Television Programming for Children: a Report of 'The Children's Televisiontask'fbrce
A ED 183 133 IR* 0Q8 034 AUTHOR GreenWle Susan And Others .TITLE TelevAsion Programming for Children: A Report:of the ChilOenfs Tc4evision Task'FOrce. .'eINSTITUTION. ,PeOral Communications CoMmissicn, 4tsh1ngton, PU 8 DAT h Ot79 NOTE 194p. .4 EDRS PRICE ! ME01/PCOB Plus Póstage. DESCRIPTOR& ^*Broadcast \Industry; nhildens Television; *Compliance (legal): *Educational Policy; Educational Television: *FefUral Regulation: Marketing; Rrograming (BroAdcast); Television Commercials: - Televislon Pel,earch IDENTrFIgRS *Federal Commun,ications,Comm ssion ABSTRACT These two volumes cf a 5-volume.repert cm commerAal* broadcaster complance with thy Federal COmmunications Commission (FCC) 1974 policies on programminil and advertising' to,chilffren provide an overall analysis of ctildrenos television, as well as a detailed analysis of'broadcas, industry compliance. The first volume reviews the social, cognItive, and.economic factors 'that affect t,he, amount, types, and scheduling of childrer0-s programs, and drscuses policy optionz open to 'the FCC with staff recommendationsl The ana14sis of broadcaster compliance dn the second volume il based on a A, series of studies examining the.policy impact on the overalla ount , ofProgramming designed for children 12 years_and under, the afnount sof educatIlertal programming, program SCheduling, and olbvercommerci&lizatibn on children's televisi6nind related advertising issues. The effectiveness of the preent license renewal form as a method of assessing crpliance is also examined. (CMV) 13 , f a. .. , *********************************************1*********************4*** * Repfilductio4S supplied-by EDPS Rre the best that can be made '* . 41% from the original documqnt. , 1 v 0. 1 U.S 'IMPARTMENT OF hEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION e THIS. DOCUMENT HAS 'BEENRePRO. 04 DUCED EXACTIO, AA RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGIN.
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