I. F. Stone Breaks the Socrates Story An old muckraker sheds fresh light on the 2,500-year-old mystery and reveals some Athenian political realities that Plato did his best to hide. [This interview was originally published in The New and the gymnasiums where they spent much of their leisure. York Times Magazine, April 8, 1979, pp. 22 ff.] Free speech – what the Greeks called parrhasia – was as much On his 70th birthday, in an interview with himself for this taken for granted as breathing. Magazine, retired journalist I. F. Stone spoke of his new- found joy in Greek studies and his hope of finding in them But then I was stopped, or stumped, by this contradictory and “one last scoop” that would help clear up some of the traumatic spectacle of what they did to Socrates. These people mystery which still surrounds the trial of Socrates, that and this city, to which I look back for inspiration – how could cause célèbre which has tantalized scholars and histori- they have condemned this philosopher to death? How could so ans for centuries. Now, he believes he has found new evi- dence that sheds light not only on the trial itself but on the blatant a violation of free speech occur in a city that prided complex politics of fifth-century Athens. Here – again in itself on freedom of inquiry and expression? a self-interview – Mr. Stone sets forth his discovery and, at the same time, takes us on an adventure in learning and But why should we care at this late date? an armchair tour of the ancient world. Because Plato turned the trial of his master, Socrates, into a trial of Athens and of democracy. He used it to demonstrate Isn’t it a little late in the day to be re-examining the that the common people were too ignorant, benighted and trial of Socrates? I thought that was 25 centuries ago? fickle to entrust with political power. In Plato’s Apology, the It was held, to be exact, in 399 B.C. contrast drawn between the nobility of Socrates and the grim verdict of his juror-judges indicted democracy in the eyes of And now, in A.D. 1979, you have discovered something posterity. And thanks to his genius, no other trial except that newsworthy – excuse the expression – about a trial of Jesus has so captured the imagination of Western man. that the wire services covered 2378 years ago? This obsession with the trial of Socrates is not mine alone. Plato made Socrates the secular martyred saint of the struggle Scholars and historians have been puzzled by it for centu- against democracy. He stigmatized it as “mobocracy.” Yet this ries, and still are. was the very same “mob” which applauded the anti-war plays of Aristophanes when Athens was fighting for its life against What’s the puzzle? Sparta. (No such antiwar plays were allowed, by either side, The Athens of Socrates’s time has gone down in history during our last two World Wars). This was the same “mob” as the very place where democracy and freedom of speech whose eagerness for new ideas, and its readiness to hear them, were born. Yet that city put Socrates, its most famous drew philosophers from all over the ancient world. It made philosopher, to death. Presumably this was because it Athens – in the proud words of Pericles – “the school of Hel- citizens did not like what he was teaching. Yet he had las,” the university of the Greek world. It is the high repute of been teaching there all his life, unmolested. Why did they Athens that makes the trial of Socrates so puzzling. wait until he was 70, and had only a few years to live, before executing him? And now you think you can throw a little fresh light upon it? Why should this fascinate an old Washington muck- I’ve been happily bogged down in ancient Athens for several raker like you? years, trying to explore all of Greek thought and civilization, Because it’s a black eye for all I believe in, for democracy in order to reach a better understanding of the trial. In my re- and free speech. Anyone who starts out to study the prob- searches amid the ancient documents I recently stumbled on a lem of free speech in depth – as I did after ill health crucial bit of evidence, hitherto overlooked, which makes the forced me to give up my Weekly – is irresistibly drawn trial and its outcome a little less inexplicable. back to ancient Athens, where it all began. I hope your life-insurance policies are fully paid up. The Isn’t that pretty far from home base, from current classical scholars will be lying in wait for you, with knives concerns and difficulties? sharpened. No trial in history has been more intimately studied, pored over and speculated upon. And you, an in- Not really. All our basic