toyear York with George Balanchine, ond trick. South, a French ex- bank in Hamden about one have a part in running Y a li. basis. studying dance under that fam- month alter the Orange robbery. “ A board o f trustees which “ Prevlous to the most recent ous choreographer, and attend- r " X took the ace of d i a m ^ . OYy . Richard B. IPlckus, 40, of West has never In its 69-year history election," the group said, the ing the Professional CSilldren’s spades and led the queen of dla- returning a trump. West takes Haven received a 10-year sen­ the king, of spades and switches included a Catholic, a femide or standing committee “ had never School to complete her h l^ nukids to East’s ace. tence from Judge Zampano. He a Bub-SO-year-idd, caimot inspire offered a black candidate. It school education. - East returned a third heart, back to hearts. Now South goes had pleaded guilty to robbery much confidence among ‘out’ 'still has not offered a Jew or a she graduated from both and South rutted again, this down. All because tha de­ in connectlwi with a $10,600 hold­ alumni that they are full and woman.” schools last June, and last week THEATER TIME fenders knew when to stop the You can'BWp"3eliciou8 Cakes by Mrs. Ume with the seven of spades. up of the First New Haven Na­ King anywhere for they are vacuum equal members of the Yale com------auditioned with four other h<^- SCHEDULE Chemla saw that he would run forcing fpreb _ game. f tional Bank’s branch at the Post ■ Qoeailoa sealed in tins. 18 oz. Pumpkin Sur­ munlty,” says the Yale Com- vacancy in the Ballet IMJLout Anof trumpsUUAISt/O **if he tried to V ___^ D « J y ^ - -- Shopping Center in Milford. mission e GNP was just a little more cause they are not ‘ mwket- Theaters and Producers agreed request down to a $126 miM- # Uk«s # Chofxi Organs # Mntronomns to prove that the makeup of the request for a 6.4 per cent hike year’s productUm, but not as success. Next thing you know it sometime, parUculMly ^un- Wednesday, STATE tomes to the economy we use ‘1’®" haU that figure, wMch sug- place” aCUviUes. Such efforts MAN4.HI3I.R CINTIR Wednesday to submit their ma­ mum Initially with a raise to corporation “ has ever detracted which CNG tacked on to the Klara. She’s eighteen now and she’ll perhaps be going on an der Joseph Albano, who is a Y '~ * FPII PARK RIAO 0» THIAIPf m unstable standard that can B®®*® «>at in one decade the are unpaid, at least in dollars. Homer D. Babbldge told a jor differences to binding arbi­ $130 weekly plus cost of living in any way from the traditioDal original request. Klara is only a little girl, but a extended European tour, and hard taskmaster. meeting of the school’s Board of Only delude. United States doubled Ito output, r the student were to quit adjustments in the tMrd year. We Have A Complete Stock of Instruments and Accessories!! tration. Trustees Wednesday that the NOW! i It is the equivalent of printing entirely erroneous conclu- school and become a laborer, The league has proposed a Our Specialty — GUITARS — Over 300 — New and Used In Stock!! (jitterent calibrations on ther- ®‘on- t however, his acUviUes would Paul Llbin, president of the employes of the Royal Type­ students, who have not identified /Arthur Hailey nnlooka league, said eight issues, includ­ $90-a-week miMmum the first writer Oo. in Hartford, who will themselves as disrupters, asked mometers each year. It is illo^- Since the GNP for 1960 was give a boost to the GNP. So year, with $5 raises in each of Giiftors from $9.95-A-Dram S«fs from $129.50 All the doors in his (jal. measured in 1960 dollars, and would the -wife cwitrlbute if she ing sal8U7 , pension and welfare lose their jobs when that divi­ Shoppie to be placed on probation and sensation-filled, provisions, would be decided by the next two years. Connecticut’s Jobless Rate sion of Litton Industries moves agreed to participate in discus­ • Nevertheless, we do gauge the the GNP for 1970 was measured 1®H home to take a job. But The three-year contract wMch i t Chord Organs from $24.96 best seller. ^ze and vigor of the entire in 1970 dollars, there simply Is would the country be better off. a group of arbitrators, whose to England. The layoffs are to sions on the value of free names were not immediately expired last Nov. 1 called for a be completed by July. Daps speech. Students on academic economy with an unreliable no comparison that can be Th® GNP does not measure scale of $76 weekly for shows Ineasure: Current dollars. made without resort to a mathe- social or economic welfare. A announced. Rising to Emergency State Labor has been outspoken in probatUm are barred from par­ Other terms of the agreement, g;rossing $4,600 or less a week to LANE Guitar and Music Center, Inc. ' NotMng but a computer can matical formula. storm that destroys mlllloM ot expressing its dissatisfaction Tin ticipating in extracurricular ac­ which was reached after an all- $160 weekly for shows that OPEN MOST mOBTS TOL 9 tivities. phis say precisely viiat a current The 1970 dollar must be dla- dollars in property may add to grossed between $9,600 and II1V2 CENTER ST., MANCHBESTEB 049-7836 Maotor Charge Cards Accepted (Continued from Page One) during the current recession is 31,2 billion for the first six with the job situation in Con­ Mg^t negotiating session, were necticut. "It seems to me a construc­ tellar is because Us value counted by about 24 per cent to Hi® GNP by putting carpenters Arlene Baldwin of New Haven, months of 1670, It reported a not revealed. $10,000 a week. “ Hie fact is that in the first Chrishnas tive response from uncertain changes by the minute. General? make it comparable with the t® work, by forcing equipment Off-Broadway theaters have Hie Associated Press. He re­ who for two years worked as an decline in net Income during Angus Duncan, executive sec­ months of 1971, unemployment youth and one that should con­ p a u L - (y it is worth less and less, the 1960 dollar. If the 1970 dollar is purchases, by requiring new in- fewer than 300 seats. called Qiat once before, in I960 electrical technician at M B the period compared with last retary of the 12,000-member un­ in Connecticut will -reach its tribute to preventing any recur­ kievitable result of persistent used as the measure, then that vestments. when unemployment was high Electronics, a Textron division, year. highest point in history,” John Vernon rence of the Nov. 16 episode,” NElWMaM (nflatlon year after year. 1970 GNP was close to $680 M l- ______i ^ ,, but not quite so high as now, on Whalley Avenue in her home The huge defense contractor, J. Driscoll, president of the Babbldge told the trustees. • Let lis assume, merely to 11- lion. If the 1960 measure is used, ‘ the governor declared an emer­ town. She said she was laid off the largest employer in the Dr. KuT Patricio, the Portu­ L‘:S iS -cooi.ji Aistrate, that the' dollar was the 1970 GNP is closer to $760 gency and extended benefits. last summer and since August state, had 71,480 employes on State Labor Council, AFL-dO, Fund Started said in a statement. He pre­ guese foreign minister, was worth 1(X> cents in 1900. By 1910 billion rather than $1 trillion, If compilation of figures shows been on unemployment. June 30, compared with 74,436 M a N P U I K l B the unemployment claims filed shouted down by students on the it was worth uetary means to reverse the the boys 10 and 7. Tw^year-old of environmental studies Wed- nUd-November-the most recent it was a major one.” by others process,” Driscoll said. He has already been out- n^esday. ^ i i c c u h u ^ figures it has available—91,600 For them it meant, if they Sinver Co division in called for rapid conversion of “ tted. • H ie task force, headed by pereohs or 6(6 per cent of the could not get a now job, the Bridgeport last vestige of the ludustry to peacetime produc- . Anyone iristdng to cmitrltote joeej4i N. Gill,Commissioner of work force were out of jobs in most money they would be tak- , ^ sewing-machine manufac Uon, creation*^ of more govern- Agriculture and Natural Re- donation in care of Gary Bard sources, recoomended that the Connecticut. That equals as ing hojne In unemployment com- turer ^ that redudedreduced ooeraUomoperations J**®*^t^ jobs and reduction^ of M- { ^ h a a r i l ^ many people as live in Norwich pensation would be 60 per cent closed rates to stimulate the at the bank. Those having fur- school have its own dean, facul- there in the late 1960s, _____ ' " niture to coq|rlbute should con- ty, research programs and ex­ and Hamden combined. of the paychecks they had come its doors Dec. 1. As-a result, tjonstmctltm industry. B U R N SID E 1 Whichever figures are used, to expect, But Sonni61 Johnson, assist- tact Mrs. Lucille Rieder or tension service. .‘.-t E.'.ST H.'.rTroPD 160 employes lost jobs. Mrs. -Irene Daigneault. the rate of unemployment in the To qualify for an unemptoy- ______ant manager of the Unemploy- Hie report also recommended Pir.h lSG 522 .3323 Hie Continental Can Co. in that the College of Agriculture state gp'eatly surpasses that for ment check, a person must be MontviUe, although continuing ™®M Claims office in New Ha- FBI. - SAT. • SUN.-' 3 PSYCHO SEXUAL the natlmi as a whole, which seriously locddng for a job. But and Natural Resources be re­ other operations, has tentative- '’®H' forseees no slackening In GOODBYE COLUMBUS was 6.8 per cent in November, he need not accept one that is named "school,” equal in status SHOCKERS! iim.hoi-; ly decided to close its paper- number of unemployed. ‘Isolated Act,’ STERILE CUCKOO Sevenseven citiesciuea inm Connecticutv^uunoeuuu. belowoeiow msMs traininguauuuB or with un- J . \ Z, rvtnatnintinn umrkAra' In nai-tin with the new environmental having what Washington since suitable salary, hours or working ^ m^ufacturlng Says Trustee Of school. AugustAiiiniBt'liss has termed "substantial conditions. He .,Is------Interviewed pe- . plant I>ec. 31, putting 76 per- • J The trustees’ action s{^>arent- unemployment” , contributed to riodically to niake sure he is sons out of work. winter, he said, as they are U C o U l l F i r c b o i l l b ly settles a long debate , over job hunting. “ operation is halted, it «v®«y winter after foul weather the dismal labor picture In the STORRS (AP) — Walter Mar- A eth er to combine the college state; Bristol with 14.9 per cent Som e^m panles, Instead of would be the second cessaUon begins. , of agriculture and natural re­ of« its labor - force------out of---- work. laying off employes permanent- by a Montvllle paper maaittac- Johnson’s predlcUons are not M *"® S ^ecU cJ?s sources with the new environ- New Britain with 10.3 per cent, ly, have told them not to come turer in four months. Hie Fed- to be taken UghUy. He loaded mental unit, Torrlngton lOJi per cent, Wa- to work for a week or two. eral Paper Box Oo. shut down up on extra personnel for his . “ ^ ~ ® ® ’ The trustetrustees also voted to es- 623 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER (Formerly Frank's) terbury 9.4 per cent, Meriden Many of these cutbacks could its plant in August, wh'en offl- office before the onslaught ^ h,. r o t T' ^ U dln? *®i*U*b academic secthms FRI. and SAT. SPECIALS from 6:00 P.M.’ ON .' 8.6 per cent, Ansonia 8.2 per hayg come at a more ln<^ dais said it would not be "eco- gained momentum. Despite the ^ within the School of Pharmacy, 7 cent and Bridgeport 7.7 per cent, portune time—Christmas. nomlcally feasible” - to continue recent Increases in unemploy- movement. movement “ ®^ subdivisions recognize. Further breakdowns, for in- Tj,jg of 700 em- operating the plant. ment, he has not had to hire and are expected to encourage, FISHBRHAirS PUTTER S U f .“ I suspect it was an isolated stance by race, are not now pjoyes of the (Seneral Electric Federal Paper closed ^ e r it more personnnel to hand out B A R R i C i N T act,” said Marcus, who comes the ciHitlnued expansion - of available. Computers make such Bridgeport, where a and the otheP^wd paper plants checks. TWIN L0BSTEI» SUS from Norwalk. “ I don’t attach UConn pharmacy into new OF NEW YORK fields. breakdowns, according to -AlfredIgp^^esman said the layoffs M MontvUle were ordered to “ You could see it coming,’ ” jt to people trying to end - Potato, Vegetable and Salad included wMi both meelaia! HorowlU, director of research ^it related to the nation- cmnply with state regulaUona to he said. "Almost smell it. ROTC,” but feel it "was an iso­ (No Reservations — No Take Outs) CHRISTMAS MINIATURES and information at the labor de- business letdown, but were clean up the Oxoboxo River ------^ ^ ------lated expression of one person’s partment, and the n^hlnes*-g^' ^ for inventory basin. The companies were told THE BEST BECAUSE. . . have been too busy writing un- - - ...... ----- commitment.” White TigM* ■ " ^ and" for histaliatlon of new to buUd their own sewage treat- Jersey Lottery Hie board members. Including emidoyniMit checks to do gqyjpment. ment plants, join the town sew- Marcus, nonetheless joine“Udlng did not reflect a daring the Christmas P I E C E S ^ COLOR lEtt^ning ifrralh muMUon operations of OUn’s verglty in New Haven-In Sept- „,ore from h«nira wMch act as "n»ovement on campus.” He holidays_____^ was to have become Wlncbester-Westora Dlvisian, ember announced a freeze on middlemen between the state “ *** **® ^®*‘ ‘**® Perem^ reqmn- Princess' mate. Zoo director PiMiabed DsUy Except Sundays wMch was affected by declines hiring, caused by Yale’s wors- and the vendors. Twenty-four ®*^‘® “ aren’t even radicals, but Gordon RubbeU said an autopsy and HoUdays at 13 BiaseU Street commeRial- sales and by ening ftosncial situation. Hie banks ran out M tickets. revolutionaries.” would be pMformed “ because M MICHAELS JEWELERS- “ “ * * * * ^ e ^ ^ StM m tormlnatlOTi of a federal con- Yale treasurer had announced First prize in the .weekly "Communists in America have we want to satisfy oursrives DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER AT 958 MAIN STREET Secood OaesPoeUfe Paid at m i6 rifle ammunition, that the uMverslty is staring drawing Is $60,000. Hekets cost *’®®" loMdng toward Mgher edu- there are no questionable clr- RATES United Aircraft lnto_a deficit of “several mU- 50 cents. as the soft under-belly of pumstane'es.” While we have Payable in Advance „ „ Although UMted AircraR Uon dollars’' in planning its Proceeds wUl be used by the democracy, and they are prob- not ruled out foul play, there 'is -SzS-jai. *7 No AivMMe wMio arasiwii iiHiwaiaaWwasisiWiriw One Tear EAST M e of TIeMi Bfac Tfnnths . ! isieo Oorp. in East Hartfmtl reported 1971-73 budget. state for education aid and con- ^ Mgher educaUon,” GUI no evidence as yet to suggest Ttiree Hontba I'Sn an Inorease in sales to nearly Future layoffs Include 1,800 struction of institutions. said. there was foul play." One Ifoolii . •V" ) / / .

1 . . / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 PA G E FTV^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 P A G E F O U R bly, run, the race again him- vious 1972 candidates. " I ’ve they w;on’t listen, I think that it DemocriUip''Contenders » . self. been trying to< I don’t want to looks good for the Democrats in Mrs.^iiEa):le D .. Amlrault, 87 Tougher Qean Air Bill “I really dwi’t’ see much pos- say admonish, but to suggest to 1972, now,. But what It 'will look Connie Roberts, Aqcnt Hospital Phone Lenox St.; Mrs. Pearl E. D^ey, Bradley Speaks I slblllty^,Df my being involved In our Democratic leaders’ that the Khe a y e »r from now is hard to Andover; Joseph - Barth, 40 F ront -^Kitchen To Hcmor Prtton, prestderiilal politics as a con- only w ay we can .^ n In 1972, say.” H ie telephone number for Buckland St.; Nplson, nam ing, Em erging from Confere&cfc' tender. I am not saying that the arid I think we can win. Is by aAnd i what It will look like a SAN GABRIEL, CaUf. By VIVIAN F. FERGUSON Manchester Memorial Hospi­ 68 Kensington St.; Mrs. Mary se Lure Lingers door Is locked shut ... I have some degree of unity In our par- year from now for Hubert H. GLASTONBURY tal w as changed a few Della Fera, 16 Cottage St.; Har­ (idP) — "Whatever you think federal court to compel aU pol­ W ASraNGTO N (A P ) — House no organization. I am not open- tyy . . Humphrey is hard to say, too. ■ Oolorftil . Cihrtstmaa cookie months ago, but too late to man G. Holt, 480 Adams St.; of him, he was one damned luters: Including the UnHed and Senate conferees have ing up any offices. . . . I hope to 7 "I think,” the former vice His message to the party is . Una are beginning: to pUe high be listed correctly in the new John J. Costello, 18 good soldier,'- says General States government, to cease and TRAVEL AGENCY in the homey kitchen of Alice ' be able.to counsel some others /pre^’dfcnl. says, “w e ’ll have to clear; If the challenge of 1972 phone books. ’The hospital Estelle t>r., Vernon; Andrew of Uie A rm y Omar Bradley. forged a bUl to protect the pub­ desist. V4s HHILEnds Political Exile Belcher. H ie tins are filled wait, as I said, to see what de- seems to call for a man who has nuniber is 646-1222. StengCr, Stafford Springs; Mrs. Bm diey splice Wednesday lic health from dirty air, chart­ The measure’s most ctmtro- with delectable goodies soon to T w G ^ears ago irfirey, Sen. Edmimd S. Muskle “ I think M r. Nixon is a proud **(But let’s say that it should velops in the ndxt 12 to 14 been .there before, who styles Margaret Moriarty, M Grant at dedication of the $10 mil- ing a campaign that could shut versial provision sets a Jan. 1, !70 NEW LONDON TLKNPIKK be enjoyed by the children af-' C- ' hah- m x j Maine is the clear Democrat- man ; . . and if he thought that com6 around to January next nionths, and then everybody himself a tutor of Democrats, Rd.; Robert R. Macatee, 806 Uon George S. Patton Jr. M e­ 1975 deadline for the nation’s ex­ (;L.\S'i O M J r K V . ( O N N . ter skiing. Friends invited over down auto production lines and nni Ho poUti- Ic. leader, and President Nixon his candidacy would not be hon- year, January 1972, and no one ano^ier look . . . If iDQUARTEllS Barber- HIU Rd., RockvUle; sion control devices. .,,,rble Humphrey is playing. "I really believe that we can oo- J things that the kids love and . any time except noon-2 p.m.; Kathleen Ann Bums, East Hart­ Army which swept across House, members, sidd Wednes­ sees a possibility that President plirey obviously sees himself in best role that I play is when I I^GGETT DRUG Further extenslans, if any. cupy the news, so to speak . . . DON’T GROPE they smell good vdien baking,” others, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. ford; Jeri-Lyn Fryer, Storrs; France into Germany In day night the final bill Is far Nixon may not seek a second the lineup. don’t hs.ve ambitions, when I ’m At Tile Parkade would have to come from Con-/' By WAL’TER R. MEABS "I give a lot of free advice to she commented. "When the Self Service: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Mrs. Irma K, Lee, 4 Thompson World W a r H. He died in tougher than any that has gone term, c h id in g the path of for- He sits in the office he has seeking posiUon o r Utle, and Around for that Chri^mas Gift! g re a a , Muskle said. and or even if kids see the tins start piling up, 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Court, Rockville; Harold Lyman, 1946. before. He said the conference mer President Lyndon B. John- jjgpt Washington for the p a s t ,!’”* seeking poslUon or title P ®P‘® GIVE THE ONE YOU’RE THINKING OF AN ■nie report of the oonfe??drice CARL P. LEUBSDORF they know ttey shouldn’t Intensive Care and Coronary 114 Maple St.; John E. and l is a wrote a bill stronger In most re­ two years, and talks of politics^ how. . . ------ORIGINAL OIL PAINTING, COMPLETELY FRAMED committee must now tte^Xionsld-, AP PoUtlcal Writers , ' them after school.” | Care: Immediate family only, Wilson, 81 Eldrldge St.; Mrs. spects than either of the two "O f course, this is all conjec- and the Senate, and the role of a “The only one I, missed was IN BEAUTIFUL HAND CARVED AND anytime, limited to five mlnotes. ered by the House Senate. FINISHED WOOD At this point, thcf^ i^ to g ra - Abilgall Wyse, Broad Brook; original versions, WASHING'rON (AP) — por I think (the President Uitular party leader, and polltl- the top Job. you see. So I don’t A’PTBNIIONI G rcu s Act Their approval wo)dd send the pher arrived. We had au known Maternity: Fathers, 11 aan.- Mrs. Isabelle Marinelli, 142 •Ilie measure may still earn “ Hubert H.'Humphrey two veais ® ®®"®® history, that- If cal fund raising, and the polls— want to spend my time trying to bill to the White House for Pres­ each other from high school 12:4S p.-m.r and 6:36 p.m.-8 Loomis St.; Hieodore N. Kasek, barbs from environmentalists n t nnKHo.i -.11 I, the domcstlc sltuatlon looks tTu- and "that plEcc.” see If I can get another title, or REAUING HIPROVEMENT GLASSES FROM 26.00 TO 95.00 p.m .; others, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., and T o o Heavy ident Nixon’s s t a t u r e . - , • days. In fact, ^rny husband, 76 Oliver Rd.; Carrie Kim and complaining it still does not go ‘ T ' i . ending-:- ly bad and his .^lltical pros- -me olace is the White House ^ get to be a chalr- BEGINNING JANUARY 4, 1971 The ctxif^nce bill has sever­ Alice and I were all members 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. Cindy Lee Surdell, Browns far enough, Muskle aides com­ and, If the odds abe long against pects are not gobd, J|iave Tea- ^nd when Humphrey mentions contend for an office AFTERNOON and EVBNINO CLASSES Age lim its: 16 In maternity. BOSTON (AiP) — Heavy-foot- al new Iphovations. The House of Art and Frames of the same^lugh school class. Ridge Rd., Tolland; ’Hieresa mented. ’’"another preslderitial noniina- ®°h to believe he wouldn’t i;uri.” be'does so with a wave over Senate. I don’t think I Classes for ELEM ENTAR Y and HIGH SCHOOL studenU Alice andhad served on the 12 in other u e a s, no limit ^ i c i ^ U , 44 PhlUlp Rd.’; Mrs. celling One/;rif them would give the (At The Top of Main with the Lowest Prices — But It does create a new arse­ - Uon, the lure of the White House Hubert H. Humphrey Ws "right shoulder His gehgra- need, to do that In Remedial Reading (Phonics, Understanding, etc.). Study class gih; committee. Bill Coe self-service. Ann Luchon, Virginia Lane, T d - at Boeton’s North StaUrni con- adtpfnistrator of the new Envi­ Skills, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Speed, Orilege Board Opp. Library) nal of federal pollution control '"'is still there. . Humiriirey, iriio swept to the phy is perfect; the presidential Do His Share sald.y'’^”Alice, I was telling ronmental Protection Agency Test Preparation and General Reading Efficiency. O P E N SU N D A Y from 1:00 - 5:00 P.M .. land; Rebeccah Wytaa, 114 tributed to the accident for measures, arid authorizes * e™ not seekihg the prei^l-’ bem ocratlc ‘presidential itbmi- mansion is three riUny blocks Humphrey says what he will sorn^ne that i was scheduled Due to constmotlon, paridng the right to supercede, the Jus­ dency,’ says the hian fr6m; nation two years ago, says vdiile away,-in Just that direction. do is help shape Democratic Small Classes ■* Pre-TesUng Program * Certified Teachers MON., TUE., WED.,SAT., 10:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. ’Trout Stream Dr., Vemon; Mrs. g, New Hampshire man spending $1 billion over t h ^ W take your picture. I told him, for emergencies is severely re­ Elaine B. Schulz, 12 W arren St., . , . __.,o tice Department and go to court * hasn’t even not very probable economic At 69, Humphrey caste him-* policy, help raise DemocraUc Academic Reading Improvement Center, Inc. THUR., FR I. N IT E 8 T IL L 9:00 P.M . years to help pay for the fight. 10% DISCOUNT TO SE N IO R C ITIZE N S! X ' l surely had a crush on Alice stricted. *1116 public Is urgently M n , U .2 to abate pollution violations if ^ b e e n , swoth li) yet to his new .'wo-es could.do to Nixon what the self as a sort of political elder money and promote Dem(x:ratlc 63 B. Center St. Call Next to Covey’s The weapons Include pa n tin g "Art The Everlasting Xmas Gift” when I was in high school.’ The requested not to paric near the view Dr., Vemon; Mra. EUxa- no action has been taken by the Senate' seat. ■ " I have- not re- Vietnam ■war did to. Johnson— statesman, the' man who' has unity. ICANCHESTER, OO^TN. MR. KAPROVB Tri. 648-9947 Ta the government the yt^ t to in- answer was, "'Didn’t everyone emergency entrance except to A n. An elephant circus act at Bos- Attorney 'General. .jj noimced the possibility.” lead him to. renounce a re-elec- been the route and can advise He adds that he already has spect private property for pollu have a crush on Alice Drake?” discharge emergency or wheel Today, according to Hum-, tlon 6)ld.f • others—and possibly, Just possi- consulted with some of the ob- / ------„ ------Also, Mrs. Linda Sullivan and ‘V ^ c e l^ ’of'tte tlon violations, td subpoena re­ Rep. Harley O. Staggers, D- Alice was and is liked by both chair admlsstons. To pick 19 dis- daughter, 102 West St., Rock- cords of suspected air polluters W. Va.; said he believes H o u m - sexes, 9 ie is a bubbling person­ charged pattehto, please p ^ in j^ra Mary Ann PuUock which is dlrecUy below lnsplr6d provisions written into ■’T and son. V o ^ i Rd., Bolton; “ >e Garden. and even to require factories to ality and there la no put-on the general Iota first and the the bill—including throwing Mrs. Deborah N. Benson and Pieces of It struck Kenneth J. pay for, Yand Install pollution about Alice. She is always ef­ mme will Initract you where to open to the public the race to monltoto.' fervescent, pleasant and most drive to pick up the paftent. daughter. 3 Hale St., Rockville. Brannock, 88, o l Concord ,NJI., The measure sets national develop emission controls-j^rlll 7 sincere. I ’ll tell you the kind of ______a railroad worker. He required standards for all potential new result in deadlines being met person she is. Patiento Today: 275 V i s i t B e l f f n i d e hospital treatment, jnore V18U neigraae District Court Jury sources of air pollution—such as "long before 1976 or 1976." PariRMl* O p «i 4 NlgMs wiril 9 Someone else was scheduled AOMTITED YESTERDAY; Muskle expressed his satisfac­ uaviQ Averv uiani. n.,. a™.. B E LG R A D E —In the last four found that the Boston Ganjeh- Industrial plants— and sets for this column today. Unfortu­ David Avery, Grant Hill Rd., tion with the conference agree­ Downta^wn Opsn Ev m y NlyhY Coventry: Marvin S. Baker. 24 years the number of foreign Arena Oq^., ’Turner C o ^ ^ ^ criminal penalties for willful nately, the lady became ill. Hie ment ; Goalee Dr.; Cheryl Bassett, 688 visitors to Yugoslavia has risen tlon Co., the trustees of the 120 polluters with fines up to $60,000 next person in line went to the (Herald photo by Coe) "The deadline is fixed and it m X K m fn S V f V f W y Keeney St.'; Mrs. Millie G. an average of 18.7 per cent an- Trust and the Boston Sc Maine a day and jail sentences of up to hospital a n d a third person cannot be extended beyond MRS. GRAIG BELCHER Brennan, East Hartford: Mrs. nually. Last year 80.5 milUon Corp._were llaUs for Bran- two years. could not be scheduled. Who what’s in this bill without com~ Vlrglnla P. Carrow. Storrs; Ed- visited the country and spent nock’s injuries. It also would give all citizens could be called the night before Ing back to Congress,” he said. The settlement amount was and groups the right to sue in the column was due? with 2 tablespoons cinnamon in desired, prick top all over with ^^rd L. Carter, Clark Rd., Bol $260 million. I called my friend Lll Hunter Ml cup sugar. Add rest of batter toothpick before pouring mix- to„; Mrs. Mary Connolly, East and sprinkle top with remain­ ture. Baste all over, using a Hartford; Peter P. Dounoro- for help. "Why, Alice, of ing sugar. (Chopped nuts may teaspoon. Whqn completely ab- ^ tz , 86 School St.; Mrs. Marie course,” she said. ( U l ’s daugh­ be added before sugar). Bake sorbed, remove from pan to g, Fortier, 188 E. Middle ’Tpke.; ter Ledie is married to Alice’s 46-50 minutes at 376. Note: Alice cool. Note: Alice bakes four Douglas E. FlllatU, East Hart- son Michael.) "Why, I can’t uses a mini-bundt pan. Some­ small loaves in aluminum foil ford; Peter J. Hadley, Hebron; ask her on such short notice — times she puts the sugar in the pans for holiday gifts. Mrs. Lydia T. Hinckley, Colum­ she works tomorrow.” U l re­ pan before pouring any of the bia; Mrs. Carol P . Horton, An­ plied, "O f course you can. Butterscotch Refreshers II# STona ov batter. dover; Darlene J. Jurewlcz, Alice is so clever idle always Sift togeter BUtfaen House German 631 N. Main St.; Mrs. Charlotte has something!” cups flour Molasses Cookies M, Kalber, Cromwell; Walter enchanters Alice had exactly two liours ^ teaspoon baking soda Combine C. Kominski, Enfield; Michael off from her part-time Job as a ^ teaspoon w it % cup shortening Laggis, 28 W. Middle Tpke.; nurse in the office of a gyneco­ Combine in saucepan 1 cup white sugar Adrien J. Lavoie, 81 Oakland logist-obstetrician. No problem. one 8-'oz. package cut dates ’^¥E SAVE YOU MONEY CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Add , J . St.; Mark Leggitt, 8 Reagan "Just give me time to change % cup packed brown sugar Mrs. Ellza^th % cup molasses my uniform,” she stated. cup water ONLY AT THE PARKADE" 1 egg run wn Ar Licata, Wllllmantlc | Mrs. Julia Alice became a licensed prac­ ^ cup oleomargarine Sift together and add S. Manley, 113 Henry St.; SKINT FRET Bejeweled pant tical nurse only within the past Cook over low heat stirring 2 cups flour ... J A AA X, Clement Manning, Broad several ' years. She started constantly unUl dates soften. Re- ^ Elizabeth Mayer, LAST MINUTE 2 teaspoons baking soda working at Manchester Memo­ move from heat. SUr in one ^ g^ Marjorie E. teaspoon salt LAST C A LL. •• rial Hospital as a volunteer. package butterwoteh (or choc- 60 Hudson St.; 1 teaspoon cinnamon She was a ward clerk in the ob­ olate) bits, and two unbeaten Miller, Brookfield Rd.. dresses in % teaspoon cloves stetrics area. " I decided to eggs. % easpoon ginger Bolton; Judith A. Muschko, 277 take a course, and I am glad I Add dry ingredients alternate­ Spring St. / GIFTS! Add to first four ingredients AND YOU'LL did. I love my Job. While I love ly with and stir well. Also, Lyle T ’ Neddow, 18 my home and family, I look % cup orange Juice and Form into balls using large Bank St.; Richard Neville, 7 slithery crepe . . . forward to my work. It’s only ^4 cup milk Seaman Circle; Patricia Pea­ NORELCO end of melon ball cutter. Place SAVE TOO! three days a week.” Blend thoroughly. Stir in V4- body, Bast Hartford; Nelson balls on greased cookie sheet. The Belchers live at 368 cup cut walnuts. Spread, in Richmond, Enfield; Colleen TRIPLE HEADER Bake 8-10 minutes at 376. ^ring St. Craig is a founda­ well-greased 16X10x1 Jelly roll H„ach. Lewis Hill Rd.. Coven- Balls will flatten out and cook­ SPEEDSHAVER tions engineer for the Depart­ pan. Bake at 360 for 26-30 min- jj.y. prancls X. Sadlak, 44 perfect for ies will be uniform in size. E ment of Transportation of the utes. Cool and frost with orange cjo^ntry Lane, Rockville; John Lemon Bread State of Connecticut. ’Hielr el­ 8*^^- Sanson, 86 Hamlin St.; James Vt cup shortening dest son, 'Michael, is studying Orange GUze ^ Slater, East Hartford: FANTASTIC WAJCH SALE 1 cup sugar...... - - Floating heads give 35% closer ■ 1% cups sifted confectioners z^chery S. Taylor, Wrights at Norwich University, Ver­ grated rind of one lemon sidebum trimmer, pop-open cleaning, smart travel sugar Hill Rd.. Coventry. Robert 2 GUARANTEES those special mont while his wife Leslie 2 eggs 2 tablespoons grated orange Tewksbury, East Hartford, case. -teaches, third grade at the B ar­ % cup milk Guaranteed by rie, Vt., elementary school. rtnd BIRTHS YESTEJRDAY: A Sift together % Steven, their youngest, attends Blend In 2-3 tablespoons cream daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rob- IMi cups flour • Guaranteed by untll easy to spread. (The other ert Andersen. Newington; a Check UggelfB Extra Low Price holiday occasions Bennet Junior High School. 1 teaspoon baking powder Manufacturer' Nancy is the only daughter. ^ teaspoon salt day Alice ran out of cream, son to Mr. and Mrs. Michael C A freshman at Manchester Com­ Cream shortening, sugar and She substituted commercial egg Kaluszka, Glastonbury;' i a Electric Watch by Hamilton and Helbros nog. Delicious!) daughter to Mr. and Mrs. WU- munity College, her mother rind. Add eggs and milk and • NO WINDING • NO SHAKING • NO TUNING FORK ------fred LaPolnte, Storrs; a son G.E. Children's credits her with being a good mix. Add flour mixture and • KEEPS GIVING THE RIGHT TIME • VERY REU- cook. "N ancy can put a good beat just enough to moisten. The Greek Island, Corfu, has to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ivey, ABLE • CHANGE BATTERY ONCE A YEAR • ULTRA meal(>on the table every time.” Bake in small loaf pan (one - long been a popular place for East Hartford; a daughter to PHONOGRAPH THIN eOIFT BOXED • UOOET8 ^2^ ^ ’This weekend, she will help quart) for one hour at 360.- tourists. Silver and green with Mr. and Mrs. Leonce Belliveau, Child-proof doub UNBEUEVABLE PRICE Soft, slithery (designs for evening. four million olive trees, the is- Glastonbury; a daughter to Mr. serve at a holiday party at the When bread is done, squeeze le strenght cabi- >Ifg. List $79.95 land resembles an ancient a n d Mrs. Michael ’Tomsho, home of Jack and Lll Hunter. the Juice of one lemcm and mix inet, 4 speeds, Greek riUeld with Mount Panto- Glastonbury, Three pantedresses in crepe all brilliant She will assist her sister-in-law, with %-cup sugar. Pour mix­ I cover holds 10' ture over hot br^ad slowly. If crator forming the central boss. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Leslie, and Lee’s sister, Betsy, records. as they help their mother en­ $19.96 .A VALUE ^11 “ f tertain. ’The three girls will all -V with brai(d an(d jewels. Left; By Tow er for wear long skirts or dresses of red or pink velvet made by *■ nm *' n'' the young junior miss, in beige, block Alice. Northern Automatic Special " I think too many mothers make a mistake in not allow- ELECTRIC BLANKET Purdioso .<««Jng their daughters to cook and or pink, 7-15. 34.00. Feotureef: By Somox in do other things at home. ’They TWIN SIZE would rather do it themselves 1 0 ^ ’ r . because it seems so much LT.WOOD 17 o r 21 block, geranium, 12-20 32.00, 1472-2272 34.00. easier,” comments Alice. $15.00 Vdiw Jeiwel Alice is the daughter of Mr. LOCKER PLANT AND MEAT MARKET and Mrs. Frank Drake of Green Fully automatic control / y Right: By Somox, in block or geranium, Rd. She met Craig while in high with Nite-Lite. Lightweight, Famous school. His mpther is deceased. washable. Moth-proof, Brands His dad, Harold Belcher, still U 1 OUR MEATS ARE FRESHLY GUT AND DISPUYED 12-20 32.00, 1472-2272 34.00. lives on Walker St. non-ollergenic. IVIQQ9 o y Some day, will spend Rtllablo more time painting. Some of NOT PRE-PACKAGED cipes. In thlis case. It’s sweets Manchester Parkadd from the sweet. (Sorry Alice . . . I ■aeMWMBiril' T was admonished not to get MsstBy DMMa $U£ AT $1At9 FRESH NATIVE ] too' corny!) BROXOOBNT R . « . JI.9 5 Sour Cream Coffee Cake witehe/ S'*®®' • Calendar • SeU-wtaqing 1 waicnes • Sport and Dresa • Scuba watches m N u m m Cream together cup shortening GREYLEDGE FARM HAIRSETTERS AND MINORS 1 cup sugar Clairol Add 2 eggs, one at a' time OUIROL KINDNESS 1 cup sour cream NA'nONAUY ADVER'nSED Sift together and add to above GOMPAGT CHRONOGRAPH WATCH 2 cups flour INSTANT HAIRSETTER 1 teaspoon baking powder I teaspoon baking soda Model k201„ 20 roUera all heat at TURKEYS Larger than face-alze mirror. s S *27.97 ■A teaapoMi salt FRESH CAPONS 7 to US. — LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS 8 Thniiiq litstruments in Ono ’Then, add 1 teaspoon vanilla 6 to Pour half of batter in greas­ ROASTIMG CHICKENS AVi U S . • ‘” '” e • Tachometer In iirilea) • Telemeter (distance ol ed 10” tube pan and sprinkle FIRST PRIZE SMOKED HAMS ~ SWEDISH KORV 17.99 wlJUl • '"•ne Zone U.S.DtA; CHOICE RIB ROAST « A ^ f ”***®®’ • Sport Evente VALUE • Avtotore e • Travelers, etc. V.S.D.A. CHOICE NEWPORT ROAST S29.96 FOR IMPORTED CANNED HAMS 3 to 11 US. D®ntUta recommend Cosmetics PLEASE LEAVE YOUR ORDER EARLY FOR GOOD SIZE TkUE-TO-UGHT WATER PIK SELECTION __ GIVE YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS THE BEST MAKE-UP MIRROR rps 14.99 $25 VALU E Simple puridmttoii ouera- Liggeffs If You Like The Besf Give Us A Test Adjua t ^ e preaaure Day, ftfflee or evening U|^t for perfect 51 BISSELL ST. V REAR OF ICE PLANT M3-B424 make-up application. Regular or mag­ At The Parkadc nifying mirror. Adjuatable stand. MANCHESTER P U N T Y OF FREE PA R K IN G SPACE $2SJ6 *5? $1548 Value


