^ V WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1970 U PAGE FORTY-POUR JjJanrljTj^Tr ^WTiting UTrali Average Daily Net Press Run ^ 21m Week Ended The Weather de- that an architect can be select­ project expressing their November 14,1970 gatioh of architectural compet­ prizes must be established and . Clearing wd colder tonight; ed by March 1 in order to keep sire to be. considered. WANTED ition procedures revealed that approved by the A.I.A. iow In 20s. Partly sunny tomor­ ^Jbout Town Cost Rules OutjContest ’Hie committee which will se­ to a timetable for preparing row; high in 40s. Saturday fair; such a contest is an expe.nslve SULKY DATES SET Clean, Late Model 1 6 , 0 8 0 lect the architect or architects plans for a referendum next little temperature change. The Women’s ' Guild of Trini­ procedure which proves econ­ I will consist • Director of Pub­ November. The Board of Direc­ ALBANY, N.Y, (AP) - - Ihe Manche»ter—~A City of Village Charm' ty Covenant Church will present For Picking SchoohDesigti omical only in projects which USED CARS coat over $20 million. lic Works William O’Neill, tors must approve any referen­ New York State Harness Racing a Christmas Concert BViday at Building Insi>ector Thomas Co'mmisqlon has approved 1971 8 p.m. at the church. Members Previous ideas about possibly of the cost factors involved in -Rules and regulations for such dum questions for November Top Prices Paid VOL. LXXXX, NO. 66 (Olasslfled Adverttslng bn Page 29) Monahan, Assistant Town iMan- dates to r the harness racing (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1970 PRICE TEN CENTS are reminded' to brlntr home­ holding a design competitlan for conducting such a contest. a contest must be s^ ro v e d by by August and a good deal of For All Makes I ager John Harkins, Superinten­ meets at Roosevelt Raceway, made goodies for for the chil­ While deciding against the the American Institute of Arch­ the work, on the plans must be plans for the proposed new For­ dent of Schools Dr.-Donald Hen- Westbury, N.Y., and Yonkers dren at the Crom\|reIl Children’s idea cf a competition, those at itects.-. A professional advisor d<Mie by' then. CARTER CHEVROLET est Hills Elementary School and nlg^an, three members of the Guidelines for selection of Raceway. Home, f last night’s meeting agreed to has to ISe hired and judging of The action begins at Yonkers, CO .. INC. a new Junior High School were Town Building Committee and the architect will be duscussed select an architect or architects the entries must he made by Jan. 4 through March 2. Other 1229 Main SLt ’The Uttle Theatre 'of Man­ scrapped last night by members for the two schools through in­ a Jury consisting largely of two members of the Board of when the two committees meet Education Building and Sites meetingB at the Westchester Phone 649-5288| Polish Cities Calm chester will meet tonight at 8 at of thb Town Building Commit­ terviews by an architect selec­ architects. Each member of the again Dec. 29. Interviewing of County plant are May 24-July 22 its studio, 22 Oak St. Members tee and the Board of Education tion committee. ’This method of Jury must be paid $160 a day Committee. architects will begin in Janu­ Guidelines Uf^ant '■ Atty. Allan Thomas of the and Oct. 10-Dec. 15. ;--------- are reminded to bring grab bag Building and Sites Com m l^e. selection was set down by Town and the J u d g ^ lasts three ary. Over 16 architects have Roosevelt meets for trotters < U.S. Moves gifts. months. Building and -Sites Committee sent letters to various people The decision was made after Manager Robert Weiss in a and pacirs are March 3-May “ Read Herald Ads Building Committee Chairman town memo on March 3, 1967. In addition, everyone who en­ said last night that it is the connected with the proposed In Wake of Riots Air Fgrc^ Navy l u ^ of the Board of Education and July 23-Oct. 14 Girl Ssout ’Troop 1 will meet Truman Crandall reported some Crandall’s preliminary invesU- ters must be paid a fee or else returned today to the Gdansk at the. Christmas ’Tree Sale arw after t n ^ days of riots and street righting touched site oii Broad St. across from UTM increases, Warsaw Radio reported. - Snooping Power the Post Office tomorrovr at “ life In Gdansk has r e - ----------------:____________________ 6:30 p.m. turned to normal,’’ said the gov- , . By JOHN 8. LANG Sen. Adlal Stevenson m , D-Bl.; eminent radio, ‘"nie populi^on t^ephone service former IlUnols Gov. Otto Ker- ’The Senior Choir of Communi­ Associated Press Writer went qudeUy to work this mom- ♦ ii i ti, ner, now a federal Judge; and ty Baptist Church will rehearse tag. All city transport is running By OIOOBOE ESPEB I lOUSE WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Aimer bOkva, D-Bl. Asstxiiated Press Writer ' tonight at 7 at the church. At nommlly fighting stood &t six, but other 1 * Secret military guidelines 9, the choir 'MU have a fellow­ *‘Althwffh the Cltv rsoimnn at leaat 12 were Ervin, chairman of the Senate ship h<mr at the home of Mrs'. give the Navy and Air subcommittee cm constitutional SAIGON (AP) — The rights and. a long-time crusader U.S. Command increased Stephen Shurkus, 26 Jensen St. toutaemen voluntarilT^p^n^ Force dohiestic intelligence tiMii- Annwm of a . ‘Travelers arriving Wednesday gathering duties similar to against invasion of privacy, said its .