problems are there in miniature. I terloper and – most horrid of academic epithets – a “jour- fell in love with the Athenians and the participatory de- nalist,” believe you have found something they all over- mocracy they developed. Free discussion was the rule looked! Have you seen any unidentified flying objects everywhere – in the Assembly, the law courts, the theatre, lately? I. F. Stone on Socrates 2 Sneer if you will, but I’ve been encouraged by a remark and hearing before a magistrate, who then decided whether the of Jakob Burckhardt, the great Swiss historian of the Ren- allegations and the evidence were sufficient to warrant a trial. aissance and of Greek culture: To emphasize the impor- But we have no account of this preliminary procedure, the tance of restudying the classics in every generation, equivalent of our grand jury. Burckhardt once said that, in a hundred years, someone would reread Thucydides and find something in his his- Didn’t Plato’s dialogue the “Euthyphro” cover the pre- tory “we had all overlooked.” liminary examination? That’s a common impression, but it’s wrong. The “Euthyphro” How can a newspaperman find something new to re- pictures Socrates arriving for the preliminary hearing. But he port about a trial that took place so long ago? gets no farther than the portico of the examining magistrate. You re-examine all the source material for yourself. You There he engages in a long and inconclusive conversation with go back to the texts in the original language, so that you Euthyphro, the defendant in another case. The subject they can evaluate every nuance. You search out internal con- discuss is the proper definition of piety or holiness. It’s charm- tradictions and curious evasions. It’s no so different from ing, but tells us nothing of what happened when Socrates went digging the real truth out of a Pentagon or State Depart- in for his own arraignment. ment document. Why do you think Plato chose to be so uninformative? Could you fill me in on the sources for the trial – and A lawyer might surmise that he blocked out as much as he do it, please, in less than three volumes? could of the specific charges because they were too damaging I can do it in one sentence: The sources are scanty and and too hard to disprove. one-sided. The only contemporary accounts are by two disciples of Socrates, Plato and Xenophon, both anxious Do you see the same defensive strategy in Plato’s Apology? to put their beloved master in as good a light as possible. I do. Socrates evades the charge that he did not respect the But they do not give us a transcript of the actual trial. city’s gods, and proves instead that he is not an atheist. But he They give us their own conception of what Socrates said, was not charged with atheism. We never learn what was meant or perhaps their own conception of what he should have by corrupting the young. The reader of Plato’s Apology comes said in his own defense. Plato’s exquisite, polished ver- away with the impression that this wonderful old philosopher sion, like his Socratic dialogues, can more reasonably be was condemned simply because he had spent his life exhorting read as fictionalized biography. In Xenophon, we are told his fellow citizens to be virtuous. that Socrates’s “inner voice” forbade him to prepare a defense. There is even one ancient tradition that tells us How do you account for his condemnation? he was silent before his judges. I believe the case against Socrates was political and that the charge of corrupting the youth was based on a belief – and What of the prosecution’s side? considerable evidence – that he was undermining their faith in We have no record of it. We know it only by indirection Athenian democracy. from the two “Apologies,” one by Plato, the other by If so, why wasn’t the charge brought earlier? He had been Xenophon – the word “apology” in Greek means defense teaching for a long time. A quarter century before the trial, — and from the Memorabilia, or memoirs, of Socrates by Socrates had already been attacked in Aristophanes’s play The Xenophon. It’s like trying to cover a trial when one is Clouds for running a “think thank” whose smart-alecky gradu- barred from the courtroom except to hear the defendant’s ates beat their fathers. If they thought him the source of such summation to the jury. subversive teaching, why did the Athenians wait until 399 B.C., when he was already an old man, before putting him on Do we know the actual charges against Socrates? trial? There were two charges: first, that Socrates violated the law by “refusing to do reverence to the gods recognized Because in 411 B.C.