• > ■1 3 O M

A' PAGE Six MAn 6 h ^ TEK e v e n i n g H EIULD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 MANCHESTER. EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER; CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17.1970 PAGE SEVEN tice William O. Douglas not only pro­ Connecticut Agnew Offers Governors iSImtriipatpr claims his mnocence of the kirtd of pon- at Odds with Nixon LIVE MAINE lEttpnitui J|praUi •duct which mlk foes had alleged 'was Yankee Liaison^ No iipologies PUBLjSHBD BY THE unworthy of the neon's highest court. HBJRAED PRINTING CO., INC. The subcommittee\ven leans over in On Family Assistance, SST SUN VALLEY, Idaho (AP) — as Gov. D.gwey Bartlett of Okla- IS 'Blasell Street By A.H<0. - lioma alnd Gov, Linwood Holton LOBSTERS *1.S9. Mtochester, Conn. the other direction and^redlts Justice Vice President Spiro T. Agnew. THOMAS P. FERGUSON By STANUQY JOHNSON On the prisoner question, I Q. What about the SST? Are WALTER R FERGUSON seeking political peace with crit­ of 'Virginia. » Publishers Douglas with an 3p ^ ijis s a to No matter how heroic it may h^e contacts” between the gover­ ■-vapsaupaAi u rd i — .tapiJ,£ j< \i to $12,600 to take effect in 1978. lly assistance plan throughout able to support it in its present HARTFORD (AP) —Thomas plained his intent and was confi­ Manchester State Bank extends ■.fapeani 'urd t — Xopsonqi J<\(t nors and the administration, I been, however,-it still constitutes, in it­ Senator Ives said two things, the campaign. form. For the reasons that I _ „ ^ dent that after that discussion '.tapooH urd i — XapseupOM Jo,i “I anv afraid I will not lie able have given during the campaign ™gue, an administrative as- and promised he would seek to - — self, a prime example of the very thing first that this seemed to him the governors understood his to supiiort it in its present h will not, as I see it, result in sistant ' ' ' to ' Howard Haqsman, THE SEAT of the problem have the whole process centered ______3 e|a any really principled investigation of a "too much money.” speech was “aimed at getting form,” he said again in an inter- simplifying the over-all welfare Republican state chairman will in skiing is falling down. us working together in the right in his office. Holiday Greetings to all its Tbursday, December 17 Secondly, he said this: Supreme Court justice would condemn. “Somewhere we’ve got to sep­ view in the converted-townhouse structure. It will add an enor- be the new deputy state treas­ Getting right to the bottom direction, and was not negative There may be a slight difference in arate those poUUclans who office of his family’s Catawba mous amount of extra expense ure, it was announced 'Wednes­ of things are these plastic in any sense.” Corp. in midtown Manhattan. the' federal budget at a time want to come for the money and padded shorts with rein­ LTM Will Cast odor, but there is no difference in princi­ The program would set a base when what we need to be doing day night. Gov. Tom McCall of Oregon, The Threat To Re-Escalate those who want to come to forced seat tough enough customers and wishes to an­ ple between having a member of the Income of $1,600 for a family of tightening our belts and it is Hague was named by State one of Agnew's severest critics to withstand sliding down at the conference, said after the For Two Plays Prom Secretary of Defense Laird serve.” four, and, Buckley said, “it will certain that the so-called Treasurer-elect Robert Berdon, a slope. Novel idea is being 7 highest court play a role for the CIA comes the most direct admission yet that This vaUant assertion of nos­ add an enormous amount of ex- work incentives will, in a de- who will take office with other breakfast meeting, they "have Open casting will be held to­ and having him published in a scandal talgic principle probably comes tried iA Switzerland. agreed to work together.” morrow and Monday at 8 p.m. the United States may resume- the tra expense to the federal budg- tectable manner, work. .^members of the new administra- nounce their banking hours for sheet or put on a payroll which has hopelessly late in the game. et at a time \riien what we need GOP Conference tion on Jan. 6. Berdon said McCall had described Agnew in the Little Theatre of Man­ bombing of North Vietnam if it feels that Any reaUstlc evaluation of the as a "hatchetman,” "a trigger- chester studio, 22 Oak St., for nefarious Las Vegas connections. We to be doing is tightening our Q- Haver there been any fur- Hague will be appointed the i the North Vietnamese are not negotiat­ chance of “separating those belts.” ther developments in regard to same day. man” and "a man who carries the next LTM production slat­ do not select justices, it is to be hoped, poUticlans who want to come’ General Seeks a knl?e in his- shawl” and had ing in good faith at iParis. Against SST your joining the Republican Hague, a 48-yearold resident ed for Feb. 18, 19 and 20. the Christmas and New Year to run errands for the CIA. Hie delight­ for the money and . those who As for the SST, Buckley, long Conference in Congress? • of Brookfield, has advised a called the Tuesday conference Two shows are to be cast for From debate on the Senate floor has want to come to serve” would To Make Army address "that rotten, bigoted lit­ which eight men and four wom­ ■r ful little morsel the House Subcommit­ active in conservationist causes, There haven't been any number of GOP candidates on come the admission, even by those back­ probably have to say that the Bu’cl, “As one of the original en- developments to date. I am their campaigns and is one of tle speech.” en are needed. The shows to be tee serves up as part of its dismissal of issue was decided, and the Duty Satisfying At a Salem news conference, read are Peter Shaffer’s come­ ing the provision which would pretend vironmentallsts, I think it is up “ enrolled Republican. I just the le^ng exponents in the Holidays. all charges against Associate Justice chance lost, back on Nov. 4, to the proponents of the SST to see any difficulty or any GOP“of the need for appealing ST. LOUIS (AP) — Army McCall quoted' Agnew as telling dies, "'The Public Eye,” with to forbid the use of American troops in Douglas Is in itself nothing more than 1968, when the voters of Con­ prove it will not pollute, rather question for that m atter when it to ethnic gfroups. Chief of Staff Gen. William C. the breakfast meeting it was his Ruth Rowley directing; and necticut decided Connecticut hope that the speech “would un­ “Black U om edy,” with Robert Cambodia, that the president would still an additional indictment. than the other way around.” ^ asswiatlng myself In a ^Mement, Berdon said he Westmoreland says the Army is had been Connecticut long Buckley, a handsome man of Republican party in the was ‘“quite pleased to have a ite the Republican party.” Donnelly director. have the authority to undertake "pre­ "willing to part with past prac­ Perhaps we ^ have a right to ask enough and voted to give mem­ 19 with black hair jiist starting Senate. „ian of Tom Hague’s qualifica- “I will take his word as far as AU ages are needed from in­ cautionary actions” such as sending our one slight favor to the Court and to the bers of the General Assembly to turn grey, sometimes paced views are very much in tions and experience serving as tices where these no longer his intentions are concerned,” genues and young leading men troops into Cambodia to wipe out some the power ^ set their own sal­ serve a productive and useful We will close December 24, at 3 jP’.M., nation. Could we be excused, please, and■ sometimesO V S l A C U l l t C O stretched O U C I . 4 -11 CU out VIUU on O il u-cconi with ^e views of ------the my second-in command.” McCall said. to character roles. potential threat to American troops back aries. Up to the time the peo­ the floor to ease a slipped disc o' Republican sena- The salary range for Hague’s end.” Agnew's Tuesday speech also Frank Minutillo is in charge from the potential book to be titled ”1 ple of ^Connecticut voted this, Westmoreland told a Chamber in South Vietnam. whilelie being ______fntervlewed. ^ see any new %ob is $16,292 to $18,820 per drew complaints from such men of the casting committee. Was an Associate Justice Of the 124,036'% 84,846, the salaries problem. I year. of Commerce bainquet audience and reopen December 28 at 9 A.M. ^ Connecticut legislators had Q. There have been several Q. Do you have any specific Wednesday night that “we seek And in the House-Senate conference Supreme Court For The CIA?” developments recently on Viet­ be6n set In the Constitution It­ environmental program which an army in which service is per­ committee on the same proposal for re­ nam, including President Nix­ self. A1 some moment during you intend to put liefore the Sen­ sonally satisfying. Individually on’s Implication that it may be stricting the Presldcntfh use of our the flrsl half of the century, ate and could you discuss the Inside Report rewarding and professionally WOODLAND SIG N CO. We will again close December 31 at 3 they had been doubled until ncssary to renew the bombing stimulating.” troops there came, the other day,- the role of the federal government (Continued from Page 6) Pray For Poor Scrof^e, Too these salaries s|ood at the mag- of North Vietnam; the Senate But, the general said, if an introduction of an amendment which voted aid with limitations to in helping the states and local COMPLETE SIGN SERVICE Pope Paul, appropriately and moving­ niflbent total of $600 for the two governments with this problem? of the lethal combination of a»-volunteer army is to be built, P.M. and reopen January 4 at 9 A.M. would specifically authorize the Presi­ year term, plus travel expenses. Cambodia, and then of course , j X, "public support must be visible, ly, asked his vast audience in St. Peter’s there’s always the question of Tax Incentives unemployment and inflaUon. tangible.” dent to order American troops into By 1968, of course, this $600 A. I don’t liave any particular Square the other day to g;lve special the raid on. the North Viet­ Evidence of how deep this He said ‘.'we cannot attract 79 W O O D LA N D MANCHESTER Cambodia, Laos or 1110118101 in action (Herald photos by Pinto) figure had become ridiculously plan to put into the senatorial Christmas season solicitude to the situa­ small, even for a token fl^u|:e. namese prisoner camp. Would anxiety really runs is found in the caliber of soldier in the or actions “designed to promote the SOFT AND CLINGING you comment please? hopper. The views which I enun­ tion of the world’s hungry children, the But one thing at least was ceri. ciated some years ago and re­ Kentucky Gov. Louie Nunn’s numbers needed for an organl- safe and orderly withdrawal or dlsen- tain, and that was that no party A. 'With respect to the warn- zatlon maligned by some, di- S47-1529 - 527-1353 slum dwellers, the sick people, the prl- ■ peated this year are closely par­ private decision to give up his . j i. hack could afford to go after a Ingtf to the North Vietnamese — . . , 7 „ rectly attacked by others and g^agement of U. S. forces from South­ ... it seems to be entirely rea­ alleled by the program which is earlier plan to run for the Sen- halfheartedly supported NEW COMPANY NOT NEW IN EXPERIENCE son Inmates, the jobless, and the seat in the Legislature in order by east Asia or to aid in the release of sonable. There was an under­ now being implemMited by the ate in 1972, after his present many.” Read Herald Advertisements . A Thought for Today to get the high salary Involved. derelict. And it’s indeed perhapa the fin­ standing on the basis on which Nixon administration, such as term ends. Instead, he now Americans held as prisoners of war.” Sponsored by the Manchester The first time the Legislature, est part of the Christmas sentiment that the 'United States would stc^ the setting up of a special agen­ plans to accept a Federal ----- ~ ~ In all these three developments we (Jouncll of Churches after that 1956 vote, got its hand It bids us all direct some thought and bombing the North; if the North cy which will be the policeman judgeship. The obvious reason: * . Inside on its own salaries, it raised have, as we had in President Nixon's Vietnamese keep on testing our and enforcer separate from the 1972 beg(ins to look like a disas- '. — concern toward the situation and wel­ the two-term figure from $600 press conference assertion of his per­ Black Republican Mood Interested In Predictions 'patteg^e and start violating as other agencies which often have ter year for Mr. Nixon’s party. fare of those who may be less fortunate Into The Future? to $2,000, plus $600 in set ex­ conflicting objectives. This is a TTie President thus confronts j—,------» sonal "understanding” of the conditions always... we should demon­ than ourselves. penses. By the 1960 session, very constructive move. a crisis of confidence with his E strate our seriousness. I don’t Mlcah, a Jew Uvlng in the 8th legislators were getting $3,250 for our cessation of the bombing in North believe this is escalation. One area in which I do Want own Republican governors, We would like, however, to make some centure B.C. wrote the follow­ for the biennium, plus $760 in Vietnam, a turn back toward that theory Report With respect to the funds that to become Involved is the way now reduced from 32 to 21, additions to the Pope's list, to have it ing: expenses, and also had on the Novd Delivering in which we can apply tax in- which would surely have ex- of the war in Vietnam which made it an “But yqiu, O Bethlehem Ephra- were voted for Cambodia, with include some people whose misfortune, By Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak books an automatic provision the injunction that no U.S. per- centives and tax penalties...to ploded into nasty headlines open-ended war under President John­ thah, who are little tp be among that, if the people of Connecti­ wjere it not for their fears that at the Christmas season, may not He in the clans of Judah, from you smuiel would be sent into Cam­ provide the means to help indus­ son. cut should vote for the annual bodia in a training capacity, I try and all kinds of users to de­ washing the party laundry in having too little of this world’s tangible SUN VALLEY, Idaho — Be­ much of it concealing a callous tion, Irish-Catholic (Jargo said shall come forth for me one session, legislative salaries disregard of the Republican he coul(l thliUt of only one: Am­ think this is a proper exercise of velop the means of recycling, public, far from cleaning up Under President Johnson we first good fortunes, but in having too much. neath the surface criticism of ,Who is to be ruler in Israel, would go up to $4,000 in salary the crisis, would simply make R ^ s h d z u l y . senatorial discretion in the mat­ which is the ultimate answer to Governors. .Matters of perhaps bassador to Ireland. Fine, said whose origin is from of old, and $1,800 in expenses for the bombed North Vietnam in special The most impoverished in spirit, among P^resideni Nixon at the Repub­ ter... the pollution problem. it dirtier. .small significance in them­ Mr. Nixon, send me a note to from ancient days.” Mlcah 5:2 biennium. C retaliation for a torpedo boat attack on human beings, may be that person who lican (jovernors’ conference selves, these grievances inevit­ remind me. How was this Prophecy to be Now the proposal is that the New Vega. The little car that {Automotive Industries magazine spells out our destroyers which may never have already has everything. There may be here was the deeper, more ably establish Mr. Nixon’s de­ Several weeks after sending fulfilled thru Mary’s child when basic salary for the biennium Made while you sleep? the details in their October 1 issue.) ominous anxiety that Mr. clining credibility as a shrewd the note, Cargo got an answer she and her husband were both be raised to $12,600, or $11,900 Q)uld be. Because now that Chevy’s does everything well. ^occurred. great human need inside people who , Vmi’vc changed. We^ve changed. Nixon’s formidable reputation party leader. from White House political living in Nazareth of Galilee? more.than it was 12 years ago, back in business, we’re putting in a lot of When we say “everything”, we mean We next undertook our full scale and have obvious material wealth and com­ as a practical poUtlcian may Last August, for example, aide Murray Qiotlner saying Luke the physician tells us: with expenses to be added to hours and turning out a lot of Chevrolets. it. For instance, even though most minis The big difference in the 1971 sustained bombing of North Vietnam in fort and obvious physical health. There prove to be one of the great when lame-duck Gov. Don that his letter had been refer­ “In those days a decree went that. And we’re shipping them every day to would rather not talk about nximiness, - Chevrolets is a change in attitude. Yours myths of contemporary politics. Samuelson of Idaho faced a red "to the proper people” and out from Caesar Augustus that Somewhere alonjg the trail the and ours. You’re more concerned about reprisal for the fact that Vletcong guer­ is, after aU, no human figure more that if Cargo got a favorable Chevy dealers all over the country. If you Vega brags about it. No small wonder. At the end of the Ctovernors’ state problem of crisis propor­ all the world should be enrolled. separation Senator Morris talk­ continuing improvements. You want rillas in South Vietnam had launched a spiritually tragic than the person who response CJiotiner would like to haven’t taken a good kx)k at our ’71s, Automotive Industries magazine (impartial festive evening on Sunday, de­ tions. he telephoned the White . . . And all went to be enroll­ ed about has already begun to hear about it. now’s the perfect time. Here are a few and unbiased),reports Vega is Uje'ffximiest meaningful change and built-in value. hand grenade attack, against an Ameri­ does not know how to give, and to whom feated Gov. Caaude Kirk of House asking for no more than ed, each to his own city. And take place. And what the Leg­ That’s why our ’71 Chevelle, Camaro, If Mr. Nixon were succeeding \ N examples of what you’ll see. of the new subcompacts, wilJ>-c(bout 90'^' us can air base, in South Vietnam. nobody else knows what to give. Florida pulled a wad of bills 10 minutes on the telephone Joseph also went up from Gali­ islature has begun to get more much space as the typigaFStandard sized car. Nova and Monte Carlo have quite a bit of from his pocket, peeled off $100, with Mr. Nixon, at the P*re8i- in his larger goal of making the lee, from the city of Nazareth, of is “those politicians who When, In 1958. president Johnson fin­ The more obvious type of misfortune Republicans the majority par­ The 71 Imp^a.'ffb've been building up change built into them. But their looks and offered an open bet that the dent’s convenience. Impossible to Judea, to the city of Da'vid want to come for the money.” have hardly changed at all. ally halted the bombing of North Viet­ the Pope cites has, on the other hand, Republican ticket in 1972 would that day, he was Informed. He ty, this limitless list of griev­ which is called Bethlehem, be­ t6 this muchjnf|^la for years. not be headed by Richard M. ances could be dismissed as If you’re looking for a new car (or nam, the relief was in two parts. One certain emotional compensations, and tried again, several days later, cause he was of the house and THESE SPECIALS ARE GOOD THRU Kndw what’s the rcximiest ’71 car in even if you’re just window shopping), your the burden such misfortune bears is at Nixon. with the same result. Sar lel- petty griping. Instead, many of lineage of David, to be enrolled Current the U;1^A.? No, not one of the big, reaction was one of hope that the new For lame-duck Kirk, whose ir­ the most thoughtful governors Chevy dealer has a lot more you’ll be Vi least recognized, by others, to be a son, who has never had a with Mary his betrothed, who luxurious high-priced cars, but the big, policy could lead to fruitful negotiation repressible antics provided the private talk with Mr. Nixon here perceive the President’s was with child. And while they “Perhaps my real claim to interested in. Either way, come on in. inablUty or refusal to under­ luxurious Chevrolet-priced Chevrolet. at the peace table In Paris. Hie other burden. only light touch in the three- since he entered the White were there, the time came for distinction is that I have never SUNDAY. DECEM BER 20tli, at 1:00 PJM. We’re delivering the goods. stand and deal with their own Whose happiness, at the end, was the day winter meeting of the Re­ House (but used to dine at the her to be delivered. And she traveled at government ex­ reaction was mie of relief that we had, problems as symptomatic of pense.” — Justice William O. greater—that of "Dny "Dm who was af­ publican chief executives, the White House with Lyndon John­ gave birth to her first bom at least, whatever might happen at $100 bet contained an element his failure to reach that larger Douglas at a news conference. flicted with illness and poverty and son), finally got his 10 minutes SOIL . ______•______Paris, given up the idea that we were of hyperbole. But the gesture goal. ------The Sovereig(n God of the Uni­ whose father was faced with jobless­ on the phone —* but with hl^ old Thus, instead of growth they ”Hie Soviet armed forces con­ going to bring the war to a conclusion was symbolic of the darkening friend Vice President Spiro Ag- verse can move even a Caeear mood that gripped the large ^ fear a shrinking party which, stitute a concentration mlU- ness — or that of Scrooge? And if every new, not Mr. Nixon. to accomplish His purposes. tary power that goes far beyond ★ 1st CUT CHUCK ROAST ib. 4T by the open-ended and unlimited use of majority of Republican Cover-' on the national level, is driv­ Serve him with your whole heart Tiny Tim deserves a prayer at Chrlst- Likewise, when retiring Gov. ing away blacks and. youth with anything the world has ever force for reprisal and punishment. nors after two years of the Nix­ Da'vid (Jargo of New Mexico and soul and mind. ★ CENTER CUT CHUCK ROAST ...... lb. 59e • mas season, so does every Scrooge. on, Presidency. little compensating gains in the previously seen.”—(3en. Andrew The only real decision in such an open- was pointedly asked by the middle class—largely _ because Submitted by Goodpa^r, supreme allied In fact, the strength of this President last fall what job he The Rev. George Smith ended war has always had to lie not in mood of anxiety was the chief commander in Europe, in a lec­ might like in the Administra­ (See Page Seven) Presbyterian Church ture in London. Hanoi, but in Peking or Moscow, both factor behind the Governors’ ★ CALIFORNIA BONELESS CHUi^iknM^lfV ’ ***• of whom, could, as has been demonstrat­ A FeW^Days Late decision not to hurl any pubUc thunderbolts at Mr. Nixon’s ★ CUT FROM CHUCK BLADE STEAKS . , ...... lb. $1.19 ed actually by their diplomacy so far, While ungentlemanly conduct must be expected in political can^xdgns, the tim­ handling of the presidency, (Also known as Chicken Steaks — While They Last) live with something of a stalemate in ing of the State Department’s recent from the creepy economic Vietnam, but neither of whom could "rehabUltatloii” o< Sen. Joeeph Tidings crisis to the botched November seems to constitute a particularly rotten election campaign. 'As one Mid­ reali^cally be counted upon to look the western Governor who survived ★ EXTRA LEAN PORK BUTTS (WILL GRIND lb. 4 9 “ piece of partisan action. 7 . other way while we imposed anything In August, you will remember, the November told us: “That would like a total defeat on Hanoi. Maryland senator was accused by Life only make matters worse. We're all on Jhe same life-raft.” ★ IMPORTED BOILED HAM t *U9 That has been, from the start, one magazine of improperly using his influ­ (Sliced or Chunk) ence to help a company in which he later Privately, however, the list of of the basic facts underneath the situa­ invested heavily to obtain a Federal loan grievances against the Nixon tion in Southeast Asia. And the same guarantee. It is probably (air to assume White House tells a story of considerations which kept even the that Mr. Tydlngs’ failure to gain re-elec­ blatant political ineptitude,' Dnbuque Minced Bologna . . lb. 79c Dubuque Liverwurst...... lb. 49c Jerfinson Administration from waging tion was at least in part due to questions (Chunk or Sliced) (By the Piece) in the puMic mind about his integTlty. real all-out war — with full bombing of Hie State Department, which had been Dubuque “Miss Iowa” Bacon lb. 69c Dubuque All Meat Franks .. lb. 59c civilian ^pulatlon and with actual mili­ checking into the allegations, determin­ Herald tary invasion of North Vietnam — are ed that there was nothing to them. The Dubuque Bacon Squares-----lb..49c senator, therefore, was cleared of im­ Yesterdays (Chunk) Dubuque All .Beef Franks .. lb. 69c as potent today as they ever were. The proper conduct—but not until a few days main Nixon policy, so far, remains on^ after the election. , ' 25 Years Ago of de-escalatidn. But its present em­ It may be, of course, that the State De­ A small Smith Aeropark on y-yu , BION., TDES. and W ED.,,...... 9 a.m. to a p.m, phasis (rf assertion of its right to re­ partment didn’t know Mr. Tydings was land east of Autumn St. known I THUR8. and FRI...... 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. up for re-election. We think the people at as McGuire's Lots, is planned STORC > SATURDAYS ...... 8 a.m. to a p.m. escalate has now developed ominous S^te are smarter than|that, but we can’t to become base for Icxal civU- H O U R S ) SUNDAYS ...... 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. proportions. In the threat kind of world, prove it. ian flying. the bombs have to be kept close behind The other posslbUlty is that the Nixon Money donated by parishion­ Tho Btaht To Lfantt Q uantlfl^ Administration deUbemtely withheld the ers ot 8t. James’ and St. Bridg­ the words. decision from the pubUc in hopes that et Catholic Churches buys 13 d /" the cloud over the senator’s head would tons of food-'stuffs to feed the contribute to his defeat. If that is what hungry war sufferers. “I Was A Justice for The CIA” happened, the Administration engaged ''1970 Chicafo Daily Newt in a memorable exercise of ptgpen p to high heaven. — THE NATTONAL OB­ bUes of God, houses services for r i Itl.K M\RKI/i Chevrolet / for the Impeachment of Associate Jus­ SERVER. the first time. MAIN STREET MANCHE’ TFR l97LYouVe changed. WeVe changed. \

' <1.

■ if . • , ■ .'4 ■ . . . • ' • ■ <*. ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSD.^, DECEMBER 17, 1970 PAGE NINE FkGE EIGm . Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n in g h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r ^ c o n n .; Th u r s d a y ^ De c e m b e r it , i 9To

i>3^ollaiid Coim iy Superior Court SST Bacters Noisy Storm Nuisance; ;rcii, Rail Panel Head, AntSafircraft Fire Soviets Plish to Overtake C M b i t u a r Y Police Lo^ Court Cases TONOFlAH, Nev. (AP) — It Now Seeking Under Fire in Stock Case isn’t unknown for modern-day U.S. in Miss^ile Firing Subs J^mes Sober Jury CIRCUIT COURT 12 Does Little Damage WASI^INaTON (AP) — The ration would seek to \>reak bar- cattle rustlers to use heli­ Manchester Session head of the financial investment which have “ stymied the copters, so the Nye County By FRED S. HOFFMAN is strong evidence that the Rus­ D eath O aim s Drug Center sheriff has decided that a Qoture Vote By JOHN JOHNSTON advisory pimel set up by the growth of a service clearly in AP MUltory Writer sians are closihg there also. Judge Nicholas Armentano to- (Herald Reporter)^ warning Is in order for area ’ . — There is considerable specula- Pastor Bruce ^ill Deliberates Hie Drug Advisory Center, WAKJINOTON (AP) —■ Sen- day found probable cause, and now rail passengM- service law *”**’'*® Interest." ranchers not to shoot, at the n Russell St„ is observing Amid this morning’s cacophon^^ of rumbling pbws, r Tl!® '^*‘Y t**® RuMlahB appear AT THE MANCHESTER PARKADE - PRESENTS— —tr . ate backers e«^rtT^‘£ “^ J k \ r r U.S. Air Force. ' <■ V* "vertake the t<, ^ave slowed construction of The Rev.' Frederick R. Bnice. By JITNE LINTON ■‘I’m not going to ask you to to­ the following ^ e d u le : New Orleans man was shovels scraping on driveways ^ d sidewalks, and tires r-aimoral rscrhtcrights.” »? National Railroad Passenger The plaintiffs were Funda- KOALA BEARS WITH KANGAROO FUR iilcd tp resume at 2:30. urday on closing off debate. alone at home, tesUfled that taking over from another mov- ^ midnight. He added strument they use measures 16 Polaris-type, submarines In an agreement at the. Strategic The defense attorney termed Coip. directors on ways to In- mental Investors, Inc., a $1 bll- PLUSH ANIMALS — ALL KINDS & SIZES The Rev. Mr. Bruce wn.s bom ' They spent more than five ARRESTS Although Scott was' expected Harrel came to the door selling ing in from the Midwest, dump- ''clearing of town streets about two feet square and operation. This te about twice as Arms Limitation T i ^ In Hel- the assaults "issues of credibil­ crease the corporation’s capital- Hon mutual fund; C. R. Anthony many as last year biit still well sink!. hours so far. deciding verdicts Sally Jean Bassano, Hartford, to get the 16 names on his petl- magazines, asked to use the ing Inches of snow on the state, expected to be finished weighs about 26 pounds. MUSIC BOXES — DIPPITY-GLAS.KITS ity." He said that his client izaticto. Co., an Oklahoma City retailer; short of the 41 U.S. mlsslle-fir- There is also the possibility, on the four counts brought was arrested in Hartford yes­ tlon, it was far from clear that bathroom, and then forced her the amount depending upon y,jg afternoon. “ We ask that you support could easily have incited the Hofgren once was a special Welch Foods, Inc., producer of .ugiiin.st the young dissenter, who terday and charged with pos­ ^ T supporters c ^ d "fhuster into a bedroom and raped her. where one wa? at the time. Rlngstone ssdd the crews this project by giRntlng free Ing subs. they say, that the Russians may mob to harm the officers, but assistant to Nixem, and now Is grape juice; and Younker is spending today, his 23rd session of stolen goods, obtain­ the -needed two-thirds vote of Manchester detectives arrest Before dawn It moved put to would be out sanding tonight, access to your property.’! Officials said another, 16 So- have run into technical prob- ^ ADULT GAMES - no interest in that was shown; those present to impose cloture, ed Harrel four days later at a an executive with Goldman, Brothers, Inc., a Des Moines, viet missile-launching subma- lems -with toe 9 and may be birthdrty. waiting \vith hi? par- ing money by false pretenses, sea, where all winter storms The rising temperature of this Sachs ft Co. of New York. A Iowa, retailer, the officers were simply push­ and uttering a forged instru­ In the debate’s opening hours Wethersfield motel after they rines are in variousj stages of turning to fitting another mis­ .'-pts and friends In the courf- should go (out-of-town skiers morning will give way to below- large mutual fund and three An executive with Goldman, ed cut of the .Way. ment. She was arrested in con­ Wednesday Sen. William Prox- were notified by tlie victim’s construction and they estimate site, toe SSll -wlto multiple war- 3M — SMOG — DIRTY WATER — ECOLOGY room. • , please copy), and the preclplta- freezing readings tonfght, ac­ other businesses which bought Sachs said, ‘"niere is absolutely Spring IlijinkN nection with a stolen check .last aifte, D-Wis., asked Sen. War- girlfriend of the incident, toe Soviet force will pull aljreast heads. 1 , ' He is charged in connection tion changed to rain. So It was cording to the Weather Bureau, quantities of Penn Central pa- no merit to toe claims -vriiich Skating - Coasting. The defense iUtomey com­ summer. Bond was set at J500"'*’®’' Magnuson, D-Wash., If his Bond for Harrel was set at an umbrella overhead and boots as the storm moves out to of the Americans by early 1974-. CREATIVE KITS — ECOLOGY KITS with the Gulley Hall takeover, pared the takeover to the kind per through Goldman, Sachs are have been made against Gold- At this point, however," Ameri­ non-surety. Court date Is Jan. i. sponsorship of a bill to reduce JIO.OOO. underfopt for early morning sea. The freezing rain,, and ( ^ ^ , 1 .1^ ^ AND PUZZLES BY SPRINGBOK at the'Univcr.slty of Connecticut of activity brought on by spring the possible bad effects of fast- sutogthe securities firm for $23 man, Sachs. We regret that any- can authorities rate toe Russian last spring. Undercross-examination by pedestrians. possibly sleet, will creata-haoo- such as panty raids, and drop­ Lawrence H. Gavello, 30. of er-than-sound flights had been Harrel’sa««i*Al*o attorney, off/\m40ty thefhA girl oal/4 said ^ « i. inllUon In dam ans. Goldman, one Is facing a potential finan- submarine-missile system as -\bout 15 of Sober's supporters ardous driving conditions. BEAUTIFUL'feEORGES BRIARD’ GLASSES. ping b;^s filled With water out 147 Spruce St., charged with only a gesture to win Senate her fear of her father's re­ Youngsters who would have Sachs said the claim has no clal loss as a result of unfore- technically behind the American were on hand for the closing Late this morning, nine inch­ of dormitory windows, "the na- non-support, Tuesday morning support for SST funding. action prevented her from re- reluctantly slid from under bed *H®*'*^- seen circumstances, but the ac- force. CHEESEBOARDS, ICE BUCKETS AND arguments .vesterdaiv The young es of precipitation were re­ ture of the beast after a long and released on promise to ap- Magnuson, whose home, state porting the alleged, attack to covers and gulped down break­ The composition of the rail tlon against Goldman, Sachs Ihe Soviets aro now attempt- . people have shown up in vary­ corded at the highway garage, FONDUE SETS wintcr," Hi? also compared Nit pear- Court date Jan. 4. has most to gain from full pro- police. fasts on any . other morning, advisory, panel has been sharply has no basis in fact. We Intend There will be skiing at North- ing to extend the range of,, the ( ALLURE ing numbers since the trial Rlngstone slaid. to the Boston Tea Party, “ 500 ------were out early with snow criticized'- by Sen. Lee Metcalf, to resist it vigorously." view tonight, 6:30 to 9:30. Russian submarine-fired mls- started a ■ month ago. Many of duction of a fleet' of American Minnie Gaulden, 25, of Spring- State and town police report­ lbs of tea cost more than $500 Roxanne Billings of Hillsboro, shovels, knocking on doors to D-Mont, who charged Nixon Ig- J (Joaating is allowed In Center sUe, now limited to about 1,300 BEAUTY • UNUSUAL LINE OF ITALIAN CERAMICS them 'arc SDS members from supersonic planes, roared his ffeld, was found guilty of op- ed only minor accidents. The but they’re heroes." The N.H., arrested at Caldor yes­ pick up some Christmas shop­ nored expUclt language by Con­ Springs -Park imtil dark. miles. By contrast, toe mOst ad- DECORATOR CANDLES— ALL SIZES & SHAPES Ut'onn, as well as other inter­ resentment. crating a motor vehicle without Hartford Electric Light Co. and amount of damage done at Gul­ terday afternoon; and Kyle S. ping mohey. ' Southern New England Tele­ gress that seven members rep- T 'n # l/iv in ttiatni“V There is no skating, vanced U.S. aubmarine- SALON ested students from both UConn Earlier, laying the ground- a license. A charge of having resenting toe public should be CANDLE RINGS AND HOLDERS ley Hall was determined to be D. S^lon, 16, of Columbia, ar­ work for his attempt to talk the a weapon in a motor vehicle Despite the nuisance of the phone Co. said they had en­ launched missile has a reach of and Yale, where Sober was a named to the group. By THE ASSOCIATED - PRESS Merry Christmas and $50Q for windows. rested at Treasure O ty last proj^t tOideath, Proxmire won was nolled. second storm of the winter. countered no problems. Major close to 3,000 miles. / .student until September. A Senate subcommittee on in- Today is Thursday, Dec. 17, Kxuzzler'’ Saves Sheep A Happy New Year! LATEST IN GIFT WRAPPING “ These kids see themselves nigiit, both on unrelated shopi- several admissions from SST According to her attorney, town agencies reported little or industries in town opbned on In addition, as far as Amerl- When they arrived initially picked out of the crowd," he lifting charges. CJourt date for supporters------u.c va. v,amuei. was unv- opcraUons proceed teigovei^ en ta l tolations ar- toe 361st and a large law firm. GBollvar, died in O c d u m b l a . ------He has been serving as interim frisked each time they entered steam." of Bloomfield were involved in Bible said lesser spending lowing cases: “Cong^%S8 should quit creat- In 1848, “ A Christmas Carol” pastor of various area churches the courtroom along with every- | . . A ' ^ a minor accident. would reduce the SST project Harold Alderson, 38. of no •ing advisory committees which by the EngUsh noyelist, Ctoarles and was the, interim pasW of one else and made light of ft. ma oly to research and develop- certain address, non-support, Directors To Act quickly become additional in- Dickens, was puMished. the Community BapUst Church Mrs. Sober struggled with tears- ^ commit A car driven by Jean S. Ree- ment. But It would keep it alive. Albert Deffchene, 23, of 87 dustry lobMes," Metcalf said. In 1914, Britain proclaimed a in Manchester in 1966. He'also throughout the final arguments. ® , ber of South Windsor collided , point, Proxmire count- Summer St., intoxication and “ We should instead take a good protectorate over Egypt, The state’s attorney served . a tour of duty in the The Charges also with one driven by Sophie L. Is that the Senate, worried breach of peace, On Retardate School look at the concentration of fi- In 1969, during World War H, stressed that Francois Pacific area as a member of State's attorney Robert J. was Polansky of Hartford yesterday about the possible adverse Im- David M. Healy 26 of Ckiven- A special meeting of the Board of Directors has been nancial and economic power the German battleship Graf the Chaplaincy Corps. In his Pigeon outlined the charges stat- armed and could have used his afternoon on Windsor St. near Pact of an SST fleet on the envi- try breach of peace that is stifling even minuscule Spee, which was being chased gun. ‘JVe could have had exit 93 of the WUbur O oss High- ronment voted to stop the entire S t a n c e Kry^ak, 18, of 36 called for Dec. 29, at 8 p.m. in the Municipal Building later years he became a regi.s- ing that the state claimed a Hearirtg Room, to consider one item of business. attempts to let the people have by British warships, was scut- tered graphoanalyist and did breaking and entering look place thnrFranco?, d.Hnu° f t' ^ Strant St., failure to obey a a say in their government.’’ tied by her crew off Monte- substitute teaching in languages with intent to commit breach „ j i ■ House approved $290 mil- state traffic commission signal. The directors are being asked by the Board of Educa­ He was especially critical oi video, Uruguay. tion to approve an a p p lic a tio n ------and mathematics in the Mon- pence and with personal cau.se he i is a „ 't a ___ man of1 judgment u J At the "gas pumps — ------at Mullen’s Hon to continue------SST------r develop- Michael Merovonlch, 47, of 56 Nixon’s choice of an executive Ten Years Ago for the constructicai in Man­ son. East' Ixmgm endow and nbu.se, force and violence. On who wouldn t come in here and service-station on Tolland Tpke. hient. The Senate had earlier Kensington St., non-support. use regionally or locally, what­ from Goldman, Sachs, a firm A U.S. air force transport chester of a regional, occupa- Springfield, Moss, .school sys- second count, inciting injury last night, a car driven by Law- eliminated the funds from the ______!______ever method the town decides which he said is “chained "with plane hit a church steeple In In chargrlng the jury Judge rence D. Parlin, Stafford transportation bill but $210 mll- ional, training center for the terns. to persons and iiroperty, the upon. fraud, deception, concealment, Munich, Oennany and crashed, mentally retarded. Survivors al.s-o Include three ■state.-.uiuu withdrew w.u.u.uw it11 as toLU propertyinupcny tJ;" described the Springs, backed into one driven Hon was restored by a confer- Robert Margolin of the State supiyresslon'and false pretenses klUing 20 persons on the plane Nixon Welcomes The facility, estimated to daughter.'?. Mrs. Elizabeth Har­ but contended Sober incited afid Richard G. Noel of RockvlUe. ence committee. Department of Education, when In the sale of toe commercial and 33 on the ground, cost from $500,000 to $650,000, ris, of Watertown, Mass., Mr.s. encouraged as.sault on the sec- -J ------The Proxmire debate isn’t a Heath to Capital he explained the proposal to paper of Penn Central Trans- Five Years Ago Evelyn Waterson of Granby urity officers, ■ “ He was rousing . k ti Tolland Tpke. near the real filibuster at this point since would be fully funded by the the directors on Dec. 1, said that state. It would service about 10 portation Oo.’ ’ Britain banned all oil shlp- and Mrs. Winifred Luhrmann this crowd up to a furor.” Dur- ,.,uu . "F. ™Hroad tracks, early this mom- arrangements have been made the,>only construction cost to the Penn Central filed for reorg- ments to Rhodesia, where toe with c^mmal intent or break- jng ^ pickup truck driven by Jo- for interruptions to allow some WASHINGTON (AP) -Presl- towns in the Manchester area of Englewood, N.J.; a brother. ing the takeover, the state's ______anlzatlon under the bankruptcy white government was In re­ ng and entering...... without...... per-. seph L, . Prea^ ...... Hart- other .. biislness... to go dent Nixon, welcoming British and would furnish an occupa-would be Interest charges Walter Bruce of Dcland, Fla.; attorney .said, the officers were for borrowed funds, between the laws. But, a Goldman, Sachs of- hellion against British author- mlsirion. He described wtot con- fo5d colUded ... Sen! Henry M. ------tional facility for trainable a sister, Mr.s. Gertrude Floriaii injured, “ not gravely, but there operated Sen! Henry M. Jackson, D- Prime Minister Edward Heath time constructimi starts and the mental retardates between the flclal says Ws firm—which ity. of Hartford: six gnuidchildron wa.s an a.ssault." fied th a rtL tn t^ rin ’This'‘^ e ’ ’’ " who said $7M mllHon al- for official talks, stressed today time the state reimburses the ages of 14 and 21, as required bought and resold toe railroad’s One Year Ago and several nieces and neph­ The' third and fourth counts could only be breach of peace. ready spent on SST develop- -the special relaUonshlp” which town. commercial paper, an unse- TTie U.S. Air Force officially ! ews. of thec indictment charged ns- .hnt un ment would be wasted if the , ,, , . . by state regulations. ^ , mat he eliminated three other t„„ roads were blsmerl for nn ninrio ______u He said exists between the two He urged the directors to cured note—beUeved one month closed Project Blue Book, toe Private funeral .services will .sault upon uixm ponce police officers oiiieers jo-Jo- claims of the state in in ree-nrH regard to to ' ' ■ roaos were Diamea lor an plane were scrapped, said some Ttie school board Is recom-„ , make their decision by January, before tha Penn Central col- agency which had been investi- be held at the convenience of .seph Bonafine, who positively intent, those of trespassing, in- accident that . involved cars senators opposed to the project countries. mending that the occupational state fundsr ’ lapse that the company was gating unlderitifled flying ob- the family. A public memorial identified Sober as hitting citing injury and willful de- driven by William D. Griffin of are "latter-day environmeiftal- Heath came to Washington for center be constructed on a jjjg department is sound. jects for 21 years. ser\’ice is planned at the Com­ 278 Parker St. and Blanche H. ists.” two days of discussions de- five-acre, town-owned site at E him, and John Francois, struction of prop»j;W. munity Baptist Church, Man­ Under toe basic national rail ______"physically pushed, you saw hc also ruled at tffls time that Bolano of 31 Plymouth Lane, Then Proxmire asked Magnu- scribed as an extensive review Dartmouth Rd. and Fern structed ifi Manchester, be- chester, at a time to be an­ passenger system authorized by how it wa.s done (Francoip security officers at the univer- at Cone and Gerard son vriiYriir iiJSsrstmsOmi a bilU of global policies. Heath said he IF®, P^perty is_part of cause of the town’s “ excellent nounced. The William Yost Fu­ the new law, plans call for link­ during the testimony hn/l had r>iiuh.push- aity- __ are___ members___,___ of the state forbidding sonlc-boom-produc- plans to talk about “ a wide G'oHe Hollow Tract and is long-time record in pro- neral Home, West Main St.. ing 14 major cities along 16 ed and .shoved defen.se attorney police force, which they would ing flights^over all 50 states, re- range of affairs, among them water-shed property, owned by .^,(j,ng f^r the mentally retarded routes. The corporation begins Stafford Springs, is in charge A rear-end collision at the gulating SST noise at airports Europe and our common inter- ‘He town water department, of the arrangements. Ira Grudberg iii a demonstra- have to be if the assault The town’s obligation, in or- Handicapped.” operating trains next May. tion of what happened. charges against police were to Pleasant and Pine Sts. stop and ordering a study into the est in the westerii alliance.’’ ’There will be no calling sign Involved cars driven by der to qualify for 100 per cent 1’He directors, on Dec. 1, A Transportation Department hours. .\lty. Gi'udbeig told the jury, be valid. environmental and economic In formal welcoming ceremo- spokesman said Hofgren was Bruce P, Boland of 14 FToctor impact of the project. nles on the White House lawn, state reimbursement of the authorized Town Manager Rob- The family suggests that me­ elected chairman of the advi­ Rd. and Cvetko Dimovskl of 75 "If It Isn’t passed this session, Nixoii spoke of “ a dedication of construction cost, is to provide ei"! Weiss and Town Plaimer morial contributions may bo of requiem at St. Bridget the site, to construct the facll- Eric Potter to’ confer with Sup- sory group at a session attended Summer St. I’ll reintroduce it here next ses- our two nations to the principles C made to the Pienson Memorial Church at 10. Burial will be in ity, and'^to operate it on a re- ai'lhtendent of Schools Donald by nearly all panel members. slon,” Magnuson said, angp-ily of justice, progress, freedom, Baptist Home, Brooklyn, Conn., St. Bridget Cerr^tei'y. Fire Calls gional basis for at least five Hennigan on a suitable site, The spokesman added toe STREET & WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE - MANCHESTER Police say Dana A. McCann heaving his heavy frame from opportunity and peace.’’ or to the Heail Association of Friend.s may call at the fu­ years. The town’s voters would have panel was briefed on the re­ of 160 Benton St. lost control behind his desk. During their discussions, he Greater Hartford, 310 Collins neral home tomorrow from 2 of his car on the slick surface The state. If it approves the to approve a bond issue for the structuring plans by agency offi­ Town firemen ^ en t to the said, representatives of the two St., Hartford. to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. of a road In Wickham Park yes­ town’s application, would re- construction costs. They may cials including ^Transportation a d /(m s k n i t rear of Adam's ■'Apple in the nations will examine “ how we terday morning, sUd down an serve, commit and guarantee Have to approve also the trans- Secretary Joto A. ITolpe, who Parkade at 8 :45 last night can work together for those ANDERSpN-LITTLECO.* STORES OPEN .’Mrs. (lertriidr Williuins Roy Kriiee embankment, and knocked over Housing Check the entire cost of construction. I®*" tHe five-acre site from the was quoted as saying the corpo- where they extinguished a rub­ principles in the future." Mrs. Gertrude Williams, 85, Roy Conant Bruce of West a small ^Ine tree. It would reimburse the town water department to the town, ■ERNIES' TV M i Hartford, father of Mrs. bish fire. Heath agreed, in his formal of Harwinton, mother of Mr.s. O f 3 5 0 Units that cost as soon as the facility Operating costs for the traln- APPLIANCES Eleanor B. Arey of Manchester, Eighth District firemen were ^remarks, that “ We have,'I be­ Agatha FYaser of Manchester, COMPLAINTS were completed. ing center would be shared by NIGHTLY NOW died yesterday at the 'Veterans called to the Bonanza Sirloin lURTON'S, INC. •died yesterday at Charlotte- Sometime Tuesday, someone Finds Six Flaws lieve, a natural relationship At the end of five years' use the state and by the towns from Memorial Hospital, Rocky Hill. Pit on W. Middle Tpke. at 7:45 Hungerford Hospital in Tor- broke the neon tubing on a sign which is a. basis for working to­ as a regional facility, the center "which the students come. The CARD RALLERY lington. Survivor.s also include his last night where grease ignited Manchester's housing code In­ gether,’’ and sent flames shooting up a located at the rear of the would revert to the town, for towns would pay at least their Sun-ivors include 3 .sons, 3 wife, two sons, two step-sons, a spectors made 3(50 Inspections 40NN RANK i TRUST 00. ventilator. Damage was minor Supreme Foods Store on Hart­ average education cost per THRU CHRISTMAS other daughters, 25 grandchil- sister, and seven grandchildren. last month and ordered 6 cor­ and there was no problem in ford Rd. pupil, based on their townwide DAVID'S dren, 22 great - grandchildren, Funeral services will be to­ rections, according ,to a report putting the fire out. The build­ costs figures. The state, under and several nieces and nephews, morrow at 11 a.m. at the Im­ by the Town Health Department. DAVIDSON iLEVENTHAL ing had to be evacuated while a formule to be decided, would nephews. ' manuel Church Chapel, Farm­ During November of last year, WINE Offers Weekly Hour firemen dealt with the fire. pay a portion of the costs above FAIRIO FAIR The funeral will be,Jomorrow ington Ave., Hartford. Burial '253'Inspections were made and will be in Crystal Lake Ceme­ Rice T rial 22 corrections were ordered. those a,ver£ige,' education costs. FIRST HARTFORD at 10 a.m. from the Harwinton For Use by Town Youths /• l o Funeral Home at Whitstone tery, Gardner, Mass., at the Of the six corrections ordered REALTY convenience of the family. The last month, two were for main­ Radio StaUon 'WINF has of- and look nt tho , u , and Litchfield Rds.. Harwinton, Postponed FLAIR with a high Mass of resurrec­ .Newkirk ;md Whitney Funeral Hanoi Seen tenance faults and one each for Home is in charge of arrange­ ______Saturday as their own^usta^S® Air tion at the Immaculate Heart (Continued from Page One) electrical, plumbing, refuse and ^ o r n ^ air Ume each week to About half of thooo o, tu Force^ HOMEFURNISHINfiS ° ments. of Mary Ghiirch, HaiH'inton. celling repair. Manchester youths so that they foroTevori«<.oS ? ! The family suggests that me­ Abandoning Hie elder Rice found his wife FOWLER OPTICIANS Friends may call at the fu­ Inspections were made last conduct their own radio working L tho morial contributions may be Mrs. Janet Rice^^44; her daugh Navy Have RRANDRD UNUUNION neral home tonight from 7 to 9.- made to the charity of the month of 168 single-family dwell- )Lt of n ^ e s ^ The family suggests that mo- Z Z r ’s choice, Pullout Edict ter, Nancy, l4: one of her sons,^ 3 two-family dwellings and Osier, chairman of the ^ RRANT^ pional contributions may be Stephen, 16; ijtl her mother. ^ mulUple-family dwellings. J ”*® ^noop Power (Continued from Page One) HARVESr rr il l PAOI^AREpa made to the building fund . of Mn*. Janifs If. Mortarty Mrs irdith F^nstHok In the fjve-month period since Young ^ the show off the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mrs. Edith Fitzpatrick. ^ beglnnlngof the cur- P®°Pl® ' ‘*0 attended a youth ^® ground should contact either (Continued from -l*age One) STORE, Mr.'S. Katherine --Casey Mori- pltt'Will give him the answer he forum last night sponsored” by Osier or Dlgan. Church. y®“ -' Manchester’s ' ' nois. arty. 72, wife of James H. Mori- deser\’es. ' clothes, tWotwo of th«them in the llv- housing code Inspectors have the commission. Also discussed at last night’s KINO’S arty of 90 Hilliard St., died yes­ Xuan Thuy called Nixon’s ing room, one kn an upstairs KpFSKY'S SHOES ' t Frank (Wareeh) t arrick made 1,440 inspections and have The air time was requested meeting was the nomination of And White House press secre- terday at Manchester Memorial statement at a news conference bedroom and the other in a by Robert Digan, ■ Ckwrdlnator a delegate to the National White Ronald L. Ziegler said in Frank Varrick. 82. of 12 Hospital. Dec. 10 "bellicose and aggres- downstairs bedroom. Police de- ordered 78 corrections, one third KNITTER'S WORLD Proctor Rd.. died yesterday at of them for maintenance faults. of Youth ^ rvlces. l^use Conference on Youth, response to a quekon- "It’s In- Mrs. Moriarty was born Sept. sive" and was “a new American scribed the scene as a "blood In speaking today of the of- The conference will be a two- conceivable tn ™ , iiaaETY-REXALL DRUI Urestfield Convalescent Home. 16. 1898 in Wlllimantic and liv­ escalation in the threat of batl(.” During the same five-months He was born Sept. iO, 1888 in period, only three corrections fer, Robert C2iarnas, president week session- of discussion u * to me that that MILES SHOES ed in Manchester for 45 years. force." ------' of WINF, said that he thinks a groups on issues of today Includ place. We certainly Poland, and lived in Manche.s^ ■ Also surviving her are three "The American leaders, par- have been made. NORMAN MILLER ter for 65 yeans. He wa.s eni- song. James T. Moriarty and ticularly Mr. Melvin Laird, MARTIN LTD. 7 months period of last year, 1,- plonial Board in William M. Moriarty. .both of have often spoken in aggressive Police Chief youths who participated in the scheduled for the end of March ^®IHer former military Intol- rAH^A^*^ . 1?* until Manchester,, and John Moriarty and threatening terms," Thuy 272 inspections were made, 55 RUQENT'S his retirement 15 years ago. of Hartford; a brother. Patrick corrections were ordered, and 4 program would not only organ- and beginning of April probably “ ^®"®® ®«T®"‘ in an AP In- said. "But this time Mr. N&con, ize program formats, but would in (Colorado ' ^ ^ tervtew Wednesday night that PARKADE lAKERY univors include.four sons, Casey of Willimantic: a sister. corrections were made. the President of the United Uncommitted d so get some technical train- Town Manager P^bert Weiss sim ll^ data had - been collected CharlM Varrick of South Wind- ^jrs. Hanna Gill of Williman- States himself, takes the same by Army agents In other sec­ PARKADE CLEANERS sor Chester V arttk apd Jo- tie; and four grandchildren. ing in such things as handling has approved an allocation of road with the most warlike and microphones and edlUng tape. ^40 to cover expenses ?1 a tions of the country. seph Vamck, both of Manche»— ,The funeral will be Saturday outrageous assertions Oh Rumors PEOBY ANN SHOP Riots Endi ” nie whole concept (local nominee from As an example, he cited Infor- ter and Walter Varrick of_at 8^0 a.m. from the Leclerc assertions. Manchester A MIRROR STEAMING HOT ^OW ER! RADIO SHACK RockvUle; three daughterS. Puneral Home (Continued from Page One) youth radio show) is original as should be chosen » maUon he said was complied by' 23,' Main St., far as I know,’ ’ Charnas said, onlv -9ft npnnip A™Fl®F?..®; H*® ^ ” "Y hi toe Minneapqlis-St. Mrs. Stella Olender, with whom with a Mas.s of requiem at St. REED’S he made hi.s home. Mrs. Jennie $21,000 salary he gets. The Gui- In Poland ' The show as Chanuis en- “5^I^.M-M4d ... HOW SWEET IT IS! Bridget Church'at 9. Burial will U .S. Moves da administration has declared \isions it would be entirely put fOUFFT'S P^T OERTERS Rydlewlcz and Mrs. Rosaline be in St. Bridget Cemetery.- (Continued from Page OneV Anyone between toe ages of slated of in H i '’ ®.“ ' Klein, all of Manchester; eight' an “ austerity program” and has together by young people. 14 and 25 interp t A i “isiea of index cards naming SEARS ROEIUCK AND 00. Friends may call at the fu­ denied all department heads marching peacefully in toe city Shows would include such considered as a ” Heing such individuals as university ® A WBEK grandchildren and nine great­ neral home tomorrow from 2 to 50 T o Counter raises this year. Monday afternoon to protest in- things as local sports. local Manchester should ”cqntoct Carl *'*KHts workers, SHADY OLEN grandchildren. 4 ^nd 7 to 9 p.m. The funeral-will be Saturday According to toe Times, Ahern creases averaging 20 per cent in talent, discussions of youthroiiih Qgjgj. Hr collesrecollege .and anrt hlorhhigh school students RENTS AN 80-GAUON was to tender his resignation at the government price of food, problems including drug prob- and a YMCA employe. SIMjiaTRS SHOES from the Leclerc Funeral Terrorism Suggestions for uses ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Home, 23 Main St., with a Mass a hastily called meeting of toe fuel, clothing and other com^ lems. and possibly a high THE SWISS COLONY , Board Of Police Commissioners modities. school quiz bowl. rooms at toe Nike Site btoldW salT 'm en ^ iA ^ '® ... DEUVEBY A (Continutd from Page One) set asideaoIHA fay na A.-.4o„ ______i menUonedillCIlUOneO suchbUCA groupsfiTPO as THOM MeAN SHOES Rally Staged -the meeting to which Ahern Police, seeing they were out­ Osier told the group who at- heard last nlriit ” '*^®*'® **‘® National Association for the . . . n o r m a l JN8 TALEAT1 0 N- FREE . . . MAINTENANCE Vietnam war. A total of 8,944 referred in his statement. numbered by toe demonstra- tended the forum that he -felt things suggested w F*® ^ ‘Ivancement of Colored Peo- / TREASURE CITY U.S. troops have died of nonhos- . Ahern met with Guida Wed- tors, panicked and • started at least four shows should be p(^g table^ a slot ca^ ♦ ^ ^*®’ Poor Pcf^le’s d u n - 4. 7 PLACES TO BUY S PLAG£S.^T0 BUY S PLACES TO OUT MEN'S 10 PLACES TO BUY Personal Notices In Madrid PHONE 688-2246 TREASURE SHOPPE tile causes, and 292,917 have nesday and then the mayor shooting. This triggered demon- planned before the program pooj table and a luke ^ IHe High School Studoit MEN’S APPAREL WOMEN'S APPAREL ‘ WOMEN’S, i CHILDREN'S SHOES QIFTS A ACCESSORIES . ■ ■ (Continued from Page One) been reported wounded in ac- called toe meeting, according to stratlcms all over toe city. An takes to the air. n was aiarf nrotv^A Mobilization Ck>mmittee and U.A.-THEATRE EAST In Memonain . , tlim. another report — this one pub- angry mob singing the dimmu- He explained that one of toe there be lounges*^ stodv Students for Integration. ^A R R O ELECTRIC 7 PLACES TO lU Y SMALL I PLACES TO RUT PLUS MANY EXCELLENT -1 In lovkiK meiajry of our motlier. when Beihl was kidnaped Dec. 1 The attacks on Americans in Ushed in the New Haven Jour- nlst Internationale attacked toe big problems involved would be and p«Hia'ps,''a''mini!hik«^”, 'u ' tenner------agent,o — I ■who"who would YOUTH CENTRE _ iSSy San Sebastian his abduc- „ gXJEOTBIO WATER HEATERS .... ELECTRIC HEAT Saigon beg;an last weekend nal-Courier. party headquarters and also getting sponsors for the shows. on toe land around the b u ll^track * ' th^not niinur ui------A MAJOR APPLIANCES ------: FURNITURE A FURNISHINflS SPECIALTY SHOPS _ , tors said his fate would------depend - r ---- when Vietnamese threw fire. Ahern, who is 38, became po- tried to bum down the railway The hour, tentatively set for To haaie to love and then to part. on the ~Burgos verdicts. 1221 WlndMr Avwiuo Windsor. Conn. I* a * grtotest sorrow

