Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU Reports of the Secretary to the President Student Affairs President’s Correspondence, William J. Kerr 1900-1907 2-1-1904 National Educational Association Program: Department of Superintendence, Atlanta, Georgia National Educational Association Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/kerr_reports Recommended Citation William Kerr papers, University Archive, 03p01s04d02Bx002Fd14 (National Education Association, 1902-1903) This National Education Association, 1902-1903 is brought to you for free and open access by the William J. Kerr at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Reports of the Secretary to the President Student Affairs President’s Correspondence, 1900-1907 by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Nattoual Jrngram lrpartmrut nf §uprriutruhrurr i\tlauta, ~a. JJ!'ehruaru23. 24. mtll 2.5 l!JU4 . DEPARTMENT OF SUPERINTENDENCE OFFICERS Preside11t-HENRY P. EMERSON Superintendent of Schools, Buffalo, N. Y. First Vice-President-EDWIN B. Cox Superintendent of School s, Xenia, Ohio Seco11d \ 'ice-I ' resicle11t-Jo11N vV. AnER C IWMBIE President of t he Universi ty of Alabama, U11i1·er sity P. 0., Ala. Secrelary-JoHN II. I-l1NEMON State Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, Lit tic Rock, Ark. Registration Sec,,elary-IRwIN SHEPARD Genera l Secretary N. E. A., Winona, !\!inn. 2 PROGRAM . All general sessions of the Depa rtment will be he ld in the GRAND OPERA HousE. The halls for the meet ings of t he various Roimd T ables will be announced by Bulletin at the Piedmont Hotel. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, HJQ4 9: 30 a.