The Roles of Solon in Plato’s Dialogues Dissertation Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Samuel Ortencio Flores, M.A. Graduate Program in Greek and Latin The Ohio State University 2013 Dissertation Committee: Bruce Heiden, Advisor Anthony Kaldellis Richard Fletcher Greg Anderson Copyrighy by Samuel Ortencio Flores 2013 Abstract This dissertation is a study of Plato’s use and adaptation of an earlier model and tradition of wisdom based on the thought and legacy of the sixth-century archon, legislator, and poet Solon. Solon is cited and/or quoted thirty-four times in Plato’s dialogues, and alluded to many more times. My study shows that these references and allusions have deeper meaning when contextualized within the reception of Solon in the classical period. For Plato, Solon is a rhetorically powerful figure in advancing the relatively new practice of philosophy in Athens. While Solon himself did not adequately establish justice in the city, his legacy provided a model upon which Platonic philosophy could improve. Chapter One surveys the passing references to Solon in the dialogues as an introduction to my chapters on the dialogues in which Solon is a very prominent figure, Timaeus- Critias, Republic, and Laws. Chapter Two examines Critias’ use of his ancestor Solon to establish his own philosophic credentials. Chapter Three suggests that Socrates re- appropriates the aims and themes of Solon’s political poetry for Socratic philosophy. Chapter Four suggests that Solon provides a legislative model which Plato reconstructs in the Laws for the philosopher to supplant the role of legislator in Greek thought.
The Trial of Socrates 399 BCE 2 WHY? The trial and execution of Socrates in Athens in 399 B.C.E. puzzles historians What did Socrates say or do that prompted a jury to send a seventy- year-old philosopher to his death? Finding an answer is complicated by the two surviving accounts of the defense They were written by Socrates disciples, Plato and Xenophon Their accounts probably were trying to show their master in a favorable light They failed to present the most damning evidence against Socrates 3 The decisions to prosecute and ultimately convict Socrates had a lot to do with the turbulent history of Athens in the several years preceding his trial An examination of that history may not provide final answers, but it does provide important clues 4 As a young man, Socrates saw the rise to power of Pericles He brought on the dawning of the "Golden Age of Greece." Pericles--perhaps history's first liberal politician-- acted on his belief that the masses deserved liberty Pericles used the public treasury to promote the arts He pushed a building program designed to demonstrate the glory that was Greece It also ensured full employment and opportunities for the lower classes Pericles rebuilt the Acropolis and constructed the Parthenon 5 Parthenon 6 SOCRATES’ BELIEFS Meanwhile, Socrates developed a set of values and beliefs that would put him at odds with most Athenians 7 Socrates was not a democrat To him, the people should not be self-governing They were like a herd of sheep that needed a wise shepherd He denied that citizens had basic virtue
Today We Examine the Contribupons of Classical, Ancient Greece To
Today we examine the contribu3ons of classical, ancient Greece to government, both in the championing of democracy and in the development of philosophy to address ques3ons of ethics and jus3ce. Plato, the Greek philosopher who studied under Socrates and who himself taught Aristotle, was one of the first ancient thinkers to ask: what is jus3ce? What is a just society? What is the proper func3on of government and which form of government is the best? 1 During the mid sixth century BCE, the Persian Empire expanded into Asia Minor, eventually conquering Ionia itself and installing tyrants to rule the Ionian city-states on their behalf. One of these tyrants aempted to conquer the island of Naxos in the Aegean and various Greek city-states, including Athens, helped repulse this invasion. This coali3on of city-states soon began to aid and encourage the Ionians to revolt against their Persian rulers. The revolt was defeated but the Persian ruler decided that Athens and the other Greek city-states must be punished for their role in suppor3ng the revolt. This first Persian invasion was defeated and turned back at the Bale of Marathon (490 BCE). Ten years later, the Persian king Xerxes returned with one of the largest armies ever assembled to complete the subjugaon of the Greeks. Despite early successes and despite vastly outnumbering the Greeks, the Persians under Xerxes were defeated at Salamis and Plataea and control of the Aegean Sea, the Greek Islands and parts of Asia Minor passed to this coali3on of Greek city-states led by Athens and Sparta.