MANCHESTER AiANCHEStfeR,’ CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 t*A G E •••• Mr##'###*' ....: -T-'w j- r '?-■...... ? — '— ;.....: " ^ Senate Races dock PUZA DEPT. STORE •- i - 1 ' • ■ (We Have Xb Plsa^ ) WitJi Six Filibusters B. BODOI.* TPKB. y OPEN EVERY NMHT fill NNK By H. tb BCHWART ZED Sen. Alan Cranston, D-CaUf„ AMoolated Ptom Witter said the veto is glviiig Mvend WASHINGTON (AP) — senators second tliougfaU'about Down-to^e-wire drives to meet doing anything to get a vote on Gift W oos from Plata the constitutional deadlines for Nixon’s welfare reform prapos-; adjournment in Congress are ah Nytons, UndtrwBori Aprom. nothing new, but no one on Capl* The welfare bill woOtd guar- wonts for Moiriitr . . . tol Hill recalls anything to antee a family of four a mini- Boys’ match this year’s situation. mum annual Income of gl,60O. . "The Senate has gotten itself In his meeting with Mc- ★ Ties, SMits, HoBdkwcMta. pte Scwks into the ridiculous posture of Oormack, the’ President slncded Sport I having a series of filibusters or out as must legislation the S8T, and Undtvwodr for Ood or Ironior . . . threatened fllltmstera all run- Social Security—vdilch would ning simultaneously,’’ Sen. Jolm hike benefitk S to 10 per cent— Shirts J. V^lUams, deolar^ some leftover appropriations AiPionily Hoso, THUMs, Cownt^ today. . measures and "a trade bill JoWtlry, Porsts tit6 Connoffcs for Six, to be exact, said Demo- whldi deals mtly with textiles.” cratlc Leader I ^ e Mansfield of ’Congress has gone down to Montana-Foreign aid, defense the wire several times before aiq>ropriationa, a Social Securl- adjourning, and on some ocap Toys, Goinos ond PjbbIos for ADI ty-welfare reform -conglomera- sionssions the clock has been No iron poly/ tion, the supersonic tranqxxt turned back before noon, but cotton. Solids & Misses’ and a couple of lesser items never more than a few hours. stripes, long being held up by one or two sen------^ ^ f ' sleeves, 8 to 18. atom. ' Tailored Shirts WlUlams proposed a series of K .aH 8a8 M a il agreements to limit debate on ^ ^ • / ' the, bills and amendments that \ Jg A ntlC ipatlU ff are preventing adjournment of _ _ _ ® the Senate. 1 0 8 t h C h r i S t l l i a S House Waiting ’Ibe House has finished its KANSAS CrTY (AP) — ’ Famous name shirts in permanent press fabrics. major tasks and is .waiting to Charles l^llliams is looking for- Boys’ While and wanted colors, 32 to 38. clear up what the Senate sends ward to Chri^mas. It will bo his it. loeth birthday. "Statesmanlike . . . fair ... "I feel like I’m a big man No-Iron timely . . . a must," said half a when I live to see Christmas Dress Slacl dozen senators of Williams’ pro- Day,’’ he said Wednesday, 7 posal. But udien lidlUams Vdlliams, a veteran of seven moved for approval there was a years in the Army, including clMMus of objections and the service in the Spanish-American Senate lapsed again into its rou- War where he siiffered several ' Men’s Dress Shirt Men’s Better tine. wounds, considers himself 6.99 Against this backdn^, die lucky. He uses a cane to walk, 1 Cardigans White House let it be known l>ut says he never has needed Spectacular Flare leg, 4 Wedneaday President Nixon will or ^ hearing aid. pockets. Wear .vS call Congress into special ses- reO i^ from farimng in , • TT -dated. Stripes Sion if it quits before the Jan. 8 1«22 after 1^ wUe ^^ed. He now solids, reg. o deadline without acting on bills slim, 8 to 18. he deems vital ^ dau^ter. In reahearsal with Walter Grzyb, choir director, Keith Nichols and Holly The practeai effect o f that WlUiams keeps busy and Shetlands,8.99 alpacas, lambswooh, The prMtcai e ^ c t support himself making 2.66 II No-iron poly/cottons. Classic or long Bennet Plans Franklin go* over some of the details in preparation for their appearances as warning, given to House Speak- ^ point collars; whites, solids, stripes. Kodel blends. Classic, argyle, golfers. soloists in the Bennet Junior High School ninth grade concert Monday night. er John l^rmack^^ D^IUss. ,.j Two Conceits Keith will play a Christmas medley, and Miss Franklin will solo in “Watts’ Na­ ^ a breakfast meeUi«, w«^d j ^ o^ed, I be to increase by only a few ^ ^ Because Musical organizations from tivity Carol.” The band, orchestra, and seventh and eighth grade choirs will days ai> tig^it schedulea B S s B r a a s l A to «wdilch a m l/ k ta ** twg age I don’t want.... to Just the three Bennet Junior High present their program Tuesday night. (Herald photo by Buceivicius) congressional leaders appear j^y i ^an always resigned. something to do here.” Boys’ Misses’ School classes will present their And the President, in a sep- •______Men’s Short Sleeve Men’s Wool Blend Christmas concerts on two ettes in Men’s Pile Lined __ Iner to Town,” and also play ensemme wm piay iwo uacn urzyo, eignui ana mnui graues. ------— ------— r — ^ ___ v.n.-L- Lined Glovefe Peasant Blouses nights next week. The ninth .Ig^rlllons at ChristmasUde." chorales. Choir accompanists are Dan- ca(ed the whole situation by New York Kem wes Sport Knits Sport Knits grade choir will give its pro- jj^rothy Brlndamour will solo The orchestra numbers to ette Cornelius, Boyd Haldeman ^m lng the Ume ranm l^ 70,000 Junked Cars All Weather Coats gram Monday, and the band, the eighth grade choir’s conclude the concert will be aud Keith Nichols, ninth grade; *mpe of passing his No. 1 bill, NSW YORK (AP) — More orchestra, and seventh and first rendlUon, "Winter Wonder- "Christmas Holiday," Handel’s Alyaa Goldstein, eighth grade; the fam l^ assistance weltoro than 70,000 abandoned cars have Reg. to 36.99 eighth g i ^ e choirs will ' per- land.” The group will also sing "Occasional Oratorio,” and two and Marcia Spano, seventh remrm plM. been removed so far this yew form on Tuesday. "It’s Beginning to Look Like Old English carols. The band grade. “le Presidents action was to from New York City’s streets. HAUTKOKI) N A F I O N A I $ 2 9 2.99, 4.99 Solid colors and white; multi-colored Both concerts will be held in Christmas,” "The Twelve Days and choirs wUl combine in To open each evening, Rich- ^ |».5-bllllon manpower the Sanitation Department an- Vinyl trim knit gloves. Many styles Crew, scoop or V-necks. Stripes, ribs, Classic 4 button placket. Orion the Bennet Main Building audi- of Christmas,” and "O Night- “Auld Lang Syne.” ard Wasserman, Student Coun- training act, saying it would nounced Wednesday, riiK cnoici*: hank Many fabrics. Single or Youth and Boys sizes. embroidery. Long or short sleeve. tennis. Great colors! S.M.L. acrylic/wool, fine gauge knit. S to XL. torlum at 7:30. The public is in- Ingale Awake.’’ Samuel Macaluso Is band cil president, will welcome the have relegated many workers to Last yepr the number ;; double breasted. Lined or * i p i i i p S i , , m m m m m f » vlted. For the final band numbers, and orchestra director. Choir audience on behalf of the stu- permanent subsidized employ- tn J**® ’ ■ zip-out liners. The opening group of num- the entire group will be heard directors are Melvin Lumpkin, dent body. ment. the defwrtment said, bers by the ninth grade choir will cetg^t of an a cappella “rendition of "D eck the Hall” ; m Men’s Leather Palm Tremendous Savings! "Calypso' Noel"; "Ho, Little * Men’s Wool/Nylon Men’s Raschel Knit Brother,” also a cappella; Driving Gloves W Jr* & Misses’ Dresses "Winter Wonderland’’; “Do Ladies^ Brus) Ked Sport Shirts Thermal Underwear m You Hear 'What Hear?’’ ; and "Hanukkah Song.” Waltz Go Reg. 8.99 $ to E Soloists in these selections Each f . v - 4^ 12.99 " will be Tobey Shapiro. Greg Ny­ Piece '=1 5&7 lin, Rick ’Taylor, David Silver, 2.69 2.99 5.99 An assortment of Styles, colors and and John White. Cable knit raccoon/wool blend with cape- Acetate/nylon, machine Handsome brushed plaids with satin yoke Heavyweight cotton circular knit lor fabrics. Great savings!.5 to 15. 6 to 16. In the next set, soloists to be Washable. Lace, embroi- ,!„v warmth. Shirts or drawers. p! skin leather palm. Choice of colors. featured are Nora Agostinelll assorted and cuffs. 8.S%wool, 15% nylon. ir/ , in ‘"The Little Drummer Boy," S, M, L and extra Helga Bertram in "Stllle Nacht,” Linda Long;tin in Irv­ ing Berlin’s "White Christmas,” C and Linda Alubicki in the Appalachian carol, "I Wonder as I Wander.” After a Christmas medley by Keith Nichols, accordionist, the chorus will return in the Old FYench carol, ’’Angels We Have Heard on High,” “Watts’ Nativity Carol,” ’’Silver Bells,” Most wanted "Ave Maria” by Bach-Gounod, by all the Boys’ ’’Comb Light the Menorah,” Ladies on and “Jesu Bambino” by Pietro Yon. your list! Wool Blend \ Soloists In this portion of the program will be Aharon Munsie, A Sport Coats Holly Franklin, Leslie McCann, 88 ■ Six button double breast- Reg. to Maureen O’Neil, Danette Cor­ 23.99 nelius, and Tobey Shapiro. . ed. Sizes.8 ta -1.8, The concert will close • -with five numbers: "Carol of the Bells,” sung a cappella; “O Holy Nlglit,” with Lori England as soloist; "Pum, Fum, Fum," a Spanish carol; Leroy Ander­ son’s "Sleigh Ride," and “The Christmas Song." In Tuesday’s program, the band will perform four selec­ tions while the audience is ar­ riving: "Yuletlde Overture," / ’’Carol of the Drum," ‘.‘Yea, Girls’ Dresses and Shifts O u f Reg. the Heavenly Child Is Bom ,” 5.99 to w Knits and cottons, in solids, stripes, Misses’ Double Knit and “Polfuid at Christmas.” 7.99 Girls’ Winter Coats Girls’ Ski Jackets It will open the concert prints, 4 to 6x, 7 to 14. Boys’ and Jr. Boys’ proper with "Jingje Bells Fan­ Sava Proportioned Skirt tasy” and “Greensleeves.” The Winter Jackets seventh gp-ade choir will fol­ Girls’ Holiday Dresses Reg. 4 0 % O ff Our Lowest low with "Whence Comes This Wide choice of one and two piece to Wonderlon*’ for Ladies Our Regular Price! Rush of Wings?’’, "What Child styles, jumpers with matching Jr. Boys 19.99 I I va * -B- ^ Is Tills?’’, "I Wonder as I Wan­ SI 2 "Prica 5.49 or Junior Miss l)louses, vestee styles. Colors to 19.99 7 der" with rololsts Dorothea Ri- please her, too! Quilted nylon taffeia - many styles in thehe A-line style with elastic waist. Black, back and Sherry Sanborn, and • Beige, cinnamon, off-white. One size, Wools, corduroys, take furs. Pile or quilt Acrylic piles, corduroys, wool blends. group. Sizes 4 to 6x, 7 to 14. brown, navy; petite, average, tall. "diristmas Bell Carol.” age 7 to 14. linings, some hooded. 4 to 7, 8 to 18. Attractive styles, sizes 4 to 6x. 7 to 14. In its second appearance, the Girls’ Holiday Robes band will accompany the major- Beige, brown, cinnamon, taupe, nude. S One size fits ^1. Long or short lengths. Pile and I quilted .nylon fabrics. Solids or prints, Reg. 5.99 Wonderlon'*' Petites sizes 4 to 14. 6.99 4.88 Girls’ Bonded Pant Dresses 'Men’s Stretch] Jun^r and Misses Beige, ivory, brown, navy. Tailored Warm Lined 100% Men’s Dress Shoes for the petite figure. Bpnded Orion® acrylics with laCfe 1.39 an d ' novelty trims. Newest fashion Gift Waterproof By National Mfgr. Rubber Boots Slack Clearance Long and Short Wonderlon* Non-Run Nude' colors, sizes 4 to 14. Priced 6.99 Boot Reg. Quilted Robes Beige, ivory, brdwn, cinnamon, navy. Girls’ Holiday Sleepwear .Girls’ Boots Our , 1.79 Reg. 7.59- Gowns and pajamas of brushed nylon 6 .9 9 13.99 8.99 Wonderlon* Queen Size or flannel for cozy sleeping. Solids and prints with lace trims, sizes 4 to Coldor Sizes 13-3 14.99 pair PricMl 5.99 5.99 Beige, brown, cinnamon, white, navy. 14. - For extra large, extra taill figure. 2.39 Boys’ and Girls’ O xfo rd s, buckles, slip-ons. Leather Bonded acrylics, double knits. Plaids, 1.79 I kJ Boot 7 Rubbers Girls’ Knee High Socks Alligator or grain look, black or brown. uppers." Black or brown, 7 to 12. No ram solids, assortedTcolors. 5 to 15, 6 to 16. Skimobiles Nationally''5dvertised. U.S.A. made 7.99 Choose*from cable, rib and solids. As- Qift Pile lined, water proof. checks. Sorted colors and styles. Sizes 8 to Priced E H E H Dainty trims, patch and side seam 9V?rl0toll. 4 pockets. Pastels, 10 to 18. WUs-Siuppiiig a -Aboi i Q/'PCeokus Small Sizes ROCKY HILL MANCHESTER WATERBURY SALE THURS. silai Diant Hiihway 1I4S T o lla n d T y p k t Inltriactlon of Salt 24 Exit S3. Wllkur Croat Pkwy Laktwood 6 Wolcott Roadi thru SAT. •. C I O Nylon quilt or pile lining. Int. SI at T o lla n d T y p k o MANCHESTER ROCKTinU WATERBURY OPENUTE Large sizes...... 9 Ilf gj^is 4-6x. 7-14. Othor itoips locitod in BrookfMd, HimdM,Noiwolk, Rtvoisldo, Stsmford, Will agferd, OMIord RHIs, KIngitdn, "bpoH 'til 11 P.M. Potkakill, Wappingor Falls, FrominiAsm, Nerthanpton 114STolltodTpln S ite PRmHi^iiMy. Albany Av9. Lakawood h Wofcott Rqads Reg. to 21.99 Exit93,WUMir(!iOM PkWy M ToiliQd^pki nsH biiiit2 4 A ln tS 1 R tt.44 EVERY HIBHI 'ramingham, Northampton 7 Other itorw locatid lijjTookfigld^Jtt»ndgt,2|flr{(||gJjj{|njjj^j3rofofdjVV«liiggford;j9dfofdj^^ f. ■ / ( - * ■ • i-'V. ■'» ' ■* ■ J • ' ■ \ / ' / _ - ■w 3 ' % • s. ** B / ■ •. ^ ■ ....^ ■ 1 • ^___ ? •

PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING llERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 t^AGE THIRTEEN overweight woman’s biggest* that five pounds rolls Into teh,’’ tractive, Mrs. Bond says, that one wants to enjoy, but doesn't resist, and you can lose weight, women no, longer will continue French-Bretpn Journal, "Brit--don’t want any activists around providing you also exerclsO. problems. she qiiips, "and then they have PiM PlmiiMir France’s BreUms Identify tany to dying. Jt to a recognized here. They would only bring Computers May Help Ijidies want to reduce, she can pro­ 'To squat, you stand with legs trouble losing.’’ friendless, temptation-ridden, 3TOB OHBIMBiAS B^ore she Joined the spa distracUon-m^ing home reduc­ fact. But who to the assassin? It trouble.” gram herself to keep everything movement, Mrs. Bond corvduct- apart so ttot you are balanced . A luncheon conversation with Is enough to read any poUtical The last wave of terrorism In status-quo. with a straight back, hands on Mrs. Bond can really dampen ing programs. As the spa Idea COSMETICS With Many Movements Shed Those Excess Pounds ed fashion riiows. She Is eager grows, neighborhood centers new s|)^r ... to learn that the 1968 “helped wake up the pub- Health spas are a growing to bring them to the • centers, hips, feet flat, and then you take the aiK>etite. But there’s always By RODNEY ANOOVE ' rlriit Haih, No. 1 Buspept Is France, who ex-, 11c,” In the words of one Iron- the three-quarter squat position the consolation that some day wUl make It a simple matter, GIFTS By VIVIAN BROWN Program Coordinator for the Idea In the United States. Many along with good hairdressers even for a busy housewife, to CXMOB XO Idoito us, who doses our facto- fisted >woricman who helped set AP Newatestitfta Writer Holiday Spas, a fast-growing physical fitness centers are and makeup experts. She Visual­ by bending your knees slightly. soon one-can lie back and chal­ rles, who does not give us Jobs, the bombs, You squat to the level of a lenge the computer to take it all drop in for a workout any time chain of metropolitan fitness springing up in cities, but they izes a beauty haven wiiere wom­ she has eaten too* much lasagna Pine Phamaty who deports our youths. . . ” Now, says Raoul, “It Is time o f the Lioeing weight by computer at centers In the east. They offer are different ^rom early Roman en may drop In viienever they chair, not all the way. off. \T h e same tone rings from the for signatures.” He is dlstribut- Being overweight Is not limit­ Impossible? Hardly, In this or pumpernickel. Proper exer­ CEMtlSB * ASMMB PRESGRUmOHS' a community health si>a may everything'from figure . control and modem European spas in need a lift, a place where they 6 4 M « 1 4 ^ what they retrard as their French were layl^slS e to Joumal of the extreme-left Bre- tag petitions In favor of a legal ed to the 30 to BO set, although computer-age, she points out. It cise helps bum fat faster. become the new way to shed ex­ to karate Instruction at their 16 that they don't concentrate on may get a special makeup be­ PRESCBIPnON righto, tkmieUmee with peU- Vannee. so there was ton £)emocratic Union: “The status “which will give Brittany PARKADE cess pounds, predicts Shelda centers, and are now bringing the bath, although there are fore they dress for dinner at the that age group constitutes their is merely a scientific matter of SPECiAUSfB Breton reaUty exUto. Our prob- modern Instrtutiohs comparable feeding statistics on the dieter wmetimea ^ t h bomba, explains Luclen M' FOR THE Bond, a fortner Miss Maryland. the computer Into the diet pic­ saunas, steam and whirlpool spa. largest membership. Young The longer they struggle, the general of the Action Conn^ lem Is one of a people on the to those'of the regions of Italy Women will visit health cen­ ture. ’ baths and swimming pools. Exercise . Is anathema to people are beginning to show to the computer and Juggling EiOended Foreea* fringes of the French state, col- the laenders of Germany, the ters as they do shopping cen­ Mrs. Bond foresees flthees Computers now being pro­ many women because they the effects of sedentary life, she the carbohydrates, proteins and s r • ^ onlzed and exported repubUcs of Yugoslavia, the 0RUGU2M3 ST o r El & ’eo te s l grammed for use at these spas think of It as hard work, she says.J One of her youthful calories In her favorite foods, Partly cloudy Sunday and Between the extremes are states of the United States, or ters, she says, and eventually and beauty becoming a hand- Monday with a few snow flur­ these will Income beauty re­ In-glove venture, with hairdress­ wHl" provide overweight mem­ says. But one oi^the simplest ex­ clients, at 264 pounds. Just kept and then establishing the quan­ Read Herald Ads about 10 organizations, the provinces of Canada.” bers with the piece de resis­ ercises—the squat—Is the gfreat- thinking it would go away some tity that would be permlssaMe ries Sunday. DaUy high temper­ r irzrt; r. working within the s^tem^.^ TYte organizers hope to group Perfum es sorts. ing establishments, luncheon atures In the upper 80s, over­ until iTsJ The pretty, size-eight, 28- fashion shows and exhibitions tance in dletiitg, Shelda ex­ est for hips and thighs, that day. calorie-wise. S some clandestine, and some In- the.Mgner8 “for political action The Idea should prove so at­ night lows in the 20s. tiom SMkhwXbe^r deal for a French Revolution, when the year-old brunette Is Woman’s all part of the spa scene. And If plains. You eat foods you caimot along with the midriff,' cure the "They can’t 'seem to realize c i^ ra ^ afferent people. nobility New Dollar Saving Bonus the cultural otfenslve" and de- many positions In business, BzH plaques on their automo- ^Ith topping, Bath PowdeP Cologne IMo — / mand French teaching In the the bulk became servants and biles instead of F for France. Tuesday: Meat balls, gravy. 7 • Aphradtaia schools. ^.^Id lers. The government outlawed BzH mashed potato, buttered spin- • Woodhoe «#F48 "niey call on the equally Chltic New auttoiomlst organizations plaques as "liable to disturb the ach, bread, butter, milk, Christ- 2 • Tigreae Welsh, Cornish, Irish, Scottish have sprung up. Only one, Bre- public order,” but no one Is ar- mas cake. Modernistic frameless and %»nlsh Galaclans to make tagne Action to on the right rested. Wednesday: Half day. No design, special non­ common cause as blood, broth- wing. “They don’t like us in Paris,” lunch, Fhpibciui ere. They say they will link "Economically,” begins an commented a cafe owner in a Thursday: Holiday, Polaroid reflecting glass. 4” x8” arms with minority movements editorial In its bilingual 4.00 §ize holds 2 instamatic western tip of Brittany, "but we Friday; Holiday. Color Pack II Kit prints. CUogne. Strip frames in sizes DMtto 4” xl2”, *4”xl6*’ and Holiday 4” x20” are also avail­ SAVE on America’s Most Priced! able at Caldor’s low 3.00 29.88 prides. Color pictures in 60 seconds! Kit includes (n ld o r camera, 2 AA batteries, 1 type 108 color pack film, case. Famous Toys ! Open late for Your Shopping Convenience! "ARrtGr by LANVIN SPRAY It’s New! Sb«um, Gift Box of 8'/, o t Duriing Powder,. All at our lowest prices! Natural Spray Toilet Water. M/j o*. IQjOO BATH IT’S, Otbtr Cf/fi ,•Perfume l/g^oi. BJ0| I/4 01. MQt SET '/2«t.l5U)0 GREAT! ^ ' Eau de Lanvin 2 01. 3-60r4oz. 6JOO Eau de Lsrtvin Nahirttl Spray 21/2. ozj 4jm Dyiting Powder B'A ^ SAO TIQRE88...PLAMBEAU From Talcum,Powder 3% oz. 2JS0 *6A0 g a p APHHODI8tA...WOOI}HUE...' D g n a c h r o m e 3 Pc, Super 8 Baby Luv ’N Care i D M o m f i f i COLOR FILM- Minolta Autopak Frameless Frames Zoom M^ie Kit P H e M n a m CONVENIENT DYNACHROME COLOR FILM • 2 - ^ MAKES THE HOLIDAYS A SNAP. PRICE IN­ Color Camera Introductory CLUDES DEVELOPING AND DELIVERY TO YOUR Prieel Holiday Just HOME. . Charge ' rieayen Sent by E Our 3.49 ^ Gift Great for photos and documents. Special PricedI it! X-TRA SPECIAL Reg. Hftlena Rubenstein. GET YOUR COUPON AT 34.99 29.88 non-reflecting glass. Three backgrounds 4 9 . 4 4 *white, black or walnut. Also available at UlNI-SETtRIO Flash cube fires autornatically’-'only when Caldor’s low prices in 8”xl0”, ll”xl4” and Electric eye exposure control. Movie light for indoor Sensational COLOGNE SALE meeded! Fully autom atic'electric eye, fast 16”x20” . movie making. Complete with one GAF Super 8 Car* Spray mist, Ferfume & Bath^Oil. f 2.8 4 element lens. tridge and processing. Price! Eau de Parfum 5.00 PHOTO DEPARTMENT a.50 Value Lanvin Arpege M |U| COLOGNE SPRAY Sale GGeelW C Great Adorable, life-like doll. She fusses and^ies, but her little mommy GiftI makes her well! » 5.00 Value Black Satin, M AngeUque Cologne Spray tpee* ■ 9 9 Limit 1 - Sorry, No Rain Checks for all items on this page. 4.50 Value Faberge fA by Dona COLOGNE SPRAY Sale Om Ow SPRAY Remember, you can COLOGNE • Woodhue • Flambeau OMAImbi charge all your pur­ and Tal«...3.&bz. Luv BubbtoT".. .3.79 OB. chases! • Tigress • Aphrodesic DUSTING Spray Mm...2 oz. Attar Bath Splaah...4 oz. •3 0 O » h a ta t 4 ^ gaF POW DER $«. •4.60tho*at Kodak Instamatic Keystone Magicube Instant Load 3.60 Value Lanvin My Sin 126 Color Slide Film COLOGNE SPRAY Sale $2.50 Color Camera Kit Color Camera Kit Color Camera Kit Anscovision Super 8 FOR COtOONI HIM! - 2 . 3 9 » Our Our by Dana Reg. Holiday Reg. Zoom Movie Projector 3.00 Value Dana • Tabu Af| 10.99 PricedI 24.99 • Ambush Cologne Spray yAAPU 35mm 20Exp.Dynachrome64 8.88 12.87 21.99 Bright f 1.5 zoom lens. Au- _ Takes detailed pictures Uses new type X” Rapid fire power advance! tomatic threading and reel ^ with ease! Complete with Magicubes. Kit includes' Great for pictures of kids, pick-up. Forward and rapid color film, cube, battery. film cartridge, Magicube, pets, sports. rewind operations. Our Reg. 9.99 'a^ e r g ^ 49.44f wrist strap. Really bakes! Incfiides mixes, baking pans. UL approved. Super 8 Color Movie Film

3 . 2 9 » Mther. I 4 The gift ior all seasons 7 8mm Color Movie Ftl YW tOiir New M an'* 2 . 6 4 B a r t f ■ V'-N, Keystone Dual 8 Scope S Deluxe gnF Action Editor 7x35 CT. Binoculars Developing Outfit Full Remote

Our Mighty Casey Freight or D ollar Bgi^us #2 Savings Coupon Holiday Reg. Your Choice! BRITISH. PricedI Slide Projector This coupon will be "accepted as one dollar in payment 19.99 Passenger Set^ STTERLING I / toward the regular Caldbr purchase price of any three 18.87 13.99 Holiday PricedI alO.99 f n ikn rolls of Dynachrome Film (including processing). ncuBM TMunia Bring the world up close! start a new hobby! Eveiy: Arm chair operation! For­ Our Reg. 49.99 Large 3”x4” viewing screen, Great for sports, travel, thing you need to make ward, reverse and focus by Seta A t easy slip-in loading. Get one etc. With case. prints plus instruction W E H A V E T H E L A T E S T IN iThis Coupon Good Thru Dec. 19, 1970 to edit holiday movies! remote ‘contrdl. Drive it yourself! Goes forward or backward.- Each *6.50 49.44 Rechargeable battery. HEN13 SHAVE LOTION Ch«|B i l l

mfCHESTEr lOCKY Niu AVON WATIRBIlBY Suit: Thm. thro Sit. MANCHESTER AVON WATERBURY ROCKY h il l 1146TaNaMTvaks mat. Oswis HUhway Aiasay Ava. 1145 Tolland Tpka. I Albany Av«, Silas Daana Highway m x i THUBS. fhr«m THURS. thn SAT. Balt ax weaw ec n m e t n n . in M n M U o a •« KaN 84 Rtt44 Lai—mAwmosttiw^. Opt! Igti Evtry Ni|iit Lekeweed A WolcoH Reads at TaMsna Typks a iirt. a i „ Intarsaction Exit 24 91 brf 43, Wilber Croat Pltwy. at ToHand Tpka. | Rt,. 44 BAokfWAHawBrn.Wotwaai.wamnldxtttmfowl.WMlWoni.BsdfonIHBIt.Kkifwow. ||, Utalt 1 RivortSda, Stamford, Wallingford, Badford Hills, Kingston, Pnokskilt, Wappingar Falls, Framingham, Northampton Othar itoras tociafad in Sraokflald,'Hamdan. OPEM TO 11 pa. OPEN UHTIl IV P.H. DAUY. n

\ • 3 ^ V S

n V

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 PAGE FIFTEEN t»AGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HI3RALD. MANCHESTElt. fYlVN.. THimSDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1970 Red-Ink Funds To Back Sudden InfantJDeath Revenue Sharing Plan Profile of Average Drug Seller STANFORD, Calif. (APj.. — drug use in their teens, recelv- cause the drug culture Is “too “Or Crib Death 1 m ¥ .f. n EIKIRK a survey of new congressmen ■he average drug seUer is Ing the drug from a friend or large and too well estaWlshed.” By SUZANNE BABBIB tors are unaware that newborn and-got 305 replies In favor of {T VI n.-n..ain»onr« the first time, BWm said most dealers didn't The Wsshtnehow Post infants can b^uithe only BROAD STREET, MANCHESTER ,oung. white, uses drugs him- “ ^msald! ‘ consider themselves criminals also: - Prospect Avenue and Kane Htreet, West Hartfmrd WASHINGTON (AP) — Tbe concept and five against. WASHtNOTON — It usuaUy ***!!?“*^*he non.) Nixon administration Is sweet- >nie others didn’t reply. self, considers himself honest ^ yjg user-push- because they got pleasure from XI usiitxujr u , Ruggell Fisher has been and friendly and doesn’t regard ers said they were nervous be- the drugs thejr used themselves, Ciihlor bsqipens this way: A now moth- Interested In the Miitig its- revenue-sharing pro- To got the concept through Ampto Free anih Easy^ Parking! himself as a criminal, says a re- fore their first try at drugs, but Ho said moet. of th^ dealers, poeal with a Wgger pot of iKon- Congress, the adm lnl^Uon er tudu her infant into bed, ^coming Maryland’s I POMU W u.aB ^ revenuorShar- searchw by the Ume qf their first sale who ranged In age from 19 to 86, confident that he’s healthy and examiner 21 years ago. Jliliarge It” with your Mastar Charge Ganh ^ ey. a greater cut for cities ^ can be used without emasou- the majority skid they were no were from fam^es with no _-ji ***® cowwer’s office In counties and- a long line cf latlnjg presmt grant-ln-aid pro­ hv^ Cm !««««»• ««rv^ arrest. criminal histories^ wdl cared-for. aeveland began probing sud- Blum said Pgtent Backlos it’s washable! examined her baby and found hope will lead them to 'the al has picked up support, main- Ihat will free several billions f W 2 California youth communes. death, criminalisation, social al- TCdCYO Patents registered no symptoms of disease — not cause, ly because' governors and local for new govomment iqiendlng— Most pushers got their start lenation, drug obsessionalism, in Japan are valid for 15 years even a snlffie. ^ nielr Hieorlea officials have been pusiilng and, says Weidenbsuim, revenue oit alcohol In their teens, be- and other pathological personal- from date publication. The No Code For 8ID — _ vThey theorize that. In these hard. sharing will be bidding for part came heavy smokers of both to- ity developments.” current Japanese Patent Office ■^e BCMie is repeated thou- cases, the mechanism that pro- B r u t 3 3 . H a i K a ra te But they ; readily admit the of the red-ink mon^. \ bacco and marijuana before Of those interviewed, 59 per backlog amounts to about 760,- measure’s fate remains uncer^ — ------their mld-20s, and had used ear- cent said they had never been OOO cases. It takes about five sands 'Of times a year. So far, duces disease • fighting anti- the Uggest!' breakthrough has bodies fails to funcUon prcqierly because of the powerful op- cotics by the same--age, he arrested, and fewer than 10 per years for an .application to be General Electric been to Identify the mysterious during develofunent. of the ion of .Rep. Wilbur tkOUs, found. cent thought the police could examined, published and subse- AFTER child killer and give it a name: fetus. SPLASH-ON b-Ark.x .chairman of the House Jury Awards Almoet all had begun Illicit force them out of business, be- quently allowed or rejected. Sudden fiafant Death (8H>). On- During the first two to three Ways a ^ Jf^ans Oommlttee. Wrinkle Remover V ,ly WaMilngton, D.C:, OotmecU- months erf life, the “marked” Revenue ihailng, the back­ SHAVE V $70,000 In f cut, Maryland, parts of Penn- child is able to rely on maternal bone of Nixori’a New Federal­ Our Holiday ... sylvanla and a few other com- anUbodies — those that passed LOTION ism approach, dlW^ln the cur­ Reg. PricodI . munltles list on their death ceiv through the placenta and thoee LOTION rent sessi(»ijof Congrbsfi adthout / KofCRites 13.97 tlfichtes sudden infant death, present in mother’s milk — to getting a hearing b y MUla'. com - 11.70 “crib death" or “cot death,” as protect him from disease. H a i K arate ■ mlttee, which said it wasMoo BfUDGEH*ORT (AlP) — Two 7 oz Uses plain tap water! Removes It Is variously known. But, according to ' Miner’s busy. i men from Bethel have been bottle avmrded a total o f $70,000 fo r In­ wrinkles in minutes, restores the new Because the National Center theory, file “marked” child en- SUPER MISTLETOE The concept calls for no- look to clothes and drapes. Handy for for Health Stafisttce has iw ters a qritlc^ period when ma- stiings-attached grants to the juries attributed to a Knights of travel. iS'WRl code for Midden infant deato, ternal antlbo^es begfin to wear states. . i Columhus initiation ceremony Open the door, Great gift Ideal Splash on after 2 oz After Shave in the. phenomenon'’ doesn’t- s h ^ off. Miller believes that at this 7 four years ttgo. shower or shaving. Gives all day ^ eachof 3 Hai Karate In hopes of bl^eaktng the dead­ up In’’ government reports. But point, the child’s schedule of _ ___ A Superior Court Jury ruled General Electric deodorant protection, too. Fragrances. lock, the 'Treasury has put new according to the doctors who antibody production, which has 4 oz bottle. polish on the measure, including Wednesday that the Roman Ca- are researching it and the par- devrtoped improperly in em- expandlng (he first-year author- thollc fraternal organlutlon, Deluxe Hair Setter * ents’ groups that support them, bt^o, fails to teike over, P isation for the proposal, from lia^cd In Now Ha veil, rtouldpay R ic h a r d . the" number of sudden mfant H this is true, the child would $276 mliuon to as much as $141 for ‘njurlos, w^h FREE from G.E. allegedly included a concussion with this purchase death cases In 1969 was at least be highly susceptible to dlsearc B lack B e lt . 10,000 and may have been as and might die as . soon as the 'm is' is considered a modest ^ Ladles’ Personal % Cordless Shaver h l ^ as 2S',000.. dangerous bacteria enter his amount to share among the Robert J. McManus had sought $350,000 In dam ages, olalm ing •See Clerk for Pathologist WUlam Enos has system — before symptoms AFTER SHAVE states, but it is regarded as a 14.94 perform ed 800 autopsies on sud- l*a.ve a chance to appear, his head had been cut and bones D etails! more attractive plum to dangle den Infant death vlcUms and Researchers In this field are before congressmen anxious for in his cheek, chest and linger Eighteen nylon rdllers in assorted sizes. had been broken during an initi- gives this profile of a typical' reluctant to discuss their work ihore money back home.| Quick heat sets or restores hairdo in * LOTION aUem F eb . 6, 19M, in Bethel. case: The chUd «ls two to six ^ and ai^ quick to em- . Also to be changed Is the minutes. Compact travel case included. Thomas F. O’Neill stated In ' months old. The peak danger phaslze that they have no facts, method of distributing the mon­ # HCDl his suit that he had received a period is thrM months and In- ®"*y theories. ey among cities and counties. concussion and a broken nose ckkMice of jBudden infant death lYiere Is good reason for this, S c h ic k W illia m s 2 1 9 M e n n e n The present bill provides local when he was struck during the drops off sharply after six Parents of sudd«i Infant death governments about 30 per cent ceremony, which was a third- : months. Sixty per cent the vlcUms frequenUy are bur^n SKIN BRACER AND of the share to each state. degree Initiation. He claimed ; victims are male. (However, in- ®<» ^ '*'®**' HOT LATHER SMART SET Murray Weidenbaum, assist' $20,000 in dam ages. ^ i fant mortality as a whole is child’s mysterious death. 4 oz bottle. ant Treasury .secretary and Aqua Velva After BLACK l^low ing a two-week trial be­ higher among males.) More Their nightmare has often in- Not every COLOGNE SETS head of the govenunent’s reve­ DISPENSER Shave Lotion in ice BELT fore a 12-member jury, McMan­ ' cases have been reported in volved susplclwi of infanticide, man gets to nue-sharing task force, said ver­ January thnn in any other police caro pariced In front of blue, frost lime, red­ us w as awarded $60,000 and General Electric Heats iri seconds, wear the IVz oz cologne fii 4oz sions under consideration would O’N eill, $10,000. mwtb. ^le strangest — and the house, crime detection labs, electronically. Two wood, menthol mist. / 5 r allow cities and counties to g^t 9 9 7 Black Belt! &skin bracer. sizes John M. Murphy, assistant le­ most telling — characteristic Is Insensitive hospital personnel, refill cartridges. 1 % oz each. a greater but as yet unspe^fled gal counsel for the KofiC, said Lighted Make-Up Mirror the total lack of any patbolog;!- and cruel gossip, all adidlng to share. Wednesday the organisation had cal change that might provide their feeling of guilt, The money would be dMclbut- filed a motion for the verdict to a clue to the cause of death. Now that facts about sudden ed to local governments etther be set aside. Our Holiday Oommon Finding infant death are coming to by a local (^tion (preach, un­ The suit originally named Rog. PricodI (Another theory, expounded ^“ ’FanlmUons have ^ en ih Evening, in Paris der whlc|i .state and local' gov- three KolC members as co- 3 0 .9 7 in the Los Angeles Times by *‘>™®<* ^ attoinpt to restoro ■i emmeitts would bargain for jefendanti along with the organ- 14.97 Drs. Leland R. House and Her- eaddened parents’ peace of thelr share acconfing to need, i^atlon, but the two men later Two G.E. fluorescent bulbs give 4 sepa­ man Semenov, Is that a now- ™**d. , or a formula approach. droppeid the group’s St. August- rate light settings. Dual swivel mirror. bom baby is unable to breathe Founded Guild The formula ai^roach would )[„e c o u n c il of Stamford and the Light up to loveliness! # lM-1 through its mouth until It Is sev- In Baltimore, Saul and Sylvia GIFT SETS be used only if state and local home association in Bethel from eral months bid. Goldbeig, who lost a child to governments failed to reach an the action. How do you tell the differences arms. One for each basket. (Like (AccotxUng to the phyolclans, sudden infant death, founded agreemmt on their respective in addition. Judge Joseph W. between one dishwasher and an­ two dishwashers in one.) a «-nmtnnn finding at autopsy the International Guild for In- cuts. Bogdansky ruled that, if the re- other? has been inflammsdlon emd «on- fant Survival, Inc. Your English Leather Choice That is essentially the way the malnlng co-defendant, Frank J. Notice the other little goodies. gesUrxi of the mucous mom- The guUd works closely with present proposal works, but Robotti of the St. Augustine ini- Like the fingers in the lower bas­ branes of the nose. the medical examiner’s office. Weidenbaum said the new ver- tiating team, had caused injur- Waste King Universal dishwash­ General Electric (Some infants are bom with a Dr. IFlsher notifies the Gold- ket. Each one is curled to prevent TRAVEL KIT sion will be more liberal for lo- las, the Kcte should be held ers have the simplest test ever. paklal obstruction t fixtures — for kitchen, bedroom and dining room and lota of them . Vacuum Sweeper should be on display too. Oh y i s , and tSe stock ^of ladles’ Seven W ASTE KING models to Charge MAKE-UP MIRROR shoes and sandals — if we have your slse you should find all your Our the price attracUve. And the big selection of childrens’ choose from ... Five hove Stainless Reg. Holiday purchases! 2 6 .9 7 Priced coloring books and the large candy stock and the dog food 22.97 O ld Spice load and the dishwashers and the refrigerators and I’m Interiors with 20 yr. guarantee. Two Handy compat cleaner for bare floors,, Junior M iss getting out of breath. We also have lots of items suitable for rugs, carpets. Powerful agitator brush . . . lightweight: Protective wrap­ JET SET 3 PC. DRESSER SET gifts and my wife insistii I give you a list of them, and I around vinyl bumper. # SVl True-to-light mirror v/iflT4 settings for hove conventionol interiors with 1 daylight, home, office and evW ng so will. However, I guarantee the list la 100% incomplete: After Shave, Spray you can make up in the light you'll be Pretty decorated Deodorant and J 5 7 seen in. gift set of comb, yew guorontee. Under counter Talcum Powder brush and mirror. 9 ^ Recliner chairs Cannon towel gift sets ----- Car-home tape players Cone bedspreads ~ Models ore priced from *165. Gen^ral^^ Electric / Stereo headphones A mikes \luitara Jk drums S h e a ffe r Ladles’ Ukletries, also men’s Ckimeraa GOURMBT FOODS Cannister Vacuum Stereo phonogra{riis Table lamps CHBESE PACKAGES /■ Portable Television Ladies’ Seiko watches fruit cakes PEN Holiday GLACE FRUIT MANCHWIER AND PLUS plenty of Xmas wrapping paper, tree ornaments and 27.97 Priced PLUM PUDDING Last decorations. All, as usual, s

