References for the Binturong, Arctictis binturong Updated on April 2020. For almost six years, we have maintained the list of references for binturong and make it available to general public. We do our utmost to provide an exhaustive list, which you can find below, listing by category all publications that may have a direct or indirect link to the binturong. Despite this, scientific articles may have escaped our watchful eyes and we apologize in advance. In addition, some publications have a wide area of interest, they fall into several categories and you might observe duplicates in this list. All the articles mentioned here, except encyclopedias, have been read carefully. Don't hesitate to send an email to
[email protected] for any questions or queries. Have a good read! I. Anatomy and general description of the binturong Ahmad, Kulia, Manusia, and Tugasan (2004). Basic Facts on binturongs. Allen, J.A., White, J.R., and others (1910). Mammals from Palawan Island, Philippine Islands. Bull. AMNH 28, 13–19. Brass, E. (1911). Aus dem Reiche der Pelze (Der Neuen Pelzwaren-Zeitung). Carlsson, A. (1920). Über Arctictis Binturong. Acta Zool. 1, 337–380. Chamberlain, J.R. (2018). A Kri-Mol (Vietic) Bestiary: Prolegomena to the Study of Ethnozoology in the Northern Annamites. Gahkod, A.H. (1878). Note on the Anatomy of the Binturong (Arctictis binturong). Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 46, 142–142. Jennings, A.P., and Veron, G. (2009). Family Viverridae (Civets, Genets, and Oyans). In Handbook of the Mammals of the World : Carnivores, pp. 174–232. Kloss, B. The Arctictis of Java.