UCLA UCLA Historical Journal Title Reasons for the Coup of the Four Hundred Permalink https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3mc6m50g Journal UCLA Historical Journal, 6(0) ISSN 0276-864X Author Ellis, Walter Publication Date 1985 eScholarship.org Powered by the California Digital Library University of California 5 NOTES AND DOCUMENTS Reasons for the Coup of the Four Hundred Walter Ellis Introduction The Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.) between Athens and Sparta came to a temporary halt during the period between 42 1 and 413. In 4 1 the Athenians, under the influence of Alcibiades, inaugurated an ambitious invasion of the island of Sicily that by 413 had turned into a disaster for the invaders. The Athenians lost thousands of men, most of their navy, and their two leading statesmen, the generals Nicias and Alcibiades. Nicias died in Sicily and Alcibiades defected to the Spartans. Also, in 413 the Spartans formally reopened the war by occupying on a permanent basis the fortress at Decelea which was on the Athenian frontier. Bereft of effective leadership and the greater part of its navy, Athens was on the verge of losing its empire as more and more of its subject allies began to rebel. The foundation upon which Athens' strength was built seemed to be on the verge of collapse. This crisis led directly to a coup in Athens in the year 411; the democracy was overthrown by a group of oligarchs known as the Four Hundred. The Four Hundred held power in Athens for about four months through mid-September before they were replaced by a more moderate oHgarchy known as the Five Thousand.
F. As Executions and Exiles Accelerate; Theramenes Moves to Set up the 3000, 1
I. THIRTY TYRANTS (404-403) A. After Aegospotami, Lysander est. Decarchies throughout Aegean; oligarchic puppet states of Sparta; Athens would need a larger governing board => The Thirty, a group of pro-Spartan oligarchs B. Initial Actions of the Thirty 1. abolish organs of dem. govt. under guise of returning to “ancestral constitution”; a) Participation in legal functions — which had previously been open to all Athenians — was restricted to a select group of 500 persons (Boule antidemocrats). b) The Assembly was abolished; c) pay for service abolished; d) suspended Heliaea. 2. request Spartan garrison of 700 + commander; surrounded by 300 whip-bearers; 3. est. informers to watch Piraeus = hotbed of democratic activism C. Leaders = Theramenes and Critias, pupil of Socrates (uncle of Plato) Critias = brilliant intellectual, atheist, passionate antidemocrat; brutal; amoral; banished member of the 400 D. At outset, seemed an enlightened move: Plato was joyful; Aristotle” in Ath. Pol 35.3-4 “At the outset, therefore, they were engaged in ... removing the blackmailers and the persons who consorted undesirably with the people to curry favor and were evil-doers and scoundrels; and the state was delighted at these measures, thinking they were acting with the best intentions... when they got a firmer hold on the state, they kept their hands off none of the citizens, but put to death those of outstanding wealth or birth or reputation... desiring to plunder their estates, and by the end of a brief interval of time they had made away with not less than fifteen hundred.” = at least 2-3% of population. E. The Thirty began a purge of citizens who had collaborated with the Athenians during the Peloponnesian War.
Notes on Plato's Apology of Socrates 1. Background A. the Setting
Sean Hannan The Examined Life Fall 2015 Notes on Plato’s Apology of Socrates 1. Background a. The Setting: Ancient Athens i. ὅτι μὲν ὑμεῖς, ὦ ἄνδρες Ἀθηναῖοι, πεπόνθατε ὑπὸ τῶν ἐμῶν κατηγόρων, οὐκ οἶδα: ἐγὼ δ᾽ οὖν καὶ αὐτὸς ὑπ᾽ αὐτῶν ὀλίγου ἐμαυτοῦ ἐ πελαθόμην, οὕτω πιθανῶς ἔλεγον. ii. Those are the opening words of Plato’s Apology of Socrates, at least in the version of it we have now. For most of us, I’d presume, these words don’t sound terribly familiar. Our ears are not attuned to the Attic dialect spoken by most ancient Athenians. But how ancient was this Athens of Socrates? How far away from us was it, chronologically speaking? And how does that chronological distance relate to the conceptual distance between us and Socrates? In other words: does the length of time between us make it harder for us to get a grip on what these ancient Greek figures were arguing about? iii. Perhaps a brief timeline can help us begin to fathom the number of years we’re talking about here. We’ll work backwards. 1. 2015 CE—Today 2. 1997 CE—Average Freshman’s Birth Year 3. 1969 CE—First Internet Prototype (ARPANet) Goes Online 4. 1939 CE—World War II Breaks Out 5. 1914 CE—World War I Breaks Out 6. 1865 CE—End of the American Civil War 7. 1776 CE—America’s Declaration of Independence 8. 1492 CE—Columbus Crosses the Atlantic 9. 1440 CE—Invention of Printing Press 10. 1000 CE—Leif Erikson Crosses the Atlantic 11.