J . It


Ellington Man F ir e Safety Precautions • Is Charged In Auto M ishap Issued hy Town Fire Chief ch ief in to Philbriok, 68, xA Plnney Some fire safety precauttons- In the refuse container, St., BUington, waa chkiged with were Issued today by W. CUf- these recom­ teUura to grant rlglit-o(.wa.y at "It followed. ford Mason, chief of the Town mendations can help to make a private drive aftei: a OuveHsar Fire Department. your holidays a happy time." accident, laat night on Wlndaor Ave., Rockville. / “ As we approach the Christ­ mas season we should exercise Sfra. Mahel Fidlbrick, a pas- some precautions to insure fire Public Records eenger In her hneband’a car was safety in the home and places Warranty Deed taken to Rockville General Hos­ of assembly,’’ he said. pital and Admitted with a Beneficial'Finance and Mort­ "The traditional Christmas gage Co. to Napolean and t*a- say qtralned back. Anthony Angelo, tree adds something to the spirit tricla A. Daignaidt, property at driver oC one ot the other cars of the season. While the Christ­ Involved ytes taken to the hos­ 47 MyrUe SL, conveyance tax mas tree can be an Instrument $24.20. pital, treated and dischaiged. of pleasure aiid enjoyment, it som ething Hospital authorities said Mrs. Committee Deed can. If not properly installed and Joel J. Janenda, cpurt-sq;^)olnt' Phllbrick’s -condition to satts- cared for, become an instrument factory. ed committee. Bush Iflll Rd. of destruction.’’ property of Gerald M. Monahan Pc^ce said the Phllbrick car To insure a fire safe Christ­ to Meredith O. and Georgia B. special came out o< a iMridng lot and mas, a few simple precautions Morhardt, conveyance . tax collided with a car driven by to observe are offered by Chief $31.36. John W . Cutter, 80, o f 128 Wind­ M ason: Attachm ent sor Ave. and also with the 1. Do not select too large a Horatio J. Levy against Sub­ Angelo car. Angelo lives at 8 tree for the room. urban Developent Oorp., three Allen Dr. Phllbrick Is sched­ 2. Do not install near a door parcels on east side ot O ak­ uled to appear In RockvUle Cir­ or radiator or other heating de­ land S t., $36,000. cu it C ourt 12 on Jan. 6. v ice . I F ederal ’Tax lie n Miss D orothy Hunt o f 66 3. Make sure the lights are in U.S. Government against Campbell Ave., was charged good order. Jam es P . C arr, 388 New State with failure to obey a stop sign 4. Select a fresh cut tree and R d ., $2,196.92. always smart looking. This genuina after a two-car accident at Old install with the butt in water. Trade Names Town Rd. and Wilson Lane, last 5. Dispose of. the tree as soon Michael A. Berson, doing cabla stitchad swaatar of 100% ~ night. as possible’after the holiday. business as the Manchester Real worstad wool is tha graatast in Police said the Hunt car col­ 6. Do not install lights on the Estate Investment Oo., 3 San­ waar avarywhara attira . . . lided with one driven by Tim­ tinsel tree. It could become ford Rd. othy Pattelone of Old Town Rd. electrified if the sharp points Connecticut ’Travel Sei^ces A. Country Squira Cabla Craw No Injuries were reported. Dam­ (liereM iibotc by Pinto)' penetrate the wiring insulation. Inc. of New Britain, doing’busi­ age to the cars was minor. Miss Spotlight this type of tree. ness as Welcome Abocud 'Vaca- IIS. Hhnt Is scheduled'to appear In North End Nativity Scene c jiv e n To Town 7. Arilflclal trees are not al­ tlMi Center and Welcome B. Country Squira Cabla Cardigan Rockville Court on Jan. 6. ways fire resistant; caution Aboard ’Travel Agency, both of $20. Robertson Park’s snow-mantled Nativity Scene in the North End members,of the Nativity Scene Committee, selected the 24 figures should be taken when purchas­ New Britain. was officially tum ^ over to the town last night during brief ing one. If you select other than ‘Marriage licenaea which mmprise the scene. Besides statues of the Holy Family, Frank Stanley Lukas, 178 Sisas S-M-L-XL. . . Mercury Process New ceremonies at the site. Mayor Nathan Agostinelli happily accepts the crMhe includes figures of three wise men on camels, four an UL approved tree, spotlight It. Spruce St., and Pearl Coates Color salaction is groat RBNO, NESV. — Chemists at the donation from John Sullivan who reads the presentation. shephOTds,veight sheep, three angels, a donkey, a cow, and a dog. Ducharme, Coventry. Sullivan and Town Park Superintendent Ernest 'Tureck, both 8. Live'Christmas trees are the. Bureau of Mines’ Reno In the background are Nativity Scene Committee members. not allowed in places of assem­ George Jonathon Fllegelman, Metalluigy Research Center bly, schools and other places East Hartford, and Barbara Anne M cC arthy, 110 D ow ney have developed a chemical pro­ tra and is a contract obliga- Photocell units that turn exter­ where a number of people as­ cess that extracts 90 to 98 per Dr., Dec. 26. tlon.’ ’ _ ior lights on and ott still are Tolland Carol Sing sem ble. ' cent of the mercury from low- HUD Now Backs MHA ’The letter, signed^ by Ronald not working properly and all 9. Artlflcal trees in places of grade ores, some containing Now Set for Sunday Black, assistant director of the will be replaced at the installer’s assembly to be spotlighted only. Plants Need Insects leas than a pound of the metal HUD office, also tedicated that jantzen expense, Roesetto said. ’The Christmas carol sing 10. 'When leaving the hom e CHBJAOO — At least 50 culti­ in a ton of rock. the original finmng for Mar­ Though the tenants are in, scheduled for tonight has or retiring for the night turn,off vated plants in the United In Drain Dispute ciano was based upon a pre­ the exterior of the project and been postponed imtll Simday the tree lighting. States need insect pollination to vious review of 'the case by the the community building have at 3 p.m . "Caution should be observed survive, including watermelons, 'The Manchester Housing Authority has been upheld New York regional office. not received final acceptance with the Christmas wrappings. apples, cucumbers, alfalfa and in its protest of a government ruling favoring the con-' Both Black and the Hsutford Tomorrow the Herald will tractor in a long-standing dispute over the storm drain area director, Lawrence L. due to work remaining. It was print the revised bus sched­ Keep them picked up and placed sweet clover. system at Masrfair Gardens. ’Thompson, wore out of the of­ reported that an Inspection of ules necessitated by the Atty. Vincent Diana, M H A ------fice this morning and could not the community building origi­ opening of the Middle School chairman, reported at last nally slated for ’Tuesday has next week. draln pystom, the authority de­ be reched for comment. night’s meeting that the-Hart­ Members of the authority last been tentatively recheduled cided to restate its case. . fo r D ec. 24. ford Regional offlce of HUD re­ ’That decision was made at appeared to feel that New ware Co.; and the other, total­ versed itself in the case after strum studio the Dec. 2 meeting after the York had given the case a Atty. Phelon reported that ling $12,000, by Central Dry- an addlUonal review and has MHA received a letter from cursory review, and that the OAH Paving of Bolton is filing w all, Inc. found that the $20,600 cost of in­ Bradford Anderson, the archi­ documentation from Anderson a lien of $16,844.60 against Mar­ stalling the storm drains is the tect’s contract administrator, was the major factor in the ciano, claiming lack of pay­ Roaches Very Fertiile handcrafted gifts responsibility of the Rocky later reversal from Hartford. ment by the CMitractor for citing data in the drawings that WASHINGTON — A roach, Marciano Co., general contrac­ ’The new Hartford office of work on exterior walks, park­ he contended supported the au­ given ample food and moisture, nsony by socioty of com . cieifmiwp tor for the project. HUD has handled liaison with ing areas and driveways. TAKE A CARO! thority’s case. can produce a family of 2 mll- HUD’S original ruling, an­ the authority on the federally fi- If one or more of your nounced early in November ------Asked Reconsideration . . . . , , T w o more - .garnishments------lion offspring a year. In a 299 ptobor etraot credit cards _ “disap­ after a review of data, was that The (MHA) counsel, Atty. t)eing est- against the contractor were al- typical breeding season, a sin- peared,” you might have the contractor Imd been correct Herberterbert Phelon, thereupon - tract Payments—Bheet 3 of 4 sued their keys and that all but posed to take precedence over sheets signed by Owen O’Brien, one or two have moved in. De­ the prints; and that Marciano secretary for the cmistructlon spite the near-completion of. the should therefore have included company—shows that this work MHA’s third elderly project, the cost in its $988,0(X) total bid was Included in work to be there are 80 qualified persons on price on the elderly housing done by the ccmtractor. the waiting list, Harmon said. project. "We are in agreement with Joseph Rossetto, the assistant HUD found otherwise and Mr. Bradford D. Anderson, con- contracting officer, said in an­ told the MHA it would have to tract administrator, that the swer to a question, that there BIBursacaauAUY assume the $20,600 cost ot the work in quesUoir is not an ex­ have been no complaints about the apartments and that "All \ the people are very happy with th em ." In five units, the upper heat- ling elements in hot water 1 heaters have . been found de­ IT’S HOT TOO LATE fective and will be replaced. FOR CHRISTMAS! In ju s t 2 0 to the girls we say: THE GOOD minutes w ell find out if keep wishing, keep hoping, keep SNOn/IARITAN hinting! Make the miracle happen you’re was \ now! We are reacty with the newest, nicest diamond styles in town. a 4 f u e / n j m oil dollars. to the men we say: 4 HP And how m any.^m etim es we’ve been able to give you a report card. It may get straight “A’s”, show homeowners Howto cut their fuel bills by of course. But if your equipment is old, inefficient, or Why wait? Christmas is a wonderful s n o - as much as 38%. time. We have the experience, the requires too many repairs, we’ll show you the most t h r o What we do is called a Mobil Fuel Saver Analysis economical way to do somethirig about it. great selection, the friendly attitude. Test. We make four tests on your oil heating system- A Mobil Fuel Saver Analysis is a free, no-obligation all without taking y t service. So just give W e’ll help you to get the ring to anything apart—and us a ring. make her happy—at the price you plan to spend and can afford. Be happy yourself . . . and make her happy to . . . it’s wonderful to

iget engaged at Christmastime! HBtB's whyAriBns is QIv g an naw^la. 30-S^loii BbsI on thB Block Thermo J Low profiles, high most reli rawrv. Umk. OOgalloiiaothol •Two-stage design 'Tliermo.tatic.lly pertomiers. New efficient water every IS qusllty lumsces and •Self-propelled we've controlled, trie mimitas. A lulobll Aqua Booster Is boilers that csn pay • Is p M d s forward, reverse Thermo Flow for themselves out •Clears a wide 20" path always ready to water heater Is deliver piping ' of fuel savlhgs. • Throws snow up to 25' lust whst the hot water. modem tamily •W interized etfgine needs lor simost •D e e p tread snow tires unlimHed tiot wster. It's 8 cut above the rest M obil We want to keep you nice andwaim. heating oil ReBAL MEN’S SHBP •259.95 "The Complete Mett’t Store" PallvGiGd These are Mobil cUstributors w ho sell and service quality heating oil and equipment. ^01-907 MAIN S T R ^ MANCHESTER—443>2478 L&M OPEN TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT TO 9 P.M; EQUIPMENT Boons 83 VX»MON i - SATURDAY TO 5:30 PAI. - 816-7M9 MOHARTY BROIHERS J7 M AIN STREET MANCHESTER Opaa Men., Toes., V9mt., llB m . 8 AJtL - 8 Mwwkester's Only Fuel Oil Dealer Opon 24 Heoes A Doty! F r i. 8 AM. - • P J L asO. 8 A J L - 4 PJN. 315 CENTER STREET— MANCHESTER. C O N K 643-513$

/ ■ \. \


en from the table and given to farm animals. Christnms T V T o n i g h t Poland Looks The main course is carp, a fish washed down with wine or Not Chilly for Complete listings. Less Red vodka. There are also plerogi— 1IS THE SEASON.. See Saturday’s ‘ TV Week A '''• - dough stuffed with cabbage, A t LinTlStm aS «*«««» «■ mushrooms-^ In Chile S:M (1> renr H am tatoes, vegretables, sweets, (18) w n / wad W«it (C) .jdeii, nuts, stewed fruit and SANTDWX), CSiUe (AP) — A (88) Addama Famib By NICHOLAS U LU T08 (40) OBUcaa’a lalaad (C) soups. Meat is not eaten until MANCHBOI'feR fur-swaddled Santa Claus 5: » (48) weafli.rWeauer ?wa.ek (C) Presa WHter Christmas Day. ' " swooping his reindeer-drawn, 5:88 (88) OdUsaa’i W«ad j (C) (48) Wkat’a Mjr UaeT -) coimtry’s 13,200 churches. City Fare Hike tee feels the traditional symbols (8) tm a v r CoaeeqaeBoee (C) Shop windows are aglow with of Santa and cotton-covered (C) (s S d h ^ w * —^Weather aad Christmas trees and colored HARTFORD (AP)—The Con­ pine trees aren’t relevant. (C) Westinghouse @ Sparta lights. OieeUng cards are also A t government-sponsored (C) necticut Co., CkHmectlcut’s UNDER COUNTER 7:88 (S) FamUy AHalr. In abundance. yuletide festivals workei’s- from (88) Flip WOMB Skew (C) largest municipal bus line, asked (8-48) MaH UaeelB (C) Polish kids are visiting red HHAVY DUTY various regions of the country (18) I Spy (C) the State Public UtHlUes Com- DISHWASHER R C il will personify the Christmas 8:88 (8) dim Nabon Hoar (® ) robed Santa Claus at depart­ 8:88 (88) IioaiMe ment stores—although he is offi­ missi(Hi Wednesday for five-cent AUTOMATIC WASHHt spirit, and evergreens, will be (848) Bewtteked replaced by peach and orange (18) Havto . cially called ‘^‘GraiidfaPier increases on its lines in New Ha-' trees. i 8:88 (8) Movie ' F iw t.” ven, Hartford and Stamford. (S-W) Barefoot ta the Park The- FUC granted similar in­ Cecilia Bechelet de Miranda, 9:88 (8-48) Odd Coaple. _iC) The Polish housewife, long ac­ (C) customed to nagging food creases last month to the Con­ vice president of the (|;) gk ., (C) committee, emphasizes that the (8) H'l^“cSirSkv‘’SiSdIete!^'i^ - ■ — queues, ^parenPy is In for a necticut Railway and lighting Ck>., the state’s second largest workers-and-peaches motif will Ptpere <®| treat. bus line, which operates in COLOR apply only to,.government-or­ !lai (C) Shopkeepers report that the ganized Christmas events. Any­ 18:88 U8) Hartford Taik4a (C> government wlU put out laigfe Bri^eport, New Haven and Wa- body who wants to can cele­ **=** ^***(0 ) quantities of goodies ih the final terbury. If the Connecticut Co. gets its 11:85 (8) Christmas week. Rare imported brate the holiday with Santa, rate hikes, its basic adult fare **=** items for Polish eyes will be ba- evergreens and snowmen, she would go up in New Haven m m says. (8-48) Dick caveu Skew (9 ) nanas, g n ^ fru it and oranges. \ l 30 to 3S cents. In Stamford The Christmas committee 1-88 (M rN ^ w 'l"- Prayer »d .“niey wlU cost about a doU a^r Hartford it would rise from 20 to plans a huge show Sunday in Off pound, very expulsive when 30 cents. Company officials say 8:SS (8) Newe aad_ W e^er compared with the average Santiago's national soccer sta­ Moment of MedltaHon the prices are lower there b^ dium. There will be smaller SISB Off monthly wage of $96. cause those cities have denser parties in parks and athletic (Bdaeafloaal TV (84) Shops have also been prom­ Tknnday, , December 17 populations providing a more fields, at a cost of $140,(X)0. 6:88 Mleterofere’ Nelyhborbood B ised plenty of meat. The govern­ profitable market. ment is believed to be holding The committee, headed by 6:88 The laveeflsaton B (C) Student rates in all three divi­ President Salvador Allende’s 7:88 Freach Chef B (C) back supplies for the Christmas "Flail In Monk’s aothlng" sions would rise from 20 to 26 rush. wife, Hortensia Bussi de All- 7:88 AnUqaea cents as would senior citizen ende, has as its main g(oal the "The (Mdfl' House" Two pounds of pork loin cost 8:88 Waehlnytoa Week in Bevlew:" rates in New Haven. In Hart­ collection of 2.3 million new toys 8:88 Sim Fraaoieco Mix B (0) $4.S0. Moi-e than the average ford and Stamford, senior citi­ so that no needy youngsters will “ Dressing" daily wage. Poultry is much 9:88 Honey Hattem B -v,—— zen rates would go up from 16 to lack a gift. , Profirramming_____ life Insurance to cueaper. A chicken sells for 20 cents. Santiago’s department) stories me^ your nee^. about f2. • Jet Stream Washing and Rinsing - Powerful swing The Connecticut Co. carries anns direct vigorous water stream over upper and have decorated their windows C<»aecMeat New.ro.rn Plenty of clothes and leather about 81,000 passengeiv each tower dish baskets. with the usual Santa and snow goods are available but at high day—30,000 in the New Haven theme. And the Santa Claus As­ prices. A man’s suit takes more ^rea, 46,000 in the Hartford area • Detergent Dispenser - Releases detergent at proper UConn T o Raise time automatically. sociation,aLn^ttALlLMl, whichWlUUl consistsCLUUtUSlO ofUL stU'OI.U* • W 1*1 than a macity rise will bring prices in line For toe nine-course Feast of • Double Wash Cycle - Two complete washes and hot LAKE BLXIFF. 111. (AP) — with costs. PASSPORT PHOTOS air drying insure total cleaning for heavily soiled loads. toe VigUia on Ctoristmas Eve, IDENTIFICATION • Filter and Bleach Dispenser Monica Donnelly, 11, had all but Next fad toe price for a families keep to tradlUcm • Normal Wash Cycle - Detergent charged wash is Featuring Famous |/\pcuColor^ given up getting an answer to mester of dining-hall fare wUl by laying a' white tablecloth SAUM N A S W followed by two rinses and hot air drying. COSMETIC COLOR | her balloon-launched notz. be $306, up $46 over this year’s Featuring Fampus The note, carried by three over hay, to commemorate the rate. , . birth o t Christ in the manger. In TRANSISTORIZED TUNMO SYSTEM balloons, was kept dry in a plas- The increase was approved __t-i, AeeuGolor ULTRABRI8HT PICTURE TUBES ^ j aa. Tvr^ T> —3 tile couiitryslae morsels are taK' 643-7369 • Choice of Panels included. 'tic bag. It asked that whoevei: Wednesday by toe UCJonn Board ' / TRANSISTORIZED AUTOMATIC OHROMA CONTROL found it write back to hier and of Trustees AeeiiGelcr AUTOMATIC TUNINB SYSTEM send a picture of himself. This year, toe dlnlng-haU price SOLID COPPER ENORAVED GIROUITS ' Then she received an answer .. of $260 a semester is actually AecuColor 2S,MC VOLT CHASSIS « a . ton King of Hartford, Mich. He HOURS I of supplying and serving the AeeuGolor AUTOMATIC TINT included a {tooto of himself. SAX. food, officials say. 10 •« "I found this note while hunt­ ^ O m n i b u s Although costs have lis&x al­ One ing with my father,” hla letter as” DIAO. MEASUREMENT—ALL CHANNEL said. “ P.S. My mother wrote most nine per cent since toe 24MKKK AVTOeSAinC 16” DBAO. MZlASlJHEMXiNX-POBflVkBEJE FAMXMJB m a k e — 26-jQt. WOOD CONSOLE this note for me.” 19e0-ltHD academic year, the 'T54£K Monica saved toe cost of food price was not iiicreased for *3m tjeRjiss stamp and a trip to toe maUbox 0>ls 1970-1971 academic year ORIGINAL PAINTINGS — DEOOUPAGE Ib kic with her system, but she does Next year, however, toe price PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS C)EK)1Ce. *0 7 Refrigerator 188 ^ CANDLE SUPPLIES DEHUMIDIFIER <98^ not believe it will ever replace IncreMed by 16.6 per M AN Y G IFT tV E O fS FamUy Size the United States Post Office. cent, to accoultt for toe cost in- CWfOCkL ACM«klct «—■ 1 8 99^ Hin r S '" S ir Electric RANGE >188^ DISHW/ISHER COLOR TV <338COLOR TV ^298 Plug-Ottt Bum en — DtapoMible Oven Unera- L o l K J 4 i i 131RTISI r. M IMATHES CONTINUOUS T>lz.z.ip» COtoutT Tito. ® handcrafted SELF CLEAN 16 cu. FOOT CHRISTMAS SArm Xjsje iw ftF tw s sisigr- ?6 C IIH c o p p e s C A K .E All your gift needs under one roof p Shop early for best aelectlona lik e . . . Feature-packed! CMstmasMQ ELECTBIOPIAIIGE lighted oM N«% oice. t a i u t w -4 « * » o ,s ’ COLOR P H IL C O NO FROST Tuii 9 3 '“''T2 F 0 t a b l e t o p t r e e Saveipn IVMPElUVbU SePf’^O C ^^'^irr Q » f T b o p 5 3 r Refrigerator-Freezer * 0 tnes^ filrtmmings 1 $095 reg. 63.95 * 7. FOOT « ^MWCl>«CfCtf4 lK^5 o b c o t c m ’ p i n e * ONLY • Just IS" high.'Great tor window.sills, an - terpieces, hallways, gifts for shut-ins, etc. (79-0160) ^ b-ut K> M ktdS children’s favorites! MANY RAGGEDY ANN or OTHER ikA TREES ANDY DOLLS ON eisum ^&asLK'Bs ^ > 3 3 ^ ‘IwiD cqnp isL-mn ^ $ 0 2 5 DISPLAY \ your choice reg. 63.98 uAoei/oeRHfrEs ^ ^ 9 7 PHIL.CO

Loyal, loving, true! Ann is dressed & H J f CRisr InniuiJMfre in print dress with white apron. Amn wears blue, cotton trousers, iiiilll ' Philco Power Saver cuts operating cost red/white shirt Both have safety . lock-in button eyes, red yam hair. r iiM E CfeUEE.V. Utnetf I Automatic ice Maker . . . no ice trays to (79-3048-49) fill or spHi Big lifelike and fire-iafa Scoten pine Christmas tree wFlh free attached 6' extension cord. Natural-looking LIFE On Sale This Week: ' Dairy Bar for foods you use most vinyt natdiea are fire-safe and shock-safe. Arrange . Featuring brainches to suit—full round or half round Comes in TH E D ES ER T tu A xeo y FULLY-AUTOMATIC TIMING 2 Vegetable Crispers two parts in eaay- lo-atore box. It C il PICTURE TUBES Featuring PLUG-OUT SURFACE BURNERS ' Extra-deep Freezer Door Shelf ALE ON DECORATIONS ENDS SAT • What do desert animals eat? 1 0 R . M P . S Jfe Q IHROlMACOIOR LOWER STpRAGE DRAWER • Can man survive in the desert? INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER GLASS BALLS Rdg. $1.79 NOW Ol^Y 99t FARM 12 pc • A v deserts our future land banks? EXCLUSIVE CHROMATIC IRAIN GLASS BALLS R eg. 9 9 c -NOW o n l y 77< FAMOUS COLOR COMMANDER $■798 SET d i r e c t f a c t o r y s h i p m e n t s . — LOWER COST! MINI FARM SET Reg. Bookstore Value, ^3.95 FAMOUS TITAN 80 and 100 CHASSIS reg. 69.99 FIGURINES R eg. 9 5 c .NOW ONLY 77 i LOWISr ADVERTISING RUDGET LOWER COST! THE 9UAUTY GOES IH lEFORE THE NAME GOES ON iMtch his eyes sparkle when he $4 98 reg. $6.29 Our Special Offer... Only LOW SOUTHERN LAOOR RATES 1- LOWER COST! finds this under the tree! Includes A M Just like the real thing! R eg. 77c NOW ONLY thiminum trKtor with steering, Pickup Track, wagon, Irac- FIGURINES 49t sprteder, steel wagon, three-bot­ * tor, disc hanow, 7 mini tom plow and disc. animals. (79-3125) FIGURINES fteg. 5 8 c NOW ONLY 391 . . . . . CeupeN R eg. 4 9 c NOW ONLY v is it s : c iA M autxful chribth as shop and FIGURINES 37t SBS oilk' AUtAY OF (niRISTMAS DECORATIONS |MSj>isTtOop|5gE '‘^ 1 1 BUCKLAMD STORE t3io touand tpke. Manchester Glut 'PfB. VWMIU'J ■ other .ST(»E S: NORTH HAVEN 239-1687 ELLINGTON 875-3355 flou^isf fe)AfmAS Sfirr -pfic 13 MIDDLEFIELD 3A7-7229 WILLIMANTIC 423-2931J l^pke OPEN DAILY to 9 fu m U tt A fiM I A V l . ‘PPHeie fhANnwer t e l e v i s i o n a p p u c b ' M «^ 11 p r unun MONDAY* V anjotT THRU VO FRIDAY thav *riJimeTHURS. 8Q :0 . r\ 0f\ AMam Tn TO 8fl :0 • nfi 0 PM " iMYiaioN ^ APniAHoa ^ JM %# Via ■ mm r e ^ ^ ^ n V U .fli g . Q Q ^ .J .Q 5.30 PM SAT. 8:00 AM TO 4:00 PM NEXT TO STOP jiid SHOP SATURDAY TILL 5:30 NEXT TO STOP and SHOP n n 3 M o H

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN,. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-ONE ----- ...... MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TftURSDAY, DECEMB)|R 17, 1970 PAGS: TW ENTY Nader Study m the unclassified venldR oi a re­ Woman’s Toach port on U.S. activities In Cam­ SIN Despite Trim, Tangled Senate bodia written by two staff mem­ E Blasts Care SBATHiB (AF) — Unique bers, James O. Lowensteln and Fireman Christmas cards offered by Richard M. Moose, who spent Indicted On the YWOA at the University eight days In Phnom Penh re­ I Of E lderly of Washington tell the yule- Passes Bill on cen tly. TaxG harges WASHINGTON (AP)' — A Unreinstated Ude message a la women’s They said, the OamhocUan Ub. •iSlalph Nader task force of six forces “would probably have ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — A NBmr CBim iN (AP) — New The verse on the bright been destroyed and the couAtry Sfeen-agers chaigeS'that doctors, New Yortt R^NibUcan congrep^ Britain’s long'.baired fireman got green cards is; "Peace on Cambodian Aid com p letely taken o v e r '^1^ federal officials and nursing W E H O N O R t h e magnificent a haircut. Wednesday hut the earth, good will toward men North tfietnamese) were it TkA man who lost his Novembsr Ud income owners are bedfellows in and women.” chief said it uraan’t enough. WAamNOTON (AP) — The tation appropriatlans bill, con­ for assistance by the United for re-eleotlon has been Indloted epidemic of national neglect Office manager Jeanne Senate baa iq>i»oved President taining funds for the controver­ Fire Chief Stephen J. Kelly States and South Vietnam. ‘ by a federal grand Jury here on Manegold said Wednesday Nixon’s Cambodian aid request sial supersonic transport plane, JjOf decent care for the sick and said he met with the fireman, T h e rep ort said the 166,(ipo- charges of f*iifa«g to file federal 1,000 cards were printed and by overcoming the first t&ngle on which debate began Wednes­ * * h e old. his first haircut in several man Cambodian army and the Income tax returns. duit neariy all had already day with SST opponents deter­ months and had about two in a parliamentary snarl that air force are completely de­ R ^ . Martin B. MoKneaHy of •u A 846-page report, released been sold. mined to keep talking. inches of hair removed and could .keep four major money pendent on U.S. and South Viet­ Newburgh failed to file ntums today, lashed out at a "seri- A fourth money measure, the 8hi^>ed Into a modem style. bills hanging right up to the namese assUdance and on the fo r a to ta l o f $78,015 earn ed (Mis la ck o f m edical supervl- Jan. 8 e j^ r a tio n o f the 91st $2.1-blUion supplemental {q>pro- graining of thousands of Cambo­ ..alon” in the deaths of 26 pa- "I felt that Chief Kelly was from 1964 to 1967, the indlotmsnt Congress. priatlons measure containing ^ tlents from salmonella poison- Infringing on my rights and that dian personnel in Vietnam. returned Wednesday to UB. London Thieves "I have never seen such a the aotual funds for Cambodia ing at a Baltimore) Md., nursing is why I didn't get my hair cut,” Noting U.S. aid already is un­ DlatHct Court charged. state of confusion exist,” ten. authorised by the - tenate [ home where the illness went Biah<^ said about his earlier re­ der way, they advised the com- E a rlie r, the 05-yearM>ld con­ G ra b $250,000 John J. Vdlllams, B-Del., de­ Wednesday, goes before ten- When it comef to I unreported for four days last fusal to trim his locks. He .said mlttte the question “Is not gressman had claimed he owed clared shortly before Wednes- ate-House conferees today. I July. he decided to get n haircut at LONDON (AP) — Five armed whether to enter Into such a no back taxes, but said tips gov­ day’b’ vote as he made an tmsuc- , The chief issue: A tenate pro­ I And it criticized the Social Se- the Insistence of his lawirer and commitment hut whether to ter­ ernment owed him "substantial men in stocking ‘masks bludg­ cessful effort to limit debate on vision that withholds actual ap­ I curity Administration,, saying it the head of the local fireman’s minate it, on the one hand, or to tax returns." eoned a real estate man today a series of measures remaining propriation of the aid funds until I delayed setting new safety union, who say they e:q>ect a continue to expand it, oh the The maximum penalty for before the Senate. the authorising legislation be­ f o b i k / I standards after the death of 32 long battle over Blsbop’s griev- and took $250,000 in Jewels and other, and, If so, with what Uml- each of the four counts In the In­ The $544.2-mlUlon dld^bill was com es law . I patients in a nursing home.fire ASTRO-SONIC STEREO tmce. cash from a bedroom safe in his tatlons.” dictment Is one year In prison Democratic leader iMQke .... plus^oday's la i^ e it ti& st rectangular U ltra-B right picturaal BUhop, who hasn’t worked luxurious town house. passed 72 to 22 and sbnt. to I at Marietta, Ohio, earlier in the Mansfield expressed confidence and a $10,000 fin e. smart shoppers come to I yea r. ... FM /AM Badio-Phonos bring you the full beauty o f m u s i c ! siiuse last month, is uitder an Robert Mlchaelson, 44, a for­ conference with the House aftbr- tenade confeipes w ill stand firm McKneally, a bachelor, was indefinite suspension for allegred mer escort of Princess Margar­ the Senate, rejected fil_t 0L 33 a ] "Out of sight, out of mind,” is move by ten. Mike 6ra.vel, D-A- on the provision. ^ • OiQtiner Broke defeated In New York’s 27th I the way the nation treats its eld- failure to comply with depart­ et, was treated (or head inju­ laska, to cut $156 mlUlon of $256 At the same time, he chided District by Democrat John Dow I erly, Niuler said in a preface to ment reg\ilations. ries. His wife 8Uid two young SANTA ANA. Calif. (AP) — mllUtm intended for Cambodia. the conferees "on the defense in the November election, alter • the report. “He’s not working until he children were not injured. President Nixon’s longtime po­ te n . Frank CJhurch, D-Idaho, m oney b ill fo r wat(B|1ng down one term In Congress. Pilofiin AMI/ I The summer-long study was litical advisor, Murray Chotl- conforms,” Kelly said late The. bandits, one carrying a one of the architects of a series the tenate amendment to bar ner, has told a dlyserce hearing McKneally has served as the > done for Nader by six teen-aged Wednesday. "W e would have re- shotgun and the others iron national commander of the , stored him to duty tonigh,t if he of restrictlcms on U.S. aid to funds for U.S. combat grodnd he is deeply in debt. I girls and their teacher from an bars, burst into the house in A m erican L e g lc n in 190940, had promised to cut It.'But he Cambodia, predicted tenate troops In Cambodia, Laos and Before he was married five • exclusive private school In Con- Chelsea at breakfast time. They state president of the March of said he couldn’t.” conferees "will be very ada­ Thailand. years ago,'C3u>tiner told Superi­ I nectlcut. The group was headed tied up the butler and rushed Dimes, and presld«it of the ‘Tve gone as far hs I can mant” in upholding the bars on The revised langusge sanc­ or Court Wednesday, he had I by Claire Townsend, 18, daugh- into Mlchaelson’s bedroom, fir­ Newburgh d ty School bocud. without just getting on my hands U.S. combat troops and military tions U.S. efforts In bdialf of $48,000 in several bank ac­ I ter of Robert Townsend, guthoj i ing a shotJnto.lhe celling.. advisers, the disclaimer of U.S. troop withdrawals from South counts. After the nmrriage, he In detailing MtAQieaUy’s al­ ] of the best-seller, “Up the^Or- and knees,” Bishop said after Police" said two cars found the meeting, adding that he still commitment to defend Cambo­ Vietnam or to free prisoners said, "I had to borrow money to leged violations of the internal I ganization.” outside the house were believed warits to work as a fireman. dia and the requirement of ad­ held by the Communists, lan­ pay household expenses.” Revenue Code, the Indlotment I The report was issued as Nad- to have been used by the gang. O nsft; 549 Boston Post Rd. \ "H ie chief wranted me to have vance notice before any Ameri­ guage Mansfield said would per­ Amalia Chotlner seeks $750 handed up to Judge James T. I er arid the girls prepared to tes- it cut as diort as two of my su­ can aid funds are transferred, to mit an Invasion of North Viet­ monthly support from her hiu- Foley the congmsnum Msscbsftsr: 434 Oakland Straat (Exit 94 off 1-86) ; tlfy before a Senate subcommlt- LIMITED perior officers, and thoee are Cam bodia. nam. The bill cleared the House band, a Washington, D.C., and earned unrepoited Income of Wallis(ftnl: (k)lony Shopping Plaza, Route 5-1177 N. (k)lony Rd. I tee' hearing on nursing home extremes to me, extremely Kiaig ^disposed’ Meanwhile, fights are brewing 327 to 80. Newport Beach, Califs attorney. $2L872 in 1964, $24,496 in I M , New BfRak: Newbrite Plaza,.East Main Street ca re^ ' A- Early American—model TIME short,” Bishop said. RABAT, Mbracco (AP) — in the Senate over decisions by Mansfield secured aj^roval of (JhotUner testified his estranged $12,067 in 1966, and $10,580 In '.^'Despite more than $1 billion a LIMITED .3662, on concealed swivel "It’s all right for them. But King Hassan XU is indisposed tenat^House conferees—rati­ an ^agreement by which the ten­ wife has adequate resources to 1967. year In federal aid, "80 per cent A. Contamporary—model 7122. casters. B. Mediterranean fied Wednesday by the House— ate will debate controversial support herself. of the nursing homes that re­ I'm not 4B, I’m 25,” Bishop said. and must take a complete rest B. Madltarranaan—model 7126. stylinB^lmodel 3663, on con­ OFFERS! to water down key provisions in measures, starting with the He said he earned $74,000 last ceive public tax dollars do not TIME Bishop ^ d his new hair style for two weeks, palace officials C . Early American. All o.n con­ cealed swivel casters. C . M od­ is “ close to my head . . . doesn’t two appropriations bills—the transporiation appropriation, year and that his Income this meet even minimal federal said Wednebday. No details cealed casters. Also in French and ern-model 3661., come down into my eyes as it were given. ' $e6.6-bllllon defense money bill for six hours each day before year will be $42,000. He submit­ standards,” the report said. OFFERS! Italian Provinciai stylet. did before . . . Just touches the The official visit of President and the $2.5-bllUon foreign aid turning at mld-aftemoon to oth­ ted to the court a list of debts. , The task force described pa- Including a $20,000 loan he ob­ !T**llents as victims of callousness c o lla r.” Cevdet Sunay of Turkey, sched­ m easure. er measures. '^•gont! meatun. uled to begin Saturday, has But both meastirea are Meanwhile, the Foreign Rela­ tained to pay his Income tax and incompetence among nurs­ stacked' up behind the transpor­ tions Committee finally released last April. ing home staffs, neglected by Magnavox ^blor TV has a built-in tj[iemoiyl every channel, every time I And—the 315 sq. in. )>een postponed in d efin itely. ^njoy spectacular concert hall realism . . . plus 30-Watts EIA music power, two High-Efficiency their doctors, subjected to what Amazing TAG remembers for you I ft keeps flm h screen, with new square comers and a new flat AE C To Try it termed riiocking drug abuse. fine furniture craftsmanship. Whether listening 1 0 ' Bass W oofers, tw o 1 ,(X)0 cycle Exponential tones natural—pictures sharp—automatically. surface--gives you clearer, sharper piqjtures and “A nursing home is a place to to your favofite recordings, exciting Stereo FM, Horns, plus the exclusive Micromatic Player Second Blast There's no more jumping up td ddjust controls— less glare plus th#most fabulous life-like realiflh go and die, and rot away in the noise-free and drift-free Monaural FM, power­ that banishes discernible record and Diamonds process,” the task force quoted no more unsightly green or purple face#. Switch you've ever seen I It's the closest yet to aHmovie After Spill ful AM radio or optional Magnavox tape equip­ Stylus wear—lets your records last a lifetime I Blacks. Beoken’ one letter that it called not un­ channels, let the scene change—TAG will screen I Instant Total Automatic Remote Gon- ment—an Astro-Sonic Stereo offers unequaled Magnavox Astro-Sonic Stereo—truly magnifi­ iraaiCUI^Y, Nev. (AP) — The typ ica l. always give you a perfectly-tuned picture—on trol optional—Also'at biq savings I* Atomic Bnergy Oommlsslon The report called for stricter sound reproduction I Each model shown has cent to see .. . thrilling to hearl planned to detonate an under­ enforcement of the federal stan­ ground nuclear device at its Ne­ t o o l dards that do exist, suggested vada Test Site today, one day medical reviews of homes by NOW NOW after a sim ilar explosion spewed AT THE MANCHESTER PARKADE ONLY 9 V ' ^ ^ doctors, and backed better radioactive material into the training for nursing aldes.- Lorgust SutacTlon oT D#up CuT W u S ONLY ONLY a ir. 1 POWER But most of the report’s re­ SAVE $80 SAVE $50 An AfiX: spokesman said to­ WE SAVE YOU MONEY... commendations consisted of a day’s blast, code-named "Oaiv Ftoest quality Black A Decker Power Tools cost so 20-page recltatim of previous pet Bag,” 'would have a force SPECIALIST TO HELP proposals by other task forces. J>£UfrwuA. (pipsiA. U w , save you time and give your projects that pro­ betw een 200,000 and one m illion fessional look. Come in and aee ear complete seleonsB The giris, who are nW college tons of TNT and might be felt in • . . Just In time for Chrlatmaa gift ghd^! freshmen, spent the summer on Las Vegas, 100 miles south. from ate to $Si.' the project. Interviewing gov­ The government described as ernment officiEtls and working a SAVE "u n p la n n e d and minor” “Alr-Condlttoiied’’ P4TM-. anr-aimirwAriM PIPES couple of days undercover in Wednesday’s spillage of ro r nursing homes. Their report dloactlve material from a blast Imported from Turkey was submitted to Nader in tep- no o f 20,000-ton fo rc e SgO fe e t un­ Meerschaum Is the finest.. . tember and retouchqd by the derground. HUlloBS of Uny boles make.Jor consumer advocate’s staff' be­ SAVE AC or The qHllage rose to between I Cool Smoke o Essy Draw e.No Ooo fore its release. battery- 400 and 600 fe e t above the Despite what it called a na­ ’ 1 5 powered .. . ground and was detected within • Very Llghtw ell^ ^ Best Taste tional lack of overall medical plays one mUe of the test shot area, 8upervisi<»i of patient care In sa id an AEC sport said the Social Se­ e mvinelble • Balanice curity Admlntstratlcm delayed ry in New Mexico. • Perfeoto • W eight e Permanent BuBt . Special F ilter' eight months in setting safe­ GENERAL Box 6# e FUter Used MULTIPURPOSE DRILL guards for new carpeting after • T y p e B it Condenaea Moiature — the (Ire. And it chai/ged the «3.99 • O r ^ D o u b le reduefien ELECTRIC White Students Traps Tar ft Irritants Agency Is letting present unsafe M A P L E T O P $B.ia Value gear system deliv­ ers full torque drUl- carpeting remain in nursing SILF-CUANING Picket School ing action. Gearing .99 homes until tax write-offs' on the and chuck to handle cost are used up over a five- GENERAL ELECTRIC In New Hnven LCT US HELF bigger, tougher Jobs. year period. Qmrd (#7100) NEW HAViBaf (A P)—A group DUTCH DISHWASHER of white students picketed Lee MASTEB YOU SELECT PEBPl& O TO Court Dismisses 8chollin9 portobk . . . conveHu to builtHn lotor. Automotic oyon timor, clock students, demostxated outside wrench and holder. itiow . RACK,«.HUMIDOI ’Built-in toft food ditpotof, doublo d#tor9ont dit- and minuto timor. Rotory tnfi- the high school Wednesday FANCY GICARS • Turkey (#7510) an obscene film were dismissed morning and later went to City pontor. AutpiTiatic rotrocting ttabiliiort. MopUtop. nito controls for turfoco units. • OABdA Y VEOA • England Luxurious spliri against three men Tuesday in HaU. R e g .$ li5 Hoodlightod ovon. Romovoblo block walnut. storogo drowor. Tlie students, who have boy­ • B E B O ro • Isra el district court. «iS0 AVABAMf As A , iH f . 5 .5 0 ■MIT-H f M AS t i m i AS. J 7 9 ” cotted classes since last week, 2.99 HNISHING SANDER T h e action came on a defense, • LA ODBONA • F ran ce claim the school administration motion wmtondlng none of the K | m M T o t e m O ver .25 sq. In. o f men had previous knowledge of j discriminates against them by • O P X ILO fi orbital MiwWtig m;. up to S30. N O W 1.99 what the film contained. j favoring blacks when disclidl- SPIBOiAL gPUeWANE tlon. Perfect for fitiA • GOLD l.AiaCT. However, one of the three— nary actions are taken. finishing of wood, AnQumy V alen ti, 69, o f W est About 260 students have been All at Uggetfs Low Filoe! SPECIAL TURKISH metal, plastic. Fin­ taking part in the boycott, ac- K ayw oodie • LEATHER ger-tip slide switch. Medford—was fined $600 on a( WATER PIPK_ charge of unlicensed entertain­ cordli^ to a check of attendance TORACCO COVERED PIPE (#7410) records. TOBACCO ment. O ew iA ve , Valenti had been arrested [ Prim e demands on the boycot- e v ta v B s w l • MEERSCHAUM ters’ list are the implementation JARS along with Jdhn Carroll, 36, E ast' UNED KIT LxHigmeadpw, manager" of the j o f an unarm ed, nonunlf

PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHBSTEI^ EVENING HES^LD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17,4970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESlRR. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-THREE ji ..___ Commmt, Session coming in—it continues to come Richard L. Ottinger, recently aroused by the litigation, the ess of law, and suYely a person’s ioday'S F U N K Y Food Stamp Conferees Close Trade Bill Losing Organization Playing Role in—and hopes to maintain that defeated in a bid for the U.S. company undertook a $_13.6-mll- health is what, in a most signifi. Berrigans Rest Case ’The Manchester Board of klnd of financial backlog. Senate from New York. lion air pollution abatement pro- cant degree, sustains- life, But Must Agree by Dee. 31 Directors is cuiducting a 6:80 '^We’re not trying to maintain a A major aspect of the work gram that is well on the way to “So it seems to me that each W .X GIENNEY (H). to 8:80 comment session to­ Of Environmental. Defender big kitty,” Rogers says. “We the EDP Is doing concerns the solving the problem.’-’ of us is constitutionally protect­ night. It is being held In the Battle with Time run lean.” setting of precedents In environ- And further, the EDF says, ed in our natural and personal On Bid for Sermons By RO BERT A. Hunt strikers and stfbtching a state By BRIAN SULLIVAN board’s new office, on the 29, headlined ”ls Mother’s Milk DDF has 2 3 cases in some mental law, while at the sapie the decision In the case con- state of life and health.” By DON HiKIMiK Thinking of Mayer’s request Associated Press Writer cost-sharing provision for one WASHINGTON (AP) — Time But the obstacles to the trade AP Srienoe Writer Headquarters Associated Press Writer (or outside preaching or tape year. first floor (rf the Municipal has become the most formlda- bill -remain fiHTnldable, tnie Mt for Human Consumption?’’,^ phase of prosecution throughout time solving specific- environ- tained language that for the The EDF commented: "litiga­ WASHINGTON (AP) — Pros­ recording, Kelly said, he^i After a series of turnabout Building. ble ©Mionent of the ever-contro- House passed It as a separate An organization housed in a amount of the country emd is looking into mental problems.-' first time in a federal court re- tion is a process where it is pective House-Senate conferees HARTFXJRD (AP)—The Rev­ plied: "I guess not,” or’ ' It votes, the proposed substitute 'The board’s commoit ses­ DDT in the human body. several others. Rogers says the Two years ago, for example, cog^nlzed the constitutional right sometimes possible to win by named to foige a compromise ve^al trade bill, with Its i«wi- measure, but In the ^nate It 11)0-year-old farmhouse far out For Pracfical Gifts erence Daniel and Philip- B en i- seems not.” was buried on a 172-188 tally, sions, held on the first Tues­ slcms for quotas on Imports of has become part of a _ con* oh New York’s Long Island has The ad appealed. for mem- EDF chooses its spots oareful- EDP filed suit in Montana of citizens to a healthful envl- losing.” food stamp bill probably will be t X. gan,^ {cfiprteoned (or destroying ferrlgan did not Indicate he and The House was back to the day and third ’Thursday of textUes and shoes. glomerate piece of hlgtily con- ■wlfUy become the public de­ bers, starting at $10 for a basic ly: “We’re mtiitonto, but we’re against the Hoemer-Waldorf ronmdlttT*' - - “v, Selective Service files wound already written the sermon, closer to agrwment than the original bill Mmroved by the Ag- each, month, are for those Even the most ardent support- troverslal legislation, fender of the envlnmmental ”'®"'*>«rsWp. It produced $7,000, not zealojts.” Corp., charging that the firm’s In the ruling. Senior U.S. -Dls- their preUmlnaiy idea Wednes- Keuy said, and the priest did ^dely dmerent versl^ pa^d C^mlttee. It thfn town residents \riio wish to the EDF 'pulp and paper mill was causing trict Judge W. D. Murry said: -by the two branches of Ctm- ers of the bill, which the affect- It ties together trade, a Social movement. ® profit, and the EDF turned to Among those on tAVB ON COUCH Angel Corner Cabineh^ day for the same freedom of pursue the matter, was passed, 2iK)-68. file suggestions or com­ are Dr. extensive air pollution In the ”I have no difficulty In finding gress. ed industries say they need to Security Increase, welfare re- It Is called the Environmental ® mall campaign and now board of trustees Alip COLD BKHBDini speech enjoyed by Americans ^ Berrigan had come to him plaints on any subject in the Missoula Valley. that the right to life and liberty Nevertheless, they will be The House bill's woric test survive foreign competition— form and a new, costly health Defense B^ind and it to a non­ has 10,0(X) members, a stable fl- Charles F, Wurster, a specialist DHOOUNT P B K m t outside prison walls. ^ th the sermon, ‘i t would have board's Jurisdiction. The case moved slowly In and property are constitution- working against a Dec. 31 expi­ would require proof there were conceded the measure’s chances Insurance program, profit organization of lawyers, nancial base and a chance at on pesticides at the State Uni- i Present prison regulations dls- ^pty, to refer him to court, EDF says,'#and recently ally protected. Indeed the Fifth specially priced for the ration o t appropriations authori­ no men able to work in the tq>- dim with each day as the Jan. 3 Hie Senate is not likely to act scientists and citizens dedicated major foundation support. verslty of New York at Stony JUITNUR criminate both against the Ber- the education department,” Tksm Is ty (or the six-year-old program. plicant’s household. But the Sen constitutional deadline for ad- quickly on any of these, and the to the protection of environmen­ EDF has enough money to Brook; former Interior Secre- the court dismissed the case on and Fourteenth Amendments rigans, who want to express Kelly ^ d . Lsit CsM whldi reaches about 8.8 million “‘e accept ellglblUty on joumment nears. Jockeying has begun as to which tal quality. continue operating for about tary' Stewart L. Udall, and a a technicality. The EDF claims provide that these rights may Elegant Look themselves In the world at However, the matter ended lig Ssriiig, Tt*. General Motors that ”as a result of pressures not be denied without due proc- persons basis of a signature attest- On that date the 91st Congress will c ^ e up for considera^on Tlie work the fund is now four months if money stopped new member Democratic/ Rep. large, and against those outside u,ere unUl the brothers launched The House Wednesday n l^ t ln«r to the household's low In- doing, many observers believe, who want to hear what the Ber- their suit against the warden, (B i m w NEA, Uc. Loses Case On goes out of ^existence, and all XJ voted to impose new restrictions coma- legislation not finally enacted measure, will probably shape much o t the rigans have to say, said their director of the Federal Bur- on the program, including a ie- Another variatlmi In the Sen- dies with It. The trade bill still As a last chance move, some course of the fight to save the R«^. $79.65 lawyer, William Bender. pj Prisons and Atty. Gen. Todoy'i FUNNY will pay $1.00 (or Back Taxes ooch original "(unrty"117“ uuMO. Solid gags qulrement that states pay part ate bill would set up machinery has a long way to go. textile supporters are talking of He was speaking in U.8. Dls- j<,jm MitcheU. DENVER (AP) — General environment In the years ahead. lo:to: Today's FFUNNY, 1200 Wost Third of the bonus coupon value, and forcing every county In the na- But its backers have not Junking the rest of the trade bUl It is In the courts, the fund be­ trict Court, where the B errlg^ Warden Nortwi testified that Si., CloTtland, Ohio 44113. tlon to dispense food stamps. Motors (3orp. has been ordered a provision for work tests of eli­ sto lid fighting, nor devising and concentrating on a simple lieves, that the citizen will be I $ 0 0 . 9 5 have filed suit. / he did not even know of the gibility. But opponents have There Is no such provision in the Wednesday to pay the state of strategy to break the legislative textile quota amendment. Both able to effectively challenge the ‘"nie ri^t to speak Is w un- existence of the sermon until claimed the restrictimis could House verslcm. Colorado $919,481 in corporation the Senate that threa- the.House and Senate have'vot- giants of government and indus­ fettered right which can not be after the suit was filed, sharply curtail participation In taxes for the years 1809-66. tens to bury the bill. ed favorably on textile quota try, Nd. 1290 — No. 1266 hampered by prior restraints,” Norton conceded, though, that Chipper Pope the program. ^ Some recent developments Porposals. Bender told U.S. District Judge the regulation governing writ- The bill contains some expan- Playwri^it^s Brother The payment was ordered by “The Ehivironmental Defense are In their fa.yor. The prospect But the narrowing time span Fund,” It says, “belleyes that S A V E Angel cabtnete are famous for T. Emmet Clarie. .person Ings by federal prisoners was Shakes Off Flu .^ns of the present program, District Court Judge Shermah 2 0 % Complains of Sniping that Congress wlii remain in makes all strategy chancy, the elegant look of authentic does not leave his First Amend­ “a very loosely drawn me­ but it bears little resemblance G. Finesllver Wednesday in a the Judiciary Is the one social VATTOAIN CITT (AP) Pope session to the end, has been Whatever the Senate finally ap- Colonial design and old-time ment rights behind when he morandum” which had come In to the liberalized bill passed by SHOREHAM-BY-8E1A, Eng- institution already structured to enters prison. for considerable criticism at a Paul Is agadn in good condition the senate almost 16 months land (AP) - Brian Behan, heightened by wamlhgB f|^ LT?>.»"?^a/lJrthr*toT« provide the wise responses that Yankee craftsmanship. That’s “Ours is suiqxMed C o b e &' meeting o t wardens early this after an influenza attack and aeo brother of the late Irish nlav Senate Majority Leader Mike with the House and then to a (1- may enable us to avert ecologi­ why we talked the manufactur­ strrnig society, able to support ydar, and that the regulation is will make only one' change in ^ .v .r, the eo«.«._wh, 5S?h, fP"** «<“» '-* >• Mhhrt.M «td Pr.«de« hi vote h. h,^ boa... . _ cal disaster.” ^ er into a special price for this a strcmg barrage of would come from the rop ranks soniebody has been shooting at had T’*® House has a long-stan^ —The EDF has recently sued ideas,” now'in process of being rewrit his busy Christmas-New Y ear’s month only, for our cuatomeae Beder said. ten more exidicit.” of both branches’ heavily con- ^ h ^ e b o a T ^ the M(mtrose Chemical Oorp. to only. Don’t miss it!. schedule, the Vatican said to­ servative agriculture commit- Behan told nollce Wednesdav maintaining the state s (or- flnal action on meas- new proposals from the Senate, compel it to "stop discharging The government attorney. Bar The w a^en apologized Jo Ben­ agriculture comm i B e^ told^pollce comput^ cor^rate u«s he designated as vital. One especially In tax-related mat- ry J. Cutler, argued, however. der for falUhg to answer the day. tees—probably would be closer he was asleep in a chair when DDT into the Los Angeles sewer Vatican spokesman Federico to agreement than the situation awakened by a crashing sound ^ Illegal. State officials jg ^ trade bill with a textile quo- ters. system, vdiich empties Into San­ that the Berrigans failed to lawyer’s request., for regulations said a legal victory by GM ta provision. A final threat to the textile make a “good faith attempt” to governing inmade writings, Alessandrini told a news confer- indicates. he thought was children throw- ta. Monica Bay and the Pacific ______would cost Colorado about $6 chance that the Senate quota comes from renewed ^ e rt the rights they already work-release programs, and ence the 73-year-old pontiff is no In Wednesday’s House action ing stones. He said he then that the Ocean . will be paralirzed by a qunsl-fill- negotiations with Japan for a n&v© SiS inm&ites o€ tlic other activities. longer confined to bed. He said a coalition of southern Demo- found a bullet in the houseboat armually in taxaticn of —The EDF is awaiting a PING PONG TABLE buster against funds for the su- voluntary agreement, prisim at Danbury. When he looked into the regiu- the Pope had a two-hour talk in crats and Republicans teamed kitchen. hearing on Its motion for a pre­ The Berrig^ans made only a his apartment Wednesday night up to head o t t consideration of a (Police said four or five shots withheld $880,vM in personlc transport has been re- If there Is a voluntary agree- liminary Injunction to stop fur­ lations involved, said Norton, .... i j----- .. .. ^ taxes for the years H964-66 and duced. ment, they say, much of the “minimal and perfunctory” ef- “we found we were hnneieasiv assistant Secretary of middle-ground package drafted apparenUy were fired, ther construction by the Armj^ 7 SPECIAL dort to get their Feast of St. b ^ d ^ ___ G“>vannl______Benelli.__ by Reps. Thomas S. Foley, D- Behan,____ 43,_____ a former leftist po- under protest a total Leaders have worked out a steam. behind quota leglrintion Corps of Engineers of The Vatican announced Tues- Wash., and Albert H. Quie, R- litlcal agitator, is now a student $669,267 for 1989-63. In ordering tentative agreement to Interrupt will dissipate and there will be Francis sermon cleared for dis­ to revise them ... By the time Cross-Florida Barge 'A semination outside the prism. day night that the Pope had Minn. at Essex University. He lives on payment, Finesllver added the protracted SST debate for strong sentiment to let the trade which the EIDF says de­ we got started, this suit was A substitute bill was put (or- the boat with his wife and three $20,208 in Interest on the unpaid several Ivnirs’ dally work on bill die and start fresh In 1071’s Cutler said. fUed.” come doym with influenza and stroy the wild Oklav^lia River. fever. Itik doctor said it was a ward banning food stamps for daughters. taxes. other legislation. more relaxed atmoephere. At issue in the two-day hear­ yNdftoS stuck by his objections —^The EDF also filed suit mild attack, but the weekly gen­ ing was the Berrigans’ request to the controversal paragraph against the Army^ engineers to eral audience Wednesday w e is for a preliminary injunction for­ in the Berrigans’ sermon, how­ block construc^n of a dam on bidding prison officials from canceled. the last majm: free-flowing river ever, saying he felt it should not Alessandrini said the Pope censoring or sti^lng communi­ be allowed to be published either in southem'^.Arkansas, the Cos- cations between the two Roman will celebrate Midnight Mass satot Rivbr. inside or outside the prison. Christmas Eve as usual for the Catholic priests and the outside —TM EDF has started legal The paragraph could arouse diplomatic corps in the ^Upe world. A fuU-scale hearing on the ire of prisoners who don’t “ 7 lea i^ b actipn against the Federal Avlar torir request for a permanent agree With'tl^ Berrigans, said S T V atto M ^ his second Uoh Administration on the SST, injunction has yet to come. the warden, who also expressed Christmas Day Mass as he /the Agriculture Department and There was no Immediate Indl- the (ear that "there are many usuaUy does- he will celebrate It World's Largest ^ the Health, Education and Wel­ cation when Judge a a r ie would In my professlrm who would be i„ his private chapel. His third fare Department cm presticldes issue his ruling. up in arm s” If It appeared that Miass on Christmas, following A l u e o RADIO SHACK and a fire ant eradication pro­ The Berrigans alw wek to he was “approving of this kind tradition, will be in St. Peter’s Audio Dealer gram and on the elimination of PING PONG TABLE SPECIAL have the case certified as a of thing.’ Basilica, and afterward the pon­ lead from auto exhausts. "class action” in which they — The Environmental Defense tiff will appear on the loggia o t Painted & Striped table tennis tops. would r^resent not Just them­ the basilica and read his radio Fund was bom in the controver­ selves but 21,000 federal prison­ message to the world. sy over DDT, first on Long Is­ Nominal % thick. ers. Court Upholds land, then in Michigan and Wis­ The Mass that the Pope would I set Douglas Fir Plywood Base. Cutler, however, scoffed at have celebrated outside the Vat­ consin. It was incorporated In the itea that the Berrigans are Extradition Of ican on Christmas Day will be October, 1967, originally sup­ Precut for Interlocking assembly. representative of a class. In said on the afternoon of New ported by the National Audubon Angela Davis & effect, he argued, they are al­ Year’s Day instead. The church SAVE Society, but until early this year Combination Base Top most in a class by themselves. NEW YORK (AP) _ A five- 1® San Felice Cantallci, 3-DAY was running without substantial as fpr as the prison system is judge Appellate Division panel working-class Centocelle funds. - _ Reg. 32.00 concerned. has upheld the extradition of district. “At the beginning of this year, SPEC. i4#aUU The sermon which the Beiri- black militant Angela Davis to ------EDF was a fragile organiza­ gan brothers tried to get out of California on murd^i' and kld- tion,” says Edward Lee Rogers, the prison was both criticized napping charges. Weicker Urges Pre-Christmas EDF general counsel and a for­ and praised from the witness The extradition was delayed mer Justice Department law­ stand Wednesday. until 6 p.m. today, however, to Farmland Funds yer. “We were at a low ebb fl- Fhison Warden John J. Norton permit her attorney to appeal ' nanclally.” said he found objecttoable one the case to the state’s highest WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen.- Rogers, with executive direc­ paragraph iridch urged com­ court, the Court of Appeals. elect Lowell P. Weicker Jr., R- tor Roderick A. Ouneron, and munities to put draft boards out Miss Davis, 26, a former phi­ Conn., urged President Nixon others, talked of bseoming a of business, harbor mllltaiy de­ losophy instructor at UCLA, general membership organiza- E Wednesday to continue provld- serters, refuse to pay war-relat­ was indicted in California Nov. tiem. To avoid becoming imman- ed taxes, destroy military or­ 10 in connection with a shootout t a g funds for a program that has agable, they decided members dnance and “bring the business at the San Rafael courthouse been usi^d to preserve New Eng- would not vote, there would be of this nation to a halt.” last August in which a hostage land farmland. no fancy maga^e. Judge and three other persons Bui the Rev. Paul Mayer, a Although Congress voted $196.8 ^’We said we’d tell the mem­ married Roman Catholic priest were killed. bers we’ll give them what they Miss Davis, accused of buying and a friend of the Berrigans, ’ ^ ^ tural conservation program. want—action, in the courts,” said this passage Illuminated for guns used in the shooting, has Rogers says. been held in the Women’s House Weicker said, the Office of Man­ him the statement by Jesus agement and Budget has indl- Thb turning point came when Christ that “blessed are the o'-Detention in Greenwich Vil- „ated it will not allow the monev Thursday - Fr iday-Saturday Cameron decided to spend about C w^u lutcaicu IICIC ' peacemakers,” the Biblical doc- t®*(® a^er being arrested here ^ $5,000 of the organization’s total trine that people are more im­ Oct. 13 on a "'federal fugitive warrant following a nationwide Weicker said the program has remaining assesto of $23,000 on ✓ portant than property, and the helped small farms in New Eng- an advertisement . in the New occaslcm when Christ drove the Ju st Imaolne what these would do (or your (Iroplace! “S/ers for Miss Davis Under it he added, faim- York Times on Sunday, March money-lenders out of the r® Temple. sought her release by claiming ‘'"• n th .r oIpHpb her Constitutional righto were , irri^ tion ^»^terwaya, toe ^ violated by not being, allowed to SAVE $6.40 written letters to the prison aat- tooKm/knv tt-ovr protect river banks, contre^ 4 Built with two fiber glass hells aiul lw«> F /f if P lA C f ing that Daniel Berrigan either dava of their weeds and improve conservation nylon cord plies. 1)78-14 or 6.95x14 be allowed to preach outside the ^ practices on a matetUng-fund ^Jewish StyltT Tubeless Whitewall ENSEMBLE prison or to record a sermon to lessen & Restaurant 9 Guaranteed hy Sears lo wear for a full 36 .Silent .Snow Ciiartl Plus $2.12 INCLUDES SCBFIEN, F1BESET AND ANDIBON8 be played outside the pris(»i. For Instance, he said, the fed­ months. Federal Those requests were denied by Indian Plants Useful eral government contributed 4-Band Excise Tax Warden Norton. $398,691 to Connecticut in 1969 Black Brass and Black Daniel Berrtgan’s prison case­ OKLAIKIMA CITY — Ameri- imder the agricultural conserva- Compact AM Auto Radio Shortwave Receiver oahniiM a Fall Una of Now you can put 4 snow tires on a car. It’s been' done Reg. $49.00 worker, Eugene Kelly, testified can Indians have contributed tlon program, Stereo Headphone vor Stanod Sandwlchos Reg. $58.00 Tunes "hams” , worldwide and standard AM ..Picklat - DalidaM Sotadt in Europe for years. Rear wheels are important for Seurs TubeleflA Whitewull Regular SAVE SALE Plas Federat that the priest approached him more than 60 plants to modem He said the money enables Fits In or under dash In most cars. Built-In m Va«k Styla DotMrti - CbaoM Cokn Silent Snow Guard Tires . Price PRICE Exciie Tax about the possibility of writing pharmacology. The May apple, farmers to protect their land Luxuriously alr-cushloned for comfort. speakerl Measures only 614x2x5". Includes broadcasts. Operates on car or house r jlsait B«rf HOT Cernod B*tf Starting traction.—BuL.y4uiF- car STOPS on all four 20% Iroail HOT Kniiluf ®39.95 *49.00 a sermcMi and asked: ’’They’re lor instance, an old Indian anti- and provides money to preserve Lightweight, tool #33-195 mounting hardware. Instructions. #12-1343 current. Built-In speaker with front panel wheels. Sears 4-position snow tire rides quietly, pro­ speaker/headphone jack, slide rule tuning. $RS a Cattrlng > BlrtMoy Coku D78-14 or 6.95x14 $31.99 $6.40 25.59 $2.12 not going to let us write ser­ dote for warts, is now known to New England’s natural beauty ow n Son. • Tten. TU11 A.A4. # 2 0 - 1 2 0 vides great starting and stopping traction, lasts longer. mons, are they?” contain an antitumor substance, and environment. REG. ~ Fri. a Sot. TUI 2 A.M. E78-14 or 7.35x14 $33.99 $6.80 27.19 $2.35 REG. J 9 « REG. ggw r H n r at Raaps” ar Ukt out anything on Not ready for 4 Silent Snow Guard Tires? Try 2 . . . tor loanu (Froo IMIutry To U Conn) F78-14 or 7.75x14 $35.99 S a le ' $TORM 429-6429 You'll be glad you did! $7.20 28.79 $2.55 S a le S a le A im lliK Miopplas Contkr a ManaHoM Golorflame pres-to-logs (fHa. 44A • Hoar «to. I ts Noxt To A & P) G78-14 or 8.25x14 $38.99 $7.80 31.79 $2.67 Steel Studs Available, for Maximum Traction j H78-14 or 8.55x14 $41.99 $8.40 33.59 $2.93 STARTS Only $7.00 More Per Tire CLEAN, LONG- F 78-15 0/ 7.75x15 4 3 7 .9 9 ,$7.60 30.39 $2.61 LASTING FIRE LOGS G78-15 or 8.25x15 - $40.99 TONIGHT! OUR LAYAWAY PLAN; Use Sears Easy Payment Plan $8.20 32.79 $2.77 THAT BURN IN 4^ is now in effect H78-15 or 8.45x15 $43.99 . $8.80 35.19 $2.98 BRIGHT, EXCtTINO O PEN TILL Transistorized A S K A B O U T I T LWTl COLOR81 26-Range CB Microphone Not All Sizes Available at. All Sears Stores AC/DC Auto - Steel Multitester REG. Reg. $1.69. SPECIAL Communications Receiver Ignition System Kit Wheels LAM anT MLKCTION OF Most ♦1.29 0 9 9 O F V K N O ^ ^ ^ J J W rt Q Q Q S REG- NSW aicvckjn in th b 13>inch 7 «EGjj4«r M 5Q vcnnon anka #20-150\o Sa/e #22-049 S a le Most 1 4 - in ...... 8.99 S a le #21-1170 #29-3203 S a le w f lYoffwiniiilty AMCinliled Most 14-in “ LITTLE RED WAGONS" ...... 8.99 lo 11.99 EVERY NIGHT TILL XMAS ACCESSORIES & GIFTS NOTICE Stereo Mike System AM Radio/CB Station FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE 6-Channel Mobile Tobelenq Guardfman Highway 1st 2nd Pla5 Federal ALLSTATE Passenger Tire Guarantee or XRT Snow Tlrci Btackw atl B lackw all Eacloe T a a WE WILL BE OPEN CB Transceiver. Tread Life Guarontee $ 1 .7 8 l iJ i l Guaranteed Against: AlUire 6.5 0 x 1 3 S21.99 15.39 SATURDAYS TIU 4 P.M. failures from normal road hat* FO R YO U R anU or ilcfcL'U in material or 7.3.5x14 $ 2 4.99 17.49 $ 2 .0 4 workmanahip. 7.7.5x14 HOURS CONVENIENCE Compact Auto 8- For How Long: For the lif* $ 2 6.99 18.89 $2.17 of the oriBinal trend. 8 .2 3 x 1 4 $2.33 9;30 AJil. W hat S ean Will Do: In et* $29.99 20.99 R 2l MILES O F chani^ for the lire, replnrc it to Track Stereo Player charninic only fur the pro|M>r* .5.60x1.5 $ 2 2.99 16.09 $1.75 COUNTERS tlon of current aclting price 11.-00 P.M. POST ROAD SHOPPING PLAZA }>lua Feilrral Kaciae Tax that 7.7.5x15 $27.99 19.59 S 2.19 REG. R E G . ^ g i S " ' MAIN STREET, ROUTE 30 rei>reaen|a tread uaed. Re|>air 3 3 6 "EG- Jgg fS nail puncturee at no charge. • AM PLE 4450 VERNON, pONN. 8 7 2 -3 1 6 9 8.1.5x15 $ 3 0.99 21.69 $ 2 .3 6 #12-1827 S a le #33-1024 S a le #60-3028 FAST PARKING S a le #21-126 S a le < 8.4.5x 1.5 $ 3 3.99 23.79 $2..53 NORTH CHECKOUTS ■USew.. Tnee. • Wed. - Sat- 9:80 —' Si8S FJ8- WhiteKtilU .\vuiluhle with 30% Off the 2nd Tire IWeG^GLENNEY EASY H mi»> a IW . F J I . MAIN MANCHESTER PARKADE "Shop Your Nearest Sears Store" CO. CREDIT 64 WE'hONOR CHARGE CAROS Charge It: TEimieNE M 806 A U . SICYCUM______BRIDGErORT IIAMOKN 0RA.M ;E SPRINGFIELD WF.ST HARTFORD WEST SPRINGFIELD WATERBURY STREET COMPARE OUR PRICES . OPEN KMPWKWAIIW GUARANTBSD laifayeltc Pitta 3301 DiiwHI Avc. 80 B o (l& Fall Rd. ISPS Booton Rd. Corbin', C o n ^ 135 Mcmoii,! Av*. Niurituck ViUty k k l TRADE-1 PC ACCUTED Sears VERNON STORE ONLY ■ TRI-CITY PLAZA - RT. 84-15 - EXIT 95 MOIOAY-SATURDAY 10- 1 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. MANCHESTER MIUDLEIOHN TORRINCrrON DXNBCRV HOLYOKE NORWALK WESTFIELD NORTHAMPTON 348 Middle Tp.ke. W. 323 Main St. WkuM R4. 129 Main Si. 1 City Hall Court 90 Wall St. 4 t Main SI. 50 Main Si. 5 .X TEL. 6 4 9 -5 2 5 3 MANCHESTER ■ V - \

/ PAGE TWENTY-FIVE MANCBES’TER EVEraNG HEBALD.'m ANCHESTEE, com. THUBSDAY. DECEMBER 17, lOTC MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER', CONN.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR directors of the parent Hughes of our natural lives,’’ said the with Hughes for years by tele­ Man Injured, Volcanoes ’Tool Col who swooped in from portly, red - cheeked former phone and written notes. ’That Only Hughes Texas after Hughes’ reportedly FBI agent. “I planned • my en­ communication ceasdd myster­ Struck by Va^ left for, a Bahamas vacation. tire future on his prcHnlse.’' iously in September, he said. Sym bolize Can Fire Me, Maheu ^ a court order block­ ’The tool company forces “I received Information from Michael Ricci, 84, of 686 W. The Baby Has ing a toM ccompany takeover. claim Hughes signed a proxy one of his assistants that he was Main St., was struck by a panel A court hearing on a tool com­ that gave them power' of. attor­ not feeling well and I should van as he crossed Woodland Rom ances continue with certain projects I Maheu Says pany bid to quash the 2, Han- by, Often, happy7aced little Mexi­ ,®e Rd., Rockville. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. can children with bright brown FreSeriCk Davis Sr., RED 2, White Rd., Crystal Lake, Rock­ eyes cheerfully romp through ville. She has a brother, William; and two sisters, Vlokl and fields or near the safety of their Christina. ’em berdh ipS ahack-Uke homes. ^ Kelly, David Ihomas, son of Hiomas and Baitera Bra- Soon the dw^Ungs become R FD 'l, Hebron. He was bom Nov. 80 at Manches- less frequent and one begins to Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr*. notice the skyline. It is then, off Arlene Braman, RFD 1, Hebron; and Robert Brabam, New in the distance to the left that Britain. His paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James L # ut company offers memberships io ten gradually increasing • tone up the two snowcapped volcanoes L. KeUy, Marietta, Okla. He has a brother, R o^rt, 1%. are spotted. «i 6 e: *• m • tension It is obvious that Dctacclhuati price phases. You benefit by enrolling no^ because your rate at the time is the female because It resem­ Oobum, Ronald Jr., son of Ronald 6r. and Deborah Reed • 'ndiV/c/ua/ progpayng bles a sleeping woman. Off to Cobum, J072 Burnside Ave., Apt. Bl, Hast Hartford. He was of enrollment continues throughout your membership. the right proudly stands Popo­ was bom Nov. 80 at Mancheider Memorial Hospital. His mater­ • Personalized service For folovision^ stereo and appliance gifts catepetl—the warrior. nal gpiandparents are Lt. Col. and Mrs. Hrary Reed, Frank­ 87th in the nation — one link m the world’s largest chain of the finest Legend says that Ixtaccihuatl fort, Ky. H|a paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Garnett " “‘■•’m orpw ^ save this handy shopping guide was a beautiful young Indroved SPECIAL FROM OUR CHRISTMAS CATALOG WITH FN/AM AND FM '■ by Selective Service Director To Improve circulation STEREO RADIO STEREO RADIO Curtis W. Tarr. ^ and atrengthen heart In hH r.tiremenf, hs na s A Fears was head basketball action. continuing odivHy to «*sp ISR 4*ipMd aMMUtic/PUnul taratiMi. Imt- 4-ipMd ISR MtonwHe/maninl tm tiMn witk coach at Norfolk State from 1962 ,\\ov«’ him feeling 0<>o,f '"TX • cunklg CMirel. FFT cirevitry in FM tuner to 1969, compiUng a 162-31 won- Created for discriminating men Itlvt FM itirM FM-AM itMW tritk kailt-la To relax from the ten- y e a n . H* » enloy n im Ikt NMtititT and lowin ikn Intortion lost record. and women who enjoy beirig trim, •lone of the day that regular sessions of tee MltniM. T*fi« l^k-ilM lf liii iptfkert. livil. Fears’ appointment was an- cause undue fatigue (that Spo, among the friendly <:y4n d ctt Z O D IA C » nounced by both Holton and healthy, younger-looking sleep cannot remove). staff ond congenial conipanioni. Tarr. ■ . . He wiU serve In the poet Indef- Tg. remove lactic acids ■ /KqseAfjr"- initriy and receive $22,888 a and other fatigue prod- •169” 239 year. Before After ucta from the body and Visml Insure proper elimination Because I, too. need to relax, WEBCOR SCOTT of waste. relieve tension, tone up my . R ates a re wttf Gany Look provenN within the -SCOTT To build up new pep and body and get back to WEBCOR ATLANTA, Oa. (AiP) — A in tliree weels. energy that will anabla my ideal weight! average budget OOMPMT 3TERE0 robber has to be careful with you tp be more conslat- . STEREO \ FMhirtt pl«g-lM for nitra ipnikin, the money he gets in a stlckiq) i ently active— without iMSdpIlMM ttp i Md CW tfMfi, md lni> these days—It ihay suddenly tiring. MM ititi 4-tpiid tutomitie crepkenn end M ttr. “ F irfM tw s” flM hn haul off and squirt tear gas at sttiM phonogripk. 2 matckid • IWit M M yM kitw wIm* yM’En tnnnd tpiikir tyttimt tppant* ip M him. To keep phyaloally and Truly dnmotic results permmenriy rigkt. A tear gas device about the mentally alert. To alow 16 H. for vibrant ttimn n m I rt- e m u M en n m p u t , . down the det-fl fit ,.-,-..,rclli-ks ol you. .igr or phys.^,il rnm l I ,- ■ 1 health and wall being. A hedllhy .sppp.tr.vncf will help you Ret Ahr.uJ comm eonplntn ivitfc dntt c iv ir . Syhteit no m .itti-r wh.it's youf |ob oi OsCUp.tt'OO, ViRorouS looh"u: '»m’ 0 B racelet ^3®® Colorful Gilliert ChMyup look successful .vre successful' modtl number MMtZW. 6464260 To enjoy life to the FULL! Plastic Gup From Hardoo’s It’s part of your heritage-your ...FOR WOMD4 Zodiac sign. Now Anson makes it a siib. f jshion your fif’un* Io new lovt'lini’ss . Ihe t'.isy w.i i a v The kids will love this big (14 «»«•>. t\rrvlhm g. you we.tr will look bclli’f on you you 'l I* ■ \ drinking cup. A ik! it's your s FREE with the iloinf’. Ihings. P.omR pl.ices .tF’,.iin. Rem em ber, men .id' *' bright part of your "now” look. ] wont.tn who tares enouf'.l' li> l.tke C.tre of h e rsfil’ OPEN EVERY NIGHT MON. THRU SAT. ’TIL 9 P.M. FAIRWAY. purchase of a large soft drink. So hurry down Magnificently simple Bracelet Ring I ilM UF n iM UF SACGINC (ND SFAFf F/RSI $irmccm MusciiS B U )f llN f TIB I lO O l or Tight oiry Necklace—either one •AVON • H A R T F IR O to Hardee’s. It's our way of saying Merry • W. HARHORD • W ITM IRtrilll • wmiioR is a rich, meaningful adornment. m Christmas" to all our friends. MO W I Mtin $f. 3510 M il. Sf. Corhini .C^rntr Wiugiur Reute 44 T.l.phoi). Sh.pfing C«rt«r Toluphonu St>e?pi"« Won, USE . CREDIT An-7307 ' 532-7154 UI-0770 I2t-33M U0427S ' e m y night Ym 6*1. SUOOR Service E. HARTFORD VERNON Yeu Set fill 9! CHARCO-BROILED HAMRURGERS AnywKere Frempt b*)eff H. FeeteryTreifMl' 834 SOnr Lane Reule 30 Servieemen cosmetic SM Its •THE «EM OF MAIN ^T«E*r’ Broad Street next to the Manchester Parkade 515 Middle Turnpike West Oteil If HhMI IMnIrfit, liY. TeL 2894»221 T el. ^87241521 O tn e MPM sets MANCHESTER Menchester, Conn. AteltMieiyetUSI / / 1.


