Concordia Honours Four Prominent Montrealers Awards Ofdistinction Mark Achievement
Concordia University, Montreal · Concordia honours four prominent MOntrealers Awards ofDistinction mark achievement by Donna Varrica Receiving the honours will be Arthur P. Manager and Chief Executive Officer of the ternational business and regionaiism in a Earle, Senior Vice-President (retired), Port of Montreal. speech entitled "Canada' s Challenge: The Faculty of Commerce and Ad Research and Development, Dominion Tex David M. Culver, C.C., Chairman of D. Respondi11g to Global Myopia." ministration will confer four Awards of Dis~ tile Inc., J. Stuart Hermon, Vice-Chairnlan Culver and Company Investments, former The Awards of Distinction were in tinction at a luncheon reception at the Queen of the Board, Kruger Inc., Jean H. Picard, ly Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of augurated in May 1988 to mark outstanding Elizabeth Hotel nextTuesday, November 14 Past Chairman of the Board, Owner, Satexil Alcan Aluminum Ltd., will be the guest achievement in finance, commerce, and ser Inc., and Dominic J. Taddeo, General speaker at the luncheon. He will discuss in- vice to the community. at 11:3 0 a.m. / Dominic J. Taddeo is a graduate of Arthur P. Earle's illustrious career at Jean H. Picard has worked toward the' J. Stuart Hermon serves as Vice-Chair . man of the Board and Chairman ·of the Ex Loyola C~llege (BComm, 1959) and has Dominion Textile Inc., Canada's primary advancement of technolog·y and the ecutive Committee of Kmger Inc., a leading worked for the past 15 years to make the Port textile manufacturer, spanned 26 years until ec~nomic impact of the textile industry in , pulp and paper company.
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