LATE CLASSICAL PERIOD 404 TO 338 B.C. THIRTY TYRANTS IN ATHENS TO BATTLE OF CHAERONEA ERA SUMMARY – LATE CLASSICAL After the defeat of Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War, Sparta became the undisputed first power among the Greek city-states. The walls of Athens were pulled down and the Spartan general Lysander appointed thirty men who were loyal to Sparta to run the city. The leaders were called the "thirty tyrants" and they put many of their political opponents, including Socrates to death. Plato was a student of Socrates and witnessed these oppressions and they greatly influenced his later writings. The period immediately after the Peloponnesian war is called the "Spartan Hegemony" because, although Sparta did not collect tribute, it allowed only governments which were friendly to Sparta to exist throughout Greece. The major figure of this period was Agesilaus, a brave and noble Spartan king who came very near to freeing all of the Greek Colonies in Asia Minor before he was recalled to deal with a political crisis at home. While Agesilaus was off fighting Persians in the east, the Spartan government had fallen into a great deal of trouble. The spoils from the successful wars had done much to corrupt Sparta; there was intrigue and infighting and wars with Corinth and Thebes. These problems combined with a significantly reduced population led to the disaster the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC. Only 33 years after they prevailed in the Peloponnesian War, the Spartans suffered a humiliating defeat against Thebes, the first major land battle that the Spartans had lost to another Greek city-state in 500 years.
Tyrants As Impious Leaders in Xenophon's Hellenica
Histos Supplement ( ) – TYRANTS AS IMPIOUS LEADERS IN XENOPHON’S HELLENICA * Frances Pownall Abstract : Recent scholarship has drawn attention to the consistent focus throughout Xenophon’s large and disparate body of work upon articulating a very specific set of virtues that define a good leader. I examine the reverse side of this trend in scholarship by identifying the characteristics that Xenophon employs to define bad leaders. I argue that Xenophon deliberately shaped his narrative in the Hellenica to portray egregiously bad leaders as tyrants, focusing in particular upon their impiety, which he presents as the crucial explanatory factor in their downfalls. Appropriating the figure of the evil tyrant from Athenian democratic ideology, he bequeaths to the later Greek historiographical tradition the topos of the impious tyrant. Keywords : Xenophon, tyranny, impiety, the Thirty, Jason of Pherae, Euphron of Sicyon. ecent scholarship has drawn attention to the consistent focus throughout Xenophon’s large and Rdisparate body of work upon identifying and articulating a very specific set of virtues that define a good leader. 1 I intend to examine the reverse side of this recent * I have benefitted from the generous comments and advice of audiences at the > APA meeting in Chicago, at the Department of Classics and Religion at the University of Calgary, and at Philipps Universität in Marburg, as well as from the anonymous reviewers for Histos and the editor. 1 While Xenophon’s theory of leadership has been a topic of interest for scholars since the middle of the twentieth century, beginning with the seminal work of Breitenbach (C ) and Wood (C>), and much of it focusing upon how his own military experience influenced his conception of the ideal leader (e.g.