MANCHESTER^EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER.' CONN.. THURSDAY, .DECEMBER 17, PAGE TWENTY SIX The d r y Side yland Walloped and Goach Clobbered \ * r Ski Notes Equipment o f Sports Dates, Starting Times Set Rival Gager Rockets Given Works By DEAN R. YOUT Noted Takes Shot'" By Hawks’ Hazzard In TiiMTT first longer, nylon and metal cleats EaBt Cathofic^8 Football Stetigtics For NFL Division Playoffs EAST LANSING, Mich. Last year, when M»U ««t ^ A tD riesell fA-D\ Minhiimn State playing and practicing 3 ^^ lo kneeinjuries and four - „ were recently released by East NEW YORK (AP) — If Atlanta’s ^all Hazzar4 were MTTW V O R tf lA P i _ U it is the AFC'i fourth quail- New York wins, the game In champion. Cincinnati or Cleve- (AP) — Michipn State ^ asphalt-based play- ap^ined ankles led the Ust of Catholic s 1970 team which compiled a record of two NEW YORK (AP) — to give Alex Hannum the shirt off his back, the harried NEW Y O R K v A r i playoffs. New York wUl be at 3 p.m. It land, If Kansas Cty Is the Umversity, playing all Ot gurface, season-long injuries categories that cost the S p m i ^ ''"wins and Qight losses. This was the first losing season in The Maryland Terrapins San Diego coach probably would take it. All Hazzard Dates and starting times t^evr York, Dallas or St. will begin at 4 p.m. If at Dallas fourth qualifier, its 10-game football sched- ^bout a do«en players top players on f< ^ l^ w > - the schwls eight-year varsity football season. It also not only got walloped by gave the Rockets Wednesday night, however, Vas the was Cliff Demers first losing ______------)— _ w ork s. for the National Football Louis—National conference or St. Louis. National Broadcasting ule on supposedly safer _m ore than twice the norm and the South Carolina Game­ .« year to four campaigns as head ^ „ -V 7 Hannum protested toe Hawks’ cocks, their coach got division Pla/9«^" sTS: nsr- <-•'*” “t By BILX. BACHBRBK artificial turf, this year over all the years stretcl^ won't knock ' coach. Interviewed. Roy, toe most H r k T k 'n 128-117 National BasketbaU As- Lttered more ilayer injur- .... ,0 •• As a team East scored 107 schoolboy In toe socked, too. soclation victory because they, Saturday and Sunday, Dec. western Dlvlsllon divisional playoffs nations^ Skied at Otis Ridge last Sun- ies than ever before. st^d in Bast cSons. . total potots against 184 for toe I have narrowed my Lefty Driesell, toe Terps’ I" 1 • like the visiting Rockets, wore coach, was punched by John lU- ^vSeoT;i:iSVv’'&in^ ss£^/:..p.vs But whUe the team doctor ^ e t y was ^ J ^ ^ s “ r q ^ l o n that the opposition. Leading toe scoring down to 12 schools.” XIX I tX 0 H I P Xl X S dark shirts. He contended toe parade was halfback John Whol- ^®®''' Class M. bock, a South Carolina planter, r similarity was a factor in San - as he tried to break up a 'fight ^ s'T.s.r rp.rs;r,.«.«^ »«■« ley with 64 points, coming by ®®*” “ )nsJs hooped a record 60 X X IVI i'k'M gz XT Btego’s 19 turnovers. It was toe .. way of nine touchdowns. Full- against Middletown High, among players of both, teams i- fU & L y ■ first time this season an oppo- back Bill Perry tallied 12 points P’ormer trainer for Manches- that erupted near toe Miaryland ^ nent had committed more tum- lorexice X1KWS».%J**4 Diw.i„ci»m.s-raT*«»*v*» — h.toa, to*.,r ------n«»,------EOT.- « » .« « « ;.. Zy. “ .to- («.nU>r .».• Her. 0 .., i»U «. i^Tmod.n, ,96. .t a » » f ^ , r » t t r ir^Ulon, U»y t o y . to , on two ’TD’s while Pat Ward. sports, Jerry Katona, bench Wednesday night. MEMPHIS, Term. (AP) — “ I overs than toe Hawks, ___,1 -.■ -’...1 K.r eh.. tonoiiUQ nt snimefl elsditelg^it to to 14 Inch Inch base of man- man- -„„i„nnent that’s that’s worn worn these these Major Major manufacturers manufacturers bought ter c « ^ , toere’s greater pur» split the uprights on 11 ex- ®*- Southern Connecticut The melee caused referee was prepared to lose money to “Atlanta was not wearing gl^ ^ 'S p iZ ^ h S ^ r or"^tTi^r. b S‘« D ^ or Oa^rd vs. AFC’s toui^Tq^ "^^cemllS made snow, the only good snow ^ lavish advertisemente In mass- suit, he said. L, tra point attempts. Overall, ®*:®'*® College, handled toe fresh- Gene Conley to call off'toe col­ the first season. But not $2(X),000 ■white uniforms, which toe home C l^ la n d ^ ^ ^ v s . Kansas City St. Louis win the JIPC East. If tier If Miami Is It or vs. Central on December 26-27. within 90 miles anywhere; then ^ ^ injuries for the MSU circulated sporting magazines ^ d the ■ Bast scored 16 touchdowns. ’ footbaU team and is now lege basketbaU game tit Colum­ to toe first two months of opera- team is supposed to do,” JHan- came mother nature and de- Snartans gp^rtans thisthte year, 18 sidelined and athletic trade puoucauonspubUcattons umiormu n l f ^ the- - - - inli - - - V In the airways, toe Eagles’ fo r the varsity, basket- bia, S.C. with 4:62 left to play. tlon,” commented Memphis num explained. “ After we threw posited a blanket of 11 Inches K t ^ S ^ ^ U y „ g r /„ ,r theS .^ rest ofto theito to» tout,», thetto contributionvtotritoUto ofto theirUitor “ ““ Tito J^geetoS outstanding signal-caller, Brien team. At toe time the nationally sec­ Pros’ owner P.L. Blake Wednes­ the ball away a half-dozen ond-ranked Gamecocks were far Hockey Fines and condltlMis were excellent. Jarrett said. Some 19 fields to avoiding Injuries. rate. He s a ^ he a ----- ^ _ M Sullivan tossed , toe ball 192 Buzz Keeney, injured during times, I protested because both ahead at 96-70 and that went day. f •nie temperature on arrival ..,„««^•important B n t players”nlavers” missed Wearing s&>rt, short, mold^-nibber molded-r ^rfer a . times, completed 94 for a to- *^® softball season at Mt. Nebo Blake was reacting to toe de­ teams were wearing dark uni­ was 18 and It 4Jdn’t get over 26 into’ the books as toe final score. ”c«Sd«uble portions” of the cleats long used by ^rope^ tal yardage of 883 yards. He ''’hen he popped out to second cision. of toe American Basket­ forms. It was particularly- bad Total $13,600 all daj^, no wliw and It made “ John Rlbock hit me,” said Spartans’ 4-6 seastei this fall, soccer teams, players suited- ^ °y,e^h^ . averaged 9.4 yards per pass. base and had his leg to a cast, baU Association to assume fi- because of toe lighting, Which I skiing Just tremendous. said Fred Stabley, sports in- IV face less rieOt to knees ment — ^ c ^ y Sullivan’s ace receiver. Norm back in the sports picture to Driesell who suffered a bruised cheek and lip. “ All I was trying nanclal control of the Memphis won’t call bad but I will label F o r B raw ls Very little waiting In line; formation director. and ankles than they had with mete without face masks. YSster, hauled to 23 passes for Manchester. Although it isn’t franchise. peculiar. Their uniforms had a skied all the trails even the lit­ to/'do was to get him off peo­ MONTREAL (AP) — Some 209 yards. Fran Tursl had 20 jumping, Keeney Is playing Sen- The action was revealed definite bearing on toe game." tle beginners’ area and the ple.” INUtiuiituNational Hockeyrawivcy Leaguejucocsuc play ___w , grabs for 248 yards. Reserve lor League basketbaU vrith Wednesday, M d toe league wlU Hazzard scored 10 points over -C ubs’ Banks Distant Second— ' quarterback Joe Druzolowski Moriarty Brothers and volley- Rlbock was not available for ers may have second thoughts "fUA nAmtle are CheneyTech comment. seek a new owner for toe club. a three-minute stretch early in tossed toe pigskin 19 times, ball with toe Latvians, ’ Jack Dolph, ABA commission- toe fourth quarter to break open before they become em b i^ ^ frienSr ^ of sk l^ ’Hie j^ompleted nine for 134 -yards. Even though there is snow on Rick Aydlett of South Carolina and Jay Flowers of Marylemd er, reportedly plans to keep toe a tight game. He finished with It *^''®**’®*®“ * ^ area Is just 88 mUes from here, Cagers Bow , Tlte Eagles punted toe ball the ground, building of modl- while b r ^ ls this season. ^ Tiger Veteran Kaline first came to blows under toe team In Memphis, however, and 31 potots and 11 assists, ,^46 times for 1,291 yards or an fled stock cars is taking place, Gamecock basket. ’The officials seek a new owner who will keep Pete Maravlch scored 27 and The players-members ^ you in the parking lot and -average of. 28.6 yards per punt. In Manchester Marc Zimmer- Montreal. ’T o r o n t o ^ to n , Chi- l o s t ^ ^ shuffle, I'i'o Windham broke that up, but toe fighting the club here. Bill Bridges 20, with a like num­ ,,, The backfield combination of man, brother of Denis Zimmer- cago, Minnesota, C ^ o m ia and in the base of Voted Hiiteh Award erupted again near toe Mary­ Heavy cash losses combined ber of rebounds. San Diego got 7 . Wholley, Peiry, Rich DeGem- man, Is nearing completion of Pittsburgh—received w ofd “ - - land bench among players from with poor home attendance 31 points from Stu Lantz and 30 riusDurgn—re cB iv ^ w «< « Berkshlres In the land of DAYTON. Ohio (AP) — Veteran Detroit Tigers out- season, Cheney Tech’s oasKet- ; mis, Pete White, Steve Longo, a new Stocker for Stafford Wednesday from NHL President both teams. prompted Blake’s decision to from Elvto Hayes. Wednesday from N I^ b»e “ >0^ belt, and close enough f jgjjgj. Kaline has been voted the 1970 Hutch Award ball team feU victim to Wlnd- Mark Branches!, and Bruzolow- Speedway. . . Racing director at Elsewhere to toe NBA, New ham ’J’ech yesterday aftemowi "It was like a bomb, explo­ sell toe team, which he moved ^ ® -e a long10^ ride home. _ by major A i leagueKaline baseball writers and broadcasters.broadcasters bam Tech_y^terday ^ tem ^ ; ski totaled 1,104 yards, in 327 Stafford. BIU Slater is in toe York trounced Cleveland 108-84, league is Imposing as a result of at home, 66-44. It was the sixth sion,” said Frank McGuire, to Memphis from New Orleans Met the Clavln Blsiiers for­ ------Hie award, spMisored by the carries. Average per ca i^ was process of rebuilding toe famed Los Angeles whipped Cincinnati' five general melees this season. South Carolina coach. “ Some to August. merly from town now residing • T • Hutchinson Cancer Schol- straight defeat for the wtoless 3.4 yards. ■y.g racing to New York. '. . Campbell doled out a total of gimebury spark set it off, and then who Charles ■ Cavagnaro, Pros’ 118-102, and San Francisco de­ llA f'lvrk'I'l' ,1 r b T I 6 arstolp Fund Inc., Is voted to a locals. In first downs. East Catholic -Pob LeDoux, who drove to 11 feated Seattle 108-91. n 6.8M to fines f o l l o ^ an I It was close for three peris really knows what happened aft­ general manager, said he antici­ Three lifts service the area VFJ.E A J iW X l.O ^lajor league player who best tallied 103, only one below toe victories to toe six - cycltoder New York, held to a 60-50 half­ investigation Into the five ______Windham holding 10-9, 2^ er that?” pates no changes in toe team’s T-Bar, Poma, J-bar plus a exempliftes the competitive to' opposition. class at Stafford, sold his car time tie, outacored Cleveland brawls. Included to the total “ I shook hands with Driesell,” personnel or poUcies under toe small rope tow for the five stincts and character o l the late 20 and 88-35 edges. However, in „ East vrill lose 21 senior grid- and will appear to a modified 30-16 to toe third period and sent was 913,600 given automatically Would Like McGuire continued. “ But he ABA’S supervision. slopes and trails, from novice Cincinnati Reds manager. the final eight minutes toe dera to ^aduation including the ride. . . Fred DeSarro, toe modl- the atrocious Cavaliers to their for the Infractions. , was very mad.” •The move by toe ABA is not It Hutchinson, who died of can- -Hiread ^® SulllvaA, fled champion, started 78 events, sixth consecutive defeat and A club fine of $1,000 against “ cer^ to November 1964 whUe count to a dozen potato at toe “ I would like for somebody to unique. Last season toe league Montreal was assessed because The sW school Is dlrec y Game Playoff Wholley, White M d Perry, plus won 25 of them and finished to research how many times this 33rd to 35 games. Walt Frazier ends Yester M d Tursl. / toe top five 54 times. There are took over toe Miami franchise paced toe Knlcka ■with 22 points the Canadlens were Involved to Ji"™ S ^ e “:hr^e^’,^ke^to J^L add p«ed to^^^^ South Carolina team has been and found a new owner for It. three of the five Incidents on ^ ® ^ ® “ '. / three cars to toe Sonny KoszeUa involved in fights over the last and John Johnson had 21 for toe which Campbell passed judg- ^c^ch the Individual rather than uonal Football League salu H artford Auto Shoty stables, toe owner of DeSarro’s two seasons,” Driesell said. losers. ment Wednesday ^ mass production approach, Tuesday night the Detroit Lions ^“ ^'^e"to“ 96^*-"S? Ne? ^uSu f BIU Justice Wilt Chamberlain, who scored Y ou n g est man ever to win netting 11 and 10 points respec ’’There is no excuse for a team hoo AAt which Is unique. A complete have asked about the possibility the.youngesi man ever i« wui that has this much basketbaU Stars Blast Pros 35 iKilnts, pulled down 18 re­ t atnn’ ’ ^a\A C jim nY y^ servlce and repair department (,( a one-game playoff rather the ^'American League batting tlwly. wSr talent fighting when they have a bounds and had six assists, Once again ’Tech’s most po­ ' Pedro,pjto.' Calif.,S x will Jli lietf featured •" "• pomrea ty Oh.vy 427'>. ••PAn’aiHPQ uHii L inerensed available, plus a new one on than a coin flip to determine the crownNylth a .340 mark to 1966, Ooc< 30-p61u.t lead. I don’t think it In ABA Warfare helped Los Angeles to a 21-point Penalties wiu oe mcreaseo, „ WnrA vnn buv. Here _____h ...... • tent «scorer, Ken Larrimore top­ ,,a t toe National Rod and Cus- „ i Includtoe suspension until the ^ ^ you buy. Here second-place playoff team to toe carries lifetime hitting av- should be tolerated.” lead in toe third period and an ped toe Beavers with 22 mark­ tom Show at toe Hartford Freghman Hoopgterg (AP Photo) p roD «^ su lt to achieved ” you try out various dememstra- National Conference. erage of Howard 'White scored 38 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS easy triumph over Cincinnati. ers. State Armory, Jan. 22-24. ~ i . SKATES NO HELP — Detroit’s Hank Monteith flipped over on his back after ^ A^rule went into effect last niodels of your choice; a g„ch ^ move, however, would Kaline' Ipsest competition points for Maryland while Tom •ITie Utah Stars made toe Jerry West added 25 potots Cheney Is to action again GabeUch set a new land- being checked by California’s Wayne Muloin in NHL action • last night. In 1970 v otto g ^ m e from Ernie Monday to and away contest Owens led South Carolina with Memphis Pros look like toe that left him 17 diy of the 20,000 Icago Cubs. speed record of 622.47 mllerper Tf.!: n * rankest apiateurs Wednesday with Granby High. 28. mark for his career. Tom Van ta r ,«th hi. 38-lta ,0 V 'bZ S 'S ',“Z , “ .r'’Z X ‘b3 nig^it. Previous Hutch\Award,\A\ win- WlBdham ( » > ’The Gamecocks were-.toe only Arsdale was high for toe Royals . .. u,, . i 1 Fair enough? B P P ts . Flame’ rocket car Oct. 23rd, f' ®„ or varsity DWi Back-To-Back Shutouts for Rangers’ Goalies to leave his bench” to join a- “2,^ •“ j =.=”L?spokesman for S toe NFL ' said —» were MickeVkoV Mantle team to the Associated Press With nine players scoring in with 26. Ladd 7 4 18 wlU enhance toe futuristic double figures, toe Stars blasted Judson is to be congratulated Commissioner Pete Rozelle told (1968), ..gn. Sandy K o u f ^ (1966), Justloe 6 0 W fhtav... 1.1 , state candidate a year ago, Is Top Twenty to see action. Jeff Mullins and Jerry Lucas All fines will be withheld by bi keeping toe price ^ skltag toe Lions he did not think such Carl Yastrzemski (1967>. Pete ChurchBl 4 8 11 ^me^of toe motor vehicle spec- captain of toe Navy beat Georgetown 76-69 toe Pros 146-101 In American provided toe fourth-period scor- Gagnon 4 0 8 the respective clubs from toe within eve^one’s reach as oto- consent would be forthcoming. Rose (1968) and Tony CojilgU- Heon 0 a 0 Ts,- hopwi.___ __ 1. , X freshman squad. Tom Juknis is to two overtimes, Fordham Basketball Association. ’Hie impetus in San Francisco’s salaries of players Involved and er areas prices have skyrocket- The three teauns that could be aro (1969). (Uafaeu 4 1 9 f R**! (I^nsselaer Poly In- whipped Columbia 83-67, Brown only other game saw Kentucky conquest of Seattle. Mullins col­ New Face Mask Big Help HAYMAKER ON TARGET — Maryland Coach Lefty Driesell was the target defeat Indiana 126-110. go to toe NHL players’ emer- involved in a coin flip—Detroit, TVjtalB M ~8 s i ®tltu‘ e) playing as a guard. Tom upended Yale 79-66, Louisiana lected eight of his 23 points and You must sW here to believe r (44) for a haymaker tossed by South Carolina’s John Ribock during free-for-all. Donnie Freeman’s 22 potots gency fund. Dallas and toe New York Giants Clu - ^ racing. He participated gulllvan Is on toe varsity at State defeated Tulane 94-79 and Lucas six of his game-high 29 to It. 'The package deals, ski vaca­ lenkowskl 1 0 a were high for Utah, which —^were to be consulted ’Thurs­ Europe Writers . o d e a 0 4 ' ®P®®** Colby College. Ed Rowley, bat- Brigham Young trampled Den­ Jimmy Powell of South Carolina grabbed coach just before he was decked. toe Warriors’ last-quaijer spurt. tions, lessons are just fabulous. day concerning details of toe Beaulieu 0 0 0 :: boats drapactag and sky-div- tUng hi» way through toe ranks, ver 100-72. opened a 60-point lead when Lenny Wllkens topped the Su- M edt ■ 0 8 8 Dick Nemelka’s layup with 4% As Giacomin Gets Shutout East Grapplers After a day of good skltog we toss. Qorte^cy a 0 a . tag plus ^ o m t a g a test astron- ig „n toe U.S. Naval Academy Jack Conrad’s basket broke a perSonlcs with 28. settled to toe apres-skl atmos­ Tab Pele No. 1 1 1 3 minutes left made it 137-87. onds apart to toe second period Even If toe three teams in­ Landry ” aut at toe age of 22, eight frosh squad. 'Jim Sullivan is 63-63 tie to the second extra pe­ Contrasting Games jin Rec Play NEW YORK (AP) — Ed downed Los Angetes 6-4. Else- phere of toe Grouse House at Goebee 1 0 a Dan Issel’s 32 potots paced and ran his total for the season Pin Fitch High volved agree to a playoff, toe LONDON (AP) — Pele, the Tomko 8 0 6 o y*ar8 aga presently starting with toe Man- riod and put Navy ahead for _. . , 1. j f ___ where, Toronto whipped Pitts- East Catholic High’s " ’wres- B rtto m ^ toe a Larrlmone 10 , a 2 2 GabeUch broke toe land-speed Chester Community College good as toe Middles snapped a Kentucky to Its first victory to Giacomin s brand new face ^.2 , Chicago walloped st. to 28 goals to 30 games. He has other 23 teams to toe league soccer star from Brazil, was. Most Valuable ~0 44 •>p record of Craig Breedlove of team. four-game losing streak. three starts against Indiana. mask is one-for-one — a Louis 8-3, Montreal tied Mlnne- had 14 in toe last nine games. Uing team opened Its season on ungry must also approve It. At a regu- Totalsotala \ IS19 o a winning note Tuesday by de- George Vlncek and his faml- Sportsman of 1970 Soore at liS]$ 2660 Wlndfaam In 1966, East landed all its St. Francis, Pa. humbled East After trailing by 12 at halftime, BOSTON (AP) — Unebacker E lar league meeting, only 20 Cues Edge Manors, sota l-l and California turned Stan Mikita, previously trou- Wednesday to an Associated toe Pacers rallied for a 102-all John Bramlett has been voted shutout in its first Nation- h ip r b v 'u ^ 'lle w ml7 redu'^ing Groton, 1/ dividing the ton^ be^een * * * starting members on coUege Carolina 71-67, Wichita State SPICE — Pauline Belling^Uri bled by toe new luie reauemg Snow. Sharon votes would be required. deadlock. But toe Colonels took the Boston Patriots’ most valu­ al Hockey League appear- ^______Press poll of European sports Last N i Fighls Faces in the Crowd teams. Ray LaGace went to routed Nevada, Reno, 97-69, To­ 138, Pat Lappen 343. general man- toe curve of toe blade on his “ ^lew c ^ h ^ o h n LaFon- Sheehan, a faculty member at 'Writers. Heavywelg^it boxer Mu­ LAS VEXI Nev. — Denny Boston College, Tom Malin at ledo triop ^ San Francisco toe lead for good and Jim Ugon able player for 1970 by his team­ ance. You can t ask tor a ager-coach of the Rangers, re- stick to a mere half-inch, ex lUtog, and sister Jill at Powder SENdAI, Japan—Lion B\irya hammad All was toe onlys^tmer Moyer,w* , 167%,,M I -Pokland, ------Ore., This past week o nan area Assumption, FYank Kinel at St. State 71-64 and Miami of Ohio KACEY—Will Simon 2U-669, scored elg^t of their laat 13 mates to toe National Football Scheibel’s Victors League club. better debut than that. wards his goalies with $100 bo- ploded for four goals to lead toe Five Eagle grapplers were Ridge. ma, 139^, Japan, outpointed lean named, being picked outpointed Oriando de la EVen radio sports show, Tom Roy toe Peters in Jersey City, Bill Troy downed Ball State 70-63 in other Bob Audet 202, Yvan Audet 201, t® ''"a P ®P- tes, 160, Los Angeles/ lO. Giacomin kicked out 20 shots nuses for shutouts but Glaco- Black Hawks past St. Louis. able to pin their opponents: See you on toe mountain. Chu Eul-Tal, 138, South Korea, eighth. 6-9 center for toe South Wind- at St. Anselm’s and Paul games. Two contrasting games took place Wednesday night joe Belanger 200, Mario Prat- Wednesday night for his fourth min’s Job Wednesday was even Mlldta, who had only five 98. — Gravelle (EXJ) pinned sor High basketbaU team was Walckowskl played at Harvard. in Senior League action at Tiling School. In the opener, taroii 2oe-669, Jim Coiia 200, shutout of the season—toe first more expensive for the club, goals before Wednesday,^ scored M. Rodgers (F) 1:40 Scheibel Bros, easily outclassed the Marines, 119-48. A Ron Jeroszko 212, Jim Watt 206, one to his ghosUy-looking new ■niat's because the mask he was three times to Qilcago’s106 — Oorrey flve- (P) pinned Mac- Fred Nasslff 665. mUky white mask—as toe New wearing Is a custom-built $160 goal second period as toe Black Rams and Cards Setting Fi^t Pace------M S K i T B S U . strong rivalry resumed between two softball power­ chl (EC) 2:26 houses and toe result was a — . ------r :------C York Rangers blanked toe Buf- job. Hawks wiped out a 3-1 St. Louis 112 — Savtoo (E!C) pinned hard-earned 86-80 victory ,or the 111 Clayt Nlvlson could man- PINNETTES— Sophie Pan- ;I Bonavena Must Take Rest scones falo Sabres 4-0. The new mask is constructed Beaver (P) 1:02 clera 178-474, Lori Jones 472, Y JUNIOR LEAGUE Center Billiards over Green ®^® It was toe second straight from a flbreglas cloth material Montreal, frustrated by ex­ 119 — Manganello (EX)) pin­ The win was toe first to three Phyllis Ucello 178-613, Judy Last night toe Royals defeated Manor to the nightcap. shutout for New York—QlUes reinforced with resto. Higgins teammate Gump Worsley until ned B. Rodgers (F) 1 :40 in Pro Grid Statistics ; And Pass Up Patterson Fight starts for toe Cues while Green Richardson 194-602, Lois LaPine Leaders toe Bullets, 48-32. High for toe Once again the Marines found VUlemure blanked Los Angeles has provided Giacomin with twomidway through toe third peri- j.^126 — — McKnightAVAi;jnJU5ii4. (F) / declslon- Manor lost for toe first time- to 178-469, Madeline Taflto 189-528, winners were Dave Fleishman toe going too tough. SchelbeTs Sunday—and extended the models, one^ w^ich covers his od, earned a tie with Minnesota McGrath (EC) 10-2 ; NEW YORK (AP) _ A 10- 16th round by Muhammad All three gjames. Sophie Kravontka 189, Marilyn (14), Steve Bracket (10), Ed took an early lead and were Rangers’ home ice unbeaten ears as well as his face and one on Claude Larose’a late goal. — O'rvmnor IF > round heavyweight fight is set that toe fighter was to excellent fTonlght’s action pits two un­ 132 — O’Connor (EX)) decl-' Ellis (9) and Don Paganl (9). never in any difficulty. The Madore 177-181-487, Jean Bum- streak to 16 games. Giacomin which Is somewhat more con- Larose, an ex-North S ^ , con- sloned Dunbar (F) 8-1 Fighting for Their Playoff Lives physical condition but “he is ex­ defeated clubs, Ansaldi's and ham 466, Irene Stone 183-510, ' for Jan. 22 to Madison Square In a losing cause, Phil Stone- winners took a 28-6 advantage Moriarty’s, to ’what should be 138 — Bayles (EC) declsloned hausted after his extraordinary and VUlemure have six shutouts ventlonal but still affords toe nected at 10:26, balancing Garden between Oscar Bonave- man (14) and Tom St. Laurent into toe second quarter. At toe ^ ^ard fought struggle. An- Ruth Smith 184-176-610, Ginger fight . . .’’ between them and New York’s goalie more protection than toe Minnesota’s goal by Bill Golds Welsensee (P) 4-1 ,, ■MFW 'VO RK (API__The defensively. ’Hie Rams are third yielded only 2,672 yards and land’s 1,876 and toe Raiders (8) paced their club. half it was Scheibel’s pn top, Yourkas 188-467, Millie Denley worthy, who had hit with toe 146 — Brown (EX)) pinned .. na and Floyd Patterson, but Bonavena said he thought he saldl's is toe only team' to beat 68 goals against Is toe best de- mask he started using this sea- T A^^AiArWoTno onH on defense and fourth offensive- hold a huge lead over toe Uons, hold a 2,696-2,441 passing edge In toe nightcap, toe Bucks 66-21. With one qUkrter to play, 199-633, Mary Richardson 464, game 2M minutes old. Los Angeles Kams ana allowed 3,324. The Bonavena says he can’t make it would be reeidy to fight again by the powerful MB’s toe last two fenslve mark of any team to the son. Socha (P) 4:64 over Houstmi. overpowered toe undermanned toe Marines were down 84-36. years Rae Hannon 462, Ruth Hene- Toronto ran (te winning streak 166- — P. Dunbar (P) decl- Louis Cardinals, statistical- Louis’ offensive lead la a vikings’ pass defense has given toe middle of February . ghan 187-176-622, Helen Tlemey NHL. "It fits more snugly around •The New York Jets, long gone —doctor's orders. Cavaliers, 70-26. High scorers •The onslaught continued '______■ to four games by whipping sioned Egan (EX)) 13-0 ly the best-balanced teams one—four yards over toe up only 1,383 yards to 1,807 for Harry Markson, director of Markson said Patterson, toe throughout toe final period and 456. Ne^ York remained two thq eyes,” said Giacomin “ and I from playoff contention, have a were Don Annulli with (27) and points back of Boston to toe can see the puck at my feet bet- Pittsburgh * o...... with— ------rookie Bill 167 — Thurston (EX3) decl­ in the National (llonference Giants. Dellas, however, is ,the runner-up Philadelphia. Detroit boxing for the (Jarden, an- former world heavyweight John Green (19). For toe losers, Schelbel’s registered their first M ilk e s R e s ig n s Blast Division race as toe Bruins ter with this one. But I’m still MacMillan scoring twice, sloned Mandry (F) 8-0 01of them e Nationali-Natiuiiai Football tt^ rushing team in the confer- is toe stnmgest against toe slim lead of three yards defen­ ,, nounced toe fight Wednesday. champion, and Bonavena each Chris Reiser, Don Wiley and victory against two defeats. MILWAUKEE (AP) —Marvin Y--^ Hank Martyn 137-381. working on It, filing it and using Ron Ellis and Jim Dorey 186 — Leahy------(EX)) League,T ------will -.ill nevertheless------guog -,— 2,092 yards------to -De- - rush,------yielding------^ 1,106 - yards to sively over Kansu City, 8,198 to ■ But Wednesday" night Bonavena would be guaranteed $60,000 Don Geibel each scored eight Each member of SchelbeTs Milkes, whose shrewd trades Fred McCurry 377, Art Johnson sandpaper on it.” scored Toronto’s other goals Wagner (F)S') 1:06 ^ ^ XU : trolt’s 2,036, vrilUe------San — Francis---- 1,309 for Los Angeles. 3,201. ’The Jets have permitted ,,,^ald In Buenos Aires: against 26 per cent of toe gate. points. scored in double figures. Carl ufted toe Milwaukee Brewers 150-366, Tony Martoelll 357, Al Giacomin protected a 1-0 lead while Andy Bathgate and Bob Uni - Schaefer (F) pinned Sunday. coCO isIs toe passing leader with jn AFCa FC total offens offense, Oakland only 1,181 yards on toe ground “ I want to have this fight Hohenthal returned to action to a fourth-place tie in toe Martyn 142-366, Russ DeVeau Powers (EX3) 4:69 through two periods and then Blackburn hit for the Penguins, 2,782 yards to 2,468 for toe icox* leads Houstonxx,n.„w.. 4,471 yardsj ____„ to to 1,269 fw Denver and too since I gave my word to Mr. and paced the winners with 28 American League last season, 360, Ed Burbank 362, Joe 1971 C O M ETS The Rama will be to New Giants. 3,911. Miami Is the best rushing Chiefs have a 1,687-1,918 lead to Pagano 371, Elliott Pish 141-369, the Rangers wrapped it up with California, to beating Detroit, York against toe Giants while •Teddy Brenner (Garden match­ points, four more than toe ver- resigned as general manager Minnesota has team with 1,923 yards to Oak- pass defense over Oakland. president ^1 Bujaucius 139-372, Andy La- third period goals by Pete Stem- continued Its mastery over East B ow ling I toe Cards play to 'Washtogtmi Defensively, maker), but my personal doctw satlle Don Romano. Newcomer and executive vice Jim Dwyer added 21 while Wednesday. moureaux 163-396, Larry Bates kowski, Walt Tkaezuk and Jean Division clubs. ’ITie Golden and both must win—and then has advised me to rest and for­ from S2217a _ _ remain with 146-374, Pete Brazltiz 147-366, Ratelle. Ted Irvine had New .XX— Seals, , last —to toe— West,------have ALLIED PRINTING — Tom wait for other teams to lose—to get boxing for awhile, and I Steve Rascher, Joe Cannon, and Milkes 48 will Wally Irish hit for 17, 14 and 13 tue Brewers as a special as- Leo Ladue 186-376, Prank Calvo York’sorx s iirsifirst goal. "fon eight and tied one against 205, Gary Mlhalick 222- have any chance at making toe Derby $$ Appear H eaded Looks Ahead have no otoer choice but to do MORIARTY PhU Esposito scored two more the East, but has yet to beat a 202-692, Jim Howard 203-218-600. playegfs. just that.” points respectively.* signment scout to the southern 136-373, Dave Ladue 140-360, goals helping Boston whip Los team to their own divtaion. ------RANCHO LA OOBTA, 'Told of Bonavena’s statement, For toe 0-3 Marines, Dave gallfomla area, Sellg said. Ken Seaton 137. But although toe Rams and Rowe sparked toe offense ■with Angeles and maintain Its two California built an early 2-0 Extend Season To State’s Highest Court Gsllf. (AP) — At the age of Markson said, “ I don’t know BROTHERS Cards are teetering aa. the brink 22 potots. Tall Steve Gordon point lead over toe Rangers to lead on goals by Gerry Ehman 80, gedTs Jack Nlcklans said what this Is all about. We were LINCOLN, R.I. (AP) — The today be looks forward to threw to 13 potots. Teammate the East race. It was toe and E)arl Ingarfield and then Rhode Island Racing and Ato- sta ^ *^ ^ reteM ^ * t ^ W LEXINGTON. Ky. (AP) — A toe $122,600 first prize but that telktog to Bonavena on toe .31.'S Center St., Manche.<;ter playing competitively for Dlqk Reeves added 10 markers. Brutos’ sixth straight victory. withstood toe Red Wings toe phone only yesterday (Tues­ letic commission authorized that they rank o«en^ <>« ^ T t o e ^ eight or 10 more years — or The second game was hotly Phone 6i:5-51.'3."> Esposito, toe NHL’s leading rest___ of toe way. Carol Vadnals Lincoln Downs Wednesday to, slvelyvciv culuand ucioiisivvkjr*defensively. 1968 Kentucky , _ .I . Derby __ . _ day), and he told us he was Fuller, a wealtoy BoEfton auto posalMy longer. contested from toe opening tap. scorer, connected twice 49 sec- and Doug Roberts scored toe extend Its thoroughbred meet The Cards are toe top often- V»rae appeals headed to Ken- car dealer, began his legfEd bat­ Nlcklaos flew to this resort ready to fight on Jan. 22 and Behind Jim MIstretta’s 10 (jrst ^ other Seals’ goals while' Garry through MWiday, slve team to toe NFC with a to­ tucky’s highest court today, fol­ tle after that decision. Jost north of 8an D ii^ to would be here on Jan. 10. period potots, toe winning Cues Unger and Tom Webster clicked pec. 21. tal of 4,221 yards and rank sixth lowing a decision by toe State Racing Commission to appeal a Meigs said to his ruling that accept an oil portnUt and the Bonavena’s physician. Dr. built a 24-10 first period advan-: OH. SO for toe-Wings lower court’s ruling to award tests nm on Dancer’s Image by aeotdade of-West Coast golf Robert PaJandlno, said last tage. Manor chipped away at * SAHTA SAYSl ■ toe money to Dancer’s Imsge. the commission chemist, Ken­ writers as Oeifer of the week after Bonavena returned CB’s lead during toe second GOOD./ ” WE HAVE THE COMPriTIVE EDGE” * In a unanimous vote Wednes­ neth Smith, were ’’inadequate Tear. home after being stopped to toe quarter and narrowed toe gap day, toe five commissioners and contradictory.” The 1070 British Open to 43-33 at intermission. HARRY’S H QiulHy — Pricing — Convenience — Locetion end Experience * agreed to take the case to toe Smith bad tested toe colt aft­ champion said be plans to Still fighting back. Manor Skiing Equip,—Snowmobile*—Mini Bike*—Cer Reck*—Pool T*Sle* M Court of Appeals as soon as the er toe race and reported later pU y In 20 tonmamentn in closed to within two, 69-67 ■with I 9 that Dancer’s ' linage riiowed Ali, Frazier Due one quarter remaining. During Franklin Clrciiit Court decisioa 1971, starting wttfa the Ring I 832 Main St., Downtown Manchester 9 RIZZO SKI SHOP ia made final. traces of phenylbutazone, a for­ Crosby Pro-Am, the Andy toe opening minutes of toe last I bidden medication, to his uri- $3 Million Each 9 IS THE PLACE TO GO Circuit Judge Henry Meigs, in VniUams-8an Diego (^len, the period, toe Cues relinquished ★ Phone 649-5539 ★ a ruling last Friday, said there nalysis. Hawnll Open and in late Feb- Ni their lead shortly falling behind 9 was tosutficlent evidence to dls- If toe a j^ lla te court upholds roary, the tqidated POA PHILADELPHIA (AP) ~ by as many as four potots. 9 qualify Peter Fuller’s ceSt from toe lower court decision, sRate championship In Florida. Heavyweight champion Joe Clutch shooting by toe win- | "You've Tried Hie Rest, Now Try The BEST!" 9 participation in toe purse of the Racing Commissioner George _T>azler’s manager says Frazier ner's Merrill Meyers and Steve 1668 Derby. Bigger Indicated toe matter and hla next exponent, Muham- McAdam put toe Cues back on 9 Meigs’ ruling overruled too would not be appesded further, mud All, will get $3 million each top to stay. Randy Smith hit 9 commission’s decision last yAr ”I think It Is a state matter,” Orioles, Philg for their as yet unscheduled on four consecutive foul shots GO TO HARRY'S AND GET YOUR K t OFF 9 which held that Calumet Farm’s Egger said, after announcing .bout. to put toe game out of reach. EV>rward Pass should receive toe commission’s decision. In Baseball Deal ' Taney (Tank) Durluim said Maintaining their overall AND 1(h» OFF COUPON WITH YOUR ORDER! Wednesday he has ' received domination of toe Mqnormen, FHILiAMILPHIA (AP)—Balti­ ’'several ofters for toe fight, to- toe Cues showed both offensive ' Brown Cagers Trounce Yale Five more Orioles outfielder Roger •"Cludtog ones from Madison balance and superior rebound­ Freed, 1970 Most Valu&ble Plav- .. Square Garden, toe Houston ing. NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — other men to double flgures. f Astrodome and from closed cir­ The cat-like Mike Reardon 9I Brown registered Its third Amle Berman of toe Brutos led " “ me ’rn ^ e A International cuit teleidslon. ' paced the CB stack ■with 19 F-R-E-E-! F-R-E-E-! 9 straight basketball victory all rebounders With 17. Jim League, has been traded to toe ” I have an agreement with potots, one more than the sea­ FREE! Your Choice of "A Quart Bottle of 9 Wednesday night, beating Yale Morgan ptu:ed the loaers with Philadelphia PhlUles. All and his people that both soned McAdam could manage. FREE! Fresh Hot Coffee When You Have A Sprite, Fresca, Tab or Coke With Each $3.00 21 points. „„ „„ X, _.xu ■”** Ort®*®e P>t left-handed boys ■will get toe same amount Mlstretta and Meyers,"dominat­ Pizza or Grinder Here. (Offer Good Every Day) Pizza Order To Go. (Good Only Fri., Sat. and 9 It was the third successive loss ^ rm im broke a 2^29 tie ^ t o Jackson, and two of money wbeii they fight. Be- ing both boards, each had 16 Sun.) for the EUs who have a 1-4 rec- a free throw late to the first i- ,*. . n tween us,” Durham said, potots. ’The clsLSsy Smith con­ 9 ord. Brown, to boosting its rec- half and Brown led at IntermiB- players to toe trade which “ there’s no question that woHe tributed 11 potots. ■ 9 ord to 8-8, defeated 'Yale for toe sion 38-83. Yale tied It 60-60 to toe PhlUles hay was designed to (AP Fliblot gonna fight NO DEFENSE—New York Knicks’ Dave DeBucc- ■Hie losers were led by toe 9 COMPARABLE SAVINGS ON ALL second time *hi« season. It Is the second half but toe Brutos give them more hitting power, ‘”Ihe only question,” he con­ Breen brothers, Frank and Jim, the first time toe Brutos have scored five straight potots taking ’The Phillies also gave up tinued, "Is 'Where and for whom. schere scores on a hook shot as Cleveland’s Dave who'had 30 and 23 potots re­ For Faster Service Phone 649-5539 ! POOL TABLES - beaten the Ells to one season toe lead for good. mtomr league outfielder 6am ‘.^Whon we ght what we want, Sorenson defends. Walt Frazier in foreground is spectively. Sturdy 'Tom Rea I RIZZO SKI SHOP , V»NON CIRCLE *47-0420 (AP Photo) since the IWO-'ll campalgTL Brown made 67 per cent of Its ParlUa and uUUty man Jim we’ll settle on toe date.” blocked out of play by Cavalier’s McCoy McLemore. added a dozen, two more than •ra-9U7 Russ ’lyier semred 22 points field gocU tries to YsJe’s 86 per Hutto, udio played outfield and S OKN SUNOAY ^ COLLISION COURSE — John McKenzie (19) of the Boston Bruins chwks ^ Kings’ Jim Stanfield right off his feet during,second period action last night. for toe Brutos who placed three cent. \

