Cromwellian A
CROMWELLIANA The Cromwell Association 1-974 CROMWELL'S DA.Y, September 3rd, 1973 THE CROMWELL (The Address given by Lady Antonia Fraser at the Annual Commemoration Service held in St. Margaret's Church, Westminster) ASSOCIATION I have taken as my theme this afternoon, on this his most auspicious day, the private greatness of Oliver Cromwell. This is not because I believe in President: Mr. MAURICE ASHLEY, D.Phil.(Oxon.), B.A. any way that his private greatness eclipsed his public splendour. Not only Vice-President: THE LORD CARADON OF ST. CLEER. do I esteem Cromwell among the greatest Englishmen, but carrying it a Chairman: Mr. TREWIN COPPLESTONE. stage further, I also believe he can successfully beat off the claims of most other contenders, with the possible exception of Sir Winston Churchill. Council: In quoting Milton's heroic sonnet, therefore, beginning Cromwell Our Mr. ESMOND S. DE BEER, M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A., Chief of Men, for the title of my own biography, I was therefore attracted as much by the sentiment as by the language. The Rev. D. A. GREEVES, M.A., Miss J. S. HENDERSON, I have chosen my theme in the first place, because it was in the nature Mr. R. HENDON, of a discovery for me, during my researches, to find that this man, so Mr. F. E. LEESE, M.A., B.Litt., Mr. G. G. LILBURN, B.A.(Oxon.), impressive in his public image, had a private greatness which as it unfolded The Rev. ROBERTS. PAUL, M.A., D.Phil., Mr. A. W. SMITH, was not less.
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