^police patrols in Saigon ’Ihe Choir of Emanuel AND Conner those of the Army, which a military agents also snooped on today as part of a pre­ Lutheran Church will rehearse the actlvltleB of state and local senator says has spied on officlEtls, political (jontributors, cautionary a.lert to counter tonight at 8 in Luther Hall of M km nuiAB tn anmiB j fighting betwecn street crowds members of Congress and a pre-Christmas wave of . the church. •X*X*Xv*v newspaper reporters, lawyers i*s%V«*X%*eV•Xw XvIv hundreds of other civilians. and church figures. terrorist attacks in the Documents obtained by llie ’Ihe commlsslim on member­ His informatipn, Ervin said, South Vietnamese capital. Associated Press, including one ’The U.S. Air Force said it had ship and evangelism of South was supplied by a former Army stamped “secret’’ cm every intelligence reports showing "a United Methodist Church will 11! ALE agent who wrote that his team page, state tiie two military very likely possibility o t in­ meet tonight at 7:30 at Susan­ “ was collecting informatlcm on branches have “ investigative creased attempts of assassina­ nah Wesley Hall of the church. every individual and organiza­ L and reporting requirements re­ tion and kidnaping of U.S. serv­ ’The commission on missions tion In the state of Illinois who lating to civil disturbances and icemen." will also meet tonight at 7 :30 at espoused discontent with the dissident or subversive activi­ ’Three Americans were killed the church. military involvement. in South­ morning. AU flights to the area - - - » -s ties ..." and 14 wounded in bomb and Shipyard workers were east Asia or who openly opposed on the western shore of the Bay Until now little has been the Nixon administration’s con­ grrenade attacks in Saigon'Tues­ ’Ihe .Pelidv^sfalp Group of Danzig were suspended and known about Navy and Air troversial domestic policies day and Wednesday nights. Two ' ’Trinity Covenant Church will (See Page Eight) 7 Force domestic Intelligence op­ gunmen killed a member of the meet tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at erations, although the Army’s Later, a spokesman said the South 'Vietnamese National As­ the church. Guests from Pil­ UNDER activities in this field —under­ Army is gravely ccmcemed by sembly today, but it apparently grim Manor in Cromwell will taken under similar guidelines the reports and is looking Into was not a case of political ter­ present a program. CToffee will —have been the -subject of a them. He added that Army poli­ rorism;^ the g;unmen were trying be served. Check fha list below carefully. All departments are represented. WOMEN'S year-long controversy. cy emphatically prohibits col­ to exte^ more toan $7,000 from Anti-Basque Crowd See how much you can get for your moijey. The furor flared again lection of informatlcm of the the assemblyinan, a doctor. BHrst Church of Christ, Sci­ Wednesday when Sen. Sam Er­ type reportedly gathered In nil ’Die U.S. Command said the ' entist, will have its regular ^Sift cardigans vin, D-N.C., said Amay agents Army "has Increased its mili­ midweek testimony meeting to­ . (See Page Eight) had collected information on tary police patrols and has ad­ night at 8 at the church, 447 N. Rallies in Madrid vised military personnel to Main St. ’The meeting is open to MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE 5.98 MADRID, Spain (AiP) — A over the country. ’The demon­ avoid crowds and toe downtown the public. MEN'S "WOOL-OF-WEST" MEN'S, PERM. PRESS CwKv crowd esUmated to number strators then marched to the area of Saigon whenever possi­ more than 100,000 demonstrated military headquarters to repeat ble Personnel were advised to North Manchester A1 - Anon knit shirts for sport shirts ^pajamas ia Madrid today urging the gov­ their display of support for the take normal safety precautions 'family group will meet tonight Ahem Fails to Deny Reg. 5.98 ernment to stand firm in the regime. which have always been in ef­ at 8 at the Second Congregation­ .ease of 16 Basque separatists.
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