PAOB TWENTY-EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-NINE BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE 1 BUGGS BUNNY OUK BOARDINGHOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLF BusifWM Sorvlcas THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW Help. Wanted— ^Arrieles For Sole 45 O fftrad 13 Male or Female 37 THANK y o u FOR WORKIN' ON THESE T H ' PAV IS GOOD, ...ONCE YA GET USEPj . ALUMINUM sheets used as TH' HOUR^ ARE T ' TH ' HBIMTS* ITW M ASO R HOOPL6, HELPING ME OBTAIN CONSTRUCTION JOBS TREE SEStVICB (Soucler) — CULLI6ULL 9Ae BEEN CONTRlBUHNO FOR liAG T WEER ME WAS HOSPITALIZED WIT1M A MAN or woman for' cleaning printing plates, .009 thick, 28x I^SABRCEZE! RIGHT AN YA GOT M taSSMlPSH, NC7T EMPLOVMENT/ SIREl, A fliw tr to Pr««iou> P u x iU We a r s f o r a F T e to f e l l o w em plo w e es •• g a l l o p in g g a l l BlADPER " AMD GUESS VfMAT nlornings, hours 7:30-12. Apply 36’ !, 26 Cents each o r 6 fo r $1. NO PROBLEMS... HOWABC?, la W T \WMAT LieUTEMAHT/ WUT POMT , Trees cut, building lots clear- aucwe BVGUBFAce evBM-rw/ .«d. trees tped. Oot a tree AND TME to o r GETS BIGGER EACH TIME - THEW s c r a p e d TOGETMER f o r HIM - In peraoti Vernon Bowling 648-2711. MY PLEASUREJ po >t?U THINK >exJ'RS Ropin' and Ridin' PO IN Cr AMP '><7U. I Vk#UPA(SIMG PAaFICTBlBe CJF BlBIXLlArcHePS.' ACROSS HHW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS SWrrblBOARO GIRL PUT ME DOWN . W0U1MIS GET-WELL C A R O - 4 Dry, as wine felHEI once necessary.V Part - time, all sizes and dealgns, low Cor^EUcneN HIM IM THIC HOWAPP MUST HAVe...HeH.M6H— 1 Cowboy’s rope SNOW removal, sidewalks and SHE JOSTGOr FOR RNep .S E E , WE ALL SIGNED AAKUNPePSTOOPGOMe OF -THE SLarUt 5 Citrus fruit feiEian s 8 AJL 4:30 PJL morning -or afterhoops, Mon price. Call 64S-98S1 after 6. CHILPISHNeGST MSSB driveways. Priced to fit the ENGACjEO' «e«IC PPPC6PUB6S/ 11 Penetrates' 6 Venerate IT, GULLV f B«>U>MENr 7 Frozen water IB m m >b. C all 643-1672. day through Friday. Contact 13 Happen again Mr. Burgess or Mr, Morgan, DON’T merely brighten your ofFice " m : 14 La^e-beaked 8 Female m ODPY c l o s i n g TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. relative SNOW plowing - commercial, 246-8828. carpets . .Blue Lustre them .. bird 4t8t P.M. DAY BEFORE PCBUOA'nON 15 Thoroughfare 9 Not false can handle la ig e lots. OaU day eliminate nq>id resoUlng. Rent 16 Conclusion 10 On the briny isiw w iia peadUne lor Sstnrday and Monday la 4iSt p.m. FrMav o r night, 872-9666. KrrOHEN help wanted paut- electric shampooer, $1. Paul's 17 Hangman’s 12 Forced air time evenings. Call .after 6 Paint h Wallpaper Supply. violently from 43 Highway (ab.) rope 26 False god p .m ., C aveys Restaurant, 643- 19 Beverage . nose, as a 27 Plaything for 44 Disembark PLEASE READ YOUR AD f . '1 SAVE Blgt Do- your own rug horse a girl 45 Siouan Indian 1416. . BY V. T. HAMLIN 20 Those who are O l ^ e d or "Want Ada” are taken over tlio pkooo aa a’ HottsohoM SorvicM and uiHioIstery cleaning with ALLEY OOP in favor of 13 Demolish 28 Love god 46 Auricular 18 Whirlwind off 31 Railway (ab.) 48 Italian city O ffm d 13-A Blue Lustre. Rent electric THBYl»E PUOJNG ^ HANSON.DOC,) NOW,MAX,! I C A N T /^ 22 Cam, for instance the Faroes 32 Solicit 49 Feminine IT W P E dw ^ REPORT. ERRORS la time lor the shaunpooer $1. Olcott Vaulety ALONGSIDE AUEV'V I'M GONNA / CUT ] T H E M 'S A appellation 25 Nullify 20 Olympian god 38 Pleasure next Inaertlon. . The Herald la readonalble lOr oeto O m tan Dogs— Birds Pete 41 Store. ------■ '' t r u c k 00MIN6I 50 The dill 29 Mountain 21 Drclivities carriage correct or omitted InaorUon lor am T ^vw tiaon ^ ^ REWEAVINO of burns, moth- 52 Isaiah (ab.) (comb, form) 22 Carry (coll.) 40 Disturbed ^ to ^ ext«t ol a “make sood” lntortlon..Bnon w uS holes, zippers repaired. Window ENOI^H Spring ^Kuilel h f t .t.tkw OUT — Toy party 54 Air (comb, 30 Make a 23 Range state edvertlawnent will not be shades made to measure, * i!^ ' puppies, AKC. Ehccellent for 42 Binds form) demonstrator selling sample mistake 24 Fruit oorreotod by "make good” Inaertlon. x all size Venetian blinds. Keys field and pets. Idead for Christ­ toys, gifts. New Avon items., 33SmeU 8 10 r " Z r " 4 5 6 7 • made whUe you wait. Tape re­ m as. C all 683-4189. 648-6942. B ig discounts. 34 Short-necked corders for rent. Marlow's, 867 .river duck LtT 13 (Roeknile, I^^IYee) 11 i M ain St., 649-6221. POODLES —^AKC registered, SOUP’S ON, the rug that is, so C aught wnHE£& 35 Coloring IS M 3 - 2 7 1 1 white, males, miniatures, all cleain the spot with Blue Lus' OM M« FAce» substance 14 i 8 7 5 ^ 3 1 3 6 36 Horseback i~ li 1 JSTOM made draperies, slip shots. Ready for Christmas, tre. Rent electric shauniltooer v T IBl 19“ game w ' covers and reupbolstering. 643-1646 o r 646-2482. $1. Pinewood Furniture Shop. 37 Noblemen L_ 20 1 21 AutomPblws Budget terms. Established In BY NEG COCHRAN 39 Suppresses 1946. P a y s, 624-0164, evenings, OUT OUR WAY 41 Outstrips 25 27 28 , ,Ti4w -L<_, W u Ta. lof. to>. Off.—Alt rigMi tewrvod FREE kittens, trained. CbU a l­ 44 Card game ■ ■ 1970CAt«LLAC ^ 649-7690. a ItTO bv Unhod footoro Syndkolo, Inc. Boats and Accessories 46 nx-i7 la-n 47 Horseman n 30" 31 33“ HERALD te r 6 p.m ., 643-6442. 1 Cuatonilxed Eldorado ' ^I* THIS VEAR IMB’R I ^ y TO BUY THE CHRIGTMAS SAM E UH— W EVE -L E T 'n iB M 51 Chaps are part W 3 T 36” GERICH M arine S erv ice 1082 y e a r THINS THE ALWAYS DO IT/ I ’M BOX LETTERS equipped, excellent y^ondi- HAVE AN EASY TREE / LAST ItX) of a cowboy's I r 1 Roofing— Siding'^' 16 Business Opportunity 28 Help Wemted— SIAMEISE cat stud service. Caill Tolland T^ke., Buckland. GUMMER STREET BY PHIL KROHN -mo WAITEP TILL THE YEAR BE DOME IT, A LL FOR IT— s r 38 39“ tioh, low mileage, ktoat be 1UH-KEEP1N’ i l Fomerio 35 649-dS28. Evlnrude Sailes aind service L A ST MIMLITE A M P FORE that;' BUT... WELL, ■ ■ For Your seen to be appnclated. HOLIDAY BIDWELL Home Improvement BEAUTY SALON for sale In BIJOUlSHT HOME A W I ’U . SHOW If y o u in ­ ’EM HAPPY-i 53 Time of year 4 T 42 43 and Evlnrude snowmobile LOPSIDED, SCRAWNY THEM HOW, s i s t , AN D I M E A N / ' 55 Dins H J Infonnatlon Trade acceptable. Co. Expert instailatlon of Manchester. Opportunity for ------MINIATURE Sqhnauzers, AKC, saies amd se rv ice . Boating- M ay the spirit of THINS THAT WAS RXIR EH, MOTHER IT'LL KEEP 56 African fly ' 46 « q 50" ailuminum siding, gutters and person with manager's license. RECEPTIONIST for office In FEET TOO TALL/ SOU HAPPY.. 57 Rot 646-0551 / 525-1947 Let "HEALY’S” residential 8 months old, Excellent quaillty Snowmobile accessories. ? THE HERALD will not experts take the’ load oft ''xtrim. Roofing InstadlaUon and No investment needed. Cail Rockville. Busy dentail office, aind tempecaiment. 649-8842. Christmas remain in 58 Handle sT" 53“ 54 dlsclnne the identity of Mr. l^ tu la L your shoulders, at very nom­ fe p tir s . 649-6495, 876-9109. 872-9202 after 7 p.m . full-time. Pleaislng personaiity. you throughout the DOWN 55“ 56“ any advertiser using box pLJEIAN 1067 Jttustang, 2 plus good with figures amd handling ■/^^ Registered miniaturb letters. Readers answer­ inal expenses, by cleaining 1 Second set in 2, Fastback( automatic trana- g u t t e r s and roofs repaired, HARTFORD area bargain, bar- money. Write to Box AA. Man­ poodles, blaick, females, shots Horists— Nurseries 49, new yean a quadrille 5t“ 58” ing blind box ads who you r: __ 17 m ission, p o w er steering, de­ replaced. , Interior, exterior gain. Barrel business. Jack chester Heradd. amd papers. Cadi 648-9812. D o A ( ^ 2 Presently r n desire to protect their CHRISTMAS Trees — Tag amd 3 Horses kept luxe intmor. Many other ex­ padntlng. Reasonable p rices, peln berg, 243-0301. Identity can follow Kitchens Strip excellent workpi^oiship. Free ------cut your own. Sign on Oedair (Ntwspaptt initrpris* Aim.) procedu re: tras. 949-4464. DRIVERS for school buses, Poodle, white, m^e, R ec R oom s Waush estimates. No job too small. VERNON—Paickaige store with Manchester schools, 7:30 to ^^ots -.and wormed. \ Two Swamp Rd., North Coventry. Cairpetlng Shampoo Cadi 646-1399. real estate, gx>od volum e, prlc- months (dd. 875-6908. 742-8181. Ehicloso your reply to 1996 ^ O L K S W A O E N square- 8:46 a.m., 2:16 to 3:46 p.m. 7 the box in an enveiape — ba^, needs some engine work, V^diows (in-out) Wash ------ed to sell. Paul W. Dougan, Hhccellent part-time opportuni­ PEKINGESE puppies — AKC CHRISTMAS Trees — tag ear- address to the Claaslfied ^ c l i e n t body, $650. 1970 Bo- Venetiaui Blinds Cleain P A S ROOFING and rb p ^ rs R ealtor, 649-4636. ty. We tradn you. 643-2414. must sa crifice. Call S49-74I0, ly, cut later. Choose from Manager, Manchester ens tractor, 12 h.p. with mow­ Cellairs Vacuum ing done readistlcadly. Free e s tl;------628-3998. large selection , beautiful white Evening Herald, tofcthor er attachm ent, $800. Savings mates. Call anytime. 649-1616' I^AUNDROMAT for sale, sev­ with a memo listl^ tte e r 742-8388. cra i new m achines, none over spruce, scotch pine, Douglaq lZ-17 Bank o f M anchester, 649-1700. BY DICK TURNER companies you do NOT “BE REALLY CLEAN, 1% Yeaars old. $16,000. Package H elo W ontCd Molft 34 poodle puppy, male, fjr. Bring your faimily to Siam' CARNIVAL 1... ^ . nhamnnc-TiA oninr ZOO RAnriv i__n.___ -m_____r ___ Tvm j want to see yoinr lettw. BUICK — 1967 Wildcat convert!- BE HEALY CLEAN ’’ store for sale, by appointment champaigne color, $90. R eady, ley Tree Farm, Long Hill Rd., Your letter Will be ble. Extremely line condition. Rooftng and only. Phllbrick Agency, Real for Christmas. Also AKC Col­ Off Route 6 at Andover PLAIN JANE BY FRANK BAGINSKI strayed if the advi Complete Jamitorial serv­ Financing available. $1,866. Chimneys ''^16-A tors, 646-4200. . MANAGEMENT Trainees — lie, femade, tri-color, $60. 872- church. Open N ovem ber 27- is one you’ve monf ices; Industrial, residentiad, Several areais. Must be at learnt 6306. DESPITE THE FACT THAT IT C all 640 - 2094. D ecem ber 23. 742-6438 I f n ot It win be institutionad. Fully insured hig^ school graid, sharp, with SHORTCHANGED M E! In the usual maimi ROOFTNG — Speciadlzlng re­ 1967 REUBIN R ed Volkswagen for your protection. Ten pairing roofs of adl kinds, new I ' DARE you to be your own no military obligations. Top NEW HAMPSHIRE plantaUon years of satisfying local bug, AM—FM radio, stereo nxrfs, gutter work, chimneys boss. Call M r. Walsh, 649-6806. caireer opportunities. Salaurles Christmas trees, $3-up. H. Sam- WHEW >OU’D l o v e TD LIVE FOREVB?<< service. Articles For Sole 45 tape, excellent condlUcm. Must deemed amd repadred. 30 years open. No fee. Rita Personnel, bom, Vernon Rd., off 44-A, Lo st Found 1 sell within week to highest bid­ experience. Free estimates. 646-4040. CHRISTMAS wrapping papers, Bolton. 647-1071. der. C all 742-9779 alter 4 p.m . Call for FREE Estimates. Cadi H ow ley, 643-6361. 24” x 36” , 2 designs, 10 cents BY FRANK O’NEAL Schools and Classes 33 SHORT RIBS LOST — 8m ^ gray female cat, ;»«, nmrvnnTU»r i.Av,r er hour aifter short spruce. Excellent selection. repadr amd serv ice. 876-6638, ing amd repairs. FYee estl- training. For Interview amd ter. BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE FOUND — Young grayish cat tires, 648-2860. ABOUT 100 u se d fluorescent $4. Cut you r own. Andover, 875-7828. m ite s. Call 649-3808. appUcaUem, ca ll 203-225-8710 R t. 316, had! m ile o ff R oute 6. on Pond L ^ e . C all 644-8697. MANAGER — (Manufacturing) light fixtures, 4’ , $4 eaich with |,(X)Km<3 ON WISTFULIV IS THE FOXWORTM GARDENER. 1963 CHEVROLET Im pala con­ or write Saifety Dept., Unit­ Inform ation, 640-4666. MAY MF BUT 1 SUPPOSE •pLeSE top area company. BSME with bulbs. Sell amy amount. Also, THAT JUST COULPN'T LOST — Wooden came with red vertible, power steering, radio, ed Systems, Inc., c/o Inter­ I RIPP ^ 0 0 .' lifHEBABY ! MilTmery, a heavy metads working baick- 8’ fixtures. Gremmo & Sons HIM? ^^ElEPHANT BE. MA/L handle. Cadi 649-8868, aifter 4 front and reair speaikers, heat­ state Terminal Bldg., 2175 Building^'* ground including maichlnlng I'M 15 THE HIT - p.m . er, snow tires, new fnmt tires. Dressmaking 19 Berlin Tpke., Newington, ' l i v e Christmas trees for sale. amd w elding. M ust be a strong Manchesti^r, 649-0968. ^ W oodland St., M anchester. NEXT.' OF THE - EW 2i-V 1843-8166. Contracting 14 Conn., 06111. (Suburb of BIKTHPAV . HE SHOULD eiVE US A FOUND — Womam’s hat, vicin­ TROUBLE finding minis? Cus­ Hartford). Tradning orig­ proven administrator. Promot- h OT WATER furnace, with ac- CHRISTMAS Trees — Tag now m R TYID R ; lutle Bonus R)r this one. ity Pamker amd G erard St. 1967 BELAIR, 4-door, 283 stan­ tom made dresses, ladies suits, inates in Indianapolis, In- able to president. Starting to cessortes, $40. BuUUn bathtub. N. J. LAFTiAMME — Carpenter $4. Route 44-A, M ansfield, 1.7 TwiMBW ; Owner may claim by Identify­ dard, heavy duty suspension, gow ns amd alterations. Prom pt diama. $24,000. No fee. R ita Personnel, $26. T oilet, $f0, sinks and m etal contramtor. Additions, remod­ m iles eaist o f Route 196. 1-429- FOXWRTH'S / ing. 649-9846. posltractlon, one owner. Must elin g and repadra. Cadi amy- serv ice. Call 649-1133. 646-4040. w all cabinets. 643-2466 evenings GRANP- ■ s ^ , low m ileage, $800. ®*8- time for or 643-1442. 2636. / free eatimate. 876- GENTLEMAN who Is Interest- SON, L06T--Oermam Shepherd made 4371. 1642. pup, vicin ity Camter SL-Cam p Moving— Trucking— ed In learning Installation of DARK, rich, stone free, loam. M eeting R d. D ecem ber 14th. 1666 FORD, Fadriame, 600, Con- DORM ERS, gaoages, parches. Help W onted- draperies. Must have cair. five yairds, $20. Sand, gravel, Fuel and Feed 49>A CaU 643-7079. vertible, automatic, good cmi- rec room s, room aiddiUons, Storage 20 Part-time, mornings prefer­ stone, fill, manure, amd fire- E Female 35 diUon. $900. 640-1658. kitchens, add-a-ievels, roofing, MANCHESTER red, regular baisis. Schedule plame w ood. 648-9604. SE-ASONED CTord wood. Sawed IZ'II FY>UN1> T- Small gray cat with D elivery- siding, general repadrs. Quality CLEANING womam wanted, 3-4 can be worked out. Cadi D rap­ amd delivered. E. Yeomams, ‘ H e y , A l! W h a t's th e zip c o d e fo r th e Noi;t^t^ P o le ? " light trucking amd package de­ USFID gadvamized amgle iron white fa ce amd legs in High­ workmanship. Finamclng avail­ days weekly. Permament p o sl- ______ery D ept., ____ 648-6171. 742-8907. land Pamk School airea. 646- Trucks— Tioeton 5 livery. Refrigerators, wamhers W to 6” In width, 5’ -20’ able. Ecmiomy BuUdeiB, Inc. and stove moving, specialty, tion. Send name, address, LOAN Officer (commerciad) 2677. 648-6169, 872-0647 evenings. leng;ths In exceUent condition, 1066 CHEVROLEir pick-up, new F olding chadrs fo r rent. 640- phone number amd references at least 3 years experience in large quamtity. RockvUle SEASONED firewood for isade. MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD to Box R., Mamchester Herald. FDUND — Made orange amd motor,. 6 cylinder, 8’ step side CARPENTRY __concrete steps. 0762. butslness loans. Starting to Scrape, Route 30, RockvlU e, w ill deUver. Cadi 647-9479. All replies confidential. Writ­ ^?'"#<'=^^'rTmTmTT7ri I KNEW THAT TH/i white angora cat, vicinity body. $860. CaU 649-6808. floors, hatchways, remodeling $16,000. D egree preferred. No 872-9032. ing ability not r^uired. HOL'f WOULD BE VERY STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF P rinceton St. 643-8487. porches, gairages, closets, ceU- fee. R ita Persim nel, '646-4040. SEASONED firewood, deUvery this is from THE THEATRICAL DISTURBING FOR YOU, Painting— Papering 21 PILLOWS — home made, vairi- throughout CormecUcut. Hours PAGE OF A NEW JERSEY cowl BUT WE FELT THAT IT Ings, attics finished, rec NURSE — RN — 7 to 3 p.m. LOST — Womam’s eyeglamses In Business Servket PART-TIME caiahier, 4 hours ous sizes amd shapes in a 9 a.m . - 9 p.m . 1-637-2163. C NEWSPAPER.' IT'S AN AD SHQULD BE BROUGHT THAT'S WHAT W Ah...poteet-^get V ^ A T G U y driving^ rooms, formica, ceraunic. Oth­ RICHARD E. MARTIN, paint­ and 3 to 11 p.m., pairt-time or POTEET.SO/VIE OF A A Y ^ SINCE I RUN A plaid case, vicinity Main St., per night, 6 nights per week, variety of colors amd materi- FOR A NEW SHOW' TO YOUR ATTENTION.' GIRL PILOT FRIENDS HA«E ONE-WOMAN AIR THE 6ALS WILL 4 ABOARD.'quickly.' UP IS FROM THE Offered 13 er related work. No Job too ing contractor. F^ill professlon- full-time. Manchester Mamor M anchester. Rewaitd. Cadi 646- m ust be steaidy. A pply In per­ ads. Cadi 643-1730 m ornings 10- '^BITSY, HOW DID MENTIONED THAT THEY ■ SERVICE I CAN WANT TO HEAR FINANCE COMPANY.' smaU. Dam Moram, Bulkier. ad painting service, interior - Nursing H om e, 385 W est Cen­ SPEAK AS AN INDE­ -FROM ANOTHER ‘ - COMING ID REPOS­ TTMBERLAND Tree Service, son, Lombamd Bros., Nutmeg 12, evenings 6-8. SEASONED fireplaice wood for THIS FLYING NEVER GET THE 'NAME' 4064. E venings, 649-8880. exterior. FYee estimates, fuUy TOUR FOR WOMEN'S SPEAKERS IN THE PENDENT BUSINESS WOMAN WHO SESS MV AIRPLANE .' Tree removal, pruning, shrubs, ter St., CaU 646-0129. Rd., South Windsor. An equal sale, delivered, cadi 228-9685. LIBERATION REMOTE TOWNS... TYCOONESS/ HAS MADE IT IN FOUND — gold wide wedding and lots cleaired. Fifteen yeairs insured. 649-4411, 649-9286. NEW BARBY doll dresses, 60 — — TOirWbitioir^^omen to be- employejv______flre- COMB TO PASS? band, vicinity Manchester experien ce. Bonded amd inanir- I cents, complete wedding outfit SEASONEJ^^ hardwo^^,^ NAME your own price. Paint-' come Beauty Advisers with MADfTBNANCE Men — Elec- plame lengths amd split. Caish H igh School. Call 643-2024. ed. F te e estim ates. Cadi 647- R. E. MILLER ' $1.26; 643-6462. ing, paperhanging, removal. the fastest growing compamy amd ca rry , trunk loaid, $4. sta­ 9479. tricad - mechanlcad bau:,k- FOUND — Fenude cadlco am- Builder Prompt service, fully insured. of today. Must be responsible giround. Top company. Plenty tion 'waigon, $8. pick-up, $12. gora young cat adth red beU SHARPENINO Service — Saws, * Satisfaction guauramteed. Cadi persons. We w ill tradn. 633-9942 of overtime offered. Starting to COLONIAL crib and mattress, DeUvered C.O.D. pick-up loaul, coUair. Cadi 643-4667. knives, axes, sbeaurs, skates, AdditicHiB amd rem odeling, rec Jerry Ketmy, 647-9564. before 11 a.m. $160. N o fee. R ita Personnel, $10. CaU 643-9424. $18. C all 742-8262. 646-4040. ------= msio^iltd^ pamung. Spe- NEED extra money? Build Capitol Equipment Oo., 88 home improvement. ” - “ ^ rates for people over 66. your own profitable business BANK TELLER and teUer su- Personals Main St., Manchester. Hours Cadi m y com petitors, then cadi daUy 7:30-6, Thursday, 7:80-9. b4U-14ill demonstratlng for a futuristic penrlsor, experienced. Very MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY m e. E stim ates given. 649-7863. company, part or full - time, promotable. Starting sadamy WANTED — Rider to Constitu­ Saturday, 7:80-4. 648-7968. Good com m issions. 644-0656. open. No fee. R ita Personnel, RNs, LPNs and NURSES’ AIDES TH A T /NAA/BESO, 1 v o u V e b e e n polishinsthetdp tion Plama from west end, JOSEPH P. LEWIS — Custom CLEANING — Interior —^both LEON CIEISZYNSKI builder ^------646-4040. /MAKES PU T I CF VDUR HEAD AGAIN,, H A V E N V 'TOU ?• hours 8 :30-4 ;80. Cadi atiter 6 Padntlng, interior and exterior. Kitchen Personnel — Cleaning Personnel I WIN a n o t h e r residential and commercial. new homes custom buUt, re­ TEN IN STILL SAY p.m ., 649-0316. paperhanging, fully Insured. BABY SITTER, days. Monday JANUARY openings now being OAME/ADMlRAL.' WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLl Satisfaictoiy work guairamtoed. modeling, additions, rec rooms, A ROW For free estimates call 649- —FWday. CaU 643-7203 after 4. fUled, three evenings and Sat­ Excellent opportunities, modem convalescent RIDE wamted to Stafford For friendly free estimates, garages, kitchens remodeled, 9668. If no answer 643-6362. urdays, $60 w eekly. Apply 270 home. Cont^t Director of Nurses or Adminis­ Springs, 4-12 p.m. shift. 643- cadi Suburbam Floor Mainten­ bath tile, cement woria. Steps, WOMAN to coUect and pack f D I D N T EV^P2K a t I HAVEN’T OtASED trator. 646-2321. \ I / e o THIS IS WHAT dormers. Residentiad or com- CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex- eggs. MlUer„ F’arms, North Farmington Avenue, Hartford, THEA^AILMAN AGAR FORAVOBE 8642. ance, 649-9229. OLDASE IS UKEJ m erclal. Cadi 649-4291. terior painting, paper hamging, Coventry, 643-8021. Tuesday,' Thursday or FMday, THI9/A0(2NINQ... 7HANAWEB<... at 8 p.m. only. SNOW------plowing - — Commercial D iscount on waUpaper. Cadi amd residentiad, fast, efflclen t HALLMARK BuUding C o. F o r H ebert, 646-3048. ROCKVILLE law firm desires MEADOWS CONVALESCENT HOME FULL-TIME, fuel oil driver Automobiles For Sale 4 home improvement, additions, experienced legal secretary An Equal Opportunily Employer. serv ice. CaU 646-1974. Apply In person, Moriarty u u .^ ... j-mATiii J~ ------. - « —------^ i W irec i i rooms, o , Kcuaie*»$garages, AWAAti*,roofing, b u ,. H. MAUL/WAnMAGOWAN JK.JR. & OOIIB,Sons. for fuU-Ume position. Replies B ros., 301 C enter St. See NEED CAR. Credit very bad? LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also gutters. FYee estimates. AU interior and exterior pedntlng, held in - confidence. CaU 876- Bankrupt,lXa*tVM i*vf repossession?«*A*w%(*aAae»4r\*«9 U/\M_Hon . __ «•______. - ______* Scotty. moving large appliances w ork guaranteed. 646-2627. paper hanging. Thirty years 2609 for interview . J0N ES4\ est Douglass accepts lowest Burning barrels deUvered, $4. experience, four generations. DRIVERS for school buses, RID6EWAV down, smaUest payments, any- WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ COMPAI4ION, Ught housekeep­ 644-1776. Free estimates, fully insured. Manchester Schools, 7:30 to- Mdiere. N ot smaU loan finance modeling specialist. Additions, ing, for elderly woman. Re­ 643-7861. 8:46 a.m., 2:15 to 3:46 p.m. PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER company plan. Douglas Mo- TREES removed, reasonable rec rooms, dormers, porches, ferences. Write Box H, Man­ t o n , 846 M ain. rates. CaU R ay, 643-4468 after cabinets, formica, buUt-ins, chester Herald. FlxceUent part-time opportuni­ T H A T ’S TH IN K O F L IK E A - ^ ty. W e train you. 643-2414. I ’M VJORRIEO [SOMETHING SKY-DlYlNS_y 6 p.m . bathroom s, kitchens, 649-8446. Services 22 GUARD WANTED '^SICK! HE WANTS R IS K Y 1966 CADILLAC sedan DeVUle, VETEUUNARY Assistant ^ CARLYLE ELSE, SON! OUTFIT?_^ ; oioc. TAX Accountant — Must have ■ S C u e A .ANYTHING' KMMLLJ 4-door, blue with black vinyl tuning and band Instru- SAYS MONEY! Fast se r^ BILL CRAWFORD t Son, elec­ Manchester area. Experience X C ^ lS T M A S \ / top, radio, power steering, ment repairing by Hartt Col­ Dormers, room additio^ar'Ra- trical contractor, residential- not required but interest and degree with at least one year Middle-aged man wanted. Must have clean rec­ "V brakes, windows, seats. Alr- lege of Music graduate. Ward rages, porches, rooting and commercial and Industrial. desire to lealrn essential. Posi­ experience in the area of Fed­ ord, experience not necessary but helpful to per­ CAPTAIN EASY BY CROOKS'& LAWRENCE condltionlng. D ays 549-2120, K rause, 643-6336. siding. Compare prices. Add- CaU 649-3668. tion requires mature Judge­ eral and State taxes. An added form duties for local restaurant, call for inter­ weekends 643-0116. A -L evel D orm er C orp. 289- ment and attitude to handle plus would also be experience view, .9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 7 AWtlvMNfi a t THE HAVEN ESTATE. R A R PLOWING service, caU THI^ COULP / TD b l a z e d WITH 0449. varied responsiblUties. F\iU- in property accounting. Out­ BE A TRICK/ I LEGAL NICETIE&l BETTER STOP 1969 BMW, m any extras, $1,800. for snow plowing now. Don’t ______R oor Rnlshing 24 standing growth spot. Local, proposition -V GALLY'G LIFE MAY time Including some evening HERE AND WALK M ust seU. CaU 876-6826 or 872- wait to bo snowbound. CaU NEWTON H. SMITH A SONS— Starting to $14,000. No fee. WITH NO 5EARCH> BE IN DANGER I TO THE HOOSEi and refin- and weekend hours. Write Box 875-5352 W A RRAN Tl 9661. 742-9295 anytim e, if no answer, RemodeUng, repairing, addl- FLOOR SANDING, R ita Personnel, 646-4040. SO'S NOT TO (specializing in older "NN”, Manchester Herald. W A R N T H E M 742-9204. tions, re c room s, porches and ishlng IMS FORD wagon, tine condl- roofing. No Job too smaU. CaU floors). Inside painting, paper- HAIRDRESSER wanted, pleas- P.ART-TIME service station at- ticti. Good tires, StAiulftrd SNOW plowlnflfi. driveways etc. 649-8144. ing, ceilings, etc. No. Job too ant wojdting conditions. Good tehdant needed mornings-af- shift. Reasonable. CaU 644- Reasonable rates. CaU 648- ______smaU. John VerfaUle, Bolton. salary^ CaU Lovely Lady Beau­ ternoons and weekends. Apply 1760 a fter 2 p.m . o m , If no answ er caU 646- at.t. TYPES o< stmie and con- ty Salon, 649-7666. in person. Contone’s Esso, 306 Ik-IT 3824. Crete work. AU work guaran­ THE FIRST West Middle Tpke. THING IS TO IMS DOEiGE, 4-door, automatic, teed. Out of season rates. CaU Bonds—-Stocks— SNOW Removing — Sidewalks CLERK TYPIST, smaU office, LOCATE MISS power steering, snow tires. after 6, 648-1870 o r 644-2976. LANCELOl BY COKER and PENN KEENE AND THE and driveways. Reasonably K4oft^|cicpos 27 capable' of working alone. 'Ap­ MECHANIC for truck fleet, Ciood condition. CaU 648-0747, titude with figures, diversified must have experience and CHAUFFEUR p riced . 649-0688. CARPENTRY and remodeUng, MORTGAGES, loans, first, aec- SALESMAN / VOUK SNOWMAN \ ARE MOU SURE GRI/WSBY- IE after 1. w ork. 643-1177. tools. P lenty o f hours. 643-2414. rec rooms, dormers, Utchens, ond, third. AU kinds. Realty ' FELL ovei?... - VOURS DIDN" THATS m REAL inAa raTmywTj.Tr. s s M6, 2-door TWO YOUNG married men wUl Unusual bpportunity available at local Volks­ PU»H Hl/V\‘ NAMEl additions and garages. CaU statewide. Credit rating unnec- j*| TM M.L M. Off.____ hardtop, 4-speed, etc. Excel- do smaU repair Jobs and paint- Tom Corbitt, 643-0066. e s s a iy . R easonable. Conflden- rr lent condition. Many extras. Ing, also cellar cleaning and wagen dealership. Due to increased Volkswagen 649-20M trucking. CaU 646-2698, Ual, quick arrangements. Al­ 646-2047. v in Lundy A gency, 627-7971. sales we are adding one man to our sales staff. LITTLE SPORtS BY ROUSON Special Services IS m a M am st., H artford, e v c - '’ Housekeeper Wanted SA 19M PLYMOUTH Fury H, ______2A 3 A 4A door sedan, Vr-8, radio, auto- MANd*aSTER T re e Service — ______nlngs, 233-6879. Top opportunity to qualified man. Apply in per­ Middle-age woman for light housework; some cook-* matlc, power steering, extra Specializing in tree remova^ CREATIVE cytOTing Offer- MORTGAGES — First and sec- son to Byron Birtles, General Manager. w heels 648-2880. pruning, ahrubs, lots cleared. Ing formal dining, modern buf­ I *ing, for two adults, in m o d e m home. Preferably \ FuUy insured. CaU 6iA6422. ond. AU types to suit require­ IMl MERCURY Monterey, 4- fets, cookouts, stag puHes ments. Confidential, efficient < live in, at least five days weekly. Room and boards i created especiaUy for you. 24 dpor, automatic. Good running aervlce. P . A . Thorne, 649-6281. Leggett St, Bast Hartford, j ^including private quarters, plus good salary. Long ca r, $100. CaU 647-1092, after 6 SNOW P low ing — Hubbard, 806 TED TRUDON. INC. p,jQ E ast IQ ddle T pke., 649-6376. 6884SS48. MORTQAOES — 1st and 2nd., l l mortgages—Interim financing term reUtionship desirable. Please reply Box “J”, ^ 0^ Cm«t,HtA.w. edfttt./rt4tm~n . TOLLAND TPKE., TALCOITVILLE •W,i HAVE Snow? WU plow! Resl- “ — expedient and cwifldentiEd I Manchester Herald. * ' 19M OTO, red convertible, 889, dential and commercial plow- J IT A rn lll A i I r service. J- O. Real Eetate / with trtlii. CaU 742-6441. tag. CaU 643-4688. I X C a U W J r t U U A seoc. 648-6129. n

3T E r ! dol»N.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 PAGE THIBTY MANCHESTER EVENING HEltALD,. MANCHESTER in^^INING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., THITRSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 PAGE 'IHHITY-ONE Hoons For Sate 72 / Hovsm For Sate 72 F o r S a t e n ^Ont off Town ______PRICE RBDUCBJD on this , For 7 5 Cows, People 6 3 ------—^ DftwiuTO BT. "d new / much sought after area of Storm Socks f V i i i p n a y Seale Jury 25 ACRES, 1969 8-room Colo- town, Olcott Dr. Lovely large OOVBNKRY — Btx-iuom-over- Yale Forum nial. Large paneled family executive type 8-room Ootonl- MDNTBHS1Y, Cam. fAP)— D ism ayed At CLASSIFIED WE HAVE customers waiting BERRY’S WORLD id iCany fine features inchid- treed 1®*, garage, alum inum siM C h m . F uU ahed Oanaer. State With When a lawyer showa up. for the rental of your apart­ room, • fireplaces, country ^ bedrooms, 2 lire siding, IH _b«^*» betook BaUMpa, 1% hatha, large , 11 Short In tag ___ __ late. Municipal Court Eugene Power Lapse m ent o r hom e, J.D . R eal Sto- kitchen, built-ins, intercom, front-to-back living room. $37,- room*, walk-out baoement Hatroh dtes him for con­ tate Associated, Inc. 648-5139., double garage. Hutchins Agen­ places, 3H bathi, screen^ Mid 20’ai Hayea Agency, 648- porch, 2-car garage, lovely 900. Keith Real Estate, Snow, Slush tempt and fines him 8B5. 14th Session Mt^or breakdowns to elec­ ADVERTISING cy, 6494824. - 4136, 649-1922. om. trical power can cause all On Town-Gown Relations TWO ROOM /furtilshed iQ>art- private lot. Call bulldor, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS So, when Harrah was 15 NEW HAVEN (AP) — Attor­ so rts o t problems and many NEW HAVEN (AP) ■ Yale ed the university’s stated com- dom of speech in that incident CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS ment, s t o v/e, refrigerator, 882,500 — 4-BEDROOM Colonl- 648-2282 or 644-8896 fo r details. m id d l e ^>ke.—44 du­ COVENTRY — Sum m er cot- Onnno..*i« .. minutes late for court heatv hot water. Private bath. Wednesday, he found himself neys began sifting through ttie cows in toe Coventry, Btom, University sponsored a' public mitment to the city, citing Its re- or in another one several y«irs 8AJLto4:S0PJI. ^ plex in good oondltlonv sepa­ tage, unique log cabin otyllng. sto ^^r ^ ® major Mansfield area may have A p ^ M artowa 867 M ain Bt. 85 TIMROD w > - Seven-room rate heating systems,' excel­ High wooded lot. Four rooma, In contemid and fined hlm>- eighth panel of 60 prospective forum here Wednesday nlg^t: fusal to pay taxes, toe elimina- ago Involving George Wallace, OU mIri, flreidaces, screen­ been surprised when they Uon of a master’s propam In who had been invited to apeak macutote. Hutchins Agency 2 lent potential. Vacancy on carpeting- Some financing conditions self 825. Jurors Thursday, still 11 Jurors No speeches. Just questions. OCM*Y CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT LO O K m a io r anything in real ed porch with carpeting, large were handmilked this mom- city planning and Ite-^allure to at the Yale Political lUnlwi. ital - apartments, Realtors, 6494834.______sale. T. J, Orockett, Realtor, this morning “'What is sauce for the and alteimates shy of the 14 family room, extra large .. 2,600 hom es ta tag, since such an outage oc­ Topics ranged from Angela Da­ provide funds for-tfie local Black Brewster said he had suggest- «-J»PJI.nATBIlFOBXPI}BUCAniW , homes, toult^le dwellings, no 648-16n. cy, 6464181. goose,’’ Harrah told the curred. vis to George Wallace, with a MANCHESTER — 5% - room kitchen with apidiances, wall- the MansfieldOoventry area court, “ta sauce for the gan­ needed before testimony can be­ G oallU om ,^'^ ed that the in'vltaUon be With-*" DeadUne lor Batnrtejr aad MMliay i« 4tM p ja. P i Mb; fees. Cap J.D. Real Estate As­ R anch, 87.000. assum es m ort­ V B ^ O N ■without power. gin in the trial of BBlBack Pan­ TTie pow er w ent off about hefty portion centering on that .Brewster said the university drawn after toe fire-bombing of sociates, m e. 648-5139. to-waU c a s t i n g throughout, g27,900 — 7 • BOOM Raised d er.’’ gage, new roof, tile batti, mod­ 8-sone heat, full attic, 2-car As much as 10 Inches of new thers Bobby O. Seale and Er- 12:4i a.m. and did not come perennial question, the relati ance, 649-7630. tthta immaculate atem has c«whig ntinor, traffic------accidents. WASHING’PON (AP) — Exer^ ______condition units, very r^den- room' Colonial. Excellent po­ MANCHESTER — Two-family aU the thinan eg Otee year Juror to be seated was selected field substation of toe Coii- uitivetelty treasurer, the director program because too much mon- question about toe qualifications tential for professional person. J CScmnectlcut cisliifl: his veto power for, the n days aso. neotlout light and Power of university admissions, a fac Sowteo rang Wonlo^To lay 5S tlal area, big yard area, one O H EN E^ ESTATE. '14 rooms 6-7, IH baths, carpeting, pan- ’round ioym m ■gg.Price U ey was needed to make toe pro- Chaplain William Sloane Cof- Bus line, parking, easy access. and Power Co. said elec- seventh time. President Nixon Many of the would-be Jurors— Co., which failed to cqierate, ulty member and a student. ith’s security. $210. C all 643- of authentic charm agumented ell^, garage. Large tot. Many a Joy tee, m mmifii cw i incity was lost to customers ta has rejected a 89.64>llUon man- gram successful. • Jr. by commending “Bill’s Dolly Pradoett FO h o u s e h o l d tote — Antiques from 8-6 p.m . Only 8^.900. Hayes Agency by all the modem eunenltles extras. Sixcellent potential. M r. B gaO m ’now. 649-5806. selected from among New Ha­ leaving som e 2,450 custom ers Most of those in the audience "You can differ with these leadership in inviting students 646-0181. Mansfield, power-training bill whose without power. of about 200 were members of A P P U » to r itnlft brlck-a-brao, tocta, framoo, including completdy modem Only 882,500. HAyes Agency, ven County - residents — have decisions,” BrewsteriRnkWoffA1* fialrlsaid, “but confront moral dilemmas.” TORTHWOOD A partm ents — On...!,Coventry and immediate impact would have A'slmllar breakdown in toe toe Yqle Club ot New Haven. Dellcioua and Mclntoah. Voipe glassware. We buy estates. MANOTESTEJR —■ 8-room Qar- kitchen, 6 bedrooms, Oraclous 6464181. • • B & W « . been moused after expressing Neither Brewster nor th6 stu- Village Peddler, Auctioneer, One and two-bodroom apart­ and spacious, set in park-like J when a switch been creation of thousands of opinions______'about,___ the_____ guilt or In- TVdland substation last week To an alumnus Who. disputed t^steerh ad 'f dent member of the panel, i Farms off Birch Mountain Rd. ments, central air-condition­ rlson Colonial, 4 bedrooms, ale's tax-exemnt ,had to, what you will 430 Lake St., Bolton. «4>^7. grounds. Truly, one must allot RANCH HOUSE and BARROWS and WALLACE Co. failed to mb^tion public-service Jobs to fight un- nocence of the'de'fei^ter*Bhw left Vernon, EUtagton and Yale’s tax-exempt status, Btew- cut out.” Thomas D. Warren of New York/ to Volpci R d. Bolton. ing, carpeting, balcony, car­ douUe garage, excellent area, f Manchester Parkade f^ed to operate at about 12:46 employment. ' of these persons have said they ster acknowledged: •'The' ques- treed 1^, walk-out basement. time* to inspect this rare pnq»- acres of land to r 821,000. Tidland customers without City, managing editor of toe ports, plus other luxury fea- Wooded land high and dry. Manchester 6494306 An cannot accept this legisla- consider the defendants' tano- power, but for a shorter time ti(»i is how to fairly assess the As for toe Black Coalition, Yale Dally News,” had kind tiires. F rom 8225. J . D. R eal Only 889,900. H ayes Agency, erty leisurely. By, apptdnt- HoaMkoM Goods 51 Rooms W lHiootioard 59 ment Belfiore Agenby, 647- House In fair condition, Keith tnntnirmijifXTLrnmiLiu...... — ;— “tidltlonal 160 homes ta tlon vdtich only perpetuates and cent. ttian Otis morning’s break­ users of toe city and not just “ I**’ agreed to ^^^^ds for the recent visit of rep- Btetate Associates, 643-5129. down. toe residents...... try to raise funds. We made no *u t ai REFRIOERATOR — apart- THOMPSON House —Got- 1418. R eal E state, 6464126, 649-1922. «n«nelBl - resentatives of the Justice De­ * He said he agreed with sug­ financial promise 'of cash.’ partment to Yale. Either pro­ ment slsed, like new, 87»- centrally loc^, FOUR-ROOM apartment, cen- k UNBEUEVABLEII! = r ^ - s r . - of toe Jury selection process ap­ All schoois in toe area Nonetheless, - he said, the unl- © 1970 k; NIA, I ., MANCHESTER — U 2k "r ! 7- MANCHESTER In d u strial sofM J’***!*'’ reported that said Wednesday ta a veto mes- gestions that a university has testors hampered a free ex- gas atove, |80. Aluihlnum large pleaaantly funded tral location, security and ref­ pears to be the number of per­ were closed due to toe storm. See for yourself. This inde- ’ room deluxe Colonial, 2H 8-famlly bouse, excellent lio ­ fuU ^m ent, large rooms were sUppery throughout sage to the S e ^ . emptory challenges left to the much In common with commut-' ^erslty raised about 81 ntilllon change of ideas between toe doors, 82x80, 86x80, 810. each. rooms, parking. Call 64^3858 erences 8126. m onthly. Wolver- ness oppertunlty. IBgh traffic 824,900.■1. Hayes Agency,AflMMMev ASA646- triAthe stateofaAA The heariest_t_A. .... *2 a^^ toe for ovemliht and pendanent scribable 7-room split for bathd; double garage. Ex­ defenseattome^Theyhaveex- slaying of musician Gary Hta- resoles ^ FTBIfeSnd studete, they said, 648-2465 eventaga o r 648-1443. ton Agency 640-2813. "Well, at least, fos-a starting point—can we agree oh count, good condition. Call 0181. ..-..1=0,1 •» o. iuoi- =o 01 musician uaiy hui without paying taxes. What organizations. avoided anau,eHno- only 827,800. 24x14 enclosed clusive executive neighbor­ r to. toe northwestern comer He said toe measure, ta rele- erclsed 28 of their allotted 60. man- and Steve Oroean 19 vrtio ^ ^ k paying . wnat the FBI avolde.avoided answering toe guest rates. now. 881,80^ Hayes Agency, of toe state. SINGER touch and aew with —- . .------; -----—±r ,------VILLAGER Apartments—Five- all being 'male supremists'?" patio, rec room, garage, hood. Selling below replace­ BOI/PON — Custom 6-room itlng lanreI®**® numbers of work- The proeecutKmproeecutlim has used onlvonly te in c^todv to itavo Cou^^ both is a .After toou.« Maymay Day^ay weekend,,w^Keno,. questions asked 6464181. cabinet. Monograms, hsms, ^ room Townhouse. IH tiled beautiful yard and oh so ment cost. Hayes Agency, 646- bitek I^ ch on two parklike stomr'to^^etoe early stage of toe era to permanent, subsldtaed 12. ^ *®*’ major demons^tion with references. Private home, baths, wall-to-wall carpeting, ' 0181. ® charge of carrying a sawed- he said, suggesting that Yale was staged on the /New Haven embroiders, etc. Used, excel­ many other features! Truly acres, 2-car garage, 2 battB, •— ®®- employment. “Ignored the les- 'me Juron selected eariler are off ahotgun. Lhw 'School professors and Yale Green In support^ Black Pan- very near center. 640-4966. two air-condltloners, private a home with tender-loving finished family room W ^esday night sons of toe last decade . lent condition. Guaranteed. MANCHEfl — O verslsed 7- Lots For Sate 73 The hill »o Will™. '”'® ^l-mcmber grand Jury economists meet with city 600. employment, f r ^ Wolci^t and a 65-year-old iSltag'rt'fflierraB ' iitoo m ls^iO T!ln"thir‘L T “^ l‘ p'^I^Uc ‘up T T o ^ u ta^ 'IS ^ u sto g ance, 649-7820. WASHINGTON (AP) — Secre­ COUNTRY Store, Route 6 loca­ arate furnaces Just off East Realtor 648-6821 nets. Three bedrooms, screen­ TVjUand — acre treed,—^000. Wanted— Real Estate 77 about 4fi minnfap gbuil^ with |200 million this retired black man from New Ha- as a ranch hand at toe Spahn facilities in a town are designed development fund, 7 CUBAN, USED mfrigerah«. STstS-SS"’ tion, OH-room Ranch, baths, Vernon high scenic, acre. tary ot Commerce Maurice H. ranges, autoinatlc washers Center St. Good condition, ed pmrch, central flreplace, gency workers worked* to”™" ^vfiniiib^ i ^ Increaal^ in ven. ranch—toe Manson famUy head- to serve the town,” he said. Before the questioning began, F n rn is h o fi out buildings, lB00. Frechette Real­ The National Weather Swvlce work. Mayors and govemora abetting murder. They are also ^AM. I» ocf, 22 Phllbrick Agency, Realtors, ed, large kitchen, ceramic pri^-acy. Itotchtas Agency, To develop message for Friday, to local residents. The speaker cent ahead of last yecu*. For Rant 64 duced to 828,900. Keith R eal tors, 647-9998. to Windsor Locks said six to would have designated the type charged ■with coniqiiracy to mur- 1"^ 2- 9-11-13 14-18-24.29^ was William Horowitz, member H eavy duty 1671 Ziig Zags. 6464200. bath, fireplace, Buckley Realtors, 6494824. elght inches new snow feU In J®*>a fiUed under toe program ‘*®*‘ conspiracy to kidnap, R/63-73-80-82 read words corresponding to numbers 54-55-66 ^ The secretary reported to lE state, 646-4126, 649-1922. of your Zodiac birth sign. of the Yale Corporation, the 25 y ear gu aran tee bond. MANCHEST^ Middle School, close to everything, THREE acres and a babbling A-ZONED wooded builtlng tot Mediators Busy most Inland areas wito between to** those unable to find work In The state charges that Seale TAURUS SCORPIO President Nixon that retzUl Makes button holes, hems, Tpke., West, new air-condition­ AM. 20 1 No 31 Repairs 61 Improved governing board of trustees. firms are showing rapidly im­ Ken Ostrtasky, Realtor, 648- brook, ton minutes, from Man­ on C arol D r. AU utUltlea artment, 8196. cy. 648-1188. room Colonial with 1^ MANCHESTER — 2-family in kLlNCHESTHR — 5 and 6-two a rtesian weU, 100x880’. reason­ here. 44 Benefit CAPRICORN sag, In cabinet, slightly used, 6464181. baths, nicely renovated. famUy. Three bedrooms, over­ dtators took iq> the problem of ending tote aftomoon. toe weato- and already there’s no teace to 21 150i 45 Value 75 Emerge DEC. cey said. But he added his office ping more for bargains this holi­ Available January 1st. or be­ central location, large rooms, able. Virginia H. CelinsU, Seale has denied toe aUega- 16 Don't 46 To 76 Should is making a special attempt to monograms, button holes, slsed garage. Near diopptag. bringing divided conference erman said. , S^.:JULr 22 JAN. day seEison, he said. Specials fore. 646-0696. APPROXDCATELY 6400 MANCHESTER cloeo to shop­ new ceramic baths, also ideal Broker, 649-1U6. tion, asserting that he had never 17 Procticol 47 Sympothetic 77 Be recruit local students. hem s, etc. O riginally over 8800 square feet of space in the 825,900 — O versized custom Extra two-famlly buUdtag lot participants together. Shwtiy before daybreak, areas New Hampshire Gov. Walter ®* Rackley until toe vie 0^39-42-49 18 Workirvg 48 And 78 Cloud 4- 6-34-37/«~r providing large price cute have ping, 4-family with 4 room fo r ta-law sttuatioa. cmly 825,- 1.&78-81-86 19 Tiring 49 Thinking 79 From 44-46-57 The subject of Angela Davis mo'ved goods In large volume. now only 852. E asy term s. 522- MANCHBISTEIR — Newer de­ Mamtaester State Bank build­ C ^e, attached garage. Ifice Low 80’s. H ayes Agency, 646- ’The conference has taken on a tocludtag Canaan and Lltohfield peterson ordered all state of- ^*n'® body was discovered and a 20 Your 50 Takes 80 In 0981. D ealer. — apartments, 4-car garage, new area. 000. F o r im m ediate sale. Bel LEO AQUARIUS arose when an alumnus question- he said." luxe dujdex. 8220 per month ing at 1041 Mata Street Ideal A ir R eal E state, 648-9882. 0181. O ot off Team double life, with most ®tween 8 weather, and some New Hamp- RneWey’s death was George £ 2 3 By 53 Person 83 Of 30’e. H ayes Agency, 046-0181. 828,500—New 6-room R aised F o r S a t e ^A U G . 22 H I. I I campus last week had taken up Seattle area ims htunpered and carpets. Two-children per­ vlde. T. J. Crockett Realtor, MANCHESTER AND VICINITY scheduled acUvltieB whUe a dte- Inches of new snow, ac- mimlclpal buUdtags were ® Panther from z 24 Conditions 54 Things 84 Given four diairs,' large and sturdy mitted. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ Ranch. i'V*-32-35-47 1 25 Cosh 55 Around 05 Off 19-21-38-50yt? a collection for her. Chauncey sales, while the General Motors set. 880. 6494917. 648-1577. MANCHESTER — Ideal loca­ COVENTRY, 838,500. N lcd y de­ satisfied minority prepares to *® “le state piUice. closed. Peases Air Force Base ^>etrolt who ta-expected to be tor. 6494686. EXECUTIVE SPUT 814.500— 7-room Cape, fuU cellar. toe key prosecution witness. i>'53-5e-74 |2 6 C a ll 56 Be 86 Judgnvent lM-72-85-1 replied that the session, one of strike had an adverse effect chi tion for medical building. signed 6-room Ranch, fire­ hrfd a rutap session. drifting employes except key I 27 Fronk 57 Compromise 87 Doydreominf a series concerning black wom­ EXCEIXENT location — neTct 816.900— 5-room Cape, 2-car g a­ VIRGO |2BTh« 58 For 66 Pleosure PISCES business in Detroit said other RmBIOERATOR, terigta^ MANCHESTER — Deluxe one- Large Colonial home with ex- place, paneled famUy room, “Our age-segregated society morning personnel and snow crews to H I. I? en, was not a university-spon­ 889, deluxe compeust F ro st to comer of Berlin Tpke.,. New- MITTEN Colonial styled home buUt rage. e 29 Change 59 Work 89 Priority cities, Stans ssdd. But he said bedroom apartment, first tagton. Conn., acroea from M e -/ ^ buUdtag lot. CaU to by PrestUio contains 8^ new ceramic tUe hath, spa­ i— l CUM=» from iron. S ' .a U,. sta y home. 30 Don't 60To 90 ImportoTKe MAR. 20 sored event. retail sales are improving in toe Queen. 20x18’’, 856. 649-8686. AGENCY, REALTORS 824.900— Custom buUt 6-room cious tree shaded lot LoulSi School sessions in most of 12/181 floor. 8160 and 8170 per month Donald’s Restaurant, 2,000’ of­ inspect. Heritage House, 646- mammoth rooms with many adults,” Dr. Urie Bronfenbem- trouble ■was located over the Dri- Manson Accused OaO-25-33-36 1- 7-10-434 Brewster noted that the imi- strike-affected areas now that Ranch, IH acres, 2-car garage. Dlm ock R ealty, 649-9638, southern Maine were called off (§)Adverse ^N eutral ELEXTITUC 'sto v e, 2 ovens, 4 Including heat and appliances. fice space, air-conditioned. 2482. 6434930 568-1568 647-1678 buUt-in extras. Truly a fine 827.500— New listing, 9-room ner, chairman of a forum atoy and air from toe Atlantic to move MANCHESTER — Nice one- BRAND NEW homes — 3 and conf^on .Among toe youn^.” Ghcurles Manson, on trtal ta toe bedroom apartment available H artford. Phone 208-282-4857. CHOICE property — Top loca­ 888.900— 7-room R aised R anch. to-waU carpeting, large kltch-' over Oonnectlout, changing toe MOTOROLA TV console, 22 Brokers protected. 4-bedroom Ranches, Colonials The Oriution, he iiald: “We » ------,7 __el minor accidents were report- Sharon Tate slayings, has been now. Close to bus and shop- tion or wiU buUd to suit tenant. HERITAGE HOUSE Assumable mortgage. en recently redecorated, laun­ snow to a m ixture of ■wintry . Inch. 648-8807. and Raised Ranches, one to must hring adults back Into the precipitation over inland areas ®®' accused of a ninth murder In a E ping. 8162. p er m onth including gpoR E , 20’x70’, 846 Main St., Lot frontage on Berlin Tpke., dry room, 1% baths, two-sone| 2^ baths, one and 2-car gar 6 4 6 -2 4 8 2 heating system, attached ga­ Uves at chUdren and children Jmd’ to raj,» at the ooastTthe failures In Massachu- case In wWch toe victim’s body appliances, carpets and air- Downtown Manchester, AvaU- 270', total land, 78,000 square rages, large lots, priced to feet. Comer of East Robbins rage. 8t*,000 at 7% asaumable back Into toe Uves of adults.” weather bureau reported. ®®^*® crcqqied up In Abtagton, has not been found. conditioning. CaU Paul W. able now. CaU 5224114. seU. Also buUdtag lots, Keith PASEK . Dr, Brc^enbreimer, a Oomell The storm was exiiected to be ®* Brockton, Hanson and He was among three persons MaefiliMiy and Tools 52 Dougan, R ealtor, 649-4685. Avenue, next to Carrols Res­ mortgage. Low 20’s. Towne MAIN STREET office space, taurant. Owners and devel<^ R e ^ E state, 646-4126, 649-1922. jg^NCHESTER — Nice older Burnside Ave., E a st H artford Real Estate, 6494006. University professor of psychri- near New York a ty by mid- I^»«ineadow. State crfflclate who reliable sources said were m MODEL 72 cub cadet AVAILABLE January 1st, ------home, first-floor famUy room, 648-1887 6464678 ogy, suggestedi several ways momtag and then swing east- ®*Yed all motorists not to travel indicted for murder Wednesday tractor, with 6.50x8 fnmt tires, 100 per cent location near ers — Stoddard Investment large modem airy 8>room banks, air-conditioned, auto­ Inc., 740 North Main St., West MANCHESTER — New custom three bedrooms, garage. Ex- MEMBERS MANCHESTER VERNON • this mlg^t be done: ward toward Cape Cod, rrtum- ^ "®®^ urgent, and by toe Los Angeles County 8.60kl2 rear tires, headlights, apartment. Stove and refriger­ buUt 7-room Raised Ranch. tra B-soned lot included. Total ___ CUSTOM BUILT RANCH —’Hie ‘ladopUon” of groups of tag corier a ir to toe region and “ '® PassaW® ha*- grand Jury In the case of Dcmald 38" mower, 42’’ snow blade In­ matic fire sprinkler. Apply H artford, 232-4857. ator, third floor, 1067 Main St. Mariow’s, 867 Main St. Three or four bedrooms, large price, 892,900. P au l W. Dou- MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Here is your chance to buy children by business firms producing some snow flurries “ 5 ^ ' _ , “Shorty” Shea, who disap- stalled, plus snow cab Install­ Heat, - hot water, tile bath, cathedral ceiling Uvtag room, gan, R ealtor, 649-4595. a one-year / wlilch would taidte the children over Ccxmecdicut ta toe Edter- Bhote Island s Green Airport- peared udiUe living on an old ed with, set ot tire chains, parking one car. Adults only. MANCHESTER Green — two fireplaces, two baths, CaU for the FREE Greater in a fine neighborhood for to visit employes at work “so noon. closed at 7:80 a.m. tempo- movie ranch wito Manson. C wheel weights and weight box. No pets. R ent 8106. 6484896 Groimd floor, 900 sq. ft. front rlomos For Sate 72 glass sUding doors, sun deck, SOUTH MANCHESTER —Sev- Hartford Homes Magasine. 826,900. baths, buUt-tas. ' toot chUdren would learn not In toe northern parte of New '^th flights expected to The Indictments were kept se- CaU South Windsor Equip­ between 44 p.m. portion cari^ted, second flwr, LARGE 6-room bungalow with complete buUt-tas, city utUi- en room newer colonial. Two- ______formal dining romn, fire- only about specific Jobs, but England, where more than a •ra®™® hy noon. Schools were cret after Manson’s lawyer m ent Co., 289-8406 fo r price. one office 12 x 12, caU 649- 842,600. U A R R ealty Co., car garage, first floor famUy MANCHESTER — 4-bedroom placed Uvtag room, beamed niq«> about toe people who do *®®t ®* snow was ricpected, cj®®®d throughout toe state and rushed to toe hearing room to 117 CEDAR St., four-room, first 2741 o r 6494688. room . Close to school. 838,900. alr-conditloned Cape, large celling and garage. Please ,. them.’* only the ski resort operators officials reported con- protest the state was tryin^^ to floor apartment, 8195 monthly. ___ Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- call Mr. Gordon for an ap­ occupancy — 5- Realtor, 649-4693 Keaiior. wooded lot, garage, fireplace, -Bloxlblo work schedules ®^®»'e h ^ P y ®^*h the situatlOT. ___ prejudice toe Tate trial by mak- Security depoalt. Available IMMEDIATE 4586. city utiUtles, quiet neighbor­ pointm ent. MHskal Instnanantt 53 January lat. 6484201. room suite of offices. Former­ whlch would allow both mothers J®®* >‘««P ®P ^ *® hig toe new accusatiwis public, ly doctor’s office. Ideal for any PRIVATE SALE —E state Uke hood. Im m aciUate. 82,400 and fathers to be with children it,” said a weary, red-eyed Ver- ™ storm, southern coast- The sources said persons or- SIX-ROOM Duplex, stove and professional man, heat and Money-Saver grrounds, luxuriously landscap­ down. M eyer R ealtors, 648- • • B & when they Eire most needed as *®®**t snow plow opemtor on a areas—especially C^pe Ck»d dered Emalgned today Eire Man- BUNDY ’Trumpet, Uttle used, S o ^ fn a rt 0609. refrlgeratorf no pets, two chU- electricity included, 8275. 649- ed, located In.' Manchester BARiROWS and WALLACE 6n when children get home fnunfo Z ®®«®® break tote momtag. - r * " ® "® “ I ®®"- Bruce Davis, ^7. who Is 8100. CaU 649-8658 a fte r 6 p.m . dren permitted, heat not in­ “Here it is only mid-December ti^e two to three feet above chEirged ivlto murder in toe 6544. Green Area. Four - bedroom MANCHESTER — Newly listed Mancheoter Paricade TCbool o r when th ey are sick .” normal. CHRISTMAS Special — U s^ cluded, one month’s security. home features waU-to-waU car­ Cape on D enting S t WiU bor­ Manriiester 6494806 —Increasing the number and Kinsman Spinet organ with A vailable Jan u ary 1st. 8165. MANCHESTER — Approoti- peting in formal draped dining m ately 8,500 square feet, air- d e r expanded Route 15, lo t ap- status of part-time Jobs “so that one manual, good condition. 647-1648. room and mm fiUed modern proxlm ately 100x200. ^ c e U e n t ~ . A®®UMABLB emi^oyes who wish to give a condiUanqd, ground level. kitchen. Spacious paneled rec­ 8285. Dubaldo M usic C enter, BT. — Five large poaslblUty. Quick sale wanted. 8-bedroom Ranch, larger part of their time and en- 649-6206. Open daUy 8 to 8:80 Hartford Rd., NtoKee St. area. reation room, flreplace and - — 2-car garage, may be leased on room s, second floor. 8186. Suitable for c^ces or busi­ B el A ir R eal E state, 648-9882. ergy to parenthood or other ac- p.m., Saturday, 94 p.m. bay window create true com­ option to buy. P rice 819,900., tl'vlties with children can do so Available January 1st. 649- ness. WUl sub-divide. CaU 643- fort in the large draped Uvtag SOUTH FARMS — New homes K eith R eal E state 6464126, 649- VOX MARK IV Tear Drop bass 8850. ____ 8582 o r 647-9766. room. Outside porch and patio, with city water and sewers. 1932. (ritbout sacrificing their career ctooet, attic and cellar, stor­ S tartin g a t 831,900. Im m ediate opportunities and rate of in­ VEST com e.’’ . floor space, office, parking age space galore, 2-car ga­ occupancy or to be buUt for ------stove, refrigerator, garage. Three-phase power, wUl sub­ rag e. CaU owner, 649-8800 af­ spring deUvery. M erritt Agen­ ... AvaUable January 1st, lease divide. 6494048. te r 0 p.m . cy, 646-U80. Head Herald Ads ILt W ontad To la y 58 required. CaU 649-26150 before Boston College?^'] MCKASE WANTED — Antique furniture, ______6 p.m . Hoosos For Rant 65 . ?»> H.(yrCj To'Close STORE glass, pewter, oU paintings or oriRBE-ROOM apartment, SBVBIN-ROOM houae, good con­ other antique items. Any qusn- stove, refrigerator, heat, and MAMOmOfTEB PABKADE dition. Clean, large lot Walk­ S FT. ME^E, Md. (AP) — .(Next to Qtaai Uotaa) tlty . The H arrisen ’a, 648-8709, electricity fum isbed. No pets. ing distance to bus line, school Secretary of the Army Stanley 165 O aldand S treet Single adults preferred. CaU and shopping. Central location. &. Resor notified Boston College 6484078 after 6 p.m. 8200 monthly plus security. {n Wednesday of the Amor’s LOOKING FOR THAT “SOMETHING pians to discontinue toe ROTC >MANCHE8TER —Brownstooie Owner - Agent, 872-6569, 649- SPECIAL” FOR THAT MAN ON YOUR Apartments, 2-bedroom dupl^ *9*2 •1 tirogram a t toe end of the 1970- GIFT LIST? WOODLAND il academic year. apartment large rooms, am­ FIVE-ROOM bouse, two bed­ Tkfi Ansyfer tp Your G ift Problem! 1, The decision frilowed a recent HARVEST H llJi FEATURES A WIDE SELECTION OF “COLLECTORS BOTTLES.’’ MANOR ple ctooets, IH tedhs, beat hot rooms. Security deposit re­ ,/ tequest by Boston College that BEBNIE DELONG, MANAGER, SHOWN HOLDING AN OLD CROW CHESSMAN water, carpeting, two alr-con- quired. CaU between 9 a.m. pie Army phase'' out Its ROTC PIECE, HAS HAD 13 YEARS OF SELLING AND ACQUIRED INFORMATION ON ALL APARTMENTS dittonere, iqipUancea, washer and 2 p.m . 648-6010. which has been serving toe FEATURED LINES. and dryer hook-up, parking. A SvbscripfIon To Th% ptudents th ere since 1947. FOB DOUBLE HOLIDAY ENJOYMENT — FINE LIQUOR AND AN UNUSUAL % Homestead Street Garage (qittonol. Adults. 8225. ^ The Boston College unit has COLLECTORS PIECE TO KEEP FOREVER. 7 Manchester, Coim. CoU 545-1769 875-9407, 873-9060. SIX-ROOM Ctqie, 8225. Wotver- produced an average of 67 offl- ton Agency, Realtors, 6^3818. Manchester Evening Herald WOODLAND MANOR offers 118 MAIN ST., Second floor, 8 |ers each year for the part five BEAMS CHOICE COLLECTORS EDITION ....).:...... $6.29 and up the ultimate in convenlnt rooms, heat hot water and SEXX>ND Bolton Lake — 4-room years. Tito Army Is taJd^ s t^ to assure *1m»* toe maximum EZRA BROOKS COLLECTORS BOTTLES ...... >..... $14.79 and up prestige Uvtag, with schools, garage. One or two adults, bouse, lakefront, central beat- A Gi'ft For The Whole Family For The Whole HOUSE OF KOSHU — GEISHA GIRLS ...... $13.60 and up aboi^ig and religious focU- 8140. Security required. 645- tag, refrigerator, stove, gentle- Aumber of cadets cuirenUy en- itles nearby. 3486, 8 4 . m an p referred . 742-7867. toUed there are jmovtded an op- GARNIER COLECTORS BOTTLES ...... $9.99 and up Year portunlty to complete oonunis- OLD CROW CHESSMAN — LIMITED ED IT IO N ...... $13.29 and up IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY t l Of the Years Top News Stories Captured In One Outstandni Volune! Spacious one and two bed­ ATTmACnvA 8H-rooms. Down- ETVB-ROQM houee, completely An Ideal G ift For: Mother and Dad ^on requirements. J. W. DANT AMERICANA COLLECTION...... $8.88 and up room apartments, refrigera­ stain, on bus Une. Heat and fumiohed for rent. ’Ihree ref­ 8106 ------— FREE GIFT WRAPPING — tor, stove, dishwasher, dis- hot water included. One adult erences req u ired , $200. p er 10M-24M month. FhUbrick Agency, Grandparents — College Students — j; Brikaiii Ckmpo Down THE WORLD IN 1970 poosl, air conditioning, fuU preferred, no pets. Security de- ' 5 * . Here is history as we lived it, dramatized in thou­ cazp^tBg, dsqtric beat. R ealto rs, 646-4200. A pretty apron can also 2 On IVnek Pf^loKioa poelt. 81M m onthly. CaU 646- A partial belt nips in the be a money-saver . . . use Your Favorite Serviceman WOODEN WINE CHESTS sands of words of text and more than 200 exciting ■ Manchester Evening Herald P.O. Box 66 peiJui apartment oj>en for 0666 a fte r 5 p.m . waistline in this style for ^LONDON (AiP) — P lan s to itnspectlon Sat. and mm. 14, scraps to make the at­ ANTINORI ITALIAN WINE CHEST black and white and color photographs. The great POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. ,12601 OofioffTawR that slender-figure look. tractive trim on this sew- rtirh .noise, congestion -and air Enclosed Is $______I__ Please send______week days by appointment FOUR-loige rooms, range, re­ No. 8106 with PHOTO- CHANSON FRENCH BURGUNDY WINE CHEST StaitoM at 817B monthly. U simple style. No. 2185 SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE iution caused by heavy and near great events that shaped our lives na­ copies of The World In 1970 at $4.50 each to frigerator, many extras. 81M. F o r R o o t GUIDE is in Sizes 1014- has pattern pieces for cks, w ere announced CHANSON FRENCH BORDEAUX WINE CHEST 24^ (bust 33-47). Size K J:RQML $40.60 l T Q _$5L 32. tionally and internationally are given their full sense monthly. CaU for ^ipotatment, HEBRON — New two-bedroom 12%, 35 bust . . . 2% applique; full directions $30.00 per year — $ 15.50 for 6 months — $7JB0 for 3 months l^edncMday by British Thanqiort Nam e______- 646-0060 o r 6484108. for aprons. Mtaister John Peyton. o f and significance in thjs latest in a series of Associ­ Children welcon* yards of 45-inch. tIN9 M>4 la aria* Mr aac* aat- COMFUTE UNE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINE •d; Heat, hot water, ap- Patterns available only trn ta laclaea N nw au miBig. We Will Send A Gift Card * “I believe the time has corns ated Press news annuals, THE WORLD IN 1970. This Address. pUancea, carpeting, parking. in sizes shown, . te -a major effort to curb the MHONOa hard-covered volume of 300 pages, including a 32- to n IS4 Is sslu ftr lac* lit- gtowtag' - and undoubted nui- WE City and State. Zip No.. n m o r n t f U b L Immediate occupancy. 8195 tan ta lielKs iiwUMau HBai. 0»i_ page almanac, is worth much more than the special m onthly. 6464682, 846-2871. ».T. ■oace,’’ he told the House of HONOR V H iA G I Mat n m . AMran *ldi ZIP Commons. BAGGED ICE low price for'which you can obtain it through this Send gift certilicate to ^ __ MTE. CODE aa* Stria NaaiSir. ATARI . m n r TooBK, illanrl|frB trr S u ru in g ' New regulations controOing The Fall & Winter ’70 newspaper. So order your copy today tor your own Name U A R Now reottag, m e and two Mat Nam, AdSnts wltli IIP smoke and (he power-weight ra­ For Sate 5 9 COSE. Stjta Nnmr la i Ua. album is 65f, includes tio n ,o f v9hlclea-wlU take rtfect SEVEN UMMTIONS TP SERVE YOU home library, as a gift, or both. hodroom apartmetes. Oasfet postage and handling. 13 BISSELL STREET p h o n e 643-27II Address. REALTY CO.. INC. tog> 2 air-ccwdUlsners, The Fall & Winter ’70 COVESEO WM0N...T»alrt fciaS- from iQpril, 1978, an d noise regu­ ------I lyf^ffcsi OPPOSTTB C antor P a rk , 8- Basic FASHION Book is lations will go into force the foi- W srt ] I gp Mfogr tx m m anuJBT loat Satliai af Plnair Oqtil City and State. Zip No.. CoU Froneea K. ™-g— family of 8 rooms eadi. ex- 65f, includes postage and Pattwa alacti; Slnetltas. aiOS- CALL OR STOP IN: MON. - FRI. 1:30 - 5tOO--4iAT. till NOON Issring year, to give industriea a 24T-86U ______J OOMlf. ceUeot coodltion, PvlMd to handling. SM, ladaSn ,titan aat *aa- Only $4-50 per copy K sntal Mh u m t dllai. f ^ chance to achieve "a de­ Watsrb a tj 851 SIM or 648-lOn seU. T. J. Orockett, Realtor, but not reosiaiiaUe Bristol 7t$meg l-UU Be sure to add state and local tax where applicable. 648-U17. * ’ Peyton said. 1), A