04_55977X c01.qxd 5/12/04 11:46 PM Page 1 1Plato’s Life “I am that gadfly which God has given the state and all day long and in all places am always fastening upon you, arousing and per- suading and reproaching you.” —Socrates, Apology Plato has been called, with no exaggeration, the Father of Western Philosophy. Though he hadn’t aspired to such a role, he probably would not have shied away from it. (He was not known for his humility.) Like many other great figures in his- tory, Plato came to play the role he did as much because of circumstance and chance as because of his own decisions. What we know about Plato today, nearly 2,400 years after his death, stems mostly from his numerous writings (some 650,000 words have been attributed to his hand, according to Plato historian Christopher Planeaux). Through what he mentions in his work, and through biographies of Plato written by his contemporaries, we have produced a fairly good picture of what Plato’s life was like. But this picture, like most old images, has been blurred by time. Some of what we know of Plato stems from writings that tried to make him seem legendary in stature, so it is important to try to weed out some of the more grandiose descrip- tions of his background. Other information comes from his letters, the only writ- ten work from Plato where he actually mentions events in his life. Unfortunately, there is some COPYRIGHTEDdispute as to whether all the letters attributed MATERIAL to Plato were even writ- ten by him, placing their accuracy in question.
The Failure of Athenian Democracy and the Reign of the Thirty Tyrants Lucas D
Eastern Washington University EWU Digital Commons EWU Masters Thesis Collection Student Research and Creative Works 2013 Tyranny and terror: the failure of Athenian democracy and the reign of the Thirty Tyrants Lucas D. LeCaire Eastern Washington University Follow this and additional works at: http://dc.ewu.edu/theses Part of the Anthropology Commons Recommended Citation LeCaire, Lucas D., "Tyranny and terror: the failure of Athenian democracy and the reign of the Thirty Tyrants" (2013). EWU Masters Thesis Collection. 179. http://dc.ewu.edu/theses/179 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Research and Creative Works at EWU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in EWU Masters Thesis Collection by an authorized administrator of EWU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact jotto@ewu.edu. TYRANNY AND TERROR: THE FAILURE OF ATHENIAN DEMOCRACY AND THE REIGN OF THE THIRTY TYRANTS A Thesis Presented to Eastern Washington University Cheney, WA In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts By Lucas D. LeCaire Spring 2013 THESIS OF LUCAS D. LECAIRE APPROVED BY _________________________________________________ Date_____ Carol Thomas, GRADUATE STUDY COMMITTEE __________________________________________________ Date_____ Julia Smith, GRADUATE STUDY COMMITTEE MASTER’S THESIS In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master’s degree at Eastern Washington University, I agree that the JFK Library shall make copies freely available for inspection. I further agree that copying of this project in whole or in part is allowable only for scholarly purposes. It is understood, however, that any copying or publication of this thesis for commercial purposes, or for financial gain, shall not be allowed without my written permission.
Philosophy and Democracy in Fifth Century B.C. Athens
Philosophy and Democracy in Fifth Century B.C. Athens Christine Roughan ‘14 Athens of the fifth century B.C. was the site of both the development of democracy and a flowering of philosophical inquiry. Democracy has its start in Athens, but philosophy does not. Regardless, the path of history brought the two together during very interesting times: the Persian Wars, the creation of the Delian League and the Athenian Empire, and the Peloponnesian War shape the backdrop of this century. This paper will first examine who the new intellectuals known to Athens were and what brought several of them to the city-state; it will then consider what influence, if any, they had on the government and how the Athenian democracy responded to them. Several factors contributed to making the democracy and empire of Athens particularly suitable for encouraging this initial intermixing of ideas, even if the famous trial of Socrates suggests that not all Athenians were always tolerant of philosophers. When Thales of Miletus departed from reliance on mythology in an attempt to understand the world, his action was something new. Aristotle regarded him as the first philosopher, and many still agree with him today.1 Thales worked during the early sixth century B.C.in Asia Minor; countless individuals followed him in the pursuit of natural philosophy. The Presocratics, as they are sometimes called, inquired into the nature of the cosmos, investigating the world without relying on the supernatural for an explanation. Although they were not scientists in the modern sense, Thales and the other natural philosophers investigated similar issues, ranging from physics to psychology.