rpjjUUSDAY, DEOEMBERr 17, 1970 Average Dally Net Press Run The Weather p a g e ! THIRTY-T#0 iianrbPBt^r lEupntijg Hwalii Ftor Ib e Week Bnded Clear, cold temight; lows IS November 14,1870 to 20. Tomorrow ihcreaslng cloudiness, chance of late show­ Rimski-Korsakov, and “Christ- A d v ice to T o w n E m p loyes ers; Mgfa in 408 Sunday partly mas Fantasy.” 16,080 A bou t Tow n MHS Concert The choirs wUl sing “ Glory cloudy, colder. Hie AduU- Bible Study Group to God in the Highest” ;,_ “ Ador I Dodge Turkeys, Mdyor Sdys, Manchester— A City of Village Charm of Zion Evangelical LutheraA Set F rid a y amus Te Christo” ; “ Song CSnircb will meet tonight at 7:M GalUee” ; VOL. LXXXX, NO. 67 (Classified Advertising on Page 28) PRICE TEN CENTS at thg church. The Manchester High School with nga Paups Or Divide and Donate Them (THIRTY-TWO PAGES-tTWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., jfRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1970 My Heart This Night ReJolceB” ; Round Table Singers and choirs, Mayor Nathan Agostlnelll„ m all such ImpUcattons, hofwmrer The board of Christian educa­ “Do You Hear'What I Hear?” ; unfounded.” directed by MIm Martha WMte; one of his last official acts" be­ tion of Oonunuhlty BapUst “ We Need a Little Christmas” ; AgosUneUi told a story which Church will meet tonight at and the band, imder the baton : “ Christmas Was Meant for fore leaving office mv'Jan. 5, / lormerformer .Town lowu Manager Richard 7:80 in the church youth build­ o f Maurice Steinberg, will pre­ Children” ; and “ Masters in this has asked Town Manager Rob- deceased, was fond Army Denies ing. sent their 41st annual Christ­ Hall.” Post Office Attorney General ert Weiss to-lde^aU town em- of telling. ■----- mas concert tonj^rrow . night at Concluding the concert will be The Junior and Senior Oon- iSoyes to the 4|lrovMoiis of Sec. Mr. Martin, as he was getting Allegations 8 in Bulley Auditorium of the the choirs’ rendition of two sel­ Advises: flrmatitm Classes of Emanuel ections from Handel’s “ Mes­ 2-6 of the^tbW charter, vdilch into t o car one aftomoon, about school^- a week before ChrlMmas, no­ Lutheran' Church will meet to­ siah” ; “ For Unto Us a Child forbids^ <^ c t or indirect ac- Supports Hoover The public is invited. Admis­ ticed a huge package on the night at 6:30 in the parish If Is Bom,” and the “ HaUolujah cepteilce of perquisites, com- O f S n o o p m g Mail Today building. sion Is free, but a free will of­ back seat. It turned out to be a fering will be taken for student Chorus.” petisatioa or fees, other than By MARK BROWN Accompanisrts are Bridget 20-pound turkey, wrapped in By am LUTHKR BOSTON (AP) — New Eng­ Center Congregational Church activities. Seating reservations those paid by the town. aluminum foil. Biere was no Associated Press Writer Bossidy, Dtmald Charlamb. AMoototed Press Writer land postal {Matrons were urg­ council will meet Uuilght at will be taken. They may be ’Ihe charter provisiMi, which card attached and no hint of Kathy Donovan, Victoria GnHb, ed to get toelr Christmas WASHINGTON (A P)— Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell 7:80 In the Federation Room made by calling the high school has been interpreted to mean WASHINO’TON (AP) — .’The Terry Low, Sharon Plantej'^ahd who had left it, althouf^ Mr. cards and packages in toe said today he doesn’t believe FBI Director J. Edgar of the church. office tomorrow. Christmas gifts to town em­ Martin said he had a good idea Army says a preliminary inves­ mail by today to avoid delays Nancy Wilson. x The band will open with ployes, requires the town em­ of the source. tigation baa found ho truth to in delivery. Hoover’s recent statements are a cause' for rebuke. 'nie Chapel Choir of Emanuel “ Christmas Overture,” and the ploye to deposit the direct or Since he couldn’t return the chargea toe U.S. military ^ led William F. Bolger, region­ ■ ’The attorney- general a l s o ------v- Lutheran Church will rehearse Round Table Slng^ers will pro­ indirect fees, compensaUen or he did the next best thing. on an Illinois senator, cemgress- al director of toe U.S. Postal sald, in a news conference, the rumors that he will resign tonight at 7:90 in Luther Hall cess to "O Come All Ye Faith­ ECHS 4Jlee a u b fees with the crdlector He had a turkey cut into quar­ man and fmmer governor. Service, ssdd that msmy {>eo- federal government plans no ^un President Nixon’s re-,elec- of the church. ful.” revemie, “ for the use of the ters and gave it to the Town “ I can state that neither Sen. ple failed^ to post toelr msdl further action in the slaying of campaign in 1972, Mitchell The choral group’s portion of In Twb Concerts town.” Welfare Department, for distrlb- Stevenson, Rep. kOkva, nor for­ on ’Ihursday because of toe two young blacks at Jackson ^Id reporters at his first news Jdiovah’s m^tnesses will con­ the program includes “ Ururn AgostinelU, in urging Weisa to utton to four needy families. He mer Gov. Kemer are or ever storm. State College in Mississippi last conference In five months: spring and that no decision has duct a theocratic ministry Urum” : "The Boar’s Head Car­ The Bhist Catholic High School “ Issue this reminder to our de­ told toe story each Cbrlstmas have been the subject ot mili­ He said that some slow­ “I haven’t been asked and I been made on whether a federal school tonight at 7:30 and a ol” ; “Flaming Pudding Carol” ; glee club, directed by ‘ Sister partment heads arid loyal town seasrm, to emphaidae Instruc­ tary intelligence activltlea or downs were re{>orted in high­ sure as hell haven’t volun­ service meeting at 8:30 at King­ grand jury probe of the Kent •’Carol of the Italian Pipers,” Ellen Agritelley, will present a employes,” stated, “ I feel it is tions to town em ployea-not to investigations related to poUti- way transportation of mail teered.” V dom HaU. ‘^wlth flute solo by lis a Liarson; especially critical during this causing late delivery in Stato Incident in Ohio is neces­ concert of sacred and secular accept holiday gifts. cal activities,” Secretary ol toe A8ked about Nixon’s chances “ The Twelve Days of Christ­ holiday season.” Army Stanley R. Resor said In a some areas, but that in toe sary. Four students were killed Christmas’’ music Saturday and during* rdem oliikttoi^'It Kent ^ King David Lodge of Oddfel­ mas” ; ’"This Little Babe” from Asked today to elaborate on statement ’Iluirsday. main toe {>08tal service had lows will meet tomorrow at State. plied;plied: ” I think they’re t excel- "A Ceremony of Carols.” Sunday at 8 p.m. in the school t o request to Weiss, be said, Label Requirement* Resor replied to charges kept up with toe Christmas lent.” 7:80 p.m. in Oddfellows Hall. Also, “ Shepherd’s Pipe Car- auditorium. ’Ihe public is in­ crush. Mitchelf said he has been sat­ “ It has becotne apparent during raised a day earlier by Sen. ^ On toe topic of school desegre- oi” ; «Qo Tell It On The Moun­ vited. the past few years that many of 'TOKYO—Jap€m now requires Sam J. EJrvin Jr., D-N.C., who isfied with the job Hoover has Duncan Bockus of 57 Crest- tain” ; "Carol pf the Bells” ; Highlights of the program will our town em^oyes, as well as all ImpMied food products, in- quoted a former Army agent as been doing as head of toe FBI wood Dr. is a member pf the “ Lute Book Lullaby,” with be “ I Wonder as I Wander,” many weU-meanlng citizens, eluding confectionery and chew- saying Army intelligence per­ and that Hoover has done noth- 2.™*? ^ I Greater Hartford Community guitar solo by Joseph Cohen; “ For You Shall Go Out in Joy,” are not familiar with that pro- ing gum, to carry a Ubel in sonnel had collected data on tog so far that would require about 60 have Chorus. The chorus will be Mitchell’s taking action. chang^ from a dual to a “ A Boy Was Bom ” ; “ Amen,” “ Winter Wonderland,” “ Joy TV) vision of our town charter vdilch Japanese'•similar to that re- Sen. Adlai Stevenson m , former Two-Year heard in concert Sunday at 2:30 Michael. Kelly soloist; and the World,” and the Hallelujah appUes to hoUday gifts. Many qulred for food in airtight cen­ Gov. Otto Kemer, now a federal Hoover recently created a stir h hh p.m. in Millard Auditorium of ” "Twas toe Night Before Chorus from Handel’s “ Mes­ times, a gift to a town employe tainers. The label must state judge, and Rep. Abner Mikva. when he accused two Impris- Hartt College of Music, Univer­ oned kntlwar priests, the b ^ - by toe government 22 Christmas.” siah.” can be interpreted as payment whether the produce contains ’Ihe allegations, Resor said, Thalidomide sity of Hartford. (HeraU photo by Pkito) Dhiiii.- T-1__iJLi __I___are Involved to court cases Between choral segments of Miss Janice Souza, a senior for a favor done or for a favor artificial oolming or preserva- “ sure without foundsdiMi' in Daniel Berrigw, py private {>artle8 and toe concert, toe band will play from South I^dsor, will be toe expected. Strict adherence to tives and toe name aiul address fact.” He {hedged the Army’s of heading a conspiracy to kid- Because of schools being A Citation for Army-Navy Club nap a government official. negotlatmr “ Procession of the Nobles” by featured soloist in “ Ave Marla.’ toe charter rule will forestall of toe importer. cooperation in Ervin’s probe of Trial Ends with toe De{>artment of Health, closed, the cafeteria menu Mitchell said Hoover’s com­ 'The U.S. Navy Service Award president of the club. Lt. Cmdr. all Northeastern United States, toe foUtical lesulers has taken action against a{>- sweet potato, whole kernel An Aachen State Court today shoot very straight” could not the Manchester area. Accepting Kosciusko, director of First Re- young- men interested In the —were Eq>ied. on will be investi­ proximately 100 districts where com , bread, butter, milk, and ended the 2^-year-long thalido­ be considered a racial slur. the citation is James Anderson, cruiting Area, which includes U.S. Navy. there have been complaints of Ice cream In all schools. gate^ se{>arately. The investiga­ mide trial without a formal ver­ ’’You have to read the state­ To Be Am ral of O rnfiiip Dilhaipk’ tion ia continuing in toe case of segregation within a nominally dict but said it was convinced ment to context,” Mitchell said. The niing Junior High School The meeting of the social ac- Full Gospel Christian Fellow- the three Democratic officlsds, that the drug was resper8on to nu- In Continuation of Rioting in Poland The ,Professional Women’s package and deliver food bas------court’s ruling, said there was a the point vtoere he Is doing be brought ” nols who expressed disagree­ d u b will have its Christmas kets. The Christmas party of the HUDSON, N.Y. (AP) — Vir- definite correlation between the s e e th in g improper, and he has said the government has Past Chiefs Club of Memorial ginia O’Hanlon Douglas, to ment with U.S. involvement to party Saturday from 2:30 to Beautiful marketing of the drug to West By NICHOLAS ULUTOS observance o t toe nightly cur- failed to report for work ’Ihurs- tri-clty electric train line.” not come anywhere near reach- taken action to some areas Temple, Pythian Sisters, which whom the famous “ Yes, Vlrgln- Southeast Asia or who <^nly 4:80 p.m. at the home of Mrs. USAF Maj. Ronald H. Taus, Germany from 1967 to 1961 and Associate Press Writer few and for ’’calm, prudence day morning, and toe rest re- ’The broadcast said all work- ing that point, he can say any- against wholesale dismissals of was scheduled for tonight at the la, there is a Santa Claus” edi- opposed Nixon administration Myrtle Williams a n d bOss son of Mrs. Arthur B. Carpenter the thousands of babies born and work” and said toe port had fused to work. He said at noon ers went to their jobs to all thingThlncr ho he uronfawants to.’f/\ home of Mrs. Herbert Alley, 69 torlal was addressed 73 years domestic i>oUcies. WARSAW (AP) More trou- begim a normal working day. several thousand workers three cities, Jeanne Low of 1632 'Tolland of 121 Park St., has received during those years with mal­ In regard to his own future (See Page Tliliieen) Washington St., hss been post- ago, is spending the Christmas ’Ib^re has been no indication ble was indicated today to yje continued ap{>eals for marched into the heart of the Radlo/Gdansk had reported a Tt>ke. They will be assisted by his second and third awards of formed or missing limbs. poned until Monday night, season in a hospital. what use, if any, was made of Szczecin, shaken by rioting and c^lni and order were cMisldered city, but “ heavy poUce forces’’ new flareup to the city ’ITiurs- Mrs. Lucille Smith and Miss the Air Medal for air action Members are reminded to bring Mrs. Douglas, 81, was admit- information allegedly gaUiM'ed ’The judge also held thalido- arson, and tanks were deployed evidence that the city the Ger- stopped several too»wand others day night, with “ gangs <^hooll- Betty Olscm. Members are re­ in Southeast Asia. LuKuiUMn FfoM s minded to bring grab bag gifts, grab bag gifts. ted to Columbia Memorial Hos- by toe agents. mide*'*“ responsible for causing to Gdansk, but toe days of vlo- mgjig called Stettin had yet to who tried to leave the ship- gans’’ attacking food trucks, and an offering of money will — pltal in October suffering gener- New Shipment! Just In Time Ibr Ohristnuu! After Ervin Issued toe re|>ort n erve damage to some adult lence against government price return to normal, Buildings yards. “Many of the trucks were be taken for the patients at Michael Paul Romano, son of Chapman Court, Order of ally from the infirmities of age. of toe former agent’s statement, increases appeared on the ^rere burned and shops were tooted before authorities im- ttoued to force to the tri-clties of broadcast said. of 61 Foster St. and a senior at 7 ;46 p.m. at the Masonic Wednesday. He added there was statement opposing domestic West^ German history. traveler from SzczTCln, P ^ posed a . dusk-to-dawn curfew Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot, on ’The government meanwhile The C h rista business and industrial commun­ Temple. After the meeting no likelihood she would be out BRAIDED RUGS sq>ytog and said, ” It will not be Flv^ past or present employes land’s la^est_port^ the Bay of Daifclg 180 mUes east declared the equivalent' of a the Seniormior MethodistsMetl of South ications major at Emerson Col­ there will be a Christmas party, for Christmas. done under this administra­ of Chemie Gruenenthal, the burned toe Communist peuAy A Swedish newsman who was Szczecin. Passenger train state of emergency throughout At Mountain Lodge united Methodist Church which lege, Boston, Mass., has been Members are reminded to Mrs. Douglas was a girl of 8 f tion.” comiMUiy that produced the headquarters ’IhursdAy to a to Szczecin Tliursday said ar- gei^ce from Warsaw to Gdansk the country and warned that' bring a gift. Mrs. Albert Heavl- when she wrote the old New drug, were charged to a 972- continuation of rioting that has was scheduled this afternoon named to “ Who’s Who Among •• Asked whether military per- mored cars charged a crowd resumed today after a four-day demonstrators resorting to vlo- THURMONT, Md. (AP) — totemational zones along border sides 1s refreshment chairman York Sun in 1897 asking “ Is page todictmwt with negligent left 10-20 dead and hundreds to- has been postponed until ’Tues­ Students in American Univers­ sonnel actually are engaged to outside the burning Communist suspension, but plane and tele- lence would bo shot on sight. President Nixon and British areas. day at noon in Cooper Hall. ities and Colleges.” He is a and Mrs. Daniel Prodam is dec- there a Santa Claus?” m tofUettog bodUy jured. ^ y headquarters and ran bone service wai-a still sus- Premier Jozef Cyrankiewicz l^ n ie Minister Edward Heath Secretsury of State William P. Members are reminded to 1967 ^ graduate of Manchester orations chairman. Offtc.ers will ’The much-quoted editorial re­ S2*secretary RoJS i^l” ^ - violating federal A Western diplomat who re- down a woman and her young Lnded told the nation by television Oew to snowy Camp David to- Rogers also met with Heath and wear colored gowns. ply was by Francis P. Church. bring gifts for a secret pal. High School. gler {>ototed to a statement by drug laws. turiied from toe Baltic port of daughter. He re{)ortedreported toe police ^*■ Thursdav nlc-ht that'io to 20 nor- day for four hours of talks. with British Foreign Secretary 'Ihe defense moved on Dec. 7 Gdansk, where the major vlo- headquarters and several other Warsaw Radionwuu reportedicpuncu thatuia,. kined to to and 20 hun- 'U'® Presidentpresident and Prime Min Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Sir Alec Douglas Home. that the trial be ended with no lence broke out Monday, said buildings were burning when he shops to Gdansk were < ^ n wounded in the rioting I®*®’’ came by helicopter to Nix- Laird: ”It is not going on to any Later at a black tie state din- verdict, and toe prosecution ac- tanks were positioned every 100 left the city that night. morning and fully stocked, ^bich started Monday Iji mountalntop retreat where ner, the Marine Coips Band m m iiE B O o n s o lM n i way at this time.” JOoooM krnaltm g Associated ®®P^ U*® motion because Oie- yards along the main street. ’The reporter, Anders ’Tunberg “ people were queuing to get when shipyard workers U^® woods lay under a thin blan- played “God Save the Queen” '’ ’• C ■ “ - -X - - - Warsaw radio reported toat life of the Swedish Broadcasting morning newspapers; city demonstrated against Increases ket of snow following a four-inch and Nixon and Heath toasted piST hL^'obSed to Gdansk was ” fullV normal.” Oorp., said a third of the 22,000 transport Is operating on a full- ^ ...... outitotog Air Force and Navy ' fall two days ago, one another. SHINYL VINYL Radio Szczecin appealed for shipyard tind. dock worlcers had scale basis and so is the toter- (See Page Eleven) requlreiiente for investigation Nixon and Heath went first to Heath quoted toe late Winston a i^ reporting on "civil disturb- Laurel Lodge, any and 24-Hour Truces for Holidays conference which State Depart­ The guidelines have since been presidential residence for a pri­ AU government com{>ensatlon. ment sources said would include “1 / rescinded. ’Ihe motion to end toe trial vate meeting. The first draft of toe directive By GEORGE E8PER ot being with family and loved er taking off to the Mekong Del- office in Binh Dinh province 282 discussion of the war ^and de­ was biused on a West German Before flying back to Wash­ 1 0 0 2 501 N ordered Air Force personnel to ones. ta, and another OH shot down miles northeast of Saigon, kill­ fense of toe Indian Ocean. Tliey ON 1 law permitting a court to termi­ Associated Press Writer 6 ington to midaftemoon, all th^ re|>ort to their 8iq>ervisor on “ Your sacrifice for the Viet- to the delta. ing a village official and wound­ planned to have lunch there and BOXED NYLON PILE nate a case with no official ver- conferees were to gather for an V; such persons as those ’’attempt­ ------—SAIGON • (AP) American namese people who are fighting South Vietnamese headquar- ing three hamlet chiefs and Informal luncheon at the Nixon return during the afternoon. SALE y ^ V PRICE FBEPASATION EXTRA dict If toe p a ^ Vietnamese forces to their freedom of choice is to ters announced that government CARPET ing to spread antiwar senti­ three soldiers. lodge. WASHINGTON (AP) — South CARDS ments to public places” at Shep- . J Vietnam will observe 24-hour tjjg spirit of this season,” forces on a new sweep operation On the Cambodian govern- The two leaders were expect- Korea’s gaily attired ’’Little An- / . {>ard or those ’’making state­ otoy cease-fires for Christmas and Abrams said. “ . . . Perhaps to the delta discovered a Viet ment’s northeast front, a Cam- ed to take up the Vietnam war sang Christmas songs for ments with racial overtones.” I ttew Year’s, but Informed there is no greater reward to Cong prisoner of war ceunp and bodian military convoy broke and other pressing international president Nixon and British Installed (>^er Heavy Padding When Sen. Ervin asked about defendanto is m i ^ a i . sources said American bombers ,ife than to see your efforts help freed 44 Vietnamese, 39 of them through a Viet Cong-infested questions in today’s discussion, prim e Minister Edward Heath the guidelines, Robert C. Moot, ‘We can t afford to s^ n d continue heavy raids on another to Ws striving for hope civilians, stretch of Highway 7 for the During talks Thursday, the before toe two leaders left more ttoe^ on North Vietnamese supply routes and a better future.” VISIT OUR GREENHOUSE assistant secretary of defmse. A spokesman said the camp first time since the enemy be- two heads of state covered a Camp David to #LT IVnipiV yWMl 9 ^ CEV|MlW9 said the Pentagon has a “ very 1®*” ®- We have P™“ ^ ® to Laos and Cambodia during The U.S. Command an- was 66 miles southwest of Sai­ gan its dry season offensive. wide range of topics including nearby Maryland. . — . iHXHltDin QMi pIVCtICQl btf real concern for toe privacy and education an ’ ■H|ii„n truces. nounced the loss of two more gon, and nine Viet Cong guards Field reports said trucks car- the Middle East, international tittle girls from the 46- All Gift Wrap. POINSETTIAS constitutitmal righto of mem- Karl-Hermann ^ u ite-tm ien , commands an- planes and three helicopters, rytog Cambodian troops trav- trade and Soviet foreign policy, member group were selected to f . iMiDiiciily pric«dl This were killed. here o t toe armed forces ..... ^ attorney for perroM nounced today that toelr forces with four American crewmen eled nine miles east from State Department sources said CYCLAMEN a holds HP bHOHtlMy In M hHitvl— I ” As a general rule, tovestiga- families who were copiainims Vietnam would hold toelr fire killed, three wounded and two Otherwise, only tight, scat­ tered action was reported to Skou^wW ch is 36 mUes north- Heath suggested the Big Four ?harms” ^ t o ^ ix o n and *Heato. Tags - Ribbons ' a n m rosMiiq IS |HRd tions are not initiated where the to the action. Although he unless attacked from 6 p.m. missing. ’This raised to 7,392 the east of Phnom Penh, to the dev- nations should work out a Mld- fo o lv Vietnam, and the wave of ter­ AZALEAS » ■ Ipctadee Oupet, PaMta allegation is based cn toe mere not endorse the defense motion 24 Salgon time until 6 p.m. number of American planes and astated village of Prey Totung. die East agreement providing (See Page Eleven) lt*t tiqlilly wovwi with doiifalH IhM aiM Kzpett Vaehtala ” 9x13“ rorist attacks in Saigon which Christmas Day, and from 6 p.m. helicc^ters lost in toe war. But pockets of Viet Cong resis­ rPt yVlU l Qm wVOf • MCOTVIGvitrtor colors. (gae Page lUrteen) (See Page Tlilrteen) began ’Tuesday night eased up. On Scrie Now New Year s Eve to 6 p.m. Jan. latest losses include a tance remained along both sides - 2 0 ^ ^ ^ Cash KITCHEN CARPET ’There were five false bomb of the highway, and clviHans ^ Marine F4 Phantom flghter- alarms today, including one that Sq. Yds. InataUed Sq. Ydfi. Installed ’The Viet Cong announc^ ear- jj^j^nber shot down to Laos near were advised they would travel GOOD SELECTION turned 200 American and Viet­ the route at their own risk. Her that Ite forces would ob- jj^^h Vietnamese border, namese employes out of the House Panel Says: ^ Sq. Yds. iBstaUsd S T i S I ‘ OF COLORS By late afternoon, field re­ * Sq. Yda. Idatalled tl7JSlN serve cease-fires of three days forward air control plane Joint U.S. F^btic Affairs build­ each over ChrlstmM and New did not return from a ing whUe it was searched. ports said, government troops Sanctions Expected just east of Prey Totung still NEW MIXED Year’s, and four days for toe .mission over Laos last Satur- Outside the capital, enemy Many Inactive Gimmittees Large Selection of Tet festival of the lunar new ^ay, two Army OH6 tight hell- had not linked up with a com­ forces made a g^renade attack bined Cambodian-South Viet­ FRESH GREENS ■NSTMUO I year toe last week to January. copters that collided shortly alt- on a government administrative O n Soap Component The cease-fires proclaimed namese force moving westward Backed by Federal Funds J GIFTWARE cBBAmc m s $ last year by toe oppoelng sides from Kom{)ong Cham. A s{)oke8- IndiicHiig Holly were of toe same length. man said only two miles separ­ By CARL C. CRAFT vious board, and often conclu­ CANDLES — WREATHS TUB AREA 1 By O. O. TUEL8EN Jr. velop NTA as a substitute for ,... Tile American and South Viet­ ated the groupe. Associated Press Writer sions and recommendations are S FT. TUB Asaoclated Press Writer phoBitoates. Pentagon Plans to Destroy namese commands said nothing Cambodian troops advancing WASHINGTON (AP) - a n . 7 9 pKG. PERMANENT CENTERPIECES mOLOSURE Phosphates, which stimulate about a Tet ce£ise-flre, but they to the east along the highway committee estimated to- ' " ‘ e^panrf proti- WAMnNOTO ( ) the growth a lg ^ , jj^ve are expected to announce one of Germ Warfare Stockpiles batUed Communist forces . federal eovernment during George eral PoUution officlaU wiU an- blamed for toe eutrophication of ^ ^ours duratlwi unless Thursday, and jdterward news- ,76 mUllon a ^ear sup- W a s s o n ’s adm tolst^ on , ♦27.95 sancioos today against streams and lakes through sew- they ^ ^detect ^a massive ___ enemy WASHINGTON (AP) — The President Nixon 13 months ago, visited the area saw pg^ung 3,200 advisory panels— P*® Houro j r ^ p s^:^ ^ d now Tnstallatlcn.Ubctea With S Pq. s m iu p „ a Pentagon announced today ‘® «1“® b®gln early next year govemmen ^ ^ ^ of toe 1968 Tet offensive. ^ ' and be completed to about a soldiers. j ,ggg obsolete or performing *®® ‘“‘7® ““ extent of ‘‘iS-'? Of household detergente because Thursday after a two offensive. plans to destroy all germ war­ Launched under cover of a y.„'. U„.. ,„p, _ Jo«. UP TO M FT. new laboratOTy evidence link- hour meeting with high govern­ fare stockpiles under conditions Open 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. fill Christmas cease-fire, that was the biggest Army officials said that no op- Vietnamese government today While declaring proper use of evaluate toe finished product, ing it to birth defects to anl- ment officials on the NTA prob- enemy offensive of toe war. of “absolute safety and securi­ mals, government sources said. jem. eration will start until all feder- asked the International Control such committees is necessary y,e rei>ort climaxing an 18- ■ Neither toe allied nor the Viet ty.” ’Ihey revealed the restrictions Detergent executives dls- The offensive biological al, state and local envlronmen- Commission to intervene with and hel{dul, the Government n^ooto review the House Place Your Order NOW To Be_Assured of Cfong cease-fire announcements tal agencies have completed re- North Vietnam on behalf of jpris- Operations Committee de^ored ggjjj, tj,e comprehen- ywUl u i beoe announced Jotatiy by toe cuaaeocussed NTA for two hours anything about Cambodia, agents and toxin stock{>ile8, Department of Healto, Educa- Thursday with high HEW and south Vietnamese manufactured originally for use view of the plans to make sure oners of war held by toe Com- inactive ones that are tucked j„ok at toe situation toe Christmas Deliveiy! TEL. 643-6662 tlon and Welfare and the Envl- jjpA cfficlals. Afterward they they will not cause dangerous munist command. away to bureaucratic obscurity committee stated presidential troops are currently operating against humans and crops, will ronmental Protection Agency. would only say ”no comment” |>oUutlon8. ’The Saigon regime asked the accomplishing nothing. panels—those with at least one and American bombers fly to be destroyed at toelr current lo­ The restrictions involve a “wait until Friday” when cations to Pine Bluff, Ark., the The officials refused to say three-nation commission to seek report said there- are member {Acked by the White sup{)ort o t Cambotoan tro<9 S as chemical called NTA—short for asked if NTA was to be re- Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Den­ how much material will be d e - __an______official list of all POWs;_ kind committees to a d v ^ advlso^ _____ H ou se-” „generany______, ____ lack_____ adequ- well as toe South Vietnamese. nKrllotriacetic acid—used as a moved from detergents, ver, Ck>lo., Ft. Detrick, Md., and stroyed or the specific nature of treatment of prisoners; an ac- committees, committees with- administrative guidelines The spokesman to Phnom Penh substitute for much-criticized confirmtog an announce- Beale Air Force Base, Calif. the agents, or to discuss what ceptance of letters and g;lfts °*it appointees, c^ m ittM s with jmd management control.” for the Cambodian Command 85 phospbates to wash day deter- ment would be made today, Officials stressed there will be hardware will be destroyed sent by families of the prisoners appointed members which do average Cabinet member said he personally doesn’t think TEMPLE’S gents. HEW officials said toe Public no movement of any of toe along with It. for Christmas and the lunar new ®®***™"®®® serves bn about 80 interagency EAST CENTER ST. - there should be a cease-fire, but agents. This would ap{>ear to as­ Lt. Col. Gerald G. Watson of year at the end of January, and staffs which do not meet, and committees—which, toe House It . u n d e r ^ »>e Indicated his government has 1 sure against a flare-up of the Kilgore, Tex., the project officer acceptance of the South Viet- commltteea which go on (9 «y ;^ p m ip said, makes him no more 649-5268 CARPET AND ^ ‘■inchedreached nojno-declslon decision on toe mat-mat TEL gent mixtures with no recalls or ^ew but unsi>ecifled Ug^t on toe kind of running dlsixite which to charge of the destruction pro- namese offer last week at toe s*"- _lhan a token representative, ter. seizure of existing stocks. ^ safety ot NTA". occurred when the Army set out gram, told a briefing: Paris peace talks to release all Some comndjtees e)cl8t tof Then, take toe case of toe Gen, '’ Oeighton W Abrams, New studies by toe Public >jhe chief critic of toe chemt- to get rid of more than 26,000 “ We think the Identity of the North Vietnamese POWs to ™ cemgressmM president’s Temporary Cpm- FLOOR COYERINGip’ the commander of U.S. forces to Healto Service show that NTA pal, Dr. Samuel S. Epstein of tons of obsolete nerve and mus­ agenU and the amount in the South Vietnam to exchange for S“ _“‘ *'®w mission on Pennsylvania Ave- Vietnam, told his men to a causes birth defects to rats, the Harvard medical school, mato- tard gas by dumping it to the stockplle should remain security all South Vietnamese held out- ®“ " nue. It was created .to March Christmas message that ’’sacri­ tains, "T h e re a re some unset- Attontic. Information.” side South Vietnam and all U.S. ?*® "'®®^ Untie getting s t ^ e d , ises with five Cabinet members sources said. fice is as much a {>art of CSirlst- some committees cover terrlto> Deteia^ent makero have in­ ’Ihe destruction of toe germ (See Page Xblrteeni (See Page ’Thirteen) ry already expkured by a pre- (See P ag« TUMeen) vested millions of doUari to de­ (See r t i e TUrteea) mas as are toe joy and warmth warfare stockpiles, ordered by